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30846438 No.30846438 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous thread: >>30271765

>> No.30846495

Lamento is probably going to be released after Slow Damage at this point.

>> No.30846520

I want to have sex with every single pixel human in this game

>> No.30846541

But slow damage is going to be super slow. The translator was whining that she was worried about evil pirates subbing the entire thing faster than she finishes it

>> No.30846565

mine too anon, I played him first, unfortunately. he is the best boi, so better keep him last.

>> No.30846589

What are your contenders for BLOGOTY 2020?

>> No.30846910
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Unironically, her translations suck. I wish the nitro aa fags who did the previous game translations got hired instead. Towa is gonna sound like an edgy American boi about to shoot up school...

>> No.30847296
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I'm afraid that they are gonna have Morikubo voice him...

>> No.30847614

>the nitro aa fags who did the previous game translations

What do you mean? The people who did the Dmmd patch? I thought I'd seen people mention that it flat out got some things wrong like Mink's route mistranslating his dialogue.

>> No.30847854

I'm excite. I don't much patience so I'm doing 2nd fave Shiki first, then I'll go left to right normally. This piano is so good.

>> No.30847960

Lamento and sweet pool one. I don't know about dmmd, I played it in nip.

>> No.30847989

Mink is an ugly retard so he deserves this desu.
But jokes asides, her
>let's make every character sound like an amerifat teenager or californian dude
Is disgusting and makes one feel like they're playing some horrifying abomination, like a BL game made by tumblr users. I think she has an ask box so I hope my shitting into it will improve the quality of her translations

>> No.30848025

Shiki was good too. I actually liked all of them, they were all really cute. I loved the osts.
Btw avoid skip, because it skips even non read dialogue.

>> No.30848564
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It's funny because the same translator was shitting on Aksys translators.

>> No.30848688


>> No.30850507
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>skips even non read dialogue.
Found out early, this engine sucks. No jump back no voice replay and only 20 save slots. I get this was basically a one man project but still. Geez this girl.

>> No.30851034

It's a pretty good game, hope they make another patch correct these things because the game has major issues with the programming.
But overall it's worth playing. Can't wait for the app.

>> No.30853724
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So what's the target audience? Surely not women, these boys are ugly as fuck.

>> No.30854075

It honestly feels like it's aimed at both guys who don't play otome games and EOPs who are hungry for anything. The main girl is way cuter than the guys and could easily fit in a moege.

>> No.30854135

I remember reading somewhere that Kalmia8 was intentionally trying to omnipander. Seems like they might be trying a more traditional otome vibe with Grande Odalisque though.

>> No.30854313

Amerifats and tumblr fags.
Also, steam fags, but steamfags will buy it later when it's 70% off.
EOPs too, but mostly Amerifats judging by the terrible English translation and of course the censorship.

>> No.30854486

I thought the Mink route drama was from Mink's two fans who were stirring shit up on Tumblr claiming the translators had an agenda to make him seem more asshole-ish and abusive than the original text.

>> No.30855931

Find a new boogeyman, I don't think that place has been relevant since 2015 at least.

>> No.30856564


>> No.30856769

These posts are painful to read. A Japanese VN company isn't making their Japanese games thinking "yes this game is for the amerifat EOP steam tumblr audience who will maybe get this game translated in 2 years". This is the third game Kalmia8 has made in that style and one of the previous ones never even got brought to the west(likely because MC gets turned into a loli).
The director seems like a long time general VN fan so she probably just wanted to make some otomege that go outside the norm and take inspiration from other styles of VNs.

>> No.30857859

I've seen a trend of people complaining about japanese properties aimed at a jp audience being 'tumblr' for a while now. Normally it's about anything that goes outside standard 'moe' style but himetai is clearly going for that shiny galge aesthetic so it's even more baffling.

>> No.30858166

I didn't say that. I meant that the VN was chosen for localization and marketed by Mangagamer to that audience. Mangagamer's primary playerbase are guys who only play eroge, so it would make sense that they would also try to appeal to that audience as well with this game. If I remember correctly, they also tried to push the "men can play this game too, it's different from other otome games!" angle with the last game they localized from Kalmia8.

>> No.30858583

>ugly boys and bi MC

>> No.30862083
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This is your date for Christmas, say something nice about him

>> No.30862592

First time i prefer 3dpd. Such a hideous design and hairstyle.

>> No.30862655

forgot to mention that he is also voiced by
Kaji Yuki

It couldn't get worse

>> No.30863429

picked up

>> No.30864611

he's cute unironically

>> No.30864771

>claiming the translators had an agenda to make him seem more asshole-ish and abusive than the original text

>> No.30865113

Did Kawase get raped by Ikeda? I don't remember it being outright mentioned but for some reason I assumed he did.

>> No.30865663

Imagine being a Mink fan...

>> No.30866294

I mean, it's pretty evident there was some heavy sexual abuse/prostitution thing going on.

>> No.30869542

>cute girl with feminine curves
Panders to guys
>bland lanky guys with edgy chins, sameface, same hair and likely boring personalities
Panders to girls
>girl is bi and slutty
Panders to normalfags

From what I've seen of H-scenes they're trying to make it work for guys and gals. Bocchi Musume was similar but focused very clearly more on the girl being attractive and the spotlight of the porn. The guys in it were already not attractive to me but still better than these new ones. The MCs are wasted on this crap. I'll still read it.

>> No.30869580

I like the design and hair but I despise Kaji Yuki

>> No.30869745

I hate men
>waaahhh the guys in the game are more attractive than me and this hurts my ego omg literally unplayable

>> No.30869794

What did he mean by this?

>> No.30870001

The answer is somewhere in here

>> No.30870612
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Is aging up the characters for western releases considered a form of censorship

>> No.30870968

No idea. I think he's implying that I'm ugly and jealous of those bishonen? Can't be jealous of bland guys, even ugly ones are better.

>> No.30871152

>is rewriting a character censorship?

>> No.30871398

Probably referring to those kind of guys that sperg out whenever a male character is attractive, not you.

>> No.30871978

An example of one of their localization choices >>30870612 they aged up both of the characters bot to make it pedo or some shit
For the rest play taiali or sweet pool (makoto's) route

>> No.30872048

>tfw amerifat consider your husbando to be more real and have more rights than you do

>> No.30872638
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 1436531977340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Error, this is a private paste. If this is your private paste, please login to Pastebin first.
Aside from a few dead links the pastebin is nice. Thanks.

>> No.30873101

No. Sexual abused though? Yes.

>> No.30873963


Damn must be the purge.

>> No.30874042

From what I remember it said That because ikeda was too old too rape kids himself he wanted to make kawase do it

>> No.30874110

Can otomedykes at least pick a pic of a boy for these threads?

>> No.30874161

Otomedykes and het men.

>> No.30874193

You aren't allowed to post in these threads unless you can prove you've had lesbian sex with a 2d woman

>> No.30874218

>general VN
Just say it's for straight men.

>> No.30874262


>> No.30874307

Just say you saw yourself in the mirror.

>> No.30881036

where do i find full save game for otome games? sagaoz doesnt have them. i need enkan no memoria and Ohime-sama datte XXX Shitai!! full save.

>> No.30881155

He is the least offensive looking boy of 4 but he is also voiced by Kaji, sadly, so I am going to nicely tell him to go away

>> No.30881889

If tokimemo ever gets an official release, do you think they'll make everyone 21 y.o.

>> No.30883826

Is Otomate truly the worst?

>Never made a game above 7/10
>Hire artists just to torment them into never wanting to work with them again
>Their best artists are stuck on the shittiest games
>Perpetuate the "all otome guys are abusive" meme
>Perpetuate the "all heroines are retards" meme
>Their best heroine is from a 10-year old game that will never get updated because its artist is a tracing hack
>Their best game wasn't made by them
>Their games are translated by ESLs
>Every other company is dead except them

>> No.30884591
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, クラブ・スーサイド 12_18_2020 9_41_33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, how can anyone (other than Meiyou) even compete?

>> No.30884910

Meiyou is lesbian

>> No.30885195
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x720, クラブ・スーサイド 12_18_2020 10_02_09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone even compete?

>> No.30885203

Blogs fav otomate game and heroine?

>> No.30885238

>Their best heroine is from a 10-year old game that will never get updated because its artist is a tracing hack
I was almost going to call your shit taste until I realized you are right.

>> No.30885353

I think devs like Operahouse are just as bad. They make these really crappy mobile otoge with episodic storytelling like 10 chapters at 5-10 minutes length. With some of the most generic feMCs and paper-thin love interests. The contents are extremely banal and boring until a plot hits that makes no sense, ruins the characters and is ridiculously over the top.

Devs that make you pay per route are even more scummy. You could argue that you can just buy the routes/guys you want and save money, but considering the horrendous pricing for what little (and shitty) content you get every pro is negated.

>> No.30885397

I miss edgy rejet games. I killed rejet by pirating them though

>> No.30885418 [DELETED] 

Will trannies become the next big thing in otome? There was one in that Charade game too wasn't there.

>> No.30885479

I beg of you, stop playing mobile otome games. It's why we can never get a good Chou no Doku release (english)

>> No.30885579

They have always been in jpn games, you just didn't give a fuck until english localizers have lost their minds and started treating cross-dressers, onees and okamas as ones

>> No.30885639

>Their best heroine is from a 10-year old game that will never get updated because its artist is a tracing hack
...Desert Kingdom? Nobody seems to talk about that at all, unless there's multiple tracing hacks I'm not aware of.

>> No.30885742

I've been playing jp games for years though? Never came across any in all that time except maybe some ambiguous side characters.

>> No.30885817

It's an old game with not much to discuss about it but it's gotten brought up fondly here over the years.

>> No.30886137

Surely Olympia Soiree is an 8/10 or more for all the praise it gets here

>> No.30886349

Yeah, I don't think Meiyou is supposed to be any of those dude, it's literally in the side materials. Definitely not westerners reading too much into things.

>> No.30886421

I think that guy didn't even read the profile, ignore eop opinions.

>> No.30886530

>reading comprehension
The point is not his being or not being transwhatever, it's that trans characters have always existed in jpn games/media. So evil transexual boogeyman taking over otome games isn't a thing, especially for the romance titles. And suicide club doesn't even have romance

>> No.30886567

What other otome have trans characters?

>> No.30886574

You said they were not the same as trans here?
>you just didn't give a fuck until english localizers have lost their minds and started treating cross-dressers, onees and okamas as ones

>> No.30887084

I haven't played an Otomate game in years and regret ever spending money on them. They're one of the main reasons otome as a genre has so much trash.
I'll never forgive Shiratsuyu no Kai.

>> No.30887172

Why does otomate sell well?

>> No.30887192

Good at pumping out consistent releases of things that look nice and shiny on the surface.

>> No.30887573

>says he's got no landmines
>later he goes on about how strongly he reacted when a guy showed up in one of his stories
Not even once.

I have never seen this, ever

>> No.30887598

Bustafellows got localized in eng + sequel

>> No.30887830

>Their best heroine is from a 10-year old game that will never get updated because its artist is a tracing hack
>their best game not made by them

Curious about the games OP san talks about

>> No.30887833


>> No.30887913

First one is probably Aspasia from Desert Kingdom.

>> No.30888019

Japanese people enjoy otomate's writing. Piofiore is their best selling game on the switch.

>> No.30888203

Why did they thought it was okay to use that horrible font in jp?

>> No.30888282

I can't wrap my head around the idea of announcing an English version in Japanese.

>> No.30888829

Just finished Red's route in Taishou Alice, actually got the good ending on the first try when I realized my best strategy was just to always be on the attack. Alice resurfacing for a bit 80% in instantly made me groan but he was also funny so I guess I can't complain.

What to say about Red...the revelations at the end about him being the initial "stalker" and a fake policeman caught me off guard and makes a lot of his early behavior make more sense in retrospect. It's kind of amusing that the almost snarky cold and distant him melted completely into a pent up mess, but just like pathetic loser Cinderella he's way cuter that way. I also wish his Kemomimi ears were the same colour as his hair but that's just a nitpick and he's cute so I'll allow it. His past was rather pitiful, though admittedly I only really teared in the short period where Woolfe recounting when he managed to meet his grandmother. I'm not sure if young Woolfe is also voiced by Hanae, but I might actually have a weakness to his crying voice if that's the case

Ryoushi was way less anime older brother and more realistic older brother i.e. a bastard. He's also kind of insane, but so is Yurika, so I guess it runs in the family the convo they had about him "not understanding how her mind works" and her saying "but that's meant to be a hunter's job" was weird though, isn't that therapist/psychiatrist job? Something fucky is going on...

They definitely moved at a faster pace with this route though. Cindy's was also fast but a month is still more than 5 days. I wonder if it'll get even faster from this point.

Well after I finish up the rest of the endings, I'll move on to episode 2, I've been looking forward to Kaguya's route and Gretel also had my interest.

>> No.30888942
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Could mean it's in-house. I've heard the in game english is relatively good so it might not be too much of a problem but I can't help getting flashbacks to that english mobile port of heart no kuni no alice and it's high school english + dictionary level translation.

>> No.30889209

Gretel is 15 btw

>> No.30889240

Someone post that engrish trailer if its still around. iirc the lines themselves were comprehendible but the narrator wasn't.

>> No.30889246

But why? It's one of the shittiest and most boring games I've played in years. The main character is literally a virginal cooking onahole that sometimes talks

>> No.30889296

These and trans characters are not the same.

>> No.30889363

Crossdressing, okama, onee = feminine cis man who may or may not like feminine things

Trans = trans woman and not a man

>> No.30889430

Found it
...I hope they hired a localization company

>> No.30889437


>> No.30889455

All are shit

>> No.30889513

I don't mind one way or another

>> No.30889516 [DELETED] 

Trans men are men.

>> No.30889537
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>> No.30889542

Fuck off

>> No.30890044

You shouldn't but his behavior more sense when you know his actual age, since western release went full retard and aged up him in order not to make the retarded amerifats mad

>> No.30890094

What age did they change him to?

>> No.30890225

No, fuck off

>> No.30890261

Indeed. I like my exe indie otome games I find on Russian websites infested with malware and deviant art. Only those are good

>> No.30890356

You don't know what you're talking about. Also go back to tumblr or wherever you came from.

>> No.30890370

This but unironically.

>> No.30890408

You already made this post before. Why not try out something other than stale bread?

>> No.30890454

In the localized version Yurika is 19 and he's 18. And instead of high school, Yurika is attending a university and he's attending a community college (?)

>> No.30890470

Not that anon but he's 15 in the original and 18 in the translation. Seems like it was done because mangagamer constantly have their games banned by steam for supposedly sexualising minors.
There's an article about it here: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/steam-adult-visual-novel-ban/
The staff there seem pretty frustrated by it, it definitely doesn't seem like something done to make these games appeal to a western audience or whatever that anon is going on about.

>> No.30890504

Meant for>>30890094

>> No.30890529

>sexualizing minors

>> No.30890573

Why would it even matter? It's an all ages game.

>> No.30890630

Is it only Gretel and Yurika's ages they changed? It's been a while since I played Taiali but I'm pretty sure the cast's ages wind up plot relevant and only changing a few would mess things up.

>> No.30890633

They could've at least added a note, and not changed shit without any warning. Their original ages make a lot of sense because both act like unstable teenagers

>> No.30890688

Why if you reply either way lol

>> No.30890690

>community college
That's the most American shit ever

Fuck this shit I'm gonna use dictionary and MTL for slow damage.

>> No.30890742

Yes, Valve is retarded and will sometimes refuse to put up games regardless of whether or not they actually have R-18 content if their characters are technically underage/look underage and if it looks like a game *might* have sexual content. This is despite Steam actually having thousands of actual shovelware porn games that are okay.

>> No.30890754

I'm pretty sure they used a British version of that but the american references and slang made it worse

>> No.30891009

Steam pulled this https://vndb.org/v21321 all ages yuri game for the same reason. No idea if it's just mangagamer staff being paranoid but they all seem to believe that someone at Steam has a vendetta against them specifically.
I'm not sure why they even still bother putting their games up there when they have to fuck with them so bad but I guess it might be the only way to get them to sell.
EOPs lose again, glad I'm not one.

>> No.30891181

They still can put a warning or some shit, since the age is plot relevant this time. And as far as I'm aware this is not even a mangagamer release, they've localized only literal shit, not good otome games

>> No.30891497

It's JAST though and as far as I'm aware they have stuff like Sweet Pool on Steam with the ages unaltered.

>> No.30894467

>sell well

Relative, considering sales are decreasing every year

>> No.30894545

The game looks interesting and I've only heard good things but the font is the no. 1 thing keeping me from buying it.

>> No.30894588

Drawings have feelings and have a hard time giving consent. Any character drawn after 2002 (soon 2003) is a minor and shall not be sexualized (also applies to any short and/or flat female. Sexualization of short males in homosexual situations is exempt because HOT). Do your part and protecc underage drawings! t.Steam rainbow gestapo たぶん

>> No.30894707

Therefore Minku is not guilty of cutting off aoba's head after raping him. He's a minor

>> No.30894859
File: 18 KB, 207x319, wataru-asahina-51612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brother conflict gets localized
>pic related is now 18

>> No.30894982

I think there was a bathtub CG in that game and they looked "young" so Steam rejected it.
Mangagamer also tend to run into trouble with Steam because they leave porn assets in their all-ages builds. It's been revealed that Steam staff occasionally use tools to look through game files and if they find anything questionable, even if it requires an off-site patch to activate the content, the game will be rejected. They're extremely inconsistent with what they ban/allow though.

This year many eroge publishers started releasing barebones builds on Steam that require downloading most of the games from their servers.
Otomege are mostly all-ages and tame so they're not really effected. And BL is handwaved on Steam afaik.

>> No.30895918 [DELETED] 

Aksys translations might be shit, but at least they leave the story and characters as they are.

>> No.30895983
File: 29 KB, 480x272, shirab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aksys translations might be shit, but at least they leave the story and characters as they are.

>> No.30896718

I'd rather take aged up characters than the unpolished shit they push out and have the audacity to ask money for.

>> No.30897858

But that's not saying much. That's like saying the shit that I took last night was better than the shit I took the day before.

>> No.30902638

Just learn Japanese. There's never going to be a translation that gets the original across perfectly for languages as different as english and japanese and on top of that localisation companies are always going to make money based decisions that screw with the original and most fan translations read like they were written by aliens (or are straight up wrong). Especially if you're into something relatively obscure like joseimuke VNs where most of the content is never getting translated in the first place.

>> No.30903065

The one I really want to read (Juuzaengi) is apparently really difficult. I don't want to spend a huge amount of time studying my butt off for N2 or something to read 1 thing.

>> No.30903144

have fun never playing juuzaengi

>> No.30903209

You don't even know the characters are aged up unless you looked that up yourself on the jpn sites.
What if next time they make your nail eating oniichan into a church boy and MC's love interest in a gay porn game into a woman

>> No.30903250

I don't know, what if that dumbass scenario you just wrote happened? What would you do?

>> No.30903371

Slow damage is coming out next year so I'll find out soon

>> No.30903528

I do not think any one person ITT has actually played Moshikami

>> No.30903611

I do not think any one person ITT actually plays otome or bl games

>> No.30903750

Why would I play shitty games

>> No.30903794

One of the braindead MTLers might have though I think they probably just read a summary.

>> No.30903864
File: 79 KB, 772x525, 6b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30903935

That makes no sense. Why would anyone hang out in this place if they don't read those games? I may not read them most of the time but at least I have an interest in the genres.

>> No.30903989

It's like how people on /v/ don't actually play video games, they just shitpost about them and how they're dying.

>> No.30904327

>visiting /v/
It's like you deserve to read shitposts all day long

>> No.30904749

It's a PSP game, right? Then just play it with sp emulator and textractor and use mecab with jparser to read in either romanji or hiragana (if you know japanese), otherwise just use Deepl translation, Bing is shit. that's how i played most otome games + learned Japanese. But some Japanese knowledge is needed most times, so you can understand when mtl or hooker fucks up translation, separating the kanji word.

>> No.30904861

Hey now, /v/ has good threads once or twice a year. Most of it is just shit, though.

>> No.30904881

Those can't be compared at all. /v/ is in general for games. If you play ANY kind of game you can find something there even VN threads. Otome and BL are niche sub genres of VNs. If you don't know what VNs are you won't go to any of the numerous generals. If you do like VNs but not these genres then you don't come here. Your comparison is like claiming heteros go casually to /y/ to shitpost about homos while surrounding themselves with gay stuff. Only someone with brain damage or in the closet would do that.
So no one who doesn't read otome or BL continues coming here unless they have an interest in it. Maybe some people click on it to see what's up but they don't hang around long.

>> No.30905245

Anon I think they were exaggerating and don't literally believe that the posters here don't play bl or otome games at all.
It's just a way of calling the thread shit.

>> No.30905387

Are you autistic? The original post was obviously meant to be a shitpost based off the post above. If you're taking issue with my comparison, then a better comparison for you would probably be the untranslated VN thread, where the thread occasionally devolves into shitposting about ecelebs and MTLers. It would be a pretty appropriate question then to ask "does anyone in this shithole actually play VNs (instead of just shitposting about them)?". The sentence expresses frustration about people not actually discussing the games themselves and just shitposting about why a localization is shit and how Americans ruin everything or spouting something they read from a MTLed summary. It's a shitpost, anon.

>> No.30906006

I'm going to read Togainu again, I wonder if I'll still like it.

>> No.30910878

If you do still like it, it'll be in a completely different way than you did the first time.

>> No.30911478

t. moshikami amerifatfag
If you are so upset about that rejet brother post, here, I change it into an absurd change of (not) gardener kun not being related to the mc anymore. The rejet game sucks, localizations suck, because they are often handled by amerifat companies who either hire ESLs or go fucking overboard while trying to pander to retarded players, and nothing tops understanding the games yourself.

>> No.30911981

>Are you autistic?
Yes. Where do you think you are?
So basically you're admitting that you were just shitposting and whining about how bad the thread and its posters are, okay retard.
>It would be a pretty appropriate question then to ask "does anyone in this shithole actually play VNs (instead of just shitposting about them)?"
Pointless rhetorical question.
>The sentence expresses frustration about people not actually discussing the games themselves and just shitposting about why a localization is shit and how Americans ruin everything or spouting something they read from a MTLed summary.
Sounds like a (You) problem. These issues are valid concerns worth talking about. Sure there could be more blogposting and discussion, but you rarely get that anywhere. People consume a game and that's it. What do you even want to talk about, how cute guy A is or how guy C's route was so interesting with him doing a kabedon and then putting a leash around your neck and putting you in a cage? Wow how deep. Fact is all 'discussion' is at the end of the day pointless. People mingle in these threads for recs, uploads, saving pics, shitposting and generally just the social aspect. Topics talked about always repeat ad nauseum. If that 'frustrates' you then fuck off and do something else, cool down and come back or don't. It's people like you who get 'frustrated' and then shitpost about shitposters that actually drag down thread quality, same on the untranslated general with anti-MTLfags telling others to fuck off and kts. It's annoying.

>> No.30911989 [DELETED] 

Hey I liked moshikami I laughed a lot when masato oniichan was being kimoi and licked the hair locks from the drain, or licking mcs sweaty toe fingers and toenails. [/spoilers]. It was boring the prologue, but the game was overall good. I mean for a rejet game its pretty good. Worth playing. Better than most otomate games. N4 with some n3 knowledge (mostly kanji) is enough to play moshikami.

>> No.30912041 [DELETED] 

Hey I liked moshikami I laughed a lot when masato oniichan was being kimoi and licked the hair locks from the drain, or licking mcs sweaty toe fingers and toenails. [/spoiler]. It was boring the prologue, but the game was overall good. I mean for a rejet game its pretty good. Worth playing. Better than most otomate games. N4 with some n3 knowledge (mostly kanji) is enough to play moshikami.

>> No.30912061

you can do this I believe in you

>> No.30912135

Hey I liked moshikami I laughed a lot when masato oniichan was being kimoi and licked the hair locks from the drain, or licking mcs sweaty toe fingers and toenails. . It was boring the prologue, but the game was overall good. I mean for a rejet game its pretty good. Worth playing. Better than most otomate games. N4 with some n3 knowledge (mostly kanji) is enough to play moshikami.

>> No.30912223

Having a toaster sucks.. at least yuzu runs... for 30 minutes.

>> No.30912259

For reference, I'm not even the original poster, nor do I care about Moshikami or localizations whatever that schizo is claiming. I'm not sure why you're getting so upset when I was just explaining the post to you that you obviously didn't get the point of and decided to reply to. Aren't you doing the same thing by replying to a shitpost about shitposting, retard?

Also, we should tell more ESLs and MTLers to fuck off. Gatekeeping is a good thing.

>> No.30912881
File: 309 KB, 1920x1080, EaJSgNQUEAEWDPz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you even want to talk about, how cute guy A is
Everyone, please look at how cute Eba is. Thank you.

>> No.30912915

He cute!

>> No.30913124
File: 85 KB, 1063x528, 20201219_012229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate villaness novels. Its bad enough that the otome genre is dying but this shit is the final nail on the coffin

Otome games portrayed in those novels are like what a 30 year old virgin man would think otome games are

>> No.30913309

Imagine liking moshikami. Literal shit taste here

>> No.30913463

Who wants used goods unless they're ozmafia mc

>> No.30913775

Which otomate games are actually good?
I haven't played many from that company.

>> No.30914072

Do your English reps.

>> No.30914689

It's all about chinese, japanese and french if you want to play otome, bl and get drama cds for free. Get on with times, amerifat.

>> No.30914782

I can only read games translated into canadian

>> No.30914883

Even russian and spanish are more useful when it comes to otome/manga translations

>> No.30914925

So I guess someone need to ruin bishoujo and eroge games in return.

>> No.30914952

4chan is an English-speaking imageboard, brainlet.

>> No.30914981

EOPs suck ass and the life from this general, brainlet

>> No.30915016
File: 644 KB, 772x525, 6b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30915112

ESLs who know japanese >>> EOPs who defend shit localization

>> No.30915214

>EOPs who defend shit localization
Literally where in this thread?

>> No.30918881

If you read the thread, you'll see someone being assblasted over it >>30905387

>> No.30919192

Not giving him you, but fucking read the thread. A few posts earlier someone was whining about others shitting on localization and americanization of the games desu.
Which is an actual thing, it works for some games, but not for the ones that are being discussed in the thread (Taisho Alice, Sweet Pool etc)

>> No.30920980

I don't think ESL translation is the big problem, It's companies not hiring a competent native editor to fix the mistakes and make it flaw better.

>> No.30922110

>want to pirate mangagamer fxx me royally
>nothing on sukebei
>pirated on igg games, torrents2download, skidrowreloaded
Are these sites safe?

>> No.30922922

I know skidrowreloaded is not safe.

>> No.30925515

Is there a walkthrough for club suicide?
I'd like to collect the endings but I get no actual results from google.

>> No.30928091

Just wait for neural link to beam Chinese pornographic flipbooks directly into your brain.

>> No.30929518

Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku which was published by them but made by another company

>> No.30929881

I liked hanayaka series a lot. Yes Ichi column. They tried hard afterwards to make a good game but, no luck.
Meiji was bad thankfully I didn't buy it. Haven't tried tengai ni mau, which is same universe with hanayaka though. Or the French revolution?! one.

>> No.30930111


>> No.30931693


>> No.30933032

IGG games has malware. Any site with Skidrow in their name is not safe either. The acutal Skidrow group disbanded ages ago. Don't know anything about torrents2download.

>> No.30933632

Thanks, I did Eba's best end on the first go (I guess ending 4 was that) without trying so I wanted to check if there was something beyond this one.
Being so adorable should be a crime and despite the whole lack of romance thing his ending basically reads like a love confession from his part as he thanks her.
Went back and did the bad ending I had available and that shit was depressing as fuck, the worst kind of suicide ever for him
in front of his family.

>> No.30933909

Should probably do all the bad ones of a character before the good ones or else it'll just be painful.

>> No.30934869

No, not really. I'm more assblasted by the fact that anon can't see another person's shitpost for a shitpost. You seem to be more illiterate than them, retard.

>> No.30935666

It's troubling really.
If I do the good one first, it feels like a whole story from the beginning to the end with no detours then everything else is a bonus.
But if I do the bad first, it's less depressing afterwards.
It's complicated in the end since both options have cons.

>> No.30936109
File: 95 KB, 645x875, Enri_EpUwAAW7rW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you liked him, he's my favorite along with Mitsuki. The game's premise makes romance impossible but the relationships felt more intimate than a lot of otome couples. Other scenario writers could learn from the scene where Eba and Ringo hold hands without even realizing it, seriously how is he so cute?

>> No.30939280

Honestly, I can see a relationship between them actually working out within a year after the game.
Take out the mental issues and the whole I wanted to be special to someone and you gave me that is a fairly common kind of romance.

>> No.30944246

Oh definitely, I just meant that serious romantic developments within the week the game takes place would have been odd since the guys don't even consider living until the end. What character are you doing next?

>> No.30944813

I'm basically following the picture order I read of a couple of threads, and just finished Shiki since the routes are actually pretty short.
It was a pretty unique take on it's lonely at the top, the poor guy cornered himself so fucking hard on his own the moment a girl who actually was similar to him appeared he started fucking up.
It was definitely nice, honestly I really enjoy the writing in this game and the narration style it uses for the main character, ending 6 going for Shiki killing her before dying himself and the last part being "and thus our together alone play closed its curtains" was a certainly striking part. I like how the chips in his armor start showing from their very first date and by the bath during day five he's basically fully melted but still can't give himself in.
The worst part of this game is knowing you can only focus on one guy and that everyone else probably follows through if you don't help them. That said, it handles its topic with a lot of actual care and understanding, so I'm actually looking forward the other three routes.
Except Masaya, thank god the game is partially voiced because I don't think I can deal with a route with that voice.

>> No.30945558

I'm using igg on a literal toaster and it's still working. You should also try that forum, it has safe links and fast releases

>> No.30945900

The bath scene is interesting as it's, as far as I know, the only part in the game where the suicide meter affects dialogue outside the final day, if it's high when Ringo asks him if he still wants to die he'll say his plans haven't changed but if it's low he says something like "I want to live! just kidding." Poor dumb fox.
I think Masaya's voice fits his denpa-like character but if it gets too distracting there's an option to turn off voices.

>> No.30946441

I thought Masaya's voice was awful at first but it grew on me a lot by the end.

I'm glad someone else here is enjoying this game, though.

>> No.30955531

I will never learn Japanese. Never ever

>> No.30956060

Because you don't want to?

>> No.30956368

Why not

>> No.30956786

That's your problem.

>> No.30961128

Just curious. I reckon it's mostly EOPs but who knows.

>> No.30962993 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 585x130, 1608446949300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to open up Absolute Obedience for the first time in 10 years or so because I was curious about how all those famous seiyuu were, and man, the writing is embarrassing.

>> No.30965903

>Yes but reliant on text hooking: 39%
Oh no no no no
So many dekinai-chans

>> No.30966103

Hey man sometimes there's some weird ass kanji and it's way easier to just copypaste than to fucking draw it or look it up by radicals

>> No.30966280

People read about mouseover dictionaries creating bad habits because they're easy to rely on and just look everything up instantly without thinking or trying to read (which is true) and think that means all text hooking is bad and you should never do it.
As long as it's immersion it's fine as a learning method, nitpicky bait posters are like that because they spend the time they could be using for reading to stir shit online instead.

>> No.30966433

Do your reps

>> No.30968514
File: 230 KB, 600x800, ac6_mr1608459328757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Ken chan desu.
I'm a 27 year old American Otome game Otaku and a Yumejoshi (otome gamesfan for you gaijins). I draw otome games and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Shinigami to shoujo,Chou no doku hana no kusari, Juuzaengi)

I train with my Switch controllers and anki every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I got my N2 two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history of shinsengumi and their bushido code, which I follow 100%. I cry for Okita sama every day.

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a voice actor for Rejet company or a tracing designer for Otomate!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, the country of my husbando, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.30968540

take it back ken-sama would never have such shit taste

>> No.30971110

Ken sama didn't say Hijikata though

>> No.30974685

This is why I can't read porn in English. Cringeworthy writing doesn't hit nearly as hard in your second language.

>> No.30974726

I mean, it's Hakuouki, that shit is devoid of decent characters and the pacing is so wack the plot is crap too.
>oh we just went through 4 years in the past 5 hours
>no, no one actually changed and our relationships are basically the same beyond maybe being a little less cold around each other
>let's move onto the next plot point where nothing interesting happens onscreen!

>> No.30974873

Well, I liked how she spent her honeymoon with the sexiest voice, traveling around the country and watching her other love interests fail at everything they ever wanted to do and getting murdered. That's the most fun I had in the game desu

>> No.30977391

What's wrong with the boys? I don't think they look great but it looks like the typical rough shoujo art

>> No.30978484

They look like side characters from a mediocre eroge.

>> No.30983894
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 70-incest81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you read to fuck the robot to death again?

>> No.30984229

>are you ready to fuck best boy again?
Yes, yes I am.

>> No.30984769

I wasn't that interested in 2D boys until Clear. I occasionally had crushes on characters (I remember being obsessed with Vash from Trigun when I was like 14, haven't seen it in years so no idea if my taste holds up there) but I had little interest in oughtright joseimuke stuff where thirsting after the boys was the main point. His route turned me around on the idea of moe.

>> No.30989506 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1279x716, 1608497331259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only day two and this route has already destroyed and surpassed all expectations I had from it.
Hilarious stuff for a game called club suicide, this was a riot.

>> No.30989506,1 [INTERNAL] 

did anyone else notice the translator of sweet pool & slow damage tweeting details about slow damage (probably has access to the game already because she's translating it) but some days after that all her tweets related to slow damage were deleted

>> No.30989506,2 [INTERNAL] 

She removed slow damage's title from her twitter description too, interesting

>> No.30991196

I lost it when he started yelling at the protagonist to debate him on why there's nothing wrong with loving 2D. What a guy.

>> No.30991533

Club Suicide talk reminded me I was supposed to be playing it. Currently on Masaya's route and god the bad ends are gonna break me, he's too pure for this world.

>> No.30993848

I liked Clear and all but I have no desire to read this shit again.

>> No.30995235

JOPs of /blog/, what game made you want to learn Japanese and was that particular game worth it?

>> No.30996846

I started learning Japanese before I even knew what otome games were if I remember right. An anime I liked was a partial adaptation of an LN series and I started learning with the goal of reading those. Got into otome and BL games somewhere in between that and then they were added to the motivation pile but there was never a specific game. I guess I was drawn to Lamento (it was still untranslated then) and those Sugar Beans R18 otome games if I try and think of some examples.
I never ended up reading that LN series nor have I read the games listed. Lamento is eternally on my backlog and I have no idea why I was even interested in the Sugar Beans games because they look like total shit.

>> No.30996929

It wasn't a VN it was Tales of Rebirth and yes

>> No.30998490

GS3 on the DS before the fan TL and my husband was worth it

>> No.31000102

Now this is what moe is

>> No.31001087

It wasn't really a particular game, there's just so many things that pander to my specific fetishes that will literally never ever be translated.

>> No.31004126 [SPOILER] 
File: 988 KB, 1165x709, 1608520215857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masaya's dad has an interesting? shirt.

>> No.31006822

Same reason as >>31001087, and it was worth it.

>> No.31009825

Tons of untranslated ( and will never be translated) VNs and rpgs that are old.

>> No.31013831

My original motivation to learn Japanese was to play Eternal Punishment's PSP remaster because the translation team were a bunch of hacks and Atlus wasn't going to do it (that was around 2013 maybe and they're still not finished with translating it). I picked up a few other interests along the way, but I'd say my main motivation became trying out obscure games that look cool.

>> No.31039042
File: 199 KB, 1010x757, 22-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


RIP in piece

>> No.31039569

Good taste.

It was a fun concept but it was boring right out of the gate. Rip in piss.

>> No.31040189

For a split second when I saw the "ONLINE" I thought this was going to be about Touken ranbu.

>> No.31040281

It's because gaijins were playing it...

>> No.31042921

The gacha industry did a fine job of that already

>> No.31044211

Which jpn shipping/delivery service are you using? I want to get slow damage but it's really going to be fucking slow since airmail to the country is kill

>> No.31044917

What did /blog/ think about the Slow Damage trial? I thought the guys were okay to meh but Towa is pretty bland for a protagonist. It's like they wanted to make another TnC Akira - and the setting reminds me a bit of TnC too.

>> No.31046429


How is PQube's translating?

>> No.31047042

>there's already a page on steam
It's coming out in 1-2 months isn't it

>> No.31048538
File: 61 KB, 500x467, bhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At only 25 years old, Mozu is the chief of the autopsy department and work with the police forces.
Not great going of the bios. The company is UK based but they don't even seem to have got a native speaker to look over the description on steam. Hard to tell just from this as there isn't much in game text shown, but it kind of gives me the same vibes as those terrible mobile game ads you used to get.

>> No.31049461

Idk about ads. Even English made games have terrible ads that seem like they were mtld to Spanish then MTLd back to English again

>> No.31052720


>> No.31053295

I wanna learn nip I can't stand my EOPness anymore.
Does anyone know where I can download 1-5 Japanese from Zero! book series?

>> No.31053362

Surprised it lasted this long honestly. When I first tried it it was such a memory hog, and it wasn't very engaging. Also nip only autism as well that was harder to get through than tkrb.
Shame about the lost designs but it seems all browser games are dying out now

>> No.31053833

I think that was their main goal with Slow Damage, to go back to their darker, grittier roots like with TnC. So that might be why Towa feels a lot like Akira. But for me Towa comes off as more jaded than bland. He doesn't get a whole lot of stimulation in the day-to-day. At least from what we saw in the latter half of the demo and some of the CGs, he'll probably to show more personality later on.

>> No.31055338

Just get the download version. If EMS and airmail are suspended for your country, the only fast options are DHL or Fedex.

>> No.31055965

Just do genki like a normal person.

>> No.31056012

I agree with you that the latter half was more interesting than the first (I'm guessing that's the common route). Though I don't think the trial revealed anything that grabbed my attention Madarame and the glasses guy sparked my interest in playing.

>> No.31056020

Does the narration constantly remind you of how much he doesn't give a shit? That was my biggest problem with Akira.

>> No.31056362

Common route was ok, the character routes look promising from the tidbits given. I actually like Towa a lot and liked Akira, I'm willing to forgive his mistakes for being a product of his time although I do wish for him to show some emotion towards the LIs at least a bit. Because as much as I like the damaged slut meme I do feel it would get tiring if he's so constantly bored.
Seeing his type of character is kind of refreshing in terms of N+C so my standards are likely low.

>> No.31057313

Not that anon but it felt like there wasn't enough time to get a grasp on his character. The common route trial was only about 20 minutes and most of that was simply introducing setting, Towa and the two other guys, and the vampire NPC. The "isolated city" setting thing reminded me of TnC a lot (really, even Madarame physically reminds me of Motomi).

I kind of get the vibe he's going to be more interesting as a character in the routes but it was hard to get anything but disinterested, cold vibes from him generally. I'm willing to give the full game a chance but I can't trust Amazon reviewers; they're most likely the same fans that loved it because of Shiki.

>> No.31066646
File: 1.78 MB, 998x1331, 315aab210f01af9678a7e4617172c64a_91f907f9_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very excited for shuuen no virche. Dark fantasy is my favorite genre and Yomi's artwork looks great. Ruka/Lucas gives me lowkey Griffith vibes.

>> No.31066683

God I hate the character designs for this.

>> No.31067182

Why? Personally I like that they're on the more feminine side.

>> No.31067261

There's feminine and there's literally girls.

>> No.31068108

Same. I hope the writing is good because I love their designs.

>> No.31070293

Congrats you have shit taste

>> No.31086979

girls ruined it

>> No.31088464

I'm fine with all of them except that blond guy. I didn't think Yomi could make a guy more feminine that Sakyou but I'm proven wrong.

>> No.31093118

>dats a boy

>> No.31094530

japanese-only patrician?

>> No.31095226

Just old psycho

>> No.31095675

no one here is jop, we're jsl.

>> No.31098040

I wonder if there are games that are popular on blog because we're all jsl but hated by jp players for having cancerous writing styles

>> No.31098662

There are some jp rating sites for VNs you can check. I don't remember their names.

>> No.31101346

It's otome, most are written like hot garbage.

>> No.31101522

That too.

>> No.31104150

>Start game
>One guy sounds like the best boy and one sounds like the worst boy

Which do you start with?

>> No.31104547

Whichever is first in the recommended route order.

>> No.31104923

Worst boy probably has his route locked for some reason because plot so no worries there.

>> No.31105117

The best boy if the game looks like it's going to be shit (usually one I picked up just because of said boy's design or because it includes a fetish I'm into) so it feels like less of a waste of time if I end up dropping it. When it's a game I've heard is good, I'll start with the boy that seems worst so I'm leaving best until last. Or >>31104547 when I can find one.

>> No.31105288

Honestly, it happens me more often than not that best looking boy has a disappointing route, worst looking boy is actually okay-ish and someone who I was completely neutral to is actually best boy with a really enjoyable route.

>> No.31105516

I try to save the best for last, if I don't I usually won't finish the game.

>> No.31105595

>that guy you thought you would hate but ended up loving
What's his name, /blog/?

>> No.31105956

Hanayaka is great at this.

>Spoiled brat who literally threw the food you cooked for him back at you is the best
>Guy who told you to kill yourself for the good of the country is also the best
>Nicest guys at the start end up either boring, a sociopath, or a whiny shitter

>> No.31106465
File: 414 KB, 1080x1329, 20201222_180513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this

>> No.31106609

Did anyone tell him he isn't the target audience

>> No.31106659

woah he's cute

>> No.31106692
File: 608 KB, 1080x1575, 20201222_181026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even aksys which is shit at translating doesn't insert political correctness or whatever. This is such a non issue. If they didnt "censor" shit like piofiore I dont think theyll change bustafellows

>> No.31106880

Quartering tier recreationaries. They latch on to anything to drum up outrage and get clicks
Ironically there the new ess jay double us

>> No.31106987

I wish all the people bitching about "problematic content" and "censorship" would shut the fuck up already.

>> No.31107041
File: 737 KB, 843x474, d68fa284-6761-4e12-81ea-27b3d5500a5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31107100

Don't wanna ruin your fun anon but I have to let you know....
Boobies is voiced...by...ehm...Kakihara...

>> No.31107197

They have a point though.

>> No.31107221

What the fuck

>> No.31107278

Which ones? Cause censorship is a non issue in otome games so far

>> No.31107312

Same here OP.
I'm freaking excited about this one.
I got a good feeling about it for some reason. Maybe idea will do it this time.
That guy is already my fav, since the pv.
I pray they will give him a good seiyuu though.
I'm studying hard atm, Japanese vocabulary and kanji to be able to understand as much as possible.
I really don't want to get disappointed.
Hope they release it as soon as possible not in October or November.

>> No.31107326

The people that rightfully call out gross content. It's weird that so much of it is normalized in the JP fan-sphere, but what can you do but be critical of it when it pops up?

>> No.31107431

What gross content are you talking about exactly because depending on your answer I may have to tell you to fuck off back to twitter.

>> No.31107482

I don't pay for content I know I'm not going to like. No one is forcing me to play shitty games.

>> No.31107670

weak b8 m8

>> No.31107794


>> No.31107801

Who are these people? Can we stop posting Twitter randoms here, I already have enough brain damage

>> No.31107971

Love interests over 20 when we should be getting middle school boys and below instead.

>> No.31108059

Can't argue with that

>> No.31108160

Ok guys look.
Bustafellows will release on steam as well.
It is possible that they will censor some stuff they find inappropriate.
Hope they won't do so. It's pegi 16, not all ages so there's still hope to leave it as it is.
Good news, that translator does decent job, not like jast usa translators using urban dictionary and lame American jokes.

>> No.31108364
File: 865 KB, 1920x1080, l2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Club Suicide.
It truly was a great game, some shortcomings (being a doujin done by one person, can't be helped much) but I felt the writing absolutely delivered for the most part, the author was actually great at dealing with the topic at hand and it never feels cheap or exploitative or just a "sad scene, cry here" kind of game.
Route-wise, my enjoyment probably went Mitsuki>Shiki>Eba>>Meiyou>Masaya
Mitsuki wasn't my favourite LI but his route was really different from the rest and it did some really interesting stuff for the climax, especially presentation-wise.
Eba and Shiki were both great for really different reasons.
Meiyou was actually pretty complex and his happy ending works great as the last thing you read, but I felt it lacked a punch compared to the other three.
My only issue with Masaya's route was that while it delved in his reasons to commit suicide I don't feel it even bothered to explain where that reason came from and probably has the weakest resolution of them all in his happy end.
LI-wise, it'd go basically Shiki>Eba>Mitsuki>Masaya>Meiyou but it all depends which reason resonates better with you, since it's a super subjective work, emotionally speaking. But honestly, I liked them all, really good kids in shit situations.
I really, really, really didn't expect Shiki to be my favourite at all. He's such a dumb idiot and honestly I find him the most tragic for some reason despite everyone else's circumstances he's just a kid who found his mom dead and decided to tough it up and work his hardest to fit in, become popular, liked and loved. By all means he basically underwent a huge character development, except all
he managed to do was becoming basically an empty puppet as Masaya points in his route. It's depressing he worked so hard and all he managed was cornering himself and suiciding because of it.
Also really liked how deliberate the writing was in his route, since the beginning both him and the author are trying his hardest to make you dislike him by forcing an introverted girl to deal with a super outgoing, pushy guy who annoys her a lot and is super blunt and likes fucking around a lot. But then the more the route goes on the more similar they start becoming and his reactions when he lets his guard down are always great, especially when she sees the purest and most vanilla porn collection ever. Also his suicide scenes, since he goes for poison, are really fucking depressing since he gets a lot of time to talk to Ringo and you can just see the light fade from his eyes.

Also, do the flowers from the menus mean anything? I can't even tell which flowers are beyond Meiyou's (duh).

>> No.31108758

may i ask a question about learning moon? i'd go to /djt/ but they're just going to bully me

>> No.31108787

go to /djt/ and i'll bully you there instead of here

>> No.31110262

New bl game

>> No.31110439
File: 139 KB, 675x1200, 20201222_185509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best boy alert

>> No.31111057

Is it me or are we getting a lot of cyberpunk/neon city aesthetic games recently?

>> No.31111897

We already have translators aging up the characters, which affects the perception of the said characters, because the age in that particular case partly explains why the said characters are acting like annoying retards.
But I haven't seen any other cases of censorship in otome, so that guy likely doesn't even play otome games

>> No.31112001

Have you played the entirety of Taisho Alice? Just curious.

>> No.31112016

The flowers are apparently their birthday flowers, so Eba's is agapanthus (love letter), Shiki's is apricot flower (cowardly/unfulfilled love), Masaya's is winter daphne (glory, immortality), Mitsuki's is bellflower (justice), and Meiyou's is queen of the night (fleeting beauty/love). The meanings are just what I found off google but they seem spot on.

>> No.31114312

You should read Uesugi's posts on fanbox, they offer a lot of insight on how they want the characters to be seen. The development process was really interesting to read about and enhanced my enjoyment of the game by a lot.

>> No.31116776

Now that you talk about suicide club, the new guy will be out on dlsite for Christmas or not?

>> No.31118509

>Queen of the night rarely blooms and only at night, and its flowers wilt before dawn.
Is that where ending 19's name comes from? That's pretty clever.
