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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 34 KB, 250x242, mahoro-dirtythoughtsarebad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3184363 No.3184363 [Reply] [Original]

Well it seems equality now had some more push then we thought.

The UN has told Japan it must ban adult games and erotic manga featuring themes of rape.

Guess only 20+ girls having old TV type relationships are now the standard for ero games if the creators don't want to be arrested.

moonrunes source http://www.asahi.com/national/update/0819/TKY200908190430.html

>> No.3184364

It's over, Japan is finished

>> No.3184369

Can UN really force japan to it?

>> No.3184370

We're finished!!

>> No.3184371

why do they do this to all of my fetishes


>> No.3184372
File: 761 KB, 1217x1748, andou-mahoro_maido_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that some mahoro I fucking love mahoro

>> No.3184373


The UN couldn't force a slut to spread her legs.

>> No.3184376

I don't know can the UN cause all other people of the UN to be a part of an embargo or lose UN benefits?

>> No.3184379

Wait, featuring themes of rape?

Does this mean there can't be a rape sex scene or does it mean that something like Kohaku's back story would be banned too?

>> No.3184380

Even Japan-only games with imagery that remotely suggests rape are being removed from XBox Live.

It's not gonna stop there, isn't it?

>> No.3184382

Pretty sure it would be.

>> No.3184384

Actually that is the one thing they do do. Being one of the main consumers of sexual slavery.

>> No.3184386

>>Thinks the UN works outside of Europe or even think it works at all

>> No.3184390

Now where do I get my fap material?

>> No.3184392


The UN, an organization with the backing on every nation on earth and theoretically can come down on a country fucking around with the might of the world. Yeah that organization...couldn't even stop niggers with AK's and machetes from killing each other.

>> No.3184394

Is that the girl being pushed down, grabbed, and has a pantie shot not all in the same sequence that one?

>> No.3184395

Download older rape games online. Even if they stopped being made, theres a lifetime's worth already made for you to play through.

>> No.3184399

Yes, microsoft are faggots.

>> No.3184400

People ignore the fact Japan aims to please. They have platforms of reform that are based on "foreign cultures think we're weird!". This has more weight then you guys think even if the UN can't do any shit but say they don't like it.

>> No.3184401

What the hell would they accomplish by banning this stuff?

You'd think the UN would have more pressing matters to be concerned with.

>> No.3184407


Even if it gets banned, the demand would still be there. All that would happen is the market would go underground.

>> No.3184410

Just like japan banned whaling, right?

>> No.3184417 [DELETED] 

I always fail when I try that.
www.Yähøø.com - Do you Yahoo?
www.eBäy.com - Buy and sell online!
www.AnønTälk.com - Discuss anything anonymously!
www.Wikipediä.org - The free encyclopedia!

>> No.3184420

No. The UN can't do anything, really, just look at you dissapointed, kind of like your parents.

>> No.3184418 [DELETED] 

No. The UN can't do anything, really, just look at you disappointingly, kind of like your parents.

>> No.3184424

And that means a drop in quality.

>> No.3184426

seriously? That's pretty retarded.

>> No.3184429

I don't know if this is an evolution or not.

>> No.3184430

I smell bullshit.
Any decent source ?

>> No.3184432

Why work against real-life matters of genocide and dictatorship when you can fight against incidences of fictional sexual assaults?

>> No.3184434

the UN needs to piss off with their criticism of non-existent rape

>> No.3184436

I hate how the governments turn into religious-like groups. Now you are no longer a bad human but a bad citizen if you do things in private that isn't approved of. The seperation of church and state in the first amendment was, by the way, constitutionalized to prevent exactly this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state#United_States).).

>> No.3184437

What's wrong with the current source?

>> No.3184440

They already made UN resolutions about that.

>> No.3184444

I can't read moon.

>> No.3184446

Fighting against poor otaku is a lot easier and you can gain lots of ''political'' points by doing it.

>> No.3184448


So is this what the UN does when its bored?

>> No.3184449

Then http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/08/21/un-demands-hentai-ban/

>> No.3184451


Yay, world peace and equality for all~!

Oh, wait.

>> No.3184453

Come on, the UN Is trying to ban Loli for years now. I don't think that Japan will really ban fictional Rape, it is something else than banning games with rape in them.
They will talk about it for ages and come to the conclusion that it needs more research and talking, that will go on for years and years. Meanwhile the UN will find something else to fight against.

>> No.3184454

I love how there harassing the Japanese about this when doing the exact same thing would be constitutionally in the west.

>> No.3184460

Yeah, I'm sure the legislature will get right on that. In 20 years.

I honestly can't think of any governing body more useless than the UN, besides the league of nations. Hell crying to Nato is more likely to get you results.

This only proves that stupid whiny bitches are fucking stupid, whiny, and really should just stay in the kitchenzm

>> No.3184463

Now that's better, thanks.

>> No.3184465

It sickens me if an eroge has a rape scene, but banning it altogether is stupid.

>> No.3184471

Let's look at the bright side of the things.
FS/N is going to be banned.

>> No.3184473 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 352x352, baww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It sickens me if an eroge has a rape scene

>> No.3184478

Japan’s treatment of women might be “inadequate” and “regrettable” but what exactly has that got to do with fucky cartoons? This is the same kind of bullshit as the loli ban. These kind of idiotic people just don't know reality from fiction anymore, and don't understand the concept of 'safe outlet', such as, surprise, violent videogames and sports.

It's nothing but modern day witch hunt against easy targets no one dares to protect them lest they want to be identified with them and suffer the same fate.

'Cry "Pedophilia!" and let slip the dogs of BAWWW', is my catchphrase for this kind of whining about fiction being detrimental to our poor adult minds.

>> No.3184479

Let's look on the bright side.

X-change is going to be banned.

>> No.3184480

Why would it sicken you any more than a death scene?

>> No.3184488

Japan needs to tell the UN to fuck off.

>> No.3184490

This makes no sense, all women wishes for dick and you can't rape the willing.

>> No.3184500


The U.N cannot prevent ANYTHING from happening.

This is proven time and time again by the Warlords of Africa, the terrorists of the middle east, the smugglers and drug traffickers of South America, and the overbearing weight of North Americas morality.

The U.N has fuckall in actual power.

>> No.3184507

I just feel that way. Depending on how the death scene was delivered, I might like it.

This and always this. Why can't UN ban BDSM? I know there are some who have it as a fetish, but watching it feels like watching a rape scene.

>> No.3184508

This is fucking bullshit if it's true. How can you try to ban rape in works of fiction? Are they going to try to ban murder in American movies? They aren't real people why can't people fucking figure this out.

>> No.3184518

>>calling Japan’s protection of fictional women from fictional rape “inadequate.”


Jesus christ feminists are retarded

>> No.3184525

The U.N. can't even stop an Angel. How can they even consider trying something like that?

>> No.3184530

If they ban all felmale hentai I will just enjoy traps and shota instead.

>> No.3184534

Do they consider futa women?

>> No.3184537

>This and always this. Why can't UN ban BDSM?
are you serious

>> No.3184543

I can see Gendo giving speeches protecting rape games before the UN representatives.

>> No.3184555

They even want to ban hentai with women raping men


>> No.3184565


>> No.3184582

... and the UN representatives will be talking behind gigantic blocks, etched with SOUND ONLY.

>> No.3184589

Japan has one of the lowest rape statistics in the world.

Also, sandniggers stone, kill, and mutilate their women for incredibly stupid shit, which we have to accept because it's part of their "culture". But if you want to see a fictional ponos jammed into an unwilling fictional vagooo, you are the human incarnation of evil.

These bitches and whores should spend their time crying to Iran about how they treat their women.

>> No.3184593
File: 132 KB, 383x577, 2252113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny how fetish hentai list is mostly normal /h/ish stuff.

>> No.3184608

But Iran won't give a shit for sure, while Japan might, as it needs to look more "democratic" and the like.

>> No.3184611

This is wonderful, I going to send an e-mail warning them about StudioS games.
I can see a hurricane of shit flying toward Japan.

>> No.3184630
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, mahoro8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great job posting Mahoro in the OP pic. Now I'll never read this thread and just post some pictures.

Pretty sure I got my love for maids from her.

>> No.3184648

Is this why we have mosaics?

>> No.3184658

Me too. Heck, I can trace a lot of my preferences back to shit like that during my teens. Mahoro for maids, Harle for jesters, etc.

>> No.3184661



>> No.3184663

The UN may be able to harass small nations without any economical or political value, but when it comes to nations with actual power,
they do shit.
Look how much they are bitching about China and noone gives a fuck, since everybody wants his cheap Chinese workers.

>> No.3184664

Actually, I'm hoping darwinian theory works and that they die horribly for being so stupid. But hey, if they really believe in what they say, that shouldn't deter them from trying to help women in Iran right?

>> No.3184671

Bad interpretation of US rules for censorship is to blame. Why it exists today is because of the fact that most family groups would go ape shit and the why fix what is broken angle.

>> No.3184722
File: 41 KB, 550x446, welcome-to-the-new-world-order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol UN

>> No.3184751

> The UN has told Japan it must ban [fictional entertainments] featuring themes of [criminal acts].
> ban

really? doesn't the UN have an equivalent of the 1st Amendment?

>> No.3184762
File: 411 KB, 479x500, lolihappythatpedogoestojail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even America doesn't care about such things when they see wrong doings with fictional charters.

>> No.3184773


get that conspiracy crap out of this thread. next thing you'll do is mention that communist alex jones...

>> No.3184782

So glorifying realistic violence and death in movies is okay, but cartoon rape is off-limits? Really? I really hope Japan tells them to fuck off.

>> No.3184797

rape thread,

>> No.3184799

The rape statistic that Japan has the lowest rape occurences is based on REPORTED rape only. The real number is likley much higher.

>> No.3184802

ban rape I don't care.
ban loli I don't care.
ban pissing and monster girl and I'll probably save up to donate to some japanese terrorist fund.

>> No.3184811

Prove it!

>> No.3184828

I myself will care if they ban pissing monster loli rape.

>> No.3184834

All rape statistics are reported rape statistics. Other countries don't have super observation equipment to show every rape.

>> No.3184847

I love monster girls being raped by pissing lolis.

>> No.3184853

So much anger and paranoia in this thread.

This had to happen one day. Look at it from an outsiders perspective, violence against and abuse of women is still a major problem in many countries and having a thriving industry around the simulation of just that is pretty problematic. Of course no real women are being harmed directly by it but you cannot sy for certain that it doesn't encourage the behaviour it depicts.

If you made a game with realistic graphics about gassing jews or killing niggers it would be banned in heartbeat, 1st ammendment or not. If something activley promotes violence of a protected class (racial minorities, women etc.) then it gets outlawed, plain and simple.

>> No.3184857

So this it what Bloody Monday is actually about.

Japan banned H in that universe, and anon made spend there time developing weapons of genocide since they couldn't spend it fapping.

>> No.3184864

Yeah? Just like everywhere else in the world.

>> No.3184869
File: 71 KB, 690x656, monitorrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now we're back to the reported statistics argument.
This is how I felt after reading this thread.

>> No.3184873

Oh yeah?

I'll prove it, some day.

I'll make a game where you kill every single minority on earth with super realistic graphics, in the most realistic means possible.

And it'll sell like gang busters. And it'll never be banned.

If I get accused of being racist, I'll make a speech declaring, Yes, I am racist. What are you going to do about it?

And they can't do anything.

Because i'm an American.

>> No.3184875

>If you made a game with realistic graphics about gassing jews or killing niggers it would be banned in heartbeat.
They haven't been banned yet, so you argument is invalid.

>> No.3184879

lets preserve Japan;s cultural heritage by renaming /jp/ to "/jp/ - Rape/General"

>> No.3184880

>or killing niggers

Resident evil 5

>> No.3184884

Thats because they don't exist.

>> No.3184889

You live under a rock or something?

>> No.3184893

Resident Evil does not promote violence agains blacks. There are all kinds of ethnicies being zombified.

>> No.3184899

Prove me wrong then?

And no tounge in cheek violence like Postal please.

>> No.3184915

>having a thriving industry around the simulation of [violence against and abuse of women] is pretty problematic.
>Of course no real women are being harmed directly by it but you cannot sy for certain that it doesn't encourage the behaviour it depicts.
Don't need to. As long as it doesn't turn most people into rapists, it doesn't need to be banned from everyone.

>If something activley promotes violence
Fiction doesn't do that. Simulation isn't reality.

>> No.3184918

Why not? Violence is violence

>> No.3184928

Have you played Resident Evil 5?

>> No.3184933

Sure is Jane Thompson in here.

>> No.3184937
File: 174 KB, 375x500, wd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile at the UN

>> No.3184939

There are specific exceptions for satire.

There is no game simulating gassing of jews realistically. You think this could be made in America without creating a major shitstorm and getting people send to prison?

>> No.3184941

Under your brilliant logic, Postal and GTA are prime offenders so I don't see the problem with naming them.

>> No.3184946

No but RE4 didn't promote violence against hispanics did it?

>> No.3184949


>> No.3184959

Holy mother of double standards. Fuck off and reported, this thread already served it's purpose.

>> No.3184963

Flies under the preface of satire in Postals case.

And these games are borderline, I agree.

>> No.3184967

There's a shitty little strategy game that simulates the running of a concentration camp. The game was developed by some neo-Nazi types. I think it's supposed to be both funny and serious.

>> No.3184971

link please

>> No.3184975

I don't have it.

>> No.3184976

I fail to understand, is this actually happening or is it in "process". Plus its not fucking being specific, like the guy said about kohakus route. Jesus christ why is this even a topic for us why can't people just leave us alone.

Try to shut ourselves off from society and society makes its way into us. GOD DAMNIT why

>> No.3184982

Rape games aren't very realistic either.

>> No.3184983

Are you seriously arguing that you can do whatever the fuck you want under the first amendment?

Because you are dead wrong. There is a reason why you won't find any children in Postal. Activley promoting hate crimes, even simulated, against protected classes like racial minorities, women and children will get you in major trouble.

>> No.3184998

>Are you seriously arguing that you can say whatever the fuck you want under the first amendment?
Fixed. And yes.

>> No.3185011
File: 107 KB, 600x800, 23bf7d526bac46046f465ac118212ae6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about rape.

>> No.3185012

Looks like dark translations might as well just close down their site

>> No.3185015

Please go outside and hand out fliers promoting the lynching of niggers and scream FIRST AMENDMENT when the police shows up.

>> No.3185024

"Yelling Fire in the middle of a Crowded Theatre" principle.

Look it up, it does have great weight in First Amendment cases.

With that said, rape games simply show this kind of material, they don't ADVOCATE it, and as such should be allowed like anything else.
Hollywood movies probably create more killers than these games do rapists.

>> No.3185031


You most certanly can NOT say whatever you want, especially when it involves violence against protected classes.

>> No.3185052

That's what crazy right-wing hardcore nuts are doing right now and I don't see many of them getting arrested, only being watched in contempt.

>> No.3185055

Anything that is not cause a direct action of death (causing panic in a place that gets people to be trampled to death, getting them to drink bleach saying it will counter act a fictional disease) is pretty much covered. As anything can be twisted into bigotry if it isn't watched, you say that a black women isn't you're type and you could feasibly be called a racist. Yet with this people are scared shitless about being hit with such 1st amendment ignoring cases as they can be put at the foot of a jury and they don't have to give a shit about constitutional rights if they vote guilty. Appeal to the supreme court and you have the same problem.

>> No.3185060


They were going to do mindead blood next too, isn't that game technically banned as well? Hell can blackcyc even exist now

>> No.3185064

>Please go outside and hand out fliers promoting the lynching of niggers and scream FIRST AMENDMENT when the police shows up.
I'm not in America. I know that American law is actually unconstitutional. I'm all for laws banning incitement to actual (certain) crimes, anyway.

But fiction that portrays crime, and games that simulate crime, don't necessarily incite anything. Unless they actually say "The End, wasn't that fun? Now go and do it for real."

>> No.3185081

>Unless they actually say "The End, wasn't that fun? Now go and do it for real."

The saddest part about this is, this is pretty much the argument people make when they say games make people do shit in real life.

After all DOOM is responsible for all the school shootings RIGHT? The media did say they treated it like a game and were racking up points, so it must be true

>> No.3185088

Encouraging racial violence is banned wether it leads to specific deaths or not.

Special consideration for protected classes. Likewise for women and children.

I'm not even arguing for the banning of these games (well, most of them) but some here are under the wrong assumption that you can really do whatever you want under the First.

>> No.3185094
File: 821 B, 256x224, narcend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun making drug criminals blow up with rockets.


>> No.3185100


Define "Encouraging", this is where it gets twisted in translation and people use this as an excuse to get the results they want

Define "Encouraging"

>> No.3185102

You're the only one who's saying that you can do anything under the First.

>> No.3185103

Can you cite some specific law? Does it really use the term 'encouragement'? That's so vague.

>> No.3185105

There is a lot of bad interpretation of the first amendment, but banning things because it might make some people feel bad or anger is defiantly against it. Mostly because most opinions make people feel bad or angry hell not having such an opinion pisses people off too.

>> No.3185112

I really like the fine line the German law has drawn on lolicon and 'hard pornography' (this includes rape imagery).

Lolicon as well as rape games are absolutley legal to own as long as they don't depict something that could be mistaken for the real thing by an independent observer. You are even allowed to draw/produce it yourself.

But the sale, import, advertisement (but not downloading as long as you don't pay money for it, heh) is illegal, although with minor fees if you get caught (unless you are doing it as part of a crime ringm then you are in deep shit).

>> No.3185125

So they're just trying to suppress the industry, but leaving the consumers alone. But what about non-commercial producers? Is there a law prohitibiting distribution/publication?

>> No.3185128

I can't. I know there is a supreme court ruling dealing with it as well as a few bills from congress (violence against women act or something) but I can't find it atm.

>> No.3185132

The US constitution

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So the Supreme Court just decided to redefine speech in the case of obscenity

>> No.3185135

I'm honestly not sure about it, the law and commentry is kinda vague for a layperson like me.

Although you definitley may not make a profit from it, that kinda rules out publication.

>> No.3185137

And seriously, are you fucking stupid people? The article only says the whole rape and sexual violence games deal at the end and as minor problem, the main one being hurr, durr women are bing payed less and discriminated on the Japan workforce. Not to mention that it's just a UN recommendation, even the Blue Berets are more useful.

>> No.3185142

Women live their lives getting whatever they want from men by making pointless and baseless arguments. As far as relationships go well whatever, that's just how it works its the guys fault for putting up with it.

But the fact that they are now able to take these arguments to a grand scale makes me think humans are going backwards in evolution. Seriously how is ANYBODY listening to them? This can't be really happening, in fact to keep my sanity I'm going to pretend this never happened.

>> No.3185144

>the main one being hurr, durr women are bing payed less and discriminated on the Japan workforce.
Being neither Japanese nor female, I don't really care about that. I care about eroge I might like to play in the future.

>> No.3185145

What I really liked about the law is that it kinda called out the people in favor of completly banning it. They specifically mention that there is no scientific evidence that consumption of lolicon material makes you more likley to actually rape children.

I thought that was funny.

>> No.3185152

Yep, it's no longer speech if it can be considered obscene.

>> No.3185158

>Although you definitley may not make a profit from it, that kinda rules out publication.
Not necessarily. Sharing material via, say, Bittorrent, could be considered publication. Depends if there's a special legal definition of publication. It'll be in German anyway...

>> No.3185161

>They specifically mention that there is no scientific evidence that consumption of lolicon material makes you more likley to actually rape children
It falls under common sense, you like seeing children getting fucked. Children getting fucked is quite against most laws so who cares if it's fake children.

>> No.3185166

The Miller decision is among the worse decisions to come from the Supreme Court in the last 50 years.

>> No.3185168

Obscenity laws are such horrible crap. You can declare pretty much anything illegal as long as you can find a jury that agrees.

>> No.3185170

People who care about freedom, that's who. But they're a dying breed. I can't honestly count myself among their number. But I use the idea because it's useful propaganda. Or it used to be.

>> No.3185177

We need william wallace to argue on our behalf

>> No.3185180

Everybody with half a brain.
Murder is also against every law (at least I think so) but its legal to kill people in fiction.

>> No.3185182

>It falls under common sense, you like seeing men getting killed. men getting killed is quite against most laws so who cares if it's fake men.

>> No.3185183

About every male on earth has fantasies about raping a women once a while. Thinking about is not illegal.

Only very few people actually do it, and its the same for pedophiles. Only a fraction of them are real child molesters.

>> No.3185187

>You can declare pretty much anything illegal as long as you can find a jury that agrees.
Correction: a local community jury. Whatever that means. I think the Miller test could potentially be useful in a specific narrow context: deciding what's acceptable to be displayed outside, visible from public spaces. Only the local neighbourhood should have a say. And only on that, not on what goes on in private houses and web servers.

>> No.3185190

They are also fucking up one major point, they think we actually care about 3D. Only people like us truly understand that liking loli in 2D means absolutely NOTHING to 3D. But good luck explaining that to them

>> No.3185192

>Only a fraction of them are real child molesters.
I just wanted to add that probably none of them molest children because of loli.

>> No.3185199

To emphazise, even consumption of 3D CP cannot be shown to make you more likley to actully molest someone. The studies are pretty much evenly divided on the topic.

>> No.3185202

Otherwise flashing people would be considered free speech and that's just silly.

>> No.3185208

Isnt 3D CP fully illegal mainly because they want to prevent the production of it? If nobody wants it, nobody will do it..Or at least that what the lawmakers want to believe.

>> No.3185211

Whoever had the idea to apply the miller test to what you do alone or with a consenting partner in the privacy of your bedroom deserves to be shot.

>> No.3185220

Its illegal for many reasons. Privacy and grief reduction of victims, prevention of new stuff being produced, as well as not being able to clearly outrule that it makes you more likley to harm a child.

>> No.3185230

>not being able to clearly outrule that it makes you more likley to harm a child.
Shittiest reason. Precautionary principle is enemy of your freedom.

>> No.3185231

And NONE of this applies to lolicon or simulated rape games.

>> No.3185233


I doubt a guy walking into the UN office and screaming FREEEEDOOOOOM would help much. Maybe if he was a feminist they'd accept his argument.

>> No.3185235

I agree.

But the other two are more than enough.

>> No.3185242

>>as well as not being able to clearly outrule that it makes you more likley to harm a child.

You also can't clearly out rule that it doesn't make you less likely to harm a child.

>> No.3185247

The prohibition sure did wonders.

>> No.3185251

This is pretty much why the other reasons are better and probably more important too.

>> No.3185260

Yes, this is why lolicon is legal in Germany.

Although if future studies show a more convincing argument that it makes you more likley to do it then that law should be reconsidered.

>> No.3185270

Not to mention that he would rather enter into a new war with the English to free Scotland again instead of going to the UN.

>> No.3185273

You are in favor of legalizing 3D CP?

Oh boy, where do I start. Please make an argument why this is a good thing.

>> No.3185275

Fucking Devils proof.

>> No.3185276

A study can tell you anything, it's all how you interpret the data.

>> No.3185282

Yes, if there is scientific consensus that it encourages people to act then we reconsider the law.

>> No.3185281 [DELETED] 

Could you give more information?
www.Yähøø.com - Do you Yahoo?
www.eBäy.com - Buy and sell online!
www.AnønTälk.com - Discuss anything anonymously!
www.Wikipediä.org - The free encyclopedia!

>> No.3185291


>> No.3185292

I was going to ask why he doesn't advocate the democratic path to independence. Then I Googled and found he's been dead since 1305. Heh.

>> No.3185297

You didn't know who William Wallace was?

>> No.3185298

I can already imagine: 10 years from now, Black clothed Anons with Guy Fawkes masks blowing themselves up in front of the UN and Equality now.

>> No.3185301


You didn't know who william wallace is? Nothing wrong with that but I highly suggest you go watch braveheart. Like right now, amazing movie

>> No.3185303

Sounds awesome. Good way to get rid of some /b/tards, if nothing else.

>> No.3185307
File: 89 KB, 413x479, braverheartfreedom..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3185308

Wow. Guys. Blown out of proportion much?
This is basically the UN saying "The radical feminist bitches are whining again, so you guys should stop making rape games. Okay, now moving on to more important topics..."

>> No.3185311

>I highly suggest you go watch braveheart

>> No.3185315


Meh it's more of the fact that this was even a topic to begin with. I can at least be angry that my hobby was put in some sort of illegal spotlight

>> No.3185316

Well I would like to point that this thread stopped being about the OP a long time ago.

>> No.3185332
File: 75 KB, 302x432, scotland-wallace4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3185344

>grief reduction of victims
Shouldn't war films be banned due to the suffering of people who came from nations where that was real? Or films with shooting be banned due to them having been shot at due to gang or other such gun violence?

>> No.3185354


>> No.3185434

Tell us that again when they fold like a cheap piece of paper like they did with rapelay.

>> No.3185443

Ahhh sometimes I wish I was in a position of power, just so when the feminists come I can tell them to fuck off.

>> No.3185488

Don't be mad, Anon.
And what do you think Japan excuse will be? "The companies already got rid of the rape games, fuck off".

>> No.3185506

so this means rance will be banned. hooray

>> No.3185507

Taking a further step of having production of such games carry a penalty, so far it's a voluntary group that will not accept membership or support groups that release such games.

>> No.3185693

It means 90% of all ero games are banned.

>> No.3185706

Not will be, they are already banned. Did you forget the new ECOS laws?

>> No.3185737


And then alicesoft just changed "raped" to something else to get around it.

>> No.3185748


>> No.3187070

Does this play a role regarding the japanese elections? If not, I guess people in Japan are focussed on other stuff.

And the UN also demand that no child should die of hunger (...).

>> No.3187081


If someone will get more votes by siding with EN, you damn well bet it'll play a role in elections. Just like everyone in office pretends to give a shit about marijuana.

>> No.3187857

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_Cleansing_(video_game)

> Also, while the game's box and adverts claimed "realistic negro sounds recorded on the spot with REAL niggers", these turned out to be ape and monkey shouts.

> A sequel called White Law was released by the same developer
> Another racist game, ZOG's Nightmare was made by Jim Ramm, a former NSM member

I'm not 3185354 fyi. These games are probably not legal in Canada, Britain, or Germany, but they are legal in the USA, obviously not stocked by any retailer.

>> No.3187873

Regardless of whether or not this is enforced, the UN is against free speech?

That's not good to know.
