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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2798501 No.2798501 [Reply] [Original]

Moot's fucking with /a/ssholes again. You might want to come enjoy the show.

>> No.2798506

No. Go away.

>> No.2798508

No thank you.

>> No.2798509

Code Geass is old now, he should fucking move on.

>> No.2798516

I recommended Code Geass to my brother because YOU said it was good, he thinks it sucks, ok

>> No.2798519

Touhou is old now, /jp/ should fucking move on.

>> No.2798523

If July 2nd isn't Umineko Party Week than /a/ can go to hell forever.

>> No.2798527 [SPOILER] 
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Thanks but no thanks

>> No.2798528
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>> No.2798532


>> No.2798525 [DELETED] 


>> No.2798531 [DELETED] 

You forgot your board letter.

>> No.2798534

/jp/ has already moved on from Touhou, I hardly see any threads anymore

>> No.2798536

I would if I gave a fuck.

>> No.2798541

how does he come to the conclusion that /jp/ has more pedophiles? Is it just the VNs? I didn't even know he browsed /jp/ to begin with.

>> No.2798542
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Once again I'm glad that moot stays out of /jp/.

>> No.2798543


He says in a thread with Rika.

Rika, whom is /jp/'s pedophilic icon.

>> No.2798548

The only reason moot doesn't like /jp/ is that he doesn't have a clue what we're talking about.

Hurrdurr what's a VN? What's a Touhou?

>> No.2798550

>I didn't even know he browsed /jp/ to begin with.

He has to come visit the monster he's created every once in a while. Yet, I'd be surprised if he does even that much.

>> No.2798554

She's 1000 years old and therefore legal.

>> No.2798560

Moot dislikes /jp/ because he doesn't have a high enough power level to understand VNs, touhou, idolm@ster, doujin culture, or any of the other stuff we talk about. Also, he thinks /a/ is like old /b/, which is strange, as it's more akin to animesuki and narutofan.

>> No.2798563
File: 235 KB, 826x1169, 1238709711753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's not 1000 years old.

Rika is 9-year-old Rika in every world.

The trans-dimensional consciousness of Bernkastel (which overwrites Rika) is over 1000 by the end of it all.

But Bern, when she finally escapes that damn 9-year-old husk, isn't even a loli. She's got nice boobies.

>> No.2798570

Things like that can't exist.

>> No.2798572

When the hell did Rika learn Rasengan?

>> No.2798574

Are you claiming that Touhou and im@s are too deep for ordinary people to understand? lol.

>> No.2798575

Over 100 years old. I'm pretty sure she's being metaphorical when she says "thousand-year old journey" as she says she's over 100 in every other occasion.

>> No.2798578
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>as it's more akin to animesuki and narutofan.
>and narutofan

Something like this does really exist?

>> No.2798582

Bernkastel is a 1000 year old witch in Umineko. Assuming that Frederica Bernkastel and Bernkastel are one and the same, then she is 1000 years old.

>> No.2798584

People that go to /a/ aren't normal ordinary people. They're scum.

>> No.2798588

Switch "deep" with "niche and Japanese", then yeah.

>> No.2798589

Actually moot is doing a great job keeping f/a/ggots out of /jp/. He secretly browses /jp/ and he just doesn't want more idiot coming here.

>> No.2798591


LOL, Moot just killed their thread limit! This is too awesome!

>> No.2798595

Well, that pretty much confirms the fact that moot wants /a/ to be anime /b/.

>> No.2798596

Don't you find it suspicious that Bern, Beatrice and ΛΔ are all said to be exactly 1000 years old depite the fact that ΛΔ predates both of the others by quite a bit? Plus, it is said that Maria will exist for 1000 years in the future.

One theory I had read is that 10000 represents eternity, so the 1000 is used to symbolize that witches are somewhat close to it.

>> No.2798602

He also messed up with /v/ today. We got a bigger bump and image limits out of that.

>> No.2798603

"Eternal" lolis don't mature normally, or even much in general, despite their tremendous lifespans.

They're still locked into the general level of maturity and capability for understanding complex issues like responsibility and morality that they were at when their physical aging stopped.

Because it's actual physical development of the brain that develops these abilities to their proper adult levels.

Even if they have tremendous amounts of experience in various matters to make them more 'worldly' or knowledgeable than an actual child their age would be, it's still a stunted and childish version of what they'd be if they'd been truly allowed to mature physically.

tldr: eternal lolis are still lolis in personality and mental development, and thus still pedo-bait.

>> No.2798608

>ΛΔ predates both of the others by quite a bit

Where did you get this from?

>> No.2798607

Less nitpicking more fapping.

>> No.2798612
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Oh damn it. I forgot that the last time moot payed visits to /v/ and /a/ he also saved /jp/ for last. And then we got our board names switched.

He'll be here eventually after he's done messing with /a/. He is even already thinking about us in that /a/ thread.

>> No.2798613
File: 84 KB, 450x600, 34 and takano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

34 was already the strongest before Bern was even created.

>> No.2798616

ΛΔ's diary.

>> No.2798618


1. Lambdadelta created Beatrice as she is.

2. Lambdadelta's fucking with Hinamizawa is what spawned Bernkastel.

3. Lambdadelta's diary says she was a long-lived being by the time she granted Miyo's wish (therefore before the creation of Bernkastel).

>> No.2798619

This thread is weird, I can't bump it.

>> No.2798621

I predict that he'll rename the board "Katawa Shoujo".

>> No.2798623


Some mod force-engaged autosage, I guess.

Maybe mootikins.


>> No.2798626

None of this was confirmed by anyone. It's all conjecture.

>> No.2798628


Ep 3's Tea Party for point 1.
Inference from Ep 2's Tea Party for point 2.
Lambdadelta's diary is canon, sorry, for point 3.

>> No.2798629

He'll name us /jp/ - jerks and pedophiles.

>> No.2798630


Just as I hit submit, goddamn...

Ep 2's ???? for point 2, not Tea Party.

>> No.2798631
File: 36 KB, 884x627, 1245492800021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit...

>> No.2798632

/jp/ - weeaboos.

>> No.2798636

Delete this post. DON'T GIVE HIM ANY IDEAS!!

>> No.2798637


Every time it's posted, I moegasm at Lambda's signature.

..Λ Δ

>> No.2798642

>200 ->250 posts
>autosage after 20 posts
This shit is not fucking logical.

>> No.2798645



>200 posts -> 250 posts

What? There was never a cap on posts, just autosage engaging.

>> No.2798644

So then what do you think he'll change /jp/'s spoiler thumbnail into?

>> No.2798654

I know where it's all from, but it's all pretty vague. And there isn't even any way to tell that she was talking about Takano in her diary. Which is why I said it's all conjecture. And since we don't really understand the world of kakera, I'm not sure we can say if she's older than Bernkastel.

And I really doubt that she "created" Beatrice. She just created the game and forced her to play.

>> No.2798656
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What's with these strange lockdown rules, moot

>> No.2798658

Bern herself says that she was born from the game.

>> No.2798661

Sorry, this is an Umineko thread now. I no longer care about moot's shenanigans.

>> No.2798663

I think how it works is that the OP or someone who has posted in the thread can't bump it after it hits 20.

>> No.2798666

It's also possible that 1000 is just a rough estimate of their age. If what you're saying is true, Lambdadelta would only be like 20 or so years older than Bern, right?

>> No.2798667

He wants the worksafe boards to slowly die.

/a/ moved fast enough before, it's impossible to keep up with now. Nobody will bother making any topics that are worth anything if they know the topic will die in less than 20 minutes. Here's to hoping Moot doesn't keep it, or at least if he does he doesn't bring it to /jp/ (assuming it isn't in effect for /jp/ already.)

Though, I'm hoping he fixes it, as I still post on both /a/ and /jp/ and never stood with 1 side after the split. I'd rather not be forced to completely move out of /a/.

>> No.2798670


>And I really doubt that she "created" Beatrice. She just created the game and forced her to play.

In her own words, Beatrice is only a witch on borrowed power from Lambdadelta. What this means about the power of Endless, I don't know (maybe the entire line of Endless Witches were kicked off by Lambdadelta, or maybe she couldn't become the Endless Witch without being a normal witch first and got that from 34)

>> No.2798679

My posts arn't bumping this thread, so I think the new rules are in effect here too.

>> No.2798686

Oh, that's cool with me too I guess. What's your opinion on the whole Shannon = Kannon theory? Personally I don't agree with it much, but then again I haven't heard much about it aside from 1 person posting with me in a dead thread.

>> No.2798690

Meh, actually think I'll be sleeping with this thread on auto-refresh.

Oh, well that's horrible then.

>> No.2798703

I think it's going to be hilarious if Ryukishi07 does pull that in episode 5, since the anime versions of the characters don't look nearly as alike as they do in the VN.

>> No.2798721


Shannon = Kanon bases itself entirely off if we can only accept truth from Red and Battler's perspective.

As Red has not deemed them other people or ruled them out... but it came close with [Kanon died in Jessica's room] while Shannon was still alive, therefore Kanon had to have died in Jessica's room before the game started. But it nearly gets contradicted in Ep 1, where Shannon dies but Kanon is still alive. However, from Battler's perspective, he has never seen Shannon's corpse. And the red only identifies UNIDENTIFIABLE bodies. Her corpse was both identifiable yet unobserved, therefore it could be a body double.

It's quite possible, but it takes for granted that EVERYONE THAT ISN'T BATTLER WANTS TO FOOL BATTLER. Which is downright crazy.

>> No.2798727

We'll at least Beatrice and Jessica still look relatively the same still. That theory I'm actually more accepting of.

>> No.2798747
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Really going to sleep now.
"1 more refresh!"

At this point Miyako's ganna be awake before me, and she's usually the one who sleeps in.

>> No.2798788

Well THAT shit's over.

>> No.2798951

How much of Battler's perspective is reliable though? After all in the end of episode 2 he goes and meets Kinzo.
