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3010266 No.3010266 [Reply] [Original]

It's true! EVERYTHING in Umineko can be solved without magic or witches.

Even the last bits of red text in episode four, where Beatrice says she'll kill Battler when no one else is on the island.

>> No.3010267

Yeah, and?

>> No.3010272

I thought you were a /v/ tripfag.

>> No.3010275


I have no home, I browse /a/, /jp/ and /v/.

I only troll on /v/, though.

>> No.3010284
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It surprised me when a certain theory about Battler's death in episode 4 was put to me. It was just such... twisted logic, and yet so plausible at the same time.

It'd be very weird if Umineko actually explained it this way in later episodes.

>> No.3010291

You should stay in /a/, since I don't go there.

>> No.3010295


I prefer it here. The people here are often more mature.

>> No.3010299

Best git goin if yah know what's good for yah, boy.

>> No.3010300

Beatrice is a timed explosive located behind the portrait

>> No.3010308


Battler was outside.

The theory put to me, by an anonymous, was this.

Beatrice is the name of the storm hitting the island. Battler is struck by lightning at the end of episode four and dies. So Beatrice killed him

A storm is not a life-form.
The storm is OVER the island, not outside it.

>> No.3010315


That's just silly.

>> No.3010317

Umineko: semantics

>> No.3010318

Well in the final mystery, if another red text says Battler was killed by another human, then you couldn't use Beatrice is the storm or a bomb in the mansion killed the survivors, etc.

>> No.3010320

A storm works. Seems like it would be something on a higher scale though, considering Ange never seriously considered going to the mansion.

>> No.3010327

>Umineko shit

>> No.3010336


It cannot be denied though, and is very plausible.


But she didn't.


This is a good point, the mansion could of collapsed and crushed Battler underneath the rubble, or something similar.

>> No.3010348

Than answer is simple:

Battler is Beatrice.

>> No.3010357


It can't be denied, but that just feels like a really cheap ending.

>> No.3010359

Beatrice says to Battler "I am not you" in red.

>> No.3010366

Game Battler is the murderer.

>> No.3010379

I imagine it has to be on a large enough scale where you'll only be safe at the Kuwadorian.

>> No.3010401

Simply when the boat arrives after the storm, somebody on it kill Battler.

Problem Solved!

>> No.3010440


Episode 3, Nanjo's death.

It's said in red Battler did not kill him, it's also said in red that a gun is raised and fired by another human.

>> No.3010461

That's retarded.

Battler ate and drank a shitton of food. Maria was poisoned. They've been suspecting through out the entire game that the food supply might have been poisoned.
It's not mindbogglingly retarded, and it fits all of the Red. "Beatrice" killed Battler, indirectly. Nobody's on the island except Battler, yet he dies.

>> No.3010462


He was alone on the island, the only one there.

>> No.3010467

I find it more likely that the food was poisoned.
Battler does find his way into the mansion eventually, and the game itself says Maria looked like she had been poisoned.

>> No.3010476


'Nothing outside the island can interfere'.

Something outside going onto the island is 'something from the outside interfering'.

>> No.3010483

Heck, if you want to argue semantics about how "Beatrice" had to be the one to kill Battler, then the Beatrice that was Maria's friend and wrote the message bottles poisoned the food supply before either being killed by suspicion or committing suicide (I personally think Jessica is Beatrice and committed suicide after Battler couldn't remember his sin)

>> No.3010485


She says "Yet I am here now".

This tells us that despite no person being alive there, something called Beatrice is.

It could easily be the storm itself.

Why would it strike Battler? This does not even need to be proved, as it's a devils proof. But let's just entertain the notion for a second, he has a cross on his jacket, a metal cross. The lighting could of hit this and then through him to earth itself.

>> No.3010488


Yes, in fact he was alone on the island until the boat came to take them back, then one or more allies of the culprit (or the culprit himself, dunno lol) finish the job.....

Beatrice said that he was going to get killed but not "when"

>> No.3010500

So if Beatrice is the storm, why can't she be another inanimate object? Like the portrait? Or better yet, the skeleton of the Beatrice that Rosa accidentally killed.

There, Beatrice is there (though not alive) and someone else who claimed to be Beatrice poisoned Battler's food.

>> No.3010502

This theory is old as fuck.

>> No.3010521

If Beatrice is the storm, what's the point of the whole "Battler's sin" bit at the end of EP4 where Beato is clearly pissed off at him? Unless you're arguing that one of the established characters is playing Beatrice or believes she's Beatrice but the "true" Beatrice is the storm or something like that.

>> No.3010555


>Unless you're arguing that one of the established characters is playing Beatrice or believes she's Beatrice but the "true" Beatrice is the storm or something like that.

Why not? It doesn't have to be proven, merely suggested.

>> No.3010597

Actually if you propose a theory you do need to prove it. That's how logic works. Of course people never do this in Umineko theory threads, which is why they're shit. You people are no better than Battler with his small bombs.

>> No.3010611


>> No.3010616

Reported for fake /rs/ link. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.3010632

Well, I tried to prove my huge ass theory the other day, and people wrote it off as being too complex.
You can't win sometimes.

>> No.3011134

Whatever the real reveal will be, you just know it'll be lame as fuck.

See also: every mystery series ever including the creator's previous one.

>> No.3011140

you must be new here

>> No.3011748
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>> No.3011764

That much is clear. There's the the Beatrice of the island who is one of the 17, and the "Beatrice" of the meta-world, who is neither human nor a witch, but a concept.

>> No.3011875
File: 146 KB, 637x475, beatrice_battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Silly Anons,

My name is Beatrice, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are boring, untalented, no-lifes who spend every second of their day solving the epitaph/murder mystery. You think you are so smart. Honestly, have any of you ever use your own theory and not steal from Battler? I mean, small bombs? Kanon=Shannon? Beatrice=Jessica? Beatrice=Lighting storm? Don't make me laugh with such childish theories. This is even worse than teasing the incompetent Battlers who at least came out with good blue hypothesis.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best red and blue text. I'm pretty much perfect. I was one of the first Golden Witch in the universe and lived for a thousand years trolling humans. What have you done, other than "pleasure yourself to nude images of me, Ange, Bern, Lambdadelta" and going uuu-uuu? I also get to toy with Battler all day, and have undyingly loyal furnitures (Ronove cooked for me, prepare cookies and tea, the stakes sisters killing whoever I want). You are all pathetic humans who should just die and come to my golden land. Thank you for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my toy.
The culprit for all of the murder is obviously me.

>> No.3011897

Battler ate poisoned food and died.

>> No.3011946

Battler saw himself that the servants believe in Beatrice in episode 1. Looks like it was intended to show that they were a little crazy.

The servants, sick of their shitty work, carry out the ritual starting with Kinzo. Since they commit the murders in Beatrice's name, they killed Battler with the poison.
Beatrice's red "I will kill you" still works.

>> No.3011963

Umineko 5 is under a month a way.

So how long will Witch Hunt take to translate it?

>> No.3011965

Beatrice is the name of a new drug that Kinzo made which makes people insane

>> No.3011966
File: 59 KB, 646x537, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sirs and madams,

My name is Kanon (my real name is of no importance, I am furniture after all), and I am here to serve every single one of your whims. All of you are above me, non-cowardly, true humans who spend every second of their day ordering me to attend to menial tasks. You are everything to a piece of furniture like myself. Truly, have any of you ever seen a blue sea? I mean, I assume it's difficult straining yourselves over chess moves, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even more fascinating then an existence such as mine.

Don't be so reserved. Just tell me your desire, and I shall do my best to accommodate it. I am surely capable. I am third ranked out of all of the master's servants, and have a rather fetching looking beret. What requests do you have for me other than "fill in for the role of milady's boyfriend"? I also harbour quite a powerful locus, which can easily put an end to a single Stake (she just lost to me; it was no trouble at all). You are all my masters who should just put an end to exerting yourselves. Apologies for rambling.

Pic Related: It's me and milady.

>> No.3011975

Shouldn't be that long. I'm hoping around November/December. After all, they did what, all the four games in like six months?

>> No.3011980

We'll probably see it around October.

I don't know how I'm going to avoid /jp/ for two months.

>> No.3012014

Kanon's only casualwear is an SS greatcoat.

>> No.3012020

He needs it to hide his huge tits

>> No.3012084

last twilight of the first episode.

Battler has a sin. Not realizing/remembering it is a part of it.

Keichi had also a sin. And in the same way, he was praised for realizing it himself.

I hope Ryukushi won't be that cheap, but again, why not? Umineko and Higurashi do have a bit similiar structure and motives.

>> No.3012086
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>> No.3012108

Talk about being FABULOUS

>> No.3012241


>> No.3012285


Umineko is a lot better in its execution.

For example, we can tell it has a plot from the start.

>> No.3012288


Kanon does not have tits.

Shannon = Kanon can be disproved.

Whilst Kanon = Shannon cannot.

>> No.3012290

Wait wait wait... I just had a completely retarded theory. What if the main mansion is named Beatrice.

>> No.3012322

Yes, you did just have a completely retarded theory.

>> No.3012327

Kanon could still have tits. Don't make light of his genetic defect, asshole.

>> No.3012330

Tits could be fake

but I don't believe the Shanon = Kanon thing as well

>> No.3012335


But you cannot prove that Shannon has tits. She could pad.

>> No.3012338


In which case, he would not need to hide them under a coat, he'd just need to take the tits out.

>> No.3012341

That's why Jessica had to stop Battler from touching them. A breast sommelier such as himself would have definitely known the difference.

>> No.3012497


God damn, this theory fits together so well it's hard to deny.

However, I will continue to deny it, just so I can make theories from an alternate viewpoint.

>> No.3012535

finished ep 4 yesterday, and came to the conclusion that beatrice is battlers delusion and he killed himself in the end.

i mean the board beatrice was talking about a sin which lead to the death of his relatives and wouldnt occur if he wasnt on the island. of course it wouldnt occur since he's the killer.

cant say it in red tough....

>> No.3012651


I don't think you actually know how "=" works.

>> No.3012942


Oh, don't be so pedantic.

Shannon cannot be Kanon

but Kanon cannot be Shannon.

I can explain why, if you wish.

>> No.3012967
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>> No.3012974

Kanon is a girl and Shannon, end of discussion.

>> No.3012981


Whoops, I meant Kanon can be Shannon.

>> No.3012998

Is the point of Shannon = Kanon to make room for gameboard Beatrice? I don't know about you guys, but I think it'd be pretty terrible if she turned out to be someone we haven't been introduced to yet.

>> No.3013007

No, she's Shannon or Jessica.

>> No.3013070

Except there has never been a typhoon named Beatrice, and never will be.

L2 how the storms are named

>> No.3013090

There will be a "Beatriz", though. And it's not like there's really a Rokkenjima out there.

>> No.3013175

sage for moeshit

>> No.3013236
File: 76 KB, 400x566, 9650_1_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, whats going on?

>> No.3013242

Better head on back to /a/, friend

>> No.3013270

Shannon can also be Kanon if her tits are fake so she's flat when she's Kanon and has fake tits when she's Shannon.

>> No.3013283
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>> No.3013741

From EP2: Kanon is dead. Shannon is in this room.

How do you explain this? Shannon is really the Jessica-looking corpse and Jessica is cosplaying Shannon?

"Shannon is Kanon" OTOH might actually work out. But I wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.3014172

Don't twist the red. "Kanon was killed in this room" is all we got. We were never actually told when he died.

>> No.3014407

Was their ever a 'Hurricane Beatrice' in Japan or perhaps 'Super Typhoon Beatrice'.

>> No.3014417

No, but there were storms in the area. Go look up the 1986 Japanese hurricane season.

>> No.3014419
File: 158 KB, 1024x831, Carmen_1986_track.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. There was, however, Typhoon Carmen, which, given the fact that it died down on October 8th, 1986, is the typhoon that hits Rokkenjima.

>> No.3014450


Was there ever a 50 foot mutant dinosaur?

>> No.3014478


Shore village door (find the key) land of gold


>> No.3014516

Eh,Namimi,have you ever played Phoenix Wright?
There is a logic you could find interesting in it...

>> No.3014540

So you're saying he was killed in this room in the future? No, wait, "was" is past tense. If that doesn't mean that he was killed in the past we might as well throw the whole "the red is the truth" premise out.

>> No.3014544



>> No.3014574

Well,at first remove anything you are not absolutely sure about
Then,think a character is the culprit,and if there is a contradiction move on to the next character
To prove someone did do something,you must prove everyone else didn't do it.

>> No.3014581

Sounding kinda Sherlock Holmes there, lawrence.

>> No.3014596

>To prove someone did do something,you must prove everyone else didn't do it

Hempel's raven make things much easier that that.

>> No.3014625


It may be impossible to prove that multiple people didn't do it.

This would leave you with several suspects, not just the one.

You'd have to investigate even further, and even then it may not be possible to prove beyond reasonable doubt which is the culprit.

>> No.3014628

Damn it

>> No.3014662
File: 6 KB, 343x243, Gumshoe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then clues! Go fetching find them,Battler you idiot!
Even him was useful!

>> No.3014685

Gumshoe's theme is now playing in your head, manualy.

Fuck, I wish I could forget about Phoenix Wright and play them again.

>> No.3014715

I wish I could forget Apollo Justice ever existed

>> No.3014734
File: 146 KB, 256x192, haha haha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apollo Justice? Why? It's better than PW2. Picture related.

>> No.3014756
File: 143 KB, 256x192, Edgeworth Laughs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apollo Justice
>Better than JFA

>> No.3014770

Look at that magnificent motherfucker

>> No.3014777

Except for case 4, of course. I thought it was obvious.

>> No.3015113

What about: Battler ate Beatrice, thus Beatrice killed him through her POISONOUS BLOOD?

>> No.3015137

So, who was U.N..Owen?
