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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 1000x600, katawa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2997635 No.2997635 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp.
I'm mostly on /a/, and come here sometimes mostly to get Vocaloid and Touhou stuff.
I used to think VNs were kinda stupid, but this week out of pure boredom I downloaded Katawa Shoujo Act 1.
I found that I really, really liked it.
First of all I apologize for such past ignorance.
Second, /r/ing sites from wich I can download more translated VNs.
Thank you.

>> No.2997641

The internet.

>> No.2997642


>> No.2997643

troll troll lol

Saged, reported, hidden, et cetera.

>> No.2997646

>really, really liked it
>Katawa Shoujo
Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.2997675

You go to /a/
You enjoy awful fanfiction level shit like Katawa Shoujo
You don't know how to google and expect people to hand everything to you

Leave /jp/.

>> No.2997677

Wait, what?
I'm not trolling, people.

>> No.2997682

stop fuckin with us

http://www.AnouTalk.com/ (Anou = Anon)
> kyf fjffivgfopichi sxc e

>> No.2997690

>I used to think VNs were kinda stupid
>implying playing Katawa Shoujo made you think VNs weren't stupid
Too obvious

>> No.2997693

Google is full of shit. Human generosity is always better.
Like I said, I had never before played a VN, so I don't know what is "fanfiction level shit" and what's "the awesome shit". I came here for advice on what's best.
Since moot divided /a/ into /a/ and /jp/ both boards became full of morons like you disputing which one is better.

>> No.2997694

try a InterNet Search Engine like Googel. It Will Find a Visual Novel for You

>> No.2997695

You can order VNs from here OP .

As we already established yesterday in the thread above, we are all respectable, socially active persons, who buy their own VNs, and we really frown upon piracy around here.

>> No.2997702

Holy fuck you are retarded.

Just use a torrent site and download your VN of choice. Google the patch for it after that and install it. It's not fucking hard.

Are you 5 years old or new to the internet?

Also, stop helping him. You're just encouraging laziness.

>> No.2997704

You got your answer in the second response, why are you still here?

>> No.2997705


>> No.2997710

nerd rage

>> No.2997712

It says page under construction.
But sorrry, you're right. I'll take my leave now. I just fell into troll bullshit.

>> No.2997714

>stop helping him
But you just did yourself

>> No.2997727

Oh forget it, it's .org. Thanks.

>> No.2997730

Play all the VNs you want, but keep your idiocy in /a/. You're not welcome here.

>> No.2997735

Hardly. If he's not retarded he should have known that all from the start. Helping these people will just spawn more "sauce pl0x" idiots all over /jp/ and have the board overrun with recommendation threads.

Now OP, go cry to /a/ about how /jp/ sucks.

>> No.2997743
File: 205 KB, 450x571, Butthurt_pokemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nerds.

>> No.2997749

Back to /b/, please.

>> No.2997754


>> No.2997788


>> No.2997794

/jp/ never helps, it is understandable. If you really want to ask for help avoid those things
>Katawa Shoujo

>> No.2997816


>> No.2997847

ITT sage

>> No.2997887
File: 24 KB, 343x319, awesomeboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /jp/.

This thread is here because /a/ is currently discussing the fact that you are a bunch of elitist faggots and therefore suck compared to /a/.

Someone said if you go to /jp/ and so much as mention you ever go to /a/, that /jp/ will just sage the shit out of your thread and generally flail about angrily.

It was also noted that /jp/ loves to shit on KS for no reason.

This thread was a test of the theory that you idiots work like predictable clockwork and you all have been more than eager to play your part.

Fucking congratulations. I'm proud of you, /jp/.

>> No.2997897

>Someone said if you go to /jp/ and so much as mention you ever go to /a/, that /jp/ will just sage the shit out of your thread and generally flail about angrily.

That's right, now get out.

>> No.2997901

what's the matter, not nipponese enough for you?

>> No.2997906
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>> No.2997907

Yes, yes, you were trolling us. We already figured that out.

>> No.2997915

Good, now we can hopefully continue being elitists faggots without being bothered.

>> No.2997931
File: 289 KB, 689x711, 1240515817478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's even better? You both suck. /a/ and /jp/ both.

Someone tries to troll you and all you can think to do is whine and cry. Sage, sage, bawww, get out of my secret clubhouse, et cetera and so on and so forth.

If you faggots had even an ounce of the awesomeness incarnate that is, for example, /tg/, you might be a bit more creative about it and vastly less difficult to troll. Hell, you might even GET SHIT DONE.

You know why /tg/ doesn't get garbage like this? Because in half the time it took you to cry your little eye sockets out due to an OP with /a/ and KS in it, /tg/ would have already finished statting every KS character, Kenji included, for 3.5, GURPS, and 40k.

Then someone would mention something about bananas and a huge debate about the feasibility of monsters which disguise themselves as banana bunches would be underway.

And that's why there is a suptg but you've never heard of a fucking supjp. Because you faggots don't do anything worth that kind of awesomeness.

>> No.2997933 [DELETED] 

From my side of view, the problem isn't that the OP came from /a/ or mentions KS.

The main issue is that he can't even be arsed to use that cool site called google, where he could find out what visual novels exist, and adding the word "download" he could easily answer his own question in the opening post.
I'm sorry, but when I fancy watching some anime I won't go to /a/ like: "sup /a/, I've thought that animes are stupid, but after watching *random anime* I really liked it, so where can I watch more of those?".
Using a simple search function would show me that there are millions of sites for that purpose, however OP couldn't be arsed to do the same.
If you think we are unfriendly that might be true, however we are only jackasses with lazy people who are fucking anticipating to be mouth-fed with every piece of information, instead of using some minimal amount of common sense.

>> No.2997943
File: 778 KB, 196x207, BAAWWW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2997946

sauce on pic?

>> No.2997953

>I'm sorry, but when I fancy watching some anime I won't go to /a/ like: "sup /a/, I've thought that animes are stupid, but after watching *random anime* I really liked it, so where can I watch more of those?".
This is a good idea

>> No.2997963
File: 136 KB, 550x725, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, /tg/ has people who actually do stuff, but we have... er... stolen images of little girls?

>> No.2997964
File: 221 KB, 1000x982, CuteCultist-Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of a /tg/ creation, Cultist-chan

>> No.2997969


Hey, smartguy. You're on 4chan, which is ONE OF THE SITES FOR THAT PURPOSE.

When someone comes asking you about your hobby, and you shit in his face, you are telling him "I suck."

When a whole bunch of you get together and shit in the guy's face, you are saying "we suck."

And that's how /jp/ sucks.

Because you've forgotten what you're about. You're more concerned about your self importance than about, y'know, THE FUCKING FRINGE BULLSHIT THIS BOARD WAS MADE FOR.

Of course someone could type "visual novels" into google. They know that. They want a second opinion. They can't get that from google.

And you're stomping your feet and whining "you can't get it from me either."

Way to announce how worthless you are.

>> No.2997975


Reporting is a good way to get our OP troll wannabe to get ban. I can see that you tolerate people like OP in /tg/ but I don't.

>> No.2997980

Join Chaos. Receive lasgun and suffering.

>> No.2997985


>> No.2997987
File: 53 KB, 506x700, 1237547318898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cultist chan is an example of that kind of stuff.

/tg/ got together to throw together a bunch of ideas for a silly parody of JRPGs using Warhammer 40k as a theme and lots of video game and anime tropes as standards to go by.

Cultist Chan was born as a concept for one of the playable characters, and since then has been a lasting /tg/ icon.

What about you, /jp/? When's the last time you INVENTED A FUCKING CHARACTER?

Where ARE your drawfags, anyway?

>> No.2997989


>> No.2997992

>And that's why there is a suptg but you've never heard of a fucking supjp
There's easymodo

>> No.2997993

We don't want to have worth, we want a place to discuss fringe bullshit with people who also enjoy it and aren't new. If you want recommendations, go to gaia or something.

>> No.2997996


Ah, the fresh smell of butthurt.

>> No.2998002 [DELETED] 

I and a few other anons don't tolerate original content, so we chased them away.

>> No.2997998

Agreed. Just leave us faggots alone to discuss our weeaboo shit and go back to your equally shitty board.

>> No.2997999

Also if you are fucking new, learn to fucking lurk for a month at least before making a single post or thread.

>> No.2998003

Who is the elitist now?

By the way /tg/ is shit because traditional games are shit, and no amount of drawfagging will ever make them worth discussing.

>> No.2998008

You are acting as if Touhou is not worse than everything else combined.

>> No.2998009

We have a picture of Maria from Umineko pissing in a fire for magical breeding power. Ironically, we can't post it because it's NSFW.

>> No.2998016

From what I can see, suptg has a bunch of content in addition to their archiving service.
We have a lizard tail salesgirl, if that counts. It doesn't.
If you hate it so much, then simply leave. You're not obligated to like anything just because it's on 4chan. If you simply don't have a place to talk about it on this board, then go to /r9k/ or /b/. That's what miscellaneous boards are for.

>> No.2998017

You are acting like /tg/ isn't /touhou games/.

>> No.2998021
File: 17 KB, 387x327, 1208112178685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And look at what they have done already:

One sage, from a shitty tripfag.

Two recommendations from helpful anonymous posters, both suspicious of trolling but still constructive posters. Three solid shows have been recommended and as a bonus the suggestion to "torrent everything" has been thrown in.

Look who's better than you already, /jp/.

>> No.2998024

They are hard at work on /jp/ project of course

>> No.2998025

No, it shows how shitty they are. If they were a decent board that thread would be ignored or called out for the obvious troll that it is.

>> No.2998026

Yeah, I know, it's pathetic, they are actually helping him. They should have just told him to lurk like we did.

>> No.2998029

You are not supposed to give REAL recommendation. That is the joke.

In the olden days, anon will suggest the shittiest series, bible black and boku no pico.

>> No.2998030

I cringe whenever anons confesses that KS is their first VN

>> No.2998033

>If you faggots had even an ounce of the awesomeness incarnate that is, for example, /tg/, you might be a bit more creative about it and vastly less difficult to troll. Hell, you might even GET SHIT DONE.
Oh please. /tg/ stopped being good a year ago, nor was it ever able to get shit done (usually any time something got created, it was the work of one person and one person alone). Nothing has been created except for bullshit like RUBY QUEST and other forum games that I came to 4chan to get away from.
And /tg/ is extremely easy to troll. For fuck's sake, you've got Lanced Jack hanging out there now.

>> No.2998038

Actually, it goes in something like this of superiority

Thread is ignored > Thread receives few helpful replies and dies > Thread is filled with "LOL TROLLS XD" and becomes retarded shitstorm.

>> No.2998042

>shittiest series
>bible black
>boku no pico
Does not compute

>> No.2998046


It's nice that you're trying to stir up some retarded board rivalry, but honestly, no one here gives a shit and I suspect no one on /a/ or /tg/ cares either.

>> No.2998051


Unlike you, I LIKE talking about /jp/ related shit.

See, it's like how I like talking about video games, but /v/ is utter garbage where you can't really talk about them at all anymore.

Try an experiment: Pick any game from two console generations ago or older and try to have a thread about it on /v/. Bonus points for a game that never saw an international release and had to be fan translated and distributed as a ROM. Then post a similar thread on any other 4chan board with a tiny shred of content obviously intended to worm it in (what if game x was an anime on /a/, or "stat me" on /tg/).

I guarantee you will have a much better thread on a board other than /v/.

Now, do the same thing with /jp/ and another board, but with Katawa Shoujo as the subject.

That's how much like /v/ you are.

That's how shitty you are.

You're making this board a worse place to post. YOU leave.

>> No.2998057

Stop thinking sage means something bad, jesus christ. It's just a way to post without bumping the thread.

>> No.2998058

To be fair, the OP got what he wanted and left making this a dead thread. However, for some reason, a bunch of outsiders are posting on our board.

So it should be something like this: Thread is ignored > Thread receives few helpful replies and dies > Thread is filled with "LOL TROLLS", a few helpful replies, and dies> Interboard posting.

This thread is actually a tier lower.

>> No.2998069


All the angry sage replies say that /jp/ cares a rather lot.

>> No.2998074

You're comparing something good, like old obscure games to something poor, like a wapanese game that's only popular because of 4chan? Have you gone mad?

>> No.2998079


I don't see how you can have a good suggestion with KS anywhere. What is her disability? X girl is my waifu? kenji route where? CYOA thread? X girl is the moeest?

That is just what KSfags talk about and we don't want their kind here.
Just get out KS Dev, you are just mad that /jp/ hate your game.

>> No.2998080

Successful troll is successful

>> No.2998081


As if you don't know why people sage.

Two reasons: To declare their hatred of a thread, and to try to make themselves look like oldfags who "know what sage is really for."

>> No.2998086

I don't think you know how the sage function actually works.

>> No.2998093


They're really more irritated than angry. Also, sage is just used to post without bumping a shit thread (for example this one.)

>> No.2998096

Because some times you want to reply without bumping? Are you that stupid?

>> No.2998105



Thank you for proving me right.

>> No.2998114

And I suppose that metathreads are the way to go, right? The problem with KS threads is that they don't stay KS threads for long. They always break down into some shit-slinging thread about what belongs and what doesn't belong on /jp/. The main reason being that people always respond to retarded trolling. If someone posts 'Ever17, not so good' in an Ever17 thread, everything will go as normal, but if someone posts something like 'KS Devs, get out', there's an instant knee-jerk reaction reaction to it and suddenly people start bitching and moaning. Post what you like and ignore what you don't like. If the idolfags can do it, then surely a legitimate group of KS posters can do the same. That is, if they're not just in it for the trolling.

>> No.2998131


>They always break down into some shit-slinging thread about what belongs and what doesn't belong on /jp/.


>> No.2998132
File: 153 KB, 500x500, 1236584277040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup idiot. Go look through this thread. None of the sage post are are "I AM ANGRY AT YOUR POST SAGE SAGE SAGE"

>> No.2998133

So I was a bit dissappointed over the actions of this /tg/ poster. Why would they tease other boards when they're good and helpful?
Thankfully, I realize that it's just the action from a sole poster, and not a reflection of most of the board.

Guess this goes to show that all boards have bad parts on them, both elitism and not knowing how to answer to trolls, but that in the end it all falls in the hands of individuals.

/a/ used to be one of my favorite boards, but at some point the bad apples became the majority, so I left. /jp/ has stagnation and overreaction issues, like the KS dev conspiracy, but it's not so bad for now. It's just a few people that yell over it, when the rest realize after playing that it's not that good, but neither as bad as they're telling it is.

I wonder if we will get to see the next summer, seeing how things are. All boards are decaying exponentially, no place is safe.

>> No.2998144

bible black isn't shit

>> No.2998153

This place will be dead come next summer. Enjoy the place while you still can. I'll be leaving 4chan for good when all the good boards go down the shitter.

>> No.2998163

That's a different situation altogether. /jp/ dislikes KS because we've actually played other VNs, and in comparison KS is terrible. Other boards don't have experience with VNs so they think KS is good. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but don't get upset just because we don't share your opinion.

Maybe on other boards, but not on /jp/.

>> No.2998165


No, they pretty much all are, most especially yours, "idiot."

>> No.2998172

I am not saying they suck. In the off chance that the guy asking for recommendation isn't a troll and he really go watch Bible Black and Boku no pico it will be funny.

Imagine someone watching hentai with their friends or their family, he is gonna have a hard time explaining them.

>> No.2998180


I'm a dilettante, not a pureblood fa/tg/uy. Wouldn't even be lecturing /jp/ if that were the case.

>> No.2998199

If they were dedicated posters and cared about the subject, then it wouldn't matter. See idol threads. People have been trying to chase them out since forever and they're still here.
Bible Black is pretty good. The animation was nice and the game was fun to play.

>> No.2998202


Here's a tip: accusing people of being angry and "butthurt" the way you're doing it doesn't work. You should really quit and try again later. Or not.

>> No.2998217

<= The guy who wrote >2997933 and deleted it due to a few typo.
>You're on 4chan, which is ONE OF THE SITES FOR THAT PURPOSE.
>When someone comes asking you about your hobby, and you shit in his face, you are telling him "I suck."
So basically I'm here to give recommendations for those people who are lazy enough to use their brains, and make a google search where can they download VNs? Because that's what the fake OP's issue was.

I've thought I'm here to discuss my hobbies with other people who share the same hobbies and interests.
Even in real life if you go there to a bunch of lads playing snooker in a random bar, and you are bothering them by asking about the basic common rules of the game, or similar games, while they are enjoying themselves with each other, they will point you to the rules on the wall because it's common sense to read it.
It's the exact same here. It's plain and simple: we are not here to mouth-fed lazy people who can't even input "+"Visual novel" +torrent" in their own bloody browser.

Additionally it's not a rocket science to know that /jp/ isn't really fond of neither /a/, nor KS. So by specially stressing both of that facts that the board commonly dislikes are likely not going to earn desired results. Modifying the above example, it would be like you'd go to a nazi bunch of people playing snooker, while you are a jew and and you don't hesitate to proclaim yourself as one, and then you inquire about a sport which most snooker players hate.
Why are you surprised they are not helping?

>> No.2998221
File: 108 KB, 650x414, 1229256150496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ sure loves its metatheads.

Can we go back to discussing more important things, like pissing on the floor?

>> No.2998223

No wonder your actions seem so weird, we've had a good relation with /tg/ before, and they usually don't rub it in other boards faces that they do a lot of original content.

Anyway, better drop it. It's a summer weekend, and as much as I hate to admit it, the board changes around this time. The neurosis and anger are palpable over TCP/IP.

>> No.2998229

There are a ton of "legitimate" VNs out there worse in every aspect and with a larger fanbase.

>> No.2998252

You don't know what legitimate means and how it should be used.
Also, worse things existing does not raise it's value. especially when just as much better things exist too.
Trying so strongly to protect an unfinished project is ridiculous, and attracts further shitstorms.

>> No.2998259

So what?

>> No.2998270

ED reject.
>/tg/ rox /jp/ sux
go back there then, faggot.

>> No.2998274

If people hadn't shit themselves so much over a demo, there wouldn't be so much hate for KS. It's not something I was interested in in the first place, though, since I'm not a fan of the dating sim sort of VN anyway.

>> No.2998277

But KS is the only fanbase that react like it is the end of the world when KS is trolled.
You know the
-Umineko is shit red text thread
-Ever17 not so good
-FSN Overrated shit

The fanbase don't react like the KSfags.

>> No.2998282

But the issue being discussed here is whether one should strive to help newcomers on the relevant board or just troll them.
The answer should be obvious OF COURSE YOU SHOULD HELP, seriously only faggots think its cool to turn people off of a mutually shared interest .
From what I can tell the OP wasn't being overtly offensive so you could have at least afforded him a lurk moar.
We have netiquette outside of /b/ people.

>> No.2998288

Good point.
Lurk moar, OP.
And google is your friend.

>> No.2998292

Wow...this is one hell of a shitty thread.

>> No.2998293

Not on /jp/. All of the VNs that are regularly discussed here are better than KS.

>> No.2998299

I see plenty of helpful replies.

Are you still thinking that sage is used as an insult? Sage replies can be helpful too you know.

>> No.2998307

you're the only one bothered by that.

>> No.2998324

>>Not on /jp/. All of the VNs that are regularly discussed here are better than KS.

Razen Maiden.

>> No.2998326

I'm not saying there weren't and I agree that this thread is about as cool as being called on your actions in class but goddamn if it isn't worth it to see the dirtbag that keeps throwing spitballs pout.

>> No.2998337

As a matter of fact, the OP was never asking for recommendations. He was only looking for different warez websites how to _pirate_ Visual Novels.

Why are you surprised that we aren't helping with spreading piracy? We never pirate games, of course we wouldn't help with illegally downloading copyrighted programs. We all spending our hard earned salary on Visual Novels, yet here comes a greenhorn and asks, how to obtain the same privileges unauthorized, without actually spending anything on that expensive hobby?

>> No.2998354

The OP was an obvious troll (and even admitted it a few posts later) yet he still got the information he needed in the second reply. I don't see how you can expect more than that.

>> No.2998355

Are you kidding?

>> No.2998356


The real problem with OP's post is that he inadvertently(?) triggered many of /jp/'s troll flags (I come from /a/, I love KS, that fucking KS image, etc.). You'd see similar reactions on other boards if you posted similar things that are used to troll them.

>> No.2998366

Nothing has even been released yet so its quality can't be judged. And it's only ever discussed when the fake mugen troll starts threads about it.

>> No.2998387

It wasn't inadvertent at all, see

He was a troll and most people called him out on it. I see nothing wrong here.

>> No.2998391

Like I said
trolling !=being offensive
you shouldn't act like an ass even if you're provoked by something like THIS.
seriously /jp/ acts like fundamentalists sometimes

>> No.2998394

Wow, /jp/, you knew it was a troll and you still let him provoke you and now this thread has 100+ posts.

You're incredibly pathetic.

>> No.2998396 [DELETED] 

Kind of related: since when was it a bad thing to be an elitist? If not being an elitist means having to put up with some of the kind of talk that goes on in /a/ then I don't see any reason not to be one. Not that /jp/ is very good either, since we get some of that too.

>> No.2998405

My bad, I just woke up. Should have read the whole thread first.

>> No.2998416

>>Nothing has even been released yet so its quality can't be judged.

He's released sample dialogue. a fairly large summary, character designs, and a functioning early test copy. It can definitely be judged and all judging points to a tier so low, it can only be called mugen tier.

>>And it's only ever discussed when the fake mugen troll starts threads about it.

The real mugen posts about it like twice a week, not counting pimping it out in other threads, and his threads always break 50 posts and usually reach 100.

>> No.2998417

>He was a troll and most people called him out on it. I see nothing wrong here.

Enjoy your 100+ post thread.

>> No.2998444

This is /jp/. Every thread will be replied to, no exceptions. Don't think too highly of yourself, OP.

>> No.2998445

Actually, responding courteously and not embarrassing yourself by screaming TROLL TROLL HEY GUYS IT'S A TROLL is another valid option. It's not unusual for troll threads to actually develop into something worthwhile but /jp/ is too dense to let that happen.

>> No.2998519

I'd like to think I completely understand the value of having a clubhouse where only initiates discuss things. You get a certain quality of discussion that can't be had elsewhere. I also think the real test of quality of such a clubhouse is whether or not they can be, at least on occasion, courteous to outsiders.

Like me! I've never played a VN before Katawa Shoujo. I thought it was far too protracted and plotless but it was still at least somewhat involving - when it was going strong, it seemed to capture the "moe" quality that I thought, off the top of my head from casual browsing, that /jp/ appreciated. Can anyone tell me how other VNs capture this feeling in a superior fashion? What have you got to lose? One love!

>> No.2998533

kana little sister. just download it it's great.

>> No.2998538

>I also think the real test of quality of such a clubhouse is whether or not they can be, at least on occasion, courteous to outsiders.
Not in this clubhouse

>> No.2998545

When your 'first' VN like is not even an adventure game or localized game, it's an incomplete project with far different origins, and while the dialogue and story didn't hook you you got attracted by the moe factor which is the most subjective quality ever, discussions cannot hope to be done well.

>> No.2998551

>117 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2998552


I shall!


But doesn't it feel better to shoo children out the door with at least a pat on the head rather than whipping them and tossing them into the gutter? I know 4chan in general is the Grand Central Station of sociopathy, but surely we have hearts, gentlemen.

>> No.2998566

>the most subjective quality ever, discussions cannot hope to be done well.

This is a very good point. I admit this. This brings us back to the clubhouse aspect - perhaps it really is better if KS fans find a KS clubhouse. I shall chew over this.

>> No.2998568

>same shitty post from /a/
>118 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

what the fuck /jp/?

fuck you

>> No.2998577

But children are not allowed on this site. This is an adult website for adults such as myself.

>> No.2998582

That doesn't count since the authors are the only one discussing it.

>> No.2998588


Semantics! Some of us are children at heart.

>> No.2998591
File: 128 KB, 800x600, yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we both know what /jp/ would do.

>> No.2998607

Are you suggesting that you want to be headpatted?

>> No.2998636


Would you really think less of me if I said yes? Have you ever patted a friend's head? I speak with no mere desire to amuse through fabrication when I say that I pat my friends' heads all the time. It is so deeply gay that they are amused at first and do not stop me, and then it's too late for them, as they realize what a lovely addition to their day it is.

>> No.2998652

Well, you're not going to get any. Now, if you were to pat my head, I'd be very crossed. Then again, me being crossed never actually meant anything so you're really risking nothing. Just putting that out there.

>> No.2998657

If someone made a thread with a request like this, it would probably get a few friendly recommendations. Requesting specifics, describing what you liked and what you're looking for, etc.

This thread basically said: "I liked KS where can i download VNs?" They didn't ask for discussion or give any specifics, and the question asked could easily be found by searching "visual novel" in google. Therefore it got saged. Usually this kind of thread would have saged about 10 times then never touched again, but /jp/ ihas become more crowded and filled with newfriends who didn't bother lurking before filling /jp/ with shit.

>> No.2998662

People would link to vndb and tell him to lurk more. Pretty much the same thing that happened here.

>> No.2998689

/jp/ is probably one of the only boards that still remembers the original purpose of sage, and uses it correctly.

Most people from other boards come to /jp/ and think "They're saging my thread so they must hate my post!" Which might only be half true.

>> No.2998932
File: 26 KB, 350x321, KQTKYOOAQS27H5QEUTYYYQKSZ5QOUGJ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2999774

Well it's not like /jp/ doesn't also have a lot of the
>post only containing quoted green text
posts either.
