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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2738426 No.2738426 [Reply] [Original]

So is Holden from Catcher in the Rye a 50's version of ronery /jp/ anons? He can't stand normalfags, he likes spending time with his loli sister more than with 3D girls, he hires a prostitute and wusses out. Pic related...this is how I imagine Pheobe to look like if Japan ever did an anime/VN adaptation of Catcher.

>> No.2738430
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you could say that

>> No.2738433

I thought what I'd do is I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes.

>> No.2738440

I never read Catcher in the Rye so I have no idea what you are talking about. But he sounds like a /jp/er if he hates normal fags and loves lolis.

>> No.2738452


You illiterate bastard.

>> No.2738459

That's exactly what happened with the internet.

>> No.2738464

Ugh, now I feel sick.
Holden is an idiot, and that makes me a deluded idiot as well.
As long as I can keep my facade and be one of those normalfags, it should be okay.

>> No.2738465


Didn't Holden make out with girls or something? So no, he isn't like us. He is just a lonelier, more pedoriffic normalfag.

>> No.2738480

He was just mentally ill, since those "school" he went to were hospices (have no source of that though)

>> No.2738498

Salinger is one of us. He's a hikikomori who writes stories about little kids and pedophiles, and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2738511


Yeah I noticed alot of his short stories have to do with a loli and the protagonist some social misfit.

>> No.2738537

/jp/ - Book Club/General

>> No.2738759

I can't find that in my Inuboshi folder.

>> No.2738774

Well, VNs are novels with pictures, it's not that odd that people here are book readers.

>> No.2738784

Don't you mean is afraid iof EVERYTHING?

Besides, reading Catcher in the Rye makes some people commit murders or some sort. True story.

>> No.2738790

Helter Skelter makes people commit murder, it's just a stupid excuse.

>> No.2738792

Not really. They're anime with more text and less animation.

>> No.2738798

They are animation without animation, that makes total sense.

>> No.2738815
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>> No.2738867

I Read Catcher in the Rye, guy was a looney

SPOILER: He is recapping the whole store from a nut house.

>> No.2738877


Seymour was so awesome. And Sybil was moe as fuck.

>> No.2739522


Where the fuck does it say that? Theres nothing whatsoever to show that holden is in a mental home or anything of the sort. Fuck I hate that theory. Not saying he isnt a little cuckoo in the brain but where is the evidence that hes in a nut house? BRING IT BEFORE ME.

>> No.2739532


He is anti-social, depressive, lolicon etc.
Yes, you are mentally ill too.

>> No.2739535


Yes yes, but where's the evidence showing that he is confined in a mental home?

>> No.2739536

I remember it being obvious that he was telling the story from a mental institution. I believe it's implied in the opening paragraph.

>> No.2739540


"When the light was on and all, I sort of looked at her for a while. She was lying there asleep, with her face sort of on the side of the pillow. She had her mouth way open. It's funny. You take adults, they look lousy when they're asleep and they have their mouths way open, but kids don't. Kids look all right. They can even have spit all over the pillow and they look all right." (Chapter 21, pg 159)

"I mean Phoebe always has some dress on that can kill you." (Chapter 21, pg 160)

"'Holden!' she said right away. She put her arms around my neck and all. She's very affectionate, for a child. Sometimes she's even too affectionate. I sort of gave her a kiss, and she said, "Whenja get home?" she was glad as hell to see me. You could tell." (Chapter 21, pg 161)

"You should've seen Old Phoebe. She had on these blue pajamas with red elephants on the collars. Elephants knock her out." (Chapter 21, pg 163)

"'He probably likes you. That's no reason to put ink all-'
'I don't want him to like me,' she said. Then she started looking at me all funny." (Chapter 21, pg 164)

>> No.2739542

I detect that the OP is an underage B& in high school, being assigned to read the book.

>> No.2739548


"Then, just for the hell of it, I gave her a pinch on the behind. It was sticking way out in the breeze, the way she was laying on her side. She has hardly any behind. I didn't do it hard, but she tried to hit my hand anyway, but she missed." (chapter 22, pg 167

"She always listens when you tell her something. And the funny part is she knows, half the time, what the hell you're talking about. She really does." (chapter 22, pg 167-168)

"She was sitting way up in bed. she looked so pretty." (chapter 22, pg 173)

"She practically jumped off the bed, and then she waited while I took my shoes off, and then I danced with her for a while. She's really damn good." (chapter 22, pg 175)

"She told me I could sleep with her if I wanted to, but I said no, that I'd better beat it, that Mr. Antolini was waiting for me and all." (chapter 22, pg 180)

"Then all of a sudden she gave me a kiss." (chapter 25, pg 212)

"I didn't care, though. I felt so damn happy all of a sudden, the way old Phoebe kept going around and around. I was damn near bawling, I felt so damn happy, if you want to know the truth. I don't know why. It was just that she looked so damn nice, the way she kept going around and around, in her blue coat and all. God, I wish you could've been there." (chapter 25, pg 213)

>> No.2739554

He wasn't confined to a mental institution, he was just recounting the book to a therapist that his parents made him get. Not locked up...just forced to see a teenage psychiatrist once a week.

Please, read it more closely.

>> No.2739556

I once wrote a 10 page paper on Holden's attraction to his little sister. Only got a 90%. ;_;

>> No.2739564


If your teacher was someone from /jp/ you would've gotten it back with semen stains on it.

>> No.2739572

There's this one guy who really likes Catcher in the Rye, so it's probably him.

>> No.2739576


Actually it seemed to me pretty likely that she was a fujoshi. If only Holden had a little brother instead...

>> No.2739589

Well, I only read it once, like, a decade ago.

>> No.2739609

aw, shesh sho mue

>> No.2739736
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>> No.2739750

I once met Salinger, no shit. I mean, we didn't talk or anything, but I saw him.

>> No.2740298

i wonder why that hasn't been done yet...

>> No.2740310

Oh god I want to pat the OP girl's head.

>> No.2740396

Enjoy your US academic system. Real people write to a word limit.

>> No.2740415

Holden is a spineless wimp like us. Gets his ass kicked for hiring a prostitute and getting pissed when some alpha male goes on a date with some childhood friend

>> No.2740421

>There's this one guy who really likes Catcher in the Rye, so it's probably him.

You mean the guy that shot John Lennon?

>> No.2740424

I'm not like the average weeaboo. Yes my powerlevel is high but I'm not a bitter sociopath like many

>> No.2740425


I remember he also bitched about adult women and how they were sluts.

>> No.2740430

I remember in high school we used to call Holden, Holden McGroin. Ahahahaha get it?

>> No.2740455


Salinger would be rolling in his grave...

>> No.2740566


Salinger is still alive man

>> No.2740569


he's not dead yet.

>> No.2740589


He would be rolling in his grave, if he were dead.

>> No.2740594

Isn't Salinger a hikki? I remember him always being locked in his house.

>> No.2741444

I love when he is at the bar trying to give the two girls the eye and they are laughing at him.

>> No.2741470
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You don't have to be an incestuous lolicon to find your little sister is the bright point in your life after a really, really shitty week.

>> No.2741478
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>> No.2741483

catcher was a boring ass book though.

hell I had more fun with crime and punishment(If you know what I mean).

>> No.2741506
File: 17 KB, 402x676, 9stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salinger is the ronery /jp/er, Anonymous.
Also, his lolicon didn't just end at Holden. Picture related.

>> No.2741516

The Catcher in the Rye is a shitty and overrated novel that Americans feed to their schoolkids for some inexplicable reason.

But then it's not like the US has much in the way of classic literature. In fact, with the exception of some H. P. Lovecraft, Philip K. Dick and Theodore Sturgeon stuff, I have never read an American book and liked it. Not that it's related to the thread or anything.

>> No.2741521

Lovecraft never wrote a book, just pulp in a magazine.

Burroughs wasn't too bad, more pulp though. Actually, come to think of it, the only good stuff the US has put out as far as reading material has been pulp.

>> No.2741544

There's non-pulp classics in American literature, but most of it is hysterical realism, by people like Don DeLillo and Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.2741549
File: 42 KB, 248x353, AstoundingSF-Nov1944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true actually. Pulp and short stories at best. This applies just as much to Philip K. Dick and Theodore Sturgeon actually.

>> No.2741551

It is impossible to tolerate little sisters unless you want to fuck them. That is a scientific fact.

>> No.2741554

I never had to read it in high school or in college. I picked it up because of GITS.

I wish I could be the catcher in the rye.

>> No.2741555


Troll some more.

I don't like american litterature but saying it's non existant is just bullshit.

How about Faulkner, Twain, Emingway, Melville...

I could go on.

>> No.2741559
File: 62 KB, 350x529, American_gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2741560

It applies to pretty much all American authors. Some put out some really good short stories, but the novels are really boring and seem stretched out (like a lengthened short story). I know there are some exceptions, but that's not really my interest. I enjoy the short story format and going through pulp magazines.

>> No.2741561

They're perfectly adorable until puberty. You were probably an annoying brother.

>> No.2741564

Ausfag here, I was watching that 'Book Club' show last night on ABC where the discussion was on the the gar, manly characters who rape and screw every girl in sight.

I was like 'discuss shiki!'

>> No.2741565

You get what you give. You can get a cute adorable sister who loves you for life. It doesn't necessarily stop at puberty and it doesn't necessarily have to be an incestuous relationship.

>> No.2741572

No way, Holden is just a whiny little brat who thinks he knows how the world spins and doesn't put effort into anything. He gets into trouble actively, while we are all pussies who would rather just stay in the background and be left alone. Reading Catcher in the Rye was like reading the experience of a 14 year old on his first ever long distance trip away from home, and having to really look after themselves for the first time.
Pheobe was pretty cute though.

>> No.2741588
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>How about Faulkner, Twain, Emingway, Melville...

Could do better.

>> No.2741603
File: 172 KB, 625x800, dostoyevsky-1872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European literature, or as I like to call it, real literature, is superior to American high school curriculum trash.

>> No.2741612
File: 107 KB, 318x452, nabokov.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of both worlds
and /jp/ related somehow

>> No.2741625


Maybe lengthy tales told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing are your thing, but there's more to litterature than that.

>> No.2741633

I always found it funny that /jp/ not only shares Humbert Humbert's pedophilia, but also his penchant for elitism and abrasive humor.

>> No.2741646
File: 134 KB, 435x626, The_Children_of_Hurin_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only novel in last few years I have liked (though I haven't read that much).

>> No.2741650
File: 19 KB, 385x557, franz-kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your argument here is that it's bad because it's long?

>there's more to litterature than that

Haha, okay. Do elaborate.

>> No.2741658


People genuinely enjoy Tolkien ?


You'd think with all the better alternatives now, people would try something less unecessarily wordy.

>> No.2741673

No, I hated LOTR, I just liked children of hurin.

>> No.2741675


>So your argument here is that it's bad because it's long?

Yes, because "lenghty" is the only thing I said about it in my post.

With that much of an ability to only read two words in a sentence and ignoring all the rest, no wonder you like Tolstoï. Also if you're gonna go Russian, at least go with those who are actually any good, like Boulgakov.

>>Do elaborate.

Nah, your image did it for me, so I'll save myself the trouble.

>> No.2741696

Rather than expecting everything to read like a comic book, some of us still appreciate good English prose.

>> No.2741717


The problem is it's bad prose, and anybody who genuinely enjoys literature would gag at the unwarranted pretentiousness of it all.

Also the story sucks balls.

>> No.2741737

my favorite english language author is james joyce. I'm convinced he wrote finnegan's wake just to troll people who think it's a real book.

>> No.2741829

/jp/ - English Literature

>> No.2741840

Well, of all the boards on 4chan, we're one of the few with the ability to read.

>> No.2742150

Because you have read and rated all amerikkan books ever published amirite?

>> No.2742162
File: 38 KB, 309x475, the child garden cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science fiction here. "Literary" fiction can suck it.

>> No.2742203

Foundation and Hyperion you fucking niggers.

>> No.2742223

Being a literature major I can't ignore this. Try reading the most important author alive today: Toni Morrison. Some of the greatest American authors include Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner. The fact that you enjoy Lovecraft and didn't mention Poe is surprising.

If you're not heavily into literature and just want fun for the sake of fun you may want to try Sherman Alexi, Issac Asimov, Ann Rice.

I'm running out of time so gotta run but I'm guessing you just haven't been exposed to truly great American fiction.

>> No.2742232

All Russian literature is superior.

>> No.2742239

I like how a certain single faggot derailed a half-decent thread with the equivalent of "lol Catcher in the Rye sucks".

>> No.2742252

Did you put Anne Rice and Isaac Asimov in the same sentence?
Why would you do that? One is admittedly dated and pulpy, but it's leagues beyond vampires with no personality.

>> No.2742255

>All Russian literature is superior.

In a way, I agree.

>> No.2742280

Never read her, just know that she's popular.

>> No.2742446

I think it is troll material, he was trolling artists into screeching that it wasn't art and that he was trolling everyone else in getting to think of their random shit as art.

I read it after I became aquainted with old /b/. The flashing lights and word filters of /b/ at the time cutting up the already comedic and obscene into something vaguely like Finnegan's Wake. Very vaguely.

I also read Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man when I was getting out of my basement and into college. It's a how-to for emancipation. Highly recommended. Next up is Ulysses, after Wanko to Kuraso.

>> No.2742451 [DELETED] 

i know i might sound like a troll but books suck

>> No.2742472
File: 514 KB, 1372x1676, 2309999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man, that thinking thing is too hard.

>> No.2742498


Why the hell are you on /jp/ then? The majority of our hobbies here involve reading of some sort.

>> No.2742509 [DELETED] 

yea but its ok when u have a visual novel becaue stuff actually happens and you can see it its like a moving manga but with books all you have is the text and that gets old fast sometimes i read books and then im like 20 page later and im like whoa what the hell just happened and i cant remember anything i just read

>> No.2742519

In other words, you have attention deficit disorder

Or you're just a lazy juvenile who wants everything served to him in surround sound and pretty colors and flashing lights rather than thinking or interpreting what you've just seen/read

or both.

>> No.2742529 [DELETED] 

lol wut? i can read but its just not as good as a visual novel. like would u watch a vhs tape on a old tv or a blu ray on hdtv? why would u use the old thing when the new 1 is just better?

>> No.2742537

>like would u watch a vhs tape on a old tv or a blu ray on hdtv?

If it was between a VHS of decent literature like Lovecraft, and a 1080p blu-ray marathon of something retarded like the Transformers movies, I'll take the Lovecraft.

Special effects and film quality do not equal value

>> No.2742552 [DELETED] 

ya but thats not a fair comparing becuz transformers is gay and u could watch braveheart instead and it would be better

>> No.2742553

I really liked the book.

I was bummed that the part where Holden finally snaps wasn't included.

>> No.2742558

OP, we're our generations's misfits.
Everyone around us took a few of his traits like individualism and rebelliosness. We just don't rebel offline.

>> No.2742753

Her books under the rice name are pretty shit for the most part (there are a few keepers), but she did write some good porn under some others.

>> No.2742780

Wow I wake up to a Catcher in the Rye thread...good job /jp/. Anyways Holden is just the run of the mill normalfag who can't find his place in life. He's just a bit spineless. He is way more social than /jp/ anons. I mean fuck, I've never just chatted up girls at a bar and danced with them. Don't have the nerve for that.

>> No.2742813


Eh....It looks like this generation's misfits is hard to encompass just in one character for a representation. Not all misfits are hikki's or shut ins. And I don't think any /jp/er was the rebelling type. For me I didn't have anything to rebel against so there was no point in rebelling. Not like those punk kids out there that rebel and become social misfits. We're more of the passive introspective misfits. We're always analyzing how sad our lives our, blaming the rest of society for our out of place ideals on culture, modesty and class, and we don't have the guts or the will to actually go out and do something. We're like philosopher class of misfits. And that saddens me seeing as how non-intellectual we really are.

>> No.2743243

thats a pretty good way to put it, except not for me cuz im a badass.
