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File: 121 KB, 1600x1063, winter_white_snow_trainstation_dollfie_nagano_rina_dollfiedream-946010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29426925 No.29426925 [Reply] [Original]

Snowy Edition 2: Electric Boogaloo

BJD thread, primarily for dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>29123139
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/8556970

FAQs and Links

If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/

>> No.29427702

that's a short skirt for that weather

>> No.29427941

Maybe she didn't expect the snow.

>> No.29431415 [DELETED] 

Why is like every second thread doll thread and every other bjd thread

Just call it a doll thread because dollfies aren't bjd but bjd are dolls

>> No.29431510

Maybe different anons minding the threads?

>> No.29432752

dumb girl wanted to show her sexy legs now she got a cold

>> No.29437104
File: 120 KB, 1080x1350, 1549914961983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to tell anyone that if you fall out of 'love' with your dolls and don't do anything with them for a while, that's normal, especially when you're stressed our in real life. Give it time. Interests wax and wane, and this one will return, too.

>> No.29437197
File: 301 KB, 431x1000, IMG_49432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What've you been up to anons? I got a new doll I've been painting.

>> No.29437289

Waiting for a head to come in the mail (blank) for a dye project I'm going to do. she's looking good anon!

>> No.29437548

Finally my Kizuna Ai shipped.
You guys weren’t lying about Volks USA taking agorillian years to ship. I’m kind of infuriated that it took literally over a month.

Next time I know to order directly thought the nip site.

>> No.29437693

Congrats on getting her though! How is she?

>> No.29437799

she’s not here yet......... because they literally just shipped it out even though I paid in the middle of September. Ugh.

I kinda have lost interest with her at this point because I’ve been waiting too long. It’s kinda disappointing seeing other people get theirs months ahead of you.

>> No.29437961

Sorry, I misread and my brain translated "shipped" into "arrived." I don't blame you for being fed up, but maybe once you see her you'll enjoy her again? I hope so anon, good luck.

>> No.29438598

I feel your pain, I preordered from them a wig back in early march. I got it yesterday.

>> No.29439213


What is taking them so long? That's actually really bad.

I'm really confused because I've seen some people say they ship the same day, but others say they take literally months to ship out simple orders.

Why is it so inconsistent? SmartDoll usually ships within 1-2 days in my experience.

>> No.29439252

I've had both happen. Waiting on a head for AGES now, but I've gotten doll hair products in within days. No idea what's up with them at all.

>> No.29439876

Well, for my preorder I'm assuming it's just because it took that long to get it made and shipped to the US? But yeah, it's kinda ridiculous.

>> No.29442988
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Does anybody want to trade? Is that a thing in this community?
I got dupes of both of these in the gacha thing
The eyes are 24mm, the undergarments are unclear on sizing
>tfw the "surprise gift" for ordering is 2 sets of eyes that dont fit my doll
Feels bad

>> No.29443012

I'm assuming that's the case with my order, as well. Speaking of, do you think the shipping situation in Japan will ever go back to normal? It's always been expensive, but Mandarake's Nakano location tagged me with hundred-dollar shipping on a doll body earlier this month and man it was a tough bill to swallow.

>> No.29443026
File: 406 KB, 1462x1524, EnMikZcWMAIq7V_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Christmas photos of dolls. https://twitter.com/naokichiya/status/1329448853028937728

>> No.29443411

You could definitely sell them to someone who lost out on the dolldreaming marketplace, instagram, one of the facebook doll groups, or probably the BJD discord if you have any social media. I don't blame you if you don't, though. Sorry you lost out though, anon. I'd take them, but I just don't have any use personally. What are you looking to trade for? Maybe someone else here would be interested.

That's so cute, jesus christ.

>> No.29444045

I'd trade for just about anything that fits my doll, I did the gacha event to add some variety ironically lol
I'd like another pair of eyes maybe but im not real picky
If nobody in the thread wants to then ill take your advice and look on social media, but /bjd/ is my home for doll stuff so i figured I'd come here first

>> No.29445254

I certainly hope so. I'm assuming the reason shipping went to shit is that there's far less planes flying? If so I guess it'll only go back to normal if it gets safe to fly and people start doing again.

>> No.29445691

The thing is aren’t the items supposed to be in stock at the US store?

I’m wondering if they list shit as in stock when it actually isn't. They probably place the order to Japan after they receive enough orders and then ship it to you.

>> No.29446525

Yeah, from what I've read from Danny Choo's posts about it, they had to switch to courier (FedEx et al) services because Japan's post isn't shipping international orders right now, hence the price increase and general fuckery. Everyone's shipping is a nightmare right now, and I understand why, but Germany's is also particularly fucky right now. I'm getting a doll head from someone, and the price is downright obscene. It's worth it, but being a dollfag right now is even more expensive than usual.

>> No.29447949

>ordered wrong size wig
Well fuck me. Time to fix this.

>> No.29448106

I hate doing that. Clothes, too. Too big or too small?

>> No.29448360

Too big. I guess I'll jsut order the right size and sell the wrong one.

>> No.29450875

I'd like to see it. What size did it wind up being?

>> No.29451060
File: 1.67 MB, 801x4887, CRWL13SS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Crobi CRWL-13 Smoky Sliver 9-10 inch.

>> No.29451172

Ah, shame. They make good wigs, but can't help the sizing. You should have no trouble flipping it, though.

>> No.29465476

Hey anons, what's your favorite kind of doll clothing? I realize I don't have a set 'style' and I've actually got dolls before just to model a certain aesthetic.

>> No.29465860

dont have one i just want it to be cute or sexy

>> No.29465997

Yeah that's fair. Rule of cute is often the deciding factor for me anyway.

>> No.29474251

How do I into dollfies for lewding?

>> No.29474661

you buy a dollfie and sexy outfits

>> No.29475931

Look up Angel Philia dolls

>> No.29484745

does anyone know if volks insures their packages?
my order has bee stuck in the postal black hole for a month and im starting to think that it got lost.
i dont know if i should ask for them to file a claim or if i need to do a chargeback

>> No.29485773

Talk to them first and see what's up, anon. It won't hurt to ask.

>> No.29487120

Buyee killed my account with the order of my girl on it without even disclosing a proper reason and I want to fucking die.

>> No.29487554

Buyee deleted your account?

>> No.29500406

I wasn't really liking one of my new dolls, but I've changed her wig and outfit and I think I'm liking her more now. She's an Obitsu 50-05 head, which is pretty unique for a vinyl girl but I think she's cute! I'll try to take some photos tomorrow.

>> No.29509883 [SPOILER] 
File: 362 KB, 750x1110, 1605940113302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do anons here feel about weird dolls?

>> No.29510276
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Some of them are pretty interesting. I kind of like the look at Doll Chateau's spindly dolls, I figured you could make convincing Plain Doll from one of them.

>> No.29521573
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>> No.29521823

Doll Chateau's stuff is always so disappointing in person. Their company faceups are always a letdown. I like the ideas but the execution has left a lot to be desired since the day DC became a thing.

>> No.29522120

Lolita (ouji for male dolls) and larme-inspired stuff.

>> No.29525775
File: 117 KB, 736x1104, repent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. They used the term "deactivated" and "terminated". Since I know they successfully bought, received and left feedback for the doll head, I will just spam their support until they open it up again and let me ship my girl.

I love them

>> No.29526039

îs that the head you ordered ?
Really cute, imagine waking up in the night and seeing her face just next to yours

>> No.29526672
File: 63 KB, 1200x800, i-img1200x800-1605169074psjys318285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I used it in reference to weird doll anon, though I agree it's very cute. I ordered pic related.

>> No.29528029

it looks like a 300k yens head

>> No.29528458 [DELETED] 

It was quite expensive, but I fell in love with her so what can you do. I also already bought her body and wig. But the more does the situation annoy me. Idk what buyee is doing or what their problem is.

>> No.29528545
File: 44 KB, 1200x800, i-img1200x800-1605169074nl2rem18285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was quite expensive, but I fell in love with her so what can you do. I also already bought her body and wig. But the more does the situation annoy me. Idk what buyee is doing or what their problem is.

>> No.29531117

I talked to the post office and they said it wasn’t insured.

The last update was over a week ago and marked as “shipment is delayed” so they told me that I either may get it, or not because they changed the tracking system or something.

I’ve filed for a chargeback because I can’t afford losing something this expensive. Ruined my entire month. :/

>> No.29534462

That's not really a surprise desu, even on their website some of the face ups look kinda weird. At least that's something fixable.

>> No.29535693
File: 205 KB, 450x700, specImg_dd09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she only going to be available at the event? No online pre-order or lottery?
Sorry I'm new to this...

>> No.29535850

She'll be on the online store after the event from what I'm reading, but if someone who can into moonrunes could confirm that it would be appreciated.

>> No.29536383

Bad news going to be super limited..... They said they are only going to making 44 of her and that she will be an “at event exclusive” someone in the DD discord asked Volks directly and shared the info...

>> No.29536479

Damn, that sucks. Why is shit in Japan always so limited?
Also there's a DD discord?

>> No.29536792
File: 163 KB, 248x224, 618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you just fucking with me Anon.
I'm really not in the moon for jokes right now...

>> No.29538442

nope it was confirmed by a proxy who asked volks in japan directly. I know it sucks anon

>> No.29538478

doesnt even look that good desu

>> No.29538856

Well shit. This is probably biggest cock tease I received my entire life.
Maybe denial is kicking in but I hope those are just rumours and there will be online sale after dollpa...

>> No.29541405

If there are any leftover from Dollpa there might be some on the store? I'm sorry for all the anons who are let down. I know why Japan has a weird cult of exclusivity about everything, but it's still the absolute worst.

>> No.29549292

How do Dollpa sales work, anyway? Do you just show up, or is it a lottery too?

>> No.29560656
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x4032, 12321465345634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings, dollfags. I've had pic-related sitting -- with no indications of staining -- on this orange box for a few months now, but I'm just beginning to worry about the possibility of it staining. Should I be concerned, or am I just being to paranoid?

>> No.29561016
File: 203 KB, 667x1000, IMG_4919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would wager if you haven't seen anything after this much time, it's unlikely you're going to see any in the future. That said, did you seal your doll? I used MSC on mine, and she's been wearing this red dress for months with no signs of staining.

>> No.29561625
File: 2.56 MB, 3024x4032, 12355346435321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, thank you. You are probably correct. I reckon I'm just being paranoid.

>That said, did you seal your doll?
Never heard of that until you just mentioned it. I Googled "MSC" -- it looks like some kind of spray-on stuff which, I'm assuming, "seals" your doll and helps to prevent staining. I'd be afraid of squirting that stuff on my girls.

On a somewhat related note, Snow Miku's legs in pic-related got stained up bad a while ago from the blue-bands -- which can't be seen in the picture -- on her boots. Benzoyl peroxide faded the stains out at the time, and I applied "DD skin protector" tape around the areas that were getting stained. I'm hoping that when I take off the tape sometime in the future, the stains will have disappeared completely. Perhaps I should just look into "MSC" just for Snow Miku's legs in the future. Your doll is cute, by the way.

>> No.29562226

Can anybody post what an MDD looks like with a normal sized head? I'm trying to figure out of I want to order an MDD or DDP body for a head i have coming

>> No.29563255

MSC is pretty standard sealer for face ups/resin dolls in general. People use it for Dollfie Dreams, so it should be ok.
>Your doll is cute, by the way.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.29564157

Not that anon, but get some kind of respirator if you spray any sealant, it's not good to breathe in. I recommend doing it outdoors if possible, but at least do it in a well ventilated area. Think of it like spraypaint -- just not something you want to inhale.

>> No.29582686

>That maga hat

>> No.29582860

What... are those plushes?

>> No.29583420

Maruku Naru plushes from an old Miku Family Mart lottery campaign.

Yes, based, I know.

Will certainly keep that in mind. Thanks.

>> No.29583558

>Yes, based, I know.
no opinion, but you should've gotten miniatures of it for your dolls

>> No.29584967
File: 179 KB, 462x486, 1412199428413-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, that's genius.

>> No.29591986
File: 3.85 MB, 4128x3096, obitsu 50-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the shitty phone photo, haven't had time for a proper photoshoot yet. But I finally got a body for the Obitsu 50-05 head I've had floating around. Not sure what I'll name her yet.

>> No.29602573

Fuckkkkkk Lina is so cute. Slayers was one of my favorite series as a kid and I need her...

I heard from a proxy that only 44 of her are being made like the dollfies being released during the event. I’m crushed.

There’s no way for me to get to japan and it seems like a lot of people really want her. It’s like my heart is being ripped out

>> No.29603053

Fuck, I wasn’t even aware Lina Inverse was getting a DD. She’s lottery, eh? I don’t see her anywhere on Volks’ website yet.

>> No.29603366
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20201122_205646796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat the cold this winter, stay in bed with a good friend.

>> No.29604815

Fuck Lina too?? God dammit.

>> No.29607044

I'm not sure why people are believing these two posters when the special sites have already proved them wrong. Both Uzuki and Lina are being released online (and in stores) as apart of the 44th Dolpa After Party. Lina isn't even exclusive to Dolpa, she had her first ordering period yesterday at Hobby Round 23, only having 44 of her wouldn't make any sense at all.

Proxies get their info from staff at Doll Point, and who knows if they even have the right info. They've certainly been wrong in the past.
Just wait for official info from Volks.

I never really liked this head before, but she's quite cute here! I think a nut-themed name like Almond or Chestnut would suit her.

>> No.29613773

I like that idea anon, thank you!

>> No.29613789

cute duck

>> No.29628926

How do the anons here feel about piercing your doll's ears? I know some people feel like it devalues their doll, but I personally enjoy how it looks.

>> No.29629207

well i wouldnt do it but if you like jewelries you have to put them earings

>> No.29629235

Well, I don't personally like drilling additional holes or performing any other type of permanent modification but each to their own. I'd only go so far as to glue on some swarovskis with PVA glue.

>> No.29632043

Got my very first doll two weeks ago. She's a Dds Karin. Can't get over just how cute she is, I just have to give her a headpat every time I walk past. Just wanted to thank everyone for the bits of advice that get posted here.

>> No.29632344

i headpat and hug mine a lot, post her when you get some nice cloth for her

>> No.29632777

Congrats anon, welcome to the fold! Karin's a really cute girl, you picked well.

>> No.29633397

She's so cute, please keep us updated on her journey! I hope she can still make her way home to you, anon!

>> No.29635001

>people feel like it devalues their doll
For a lot of dolls just taking them out of their box devalues them, or letting time pass.

I've been considering giving one of my girls a navel piercing of some kind

>> No.29635177

depend if it's a ring or something else i think a crystal can look nice

>> No.29644784
File: 467 KB, 2048x1536, EnfgOqsVEAIEOhZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody's house burned down and they lost all their dolls (plus all their parents stuff and a rin that he was holding onto)

guro warning: https://twitter.com/SupremeMiku01/status/1330778769292881921

>> No.29646433


>> No.29647272

Damn, what a fucking nightmare scenario. What matters most is that OP is safe. Everything else can be replaced in time. I wish there was something I could do for them.

>> No.29656842

I'm sorry, does that say the fire was caused by his phone battery? Scary.

>> No.29658665

Yeah, they can slowly blow up and explode over time if they are broken and charged regardless.

>> No.29660138

it's one of my biggest fears,old electronic battery swelling and blowing up even if you dont use them

>> No.29667112
File: 390 KB, 1920x1271, EaJsLKAVAAIWpRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I would ever permanently pierce my doll's ears(I would do clip/stick ons at most). That said I do love this saber alter I see occasionally.

>> No.29668616

i should buy my doll some operator gear someday

>> No.29668680

Where does everyone get scale model gear anyway? Just cobble them together from other sources, or is there someone making doll-specific stuff?

>> No.29669755

1/3 guns are easy to find, now bulletproof jacket i never found one

>> No.29676726

That makes sense, yeah. Sometimes I envy people who mostly collect 1/4 dolls. They seem like the holy grail for clothing and accessory options.

>> No.29676774

depends mdd yes,now obitsu are closer to 1/4 than 1/3 but 1/4 is too small and 1/3 too big

>> No.29676810

Obitsu discontinued their 1/3-scale body too, didn't they?

>> No.29676863

yeah when i checked i didnt find any 60cm

>> No.29691002

Do any of you guys have any goals with your dolls? Getting a certain one, improving a doll-related skill (like sewing or photography,) cleaning up a damaged doll maybe?

>> No.29703182
File: 3.10 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slowly working towards getting my OC(which is basically my pso2 character) turned into a doll. I just got word back from a wig maker for the commission on that so that should be underway and is the main hold upright now. After that it's faceup. Then the next huge hurdle is finding a male DD body without getting shafted. What can I say though, I've played with this twink for 4300 hours, I've gotten too attached.

>> No.29704512

for now getting some articulated hands

>> No.29713504

I want to git gud at faceups and modifications, so instead of grieving over $500-2k heads, I can just do it myself.

>> No.29714776

That's the dream, godspeed anon. Share your progress with everyone here, yeah?

Male bodies are a fucking nightmare to track down in vinyl. Keep an eye out for Obitsu 55/65 bodies, they're rare as hell but at least they're another option. Smart Doll boys are an option too, except Danny has put them into his gacha shit so good luck ever getting one. You honestly might do better contacting a proxy willing to physically go to Doll Point and buy you a custom boy through Dream Choice. It's expensive, but it's still less than Kirito and Len usually go for. I think JapanDollDirect on instagram is one? White Rabbit Express will do it too. Good luck, anon. All else fails you can try to find a resin body to slap the head on. I've thought about going that route myself.

I need to take the plunge and get some too. Who do you plan to get them from?

>> No.29716455


>> No.29716483

Are you from WV???

>> No.29716517

Yes, I used to go to Beckley all the time.

>> No.29716552

Oh shit, tiny world. How goes, anon?

>> No.29716660

I know right!? Could have been easily been over there today if I I rode with someone I know who had some business over there. I'm sad about missing Causeacon and never realized there was others so close by who had an interest in BJDs. Is that your only doll or do you have others?

>> No.29716722

I have a few! I didn't realize there were other doll anons out here either. Tell me about your dolls, anon! Whereabouts are you located? I'm not in Beckley, but we have reason to go there fairly often.

If you want to trade social media that's cool too.

>> No.29716988

That's cool. I used to have a few and just recently have been wanting to start building up a collection again. I'm always addicted to the photography aspect of them. I wish I still had an old deviantART account where I had a couple of pictures of them from back then.

I don't currently use social media, sorry.

>> No.29717104

I don't blame you, I only have instagram so I can participate in the secondhand doll market.

I've found my interest waxes and wanes like that as well, but I was also drawn to these dolls so I could take photos of them- especially in winter, when all the things I normally photograph are dormant. They've brought me a lot of joy, and I'm glad to have met someone else in the area who feels similarly! Also, I had no idea Beckley had its own convention. I knew there was Charcon and Tsubasacon if those are still around, but Causeacon is new to me.

If you do dig up any photos of your dolls I'd love to see them. I can post a few of mine that I've shared before- I try not to post too often and crowd the thread.

>> No.29717183

>I need to take the plunge and get some too. Who do you plan to get them from?

only place i now is gensoudoll and you cant buy from them directly if you're oversea

>> No.29717426

I don't know about Charcon, was that in Charleston? Tsubasacon was still around, not sure how covid is going to affect it's future though. Causeacon started in 2018 iirc. I actually had an opening to go for this year until it covid prevented it from going forward. I'll dig around on some of my old external HDDs. I might still have some of them in a folder I've overlooked mixed in with some old photography. I might try to get a new doll for Christmas since the only other thing I'm really wanting is to get a few parts to get my other PC working. So it'll be really nice to contribute some photography posts in these threads.

If you feel comfortable with dropping an email address, I could be in contact.

>> No.29717429

That figures, at least there are tons of proxies these days. Good luck with them anon.

>> No.29717611
File: 978 KB, 989x1483, IMG_5799 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Charcon was the Charleston gaming convention if I recall? I figured covid was going to throw a wrench in everything, Beckley was supposed to host a reptile convention earlier this year too, but that went out the window as well. I'm hoping we can have a more normal 2021, we'll just have to see.

Sure, I have one just for things like this and I can send you an active one from there. one1crab@gmail.com

I posted this one on Halloween a few threads back. It's not my best photo but I'm still relatively satisfied with how it turned out under the circumstances (my tripod was in the trunk of my car... which was at the shop for repairs. Good times.)

>> No.29717860

Ah, okay. I didn't know about that one. Also, I never heard of a reptile convention taking place. Sounds interesting though. That's all any of us can hope for as well. I really like that one a lot! Nicely done, from the dress, pose, expression, and the background "effect" giving more of that Halloween feeling.

>> No.29717964

Yeah, they can be fun and a good place to do outreach and expose people to animals they don't normally encounter. This state has a surprising number of conventions/festivals -- the chocolate festival in Lewsiburg, the ramps festival, the Mothman festival, the bluegrass festival and the rest. Who knows what will happen next year, though. Thank you for the kind words as well, anon, it was a fun learning experience in spite of the cold!

>> No.29718032

Besides sewing (fucked up hands anon here wew) the only other goal I have is either make a maid outfit or find a maid outfit that fits my doll because maids are CUTE

>> No.29718302

You can probly find one on Etsy/ACBJD but you should make your own so it's extra cute, anon. Plus it'll be a fun project.

>> No.29730714

Who's the Dollfie Dream you guys want to get released? I really regret having missed Rise Kujikawa.

>> No.29737911

How long does it take Volks Japan to ship an order? I ordered Sunday and need to portion my hype accordingly

>> No.29738335

Took them 11 days to ship my last order in October. What did you get anon?

>> No.29738495

Happy overeating day, anons. Remember to give your dolls something, too.

>portion my hype
damn that's a good phrase.

>> No.29742080

>11 days
Dang that's gonna kill me
I ordered an MDD and some accessories for her, since I found a used custom DDH that's adorable but have no doll for it and don't want to use it on my DDS
I just want to make sure she's safe ;;
Glad you like it anon feel free to borrow it whenever you like

>> No.29756526

We're not all americans here

>> No.29760053

Please talk me out of bidding on one of those hyper expensive heads, she is so very cute

>> No.29761855

Wich one?

>> No.29762343

The DDH-06 head that tachibanamikan lisred. I haven't even bid yet and I'm already anxious.

>> No.29762810

real cute for a ddp or dds but 200k yens ? hell no

>> No.29763932

You probably won't get it, so there's no harm in bidding.

>> No.29764217

I know, and yet.. It's not like I don't have the money..

That's one way to see it kek. I just really hate bidding wars.

>> No.29764251

if you're rich and have money to throw just contact your favorite faceup artist and offer him loads of cash

>> No.29764530
File: 416 KB, 1143x1000, DSC03125-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some smaller cups.

>> No.29764740

she's alreay pretty flat anon

>> No.29770258

No lie, stuff sized for American Girl/My Life As dolls are a fairly good fit.

>> No.29798183

What's the most you've ever spent on a doll, anons? Help me feel better about my life choices.

>> No.29802339

a grand

>> No.29802707

Jeanne was 1100, plus all the outfits I've gotten that spoiled girl puts her total around 2k.

>> No.29802867

On a single doll? around $900. Ate a lot of beans and rice for a while. All together, though, on all the dolls... I'd rather not do the math.

>> No.29824157
File: 2.20 MB, 1084x1626, IMG_2433e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it would hurry up and snow here. Normally we're frozen solid from October to March, but here it is nearly December and we've had nothing. My dolls are dressed up to play in the snow the moment it gets here, though. The wait is a killer.

>> No.29824359
File: 299 KB, 483x1000, IMG_4946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entirely too big for my desktop. Oh well.

The outfit is kinda way too fuckin' bulky and the hairband is insanely large, but it'll do until I can afford to commission a better version.

>> No.29824410
File: 401 KB, 750x1000, IMG_4947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29824761

Still a step in the right direction, yeah? She's pretty, anon.

>> No.29824889

it's been years since i last saw a good snow here

>> No.29825003

>Still a step in the right direction, yeah?
Yeah, pretty much. The hairband and choker are simple enough that even someone at my skill level(almost 0) can probably remake them, and I can probably do some other small modifications in the meantime.
>She's pretty, anon.
I knew the head was the right sculpt when I picked it out, really like it.

>> No.29830649

Are any of you going to enter the Doll Point Lottery?

>> No.29837007

I'm thinking about it, haven't fully decided yet. If I do enter I might try for the tan DDdy DDH-15.

>> No.29840289
File: 3.56 MB, 1174x1761, IMG_2422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arle got a pretty new dress! (Pardon my photography)

>> No.29843961

Jesus christ this might be the cutest Arle I've seen yet.

>> No.29848541

These are normally limited to pickup only right? Are there any other pictures of them out there?

I might also try for the tan but being dy I'd have to support another wardrobe for her

>> No.29848643

If you find the model number and skin color you can google for photos of them. Normally I'd say instagram is a good resource, but the tags are still all shut down. It's been incredibly inconvenient. But owner photos are the way to go for getting a feel of how a girl looks -- maybe try flickr?

As to your other question, yes -- most of these (tan in particular) you can only get in Japan. I'm a little bummed there are no boys in this lot, honestly. I was hopeful.

>> No.29859326

Sorry for the stupid question, but why don't more people 3D print parts for or full dolls with resin printers? I think size might be an issue for low(er) budget resin printers but I'm sure most would be able to print full size parts. Resin printing is more detailed and has higher resolution also can be dyed.

I can only find 3D printed freak and artshit.

>> No.29860763

Where can I find some cute black wigs for my dollfie? I checked Leeke and they're basically all the same and also sold out. Black seems like an uncommon color
Also, should I wash the wigs when I get them, generally? The Leeke wigs for example feel like they're staining my doll just by looking at them on screen, and I've got some Volks wigs with...idk, something on them, kinda feels like oil or grease of some kind

>> No.29860800

She's just adorable anon she looks so happy!

>> No.29862732


>> No.29870099

How expensive are resin printers? I know some people do print their dolls in resin, and others send them off to be casted. I think a lot of people send them off for casting for peace of mind -- home printing is incredibly time-consuming when you have a batch of 30 orders to fill.

As for wigs, Etsy's got a shitton of sellers for any kind of wig you could ever want.

>> No.29870288

Well, if you already have a doll, color matching could be a total bitch, so printing out parts wouldn't be something you could just do willy nilly.

As for entire dolls, yeah, you could do it, and it looks like people do that for prototype dolls. If you were just making it for yourself that would be fine, but as >>29870099 points out, 3D printers aren't exactly fast, and the parts require attention after printing because you have to remove the supports.
Try Crobi or Luts.

>> No.29883382
File: 175 KB, 774x1032, flannelfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon from earlier itt who got a Karin. Here she is; photography is not an interest of mine, but I felt this moment really captured her girlish spirit.

>> No.29886693

God I love Karins that have dark wigs. I always forget how cute the sculpt and faceup are until I see it without that default wig.
She's super cute anon, I hope you enjoy her.

>> No.29887436

You did really good with her, anon! She's adorable. I hope to see more of her in the future -- even if photography isn't your thing, she's too cute not to share from time to time!

>> No.29887561

Volks really shot themselves in the foot between the default orange wig and how over exposed their initial pictures of her were. I wouldn't have bought mine if I hadn't seen the face in person.
My only issue is that her mouth looks a little weird from certain vertical angles. I always feel like I'm forced to have my camera level with the direction of her face and . I'm tempted to get a cheap head or an extra bust I wouldn't mind carving up to see if I can get the head a few more degrees of vertical movement to make it a lot easier on me.

>> No.29891401
File: 1.11 MB, 1394x1394, 20201128_205610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God I love Karins that have dark wigs

>> No.29909932
File: 129 KB, 1004x1200, tachibanamikann99-img1004x1200-1606351565qta2qr26102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 400k
Goodbye you absolute qt.

Unfortunately they are all japanese and only do commissions for friends they deal with on twitter.
But after researching the process of making her the seller mentioned in the description, I might as well be able to do it myself with lots of experience. Which raises another question:
Do you guys think it's morally questionable to borderline imitate a faceup of an artist for personal use (or because you couldn't keep up with the auction, in my case)? Do you think it's a big No-Go and/or offends the artist?

>> No.29910280

>Do you guys think it's morally questionable to borderline imitate a faceup of an artist for personal use (or because you couldn't keep up with the auction, in my case)? Do you think it's a big No-Go and/or offends the artist?

It's just a faceup and it's not like you're selling it.
It's not a painting, a book or a sculpture

>> No.29913107

This might also be a stupid question, but can you 3D print in vinyl? I would love the idea of printing DD compatible heads and option parts (horns, ears wings, teeth...) for dolls.

>> No.29915264

I don't think so, unfortunately. Vinyl is its own beast, which is why even people who make custom busts usually use silicone instead.

>> No.29921019

I agree, as long as you're not doing it for profit it's fine.

>> No.29921240

Some artists mike get their panties in a twist about it.

They are shitheads.

As long as you're doing it for yourself, it's nothing to worry about. It's only a problem if you're selling it.

>> No.29944186
File: 13 KB, 564x180, ripshipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good timing, guess I'm not getting her until sometime next year.

>> No.29949854

Ask if they'll do FedEx maybe? My condolences anon.

>> No.29949992

99% sure it left AmiAmi physically already.

>> No.29955482
File: 19 KB, 686x489, chrome_2020-07-08_17-46-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like that happened to me early on in the pandemic and a wig I ordered ended up sitting around for months before it left japan.

>> No.29972401
File: 610 KB, 1200x796, IMG_4950hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29974855

very pretty, anon

>> No.29991673

Is that the new one that I've seen around, or is that a custom Suigintou?

>> No.29992333

>new one
Nah, it's mine. Did Dolk show the one they're making yet?

>> No.30003174

I got a hat in October that I ordered back at the start of lockdown. Shipping's nuts even for this time of year.

>> No.30033609

I just received my 9k Volks clothes lucky bag that they sold at their anniversary event and I'm not impressed. Got a pair of used looking sticky pleather boots, sailor top and pants which smelled incredibly musty. I had spent 10k yen so that I would qualify for the gift. I don't know if they ran out of gifts but I got a Volks Christmas card.... :(

>> No.30042684


>> No.30058490
File: 314 KB, 1600x1066, 80d_sigma30mmf14dc_toys_jfigure_bfigure_volks_dollfiedream_dd-1079022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30082638

I don't think they have, that's why I was curious. Yours is absolutely gorgeous though.

>> No.30082852
File: 1.21 MB, 2477x1908, Dec 2020 Final s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy almost Christmas anons. Anybody have fun holiday stuff planned for your dolls?

>> No.30084645

not really maybe i'll take a comfy pic

>> No.30096889

Your photos are always fantastic anon, thanks for sharing. Might take a nice photo in the snow if we get any. We'll see.

>> No.30097998

Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I hope you get some snow and make sure to share your pic when you get it. >>30084645
You should, these threads need more comfy doll pictures.

>> No.30098453

Where did you find such comfy outfits, anon? If you don't mind my asking.

>> No.30102496

They're both older sets from Volks, but I combined and swapped a few things around from a few other sets. I think the only thing that isn't from Volks is the leggings on the red head. Those are from EliteDollWorld on Etsy.

>> No.30134238

Thanks for replying all the same. They look really good anon.

>> No.30140721
File: 1.28 MB, 3024x2268, 20201203_174247_copy_3024x2268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MDD came in today! We decided her name is Musette
Not sure about the wig right now but it suits her for the time being

>> No.30145173

Both your dolls are adorable anon, congratulations!

>> No.30150965

Thanks anon! Im still kinda surprised, two years ago I wouldnt have even thought I'd have one doll but now here I am
And I certainly didnt think I'd have an MDD
But my Karin has changed my life so much and between her and you guys in these threads, I just feel so much better than I did
I hope these threads and the dollfags that populate em stay around for a long time

>> No.30158182


Cute dolls, cute bed, cute family. Cute/10
They seem just like two siblings in a family photo, it's great.

>> No.30166819

Couldnt stay one month without buying new clothes, it's a drug bros/sis

>> No.30202826

Sometimes you just can't resist. I get it.

>> No.30226288

what did you get, anon?

>> No.30228537

a white top, a cap, a denim short and a necktie

>> No.30254232
File: 334 KB, 1250x1000, DSC03136-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30256655

This is beautiful, anon. That hairclip really brings out the color of her eyes.

Sounds like a cute outfit, I think it was worth it.

>> No.30287234

Nice shot anon.

>> No.30318056

She's cold...

>> No.30320429
File: 494 KB, 1400x1000, DSC03142-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I barely missed the time of day where the sun's at a good angle for this window.

>> No.30322087


>> No.30322562

You have cute dolls anon, good job.

>> No.30332214

Everyone in these threads has such cute dolls. I can absolutely say that you guys are the reason I got into this hobby. I'm not sure whether to thank you or curse you, but it's the truth.

>> No.30335557

Has anyone around here ever used one of those inmon decal sets on their dolls? I'm thinking of trying it out but I'm not really familiar with how I should handle waterslides on vinyl.

>> No.30340082

Looking good.

>> No.30341709

So I was wrong about it already being in the mail system. AmiAmi emailed me a few days ago offering to refund and reship via DHL. Good news is she'll be home by Christmas probably. Bad news, shipping, including the expected ransom note, will be easily 4 or 5 times as much as before. Can't be helped I guess.

And I have a Terra Jumbo neso sitting in HLJ's warehouse that I am absolutely terrified to ship via DHL. Thank god they lifted the wait time limit sometime back in the summer.

>> No.30351240
File: 35 KB, 600x531, nice desu ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey doll anons, what do your dolls mean to you? I've been lurking a while and noticed this community's really devoted, so I'm just curious. Very pretty ladies you guys got there, by the way.

>> No.30353727

she's the crystallization of my objectification of women

>> No.30354033
File: 1.03 MB, 498x498, neat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy photographing them. Customizing them is part of that, but it's enjoyable to just have them around, too. When I see them, I smile. I know at the end of the day they're just like figures or anything else, but if overpriced collectible dolls are what make me smile these days, I'll take it.

>> No.30355566

It finally snowed here, but I'm too busy IRL to go take photos. This sucks.

>> No.30383947

This makes me want to have dolls in different sizes, so they can play together.

>> No.30386617

Is your wig maker open for a commission? I need some wigs I'm new to all this. Faceup artist suggestions would be appreciated. I had an artist work on a faceup but that person has stopped responding despite being mostly done (good communication, update pics, tweaked the work to my request, all was well, then suddenly nothing for 4 months, then a reply saying done soon, then nothing for 6 months, repeat for 2 years), I'll just get someone else to start over because wow fuck that. Artist was also fairly popular too, plenty of other faceups on the forum.

>> No.30389395

ShiNeS Workshop
Doll Moon Designs
Peach Puff Dolls

There are others too, check etsy -- normally I'd recommend some instagram tags but those are all still down.

Avoid Tickety Boo Creations and JisatsuBJD. The former cannot do shit, the latter is a dramamonger.

ACBJD/Alice's Collections
Mandarake's HIMEKAZURA Line
Parabox/Obitsu (cheap but functional)
Basically anyone on etsy.

>> No.30389893

DDS and DDP are pretty easy to put together. The only issue is that finding clothes to fit the latter is kind of annoying.

>> No.30390172

Yeah, DDP seems to be the in-between size of everything else. I really like that scale, too, but I really don't need to get into a new scale when I already have so many DDs.

>> No.30393604 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.88 MB, 2002x1692, 1607414889372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, can anyone here read moonrunes? I got a card with a doll head I got from Y!JA and I'd like to know what it says. Pic related.

>> No.30395229

It just says thank you for ordering, if you have any issues feel free to DM them.

>> No.30395319
File: 124 KB, 1080x1350, 120203069_1059112394553780_4697992847933845355_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I appreciate it. I thought that's what it said, but I wanted to be sure. (Pic unrelated, unfortunately. I wish that was my doll.)

>> No.30396458

She's a pretty human that I can look at and daydream about. She's also someone I can dress up in clothes that I never would get to wear but wish I could.

>> No.30407539
File: 200 KB, 970x992, 9827348932748937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30410062

I'm always happy to help another dollanon. If you're looking for anything specific, I can try to make a recommendation as well -- the english side of the hobby is getting more options every year it seems like.

>> No.30410756
File: 2.05 MB, 980x1674, 20201208_172604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2B is bored

>> No.30410901

What's she thinking about, anon?

>> No.30410953

What santa will bring her

>> No.30416672

I regret every day not getting a 2B when I had the chance.

>> No.30416841

I think there's one up on Mandarake right now if you don't mind 100 dollar shipping on top of the price.

>> No.30416905

the price didnt rise much on YAJ, wait that was last time i checked now she's cost twice as much

>> No.30422373


I've been treating mine like a low maintenance pet. Dressing her up real cute and putting her in my lap while I play vidya/read/drink tea gives me a big case of the "warm fuzzies". Will also confess to giving her hugs and talking to the doll when alone.

>> No.30430022

I am absolutely in love with my doll. Sometimes I put her farther away from my desk where I just walk by and see her, but usually she's standing on my desk and I get to stare at her while I do things on the computer. I can never resist the urge to lean in real close and poke at her hair. I just still can't get over the sheer presence that a cool huge doll naturally exudes. Literally just her being there feels incredible, in ways I can never capture through photos or explain in words, it's just mesmerizing.
I just wish I was a more proactive person so I could give her outfits more often, brush her more often, go outside with her for photo shoots more often and basically other things. She doesn't have much to do but sit there and watch me sit in front of my screen and I often worry that I'm neglecting her.

>> No.30435800

Actually, if there's someone that can replicate anime/vn/game character's clothes as doll clothes, that would be awesome.

>> No.30436463

Gura is a dark chocolate chad, I fucking kneel

>> No.30436758

ShinesWorkshop maybe? They do really complex doll commissions. I'll look around and see who else I can dig up. Who are you looking to make? It might be possible to find the stuff you need in bits and pieces, too.

>> No.30437124
File: 194 KB, 750x1307, Gunslinger Girl - 06.mp4_snapshot_08.37_[2016.05.07_13.35.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complex commissions
Not right away, I do want to make Henrietta exactly, so I doubt I can find anything close enough. This exact red coat is mandatory.

>> No.30455337

Oh very nice anon, I'll try to remember who else I've seen that takes requests like this. Good luck!

>> No.30466174

wait how the heck do you have this already...
I thought they were pre-order

>> No.30467002

There's a Dollfie Dream version as well, I believe, that's much older.

>> No.30467603

>2 versions of reimu and marisa but still no patchouli

>> No.30467941
File: 903 KB, 2000x1333, cb92504e48cf59a0025e5cfb132d96251a25fad7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like a dozen characters in line before Patchy.

>> No.30469427

Patchouli is more iconic

>> No.30473074

Honestly a shame they aren't releasing a DD ver as well. I simply can't justify clothing a different scale

>> No.30487803

What's a good ring light for bjd photography? Or should I be using something else?

>> No.30499510

This is a tip probably no one else will need, but here it is anyway.

If you get a head from Y!JA and part of the faceup includes a sealant you suspect to be a clear adhesive, you can usually carefully get that shit off with blutac or whitetac without fucking up the layers underneath it.

As to why I've had to do this, hell if I know. All I know is that if I so much as breathed particules of dust got stuck to this doll's eyelids, which coincidentally had some stars on them and a sticky film I suspect is temporary tattoo adhesive.

I'll share photos in the morning, that was enough bullshit for one night. Be sure to tuck in your dolls, anons.

>> No.30532950
File: 1.34 MB, 1877x2862, Samus Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't want to bump without a pic, so here's last years photo

>> No.30539396

Thanks for the save anon. This is honestly one of my favorite pics from this general. You do good work.

>> No.30550059

Very cute.

>> No.30552248
File: 1.49 MB, 824x3086, yakumoranyoinohoshi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only i was rich

>> No.30565802

Does anyone know where i can find an american flag bikini for my Ddy?
I'm not even american but there's something about it...

>> No.30566825

There's actually one for Smart Dolls, but it's discontinued IIRC and SmD shit always retails for way more than it's worth. I'll keep an eye out for you, anon

Custom fullsets will be the death of us all.

>> No.30567230

Yeah i know i checked again to see if i could find it ,good job Danny telling everyone you'll not do limited but still do it in the end

>> No.30567305

He literally did a full 180 from nothing limited to to selling overpriced one-offs and gacha shit.

>> No.30567375

it's a shame because they have good clothwear just a bit overpriced

>> No.30567645

You can get similar quality from TTYA, I think that's who originally made his clothes.

>> No.30567821

True, but Dannys clothes fit DDs better than the stuff you get directly from TTYA since that's generally sized for SD dolls.

>> No.30571327

He also only sells to SmD owners now, and will cancel your order if the email isn't already in the system/you answer his questions wrong. Please don't buy from him, he's such a cunt.

>> No.30575932

The dsolls themselves are alright, but get the secondhand or through Fabric and Friends. Danny really is just too much of a drama monger to bother dealing with. He'll ban you from his store for saying you dislike an SmD thing on social media, too. It's nuts.

>> No.30579021
File: 442 KB, 2000x1020, topMain_img_pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh FUCK I just found out about these two today. I'm not even that into 2hu but I still kinda want them just based on their face sculpts and the fact that they're MDDs alone.

>> No.30590806

They do have cute faces. I feel like Volks has been throwing out some good ones lately.

>> No.30604992

How many dolls is too many?

>> No.30606760

A lot

>> No.30606923

I feel like I have too many and yet I continue to get more.

>> No.30607939

buy clothes and wig instead,takes less space

>> No.30610036

I need to focus on that... I just need bodies for a few floating heads and I can wind down. I could always have them share bodies, but I like seeing them around the room, you know?

>> No.30610357

yeah i know it's not like the body is the hardest part to find anyway

>> No.30613228

It seems that the Lina Inverse dolls were already leaked to the public. I was browsing Y!JA and i saw scalpers with actual boxed pics of the dolls.

I’m honestly confused because I thought there were only gonna be 44 made available at the DollsPa? So does this mean I have even LESS of a chance to get her?

Im about to have a meltdown I need her and I dont know what to do. She was my childhood waifu...

>> No.30613451
File: 259 KB, 600x600, luts_senior_delf_betty_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when does LUTS have anime dolls?

That's wild, was there an event or something maybe?

>> No.30613609

you can tell yourself that naga was the sexier girl

>> No.30619141

Volks just had their Dolpa the other day, so the limited batch for that event has been sold. They usually have an after party sale for the online crowd, so keep an eye out. I'm hoping they have another round of some of the clothes from the event as there was some shoes I wanted.

>> No.30619338

Wait, ignore that, I got dates wrong. So the dolpa is the 20th, and the set popping up on Y!JP are from an earlier lottery.

>> No.30642844

So we have EVEN LESS chances??????????/

I dont understand why they would make such few dolls..

>> No.30665967
File: 18 KB, 300x400, NE_000E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have experience with the mimy garden naturalis 1/12s? i am thinking of getting one as my first doll. i really wanted a mamachamp and compIetely fell in love, but all of the ones i'd want appear to be out of stock and they don't seem to ship internationally anyways. sorry for such a novice post...

>> No.30667278 [DELETED] 

disregard this Iast post, i was abIe to find mamachapps on mandarake, and now i am just stuck between these two... perhaps i shouId get both

>> No.30667532
File: 581 KB, 515x723, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard about the mimy gardens, as cute as they are... i found the mamachapp i wanted on mandarake and pIaced the order, i hope she is avaIiabIe!!!

>> No.30669272

She should be, good luck anon! Shipping will likely be pretty high, but that's nothing new.

>> No.30679605

Welcome to the hobby anon! I first joined with Azone Pure Neemo girls, I think the tinies are a great way to start. Looking forward to seeing her!

>> No.30683910

Does the affection you hold towards your doll(s) interfere at all with romantic relationships if you have one, or if you are alone, do you think it would?

>> No.30684380

I'm not seeing anyone right now, but I know people in the resin side of the hobby who are seeing people or even married. If someone doesn't like you because of a hobby, then it probably wasn't going to work out anyway. As long as people are reasonable about it (i.e. spending within their means, not impulsively blowing rent on a doll and whatnot) it's like any other collecting hobby in my experience, and dolls have the added bonus of being a hobby where you can pick up new skills, i.e. crafting or photography.

TL;DR the people who matter won't mind and the people who mind don't matter.

>> No.30688911

Are we really still believing this 44 dolls nonsense?

If you'd read Lina's special site you'd know that 44 dolls is an extremely unreasonable amount for the amount of times she's going up for sale. Seriously, the limited preorders at Hobby Round 23 last month, venue sales at Dolpa on the 20th with limited preorders when they run out of stock, and then at the stores and online for the Dolpa after party in January. Even then, Lina was made for Slayers' 30th anniversary, not Dolpa 44 specifically.

I might be a bit hash here, but it's really not hard to read.

>> No.30689349

There was a similar concern back during Sakura Miku's release where it seemed there were only going to be 40 of them or so? No idea how many of them are floating around out there these days, but it's a hell of a lot more than 40.

>> No.30689636
File: 30 KB, 333x444, NE_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is on her way, and shipping was surprisingly onIy $16. now to wait...

thank you, i am very excited and wiII update the thread as soon as she comes in

>> No.30689691

Not too bad! I got a body recently and got tagged for damn near $100 shipping. Big dolls always cost a lot to ship, but that was a shock to the system. I'm looking forward to the day when Japan post goes back to normal...

>> No.30689724

That was for the Volks USA release of her though wasn't it?

I can't find talk of numbers for her JP release at least.

>> No.30690087

did this begin with covid times?

>> No.30690214

Yeah, it's because everyone's having to ship through courier services rn. Normally shipping a body from basically anywhere won't be more than $50 or so, which I consider understandable for the large ones. It honestly wasn't this bad until very recently. Costs are likely higher for holiday shipping- less room on the planes and whatnot. Shipping from Germany right now is pretty rough, too.

>> No.30691120
File: 26 KB, 540x504, 1583785309575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy a cute doll and hotglue her!

>> No.30694032

Get a figure instead.

>> No.30696444

or a sexdol,l a 1/3 BJD cost nearly as much

>> No.30696542

or a prostitute you send home after

>> No.30719774

Sort of related, I learned that Fairyland has a vinyl body called an Anifee. Do you think maybe dollmakers are branching into vinyl since it's more of a pain in the ass to work with, and therefore harder to recast?

>> No.30739728

I want a doll but I'm broke ahhhh!!! I was looking at yahoo auctions randomly and man is Lisa Inverse cute, I know nothing about Slayers but I love her face ahhhhhhhh

>> No.30741434

go on mandarake and buy a 2nd hand one, they can go pretty low

>> No.30742314

Kind of unrelated but are there any non jp 2nd hand equivalent marketplaces or is it still mainly informal?

>> No.30743898

The only non-jp doll market place I know that isn't tied to a forum is BJD Circlly/ Resinmarket. Can't say I've ever used it before, but I have used Lacemarket for years and it's been pretty good.

Nothing really like Mandarake or Dollyteria though.

>> No.30748274

mamachapp anon here, i got an alert this morning that my doll has shipped already, and it is slated to arrive in 3 days yet is still in japan??? i am in the states, is this sort of speed normal? not that i am complaining at all...

>> No.30749325

I was that way too when I started, anon. Maybe get an Azone Pure Neemo or a Parabox doll to see how you like the hobby and go from there? It's how I started and I've never looked back.

>> No.30752761
File: 267 KB, 537x856, 20121112142211530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never bought dolls before but I'm absolutely in love with the way Doll Chateau's look, will probably save up for this girl next year. Does anyone have any experience with their stuff? Do they yellow easily?

>> No.30754724

Quality control can be spotty on their end, but in my (limited, when it comes to resin) experience) they pose well and nothing beats some of their off-the-wall sculpts if you enjoy them. I hope you can get one you want, anon!

>> No.30759477

I've gotten shit from Japan and China via DHL are insane speeds. I don't know how they get things through customs so fast but I'm not going to complain.
Blast it with a few coats of MSC Flat UV cut and keep it out of direct sunlight and it'll be fine.

>> No.30771338

BJDs are sexier.
