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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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30260488 No.30260488 [Reply] [Original]

This whole board has really gone to shit in the past few years.

>> No.30260850

I really miss old /jp/

>> No.30260875
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Welcome to /jp/ - 3DPD/3DCG

>> No.30260876

And you could have prevented this

>> No.30261326

By killing moot before the 10th anniversary stream?

>> No.30285716

What was /jp/ like in the old days?

>> No.30285888


>> No.30285931

Jus like moot wanted.

>> No.30286189

you could have accomplished something amazing for otaku or done something inspirational but clearly the founders of this board were/are lazy shitbags

>> No.30286779

Yeah yeah you've literally been saying that for 10 years now. It was never good

>> No.30287190

i assume you were imprisoned or exiled from the entirety of 2011 to 2016 because /jp/ was utter dogshit every single one of those years

>> No.30298450

How would that have done anything for a trashcan board on 4chan?

>> No.30300874
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Counterpoint, /jp/ was always good and it's still good. Yes, a lot of the catalog is annoying spam. No, not all of it is "on topic", a lot of it got dumped here as vaguely japan related. But, /jp/ is still fun. I like making threads on /jp/, I like posting on /jp/, I have a very good time on /jp/. Things might not be good, but they aren't bad.

>> No.30304921
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Filtered /jp/ is alright.

>> No.30305310

Is "Japanese Culture" only 2hu?

>> No.30305973

Are you blind?

>> No.30306796

Corporate shit is not Otaku Culture

>> No.30306933

Very much, because of lack of moderation. It's still one of the best boards here, but I can see it further shitting itself down to irrelevance through the following year/s.

>> No.30307984

How many different threads do youguys open on /jp/ on average? I only post in like 5 now.

>> No.30312447

Yes according to you retards. I wish it was banned here. At this point if this shit is back in full force on /v/ it won't be any worse for that board, it's already so shit no one will even notice anything

>> No.30312518

lead by example

>> No.30313306
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2020 /jp/ alternates between barely usable / unusable

>> No.30314097

this board always was a touhou board

>> No.30314892

Now it's a vtuber board.

>> No.30315115

I'm just waiting for the fad to die out

>> No.30315982

two containment generals don't really effect the board's identity

>> No.30316057 [DELETED] 

Well apparently you're not able to see. Consider getting glasses.

>> No.30320108

this is the future you chose /jp/

>> No.30320338

No, this is the future /v/ chose for us the second mods allowed hundreds of them to flock to the board.

>> No.30321794

They absolutely do affect board identity, when those containment threads have enough posters coming in to make /jp/ one of the least active to one of the most active boards on this site.
I wouldn't be surprised if newfags outnumbered oldfags 1:10 right now. And it's concerning to the board identity, because we see posters bashing on time-honored /jp/ topics like Touhou on a regular basis. This is unprecedented, even by users in other containment generals (though maybe that stupid Kancolle-Touhou war was the closest thing). It's a fucking shame for a board that has preserved a sense of board culture throughout the years moreso than any other board.

I don't have a problem with VTubers. I have a problem with the large influx of users who disagree with the topics most respected on this board and can't keep to themselves for some reason.

tl;dr VTubers really need their own board.

>> No.30324484

>tl;dr VTubers really need their own board.
/trash/ is a thing, why aren't they there?

>> No.30324783

>posters bashing on time-honored /jp/ topics like Touhou on a regular basis
sounds good to me

>> No.30325491

they don't even know who suigintou is when desu spam persisted well into early 2017 in small but noticeable numbers.

>> No.30325875

back to your containment thread

>> No.30326121
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/jp/ definitively lack moderation, we have an obvious that shit a specific thread here for more than a year and he's still there. He's banned on every other boards he tried to troll.

>> No.30326150

Seethe harder

>> No.30326209

Cope faggot
This is Hololive board now

>> No.30326243

I meant obvious troll.

>> No.30326464

maybe it's time to move on? most oldfags that you probably remember have already left. it'd really suck to watch something you really liked get fucked to hell though

>> No.30326501

Because it was a slow burn, it all started with just Kizuna Ai on /a/ 4 years ago and only really blew up recently as far as this website goes

>> No.30326525

maybe it will die down one day like with kancolle and the bandwagoners will move on to something that's on /v/ or /vg/

>> No.30326692

>tl;dr VTubers really need their own board.
this is the only real solution, it will make everyone happy

>> No.30326694
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This is my first time visiting /jp/ in I think three or four years. Prior to that I really frequented /jp/ was back in 2012. I miss you all... but I'm not interested in idols or hololive. Maybe the "small community feel" will come back someday, somehow.

This could have all been avoided with an eceleb board. Gamergate could have been avoided, fappening could have been avoided, so many issues would have been non-issues if moot had just added a fucking eceleb board.

>> No.30326875

I wonder where everyone has gone - suicide aside. I've found some forums where a sizeable portion of people are in their late 30s to early 50s... Considering its in relation to escapism I wouldn't be surprised if maybe a few of them there are old /jp/sies. I might be too busy to post online as frequently as I used to in my NEET years there are still digital spaces I hang out in.

>> No.30326978

Now that I think of it, that board might have actually managed to be faster than /pol/.

>> No.30327043

The state of /jp/ in that pic is unironically better than the one in the original version of it. I'd rather have vtubers in their specific containment threads than a few very dedicated schizos fill up the board with their spam like the raildex spammers.

>> No.30327143

does anyone even understand japanese here?
i need like 5 seconds of a video translated and for whatever reason I thought /jp/ would be the place to go, but the catalog is 100% weebshit and anime boobs.

>> No.30327255

what did you expect the otaku culture board to have?

>> No.30327339

you're not an otaku if you don't understand japanese

you're just a weeb

>> No.30327400

>you're not an otaku if you don't understand japanese
Yes you are though.
>you're just a weeb
Weebs are non japanese trying to become Japanese.

>> No.30327587
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Most of the chan alternatives are not posting vtubers at all. I have found solace lurking those threads. You should try that too, anon kun!

>> No.30328491

God we really need to get vtubers off of this board
That's the only thing that can save /jp/ right now

>> No.30328583

Raildex was offtopic cancer
Hololive is offtopic cancer

>> No.30328800

It has literally never changed one bit. It's still like 95% Touhou faggots spamming it.

>> No.30328832

You mean the stats part of >>30300874 wasn't just a one-time thing? How horrible... How are you supposed to go slowly when so many people are here posting?

>> No.30329117
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Most of the oldfags have left just about on every board outside of some crazy schizos. You could've adapted but refused to change and then got killed off by vtubers this wasn't /V/ or any other boards fault this is your own. 2who's can't draw a dime in 2020 vtubers are the future.

>> No.30329138

This isn't Reddit. You don't just do 'containment' boards, period. Plus there's no other way a vtuber place fits anywhere else. If you want to complain, maybe discuss how Touhou spammers are hogging up almost all of the catalog. That's more /v/ territory and /jp/ has to shoulder it.

>> No.30329155

The only thing here that needs to adapt here are the vtuber newfaggots

>> No.30329399

we have been asking for an internet celebrity board for years yet no one listens

/incel/ when

>> No.30329498

It doesn't work anyway. Making a politics board didn't help. Even the places nobody goes like /po/ follow the general flow of the website. Unless you have a time machine I'd get used to it.

>> No.30329499

I think it’s impossibile at this point, they just don’t care. In the global thread they even like to mock 2hu

>> No.30329518

/jp/ was LITERALLY made to contain touhou threads/spam you silly newfriend

>> No.30329528

Then don't call it weird shit like incel and expect mods to take you seriously. Thanks for never letting that idea work out.

>> No.30329565

Read what the admins have to say about the boards. It's the user who keeps hypothesizing 'containment' but that's not how this website works. Honestly Touhou shit is off topic on this board too, since it's just pure spam. They could go to /b/ or some shit.

>> No.30329596

Then why the fuck are you asking any of us to adapt to that vermin?

>> No.30329647
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Stupid as holocel

>> No.30329673
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>> No.30329690

I’m not. A new board is the only solution

>> No.30329707

don't you fucking tell me to give up and get used to it

it's this same fucking faggot in every thread telling me
>just get used to it
>this is otaku culture now
>hololive threads are a good thing for /jp/
>you are stuck in your old ways

are you one of the tranny moderators arguing about why you shouldn't do your fucking job?

and yes making /pol/ did help, that's literally why it was made THREE times (/n/, /new/, /pol/)
moot wouldn't have made /pol/ after he deleted /new/ if the faggots didn't spill everywhere

>> No.30329711

funniest thing about it is that the latest culprit is a thread that doesn't even belong in /jp/

>> No.30329788

I was talking about the spam, but okay, you do the whole 'ignoring the massive spam hogging up the entire /jp' thing. You have nothing to argue unless you actually want to discuss the spam issue.

>> No.30329788,1 [INTERNAL] 

These new age janitors are fags, bring back the one true meido.

>> No.30329788,2 [INTERNAL] 

>(kigurumi, idols)
Why are mods and 2hushits so assblasted at idols threads? they allow 2hu cancer spam and whine at single idols thread, when both are stated in pic related to be perfectly fine. This echo-chamber 2huniggers have is worse than reddit

>> No.30329788,3 [INTERNAL] 

>mods and 2hushits
Are you a newfag or were you living under a rock from 08-14?
Nobody liked idols. Oldfags regret not rooting them out years ago.

>> No.30329788,4 [INTERNAL] 

Nevermind. You really are a newfag.
