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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 690 KB, 974x1440, Longevity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28294712 No.28294712 [Reply] [Original]

I don't remember the actual name, but I don't like change regarding Akyuu's time left alive. I don't even remember how many years she even has left. I know it isn't a lot.

>> No.28294911

Technically, she should have been dead years and years ago since 2hu moves roughly in real-time.

>> No.28294955

pretty sure zun has confirmed that 2hu is stuck in sazae time

>> No.28295284

nah, she's 26 now, since she was born in 1994
the child of miare rarely survives past their third decade

>> No.28295362

I often wonder if the human characters in touhou are meant to age in real time, since the series itself is supposed to correlate to realtime. That would put Reimu and Marisa around 30 right?

I wonder if in 20 years we’ll be playing games about old ladies.

>> No.28295423

Aren't the Reimu and Marisa from the PC98 games supposed to be the ancestors of the windows ones? Alice recognizes Marisa, but Marisa doesn't even know who she is.

>> No.28295556
File: 66 KB, 978x816, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone remember Alice.

>> No.28295570

They didn't really age much from PC-98, started out as 11 or 12 and started EoSD at 16 or something, and she's mentioned being older at some point though I can't recall when. There's sorta time, but not really, and Zun's never going to turn Reimu into a milf anyways so she'll always be at her oldest early-20s.

>> No.28296066

Senile old Alice can't tell humans apart

>> No.28296125

Wasn't Alice a little girl when she met Marisa though?
She's pretty young for a magician, as compared to Patche who has been around for about 100 years

>> No.28298543

Young enough to barely be able to hold a grimoire with both arms.

>> No.28310037

He did give her some noticeable breasts in official art, so she may be 14-15ish.

>> No.28326092

She's shown to be taller/more mature than children/Kosuzu. Kosuzu and Akyuu aren't that far apart in age. Akyuu is in her 20s and was a child when Reimu and Marisa first met her.

>> No.28341194


>> No.28361620

I'll live exactly a month as a wizard before akyuu dies for real

>> No.28361709

~30 if you only count windows
~35 if you include pc98
but again too much magic juice apparently can stop aging

>> No.28475687

Narumi came to be because of Alice and Marisa.
I wonder how many more contributions to Gensokyo were made since then if something that small led to her sentience.

>> No.28486173


>> No.28499628

Akyuu will die at the conclusion of 2020
