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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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30713227 No.30713227 [Reply] [Original]

guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

previous: >>30670752

>> No.30713242

posting in the real thread fuck hololive

>> No.30713252

based op

>> No.30713261 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.30713263 [DELETED] 
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>> No.30713466

he's my favorite actually, love seeing you guys seethe
keep at it holo dude

>> No.30713513

did u learn to feel it more through input or output

>> No.30713539

why would i im doing great dont have an acute case of assblast like you either

>> No.30713542

fuck you

>> No.30713543

i see miniyoga has competition for worse samefag

>> No.30713598

yeah it's just comes out when needed. output practice is powerful

>> No.30713829


>> No.30713994

you didnt suggest anything

>> No.30714043

fancy ln page divide lines

>> No.30714135

i made a comment and then said
>a little comment/suggestion
there is no contradiction lol

>> No.30714214

very good you're halfway there!
now when i shitposted with identical grammatical structure was your response the same?

>> No.30714225
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>> No.30714441


>> No.30714455

you need to read worse lns to get the commie lines, ideally wn adaptations

>> No.30714509

ocr is shit just read manga with furigana

>> No.30714595


>> No.30714614


>> No.30714619


>> No.30714621

what are you reading?

>> No.30714622

imagine expending any effort at all trying to get that trip just so you can be guaranteed you get your ass handed back in pieces every time you bark at me lol youre a shitposter and an utterly incompetent one at that who doesnt even know the meaning of / what makes you think a kys would mean anything coming from a retard like you

>> No.30714759

have u tried learning japanese

>> No.30714824

glad i can just read with my own eyes

>> No.30714826

just checked every kanji on this page with kanjitomo and not a single one was wrong lol

>> No.30714905

probably to mine
typing takes time and capturing the text as an image means you cant manipulate the text or search for it in the card browser

>> No.30714971

I picked a random page that was not the one i had trouble with.
I might try it later again to see if i fucked up somewhere, also gonna have a read at the kanjitomo documentation i just downloaded it and started using i might be missing something.
btw how do you guys use KT, do you open the pages with it and manually scan sections or do you just open it and use with automatic scanning?
I see, thanks.
i *was*, turns out that OCR will recognize most characters but it will just ignore some, no idea why, also it turns out it tends to misunderstand shit like how there was a obvious う but it saw it as a つ.

>> No.30715024

hello??? cringe department?? yeah i'd like to report the whole fucking thread

>> No.30715096

maybe you dont understand tenses?
is that the issue here?

>> No.30715097

crazy how bad the thread gets without jamal

>> No.30715110

hello?? based department?? yeah i'd like to put in a good wort for 024 he's making some great posts

>> No.30715202

its ok fren, tenses are hard

>> No.30715206

crazy how people actually talk about reading manga and ocr and japanese in general without jamal

>> No.30715264


>> No.30715302


>> No.30715304

zoom in

>> No.30715350


>> No.30715574

i can taste the jealousy

>> No.30715577

quiz knows more grammar than tae kim

>> No.30715680

currently reading through tae kim for the first time while using anki, doing both daily. what's genki?

>> No.30715815

still having reached the PPP

>> No.30715872

was referencing above comments about looking up furigana in definitions. but yeah you its a lot easier to compile hiragana vocab based on listening and sounds. relying on kanji for vocab cripples your context and natty japanese. i cringe seeing the obscure terms people here use for common shit here

>> No.30715961
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naisu 推理

>> No.30716139

>if they use an obscure term there is usually a character going "eeeeh nano koto?" and then a rephrase
yeah you definitely know a lot about natty japanese og

>> No.30716140

there'd always be posts like "this is the worst djt of all time" before but now nobody wants to say that because it's true and the truth hurts

>> No.30716276

>nano koto

>> No.30716281

i typo'd the extra n

>> No.30716282

looks like the bum is already begging himself to come back.

>> No.30716615

i dont know what a wanikani is nor do i shill the method

>> No.30716724

og didn't even understand what was funny about the clip she thinks it's just because he got it wrong

>> No.30716915

feeling pretty bad tired and no motivation to do anything gonna rewatch non non biyori

>> No.30717085

threads starting off strong
lets see if og manages to kill bunko

>> No.30717145

where is that spreadsheet of anime that shows how many unique words each one has? i can't remember

>> No.30717192

as far as i know します is a thing, ちます is not, where am i wrong

>> No.30717197

filtered him ages ago, improved things tenfold

>> No.30717276


>> No.30717282

4bc is literally the only tripfag that doesnt blog and stays on topic, you probably dont like him because he owned ur ass or something lol

>> No.30717370

dunno your mom hasnt decided yet

>> No.30717441

send him some vinnies

>> No.30717446

are you the hololive guy

>> No.30717451

drama and shitflinging is pretty entertaining. also you thirdies you are all so retarded its endearing to me

>> No.30717505

ill own up to that. too bad the world is too shallow for it to matter

>> No.30717509

suppose you have to find the silver lining when every discussion is an l for you

>> No.30717561

>even though he just "finished" core 6k and doesnt know shit
now this is some serious assblast didnt know some people felt this insecure about such a thing lol i said i finished it in 40 days and ive been learning for 4 months now not exactly 'just "finished"' is it but anyway dont have to prove anything to scum like you dont need anyones permission to talk about yakunitachi or whatever either

>> No.30717592

something og should take part in

>> No.30717640

whats your point?

>> No.30717660

its already the defacto state of things, the best nihongoer wins at the djt meetup

>> No.30717692

i thought japan shut down borders to furrners over covid is comiket meetup still on?

>> No.30717697
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What the fuck are you talking about anon?
Also, please answer me am i wrong or am i right?

>> No.30717708

Guys I'm making it to 1k in Core6k deck should I stop and actually focus on reading/listening?

>> No.30717715

that would make him a tolerable personality, which he clearly isn't

>> No.30717751

no wait till you finish core25k

>> No.30717753

>lol i said i finished it in 40 days
we got ourselves a new genius prodigy in djt

>> No.30717769

yeah it's contextual actually all your interpretations were correct

>> No.30717774

nah probably spring or fall 2021. natucomi isnt worth sweating out the god-awful jp summer over

>> No.30717776

you are wrong dude します is する conjugated the ち in ちます is part of the verb and the ます is well ます

>> No.30717801

i literally said you are right bro

>> No.30717804
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>> No.30717811

thats the power of a jewish brain lmao

>> No.30717812

Yeah i am talking my lastest reply where i realized that 役に立ち is a single verb.

>> No.30717846

i get annoyed that everyone in japan pretends matuko deluxe is a woman. i mean i dont even dislike the "character" but come on

>> No.30717853


>> No.30717862

you can't come up with this shit

>> No.30717870

youtube makes people feel like they have a personal relationship with them
at least it works on zoomers

>> No.30717872


>> No.30717883

a lot of japanese people look so caucasoid it's kinda crazy

>> No.30717906

im not gonna help you with that you need to learn to look up words by yourself

>> No.30717909

jomon blood is what gives them a soul compared to other bugman races

>> No.30717911

just quit while you're behind

>> No.30717912

Damn, you Matt. Always making me drop my immersion for your content haha

>> No.30717920

some of the negativity directed at matt is overblown but it's absolutely true that he's a lazy sack of shit who has only ever repackaged other people's work and has never taken responsibility in his life. it's just gotten to the point of self parody with how lazy he's been with refold.

>> No.30717936


>> No.30717938

they have almost zero jomon blood and no soul either lol

>> No.30717974

i should take over your ass and mark it with my semen

>> No.30717976
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I did look up however.

>> No.30718191

no wonder your country is a shithole when the 'men' are crying like little bitches to gay ass asian movies

>> No.30718197

Not to discredit her points, but I think Matt's Japanese is decently better than her Chinese. The idea that this is the highest level you could get to in Chinese as a non-native speaker is definitely not true. She definitely sounds very foreign in Chinese. I think people like 口语老师马思瑞 are a tier above desu.

>> No.30718200

rape is natural

>> No.30718202

>t. knows nothing about shinto
death is "natural" while also being the biggest 汚れ of all. anything that is counterproductive to life is not good in shinto

>> No.30718223

so necrophilia is ok as bridging the gap between life and death?

>> No.30718225

same and i don't even smoke
can't stand her friend though

>> No.30718229

i'm sorry you have no soul or capacity for empathy bro but it's not something to flaunt i'll tell you that much

>> No.30718400

i already know all i need to know about the japanese view of the afterlife from reading so many isekai novels.

>> No.30718409

you shouldn't mine anything

>> No.30718492

no you havent and yes you have

>> No.30718535

but what is wrong with sakubi

>> No.30718538

not dangerous at all because they're dead and turned into dust

>> No.30718543

i already know more than you dumb esl

>> No.30718606

yeah i meant that too

>> No.30718623

post me a video with it then to see if i recognize

>> No.30718622

you are just a carcass with meat inside, no matter how much you cope and try to explain it with retarded beliefs you are gonna die and you are gonna be eaten by maggots

>> No.30718624

looking up words is fast these days stop demonizing it.

>> No.30718637

>i didnt know this japanese phrase before i started learning japanese

>> No.30718647

yeah but you will have to look up the same word a bunch of times until you acquire it

>> No.30718649
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i need help
i've been at it for the first 3 days now and i can't work out how japanese sentence structure works.
i get most of the particles correct but i just cannot put the words in the right order to save my life.
i've been sitting here for about an hour to translate one sentence and when i check for the answer it's all jumbled up.
pls help

>> No.30718739

eroge until you ejaculate blood every day for a month and it will all become clear

>> No.30718744


>> No.30718756

are you just able to write them from input or did you already learn to write at some point

>> No.30718811

gonna screencap every instance of 役に立つ i come across from now on

>> No.30718812

im not really religious nor do i care about whats philosophy is in vogue lmao
im not even looking forward to death, it would be a lot better if it really was just oblivion but thats just a cope. if you really have eternal oblivion waiting for you its illogical to cling to life, contrariwise

>> No.30718813

it helps you remember the basic meaning so you don't have to stop and look it up one million times and can acquire it more quickly and fluently

>> No.30718814

no but you wont have to look up the word every time you encounter it until you acquire

>> No.30718820

that was like 3 days ago

>> No.30718864

you're not telling me that it's impossible to figure out in which order you have to put words in a japanese sentence right?

>> No.30718875

im not demonizing it if you enjoy pausing your immersion that much its your choice

>> No.30718879

doesn't help

>> No.30718929

its illogical because you are a waste of humanity and probably a miserable failure and with your materialistic outlook you are only delaying the same exact result since you wont have any traces of your existence in the eternal span of the universe. basically you have no reason not to kill yourself especially if you are suffering since you have the same result waiting for you

if you really knew what happens after death, you would really know what it means to want to cling to life

>> No.30718956

pretty hypocritical if you use anki to try to remember all the japanese you don't know. but yeah imagine trying. fucking faggot lol

>> No.30718985
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>baby first existencial crisis
man i went over that shit when i was 12 get over yourselves

>> No.30718987

ignore the dyke pls

>> No.30718996

shut the fuck up holoturd

>> No.30718999

verb at end of sentence. topic at the start and sometimes time comes before topic. particle after a word modifies word

atashi - (girly) me
tanjoubi - birthday
no - particle that shows possession
so 'atashi no tanjoubi' is 'my birthday'

thats literally all there is to sentence structure. particles to things to the words before them and verb at the end. word order is free after that. read tae kim grammar guide. if you dont get it after that then you're ngmi

>> No.30719003

think you're due for another one

>> No.30719005

which one?

>> No.30719016


>> No.30719024

its only for the manliest of men

>> No.30719027

sounds like a lot of projection there but as ive already said i have no reason to kill myself because i enjoy life and want to have the best possible experience while i am alive
not everything needs to have a meaning you tryhard midwit

>> No.30719032

jfc when american women use 'logical' as a synonym for 'what i think' while going on emotionally charged tirades. if you think after death will be a bad thing it does not follow logically that you should want to quickly die. if you think your time alive is incredibly unique and rare it does not follow logically to throw it away. how the fuck does that not get through your dense skull?

>> No.30719039

output whore as usual who do you think
that's a meme newfriend

>> No.30719044

says the aberration obsessed with homosex
that nihilistic failsafe really starts to break down when you find out what youve been doing to your soul all this time lmao

>> No.30719047

not sure what reddit has to do with anything
according to the lessons i should be able to solve the provided worksheet, which i'm not

thanks will read

>> No.30719049

she's not a dyke she's jamals slampig

>> No.30719071

who the fuck unironically says atashi, all the girls i know use ore

>> No.30719075

why do we never get any cool new posters? it's always fucking garbage cunts

>> No.30719080

have you tried gitting gud

>> No.30719140

nah read sakubi

>> No.30719146

dude you literally don't know how to do present tense conjugation please stop lying and stop posting

>> No.30719159

value judgments by mortal creatures a second from oblivion are irrelevant in a materialistic worldview. i argue the same exact points except mine matter if there are consequences beyond life

"finding meaning" in the face of oblivion is a reddit cope to assuage your cognitive dissonance at the utter pointlessness of your nihilistic philosophy

>> No.30719162

yeah but in actual conversations people say whatever they want first, like

>> No.30719275

i choose not to

>> No.30719284

yea think we need to bring in the age of the sex robot and artificial birthing
women are オワタ

>> No.30719285

i don't listen to music from after 1980

>> No.30719301

stronger souls than men not even memeing. its recompense for being shortchanged in the material world

>> No.30719307

dumb phoneposter

>> No.30719313


>> No.30719319

i only listen to music from between 1980 and 1984

>> No.30719320

ore no ikiru ryuu wa itiban tuyoi gaijin ni nareteee

>> No.30719330


>> No.30719368

i believe you believe that

>> No.30719369

atashi no chinchin wa taberu

>> No.30719378

just had a deja vu feels like ive already seen the exact same posts before

>> No.30719380

the fact you cant feel out that its the opposite is a self-own

>> No.30719384

don't care

>> No.30719402


>> No.30719406

if women had souls they'd be capable of liking anything beyond the absolute entry level. ask any woman who "loves reading" what her favorite book is and she'll say harry potter

>> No.30719412

thats just my metaphysical insight breaking down reality, sorry, ill dial it back

and ill be taking that w now

>> No.30719463

my mom was a professor of french literature and learned the language so she could read shit in it

>> No.30719465

yea same reason men made all the good anime they have the passion for art

>> No.30719469

yea it's a another L for output whore

>> No.30719478

now this wasnt a deja vu but im sure ive seen this one post before

>> No.30719482


>> No.30719489

dude post pics of your mommy i wanna breed her

>> No.30719502

sounds like a dumb bitch just trying to impress jacques

>> No.30719504

yeah not open-mouth shrieking like an omega male over whatever pap jew york times is feeing the masses really shows a lack of a soul lmao

>> No.30719549

your mom sounds like a nice lady and i wish there were more like her.

>> No.30719555

anyone watch this lmao

>> No.30719557

is your mom good looking? id like to have a mom like yours

>> No.30719564

btw when i say misogynistic things it only doesn't apply to my mom she's immune

>> No.30719565

acquired 5 dialects of english you mean

>> No.30719575

the universe always finds a balance

>> No.30719578

oh shit it's quiz

>> No.30719585

no lol

>> No.30719594

that would be 5 dialects of european.

>> No.30719599

good thing i dont know my mom so i can say misogynistic things and get away with it

>> No.30719602

it does apply your mom isn't special

>> No.30719619

all women are whores except me mum

>> No.30719620

his mom is breedworthy and special gtfo

>> No.30719622


>> No.30719628


>> No.30719632

im just saying you have npcs on both sides of the isle who gives shit about modern literature for soul assessment? you have just as many men simping for the new star was or capeshit

if you dont think women dont feel deeply you have swallowed too many r/incel talking points. modern ""women"" are not indicative of females on the whole

>> No.30719634
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>anime: niggero!
>subtitles: run!

>anime: kike!
>subtitles: listen!

>> No.30719641

if your mom wasn't a whore you wouldn't be born she loves the nakadashi

>> No.30719655

oh no no no mappa what iz you doiiiin

>> No.30719656

why not?

>> No.30719657

if those are what the subtitles look like you're not learning japanese

>> No.30719661

haha nice job sneaking in the nigger word there

>> No.30719666

>women are not indicative of women because they were born in the 90s

>> No.30719686
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jesus christ is this real lmao

>> No.30719693

women should be seen and not heard

>> No.30719695

hope the team that made jujutsu kaisen adapts chainsaw man.

>> No.30719700

my mom is half the reason why i'm a misogynist

>> No.30719701 [DELETED] 

mappa sucks ass

>> No.30719720

*most vital posts

>> No.30719723

Literally the best design u fuck

>> No.30719728

im only learning this shit for anime/manga/games
i will absolutely never fit into any japanese community because i cant lie to save my life
i might even not find any friends online because theyre all too slow to migrate over to discord from line and other shit
a bit lonely and feels like a waste of time, sometimes i wish i was learning chinese instead, but here i am

>> No.30719729

my mom is half the reason why im alive

>> No.30719731

women should only be felt

>> No.30719748

>life on easymode

>> No.30719755

>im only learning this shit for anime/manga/games
is there any other reason to learn it?

>> No.30719759

i think you watched too many 50s american movies and believe thats how everybody was back then lol

>> No.30719761

the janky rotoscoping in the last episode was uncanny valley

>> No.30719764

Of course, it's not Bertoldt after all, it actually makes sense

>> No.30719797

>t. no perception of human history beyond the last 100 century

>> No.30719796

awakening your yamato damashii like debido

>> No.30719799

bro it looks fucking terrible lol changing the features and shit is fine if it were of similar quality but it's not
the worst thing is that the producers said they're going all out with the action scenes this season so we're in for a fuckton of bad cg by the looks of things

>> No.30719803

some people learn it for martial arts, and sometimes language-lovers learn it because it is a very beautiful language

>> No.30719812

the most gmi reason to learn it is obviously so you can watch japanese news programs in front of seething ajatters and mock weebs because you're a total chad who hates japanese culture and learned it just be prove you're smarter than losers who like anime.

>> No.30719862

yeah very few people know what human life was like 100 centuries ago buddy

>> No.30719864

why would ajatters seethe

>> No.30719866

why would you learn chinese all that grants you is the ability to interact with brainwashed commies

>> No.30719867

you are a zoomer

>> No.30719872

*high fives*

>> No.30719908
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i'm a zillennial

>> No.30719909

you can say the exact same shit about children, all that came at a price of being eternal children. difference is children are allowed to grow up and didn't have to risk childbirth and pregnancy before medical intervention as a matter of course among other drawbacks

>> No.30719931
File: 1019 KB, 1000x1120, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah so you can pretend to know what you're talking about while giving shitty advice on youtube and stealing other people's ideas and creations in exchange for shekels

>> No.30719939

great job! now you just need to do it again today. and the next day

>> No.30719942

wow childbirth and pregnancy so rough

>> No.30719949

a woman is a normie by nature, a non-normie woman will be someone like dolly and she's utterly repellent as a mate for a true man.

>> No.30719957

behead retards who use the word normie

>> No.30719962

does he intentionally produce delusions screencaps like this? it has to be on purpose

>> No.30719965

having kids is the most "grown-up" thing a woman can do lol. unless you think scheduling meetings for rich CEOs (men) who wouldn't go to your funeral is peak adulthood

>> No.30719968

now that you mention it, didn't shit today at all either

>> No.30719976

repellant to normie men
id wife dolly any time

>> No.30719977

>she's comparing women to children

>> No.30719981

you should use the word 'normalfag' which is less bad and doesnt sound as reddit as 'normie'

>> No.30719989

you missed my point but whatever, this is offtopic political discussion at this point and i dont want to get banned again

>> No.30719990

both of them are cringe

>> No.30719998

dolly is the pinnacle of womanly perfection don't you fucking dare talk bad about her again.

>> No.30720001

secretaries are for work sex not for scheduling, thats for interns

>> No.30720002


>> No.30720004

the manga wall was so aesthetic. his new room just looks like a lame college dorm. sad that he lost his personality to his greed

>> No.30720005 [DELETED] 

the difference between women and children is that children are at least sexy

>> No.30720053

no it's fucking cringe especially coming from a non native

>> No.30720068

and i bet you are jealous of young girls in their prime while you are a undesirable old hag

>> No.30720069

so this is the illuminated being that posts those vimeo videos eh

>> No.30720071

never heard of it

>> No.30720086


this is extremely important please tell

>> No.30720091

women are so entitled it's disgusting. og thinks she runs this place

>> No.30720098

she's a psychologist, what did you expect.

>> No.30720110

go outside, neeto-kun not everyone is a pedophile

>> No.30720123

nothing pedophilic about fertile girls you disgusting old whore

>> No.30720140

yeah there are some mentally ill people who prefer ""milfs" lol

>> No.30720146

why does she use the weird voice changer?

>> No.30720164
File: 2.74 MB, 1920x1080, 1577821204826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kino if you can forgive the hirai face

>> No.30720172

she wants to larp as a young girl

>> No.30720173

the real chads lust after josichuugakusee

>> No.30720175


>> No.30720180

if i turn that off will she die

>> No.30720201

3dpd milfs are gross
2d hairy armpit milfs are the best

>> No.30720211

i've seen a few things like this but what's the proof this is actually dolly? i wanna fully explore my dolly lore.

>> No.30720213
File: 166 KB, 850x1234, 9ecuqcu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how the roasty draws back, "ive been found out"

>> No.30720220

not the guy who you are quoting but theres nothing i can do when half of the thread are thirsty virgins giving you attention

>> No.30720225
File: 442 KB, 354x500, 1579910571708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit is there anything they havent made a shit live action adaptation of lol

wonder if theyll adopt the stuff after she grows up haha

>> No.30720231

the only role that a woman should excel at is that of motherhood, comparing women with men and thinking they should reach the same heights is retarded.

>> No.30720260

og may be a roastie but you are a pedophile

>> No.30720263

then they should stop trying to be equals they arent good at what men do they arent good at being mothers theyre fucking useless entitled cunts

>> No.30720264

a girl chatted at me about classes and i said "haha yeah so you all planned out for the lockdown" she said she was alone for christmas and the result is well i'm going to her house on christmas haha

>> No.30720301

just wanted to touch base with a reminder that my mom is good at being a mother see >>30719564

>> No.30720305

remember reading this like 10 years ago, did she end up marrying the guy who raised her?

>> No.30720314

that's fake

>> No.30720327

you'll have to place the blame in the limpwristed faggots that started praching faggot ideals such as "equality"and "democracy".

>> No.30720340

i feel like they make so many shitty live action things because "real life is better than cartoons" or something retarded. same reason disney kikes remake their classic films in soulless cgi.

>> No.30720423

inb4 quiz gets one kiss on the cheek and swears off japanese forever and just makes anki cards out of day game pickup lines

>> No.30720428

now this is real science

>> No.30720437

any retard who defends me is actively harming my status here kys simp

>> No.30720450


>> No.30720457

damn guess ur gonna have to step on me og haha

>> No.30720460

Dolly doesnt speak japanese?

>> No.30720464

>as well as teaching Japanese, a language she does not speak.

>> No.30720470

i don't get usagi drop. is that his daughter? lol

>> No.30720474

yes the journal is photoshopped, everything you dont like is photoshopped
if it makes you feel better the reason you're alone is your repulsive personality not your wrinkled body

>> No.30720479

i'm more angsty to stab the bum to death than to hail him as my leader, there's not a single leader in this shithole, there are mere cliques.

>> No.30720483

this is objectively true and only male feminists will pretend its not

>> No.30720487

reminiscing at all those times i bought girls to tears

>> No.30720493

fuck off lazy shit

>> No.30720497

if i invited a guy to be alone with me on christmas you can bet im expecting it to end in sex. hed have to actively screw things up with this girl to not get laid especially in eurowhore land

>> No.30720500

>as well as teaching Japanese, a language she does not speak.
i dont know, i found this claim surprising too.

>> No.30720505

lol this is somehow not shocking at all

>> No.30720515

your shitty paper doesnt even have that graph in it

>> No.30720542

you would have premarital sex on christ's birthday? women really don't have souls

>> No.30720545

wish i could buy girls too

>> No.30720544

didn't realize kiwifarms still existed

>> No.30720569

at first i find it disgusting but now my peepee go hard as rock

>> No.30720571

at this point its a notorious fake thats been posted around for a while. im surprised he hasnt figured it out
even if i was a christcuck, its not his real bday and there is nothing sinful about it as far as ive heard lmao

>> No.30720590

output whore really is a whore wtf

>> No.30720591

99% of data isn't published in your papers, limited space, that wasnt the key point of the study, which youd know if you, you know, read it

>> No.30720603

if you think quiz losing his virginity isn't gonna take his narcissistic posting to another level ur sorely mistaken

>> No.30720625

>theoretical situations im not actually a part of are my real life actions
im just talking about that chicks expectations, doutei-kun

>> No.30720637

stfu youre dead to me

>> No.30720639

she's a modern western woman, what the fuck do you expect.

>> No.30720646

>its not his real bday
actually it is. the only evidence for the claim that it isn't is that shepherds were in the field which was uncommon in december. you can calculate his bday as being late december from the gospels

>> No.30720662

nothing and im still let down

>> No.30720674
File: 318 KB, 720x540, 1599124646974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing sinful about it as far as ive heard lmao
worst thing i've ever read on this general

>> No.30720675

weeb with delusions of dekiruhood

>> No.30720681

if it makes you feel better og id date you but just because im not allowed to date 女子中学生 lol

>> No.30720684

if i invite a guy over im fucking him - output slut, 2020

>> No.30720700

>getting your arguments from twitter

>> No.30720709


>> No.30720715

this is reaching, even for djt
yeah one sexual partner my whole life (fiancee) and now volcel but im the whore lmao

no more free advice for the doutei, you blew it

>> No.30720716

theres nothing special about it im even worse probably because it's unrelated to how annoying you are

>> No.30720756

damn you mean that wasn't just a cope

>> No.30720757

ah so the link is the company she used to publish her japanese books i see. pretty based, most yuri predators only wish they could be that effective.

>> No.30720764

premarital sex is a sin from the christian perspective and there's no getting around that

>> No.30720795

isn't that true for anybody? inviting the opposite sex to your place kinda implies that

>> No.30720799

zoned out while drinking water and ended up drinking 1.5 liters in 1 go

>> No.30720802

? he cites all evidence from the scriptures. what difference does it make that he posted this on twitter than some bfe blog

>> No.30720810

get your mind out of the gutter

>> No.30720818

i agree with you even if im not a christian. i gambled and lost on the whole fiancee thing so ive no choice but volcel. if you are with a single guy your whole life you dont 100% have to get "married" but year you shouldnt be with anyone else before or after that

>> No.30720852

yotsuba is too hard is there something easier

>> No.30720854

and delusions of ecelebhood

>> No.30720855

no wonder you are a virgin

>> No.30720857

not him but i tried watching the anime and had no idea what the fuck was going on

>> No.30720859

quiz gonna lose his v-card arc? let's goooooo

>> No.30720879

only dumb people care about casual sex

>> No.30720882


>> No.30720885

wow qm has mastered japanese and now he's fucking women how will djt ever recover

>> No.30720890

try flying witch takagi san or watch anime

>> No.30720895

cuckstianity is a cuck religion and the entire catastrophe that is the modern western world is its doing.

>> No.30720905

hes gonna try but then rejected when he tries to make her call him oniichan

>> No.30720917

never watched the anime but i heard its pretty bad, i can vouch for the manga though

>> No.30720939

who did you hear that from? probably some idiot who likes shit anime

>> No.30720941

close to the truth desu. whites needed their brutal gods to counteract their gentle nature

its literally too late at this point without the gods actually returning to earth lmao

>> No.30720945

no that would be capitalism

>> No.30720949

cause u can hear them saying the words??

>> No.30720954


>> No.30720972

anime adaptions can be pretty shitty

>> No.30720970

not really

>> No.30720973

> counteract their gentle nature
lmfao, who the fuck keeps coming up with this bullshit?

>> No.30720978

dilate back to twitter, commie tranny

>> No.30720980

as for me, its the basilisk op

>> No.30721011

anime is 100x harder than yotsubato though that's not saying much

>> No.30721013

unchecked and unchained capitalism would correct the entire modern world faster than anything else.

>> No.30721018

intonations give you a ton of information for your brain to process when you're acquiring. when i first started, i couldn't read any manga for shit but, ignoring my shitty vocab, jp subbed anime was pretty easy

>> No.30721021

you are deluded if you dont think caucasions trend towards pathological altruism towards non-white and even non-humans for that matter

>> No.30721023

ask me why i know you're a burger

>> No.30721046


>> No.30721047

yeah the both of them becoming nakama in the end would bring tears to my eyes

>> No.30721054

watch the yotsuba anime then

>> No.30721056

explain the modern west then

>> No.30721059

yeah that sounds right i was thinking more like being to read at your own pace

>> No.30721061

no it doesn't

>> No.30721064

any animal that's well fed tends toward pacifity and meekness.

>> No.30721075

protip for quizler use your onahole beforehand so you don't 早漏

>> No.30721084

i just have my own experience to go off of, so i'm not going to really trust you on this one. although i'm long since that point, so it's not like it really matters to me anyway

>> No.30721093

yah cause 1st world blacks are so passive and meek lmao

>> No.30721108

and make sure to bring an anime mask so you can get it up

>> No.30721118

>non-white and even non-humans
same thing lol

>> No.30721147

nope sins are still sins

>> No.30721148

they're at the bottom of the income bracket.

>> No.30721150

i will never understand why kny is so insanely popular in jp

>> No.30721156

compared to african blacks yes

>> No.30721162

performance anxiety is more normal than 早漏

>> No.30721172

japanese people like shit anime just westerners

>> No.30721184

rich blacks have a higher violent crime rate than poor whites though

lemme guess, rassism

>> No.30721186

seconding this he seems like the type to do that. and he needs time to warm her up with like an hour of foreplay. make sure he has a condom on hand, ect
commie cope

>> No.30721192

whats bad about it?

>> No.30721206

they are. they literally cry and have mental breakdowns at perceived racial slights and do nothing about it. they burn & loot because they are given legal protection to do so and they know that

>> No.30721218

they aren't as influenced by cuckstianity.

>> No.30721225

true true

>> No.30721349

opinion discarded

>> No.30721354

this is why i hate people

>> No.30721359

i dont mind it myself though its pretty unremarkable and generic. its more whats so good about it that its basically the most popular manga/anime ever

>> No.30721381

i was hoping we could all have fun digging into dolly but of course it's peak american hour so everyone wants to talk about blacks

>> No.30721387

i would genocide anyone with an iq lower than 100.

>> No.30721391

yeah make sure you use a mouth condom and finger condoms too. actually @qm just wrap yourself in seran wrap

>> No.30721418

so youd genocide yourself

>> No.30721420

terrible thread

>> No.30721434

das' rassis'

>> No.30721436

this is a monkey's paw brother it would be a real disaster if our farming peons were all midwits

>> No.30721442

haven't had a remotely personal conversation with a woman in over 2 years

>> No.30721477

if she has a hymen, he'll have to take responsibility and marry her like the upstanding redpilled ubermench he is otherwise she has no one to blame but herself

>> No.30721484

terrible poster
when he gets rejected you can be his date

>> No.30721499
File: 682 KB, 500x690, babys first anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares about some random grandma that teaches beginners grammar go fuck yourself with that boring shit

>> No.30721500

why are you doing this to urself get the colored ones https://dl-raw.net/%e3%82%b8%e3%83%a7%e3%82%b8%e3%83%a7%e3%81%ae%e5%a5%87%e5%a6%99%e3%81%aa%e5%86%92%e9%99%ba-%e3%83%87%e3%82%b8%e3%82%bf%e3%83%ab%e3%82%ab%e3%83%a9%e3%83%bc%e7%89%88-part-01-07-jojos-bizarre-a/

>> No.30721502
File: 2.15 MB, 460x460, nice and pimk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you talking about race need to damare

>> No.30721503

imagine marrying quiz or having sex with him

>> No.30721510

wtf you dont know which poster i am

>> No.30721536

big gary cocks?

>> No.30721552

big gray cock

>> No.30721572

big gay niggers from outer space cock

>> No.30721588

eh his personality mostly sucks but he's probably the best you can do among the trip/namefags of djt as far as marriage goes. bunko loses points for being a midwit with bad taste in women and likely repressed homosexuality

>> No.30721645

so you came here to tell us you have shittaste? not very smart

>> No.30721650

jamal's top tier husbando

>> No.30721695

read better samurai manga faggot, or even better watch a samurai film

>> No.30721707

わかってないな bunko is younger better at speaking japanese and has a part-time job quizler's linguistics meme is a dead-end he'll be eating out of garbage cans soon

>> No.30721723


>> No.30721737

nah hes getting his organs harvested on his "date"

>> No.30721739

not even close. the best he's good for is a summer fling before you realize he's a vapid degenerate with no future or loyalties to anything but himself

just ask his so-called wife

>> No.30721747

just go read history books if you dont like it the epic unrealistic fights retard

>> No.30721771

i mean he is married and drug free so he's not really a degenerate

>> No.30721778

he has kids and is financially set for life

>> No.30721813

you just responded to her

>> No.30721840

and is a philanthropist billionaire polyglot

>> No.30721859
File: 390 KB, 2048x1536, C0q2aHWVIAUSk_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30721870
File: 6 KB, 219x230, 1583275371973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the heck is going on on that second img? is he punching his chest like a monke to assert japanese learning methods superiority?

>> No.30721885


>> No.30721898

quiz just needs to spend a year in japan and all his autism will convert into actual gains and self-confidence. bunko too but quiz has a bigger drive towards success. a lot of quizzler's narcissism pays off in the modern world and his worst personality traits will be mended with time, experience, and unironically having sex

>> No.30721899

yea manlet chimpout

>> No.30721902

jamal paid for my kidney transplant and he even donated the kidney. great guy

>> No.30721908

read 1k today

>> No.30721938
File: 123 KB, 900x1200, 1607479517711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30721943

my house was getting foreclosed on because of covid but he offered to front me my mortgage until im back on my feet

>> No.30722018


>> No.30722050

yeah i 閃いたd that one on my own a few threads ago

>> No.30722090

do they even make personal water bottles larger than this??? is it even legal to contain this much volume?

>> No.30722152
File: 351 KB, 1024x576, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamal and quiz after the redemption arc

>> No.30722164

i wanna fuck a disney princess

>> No.30722276

read some of the first vol was a bit over the top for my liking i prefer my jidaigeki to be realistic

>> No.30722277

finna try to get a job in japan and eat manko

>> No.30722301

i'll see how deep quizzes rabbit hole goes
sucks for you they banned furrners till covids over

>> No.30722305


>> No.30722309
File: 149 KB, 1800x1350, 000080597W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite was always aurora

>> No.30722335

>sucks for you they banned furrners till covids over
nah they banned tourists you can still get a work visa

>> No.30722344

be sure to use a dental dam, shits nasty

>> No.30722352

me with the hair corsage

>> No.30722357

most companies currently have a hiring freeze on foreigners until next year

>> No.30722367

have fun teaching english

>> No.30722496

this, listening to women makes you gay

>> No.30722517

bunko isnt attracted to me tho lmao
the opposite argument would have stung more and been funnier

>> No.30722558

mazakon is like the biggest gay flag of all

>> No.30722576

yep, they don't make em like this anymore

>> No.30722580

well i mean...
theres busu and then theres GOD DAMN

>> No.30722781
File: 191 KB, 589x644, 2f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean im the same way but im not turned on by girls lmao
if its not the right guy its always gross

but i dont approve of being homosexual so good on ya

>> No.30722820

what's potya busus

>> No.30722829
File: 1.44 MB, 2880x1800, 1599679164951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im doing genki and the workbook, but i was wondering if there is a site for additional grammar practice exercises or worksheets? i looked at bunpro but it seems kinda shit

>> No.30722849

don't do that

>> No.30723065

dont care

>> No.30723086

found one 役に立つ in the third episode i watched today

>> No.30723133

n1 show

>> No.30723138

i don't care about whether or not you care, i care about if i'm understandable

>> No.30723140

dont care

>> No.30723330

>losing your v-card
that's not how it works

>> No.30723331

read more

>> No.30723338
File: 481 KB, 1000x1200, tumblr_ojlmxeXizZ1ujloxdo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

platonic the phantom thief from evillious chronicles. i think you're thinking of Hatsune Miku (the vocaloid her design is derived from), however, because evillious isn't that popular, and platonic herself is a very minor character in the series

>> No.30723345

>that sounds like a mega retarded take but i dont have enough expertise to prove you wrong
it's the standard learning method

>> No.30723422

i have a boner could anyone help me out

>> No.30723455

yeah amongst esls who are all fluent in multiple languages while you can't even read in one you've been learning for 10 years

>> No.30723463

that person cant read words like 見る 売る 駄目 might want to be careful with her advice

>> No.30723465


>> No.30723490

i find it funny that an eop has an opinion about effective language learning methods.

>> No.30723640

the country i live in has one of the highest standards of living

>> No.30723645

Thanks ankibro, I'm gonna make it

>> No.30723646

never heard of netflix and chill?

>> No.30723656

thought you were american

>> No.30723683

>my american site
this site is japanese.

>> No.30723706

if I walk into a bitch's house and she has netflix I'm doing a 360 and walking right outta there

>> No.30723809
File: 144 KB, 764x764, 1607979452817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30723811

is it just me or does qm suddenly seem a lot more attractive?

>> No.30723856

its just you

>> No.30723868

i have been reborn into a new man oozing positive energy out of every ounce of his being

>> No.30723943

for me its shokuho

>> No.30723947

no and that only makes it better

>> No.30723958

this guy is going to manage the impossible act of being 二人っきり with a bitch on christmas and not fucking her

>> No.30723961

how did you mine them and whats wrong with them

>> No.30723962

not in australia

>> No.30723988

now that i think about it, i completely fell off the anki wagon once i missed a day and my 1 year heatmap streak ended. since then i've done anki maybe 2-3 times per week

>> No.30723990

fucking on christmas is heresy

>> No.30723993

i dont wanna go to prison

>> No.30724004

dunno and the fact he overcame his social issues and a girl actually is interested in him makes me think he's physically attractive, possibly even charming in person

>> No.30724056

you just know that the autist wont get to pound any puss

>> No.30724057


>> No.30724070

i posted a guy that looks similar to me recently that wasn't a lie

>> No.30724129

this is 濃厚

>> No.30724147

using the method where you make a card from yomichan, then you take the copied text from the mpv player and paste the sentence into the player so it will update the card with the sentence audio clip, sentence in text form and screenshot. For some reason in my recent session the audio file is shown to be in the card but nothing was recorded for some reason. sorry there was probably a less retarded way of saying that

>> No.30724173

yeah but i can tell quiz is outrageously picky so if she wasnt cute he'd not be interested, and if she is young and cute and interested in quiz, well it doesnt take a genius to get it

>> No.30724195

low test

>> No.30724345

the only ロリ that i like are ロリ巨乳

>> No.30724454

yeah but other religions are wrong about everything islam at least is right about two things

>> No.30724466

how tall are you queef

>> No.30724469

always happy when i get that email telling me someone submitted a pronunciation for a word i requested on forvo

>> No.30724523

it's just so heckin frickin epic bros

>> No.30724524

that's great

>> No.30724526

he's 173cm

>> No.30724545


>> No.30724557

i'm not

>> No.30724577

same but the opposite

>> No.30724615

no, qm is way too young and has a lot of baggage for me to think like that lmao

plus he slighted me. i just hope he really is moteru enough to get his life together and fuck outta here finally

>> No.30724732

yeah? i hope you live a wonderful and meaningful life dude

>> No.30724734

sounds like a win for you

>> No.30724828

do care

>> No.30724834

yeah i believe it i ran in slav friend circles in the past. including how bad your hairline is at your young age seems pretty common with slavs you'll have to wear hats or shave it at some point

>> No.30724845


>> No.30724901

nothing special really, just noticed it didn't have one

>> No.30724904

holy shit shut the fuck you stupid whore you got no idea what you're talking about

>> No.30724938

i'm balding as fuck

>> No.30725082

you mentioned it was receding at your young age its only a matter of time especially with slav genes

>> No.30725178

there's like 25% as much hair on my scalp as there should be

>> No.30725201

yeah, and i dont expect any itt to like me as a person. your point?

>> No.30725235


>> No.30725253

i just mean it's still fine signs of receding and i'll lose hair eventually due to my genetics but that's then

>> No.30725272

stop posting

>> No.30725283

idk how youd do that within mpv dont know of any transcript addons but you can try ctrl+f'ing inside the sub file for that episode and noting down the time stamp in the file and jumping to that point in mpv good luck
also might be a good idea to quickly preview your created cards in the future just to be sure

>> No.30725289

whats the point if it will be frauded again lol

>> No.30725385

wont need to i dont have much time left anyway

>> No.30725399

my point is that if i saw a pack of hyenas ripping you limb from limb i'd setup in a lawn chair with a cold bottle of leffe blonde

>> No.30725409

you are gonna die? sounds great

>> No.30725584

balding bros, i recommend watching at x1.5 speed this guy can be a bit slow

>> No.30726002

had to kill a spider in the bathroom and now i feel bad

>> No.30726007

just pray u dont get into one of those schools where u have to plan lessons and be an actual teacher cause u are fucked then haha

>> No.30726025

i actually took the lead she chatted about class and i asked want to hang out and whether i could come over

>> No.30726030

more likely if you dont speak japanese unless its a highly specialized filed and even then

and by that i mean if you arent going to be an english teacher or token company gaijin, good luck

>> No.30726034

how are you gonna do jet as a non native?

>> No.30726140

youd be better served getting fucked in the teaching profession by your own country than by japan
it's literally a weeb pipe dream and nothing more and the dream quickly ends after their first month in japan

>> No.30726142

i only told one of them because he approached me first about how hes doing rtk but isnt allowed to read yet and i linked him the cornucopia.
he never made it to the reading stage lol.

>> No.30726245

this is what japanese think of "japanese speaking" gaijin employees.

be the big foreign dancing monkey and make them clap and laugh

>> No.30726300

can you just imagine being the father when his daughter brings home some spastic like quiz. he will start telling everyone there how he has energy and the power to heal and make his dream come true

>> No.30726319

when did i ever say that? pretty sure i've been consistent on wanting to marry and have children some day
i wouldn't want to grow old alone without any relatives
i probably said 2d is superior which is still true but i'm a 3 dimensional guy who has to live in the 3 dimensional world

>> No.30726328

my friend got filtered by hiragana
some people are just born to dekinai

>> No.30726335

what's your issue i don't understand, you have like a sub 8 hour work day without any pressure, you just sit there like a sack of potatoes and then you're free to do what the fuck ever you want

>> No.30726455

oh i remember you saying how you're attracted to specific age ranges alright.
just out of curiosity... she's over 18, right?

>> No.30726471

i guess the difference between you and me is i have self respect

>> No.30726480

thats especially hilarious cause that dudes 40

>> No.30726500

better hope you arent too far from tokyo
theyll stick you somewhere remote no matter what but the typical gaijin hunters are only really in tokyo
you can find whores in any major city though, although i havent made my way to kyushu yet

>> No.30726535

yeah moving to a shitty country with a totally different culture to work one of the lowest status job sure sounds like a good idea
and let me tell you something you dont know theyre only interested in tourists they have no interest in long term commitment with a gayjin especially in a materialist society like japan when ur a poor laughing stock

>> No.30726840

no the dream is to start as some gay teaching aide then quit in a year afterstarting a clickbait youtube channel about japan

>> No.30726844

friend of mine took 6 months of japanese at uni and when they lent them a ds game they couldn't even read たたかう in hiragana.

>> No.30726887

lmao imagine being this much of a buttblasted normalfaggot over the existance of dancing monkeys in japan

>> No.30726889

i dare a japanese yellow monkey to laugh at me i will fuck them up tiny little snake munching fucks

>> No.30726901

yeah sounds really comfy actually

>> No.30726999

you never even had a job you dumb bitch go work as a cashier or some shit before thinking you could do anything in japan lol

>> No.30727243

about to play mahjong wish me luck bros

>> No.30727253

are you drunk or are you always this incapable of basic comprehension?

>> No.30727370

no way there was a rare led zeppelin concert on there

>> No.30727420


>> No.30727863

or what

>> No.30727868

i live for the
>ぱぱぱや ぱぱやぱ WOW

>> No.30727891

i am a neet and i hope that japanese is a marketable skill in the western poo.s.a

>> No.30727893

he has that "i need to shit badly" look on his face constantly

>> No.30727917

unapologetic otaku

but for real, the main reason is that im into vocaloid. there's plenty of songs i love that just don't have a translation. i want to learn japanese to understand them. and that branches out into enjoying other untranslated stuff. also maybe will visit japan one day probably not because i never leave home

>> No.30728152

i hope you get run over by a truck when you step outside but ur still conscious to feel the pain of your broken bones and entrails leaking

>> No.30728163

i played tales of symphonia on gamecube and there was a japanese only ps2 version with several enhancements that i really wanted so i begged my father to order that and the next game in the series (abyss) and just went in blind.

>> No.30728191

<3 hot

>> No.30728222

no i couldnt care less about her sex i hold every poster to the same standard was just curious to know if my guess is right

>> No.30728251

go fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit

>> No.30728316

started because some vidya game localization pissed me off, dont remember the game anymore
now i just wanna keep at it so i never have to worry about localizations again

>> No.30728337
File: 70 KB, 450x600, thank u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would but i'm not into sex
yay im recognizable, i guess?

>> No.30728435

>lol look at me im so asexual
you're lower than dirt hope guro guy gets you

>> No.30728466

sounds hygienic

>> No.30728506

nah he's smart, cleanup is a bitch

>> No.30728545

same fag

>> No.30728547

thousand iq move honestly

>> No.30728561
File: 142 KB, 640x349, You&#039;re degenerate!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asexual ¨people¨ are literal degenerates

>> No.30728713

nothing about you in particular i casually ask these things from time to time just to check how well i guess

>> No.30728724
File: 370 KB, 1720x1102, 58bd1d258748d_58bd0fc4e4b5b_1613963770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30728799

i figured it was the other "girl" as well but i didnt call it out specifically because i didnt want to make things weird, autismo

>> No.30728836

wish i was asexual honestly must be nice not having to worry about that all the time.
like not having to sleep or eat, that would be nice too.

>> No.30728909

not as weird as your facial expression as i make you lick her brain matter off the soles of my boots

>> No.30728942

oh my god that's it that's actually why i'm asexual. ive always wondered why exactly i feel this way, i just dont fucking care enough, thank you anon

>> No.30728985

no women in this thread, only dykes, trannies and sometimes a meditating gorilla

>> No.30729120

well it's good for me because i'm knocking out an insane homework we've had a ton of time for and i'm just about finally done
a few more touches and i can hand it in and then i will probably try to sleep at least

>> No.30729204

dont care

>> No.30729207

yep i did eat something in the morning but honestly i'm out of food
i was going to go and move back to my family for christmas and shit thinking i don't have to buy more food, but now i'm out and i got a new appointment for christmas
going to stock up tomorrow

>> No.30729358

sadly not but that would be hilarious

>> No.30729486

wasting so much time every day on things I didn't really show improvement for (video games etc) wanted to develop some kind of skill

>> No.30729514
File: 12 KB, 556x516, コンビニおばさん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30729709

damn obaasan you should really be retired at home, not work at the konbini
capitalism was a mistake

>> No.30729723

maybe its an open license model or something

>> No.30729873

Anything could happen.

>> No.30729978

wow didnt know bunko had an elderly fetish
huge win for og-san

>> No.30729982

how old are you bunko?

>> No.30729996

part of me unironically hopes there are straight guys like bunko out there into my cougar ass in about 10 years when my morals give out

>> No.30730057

this place needs to decide if im a zoomer or old lady already sick of you having it both ways

>> No.30730061

drama bros, how come nobody has told me about rakuten viki before?

even has japanese subs and seems to be free, at least i can watch all the episodes of this random drama without signing up

>> No.30730066




>> No.30730068

just be an ara ara shota hunter
if you want to learn japanese yes

>> No.30730155

i was just making a pun, chill your vagina bro

>> No.30730156

who actually watches drama they aren't cute 2d animated girls

>> No.30730158

i only like jc and 35+

>> No.30730161

aren't you in highschool though? do people not graduate when they are 18 in sweden?

>> No.30730246

don't care about cute anything, only interested in the stories

>> No.30730359

because you watch weird shit

>> No.30730430

applied for some jobs but i'm scared of talking to someone in an interview so i hope they just throw me out

>> No.30730432

does your family know you are learning japanese?

>> No.30730486

i can prep you on discord if you want ;)

>> No.30730488

i know what it was, it cause i watched that jet program video or whatever the fuck it is everytime its posted here. the one with the red skirts and gaijin teachers dancing lmao

>> No.30730514

only my brother

>> No.30730519



>> No.30730523

dont care enough about them to tell them so no
yoo lets get a music discussion going, what nihongo uta's do you guys like

>> No.30730616

does this count as immersion?

>> No.30730649


>> No.30730661






>> No.30730662


>> No.30730677

this one i always forget the name of and can never find it

>> No.30730702

ikr I always search for 死にますか lol

>> No.30730713

nihongo uta's what?

>> No.30730733

holy damn that takes me back. first and only vk crush

>> No.30730735

fucking zoomers with their love for nigger music

>> No.30730794

saw him live in munich, was great.
first vid i saw of him was this

>> No.30730838

japanese songs

>> No.30730916
File: 35 KB, 366x550, miyavi878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still got this pic saved from 2008 lol

>> No.30731033

this one is a banger, live studio performance too

>> No.30731034

...would cop his sunglasses tho they are pretty dope

>> No.30731044




>> No.30731060

cant acquirer 羽ばたく

>> No.30731090

you need more anime i learned that shit from sailormoon before even starting

>> No.30731187

what the fuck does "nushi" really mean? is it ever used in a lewd pet-master relationship as slang or is it just like between animals and the packleader?

help me out bros, I've been looking and getting mixed results and I need to figure this out

>> No.30731200

nowadays i listen to amazarashii and aimer
pretty boring i guess

>> No.30731213

play pokeymans

>> No.30731234

finna play chrono trigger

>> No.30731260
File: 400 KB, 450x720, 1487792649705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friends, how do I know the correct reading on kanjis when they are a name of someone?

>> No.30731261
File: 291 KB, 494x440, 238799224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30731282

you ask them

>> No.30731289

read the furigana

>> No.30731316


>> No.30731340
File: 564 KB, 2932x1156, flapflap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this for u anon

>> No.30731348


should replay this in japanese one day

>> No.30731354
File: 1.39 MB, 1518x2116, 1607998913022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30731438

rei was my first crush

>> No.30731447

compare it to other names you know for example i know 良一 is read as りょういち therefore i can guess that 良子 is read as りょうこ

>> No.30731591

yeah the anime def. played favorites with her
where did it all go wrong for my dreams lmao

>> No.30731637


>> No.30731680

>where did it all go wrong for my dreams lmao
for me, it was when i looked up cardcaptor sakura on google images as a kid, and lets just say google safe search wasn't that great back then.

>> No.30731681

its real pathetic to see a old hag trying to emulate young girls lol, i remember some girls in my class used to like that shit

>> No.30731711


>> No.30731760

oh no, is this retard again.

>> No.30731765

its obvious you are trying to be seen as 'girly' for liking cartoons aimed at middle school girls, its not working well though

>> No.30731773

>Anime isn’t Japanese
uppercasing really does correlate to retardation

>> No.30731818

the fuck you on about? it was before my time and by the time i got into it, i was literally like 10 years old and its literally why i became a weeb. go for a walk bro

>> No.30731840

a roastie could never be my bro.

>> No.30731897

what do you guys think of adding a 'related words' category on anki cards? so you can see what other cards have the same kanji with a similar reading
i already do something similar in my head but its hard to remember them all

>> No.30732067

i want to beat the shit out of tripfaggot
i want to see him crying, sobbing and weeping.

>> No.30732079

dont care what you want

>> No.30732216

based. 4bbc is in a tie with holofag as the worst poster on djt currently

>> No.30732243

see the difference between cartoons aimed at girls and boys, in sailor moon its only airhead girls acting retarded and trying to be cute in their gay ass outfits while in my shounen it was badass men fighting evil or trying to cope because they lost a loved one due to their own negligence. you would see the characters going through suffering, fighting against it and then accepting it. flawed men accepting their punishment. honor.
girls learn to be pompous entitled whores from a young age and boys learn how to be men watching their braindead sailor moon mahou shoujo pink fluffy fluffy FAGGOT SHIT

>> No.30732244

tell me I'm not the only madlad moving to Japan for 2021.

>> No.30732265


>> No.30732270

no i am too. at least till the money runs out

>> No.30732278

i'm trying

>> No.30732280

why the fuck you're applying men standards to women you repressed homosexual

>> No.30732299

you living in Japan right now then? or just saving up

>> No.30732313
File: 18 KB, 379x241, 1583847620089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt like 5 times as long, reviews from tango decks and 20 new cards in mining
feeling like quitting anki at this point

>> No.30732450

i want to pummel his abdomen and laugh at his gasps for air

>> No.30732500

cripple you from doing what

>> No.30732505

yeah no shit

>> No.30732516

yeah you'll start using にゃあ as your 語尾

>> No.30732571

i wish i was the one who held tripfaggot head down the toilet and flushed it in school.

>> No.30732580
File: 212 KB, 720x540, ドラゴンボールGT 第17話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30732590


>> No.30732619

i wish i had been the one to laugh at his weewee when the boys pantsed him in the hallway

>> No.30732672

this is why women end up crippled as adults and men go on to become CEOs and scientists

>> No.30732696

i think its obvious i watched those as a kid. unlike women our value is not tied to our age so we dont need to pretend we are juveline reminiscing the cartoons we used to watch in middle school

>> No.30732763

lmao wow humans really are a forgone conclusion when there are so many who unironically believe shit like this
pretty sure you are just the baiting anon that likes when i rage at you so good job. you are still stupidly wrong tho even if you are half-joking

>> No.30732825

well i mean they have a pretty strong value as mothers and kindly old grannies who make you tea and teach you to play the piano but i mostly agree with you, if not for the same incellular reasons

>> No.30732878

use the new method
here you don't need to copy anything with a mouse.

>> No.30732882

its true though men pretty much carry society

>> No.30732891

true true for sure

>> No.30732920

at the meetup im gonna rape og in front of you while you're tied and gagged.

>> No.30732949

that wasnt the aspect of his argument i found retarded. its that he was saying it had due to the girls watching cartoons meant for girls lmao. like "if they watch wanpiss they will be ceos and shit" level of retardation

>> No.30732963

now it makes sense why this insecure lunatic faggot is always bitching at me, he spends his whole day grinding out a thousand sentence cards in misery like a fucking retard surely associates his identity and self worth with his deck and his fucking anki retention % lol becuase hes hollow inside and doesnt really want to learn japanese and felt threatened by my comment in the previous thread and is now throwing a massive tantrum as he has no real counter to what i said, crazy how deranged and bitter some people are

>> No.30732973

I am going to feed og roaches and punch her until her body buckles and collapses. oh and yeah i am going to pregnant her.

>> No.30732978

hyped for this dont let me down anon

>> No.30732988

is that the guy who made an anki deck to pass n4 quiz

>> No.30733009

why are you people so obsessed with making everyone eat the bugs?

>> No.30733027


>> No.30733036


>> No.30733053
File: 1.39 MB, 854x480, [HorribleSubs] Kiniro Mosaic - 02 [720p]-[12.34.254-12.48.894].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a term in japanese for a reverse weeaboo, japanese who wants to be european or american

>> No.30733067

i care

>> No.30733084

I think about this stuff everyday

>> No.30733093

good lean protein
you need someone to talk to m8?

>> No.30733144

and how many were you?

>> No.30733146

i thought they ate bugs in sweden

>> No.30733228

doesn't mean you can't download it a million times
suspicious that you pretend not to see that
i do

>> No.30733237

dont know if they eat them but muslims fuck germans all the time

>> No.30733260

you're nothing more than an annoying little bitch, i dont answer you seriously because youre a literal who whose opinion is of no value whatsoever to me. i've said it over and over again "stick your unsolicited advice up your ass" and i would love nothing better than to break your nose with my fist, because that's the only way that retards like you learn to keep their mouth shut.
you got everything else wrong.
>>the worst of the threat posts was fucking niggeryoga without his trip
think again, retarded whore.

>> No.30733302


>> No.30733313

what do you call this form of derangement

>>30709442 >>30710595 same guy btw hes fucking crazy

>> No.30733323

youre an unironic menace to society and need to be kept segregated if not outright euthanized. legally according to the laws of your country's minecraft server, of course

>> No.30733370

masturbation's point less too
it's called stop tripfagging fren
also take your meds

>> No.30733437

doesnt take a geniuses to figure out your motivations. if i was really afraid id ignore you entirely

>> No.30733456

so is seeing big download numbers
built for BJC

>> No.30733508

im the one who was threatening tripfaggot due to him being and annoying little bitch, not the one who was threatening you.

>> No.30733515

officially tired of modern anime character design
oh wait not that happened 5 years ago

>> No.30733519
File: 10 KB, 320x167, EDLYHqpVUAAkBLg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all motherfuckers need jesus

>> No.30733520

they are children...

>> No.30733546

oh well thats the one i was accusing of being nigyog he sounded like a barbaric muzzie. keep up the fight against 4bc just keep it legal

>> No.30733581

and that's a good thing

>> No.30733582

you realize that the mouseover helps immeasurably with immersion due to keeping it from being a crutch right?

>> No.30733595

i do one section of tae kims guide per day. I am on section 83 after 83 days

>> No.30733612

im just laughing at how much of a freak you are lmfao imagine thinking youre intimidating anyone with your 3rd rate garbage guroposts fucking retarded chuuni

>> No.30733617

are you talking about me?

>> No.30733619

lmao i mean i find it just a gross but you should really check your url bar, new one

>> No.30733624

old enough to bleed old enough to breed

>> No.30733651

how do i install this shit on windows? does it work with mpv portable

>> No.30733657

lol kys fren

>> No.30733682

you sound like you would love to watch me violating a 女子小学生 in front of you dirty whore

>> No.30733704

i would
stream it

>> No.30733774

so we agree, that auto translate bullshit is pointless

>> No.30733816

i want to find a woman like that, dont remember where i read something about a girlfriend letting her boyfriend fuck her little sister it was the hottest shit and made me realize im into that

>> No.30733877

hell isnt real and no i would rather do it to one of your relatives instead of killing myself

>> No.30733885

maybe you should hard pass yourself back to a different site

>> No.30733951

so you think changing your work flow from mouseover to alt tab then mouseover if it's not the first word will make things more efficient?

>> No.30733960

you dont belong here if you dont like cunny

>> No.30733996

yes dear im sure
protip then you wouldn't care

>> No.30734030

i dont care when it comes to 2d but you start talking about illegal 3d pedo shit and you unironically need to hang and fuck off to someplace with better honeypots to round you subhumans up

>> No.30734036

i love catfights....

>> No.30734040

no1curss newfag

>> No.30734050

steam harder old hag

>> No.30734089


>> No.30734134

huge fucking relief you posters are the non-american hours cant wait for the nukes to just vaporize every last being on this cursed planet tbqh tho

>> No.30734145

autistic semantics
some key combination then mouse over
setting up clipboard takes five seconds and is a one time thing compared to slowing down your process whenever you use it
also I've never had my html page screw up, maybe you're using a shit script

>> No.30734150

>Thread filled in 10 hours
What drama went down?

>> No.30734170

keep coping old hag, only mentally ill whitoids would wanna be the inferior gender

>> No.30734171

incredible amounts of shitposting.

>> No.30734188

4bc autism and qm methposting followed by a newfag infuriated by cunny

>> No.30734192

regretting your transition already? oh dear

>> No.30734240

fuck this cursed thread
fuck monstrous thirdies pedos with no soul
and fuck whatever fresh hell happens in the next thread
im outtie

>> No.30734276

let he who is without sin cast the first stone
I hope one day you'll be enlightened enough to appreciate the beauty and purity of a prepubescent child
