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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 800x600, 800px-Yasuda_Auditorium,_Tokyo_University_-_Nov_2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2521022 No.2521022 [Reply] [Original]

We all more or less know what high school life is like in Japan, but what is University life like? Anyone have any idea?

>> No.2521047


>> No.2521049

Did you see Revenge of the Nerds? It's exactly like that.

>> No.2521126

That's high school.

>> No.2521128

Everyone studies. Shit's not for those who like to take it easy.

>> No.2521134

If I'm not wrong, unless your studying Medicine or Engineering its actually quite slack. Getting in is the hard part.

>> No.2521136
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I bet it's exactly like Honey and Clover.

>> No.2521160

So we were chatting about university life and exams and stuff in that other thread.

As I understand it, in US universities you go into dorms and share them with someone else? Here you are in individual rooms for your first year, then you move out off-campus into nearby towns for residence in the next 2-3 years. Oh, and if you are lucky in your last year you can get on-campus accommodation again.

What was /jp/'s experience living in dorms/halls like first time?

>> No.2521167

I commuted.

>> No.2521178

I go to... community college

Seppuku is the only way

>> No.2521180

You can just drop out. You don't actually have to kill yourself.

>> No.2521200

I was too scared to sign up for a roommate, so I commute.

>> No.2521203

Nope. Carry on working, dont let other people get to you. This is coming from a relatively top tier fag as well (as far as rankings go). Whats important isn't the world record, its beating your own PB.

Go for it.

>> No.2521212

Back then I wasn't such a social failure so I actually liked the dorms. I was lucky enough to get paired with a roommate who I got along really well with (even though he was a goon).

>> No.2521215

I certainly think I have the brain for higher universities, but my high school grades, while certainly better than my peers, aren't so hot.

It's due to a crushing apathy and lack of motivation, as i'm sure many in /jp/ are familiar with.

>> No.2521220

I just moved out of my dorm today.

My first room mate was some Indian prick who kept cooking the most foul-smelling shit ever. He also used all my pots and pans without asking.
My second room mate was a literal bro. He talked like a bro, acted like a bro... Pretty nice guy, actually.
The dorm halls smelled horrible, but I guess that's to be expected when you stuff a bunch of teenagers into an apartment. Especially seeing as over 50% of the people who lived on campus were black.
And I chose the (more expensive) option of having a separate room and bathroom from my roommate. So I wasn't really a 'roommate', but more of a... 'suitemate' or something. I don't know, I like my privacy, so I opted to isolate myself even in college. Total waste of money, really. I should have just commuted and saved the 5 grand.

>> No.2521226

University in East Asia is fucking slack. It's true they work hard as hell to get in, but once they're admitted, they very rarely get kicked out.

It's slack for those fields too (compared with North America).

>> No.2521227


its a vacation

with nipp chicks of loose morals

>> No.2521235

I'm the opposite. People always have trouble believing I'm not smart when they look at my high school scores, since I took difficult courses and had a high GPA. In reality, I just didn't have a life, so I had plenty of time to study and do coursework.

>> No.2521245

I wasn't lucky enough to ever meet someone like this.

>> No.2521252

I have plenty of time and capacity to do coursework.
Unfortunately, most of that time is spent playing games and well.... here....

>> No.2521265


>> No.2521282

I'm the same way but so far college hasn't required any significant effort (I'm finishing up my second year). Thanks to /jp/ I barely studied for any of my midterms this week yet I did fine.

>> No.2521353

For those of you who lived on campus.. did having a room mate teach you better social skills? I mean, since you'd be living with someone, wouldn't it be easier to observe the basics?

>> No.2521364

Will be going there next year for exchange, hopefully. I hear it's pretty slack so I'm hoping I'll have plenty of time to watch anime, buy merch, and travel.

>> No.2521377

I never had a room-mate, that practice isn't done here. However, I went to university thinking it would be easy to make friends as I was relatively popular at school. I made a mistake as this engendered inaction and I ended up browsing 4chan all day most of the time. This was the worst period of depression I've ever had and I came close to tears on a few occasions. I also smoked excessively and hardly ever ate, I'd even just stop going to lectures for days at a time, staying up all night and sleeping during the day. Ironically I would wake up when the rest of my hall-mates would be going out.

Funnily enough my marks were still pretty decent for assessed work though.

I'd say things like that really show you just what it means to be lonely. I didn't know loneliness until my first year of university. After that I knew it like a close friend. It also teaches you there are some decent people out there who will make the effort, only a couple of people for me, but nonetheless its still nice to see how some people can be proactive in making the effort with an antisocial bum like me. I have a lot of respect for the people who did that and I still do.

>> No.2521381

>>2521364 Will be going there next year for sexchange
What I read while scrolling past this thread.

>> No.2521406

holy fuck its like looking in a mirror

>> No.2521408

I became worse after a year in the dorms. In high school I at least had some friends, but I wasn't able to make any in college. After months of being the awkward quiet guy in the corner at social gatherings I just gave up completely.

Basically you can't just throw an introvert into a highly social situation and expect him to turn into an extrovert. He'll just fail more than before.

>> No.2521434

Yep, also there is no safety net in uni. In school you are kind of forced to be social, and in your year group theres going to somebody who will do his damndest to involve you.

University is more "you're on your own now". Nothing could be better representative of this than lectures. You can pretty much be an invisible non-entity in lectures/seminars if you are a quiet guy. In school that would maybe persist for a month or so before you just sort of stumble into being friends with everyone. In university it just.... stays like that for however long you are there, be it 3 or 4 years.

>> No.2521450

>You can pretty much be an invisible non-entity in lectures/seminars if you are a quiet guy.

Not the guy you are replying to but let me guess, if you are a girl it doesn't happen?

>> No.2521460

>In school that would maybe persist for a month or so before you just sort of stumble into being friends with everyone.

What? That never happened for me. The fact that they bothered me just made me hate them even more.

>> No.2521461
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I can see where you're going with this and... I don't like it...
Pic related.

>> No.2521468

>I have a lot of respect for the people who did that and I still do.
Good. Most people whom I tried to be friends due to common interests ended up being antisocial. You wouldn't believe the things that he invented to put himself down. He said that I was with him because of pity, then it was to make fun of him and finally because I wanted to rob his stuff.
It's good to know that some people can understand that faking any kind of relationship is not worth the effort.

>> No.2521470


They should be yelling at her

>> No.2521475

Well, not really. Look - I'm basing this on something that happened to me a lecture where I didn't know anyone. A girl, just as socially awkward, even worse dressed than me (I dress well, she had frumpy clothes on) ended up making friends in it through no initiative of her own a few weeks in. There's no explanation for it other than its organic.

>> No.2521476

You're scaring me anon.

>> No.2521478

Why would that be scaring you?

>> No.2521504

Is college really that lonesome? I'm going soon and I'm scared now.

>> No.2521510

underage B&

>> No.2521511

I'm going back to college in a few days, I know I won't be able to make friends, thanks for reinforcing it. And here am I thinking it would be different this time...

>> No.2521514

Teenagers shouldn't be allowed on /jp/. Protip: You aren't mentally an adult just because you are 18. I wish more people would realise this.

>> No.2521523

Save your money and never attend.

>> No.2521529


dont be dumb. if you don't put the effort into actually trying to make friends, you aint gonna make friends in college. Unlike a high school, you didn't really have to try to change your shitty, introverted self, but you still managed to make some friends because everyone went to the classes and shit. The only thing different in college is that there is no safety net as one anon says and it's more or less up to you if you want to change.

>> No.2521531


What do you mean back to college, surely you would have already worked out you aren't able to make friends by now?

>> No.2521534

Nor are you mentally a child because you're under 20.

>> No.2521536

I feel like, maturity wise, I was pretty much an adult at age 13. I've been sliding ever since; ten years later and I'm as much of an irresponsible failure as the rest of /jp/.

(Intelligence-wise I probably capped at about 17.)

>> No.2521540


an addenum actually relating to the freaking topic:

my jp professor and the exchange student who comes to our classes bascially said jp colleges are a fucking breeze compared to US colleges. It's like the roles are completely reversed for high school mentality and college mentality between the two countries

>> No.2521543

Yeh. What this guy said. Luckily being a ronerybro at college isnt that bad though. For ronerybros who were like this at school it was probably a step up.

>> No.2521544



>> No.2521550


only pretentious faggots believe that their mental age is older than everyone else

>> No.2521552

This whole thread is just ;_;

Just confirms my future hikki existence.

>> No.2521559

Everyone thought that when they were 13-15.

I still think I was, but thinking back on my graduating class (small town, so it was mostly all the people I went to elementary/middle school with as well)

That's not saying much.

>> No.2521567


you're a fucking moron for mentally boxing youself in to a corner when you have no idea what to even expect in college outside of some anonymous faggots on the internet.

>> No.2521568
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Yes I'm trolling.

>> No.2521593

Dont listen to this guy. It's true college is what you make of it but we are guys, we're not girls who can get by on being cutesy shy. It's one momentous battle against your introversion as a /jp/er in the context of college. And even if you succeed you'll still be an introvert at heart.

>> No.2521617
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>> No.2521624

Not true, I got by by being cutesy-shy. Of course I also took it in the butt a few times, but there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.2521628


so you have to try harder to make friends than other people. so what? Why don't you actually try to, you know, fucking change your shitty lifestyle in order to grasp what you want? where is your godamn desire to actually better yourself? When will you ever get another opportunity like college to change? why in the world would you let such a golden opportunity slip away? cause you're scared? please, spare me your drivel.

>> No.2521638

Reeks closet normalfag, reported and sage.

>> No.2521663


No love for Kyodai?

>> No.2521672

I'm cool with being like this, its harder but its not unbearable.

Women just have it easy.

>> No.2521674


Why do I need to change my lifestyle when I've got the strongest char on the server and Seira-tan to love and treasure me forever?

>> No.2521697

I did try, and I failed. However, I learned the valuable lesson that I don't even want to be a normalfag, so now I'm pretty happy how I am.

Yeah, because losers without any friends are normalfags just because they go to college. You're one of the fags who got the exam thread deleted, aren't you?

>> No.2521701

if you're cool with who you are, then that's fine too. It's all the fucking crybabies who think that they're gonna be alone and want companionship without any effort that pisses me off.

what the fuck, man. one day, you're gonna wake up and realize that you've wasted alot of time loving something that cant even reciprocate your feelings. but until then, keep on truckin

>> No.2521718


you tried, and failed. why dont you try again? you think changing yourself is a walk in the park? but if you're content with who you are, who am i to say you should change?

>> No.2521719

my ideals are simple: for a pure and clean /jp/, and this place reeks closet normalfaggotry that belongs
to /a/ and /trv/.

>> No.2521728


what does that even mean, being a 'normalfaggot'?

that's a purely subjective word that can be interpreted in an infinite amount of ways, you ass

>> No.2521733

You must be an utterly repugnant human being, both physically and in terms of how you live and personality if you are calling virginal 20 year olds who live in their college rooms 'normalfags'.

I shudder to think just how fat and disgusting you are.

Are you a girl?

>> No.2521743

this entire thread.

>> No.2521746

for a pure and clean /jp/
zig, zeon

>> No.2521747


im actually a guy

off topic: you faggots are need of a serious courage wolf thread

>> No.2521752

I tried to change once too. Guy who I tried to talk to at the start of my first year just ended up blanking me for some reason after a while. Later found out it was because he wanted to only chat to this girl he was into.

Oh, and he's dropped out now I think.

>> No.2521759


of course you're gonna get douchebags like that, but why discourage yourself just cause of that one bad experience?

>> No.2521768

go back to /r9k/

>> No.2521781


>> No.2521797

u mad?

>> No.2521813


forget it, if this is how he gets off, let him be. it won't change the fact that he's nothing but a faggot who has nothing better to do than to pamper his purist ideology on a godamn internet board

>> No.2521825

Look at us, we're so deepsu forcing closet normalfagness into /jp/.

>> No.2521831

i honestly can't see how i'm even considered a normal faggot. I mean, i actually plan to go to japan and teach english there after i graduate and eventually work for the us embassy or something later on. im a godamn japanophile if anything

>> No.2521845
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 1215601860253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>go to japan
>>teach english

>> No.2521850

thats some fine trolling sir.

>> No.2521852


カミサマ! ?

the shit does that have to do with anything?

>> No.2521878


im not trolling, that's as real as it's gonna get.

if you're trying to point out that going to japan to teach english doesn't qualify a person as a japanohpile, i say to that statement: how does it not? I could teach english anywhere else in the world, but i chose japan. why? because i love that country.

>> No.2521893

holy fuck, mirror ect

>> No.2521905

former tripfag here, i'm thinking of doing that too.

>> No.2521914


working as a teacher or working at an embassy?

>> No.2521933

not the same guy, but i also want to work at an embassy, but i live in canada.

>> No.2521936

Teacher. Embassy sounds cool too though. Maybe I'll try and join the Foreign Office.

>> No.2521946

yeah, im currently studying my lsats right now so i can get into law school. since the scores keep for 5 years, i think im gonna go abroad and study and teach in japan, and after that i'll come back here and go to law school with a focus on asian politics. or something lol

>> No.2521957

Both. my degree is good enough to get in, and I'm studying Japanese in my degree, I'm going for a yr exchange next year. I'm gonna get a teach job once im done, as applications and shit don't coincide when I get out. Teach job should be good to polish up my Japanese, unless I spent the year totally wasted.

>> No.2521968

I wanna do WWOOF.

I'm gonna be a field slave for my organic yellow overlords.

I really don't give a rat's ass about the whole organic philosophy, but this is an opportunity that aligns with my love of manual labor.

>> No.2521972

two other people who responded to me (lol im so confused right now)

good luck to all of us, maybe we'll meet up in japan by chance lol

>> No.2521987

I'm studying Japanese alongside my degree. When I've finished my degree I either want to take a masters in History or go on to law school. I'll get into good ones either way. Then apply for the foreign office.

>> No.2521995

Haha, just had an image of sitting at some bar with 2 other anon diplomats sipping whiskey.

I'm off anyway, good luck to you bros.

>> No.2521996

that's pretty similar to my vision, so there's a chance we might end up working together lol.

anywho, がんばろうね

>> No.2521998

fuck yes I/we just need to keep our grades up for the embassy. Fuck teaching, Embassy>AEON
Teachings not a bad way to get into Japan, but we got options lol.
Whatever gets you in man, its a bonus you like manual labour for it

>> No.2522008

/jp/ - What I want to be when I grow up

>> No.2522011

better than /b/ anyway

>> No.2522151

I'd rather have that than /jp/ - God Help Us All

>> No.2522503
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This thread has become too normalfag, with your 'lol' and 'hey i love japan so i belong here' and YOUR FUCKING RANDOM JAPANESE IN YOUR ENGLISH SENTENCES. SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU'RE NOT AN ANIME FANGIRL. At least, I hope not.

Thread is now about OELVNs. Dandelion Girl is coming along rather nicely.

>> No.2522572 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 467x600, Yotusba_riding_a_cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah. Enjoy your Japanese honorifics in works which were never even in Japanese to begin with.

>> No.2522574

I can say there's pretty much the same thing in Japanese unis as there is everywhere else. From one corner we have rich brats whose childhood have been compromised by ungodly amounts of exam cramming just to get to medical school in the University of Tokyo. These are the typical snobby bastards who always brag that they are the smartest human beings alive, when in fact it was all thanks to their overprotective parents spoonfeeding them all along the way. Ironically, these are the people who tend to be underacheivers in the long run. Always so self-centered, so demanding, so intolerant of a little hardship in their careers. Not to mention that they were practically forced into living this life against their own will.

In another corner we have the "dumping ground" students - those who were not admitted into the 'cool' courses aka medicine, law or engineering and instead offered to take the "next best" alternative that is biolotechnology, psychology and mathematics respectively. These are the ones most likely to drop out sooner or later for obvious reasons.

And lastly, there are people who DO study for the sake of their own personal interest. These are the types of students you see taking 'unpopular' majors and tend to be highly individualistic in their choices. Their existence are almost unheard of in the ultra-conformist societies of Asia but ironically, these people are the ones most likely to find a satisfying career - employed or self-employed.

>> No.2522601

I am going to the same university as honey and clover.

>> No.2522635

thread reported, please go back to /b/

>> No.2522640

I am currently attending a private Japanese University as an undergraduate. The best part about my university is it has a built-in middle school right on the campus. Every now and then the ◯◯◯◯ middle school kids will come in and use our cafeteria.

Shit is crowded as fuck because all of the cancerous foreign students such as myself are on the rise. The government is apparently handing out bonus funding to those schools who maintain a certain quota of foreign students, so all these schools are scrambling to get foreign students from all over, partly to compensate also for declining applications due to declining students.

Now is the time to be a foreign student. Unless you're Korean, or has the Won recovered already?

>> No.2522660

Weeabooism aside, is there a definite advantage of studying in Japan instead of studying somewhere else, like in Europe?

>> No.2522668

No, unless you're studying something Japan-related. I've got minors in Asian studies and Japanese language and culture so going to Japan for my exchange gave my studies a bit more credibility.

>> No.2522675

Jealous insecure fag spotted. Cool story to make up just so you can feel better about yourself. I used to think the same thing, then I realized I was being a faggot.

>> No.2522690

Word of advice /jp/

Dont be noble.

If you're cornered by a couple of kancho assasins then GAIJIN SMASH your way out!

>> No.2522693

Yes, university in Japan equals 4 years of free time.

>> No.2522697

Enjoy having no skills to go with your worthless degree.

>> No.2522702


From an American perspective, even the top private schools are pretty cheap ($10,000 ~ $12,000 a year on tuition) but if you're European country's univerisy is free or close to free that's no longer an advantage. The top graduate schools here might be worth looking into if you're in those fields, for instance, engineering and biomedicine, but frankly I have no idea. I'm just studying Moon.

There are some good classes and good professors here, plenty of interesting circles and cultural possibilities (if you're up for that sort of thing) it feels a lot like an average private American college, if a bit more crowded and less spread out (and some of the desks are fucking built for dwarves, with a fucking shelf under it to make it even worse).

>> No.2522704

Groan...people still read that shit?I have doubts that nigger was honest when he wrote of schoolgirls wanting to fuck him just to get their hands on his fake US dollars.

>> No.2522708

>some of the desks are fucking built for dwarves, with a fucking shelf under it to make it even worse

So true ;_;

>> No.2522713

Desks made small to cut down on costs.

>> No.2522724


It's true that you don't get much in the way of homework or papers/reading here, that undergraduate aspect is very relaxed, at least in my case. The class format are lectures that can move pretty fast though, so they can throw a fairly large amount of stuff at you for unit tests. In most cases though, besides a mideterm and final, there's not much to worry about. Which does give you much time to explore the country, ponder life's problems, read futaba instead of studying while telling yourself it's studying, and I guess socialise with Japanese people... yeah.

I understand that graduate school is completely different animal, however; I've talked with a sociology student who is very busy and pull sconstant all-nighters.

>> No.2522725

Japs like nigra dicks. The fake money is just a cover.

>> No.2522743


Particularly Jap boys apparently...

>> No.2522794
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>> No.2522801


Aww lawdy, is that sum interacial homoeroticism?
