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File: 69 KB, 800x600, what the FUCK shirou what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2824865 No.2824865 [Reply] [Original]

...I thought I hated Shirou before but... JESUS.

PLEASE tell me there's a route where I get to kill this little fucking sadist psycho like she damn well deserves.

>> No.2824870

Get out.

>> No.2824874

Bad End #13 will be right up your alley.

>> No.2824877

Saber isn't that bad.

>> No.2824876

I think you will enjoy UBW for one part in particular, you waste of a sperm and an ovum.

>> No.2824879

Saber hate thread? I'm down for that.

>> No.2824883

Why do you want Saber to die?

>> No.2824880

Wait, why do you hate Shirou?

>> No.2824888

Actually, this is Shirou being awesome and making a good decision for once.

>> No.2824889
File: 100 KB, 800x600, ilya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, Ilya hate thread. Look past the thumbnail.

Ilya's a one hundred percent fucking sadist. She goes out of her way to kill even people who have already lost the game, in as vicious and prolonged ways as possible. She does not deserve to live.

>> No.2824890

But Ilya becomes love after Berserker :3

>> No.2824896

Yeah, but she does it to Shinji, so I forgive her.

>> No.2824906

She was just raised badly, she has the potential to be a loving loli though.

>> No.2824913

She's moe. Also the best female in the game.

>> No.2824914 [DELETED] 

At first I though this was a typical Shiro-rage thread.
Then I realized it was Saber rage.
Then I raged.

>> No.2824917

God, you are stupid.

>> No.2824922


There's a million reasons we hate shirou, but this is not one of them.

>> No.2824925

I like the part when Rin gets fucking pissed at Shirou for protecting Ilya, because of the whole killing Archer thing.

>> No.2824927
File: 86 KB, 800x600, genocide of love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first Bad End was pretty hardcore, with Ilya dismembering you until you're a severed head she keeps magically alive for later tortures.

Oh, and she did that for... well, basically nothing. You get it by dropping out of the contest voluntarily.

>> No.2824945

No, seriously, the only options regarding Ilya should be whether to make it quick or skin her, roll her in flour and salt and roast her on a modest flame.

I would have allowed Shinji to live sooner than her, and Shinji was asking for a knife in the face from his first scenes. At least Shinji tried to make his atrocity quick and had a sane reason for it. Ilya, fuck, death is preferable to what she does to people and she doesn't need anything faggoty like a "reason".

>> No.2824947

Maybe you should finish reading the whole VN before you judge her based only on the small part of her character you've seen so far.

>> No.2824954

Well... in Unlimited Blade Works... She... she... ;_;

>> No.2824958


>> No.2824959


No matter what happens later, it remains that there is no sane reason for Shirou to protect her now. Gandhi would break her neck at that point.

>> No.2824983

He wants to sleep with her.

>> No.2824985

Now I understand what happens when a normalfag plays FSN.

>> No.2825023
File: 36 KB, 800x452, ilya_hmpfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Shirou thought otherwise baka

>> No.2825061

Illya loves Shirou, that's all.
Even though it's a strange and sadistical way to show love, it's still love.

>> No.2825076


Well, it's good to see that I'm not the only person on the planet who couldn't stand Illya. I find lolis to be stupid and annoying in the first place, and when you add in a twisted and sadistic personality, that elicits a "DO NOT WANT" reaction from me.

>> No.2825083

She feels jealous because she thinks her daddy adopted Shirou and raised him up while abandoning her (his real daughter).

Read HF and see if you still hate her.

>> No.2825085

>>I find lolis to be stupid and annoying
>>Posting on /jp/

I have some sad news for you sir.

>> No.2825089

You forget that the reason she killed Shirou was because of the family vendetta.

>> No.2825101
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>> No.2825112

Let's see if you still hate Illya when you finish Heavens Feel.

>> No.2825119


I pretty much hang out here for the VN news/patch releases. There are a lot of things in VNs and eroge that I'm okay with, but pedophilia is not one of them.

>> No.2825132

Ilya is the most over-rated loli character. Even Saya is a better, more loveable character than she ever was.

>> No.2825191

B-But Ilya has funny Tiger Dojo 4th wall breaking, and doesn't want to have sex whenever possible!

In fact, she is canon virgin! Dammit they scrapped the scenes ;_;

>> No.2825202

Ilya is a god tier loli, sorry.

>> No.2825215

Any sensible person would have AT LEAST left her in the woods. Not carried her home for fuck's sake.
Shirou is like that doofus in the horror movie that decides to go check the basement without a flashlight. You're shouting at the screen, "Don't go down there you retard!" But then he does it anyway.
That's Shirou.

>> No.2825221

hahaha owow nice try troll

>> No.2825687


If I were trying to troll, sure, that comment would be appropriate. But I am quite serious. Lolicon is one of those things that I just find unlikable. If sex with little girls is what you desire, fine, but don't expect me to jump on your bandwagon.

>> No.2825716

But the bandwagon is so soft and innocent!

>> No.2825744
File: 155 KB, 800x600, getawayfrommeyouhomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2826552

How can you like that homicidal shoggoth more than Ilya? Ilya has a reason for hating Shirou.

>> No.2826691
File: 383 KB, 1600x1200, 1223643456546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Ilya like Shirou's stepsister?

It might not be the safest option, but taking a risk to protect a family member is certainly understandable.

>> No.2826698
File: 615 KB, 806x607, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah, homicidal shoggoth.

On the verge of tears, Kouji continues to swing his pipe furiously.
The monster’s slimy fluids fly through the air, joining with the blood already covering his face.
The creature extends one thin, trembling tentacle to touch Fuminori’s shoulder, then lovingly caresses his blood-stained cheek.
And then it stops moving.
Even in its final moments, the monster would not let go of Fuminori.
It died joined with him.

>> No.2826704

Yep, step-sister and delicious fake loli

>> No.2826708

I was rooting for Kouji in that scene.

Good end.

>> No.2826942

She showed Shirou a miracle. ;_;

>> No.2828511

Hey you, sex isn't a miracle.

>> No.2828516

We are in /jp/.

>> No.2828524

Female genitalia cuteness is the miracle of the universe.

>> No.2828566

Sorry, OP. F/SN wants to shittily combine supernatural thriller with harem comedy and you'll just have to deal with it.

>> No.2828573

Fact: the less Shirou acts like a retard, the more likely he is to get killed.

>> No.2828578

Harem comedy?

>> No.2828614
File: 109 KB, 543x620, 78336a980b9563e3d266a1aaee5e4793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This end is my favorite bad end.

Fuck Mind of Steel and Sparks Liner High.

"She only considered it.
She only wished for the Holy Grail for an instant."

>> No.2828641


I felt bad for neglecting Saber just to get a tiger stamp in that end ;-;

>> No.2828677

Yes. I find it amusing that everyone bitches at Shirou for putting his life at risk, but if you choose any sensible options you'll be horribly killed.

>> No.2828839
File: 41 KB, 743x491, 1242553505232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are a bunch of hypocrites.

Most of you say Mind of Steel is all awesome and stuff, but when in this scene he refuses to do the most reasonable* action which Mind of Steel Shirou would take, you blame Saber for wanting to actually kill her opponent.

*Ilya is Shirou's enemy in the Holy Grail War, regardless of the fact that she's a loli. If left alone, she could get another servant (especially considering she's an Einzbern, they've been known to hax eighth Servants into a Holy Grail War before), and even without a Servant, she would still be able to kill Shirou (see that one bad end where she freezes Shirou by just looking at him).
Ilya is a dangerous enemy, and it would only make sense to kill her.

Turn your mind to steel, and destroy your enemies.

>> No.2828851
File: 242 KB, 760x1802, Ilyaneglected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing puzzles me. Why Ilya was a homicidial little monster in Fate, but turned out to be a quite commendable ally and friend in last route? I would have liked first route more, if she had been as sweet as in HF.

>> No.2828857
File: 131 KB, 640x720, 351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you end up meeting her in the middle of daylight so she can't rape you with Berserker.

So instead you just have a few nice conversations and she warms up to you.

>> No.2828865


Furthermore, when Shirou turned his mind to steel and started his own crusade against masters and servants, he eventually won the war. BUT when he refused the help of Rin few hours later, when he didn't choose Mind of Steel, he was instantly owned by Rider.

>> No.2828868

Quite simple:
Ilya starts of pissed at you due to the Kiritsugu issue, but she is also curious. Her upbringing includes 'Kill the ones you do not like'
In Fate, after you spare her, her enmity pretty much dissipates.
In HF, you have much more chances to interact with her and she gets to know you better(and if you don't it's a bad end). Aka, even without the conflict, she likes you enough to be your ally no matter what.

>> No.2828873

You actually have no fucking idea what the end result is.
You just have Kotomine saying 'Of course you'll win' and Shirou saying 'Pfft, the end result is NOW obvious', while you may just die the next few seconds.

>> No.2828880

Also in Heaven's Feel Shirou abandons Kiritsugu's path which is what wounded Ilya, as it resulted in her losing both her parents, so that's another reason she likes him.

>> No.2828883

I found that rather weird. Didn't Kotomine still have Gil while Shirou had lost Saber? Good luck with that.

>> No.2828888
File: 51 KB, 797x595, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you 'betray' her again, she just can't be mad with you.

>> No.2828890

Or maybe Shirou's just been holding back or something.

Who knows. It wasn't meant for us to know.

>> No.2828939

>Ilya is Shirou's enemy in the Holy Grail War, regardless of the fact that she's a loli. If left alone, she could get another servant (especially considering she's an Einzbern, they've been known to hax eighth Servants into a Holy Grail War before), and even without a Servant, she would still be able to kill Shirou (see that one bad end where she freezes Shirou by just looking at him).
Ilya is a dangerous enemy, and it would only make sense to kill her.

Turn your mind to steel, and destroy your enemies.

Fuck Yeah
