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27771164 No.27771164 [Reply] [Original]

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:
>Latest Elona+
>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 2.00Fix (2020-09-13)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>OOMSEST Updates

>Elin's Inn

>OO English CUSTOM

>Elona Vanilla CUSTOM

Last Thread >>26436909

>> No.27771234

Put up OO Custom and Vanilla Custom links. They are updated and in their final versions.

Also didn't feel like having the thread 404 overnight. So enjoy an early replacement.

>> No.27771456

In the OP it says the latest version of custom is 1.90.4 but the wiki link provided to download it states it as 1.89

>> No.27772042

Ah, then have this Elona 1.90+ (And Custom and Custom G) archive.


I'll just replace the link to the thread with that next thread, I guess? The forums are fucky.

>> No.27772287

I think I get the issue.

They changed the way the forum works so the update in the comments is that much harder to find. Just use the CUSTOM G thread. It links the downloads for custom directly as well.

Regardless, I'll rework the OP for next time.

>> No.27773728

thanks anon

>> No.27781885

Wikia totally screwed up their forums. I think the Omake Custom guy wasn't able to edit his thread's OP to add a download link. They made everything look worse and removed important functionality for no reason, except I guess to help embezzle money from their IT department's budget or whatever.

>> No.27787213

What is the most OP build in +? I'm trying out martial arts and it seems very good

>> No.27787509 [DELETED] 

There's no point in asking most OP. There's so many ways to become absurdly strong really easily. MA is good though. Stick with it.

>> No.27787600

There's no point in asking most OP. There's so many ways to become absurdly strong really easily. MA is good though. Stick with it.

>> No.27787792

24 hand mutant with claws, stave with enhance rock throw, and a shurikan turned into a stone with max fusions. Magic element for convenience, or cold for buffed damage.

Sniper rifle -> laser gun is also a good alternative. However it requires more setup with fixity anchor and ammo management.

Or just meteor everything.

>> No.27788077

Is there any benefit to getting duel-wielding with a setup like that? Do claws count to duel-wield?

I get ya anon, I was reading that + is more newcomer friendly. it's just because the game is new to me I'm really into it and wanting to discuss things is all

>> No.27790028

Claws disable dual-wield, so not really. I usually grab every skill anyway, though.

>> No.27793567 [DELETED] 

no matter how many times I retry the save I grow the same limb, is savescumming the limb you want not possible anymore?

>> No.27797927

what do you guys do for money primarily? I don't know if this is wasteful but I just slaughter horses in my ranches and turn their corpses to jerky. If I am lucky and corpses drop neir my ranches I also turn them to jerky. Then I sell the jerky and for about 2000gp each, which means 10k gp for corpse.

>> No.27798254

Reposting from old thread
It's many times more efficient to do herbed food. It seems like you can also direct what herb grows with the new crop management tool. I chose the first option on all my herbs when using it and it grew to be literally 90% stomafillia out of a full field, like 40 stoma and 4 others. Not sure exactly how it works, but that's cool now.

>> No.27798323

how do you herb food?

>> No.27798343

Easy early-game money-making can be buying a shop, getting the slave from derphy as your shopkeeper and putting a square of water in your shop and fishin' and selling right in the shop. If you have the turbo lure you can make hundreds of thousands very quickly in terms of real-time spent, just spam your hotkeyed fishing rod and shift-r to rest, dropping your load every minute or so. It still works without the lure, it's just a bit more tedious.

>> No.27798364

Pot of fusion, second page, hotkey 'h'

>> No.27798417


>> No.27798426

good luck brave snaccer

>> No.27798839

If you have a a character who can steal with the Treasure of the Wicked and maybe is in the Thief's guild as well, stealing the crystals from the Deep-sea castle is not that efficient but it works fine, since while stealing the crystals inside the building several days are passing, one can just go outside and re-enter, everything should already be back.

>> No.27799235

>getting the slave from derphy as your shopkeeper
"the" slave? there's a selection of different races+classes to pick from, do all of them make for good shopkeepers?

>> No.27800104

it is my idea or fruit and vegetable food is not as helpful as meat foods? not even in price.

>> No.27803002

Juere swordsman. They have Negotiation.

>> No.27803718
File: 1.04 MB, 2148x3000, 1351215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat, meat, meat!

>> No.27804000

so I have a rabbit ranch and suddenly a sheep spawned. what does that mean?

>> No.27805183

Was the item deletion glitch ever fixed for E+? I'm talking about items being deleted in your home if you place down over 250 items. I want to deck out my castle, but I don't want to lose my stuff.

>> No.27805741

someone attacked me on Vernis called "child of <player>". there was nothing on the wiki and I am searching on google but there is nothing.

>> No.27807426

Is jiu-jitsu the only skill you can constantly have applied? It's a bit annoying having to buff all the time

>> No.27807794

shouldn't have fucked that prostitute and left an orphan anon

>> No.27809091

I think Dupli-cane is a toggle too.

>> No.27809423

Ranches always have an rng chance to spawn other critters. It's just a thing.

Alien/imp/etc parasite. You have a chest burster, good luck.

>> No.27811321

Is there any good wizard pet or do I just stick with zombie dragons? preferably a pet that it's not tedious to get or needs little investment

>> No.27811398

Izpalt's Exile god pet?

>> No.27811631

I can't get several before having a discarded ranch,can I? any particular strong npc wizard like the abode witch or the amber eyes succubus?

>> No.27811844

I've been thinking about going for a pet oriented playthrough but don't know if I should build my character as a wizard or a tank, both seem reasonable
is wizard much fun? I've never tried it

>> No.27812167

You can just quit izzy, and re-worship him to get duplicate exiles. Just remember your god pets are capped to your faith score/5.

As for good mages, the elea wizards line are actually pretty good, you can buy them in derphy. They also get overray, which is the magic combined attack skill, so they all cast a buffed crystal spear together.

The abode witch, Ssil, is a pretty good one. As well, enthumesis is considered one of the best mages in the game, but you have to beat the game to get her.

If you like breath users like the dragons, the performaid bitchiak in act 2 has mp breath, the strongest breath skill. As well as a few other skills and spells. She can power up imps-race allies too.

>> No.27812996

What's the verdict on gun pair firearms?

>> No.27813506

Wont enthumesis summon hostile monsters? and i am mostly looking for pets that dont get hit with the 'god recruit penalty' scenario

>> No.27813815

Is there a shop with guaranteed Deeds of palace? The store I invested once had 10 on stock but now that I have the money I don't have luck. Embassy doesn't have them. Fuck I don't want to invest for them.
>Alien/imp/etc parasite. You have a chest burster, good luck.
fucking hell. that kid caught me off guard and made me drop 300k.

>> No.27814609

Weak. It's a bit better in the new versions with no range penalty to damage, but everything else still gets buffed more. The enchant can't save it.

Nope, pets no longer summon or split. If you mean the draw enemies action, that's why she's so strong, draw, eclipse, repeat. A few turns later and the dungeon is void of life.

Her stats will go down true. It really depends on how far you are planning to go. Enthu is riiight before the game ends, so I can see not wanting to level her. But if you are aiming for 2k stats, even with the god penalty it won't change your total grind by much.

Otherwise, you can probably just keep whatever you beat act 2 with.

>> No.27814989

>Several five headed dragons in a single floor
fuck me i guess?

>> No.27815591

They'd probably be good if the enchant strength was higher but as it is just use the Griffins if you have to be all Equilibrium.

>> No.27815649

Explain these builds
Why 24 hands when the bonus stops at 4 hands i believe?
Whats so good about throwing rock enchant? isnt it a meme?

>> No.27822526

Right, so the 4 hand buff only applies to melee, it does nothing for range. You want 24 hands of claws because each claw gives their damage bonus to all weapons, even ranged. Properly min maxed that's around 70 * 24 bonus damage before multiplier. As for the rock enchant, it gives your stone I think, 70% pierce, and much better range modifiers. You always want this if you are using a stone, so 23 claws + staff.

There are 2 reasons stone is so good.

1) By turning a shurikan into a stone you get cut element. Cut element isn't resisted by anything except metal races, so it does full damage. At endgame against normal enemies this means it's ~5x more efficient per enchant space that magic, and 1.5x more then even buffed fire/cold damage. It's even better against bosses, as they have extra magic resist.

However you only get a small amount of cut enchantment, so it's a huge difference. Maybe 20-50% better?

2) When ano re-balanced range weapons, he made them have a base damage of 100%, and the ranged modifiers now boost damage, rather than reduce it. Because of how the enchantment works, stones now do way more damage than they used to. I was getting 2x the base damage compared to a sniper with the fixity anchor buff when I tested it.

There are a lot of other little details with how extra attacks work, etc. But those are the main reasons. Ranged weapons do crazy amounts of damage thanks to the bonus damage from claws, and stones have a high upfront damage modifier. Guns can still do better though, thanks to burst ammo. You can also carry around several timestop ammos, and have timestop whenever you want it.

If you do go with a ranged character early on, the strongest act 1 build is probably sniper thief. Thieves always crit if they haven't been spotted, and snipers do a ton of crit damage early game. It turns act 1 into a one-shot fest.

>> No.27823875

Ah that explains everything,there seriously needs to be a guide about this game instead of using the wiki 24/7

>> No.27824721

do people still hate Ano? if so what other Elona brands are constantly updated and, if possible, somewhat translated?

>> No.27836050

A lot has changed about the game over time, and the wiki is trying to maintain both vanilla Elona and EVERY SINGLE MOD of Elona. So it's just a mess of information. Even the pastebin guides are now laughable because of how much has shifted.

If anyone has the willpower to construct new guides, I'm sure we'd all appreciate it.

>> No.27841837

The entire thing went off the rails when they took the plus version for granted and started burying the vanilla articles with it. The wiki is a total mess now.

>> No.27847704

Doesn't help that most new items have a 'there is no information about this item' filler info

>> No.27854892

Is there any reliable spot to get a fishing rod?

>> No.27857755

Tried coming back to this game recently, and it closes itself as soon as I load my save. Tried a fresh Elona+, won't even start. Anybody else had this?

>> No.27858194

Just goods merchants and general vendors, it's pretty common. Either that or you can pickpocket one from just about every bait store, they don't weigh much - just get a rod of teleportation, port away the shopkeeper, steal. I don't think you need more than like 5 pickpocket skill for it tbqh.

>> No.27858738

You did save on the world map, right? Not in a town or anywhere that might require an update?

>> No.27862693

Not sure where I saved, but it happens both with the old save in the old version folder, and the new version with no saves at all. I have no damn idea why this is happening, the only thing I can think of that's changed on my PC since the last time I played was getting a drawing tablet.

>> No.27867556

For pets, is it generally best (irl timewise) to just capture new ones as you play instead of sticking with your starters? It seems that way to me, but is kind of a shame having to sell off the guys ive been with since day 1 just because I don't wanna spend real irl hours grinding their stats so they're on a level playing field

>> No.27868719

Kinda', yeah, although clearing act one and getting access to the AP system does level it out some. With the new-ish food sharing option you can kind of bring a pet up with you as you level your own stats, but getting their stat potentials up to actually get something out of all that herbed food always requires you to sacrifice a potion of potential on them AFAIK, so it's still expensive. Eventually you'll have more money than you can spend though, so late-game you can even have spare PoP. Realistically, though - yeah. You're always going to have to do at least some AP grinding for your pet, though. Old pets often still have some niche uses, as a lot of the time they end up with pretty high misc skills since you probably used them all throughout act one and then some - think, investing, preformer. A little bit of early gene engineering really pays off in that regard and doesn't take much time - knockout feat really helps with that.

>> No.27868743

Basically, Elona's always been a game about grinding efficently, and you can definitely get pretty efficent at leveling pets.

>> No.27868912

Actually, I just simply forgot it - you can actually train pet stat potentials greatly by giving them gold. As in, let em' pick up gold piles from quests and bejewled dungeon boss chests. You can also give them a huge amount of cash by using the pot of fusion to craft your gemstone ores into gem tablets, they sell for a huge amount. It's actually cheaper to train in town the weaker your pet starts out (same calculation as for AP gains) so you can definitely boost up a pet efficiently without sacrificing your own growth now - give em' the loose cash and craft your gem ores, then share all the herbed food you eat with them. It's still a grind, but not an unreasonable one, and you can do it while you do things you would be doing otherwise anyway. You can also give em' straight cash by putting the money into a kitty bank and throwing it at them; you can transfer millions hassle-free like this if you don't want to spend time grinding. Then, just spam rest in town while they spend the cash. Also, remember to marry your pet and give em' cooking so you get breakfast every time you sleep.

>> No.27868952

Thanks anon, great post. Do you have any advice about class/race for a player who wants to do a pet focused build? I've been struggling with this. I keep coming back to ranged which essentially means wizard but from the brief time I've played as one I found it not very fun since spells have charges

>> No.27869003

Anyone can have pets - it's good to not have more than one melee person in the party so you don't block each other, but other than that, go wild. You can do kind of a minion master character with the party-buffing abilities but I think it's relatively weak - haven't tried it myself, though. There's also necromancy, if you want to give that a shot. There's stuff for it in the Lumiest graveyard.

>> No.27869141

Yeah my plan was hitting the pet cap and then seeing if the necromancy allies allow you to go over that limit (I doubt it). I probably will end up going wizard, it feels kind of useless picking any other class when I plan to stay in the back. I understand this is more of a gimmicky build but I haven't actually used pets yet and I'd like to see how good they are

>> No.27869297

Pets are as good as the amount of stuff you can put in em'. No reason why you can save-scum build a squad of 24-handed mutants with the claws/sling stone-throwing setup and one-shot the world if you really want to. Wizard's cool, there's some good wide spells for parties. You can even get a bunch of other spellcasting minions if you want to, be the weaboo school of wizardry.

>> No.27881230

>leaving your pets behind

>> No.27885901

>then seeing if the necromancy allies allow you to go over that limit
It doesn't. 15's the cap no matter the party composition.

>> No.27886753

>you can actually train pet stat potentials greatly by giving them gold
I thought they just bought skill training, not stat training.

>> No.27887801

uh? i assumed spooks didn't counted toward the party number

>> No.27888684
File: 20 KB, 707x315, metal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just start with bells then capture any of these later for a easy story

>> No.27889217

Cant you just rape any boss enemy with a party full of brainwash ability pets? i always wanted to try a grassdancer or nyarlathotep party for the funsies

>> No.27889653

Anyone use a controller with this game? I need tips on how to configure it so I can actually use the menu wheels

>> No.27890072

I use a ps4 controller and didn't need to configure anything, every button on the controller was used except for the directional pads, it just worked™. The only difference between playing on keyboard is I can't use skills or food that are hotkeyed to 0-9, but I play with a keyboard in front of me anyway so I don't mind

>> No.27890439

What sort of controller are you using?

>> No.27890591

Using a PS4 controller, but I haven't played in 2 years though. All I remember is that the radial menus had issues with diagonals on other controllers I used

>> No.27890792

Ah, that's the other difference, I can't use diagonals. If that's what your only issue is with a controller I don't know how to help with that, I need help with that myself

>> No.27890858

>There can be no more than 15 zombies + pets out at a time.

>> No.27891023

you see i interpreted this the other way around,max 15 zombies AND pets not OR/WITH pets

>> No.27891529

Damn I was hoping there was a trick to getting the diagonals working

>> No.27891614

to be fair that is pretty poor wording for a wiki, has anyone actually tested this? Cause you really can read it both ways

>> No.27898744

They buy both.

>> No.27900931

Is throwing roses any good?

>> No.27903005

What's your home called, anon?

>> No.27903920

the maid is shit at picking names

>> No.27909220

I'm new but the pastebin isn't working.

>> No.27909535

>Warning - Potentially offensive content ahead!
kek, that's new. Just click "Ok, show me the paste"
Works for me

>> No.27909712

haha can't drink potion because you don't feel like it even when you have half your body on the other room and you no longer have a stomach attached haha. you have to be thirsty to drink potion haha. fucking stupid

>> No.27909751
File: 105 KB, 1427x737, Capte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, i just doesn't work for me, must be some other problem, i'll deal with it later.

>> No.27909807

read an ancient book on Lumiest... and failed. lets just say that bunny ghouls plus summoning monsters wont let me enter the city for a while. so long Lumiestians!

>> No.27910493

Just throw it on yourself famalam, does the same thing

>> No.27910587
File: 1005 KB, 750x900, 1553460421136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically pic related went from meme to meta?

>> No.27910647

it doesn't make it any less stupid or intuitive.

>> No.27916064

Is the 1.22 vanilla elona download off the creator's website safe still? my browser blocked the download for being unsafe

>> No.27928548

Yes. It's probably just chrome or win 10 being retarded as usual.

>> No.27938862

OP returns from undeath to actually play elona again.


And brings Beautify 2.0

>> No.27939286


>> No.27941274

>not living in Daughter Punishment Hut

>> No.27944870

Body of Devil Mansion. the maid did a good on picking a name for once.

>> No.27946433
File: 401 KB, 760x1000, a2c57cb2217c2d5c0b4c8f34e730e30a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine's called Dangerous Sex.

>> No.27955408

>can't use dominate on void monsters
so pets are useless then ok

>> No.27956695

>Doesn't take the time to grind their pets skills

>> No.27957187

>grinding a pet to level 2000

>> No.27960743
File: 265 KB, 747x525, 873_48927dafcfd215e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not grinding a pet to level 2000

>> No.27962213
File: 566 KB, 716x537, Sakuya consoling upset Marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homo domination.

>> No.27968837

>gardening is useless past lv100

>> No.27989589

And yet gardening is still the most MVP skill in the game. Such is life.

>> No.27991985

Still boosts stats. And probably Violent Garden, dunno.

>> No.27992638

Tourist from front page here. Why the fuck am I seeing Etrian Odyssey?

>> No.27998220

is it really? I think I have 200 gardening on my current run
I get really high +bonuses on my harvested food but that mainly seems to make em' sell for more, I don't know if it actually gives that much higher stat exp. I know that having high +food is great for making picnic baskets though, because there it really does give massive amounts of extra stat exp

>> No.28009319

>I get really high +bonuses on my harvested food but that mainly seems to make em' sell for more, I don't know if it actually gives that much higher stat exp.
Old Plus/current Custom-G: enhanced food boosts your speed. Current Plus: it boosts speed potential.
>I know that having high +food is great for making picnic baskets though, because there it really does give massive amounts of extra stat exp
Unless I'm mistaken, the only thing that matters for picnic baskets is food rank (i.e. parfait vs jelly salad).

>> No.28010160

Speed potential is pretty sweet, especially since I have a lot of spenseweed stocked up, so seems good. And yeah, you're right about the baskets, I mixed em' up. They're honestly really great if you can be arsed to do all the crafting.

>> No.28010573

>especially since I have a lot of spenseweed
Not that anon but as far as the wiki says, despite the name, spenseweed doesn't actually increase speed by any significant amount (+10, same as all the other herbs except for Curaria). Curaria increases all stats (+135), I don't really know what those numbers mean but for something like spenseweed it says it increases dex and per by 1000, so I'd guess you'd need more than one curaria even if you already had really good speed potential

>> No.28016597

Today I learned that a neutral NPC can spawn as a dungeon boss. Spent about 30 minutes looking for the boss because I didn't read the warning that it was a soldier putit.

>> No.28018077

I looked up and apparently we're both kind of misinformed - the wiki article hasn't been updated in ages. As of 1.94 the herb that gives the most speed EXP is, in fact, stomafillia. The changelog doesn't say by how much though, only that it's now the best speed training herb.

>> No.28021595

Because I pulled one of the meme images from the archive for the thread.

>> No.28024458

Well how about that. Lol, of course it's stomafillia the one fucking herb that can't be spammed eaten

>> No.28063693

I wonder how it works with the pot of fusion herb-in, since stomafillia is a 'base' herb that you always use in the recipe. Not even sure if you can use stomafillia and then use another stomafillia as the add-on herb at the end, that might be really stronk.

>> No.28065277

It works. You'll need to split the stacks though. Drop half, set both as precious, pick up. Then un-precious. You should now have 2 stacks.

>> No.28067432

IMAGINE how full you'd feel after eating two stomafillias in one sitting

>> No.28068095

I'm trying out omake overhaul english and when loading a save I get 2 notifications "data on sentires has been processed" and "finished updating save data"
is it supposed to happen every time?

>> No.28068695

Just started the game, I can't find anyone selling lockpicks, any tips?

>> No.28068813

Just keep checking the item shops, the ones that sell furniture, fire/iceproof blankets, that kind of shit. They appear there sometimes.

>> No.28069062

I'll keep an eye on it.

>> No.28075766
File: 76 KB, 949x1024, 1591899358757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only place you can get those without trusting shop RNG is in the thieves guild, friend.

Join us.

>> No.28075792

Moyer up in noyel has them. Might need to invest a bit, but he has all the misc items like blankets, fusion pots, lockpicks, etc. In large amounts.

>> No.28076257

anyone know about this?? >>28068095

>> No.28080167

Not every time, no.

>> No.28092448

is + 2.0 decently translated or is it going to be awful compared to + custom 1.9xx

>> No.28092642

just avoid the adventure seminar and close your eyes when talking to quest npcs in south tyris

>> No.28095384

There is no custom for 1.9xx either, so it's fine.

>> No.28100845

What's an easy first character to play so I don't get too overwhelmed ? I like mages, monks and gunners the best in RPGs if that matters.

>> No.28101733

Assuming you're playing elona+, anything can be strong but monks (martial artists) and gunners are top tier and can (should) be combined. The martial arts weapon to look for is called a claw, which happens to also provide hit bonus to ranged. This can be exploited by giving yourself a dozen extra hands to equip more claws for absurd ranged bonus, but you don't need to worry about that, 2 hands is plenty strong already.
I don't recommend going mage first, it's a comparatively difficult early game

>> No.28102057

I'm not necessarily looking for the most OP thing, just something simple and decently effective to ease me into the game. Though if you say monks and gunners are strong then I definitely will play that.

>> No.28102499

I understand. I'd pick warrior as the class to begin with, you can just pick up a gun along the way

>> No.28102642

A very comfy and decently ezpz start is the Warmage - the big benefit of this is that you can just hitdudes for DPS with a big ole sword if you wanna', but you still get access to all the utterly amazing buff spells like feather, holy shield, attribution shield, speed and heroism that'll keep you safe even though your gear might not be the best all through act 1 and most of act 2. You basically just goof around until you find enough ancient books to join the mage guild in lumiest, then you order buff spellbooks from the spellwriter, then you go into the wildernes and grind those buff spells I listed up to a reasonable level by spam-casting em' on yourself. Won't take too long. Then, anytime there's a tough-ish fight comming up, just cast these on yourself. This kind of build lets you clear all the chaos forts in act 1 by like level 35 without breaking too much of a sweat.

>> No.28102720

Pick up gardening to get easy platinum from harvest time contracts and remember to enchant all your gear up to +3 at the blacksmith, then try to buy some enchant weapon/armour scrolls to get it up to +6, it helps a ton.

>> No.28102927

Try to save up enough cash to invest 50 into the mage vendor in Vernis and Palmia, then buy all the potions of potential/evolution they sell, plus all the scrolls of superior material and greater enchant weapon/armour. Bless these before using em' by 'm'ixing a blessed potion of water with them - you get the blessed water by dropping them on an altar of your god. You join a god by 'p'raying at their altar at the truce grounds north of Palmia, do this early. Which one doesn't matter that much unless powergaming TBQH, you can try Opathos or Kumi.

Last tip of the day is that you get free skill and spell level-ups if you check your character sheet, spent by just pressing the skill you want to spend em' on. You get more every level-up.

>> No.28103878

>There is no custom for 1.9xx either, so it's fine.
>E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
>Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>> No.28107312


Thanks for the tips, appreciate it.

>> No.28109340

golem predator is the most braindead and straightforward start,just punch stuff to death if they dont kill you first

>> No.28112305

I'll leave that for my chaotic playthrough.
Do they also sell chests/crates?
I need to store some stuff at home.

>> No.28117128

Isnt 'pacifist' talk the most broken way to beat the game now? just set all your bell pets to talk more with the empathy feat and watch them erase everything

>> No.28117734

Talk to the waitress in the Vernis bar and do her quest. After you clear out the bandit den, it'll be available forever and nothing you leave in there will ever disappear (unless you fill it up with items until the game tells you the map is full and then do something that generates more items on the ground; protip: don't do that).
Also, things you leave lying around your house won't disappear. The slime dungeon in Vernis is permanent too, but it's not safe for newbies. (The bandits, on the other hand, are pushovers, and also have furniture for your house.)

>> No.28119272

It's up there, but the current most broken way is valentine's day chocolates. One of the gag ways to make them turns them into a weapon that deals %max hp damage, and only takes like 5-10 hits to kill anything in the game. Works on bosses.

So you just grab 15 defenders for auto-life, all the choco you can buy, and you are set to cheese the game.

The game doesn't really have chests per se, but there are some specialty containers. The cooler's from the puppy quest and the fridge for food. Bookshelves for books/scrolls, and potion shelves for potions. They all (except the cooler, IIRC) have a shared inventory enderchest style.

Beyond that you store items in maps, but you can place shelters down to at like separate rooms. By default you can only drop 5 items in them, but they can have 400 if you find some other way to get the items in there. You can have as many shelters as you want. Just don't pick them up if they are full, you'll never get back to that floor.

>> No.28122498

If you're a 2-hander character, how does the game react when you get extra hands? Can you just leave a hand slot free but fill the rest

>> No.28123519

How can I get more taties(those ally chat drawings)?
Can I put customized ones?

>> No.28124518

You'll want to look in the mod pastebin at the top of this thread. Everything is customizable. You can open the .bmp file for the clothes your character is wearing in paint, draw a dick over it, save it, update your character by pressing P on the character info page and have it update in real time
If you haven't already I highly suggest downloading the "beautify" mod from the pastebin, it changes and adds to the entire look of the game and makes it far more cozy

>> No.28124667

Oh nice as fuck, gotta try that out.

>> No.28125801

Why doesn't anyone post pictures from their current playthroughs?

>> No.28126028

I've just been playing stoneshard.

>> No.28126448

Nice, bought it recently myself but have been playing other shit, how are you liking it?

>> No.28127176
File: 52 KB, 640x397, 6b7e1c337a9e255fe3329851e93f86abc9ad901a15aba77fa5dbe2768f71a671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talked a bit about it in /rlg/, but, basically -- it's a bad game in it's current state, but I'm also hopelessly addicted. It's very poorly balanced and doesn't really respect your time, and I also consider it just about unplayable in ironman mode due to the way the game sometimes places enemies in dungeons. It heavily rewards save-scumming to such a level that it's almost nessary, especially for some builds -- skills are unlocked by reading books, and vendors are reset when you reload a save. It also seems to actively try to lead new players down trapped paths -- the way you actually have to play some of the cooler builds is grindy and non-intuitive. (read: grinding, not completing quests, etc)

Pros -- combat is actually extremely fun when it's not rawdog gang-banging you with poor dungeon layouts and you're not playing archer/mage; it's responsive, wonderfully immersive and feels great. Loot is cool, it has a bunch of secrets, it always feels challenging and greatly rewards careful play.

I described it as playing DCSS but always being on dungeon floor 1-4, and 40% of the enemies are orc warriors - 10% are orc priests/wizards, 10% are orc warlords.

>> No.28127227

Prognosis for when these issues are sorted: at least one more year of development time, according to their own development timeline. It could be extremely good when done, though.

>> No.28127235

Only 1 thing may be equipped if you wish to a 2 hander be.

Doesn't matter how many hands you have.

>> No.28128955

Yeah from what little I played the game really kicked my ass. How do you even save-scum though? I remember there was no save on exit and instead you had to save at an inn or something

>> No.28129717

The game just has save-points, so save-reload turns into quit into re-load at the last save point. (Bed at inn, bedroll at bandit camp.)

Biggest tip I can give is to not actually complete the first bandit contract you get on game start after completing the tutorial dungeon - just loot all of it and kill everyone but the boss, then take your junk and return to town. Do this until you're at least level 3, preferably level 4. The second and third contract you have is sincerely tuned for at least level 4, especially the undead/necromancer ones - they're thoroughly brutal sometimes, mostly due to the amount of unavoidable spells they can toss at you combined with very durable meatshields. Noise-baiting and separating enemy groups into one-on-one and two-on-one fights is huge.

If you have trouble with the tutorial boss, position yourself in such a way that he charges into the walls - he'll stun himself, and if you stand just right you get a free hit no risk. Go greatsword for the easiest time in there. Rush the statues, don't spend too much time on the undead.

>> No.28132317
File: 479 KB, 1286x796, please help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is my android supposed to be black? I'm uncomfortable with this but unsure how to change it. Tried appearance and I can't. I thought they were a cute girl, or, at least not BLACK. I don't want black characters in my party. Do I have to abandon it?

>> No.28132438

It's because it's male, females look like cute girls.

>> No.28132460

yeah but Why? This never happened last time. It was a cute girl. I don't get it AND I don't want it!!!

>> No.28132739

It's a 50/50 chance dude.

>> No.28132791

but how do I change it? whats the point? is this NTR? Should I just accept my life as the cuck? Is he going to BBC my bell? I don't like it. Is there a way I can change it?

>> No.28132990

You can abandon it, abandon the machine god and believe in it again to get another try I guess.

>> No.28133194

Damn that super sucks. I guess it won't be hard, mani is crazy easy to get favor for, but I really hate it. I'm not sure why you can't just swap between what sprite you enjoy...
Thank you I guess.

>> No.28133300

Feed em' some blessed forbidden meat. You can craft it with a pot of fusion.

>> No.28133312

>giving your androids dicks
shiggy diggy doo

I don't really see how an android's paintjob is that big a deal, but there's probably some way you can recolor it or just edit the sprite if it's that offensive to you.

>> No.28133410

Oh!!! That's a way? Awesome, thanks. I was hoping there'd be some natural way to do it.

I wouldn't say I'm racist or anything, but I'm playing a fantasy game and I wanted my party to be cute girls (And a bell. Which is also cute). Then suddenly this guy pops out of nowhere. I probably would have hated him just as much even if it was just a white one or something.

Love this game, but there's so much I don't know of it.

>> No.28133509

OK! I DO have a book of resurrection. I guess I need a spellbook of mutation and any and of corpse? I can do this! Thank you!

>> No.28133573

>Oh!!! That's a way? Awesome, thanks. I was hoping there'd be some natural way to do it.
It only changes the gender though, not the sprite, you can probably change it if you meddle with the files a little.

>> No.28133638

Ahhhh shit. Really. Dammit. I'm not very smart so unsure if I could actually figure that out.

>> No.28133985

In the character sheet theres a line of squares for you to add custom sprites, just be careful to keep it as a .bmp

>> No.28134043

OK. I wonder if I can just copy the female one and name it (2) or something to replace the male one. I'll try it, thanks for the tip.
Absolutely adore this game though.

>> No.28134791

Fuck, I can't decide on which god to choose.

>> No.28134964

You'll swap to them all eventually, so go for whoever seems most useful or the immediately most powerful pet.

>> No.28152447

Playing plus and the moment I get to south tyris I get bored and start a new character, I dont know why

>> No.28154868
File: 579 KB, 695x620, wwwwwwwwwww1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else has missing icon in 2.00fix version?
Because North tyris is the best continent

>> No.28156662
File: 24 KB, 367x197, robutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolutely can. Just paste anything in there as long as it's the right size. I just replaced the android itself. And the portrait.

>> No.28162558

south tyris is a mistake desu, they should've changed/added more to north tyris instead tbqh

>> No.28173933

Do you guys play fullscreen or windowed?

>> No.28181255

fullscreen is just nice for me but do what feels right for you famalam

>> No.28183030

Just was curious, playing windowed gives me such a good feeling.
Like playing rpg maker stuff.

>> No.28187801
File: 56 KB, 821x960, 1603501863498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give forbidden meat to Enthumesis or any Bisexual NPC

>> No.28188338

windowed and a non-descript background so I don't get distracted while playing it

>> No.28216077

I've played a few hours, completed a few quests and gone to the truce ground to pick a god, but I don't really know where to go from here. Where do I acquire better gear ? Most of the stuff in blacksmiths doesn't seem much better than my starter gear, or is absurdly expensive

>> No.28217118

Consider getting some of the fixed artifacts. The wiki has a list of unique weapons and armor.

>> No.28219815

if you're going the wiki route might aswell read about the workshop , where to find the hidden metals and get the tonfas. Really great weapon

>> No.28221415

Your next goal is to have a reliable way to restore your stat potentials. Potions of potential are expensive, so you'd probably need a shop. Picnic baskets need crafting skills, and a ranch helps.

>> No.28222150

I really dislike losing unique gear on death and now i have taken the (bad) habit of just going naked full charisma build and let my pets do everything

>> No.28223538

just alt+f4 if you're playing softcore and you die tbqh desu

>> No.28223679

I am trying to get away from this habit
>Oh i failed to capture a rare pet on a monster ball? reload
>Oh i failed the dice roll and died? reload
>Oh i forgot to eat and died due to my carelessness? reload

>> No.28225179

Will elona+ custom happen???

>> No.28225780


>> No.28227168

All the official google drive links are down for Elona+. Anywhere else to get a copy?

>> No.28231826

>a new version of Elona+ just came out
Neat, I wonder what was added?

>> No.28232402

Playing Elona + Custom G, what does a deed of home relocation do?

>> No.28232800

New to this game, just starting by downloading the latest stable version off the official website. Having trouble with the controls thought. I want to use my xbox wired controller but in the options not all keys are recognized like d-pad and triggers leaving me one button short. Anyone face this problem know what I can do?

>> No.28233618

Moves your house to the tile on the map where you read it.
>A written right required as a procedure for moving. Although it is expensive, it comes with a service that allows you to move the exterior and interior of the house as it is, even if it is a cave.
>~From today, you too are an adventurer / travel manual~

>> No.28234225
File: 343 KB, 480x360, 1592787336338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a controller to play roguelikes
absolutely disgusting desu

>> No.28237327

my arrow keys are broken

>> No.28237447

Numpad. You do have a numpad, right?

>> No.28237493

i guess so. sorry for being a faggot

>> No.28237718
File: 60 KB, 321x94, yanderes man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kind of bored and started reading the stories of the adverturers. I want to marry this girl.

>> No.28237756

she sounds like a psycho. does her sprite fit this ?

>> No.28238728
File: 511 KB, 665x368, MY WIFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28238772

all makes sense now

>> No.28241849

So where do I download Elona+ since all the google drive links are down for the newest and the previous version?

>> No.28244096

pls respond

>> No.28244253


Looks like the new versions is out.

>> No.28244360
File: 29 KB, 225x350, yoshii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.0 is 100+ mb
>this version is 57 mb
Nice try, phisher.

>> No.28244400

Dude, just check ano's blog. This ain't rocket science.

>> No.28244445
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x1280, mordred i may be stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28245972
File: 13 KB, 848x14, Evolu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, it's been years since I last played this game. Heard the ingame chat doesn't work anymore? I'll kinda miss watching people doing it wrong.

>> No.28250179
File: 21 KB, 249x231, 1551379830610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I really need to buy detachable numpad if I want to play elona on my new laptop?

>> No.28250630

you can use the arrow keys

>> No.28250707

And how I'll go obliquely down?

>> No.28250771

you press two keys at the same time

>> No.28250951

Thanks! I'll try now. First need to download it again. I was seriously considering buying a numpad just for elona for several days.

>> No.28251260

Can't use vanilla server with variants. There''s server software for Plus, but nobody's willing to run it.

>> No.28253808

If you hold alt, it'll stop you from moving non-diagonally. To avoid accidentally moving sideways or something.

>> No.28255890

I've been sick the past two weeks and was seriously considering ordering a laptop just so I could play elona in bed instead of having to be sitting up at my desk

>> No.28255910
File: 1.49 MB, 2222x2016, elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Print this or put in another monitor

>> No.28256007

That's useful

>> No.28261427
File: 72 KB, 375x441, popko computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New version just as I bother updating Beautify

There better not be new sprites. I swear to God.

>> No.28261819

There is in fact, a new npc.

>> No.28262285
File: 51 KB, 800x800, angry shitpost anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28268164
File: 1.37 MB, 1185x960, Безымянный.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so meta. I love it.

>> No.28274401

So, how does the heir trunk works?
Is it just putting anything there for other playthroughs to claim, or do I have to do something else?

>> No.28274993

Where do I get herb seeds ? I've been grinding my gardening with harvest quests, and I have yet to see any herb seeds at 20 gardening

>> No.28275412

I haven't personally used it but I think you have to
1. put stuff in the heir trunk
2. get a deed of heirship and use it
3. make a gene with spouse of your choosing

sounds like bad rng. theres 3 guaranteed herb seeds at the truce ground

>> No.28276040

IIRC the new file's heir trunk is filled with whatever valid items you are carrying when you make a gene.

>> No.28277623

It stays where you died so most of the time you can just go pick it back up. Be careful though, the text info in the chat window isn't always accurate about what was dropped. Sometimes you drop something and it's not mentioned.

>> No.28279534

What's the fastest way to get a wish for the seven league boots ? Just spam quaff a well while waiting minutes between triest for the rare loot trigger ?

>> No.28280656
File: 213 KB, 813x719, smugSupport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Set an upper limit for damage dealt by exploding handmade chocolate.
Oh no

>> No.28280719

Who are you quoting?

>> No.28280816

the 2.01 changelog

>> No.28281016

good, carry on.

>> No.28282479

I just spam quaffed a fountain to try and get a wish and I input "q" like a fucking moron because I was spamming and it autosaved aaaaaaaaaa

Why doesn't it ask for confirmation this is retarded beyond belief

Is there some way I can enable and then disable wizard mode, or maybe save edit to get myself a free wish ? As far as I know elosnack doesn't work anymore

>> No.28282598

They actually added something for just that occasion, the Q npc will be summoned if you miss-wish for one.

>> No.28282903

Well nothing happened for me, I'm playing E+CG, did they add it later ?

>> No.28283007

Is it cute?

>> No.28283228

Well, turns out it summoned a Quantum creature instead.
Though I managed to use EloSnack to make myself a rod of wishing to compensate for the loss of the wish.

>> No.28283329

>for a mistake that's entirely your fault for spamming the system

>> No.28283334

The quantum creature is the easter egg for wishing for q.

>> No.28285143

All the rare loot trigger does is disable some drops/events for 10 minutes after you first start playing. Going to every city and quaffing all the well charges will generally get you a wish, the chance is pretty decent if you haven't had any yet.

>> No.28285204

Quantum creature's kind of cool anyhow, its corpse trains speed and it can be bred in a ranch. (Just super slow)

>> No.28285517

The game has confirmation prompts for selling items at a vendor which you can buy right back, I was expecting it to have one for wishes.

>> No.28285964

What's it capped at?

>> No.28286400

Where do you all put your houses ? I usually put mine next to Palmia for easier tax payment, but I think it might be better to put it next to my guild or something

>> No.28286509

meta choice was port kapul for a long time due to access to the arena, but IIRC the arena rewards have been nerfed lately or some shit, I never did it myself

I usually just do palmia it's comfy and easy

>> No.28287164

I put mine down south of Yowyn, close to the border but around the river, bridge and roads for comfyness. The idea of having a shop away from the roads makes me get autistic.

>> No.28287865

Same place as start cave

>> No.28288216

So what is the best artifact to make pets wear multiple of? cestus of meteor?

>> No.28288561
File: 2.14 MB, 500x344, 1602974311212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing i love the most about this game is that you can make anything your pet/wife/husband,No matter how strong it is if you have enough dedication and autism

Is there any NPC or monster you cant astral pen or capture at all?

>> No.28288696

Isn't there an arena in Palmia anyways ?

>> No.28293164
File: 449 KB, 808x629, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any /jp/sie know what this icon next to modifiers means ?

>> No.28298804

Yes. It means nothing.
There was an old fusion system noa was working on in vanilla, but he quit before it went anywhere. The OO branch added it in, but plus made up their own thing.

>> No.28299483

Noyel for ease of access. It doesn't matter much anyway since you can set multiple return points with deeds of dungeon and paying taxes can be done in an instant by purchasing the tax bos at Miral and Garokk's.

>> No.28303174

only regular arena, not pet arena (which has/at least used to have way better rewards)

>> No.28316018

Can you recruit recruitable NPCs in E+C after your refuse them the first time ? Wiki says no, but I've had two wing snails offer to join me in a single map. Is the wiki wrong or does that only get updated when you change maps ?

>> No.28323041

Not in 1.90, but in the recent plus versions they go to a basement floor in amur cage where you can recruit them. I think you'll need ALP for that though.

>> No.28323197

You can astral pen anything as long as the affection is at the right value. Although God NPCs/ monsters get such a huge penalty that they aren’t worth using.

>> No.28324869

>you can set multiple return points with deeds of dungeon
That's incredibly useful to know. Does that work in Plus, Omake, or both?

>> No.28325304

What should I raise in my first ranch ? I was thinking putits for putitoros so I can get some money

>> No.28333024

Omake, but you only get the one dungeon. OOMsest does however have a title reward that lets you teleport to any town, as well as chaos forts and the first floor of lesimas.

Rats or chickens. Rats are the fastest breeders for steak, and chickens lay extra eggs. Cattle/sheep also give extra milk, if you can think of a use for it.

>> No.28335762

Is that profitable ? Most milk and meat I pick up only sells for like 200g a piece

>> No.28339042

cooking is profitable , cook that shit

>> No.28344010

Lame horses are nearly as fast as rats, and their meat trains CON. Of course, meat effects don't matter if you're selling the meat, or making picnic baskets or burgers.

>> No.28344152

In Plus you can turn milk into valuable dairy products.

>> No.28344511

Is there anywhere else I can learn pickpocket other than the Thieves guild ? I really don't feel like not paying my taxes for 4 months.

>> No.28345960

Scroll of gain attribute is a guranteed learn if you have all other skills already learned. Otherwise, wishing for it works.

>> No.28345996

(You can pass time really fucking quickly by being overloaded with cargo and walking on the world map though, just make sure you have a billion rations etc with you)

>> No.28346006

Just sneak in with incognito scrolls.

>> No.28346023

Didn't they patch that shit out? If not, just do that.

>> No.28346870

Not exactly, unique npcs see through the scrolls, but only them, so just dodge the guildmaster.

>> No.28354718

some high tier npcs must be useful,someone was boasting on how good enthumesis is herself

>> No.28356307

So if I want to use a build based around 'continous attack' special action I just need as many hands and critical rate as possible?

>> No.28357821

In 1.90 at least, it always goes 17 times and doesn't care about your hands at all:

if ( _switch_val == SKILL_SPACT_CONTINUOUS_ATTACKS | _switch_sw ) {
_switch_sw = 0
tc = cdata(CDATA_TARGET, cc)
gosub *act_melee
goto *effect_end
waitbk = cfg_animewait
attackbk = cfg_attackanime
if ( cfg_animewait > 0 ) {
cfg_animewait = 1
if ( cfg_attackanime > 0 ) {
cfg_attackanime = 0
repeat 17
if ( cdata(CDATA_EXIST, tc) != CHAR_STATE_ALIVE ) {
extraattack = 0
gosub *anime
gosub *act_melee
if ( cdata(CDATA_EXIST, tc) != CHAR_STATE_ALIVE ) {
if ( cdata(CDATA_EXIST, tc) == CHAR_STATE_ALIVE ) {
gosub *anime
gosub *act_melee
cfg_animewait = waitbk
cfg_attackanime = attackbk
goto *effect_end

>> No.28360521

You need a blessed scroll of return for that, though.

>> No.28362547

You can craft both the scrolls and water, so that's super easy.

>> No.28368462

Where can I buy a disguise kit from that's not the thief merchant ? I remember seeing one in store but don't remember which store it was from. Also do I need to invest for the merchants to start selling it ?

>> No.28370104

General vendors. Investing on them increases the chance for it to be stocked, of course.

>> No.28370279

Is it both types of general vendors ? I know there's goods and general vendors (one with a bag symbol and the other with a vase) but I can never remember which is which

>> No.28370904

Only the general vendor.

>> No.28371798
File: 370 KB, 1524x2048, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_hisha_kan_moko__4bc1fbaf964d33322d0ee455088ac9f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you upgrade the size of your farm to get more field tiles ?

>> No.28373175

How do field tiles even work, anyway? Could you just grow herbs in your basement?

>> No.28377856

Total newbie here, which version would you guys recommend to start with?

>> No.28378105

nvm, the answer was in FAQ

>> No.28379524

Just use the register/house board and put more field tiles on the map.

Yes. In some versions, plants won't grow at all in static maps unless they're on a field tile.

>> No.28381684

What's a good way to train pickpocket when you don't have the strength to steal trees ?

>> No.28384347

Win an arena match and then swipe the debris.
Alternatively, create walls around something so that nobody can get close enough to hear you steal it.

>> No.28385409

Or tele-wand/teleport other people away from the thing you want to steal

>> No.28385753

Stealing takes time; people could wander into hearing range. Walls remove the chance of failure.

>> No.28386279

pro move is combining the two

>> No.28389862

Speaking of pickpocket, does anyone have the steal formula anywhere ? The wiki says it's a number of rolls against the perception of the target and nearby NPCs, but doesn't say what the rolls actually are

>> No.28391051

What do I do to increase critical multiplier in E+? Is it still just weapon weight? Is there a target weight?

>> No.28391312

Can adventurers die completely or something like that?
I've been working with number one for some time, but now she's not on the list. When i was checking her status last time before this she was in hospital, after some weird thing happened in the embassy and she left the party for some reason.

>> No.28391739

Is there a convenient way to apply fire damage to bards to burn down their 20kg instruments ?

>> No.28392087

Molotovs? Fire wall? Dumb luck with firebolt?

>> No.28392437

The annoying thing about molotovs and fire wall is dumbass guards and other NPCs walking into it

>> No.28392789

Quite. So wall the poor sod off or wait until it rains so you don't accidentally the city.

>> No.28394539

Just pickpocket it instead

>> No.28395294

Only in some versions, in plus normally, no.

>> No.28396689
File: 1.98 MB, 1199x1077, Безымянный.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong? Why my stats are so bad? I use a machine gun and sometimes spells put points mainly in evasion and casting.

>> No.28402043

Your stat potentials are garbage. You've got to train your potentials or your stats will never grow, just like skills. Whereas skills give the potential as a % and can be increased via platinum and other easy methods, stat potentials only give a description (Bad, Hopeless, etc) and are trained mainly by eating foods. Higher quality foods usually mean better potential gains, herbs are the best. Then there's adding herbs to other foods (including other herbs) for even better gains. Read the wiki on foods/stat potentials for more info.

>> No.28402439

Wait, lemme correct myself. Food (mainly herbs) can raise stat potentials, but mainly it trains stats, causing them to increase. But the amount of increase/time it takes to increase is based on the potential.
Best means of raising potentials is (blessed) Potions of Potential. Gonna have to invest in potion shops to see them regularly though. Other than that you can get stat potential gains randomly from sleeping (not much here), from Guild Trainers who visit your house, from pets cooking you breakfast when you wake up, and from using large picnic baskets (latter two also train stat potentials of all your present pets)

>> No.28403100

Oh I see now! Thanks a lot, anon! I usually just completely ignored foods and ate only cargos. Because these effects are not obvious to me. Now it all makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.28403959

Do note, with your stat potentials as they are (almost all bad or hopeless) you're going to see very slow gains just from eating food. But eating actual food instead of cargo should cause stats to start increasing some amount at least. I'd say try to get a pet with cooking (use wiki to find a good candidate, or learn/train gene engineering to get cooking onto your favorite) so they can cook breakfast every time you sleep. Then try to find a way to get potions of potential on a regular basis.

>> No.28404765

I see. I guess I'll try to get a pet with cooking now. Even though my charisma is pretty abysmal. Now. Well anyway thanks for the advice. I wish I asked sooner.

>> No.28405447

I think I've seen adventurers "realize their limits" or something and retire.

>> No.28405536

*as a message, same as the "found an artifact at a place" type of message.

>> No.28411161

OK. Pastebin anon, back from the world and work kicking me in the ass to see I missed the 2.0 update and the story that probably only I care about getting 'finished'. I'll try to update the links tomorrow.
If there are any links/resources you guys want added or anything you want removed let me know.

And like
Said if any anons have the knowledge and time write new guides I'll appreciate it and add to the bin

>> No.28412341

Yeah, found this on the wiki too.
Shame. That top 1 adventurer, 14 year old miko-mage was really nice to work with. And now there is the dude, who took her place, named Gay Bleed Luheal. Eugh.

>> No.28413869

In 2.01 you can now give encouragement to adventurers to prevent them from retiring.

Or bully them to make them more likely to quit.

>> No.28416019

Are there any updated graphic packs? I wanna get back into the game, but I see the sprites are still blurry as fuck.

>> No.28427416

So what is the best thing to ranch for money now? i used to do flying leeches and indigo lobsters until they nerfed it
is the pcc option ticked to full size?

>> No.28435628

I recall once making a pet hang around my bedroom so that I'd have breakfast and stuff without having them actually tagging along. I can't remember how to do that now, though. Help.

>> No.28435853

Is it still impossible to meet an adventurer in a dungeon?

>> No.28442231

How rare are love potions? I'm level 24, haven't seen one yet.

>> No.28442514
File: 10 KB, 534x23, Hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this normal?

>> No.28442700

Can someone explain debris to me? do I just use it or what? I am selling it now because it doesn't seem to improve my stats at a noticeable rate.
invest in magic shops and they will appear regularly.
>Something goes to hell.
sounds like my life haha

>> No.28442764

have high relation with the pet
I think that's Omake Overhaul. At least I haven't met an adventurer on a dungeon so far, even though I go explore the ones they supposedly are.

>> No.28443582

I think the house board lets you drop off pets.

That's nether damage killing something, I think. Possibly a bad sign if you're still in Vernis.

>> No.28444540

Supposedly the level on em' matters a lot, you seem to outlevel the level they generate at pretty fast.

>> No.28445970

Hey anon! I installed and played it a few times and it's working fine, of course the numpad is better but it's ok if I don't have any choice. I wanted to ask now how do I target myself now? I mean for example things that are used and arrows appear (like debris). In numpad I'd just press "5", how do I do it with arrows?

>> No.28446401

enter might work, but im not 100% sure

>> No.28446926

I tried and it actually works! Thanks again.

>> No.28450137

shoutout to my nigga negrospaci

>> No.28459606

What's "abyss power"?

>> No.28462312

Is there any way to just kind of zoom in? Everything's so tiny. Uping the resolution doesn't do enough

>> No.28470770

unfinished mechanic

>> No.28475036

What controls the difficulty of job board quests? I always assumed it was fame, but at 9k fame or so I failed an escort and lost 300 fame. Since then, I'm back down to basic bitch difficulty (although i was only really one step up from that anyway) and even though I'm now over 10k fame, nothing's changed.
