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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31133420 No.31133420 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss happenings related to the real-life members of the iDOLM@STER franchise, whether it's live events, personal updates, or other things that may not necessarily be related to their games.

Radio/Stream Schedule: http://imas-db.jp/bangumi/
A&G Radio Player: http://www.uniqueradio.jp/agplayerf/player3.php

iM@S VA Database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C-DamOHRSZQvhhAow458luQ43ohnHs6kETyP7dMTBbA/htmlview#
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/224631 (Girls)
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/230058 (Boys)

Imas Calendar/Birthdays: https://twitter.com/imas_calendar
Imas DB Updates: https://twitter.com/imas_DB
Imas Girls News Bot: https://twitter.com/imas_girls

Previous Thread: >>29749881

>> No.31135845
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>> No.31137632
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>> No.31137934
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>> No.31141659
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>> No.31145425
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Double apple

>> No.31146418

Wait how did the last thread die
Did /jp/ suddenly speed up today

>> No.31146486

Sea otters shouldn't make me feel this way.

>> No.31146594

Yes hence all the posts yesterday. Someone tried keeping it alive overnight but alas.

>> No.31146803
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I tried keeping it alive before going to bed with a Damayu bump but the thread died after that. It's hard to keep threads alive these days in a post-hololive /jp/, but alas.
It's worth noting, in case people didn't know, that posting in a thread if you were the last poster won't bump it. You gotta rotate IPs out in order to have the thread bumped.

In other news:
Tiko is getting her teeth fixed

>> No.31147226

>posting in a thread if you were the last poster won't bump it. You gotta rotate IPs out in order to have the thread bumped.
Huh. When did that happen?
I could've sworn you used to be able to keep a thread bumped by yourself.

>> No.31147265

>It's worth noting, in case people didn't know, that posting in a thread if you were the last poster won't bump it. You gotta rotate IPs out in order to have the thread bumped.
Where did you get that information? These threads wouldn't survive if that was the case.

>> No.31147365

Guess I'll just have to be more active in this place, then.

Haven't tuned in to a seiyuu radio show in a while. What does the /jp/ thread watch these days?

>> No.31147378
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It doesn't, which is why I'm pretty sure the thread hit Page 10 last night despite the most recent post only being three hours old.
I think it only kicks in however once it happens enough times though. Like if you do it once or twice you're fine but more than that and shit starts hitting the fan. Someone can test it out during this thread though if it starts dropping down the board. I'm pretty certain this is how it works but I'll eat my words if I'm wrong.

>> No.31147838

I might as well be the one to test out my own theory about bumping.
The only one I've been keeping up with is MOR and even then that's pretty strictly iM@S related. I just really like Nu. I'm pretty behind on a lot of them like you are

>> No.31148132
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And not even 10 minutes later and we're already on Page 3. I think I was definitely wrong with >>31146803 and >>31147378 because /jp/ is just insanely fast now. I had assumed that they made some changes to the board which was why we were hitting bump limit so quickly but as it turns out, /jp/ is just fast now. What a shame.

>> No.31148261
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Four minutes later and we're already on Page 2 again...

>> No.31148501

There's a "war" going on in this board between the Touhou and Vtuber people right now.
We're just going to have to pay more attention to this thread until things calm down.

>> No.31148792

Somebody just needs to make a few posts when US posters are sleeping since the board is a lot slower during those hours.

>> No.31150486
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Vtuber threads being allowed now is going to make keeping this thread alive much, much harder from here on out. I really hope mods make a /vtuber/ board or something because the last post wasn't even an hour ago and we're already on Page 7. /jp/ is apparently the 6th fastest board now, which bodes bad things here.

>> No.31150854

/jp/ threads are hitting page 10 in under 2 hours.

Even post-Vtubers, I'm positive the board wasn't this fast a couple of days ago. Something changed very recently.

>> No.31151093

OP here. As someone who's done manga dumps on /a/, I can confirm that if you post one post a minute multiple times, the thread won't bump no matter how many times you bump. To get around it, I usually post the OP post on a different IP (my phone) then post the rest on my computer.

>> No.31151121

It's actually crazy to think that VTuber threads can hit bump limit in less than an hour (and in thousands of posts too) while every single other kind of thread here can take weeks or even months to hit bump limit.

>> No.31151837

I'm pretty sure /jp/ Vtuber generals have more posts and posters than every other /jp/ thread combined.

>> No.31152318

We really need a /vtuber/ board at this point, they're just way too fast and the other /jp/ threads are suffering because of it. Besides, not all VTubers are Japanese anymore.

>> No.31152397

Alternately they could just increase the capacity of /jp/ so slower threads aren't being kicked out of the board outright.

>> No.31153431

I honestly just wait for people to post funny or interesting clips on Twitter rather than listening to the whole show.

>> No.31154428

I guess iM@Sfags just don't have the autism of even the PriCan/Aikatsu/PreCure seiyuufags

>> No.31156866

i'm pretty sure that's a good thing

>> No.31157961

I was also considering an /idol/ general that encompasses both 2D and 3D.

>> No.31158290

Nah I bump my own threads sometimes when I'm shitposting on /v/, works with no issues so there's probably a board specific set of hidden rules, the only other way you don't get a bump when you samefag is if a janny autosaged your thread which wouldn't happen with a legit thread unless it's a power abuse case.

>> No.31158301

>/idol/ general that encompasses both 2D and 3D
At that point you might as well just do everything in the /vg/ general.

Speaking of which, /jp/ is now a faster board than /vg/ (somehow).

>> No.31158430
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I imagine it's just easier to keep things separated due to the many idol series that exist across boards like /a/ and /vg/. Maybe if it was just 3D only? Because I think /@/ and /llsifg/ are both content with sticking to /vg/ because the /vg/ format works nicely there.
Even if you made it 3D only though it'd still likely heavily be dominated by kpop with how it tends to be the biggest topic on boards like /mu/ and /trash/.

>> No.31158733

The im@s seiyuu thread is fundamentally different from all the other idol seiyuu threads on this board which have a lot in common.

>> No.31158800

At that point just make an /idol/ board where we can have threads for all kinds of bullshit, separate from holo- and other /vg/-generalfags
Really all it takes is to get the fucking meidos to work again

>> No.31160603

>page 6 already
We're doomed

>> No.31162027

So, uh, we might actually be fucked here.

>> No.31162759
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4chan's moderation team fucking blows, what a shocker. Seriously, a genuine end of an era if this is actually going to be the case from now on.
Realistically though, where does this thread go? There's not really a board similar enough to /jp/ that these threads can fit into.

>> No.31167077
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>bad news
if only you knew how bad things were

>> No.31167468

Also forgot to mention the month long range bans that they love to throw around every now and then just to try to earn a quick buck with impulse pass buyers, I've been a victim of that but I didn't cave in.

>> No.31173451
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Well hopefully the thread is still here when everyone wakes up.

>> No.31173723

rieri and ueshama feet

>> No.31173952
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As of right now, about half of Greece is rangebanned for no real reason lol
This situation is fucking ridiculous, having to bump a fucking /jp/ thread, just why...

>> No.31174704

mainly because Hiro doesn't give a shit about this site, moot would've personally replaced these mods if we was still around

>> No.31178102

Sleep well, friend.

>> No.31178418

So why does no one care about Corpse Party

>> No.31178536

Most people only play the first game

>> No.31178889

I don't think the first game is that popular either. Mingosu's single for it didn't sell very well too.

>> No.31181213
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>> No.31184913
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Cute costume

>> No.31185917
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>> No.31187861
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>> No.31191219

Merry Christmas to these cuties

>> No.31193941
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>> No.31198510
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>> No.31201542

Fuck. Those net panty hose.

>> No.31204154

Yeah it's a shame we don't get a close-up of it in the MV.

>> No.31207063


>> No.31208014

Cursed content. Open at own risk.

>> No.31210692
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>> No.31210765

is this a good cake doing good cake things?

>> No.31211482
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>> No.31211712
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>> No.31212019


>> No.31216409
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Everyone's favorite boob grandma, Chiaking, is selling necklaces. They have her name on it and take a guess as to what else they have on them

>> No.31216538

With how they look, at 7.5k they should have been through her milkers

>> No.31216778

She hasn’t aged has she?

>> No.31217059
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Good question.

>> No.31221653

not in the slightest

>> No.31223978

I'd honestly buy 2 if that was the case.

>> No.31227501
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BLACK Minami...

>> No.31228629

Machico and Pikachu go walking through a winter wonderland

>> No.31231838

Is that really Machico?

>> No.31231985
File: 1.72 MB, 780x977, 1604435817450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. twitter.com/MachicoOfficial/status/1342349676624801795

>> No.31232176

Is Machico even a Pokemon fan? It's weird that she'd sing a Pokemon-related song before actually getting a role in the series itself.

>> No.31232791

It's Pokemon. I feel like you'd be hard pressed to find a seiyuu like her who loves cute stuff not into it in some way.

>> No.31232894

Who are examples of female seiyuu who are known to be Pokemon fans?

>> No.31235332

Looks like someone's getting an NND program

>> No.31237933

It was only a matter of time.

>> No.31238282
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>> No.31242476
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>> No.31251809
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>> No.31255499
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>> No.31257068


>> No.31260233

I wonder if she actually knows that rather obscure Pokemon or if she was told that by someone else.

>> No.31262841

Mingosu apparently is a big fan of Slowpoke, but I don't know if one can call that being a fan of the game

>> No.31265310

Just how many years will it take to completely fix her teeth?

>> No.31268050

With how fucked up they are? Probably a decade at least

>> No.31271588


>> No.31271729

Max 5 years

>> No.31276650
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love Reina

>> No.31280298
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It looks like you could snap her body with only a little roughing up.

>> No.31283234

you okay bro?

>> No.31285206


Making karaage.

>> No.31285367

It's not that bad. I mean, she looks sturdier than Hayamin

>> No.31286894


She is also doing a live stream but I guess purposely rotated.


She also covered YOASOBI 夜に駆ける using her Tsumugi voice

>> No.31289865


>> No.31290769
File: 273 KB, 1536x2048, EqFHgWnUcAAnEsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aimi's solo career is now under King Record

>> No.31291845

Her eyes aren't comically large making her head appear smaller.

>> No.31292069

Is Mingosu still fat?

>> No.31292096

where is this pic from

>> No.31297667

I miss Haramin

>> No.31299941

A long time ago

>> No.31302890

At least she's living a happy and fulfilling family life now.

>> No.31306548
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Too bad I missed it

>> No.31310965
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>> No.31315750

>ring light

>> No.31320783
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I was watching the ML Kanshasai restreams last night and Makabe's VA is really cute. I wish she had a Twitter or something but as far as I can tell, she only has one for the show she does with Damayu.
They seem to rotate the cast out a lot with these. Just the day before Eriko did one as the other female role:

>> No.31324376

>she only has one for the show she does with Damayu
Which, incidentally, ended a few days ago.

>> No.31328132

i was thinking the same thing given her recent fes stuff. a pity, really

>> No.31328962
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>> No.31330933

But what was it from and what were they doing or promoting

>> No.31331456
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Quick reverse search makes it look like it was a Corpse Party interview from 2013.

>> No.31333453

love me some mingosu
simple as

hope thread stays alive

>> No.31335187
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>> No.31335919

This year murdered a ton of radio shows, both new and long running ones...

>> No.31337651
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>> No.31344095
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>> No.31345077

Do you love Corpse Party

>> No.31345105


>> No.31346276
File: 787 KB, 1875x1875, EqP12s8UcAMKlZY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi-chan has a really beautiful face. I think it's her cheekbones, she can pull off both cute and alluring really well because of them.
Also, she's absurdly good at winking.

>> No.31350863

She actually is one of the people I think that can be cute and then pull off a genuinely erotic look as well.

>> No.31351496
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That My Melody is HUGE

>> No.31354582

I'd rather play that majikoi spinoff where she voices an anal slut

>> No.31355699
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>> No.31355797

Is she gonna die alone, friends? I want she to be happy and not a cat lady

>> No.31356041
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I nominate myself as tribute.
Seriously though, I guess it's still possible. Eriko was just as much as a never ever but it happened for her.

>> No.31357835

She’s gonna make it lads, I believe it

>> No.31358044

I believe in her, she can do it

>> No.31362415

Post winks

>> No.31366413

Did Shiki's VA (CG) get married?

>> No.31366638
File: 457 KB, 1555x2047, 1604758494562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not.
Stop believing nonsense posted on /@/

>> No.31369477

Started playing the Global version of Priconne, and holy cow there are loads of CG seiyuu in the game (and several from other branches too), anyone know if this is something that has been remarked upon before? Maybe this allows Cygames to double book recording sessions?

>> No.31369511

I'm pretty sure someone made a chart of Priconnes with iM@S VAs, don't have it on hand though.

>> No.31373250
File: 625 KB, 2048x1170, Dd0Ug9MV0AAyB7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These should be the ones on the initial character lineup. Ameth was Shiika temporarily. Spoiler characters ahead:
Neneka - Xeno Haruka
Kaya - Haru
Inori - Yukari
Chloe - Kyoko
Shefi - Hiori
Ranpha - Miyu

>> No.31377592
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>> No.31385043 [DELETED] 


>> No.31385081
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>> No.31389257
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>> No.31393501

Man I really don't like when they use this weird filter, it always looks like they've been bawling their eyes out for an hour, and stopped like 2 minutes ago to take a selfie

>> No.31394048
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>> No.31396045
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>> No.31398486


>> No.31402652
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>> No.31402745

Are these from her photobook? Got any more you could share/source?

>> No.31408092

nevermind, I checked her youtube channel and she is already a cat lady. There's no going back now.

shameless b ump

>> No.31408280

You didn't bump the thread though.

>> No.31408299

gotta be a different ip to bump

>> No.31409319
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, 131435327_429579045065489_4772426656206673305_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31413727

yeah, I noticed it. Funny thing I had to reset my modem before posting it because my ip was banned from 4chinz (dynamic ip btw). Looks like it returned to one from before

>> No.31415677

who else is there at this point?

>> No.31417297

I think it's a picture of the bromide so no scans.

>> No.31417697

I see, thanks for sharing it tho!

>> No.31418308

What do you mean?

>> No.31418335

sorry, i meant like who else is under king record atm?

>> No.31425348

Sumipe and Yuuma, as well as some big names like Nana Mizuki, Mamoru Miyano and Yui Horie

>> No.31433126
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>> No.31434084
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>she stopped using my guitar
I'm fucking killing myself

>> No.31437460
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>> No.31438200
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>> No.31444477
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Why are they like this

>> No.31445814
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>> No.31449771

At least hair dye isn't the culprit this time.

>> No.31451087
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>> No.31453092

They were absolutely wasted, it was a blast to watch

>> No.31458571

can someone please make a party hard gif/webm of this

>> No.31461068
File: 2.35 MB, 1296x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want an Aimi wife so bad.

>> No.31464605

you know i'm think i'd like more of an aimi friend. and then, i don't know, a karaage wife? seems like fun times all around

>> No.31468642


>> No.31469287
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>> No.31475433
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Hinata's VA has started the potential chain of marriage announcements.

>> No.31476137

congrats, denchan

>> No.31480267

For me, I want Yuucha as my wife and Aimi as my boyfriend (female).

>> No.31486417
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>> No.31493104

What's her favourite dinosaur?

>> No.31493724

Is Aimi a lesbian? She has this "I love girls" aura around her

>> No.31496121

She just likes to fuck around with the other girls but I really wouldn't be surprised at all if she were

>> No.31496445

I feel like Aimi would be into gentle (and rough) femdom

>> No.31496648

It's not that uncommon for VAs to act all lesbo. Mingosu does it too with how she loves kissing other VAs
Although we won't really know for sure unless she ever gets hitched

>> No.31502855
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>> No.31506197
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>> No.31510853

It's all staged, it sells well

>> No.31513970

more cooking with sora. i think her 5 second quiz video is also releasing sometime soon

>> No.31516962

Surprised she has some proficiency with a knife.

>> No.31517508
File: 389 KB, 1536x2048, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called skinship, you heathen

>> No.31517558

huh, I never realized Aimi respects trigger discipline

>> No.31517629

did you expect her not to?

>> No.31517762

no I expected her to hold it like an average nip woman that has no idea about firearm practices, makes me wonder if she checks out military videos in her spare time or something or maybe someone who gave it to her just told her to hold it like that

>> No.31517953

considering the amount of games she plays in her spare recording time, i feel that would be relatively unlikely. but understandable

>> No.31524050 [DELETED] 


>> No.31527888
File: 506 KB, 2048x1542, 1579749760124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this does not look like proper social distancing

>> No.31528827

It's okay as long as they don't talk while posing.

>> No.31534678

Mingosu is so nice

>> No.31534782


>> No.31536072
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>> No.31536969
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>> No.31539572
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>> No.31542958
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>> No.31549074
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>> No.31553092


>> No.31555520
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>> No.31560719

for a moment i thought this was pirami

>> No.31560755


>> No.31563365
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>> No.31567787
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I guess they do look a little similar in the eye department.

>> No.31569055

Thanks for the well wishes, booby lady.

>> No.31574719


>> No.31578726

I wonder how long she'll keep blessing us with her titties.

>> No.31579367
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>> No.31589555


>> No.31590212
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>> No.31591919
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>> No.31597296
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>> No.31598777

not sure if its still relevant since I don't use this board really but incase somebody was worried about solo bumping not working I'm pretty sure it works if you just keep deleting your old bump

>> No.31602273


>> No.31604565

Tomy pls

>> No.31608786

for someone i can only recognize carin in this

>> No.31613957

You should have probably recognized at least one more from there.

>> No.31616922
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>> No.31624021
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>> No.31624434

I would very gladly give that to her.

>> No.31628742

that's some unfortunate placement

>> No.31630916

You would give the dick to a 35 year old single cat lady?

>> No.31634087

you wouldn't?

>> No.31639067

You wouldn't?

>> No.31642184
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>> No.31647794
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>> No.31652251
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>> No.31653966
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>> No.31654915

cute cake

>> No.31660624
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>> No.31664528
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>> No.31671266

thanks youtube recommendations
ngl having to bump every other hour or so is getting kinda dumb

>> No.31673558

This video brings up so many questions to me. How does that guy just not know its an iM@S live despite having the clip saved? Why is he calling Nansu "the girl" when she's probably one of the much more well known iM@S seiyuu? Why is it so low quality?
I don't get it

>> No.31673903

A quick look makes it obvious it's a bandori channel so the information might be intentionally left out by the uploader.

>> No.31678006


Aimi wife simulator 2020.

>> No.31680128
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>> No.31698551

It's probably not that deep guys. Most likely just reuploads upon reuploads and this guy probably is the last in line and just happened to find something Aimi related

>> No.31698899

Honestly if I saw my wife make potato salad like that, I'd never let her near a kitchen

>> No.31700009
File: 586 KB, 2048x1536, 1609243059342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nips only eat retort meals and they literally have a word for cooking for oneself pls no bully.

>> No.31703043

I'm just saying having Aimi in the title is the most important part for the audience.

>> No.31705377


>> No.31708196
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>> No.31710097

>all 3 a shadow of their former selves

>> No.31711102

no, not really

>> No.31711218

who wants to be a millionaire without mocho

>> No.31718026

I see the youtube algorithm is at work. Saw the same video right before you posted.

>> No.31718454

I can get Pyon if you want to count her gyaru-fication and brain problems and Kido if you want to count how she doesn't really look great in some recent pictures but what changed with Mikku?

>> No.31720803

character development, perhaps

>> No.31720901

Too many feet pictures

>> No.31721981

How is this a bad thing

>> No.31722751

I'd eat it

>> No.31725174

yuri on ice with aimi

>> No.31731281
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>> No.31732963
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>> No.31734367
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>> No.31737708



>> No.31741886
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>> No.31743149

That's actually a nice drawing

>> No.31748791

You have to wonder if she's even looking for a man at this point.

>> No.31753305

I'll be her new cat

>> No.31760211

I wouldn't be surprised if she got a new cat in the next two years.

>> No.31766412

Finally someone she can look down on

>> No.31766753

isn't iku's va still shorter than her

>> No.31772127

Somehow yes

>> No.31775823

Slow news day

>> No.31776656

>mingosu hasn't posted anything yet this year
guys... I think she forgot to feed her cats and they ate her

>> No.31776836
File: 711 KB, 634x596, Chicken Nuggets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least someone is.

>> No.31776964

this is very abunai. if i recall pyon nearly did this too on someone's stream

>> No.31778305


>> No.31787024

She does this way too much.

>> No.31794500
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>> No.31801475

Chicken breasts...

>> No.31808975
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>> No.31814856
File: 718 KB, 567x749, a03fca9375a9c586890d267aef566b43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amusing that /jp/ is the only board outside /k/ to respect trigger discipline.

>> No.31816247

and /k/ can't even manage it half the time

>> No.31820386
File: 285 KB, 1080x1350, 135433253_778506836075022_5424831311827641072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31822377

those are some weird fingers I must say

>> No.31829319
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>> No.31830163

>page 10

What went wrong?

>> No.31830535

Is today another fast /jp/ day? This is already on page 2 despite the last post being less than 10 minutes ago

>> No.31833215

I love Mingosu

>> No.31837454

we all do (I hope so)

>> No.31840543

Lovely cat lady

>> No.31842834

Are you sure it's just not someone's IP not being able to bump threads on this board?

>> No.31843427

Just finished watching masters of idol world 2015. Scary to see how poorly the entire cast aged in the past 5 years.

>> No.31850065

By "entire cast" you mean everyone across the three branches?

>> No.31852950
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x1080, Hego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone across the three branches
Not everyone but most of them

>> No.31853303

A lot of it seems self-inflicted.

>> No.31853720

Where did everything go so wrong for her?

>> No.31853780
File: 1.98 MB, 4096x2731, 1595560908588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why, but every recent pic I see of Hego just looks insincere. Like she's always a hair away from just snapping and going batshit

>> No.31854455

>already a cat lady
I had no idea it was that bad...

>> No.31854747

It was just a photoshoot. I don't think she's actually a crazy cat lady yet.

>> No.31857156

Must be all the work. Im@s, bandori, and her solo artist career must take a toll but she does it for the fame and money.

>> No.31864761
File: 1.17 MB, 641x854, 1592241325236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 10 again already...

>> No.31868866

Not him but I agree.
Shes got quite the busy schedule juggling all of her series and solo stuff.
Its like she's in every new series lol.

>> No.31869596
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>> No.31876223
File: 814 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210101-055300_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her, bros.

>> No.31885752

was nu in the slime anime? i don't remember

>> No.31887335

> I don't think she's actually a crazy cat lady yet.
Anon, she just got a new cat this week...

>> No.31888107

uh oh

>> No.31889043

There is literally nothing wrong with having multiple cats.

>> No.31889289

Did she really just get a new kitten similar to her current cat?

>> No.31893484

what's she holding

>> No.31893809

It's called ice

>> No.31894902
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like a cat lady to me desu

>> No.31898443

if anything i think she looks like a parakeet person

>> No.31906676

Am I trippin or is there something weird going on with her teeth?

>> No.31910062

Looks Cheshire to me

>> No.31912302

Is anyone watching HNY

>> No.31912536

No because it's tomorrow so watching it is physically impossible right now

>> No.31912635

Okay, I meant is anyone gonna watch it...

>> No.31912673

Probably because I'm assuming someone will stream it illegally so I can watch even without tickets

>> No.31912716

Yeah I'm looking to leech off someone too cause I can't afford tickets right now. Thank fuck BNF got postponed.

>> No.31916214

Not really sure what to expect from the thing

>> No.31924379

I'm sure it'll still be good but probably not near the level of 7th or the past lives.

>> No.31927596

Stop being poor and support your idols.

>> No.31927812

They're draining me dry.

>> No.31928662

Anon, I fly to Japan for CG every year but life hasn't been good to me lately because of rona

>> No.31929991

Did you get to see Glowing Rock live? I'm admittedly not super well versed in CG lives but I thought Glowing Rock was incredible so I can only imagine what it was like being there in person

>> No.31930701
File: 411 KB, 1536x2048, ErNvA3QUUAAcpFV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me what the fu

>> No.31932015

I've been to every single one since 3rd and yes, it was amazing. Probably one of my favorites and my tantou wasn't even there.

>> No.31932206
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, ZOMBIE TANK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commemorative audio commentary for the anime is done a two episode at a time by Akabane-P and a guest (this time with Nakamura Eriko).

>> No.31935610

How do you afford it? I've always wanted to go to one but it's always seemed like such a pricey thing for airfare and all that

>> No.31936629

Oh flying to lives is really expensive and a lot of work but it's been my way of life now basically so I save up money a lot of money for it. Luckily I live close to Japan so airfare for me isn't really that expensive.
