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3035137 No.3035137 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've just finished Episode 3.

As I expected, this bitch betrayed me. Fuck, and despite knowing that, I fell for her play, and even met times in which I was really close to cry when she was behaving like a good witch. Seriously, what a fucking bitch. For a second, I thought I could like her, even after all that shit she had pulled on the second episode, but fuck... FUCK, she got me bad. Honestly, I do not understand how can anyone like her after this.

I've got to admit though, having her behave all nice was a felt a bit odd. It was funny to watch her being a bitch unless she didn't go to far, but having her being too good was quite odd.

Anyway, I guess it was also my fault for paying attention to /a/'s and /jp/'s opinion and shipping rubbish. Everyone got me bad, really bad.

Hopefully, Battler will deliver some good damage and shame on her on episode 4.

Will I be deceived in the same way?

>> No.3035146

Episode 4 is basically tearjerker - comic relief/action - tear jerker continued - rinse - repeat - ??? - SMALL BOMBS

>> No.3035157

>Episode 4 is basically tearjerker - comic relief/action - tear jerker continued

Wasn't Episode 3 like this?

>> No.3035164
File: 162 KB, 500x375, ange_umineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck were you still deceived after all the spoilers in /jp/ or were you just lurking in /a/? Well enjoy your hamburger in episode 4.

>> No.3035168

I don't know how I feel about Beato. On one hand, that was a pretty low shot to Battler, whom I like. On the other, just thinking about it is almost enough to make me giggle with maniacal glee, 'cause I love shit like that.

I'm so confused.

>> No.3035181

>hurrrr durrrr hamburger

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.3035184
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>> No.3035186

You just went through the biggest "WHAT THE FUUUUUUU-" in the series, thus far.

Enjoyed it?

>> No.3035191
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>> No.3035196

I was just lurking on /a/. I always thought it was safer than /jp/ in terms of spoilers, but at this point, I really cannot give a fuck any more.

I think I'm being stubborn. For some reason, I want to like Beato... but that bitch... damn. Battler wasn't the only one feeling angry and stupid.

Honestly, I indirectly made this thread on a hopeless attempt to be given spoilers on why I may end up liking her again.

>> No.3035202

I was more trolled by Virgilia than by Beato.

>> No.3035206

Not too sure if you will like her again. But half of your hate will be redirected at trollkastel for episode4, dont know if it that is a good thing.
Also Rosa is the best mom in the world. Read ep4 and you will found out why.

>> No.3035212

I was kicking myself for hours after that for falling for it. But you know looking back at it, that was one of the best moments in reading fiction I've experienced in my life. I fell for it badly, and I cared enough to feel that strongly about it.

>> No.3035209

>Enjoyed it?

No, I had never been trolled this bad, honestly. It was just like that pic with Deadpool force feeding meat loaf to those kids. The difference is that I swallowed the whole thing on my own will.

>> No.3035214

She's the underdog.
Not amused.
n...not quite.

>> No.3035216

Am I the only one who saw it coming a mile away?

>> No.3035224

I dont know. I always knew Beato is the troll
But >>3035191

Just fuck her. She made me like her with all the danmaku and unlimited needles fight and then the SMIRK at the end just got me somehow. Fuck you virgilia, after that episode I finally learn not to trust anyone and anything without red text in umineko.

>> No.3035225

If it makes you feel any better, know that while you were trolled hard, some of Beato's feelings towards Battler were genuine.

>> No.3035226

I actually couldn't hate trollkastel even after reading episode 4. All my tears went into the 1998 arc.

>> No.3035230

Bernkastel and Lambadelta are far worse than Beato could ever hope to be.

>> No.3035233
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>Not too sure if you will like her again.


>She's the underdog.

Well, I realised that much when Lambdadelta treated her like a bitch.

>> No.3035235

I had a feeling but before she revealed it... the moment was way to high to think straight and BAM. Right in the kisser.


>> No.3035242

I am the only one who understood the Tea Party's meaning after finishing Ep3?

>> No.3035256

>some of Beato's feelings towards Battler were genuine.

Like what? Him being a fun toy to play with?

I swear, I'm never trolling anyone again. Well, at least not in the near future.

The one with Eva and Ange? What about it?

>> No.3035264


Right after Virgilia introduced the Wind and Sun strategy to Beatrice, I went through the entire episode expecting her to do something weird.

Of course, the whole "CONGRATULATIONS BATTLER" thing was a huge wailing siren because it felt so out of place. I have no idea how anyone could be suckerpunched like that when the entire scene flashing HUGE warning signs everywhere.

>> No.3035275

I was already finding it odd, but it still was a like a bucket of cold water. I honestly expected something to go wrong, but not in that way.

Honestly, I was expecting Lambdadelta or some other witch to screw me over, but seriously... that was a low blow.

>> No.3035285

The one about Lambda and Beato. It made easy to understand why she did what she did. Replaying the last chapter makes you notice minor details

>> No.3035288

I'm still hoping somehow at least Virgilia will surprise you and turn good, damn that made me rage.

How the fuck does Meta-Battler lose partner's so quickly, it's ridiculous.

>> No.3035289

Because they don't exist, obviously.

>> No.3035307

Ah... for some reason I thought of the ???? for Episode 3.

>It made easy to understand why she did what she did.

It isn't as if Beato didn't enjoy it.

>Replaying the last chapter makes you notice minor details

Like for example? Several things come up to the top of my head, but I'm not sure if it's the same as what you may be thinking.

>> No.3035331

Like when Battler asks her if it's really true or not that she tricked her, she has a long time struggling, changing expressions, before confirms it. The Tea Party made it clear that the witches are not equal and Beato stands under Lambda. So Beato is not acting freely
And she is not that stupid to reveal her true intentions right before her victory. I personally think she wants Battler's victory. She is inspiring Battler by making him hate her

>> No.3035346

Hey, I have just read the first Chapter of Umineko. I loved how they were talking to each other. Does it continue like that or should I buy a pizza for my dinner tonight?

>> No.3035353

But, doesn't she need to win in order to get her miracle and be at full power?

Anyway, I just saw the OP for episode 5, and it doesn't seem as if they won't get along. I wonder what will happen.

All the same, even my stomach is really fucked up after all that rage. Fuck, this is why I hate getting attached to characters.

>> No.3035358

Have you read Ep4 already?

>> No.3035376

No, read

>> No.3035381

Beato wants to die.

>> No.3035391

I wanted to come of with a few other reasoning from Ep4 like Beatrice begging for Battler to kill her with HUGE RED TEXT . I can only say: read it before you get spoiled.

>> No.3035408
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Shit! Now I see where this pic comes from.

Hopefully Battler will find a better solution. I'm quite tired of these bitter-sweet ends, but whatever, I'll go with what Ryukishi wants to do.

>> No.3035593
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Unavoidable end.

>> No.3035601

They already do this.

>> No.3035610

I knew it was coming, but the potential "happy ending" suckered me in none the less.

>> No.3035611

For the love of god sauce????

>> No.3035615

Episode 4 has a minor one towards the end. Beato lets Battler win most of the mysteries during the tea party in a very dramatic and metaphoric logic-battle. The "blue truth stakes" pierce and tear at her and eventually she tosses Battler a final mystery for the killing blow.
But during the ????, 34 suggests that it's another of Beatrice's trolls, all acted out, proving this by disproving all of Battler's blue with red and something else I forgot. They don't interfere, though.

I do have to agree slightly with OP, but my reaction was less RAGE and more "Hahaha, oh wow, well played". I didn't really see it coming, but then I realized through fridge logic that I could've noticed earlier if I wasn't too busy going "d'awwww".

And then Beatrice had a tsundere moment in the very beginning of Ep4.

>> No.3035626
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>> No.3035630

Did anyone else notice earlier in the Ep5 demo movie there was a clip of the portraits and there was one for Virgilia? Can't wait to see how that comes into play.

>> No.3035653

MAYBE just MAYBE, because Virgilia also had the title of Beatrice? WHICH WAS EXPLAINED ALREADY IN EPISODE 3.
