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3015581 No.3015581 [Reply] [Original]

I have an idea /jp/

Umineko as a children's show, it would star battler and pals solving fun-filled mysteries.
Each episode features Beatrice, the Golden Magician causing problems in the island of Rockn'
Jimmini's Island. These problems vary from general mishaps to petty pranks on the habitants.
It is up to Battler, along with George, Jessi, Maria and Ange (only on holiday specials) to
unravel mysteries and put an end to the Magician's evil-doing. Each sister of Purgatory would
be a "bad guy of the week" routine when introduced later on.

An Idea for One episode would be called "An Explosive Hunger". A grand dinner is being prepared in
Rockn' Jimmini's Island. Beatrice, up to her bad tricks decides to put poprocks into everyone's food.
Battler and pals figure out what was causing the food to blow up and confront the Magician of her
wrongdoing. Each story ends with Beatrice poofing up in golden smoke and saying "I'LL

The last few minutes of the show feature Bern and Lambda teaching viewers safety tips.

This is what I have in my mind right now /jp/, I hope you guise can help expand on it.

>> No.3015589

I'm not watching it unless they make Battler lactose intolerant.
Some homages simply must be observed.

>> No.3015606

What about magic?

>> No.3015609

You may have to redesign some of the clothing.

Sexy ass nee-chans~

>> No.3015614
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Or they could just turn Battler into one of the Mythbusters

>> No.3015633
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>Rockn' Jimmini's Island

>> No.3015642


You can't make Battler Lactose Intolerant, There are too many main characters in children's shows that are Lactose Intolerant. Casey and Friends did a good job following up that story, another one is simply cheapens the character.

>> No.3015655

Like the 4kids version of higurashi?

>> No.3015659

Redundant much?

>> No.3015660

So will all the episodes be related to one of Battler's crazy theories?

Episode 2: Grandfather's gone missing!

He was hiding under the bed the whole time! Grandfather sure is good at hide and seek.

>> No.3015691

Hmm...we need to incorporate the riddle in some way as well. We could say that whoever solves it gets an AWESOME party, but parties are overused.

In the same vein, we could use a fiesta, but, as you said earlier, Casey and Friends already covered that nicely. So, exactly what are we left with? I feel this is a rather pressing issue.

>> No.3015697

A mountain of chocolate, wrapped in gold foil.

>> No.3015709
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"Found you gramps!"
"D'awww, ya found me! Alright, ice cream for everyone, on me!"

>> No.3015710

Beatrice should be afraid of scorpions; the Golden Magician's weakness!

>> No.3015711

Gay-awareness episode. Kanon and Shannon switch places for a day. Quirky shenanigans follow.

>> No.3015714

Another episode could be where Ange opens up her own hamburger stand

>> No.3015718

That...could very well work! Are we going to have an episode where evil auntie Eva finds the mountain of chocolate first and refuses to share it with anyone?

Not only is it relevant to the story, but it also extols the values of sharing!

>> No.3015721

This post right here justifies /jp/'s existence.

>> No.3015731


I want a Christmas special focusing on Maria and Rosa. Maria would try to make a halloween/Christmas Festival on the Island. Maria discovers the portal of Halloween and Christmas. Her mother is worried that she may have ran away and goes on a rescue mission. They both meet up eventually and come back home to celebrate.

The message is to celebrate Christmas with the ones you love. Something like that.

No physical abuse from Rosa.

>> No.3015750

There should be an episode where Jessica tries to start her own band at school but she's one member short and Kanon's the only one who can fit the part! Although he feels he can't do it, Jessica has faith in him and they both put on a great show!

Even Natsuhi's there and she loves it.

>> No.3015751

A mountain of chocolate made by the Golden Magician which Grandpa used to start his girl scouts troop.

>> No.3015764
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Where does Virgilia fit in? I'd like the idea of her opening up her own food shop like >>3015714

>> No.3015774

seven steak sisters

>> No.3015778

But it isn't Virgilia that makes hamburgers, it's Bernkastel.

>> No.3015782


His girl scouts troop eventually turns into a multi-million dollar empire while he spends most of his time reading up books on pranks and magic tricks. He wants to create the ultimate prank so that Beatrice could return.

>> No.3015786
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I'd prefer the Live-Action American remake with DANIEL CRAIG as Battler O'shaughn-Meadhran, using James Bond-like precision to fight the evil mastermind Beatrice.

>> No.3015787

Virgilia is the neighborhood blind lady. She is there to teach children the importance of being kind to those with disabilities and to accept others as they are.

>> No.3015793

Umineko Mahjong series.

You know you fucking want it.

>> No.3015798

I'd watch it.

>> No.3015809

Sean Connery will voice and occasionally show up as Kinzo. No exceptions.

>> No.3015817


The Siesta sisters are either real bunnies used as seeing-eye critters or Personal caretakers who dress up in Bunny suits.

>> No.3015819

Wouldn't chess be more appropriate?

How about a general board games show where they play a different game each episode?

>> No.3015826


Kinzo as the Highlander.

>> No.3015829

Gap is Lia's annoying next-door neighbor and invites George, Jessica and Ron to a fun pinata party.

>> No.3015836


And the Stakes fill their roles as Bond girls would in the old films - filling out tight little bikinis and sleeping with Battler, that is.

One or two for each movie!

>> No.3015842

I would watch this show. Every day.

>> No.3015854

You should become a producer.

I would watch this.

>> No.3015855

Shannon is the girl who sometimes plays pranks by dressing up as a boy. She calls herself "Kanon".

>> No.3015866
File: 23 KB, 421x600, 2609048477_48d540c2ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatrice is the elaborate, scheming supervillainess who kills people either with her hench-women. She acts like she had a stroke, is prone to laughing and cackling and waving her pipe around, and has bad teeth.

Christina Ricci for this role. Her psychosis in this movie is that she has an abnormal obsession with Chess - forcing Battler to play it with her in bouts for people's lives, for example.

>> No.3015888
File: 38 KB, 404x620, 2609048477_48d540c2ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>who kills people either with her hench-women...

Or by creating fiendishly complicated traps. For some reason that escaped the post.

Ricci's performance in 'Sleepy Hollow' makes her perfect for this role.

>> No.3015977

The Siesta Sisters will work as the multilingual angle of the show, with all them alternating between speaking English and Spanish, but will have to be removed half-way through the series when groups protest the combination of their accents and characterization of always being sleepy and lazy to be racist.

>> No.3015998
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OP here, going to post the rest of the other stuff I did before going off.

>> No.3016014

Unfortunately, George and Jessica whack each other too hard with the pinata bat and end up in the hospital for stitches. The moral of the story is that you should always be careful, even with friends around!

>> No.3016016

There are no sea cats at the island because of pollution by mankind.

The cast must clean up the island and summon Beatrice, an incarnation of Captain Planet, on the 10th night.

>> No.3016032
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they're cute

>> No.3016049

If I had children, this is what they would watch every day.

>> No.3016073

Golden Witch, she's our hero,
Gonna take pollution down to zero,
She's our powers magnified,
And she's fighting on the planet side

>> No.3016075
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It'd be like the Scooby-Doo of the new generation...with real witches!

>> No.3016136
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x1600, 1239612513911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously want to steal these designs and actually animate this...

>> No.3016171


>In the same vein, we could use a fiesta, but, as you said earlier, Casey and Friends already covered that nicely. So, exactly what are we left with?

If you can't use a fiesta, use a Siesta.

>> No.3016194


>Sean Connery will voice and occasionally show up as Kinzo. No exceptions.

So there's a live action segment at the begining and end of each episode where Kinzo/Connery introduces the show and then recaps the valuable lesson everyone learned in the end?

>> No.3016218
File: 36 KB, 169x174, beato trolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>And she's fighting on the planet side

Yes, of course. Now if you'll just sign this document stating that you believe witches exist, then the planet is saved!

>> No.3016222

Rudolf is someone who is extremely loyal to his wife, and loves her very much.

He gets a lot of attention from other women, but he is a one woman man!

>> No.3016315


I demand this thread be archived for future generations!

>> No.3016330

No you don't

>> No.3016353

It was a nice thread, but now you've gone and ruined it with your faggotry. Every post from now on is going to consist of rage towards you and the original topic will be lost.

If you're trolling, good job.

>> No.3016408

Grandpa Kinzo knows that the kids and their parents love a good water fight, so he keeps several water guns in the house. Some are even super soakers!

>> No.3016460

"The Adventures of Seacats" sounds kind of awkward.

>> No.3016461 [DELETED] 

In one episode we learn that Maria has an imaginary friend named Sakutaro. So Maria sees a psychologist who puts her on pills. This episode teaches us a valuable lesson about the need to medicate abnormal children.

>> No.3016468

In one episode we learn that Maria has an imaginary friend named Sakutaro. So Rosa takes Maria to see a psychiatrist who puts her on pills. This episode teaches us a valuable lesson about the need to medicate abnormal children.

>> No.3016485

Nanjo is now Dr. Thurgood, Kinzo's respected and dignified African American friend who lectures the children about the contributions persons of color have made to medicine and society in general.

On the Martin Luther King holiday special Dr. Thurgood retells the story of slavery in America, only it's a flashback with Battler and friends as black slaves trying to escape the plantation and Beato as the evil southern plantation owner trying to hunt them down.

>> No.3016518

There is no way a show for children could have some of the stakes named as they are though. Satan? Yeah, I can really picture that going well with the Christian families.

Lucifer could obviously become Lucy, but the others aren't so easy.

>> No.3016516

>>Beato as the evil southern plantation owner trying to hunt them down.

Beato just went from my most hated character to my most beloved

>> No.3016527

>a flashback with Battler and friends as black slaves trying to escape the plantation and Beato as the evil southern plantation owner trying to hunt them down.

This...actually sounds really fucking awesome.

>> No.3016551

Lucifer -> Lucy
Leviathan -> Aya
Satan -> Stacy
Belphegor -> Belle
Mammon -> Monique
Beelzebub -> Elise
Asmodeus -> Dee

some of them are kind of a stretch I guess

>> No.3016599

Beatrice can't promote smoking! Her pipe will blow bubbles instead.

>> No.3016607

How about Lucy, Levi, Sassy, Bellie, Mammy, Beezie and Modie?

They have to have a theme, afterall.

>> No.3016651


That's pretty cute.

>> No.3016690

Ronove doesn't have to change at all, he can just keep baking cookies and serving tea.

>> No.3016710


He would eventually end up in a cookoff against Gohda. Kumasawa would try to get in on it, but they would laugh at her for using too much mackerel.

Then they both make terrible food and end up eating Kumasawa's mackerel dishes.

The moral: Don't discourage people because they do some things differently.

>> No.3016713

Can we have an Ange bullying episode?

>> No.3016737

I love you, /jp/. :3

>> No.3016750

...I'm stumped. What would Genji end up doing?

>> No.3016753

Ange really needs to study for her history test, but would much rather hang out with her friends and have fun! Because of her irresponsibility, she ends up getting a bad grade.

But because Ange is so well-liked and has many friends who care about her, a study group is organized to help her do better on the makeup test. They have a fun time going over review sheets and making flashcards.

It will promote responsibility, and show you that having fun and learning things don't have to be exclusive!

>> No.3016767


Still needs one more request to get archived.

>> No.3016777

You know, moron, the ghostboard does that automatically.

>> No.3016781


Name-calling isn't nice, anonymous. :(

>> No.3016809

Shouldn't Battler be the fool?

Fool is analogous to the main character

Goda should be the hanged man, due to him being OCD about food.

>> No.3016819

>because Ange is so well-liked and has many friends who care about her, a study group is organized to help her do better on the makeup test

