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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2916100 No.2916100 [Reply] [Original]

So, does /jp/ like many anime?

pic related, this + umineko are the only ones I currently like.

>> No.2916105

I enjoy some on occasion. But, /a/

>> No.2916107

i just watch the epic stuff like FSN, Umineko, KnK etc.

moe garbage needs to be die.

>> No.2916113

/a/ thread.

Stop posting already.

>> No.2916117

Bakemonogatari looks pretty good.

>> No.2916120

Watching at least 150 series should be a prerequisite for posting on /jp/. That's not to say that we want to discuss it though.

>> No.2916121

Anime and VNs are pretty much the same thing in a different format (with a few exceptions). I don't see why not.

>> No.2916124

No, now get back back to /a/ and take your shitposter with you.

>> No.2916128

Back to /a/.
They're really not.

>> No.2916133

I liked anime for maybe 6 months before moving onto other things. Most of it is terrible.

>> No.2916134

Enjoy not understanding half the memes from nicovideo and 2ch that are discussed then.

>> No.2916136

KnK was EPIC

Go watch CANAAN dude it's from TYPE-MOON too so it's insta-win.

Uminko might suck because the studio is a pip.

>> No.2916137


Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.2916139

I don't think I need to repeat myself, kiddo.

>> No.2916144
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>> No.2916147

KnK is a /jp/ series because the underage on /a/ never discuss it and don't understand it's awesomeness

also, nasuverse is always /jp/ relevant

>> No.2916145

Almost every visual novel is like an anime plot, except with sex. I don't see how anyone could deny this.

>> No.2916154


>> No.2916159

I'm just going to assume the idiot from /a/ is a troll.

>> No.2916161

You are already dead.

>> No.2916164
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>Implying nasuverse stuff is complex and more than a Shonen Jump story with more explanation and less story.

>> No.2916167
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>implying that nasuverse has much of a story to begin with

>> No.2916168

>can't tell the difference between two distinct mediums
>visual novel .... sex
Kakkoii monogatari aniki

>> No.2916173

Why don't you just get a tripcode already?

>> No.2916178

What? Most visual novels are eroge.

>> No.2916189

Still a sweeping generalization.

>> No.2916190
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>assuming things

>> No.2916193

That's because your too dense to understand it's deep philosophical meaning.

>> No.2916199


what a retard

>> No.2916202

You had me going for a while with all your shitposting in other threads. Well played.


>> No.2916207

inb4 faggots complaining about how it's pretentious because they're to stupid to understand anything that's not explicitly stated.

>> No.2916208

Araya was a faggot, I would have been creating android girls for sex.

>> No.2916213
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>Nasu shit
>anything that's not explicitly stated

I see a contradiction.

>> No.2916216

This thread reeks of one person trolling himself.

>> No.2916223

>I've only read FSN and maybe Tsukihime

>> No.2916227

Umineko only. The ED song is fucking awesome. Rie sounds like a good voice actor, what the fuck? Also SHINN ASUKA AS GEORGE FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUCK

>> No.2916230
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>> No.2916238

Hey, don't you give me that look.

>> No.2916241

/a/ is the other way.
You know you are in the right place when you see 5 Bleach/Naruto Threads on the first page.

>> No.2916283

funny because there's one Bleach and three Umineko threads in the front page right now.

>> No.2916285
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>> No.2916292

Well I'm still following Phantom and Tiara from last season, and I picked up Umineko, Canaan, Tokyo Magnitude already.
Might be following Princess Lover too, if they are going to be consistent with the quality they showed in the first episode, but I reckon I just marathon it through once, when I have nothing better to do.

>> No.2916299

We coo.

>> No.2916334
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Nipaaaaa~! Yay! Cool, cool!

>> No.2916345

I like watching anime, but try not to do it too much because I always feel like a pathetic weeaboo after marathoning something. Kind of weird actually, as I can enjoy shit like touhou and vn's without any problem.

>> No.2916348

Aaaahhhh! Trollkasteeeel! Marry meeeeeeee!

>> No.2916352

You know I can't stay angry at you.

>> No.2916356

I will be your Furniture forever for a kiss.

>> No.2916376
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My, when did I get so many fans? I'm very flattered.

>> No.2916381

I only really watch slice of life shows. Shounen fighting and harem crap just aren't really my thing.

I spend most of my time reading books and so I'm more suited to the visual novel format than anime, which seems to be targetted mostly at teenagers and people with ADD. That's not to say that all of it's bad though.

Honestly though, as far as Japanese TV goes, I'm more likely to watch drama and stuff these days.

>> No.2916398



>> No.2916416
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>> No.2916452
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Mii~! What's wrooong, Battler? I'm happy!

>> No.2916462

Don't you start that with me missy.

>> No.2916470


If you're happy, I'm happy.


>> No.2916475

DADDY COOL is the hannin?

>> No.2916482
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I'm glad!
