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2523692 No.2523692 [Reply] [Original]

gonna get taken home.

>> No.2523714

Episode 5 will introduce a new witch that looks like Rena.

>> No.2523711

Fuck yes, lolicon waifu.

>> No.2523720

Rena: Haaauuuuuuuu~!
Beato: Muuu...

>> No.2523732
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>> No.2523784



>> No.2523819


But Kinzo is already dead.

>> No.2523836

A little late. He's already dead.

>> No.2523856

Yeah I know.

I killed him and sold his corpse to a corpse fucker.

>> No.2523864

Oh, okay then.

>> No.2523873

Fuck you, Kinzo, she's my waifu.

>> No.2523942


So that means Genji, Kumasawa, Gohda, Kanon, or Shannon has AIDS then?

Because One of the first twilight victims in Episode 3 had to have died naturally.

>> No.2523980
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Hate to break it for you guys, but...

>> No.2523999
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reverse hometaking!

>> No.2524009

... that SLUT!

>> No.2524357
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Rena is not a slut, cut that out.

>> No.2524378
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There was a way.

>> No.2524383


And? What was it if not murder, suicide, accident, or natural?

>> No.2524424

The boiler room have two doors. It just wasnt mentioned in EP3.

ITT see EP1.

Full details of this theory:

>> No.2524436


>> No.2524450

Dread of the Grave.


>> No.2524719

Didn't the other door in the Boiler room lead to a dead end?

>> No.2524815

It was never said in red.

>> No.2524980

There's also another easy way for episode 3's first twilight. All you've gotta wonder is: why several rooms and why the keys inside that suggest a sequence? Answer: because the culprit wants them to be visited in that sequence. The trick lies in that in the end they'll consider the rooms as a whole instead of a sequence. Thus:

For this to work the culprit has to be one of the siblings or their spouse. Kill six persons, put them in the rooms. Put in each room a key to the next and put all master keys but one in the rooms. You keep the last master key, let's say the one that should be in Genji's room.

Morning comes, the siblings and spouses visit the rooms in sequence and spread the keys they find among themselves. The ideal situation would be to receive one of the discovered master keys (thus now having two) in time for when everybody moves frm the second to the third floor to Gohda's room. You stay on the second floor, go open the honored guest room, put a master key there and close the room with your second master key, then rejoin the others All done, easy as pie! It works with doing it at different rooms too, but that point of the sequence is most ideal

Ideal if episode 3's culprit is indeed Eva, with Hideyoshi as her accomplice.

>> No.2525011

Other door led to the courtyard, where there were two other ways to get back into the mansion.

>> No.2525023

FUCK YEAH! Dread of the Grave!!

>> No.2525029

I always thought Eva-Beatrice = Rena, but that's just me.

>> No.2525040

Of course, EP5 is going to reveal something along the lines of...

[red]No one used the back door in the boiler room! Alive or dead, the only way people entered the boiler room was through the front door![/red]

>> No.2525076

the boiler room was declared to be a closed room under Beat's definitin anyway. Having two doors just means both were locked.

>> No.2525081

This reasoning is very nice too.

There's just one problem with it: Its said that the adults were discussing all night, so all of them had alibis.

But if its proven wrong, i would prefer to pin rosa instead of Eva....

I dont think Eva had the reason to kill anybody before finding the gold...

Also, with the backdoor theory we can pin Nanjo as the murderer/accomplice...as he doesnt have an alibi at all.

>> No.2525093

Sure it could be locked, but as i remember only one key to the boiler room was found.

If there was a different key to the courtyard it was never found or mentioned.
So...this is devil's proof.

>> No.2525095

Actually, the back exit has no door at all. It just leads to the outside. Nothing to be opened.

Reread episode 1.

>> No.2525115

Then make Nanjo an accomplice. Said accomplice does the killing and prepares the rooms, and then the other guy/gal does the key trick. Good since Nanjo's diagnoses will determine the speed of visiting the rooms the next morning.

>> No.2525118

I love Umineko music. Whenever I have the urge to fap, I just play some of the music from there, and all of a sudden, I realize that I can have orgasms without fapping.

>> No.2525125

amidoinitrite ?

>> No.2525148

But then that means Beato's been lying in red, since her closed room definition, which is applied to the boiler room, specifies once the door or doors are locked there's no way in or out. Since we know it's not possible to lie in red, then your assumption about a lack of door must be erroneous.

>> No.2525207

What we know already from all the EPs is that Kraus, Natsuhi, Nanjo and Genji are at least in cahoots about covering up Kinzo's death.

>> No.2525211
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This is after battler dashes out of the boiler room and stands in the courtyard.

>> No.2525249

*punches wall, weighs 300 pounds*

>> No.2525253

Ohoho, but if Battler doesn't know which way the culprit has gone, then it's two ways PLUS the boiler room access, which he's coming from. And said boiler room CAN be locked, since Beato said in red it was.

>> No.2525257

Note: She does not state the definition of a closed room in red.

>> No.2525271

But she says the room fits her definition in red. Which means the room truly has all the characteristics the definition stated.

>> No.2525305
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You still cant deny >>2525253

>> No.2525339


Uselss! It's useless!

>> No.2525373

Is he saying MUDAMUDA?

>> No.2525493
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1- The backdoor is not hidden, its in plain sight.
2- It was never stated that the boiler room is a closed room, it may be implied by virgilia but You shouldnt trust her.

>> No.2525550

1.Whether the backdoor is hidden or not isn't relevant. The definition states the room's interior and exterior are completely separated. Thus the backdoor was locked.
2. If you can't trust Virgilia regarding the crime scene descriptions then you can't even trust the rooms were locked in the first place, which makes the first twilight trivial. All or part of the rooms were unlocked, no need for backdoors, end of story.

>> No.2525647

>It was never stated that the boiler room is a closed room
Actually it is stated by Virgilia that "six closed rooms are all tied together". As 2525550 mentions, if you want to doubt the closed biler room, then you can doubt all doors and windows equally and have no need for a backdoor, since game-Battler never saw the closed rooms.

>> No.2525710

Perhaps, the door was never hidden in the first place they just never seen it Battler only ran out the door in EP1 because it was wide open.

Also in EP3 in mentions that one of the deaths could have been an accident but Kinzo was already dead. So could someone not related to the first twilight also have been killed.

>> No.2525724

It also helps that everybody immediately left the scene pretty much the second they got there they never really investigated the first Twilight in EP3.

>> No.2525750

The accident thing is fishy. Beato seems to almost use the red to destroy the accident theory and Ronove stops her, saying that move would be dangerous. If you take that at face value it means she could state something that excludes accidents but helps Battler, possibly along the lines of everyone being dead before the rooms were locked.

>> No.2525768

Actually we don't know that, once again because Battler wasn't a witness to it. All we know is they went through the whole thing between 6 and 7 am. That leaves them some amount of time.

>> No.2525809


Actually I was referring to how Beato couldn't repeat 'All 6 were killed by other people' and declared 'None of the 6 commited suicide'.

Guy said he killed Kinzo, so I said then someone else has AIDS because at least someone has to have died naturally, because at least one wasn't murdered, didn't commit suicide, and didn't die in an accident.

>> No.2525822

Maybe Genji died of a heart attack....

>> No.2525840

Actually there's still the possibility for all six to have been killed by other people. Just because she refuses to say it doesn't mean it's wrong. There's also the possibility for one or more of the six to have killed another of the six, unless the meaning's clearer in japanese.

>> No.2525888

>49 posts and 8 image replies omitted.
Fine, /jp/ you convinced me. Downloading Umineko from a crappy- 5 seeds- torrent.
Expecting an above-average mystery VN

>> No.2525939


>> No.2525965


True, but she was frantic to try and deny everything there.

It's very likely that Kinzo died naturally though, because he died before October 4th.

>> No.2525991


I still can't fucking decide if magic even exists or not.

Whether the mystery is caused by someone magical or mundane is a different story. If magic exists, it's definitely Beatrice. I don't buy that "Oh magic might exist but it's still a human behind it".

>> No.2526022

it's still hard to say for now, up until ep 4 you could argue magic was the only pssible reason for the loop, but we've since be offered a possibility of some of the boards just being written fiction so there may not even be a loop in the first place.

>> No.2526089

Ep4 soft spoiler:
Kinzo is dead before the game even starts.
He probably died by natural causes so beato couldnt say that everyone in the closed room chain was killed by another people.
This was the fact that ronove didnt let beato speak, but knowing that its obvious that all of the other 5 people were murderes by other people

Thid could be misleading. you cant blindly believe everything witches say, instead its in red.
The door wasnt hidden and it was closed, be it locked or not. So it meets the definition of closed room anyway.

If it was closed the theory of Key X still applies.

Yes they were tied together, but it doesnt mean anything.

Also if you re-read the skirmish chapter of episode 3 you can see that virgilia tell us that some of the rooms meet beatrice's definition of closed rooms.....BUT she never said that the boiler room was a closed room.
The phrase ''the boiler room meets the definition of closed room'' was never said.

>> No.2526158
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umineko would be better as a normal vn (with cgs and stuff) instead of a sound novel y/y?

>> No.2526160


[N]ot with Ryukishi07's art.

>> No.2526165

I don't understand what you said, but fuck you

>> No.2526172


>> No.2526173


Needs joint venture with Type-Moon so we can see the furniture battles in AWESOMATION.

>> No.2526211
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You're not suggesting they get rid of WORLDENDDOMINATOR are you?

Good mother frowns upon your bullshit.

>> No.2526231

No, fuck that. That would rob the story of a lot of its atmosphere.

>> No.2526294

Golden Slaughterer is better.
