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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 795x478, GEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2517016 No.2517016 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2517024


>> No.2517021


>> No.2517027
File: 39 KB, 640x480, snapshot20090424104417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what's Ritsu doing there?

>> No.2517041

Mental disability.

>> No.2517042

K-ON in my vn?

>> No.2517052
File: 572 KB, 798x484, A young britannian boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2517060

Yui is suppose to be the retard, not Ritsu

>> No.2517062

peter griffin?

>> No.2517075

Family Guy makes everything cool you know

>> No.2517098


>> No.2517105

Ritsu??? why

>> No.2517135

Fat - the Disability

>> No.2517138

Huh, it must be intentional, then. Male Haruhi on front row on the left.

>> No.2517140

One-armed girl is cute.

>> No.2517146

and kyon in the back.

>> No.2517165

Is the guy in the middle row third from the left meant to be Van Gough?

>> No.2517179
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>> No.2517189

I was kind of wondering about the ear-bandage myself...

>> No.2517202
File: 85 KB, 543x613, van_gogh_bandaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit.

>> No.2517220

The guy in the front row on the right makes me think of one of the Spice and Wolf characters. I could be off mind you...

>> No.2517234
File: 7 KB, 320x182, Higurashi.no.Naku.Koro.ni.Kai.17+18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, hi.

>> No.2517252

I chuckled at least 4 times.
Thanks KS

>> No.2517261


>> No.2517266

what episode of higurashi?

>> No.2517285


So that's where Lelouch went.

>> No.2517296

Ritsu in a school for disabled

>> No.2517294
File: 56 KB, 480x480, art-lezard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lezard in the front row of the OP's picture.

>> No.2517298

This is the only truth

>> No.2517311

Death isn't a disability, though.

>> No.2517319

Man, this economy crysis it's horrible.
Even Lezard got fired by Tri-Ace and he's forced to work in shitty VNs.

>> No.2517326

Oh fucking hell, now I want to play VP2 again, just for the endboss.

>> No.2517341

>Man, this economy crysis it's horrible.
Life like economic recession.

>> No.2517348

He got dead.
Which is a shame.
Guy was so badass. Everything went exactly according to plan for him, up until the very LAST moment of the second game. When you break the crystal holding lenneth, that's the first time he ever drops his "just as planned" face.

>> No.2517352

Shouldn't it rather be MAXIMUM RECESSION

>> No.2517368

Silmeria sucked.

It had its share of awesome stuff. Finish the game once, play around in the dungeon whats-its-name-again, get all three valkyries, finish the actual story again with Valkyrie+Silmeria+Hrist+Lenneth.

>> No.2517375

If you thought Silmeria sucked, try playing CotP.

>> No.2517377
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>> No.2517384

It shall be engraved upon your soul!
Divine Assault: Nibelung Valesti!!

>> No.2517395

I used Alicia, Lezard, Hrist and Freya as a final team.
Yeah, I know Lenneth is a clear copy of alicia, only ever so slightly better, but I didn't feel like grindan her all the way up when Alicia was already good.
Freya and Hrist are ridiculous. Through I prefered Freya's "lol im beaming u" in VP1 over her Fist of the North Star style in VP2.

>> No.2517398

Agreed, Vali's Awakening broke the game.

>> No.2517400

VPL is the best anyway.

>> No.2517401

Which reminds me.
Silmeria got undubbed for PS2.
But there is still no fucking undub for VP/VP:Lenneth.

>> No.2517406

Fucking hell
I like some of the voices though

>> No.2517407

How much do you weight?

>> No.2517410

>undub for VP/VP:Lenneth
This would be so awesome.

>> No.2517424

A motion of finishing blow is now playing in your head. Manually.

>> No.2517430

180, why?

>> No.2517436

Koyasu's crazy laughs as Lezard were so great

>> No.2517442

just curious from the fat is the disability comment.

>> No.2517459

Just noticed, Lenneth's (PSP) undub was released three months ago.

Torrent's not private.

>> No.2517457

Liam O'Brien did an excellent job as Lezard, to be honest. As a filthy weaboo, I rarely prefer english voices over japenese ones, but this is one of the rare cases where I absolutely prefer english.
Too bad the rest of the voices sucked.

>> No.2517460

I liked Lenneth's voice.

>> No.2517468


>> No.2517473


>> No.2517515

Goddammit, needs more seeders.

>> No.2517529

You fucking slowbros.

Here, have a DDL.


>> No.2517540

Are you calling me slow? ARE YOU CALLING ME SLOW?

>> No.2517581
File: 67 KB, 795x478, 12411065581181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2517598

Can't play this on a normal psp, can you?

>> No.2517605

Who the hell has a PSP without CFW?

>> No.2517607

Are you saying you have an unmodded PSP?

Why do you hang on to that brick?

>> No.2518087

its a trap.

>> No.2518099

People who won't buy nifty overpriced stuff to brick their consple.

>> No.2518109

Tool batteries allow you to unbrick a bricked PSP without any problems. Even sony does that.

>> No.2518124

>brick their consple
Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.2518138

Only an idiot would brick a psp, it's almost impossible nowadays.

>> No.2518161

What be this I hear about Diaper scenes?

>> No.2518170

People who still support the industry?
Wish I still had that brain age: 180 million copies sold, contra 4: 2 copies sold, ham hands, etc. You know the pic.

>> No.2518191

Then enjoy having the worst handheld while potentially having the best.

>> No.2518203

Using homebrew and other shit does not hurt the industry.

>> No.2518321

eh, as soon as you stick CFW on there you're unlikely to ever buy a PSP game again (unless it's too awesome not to buy). Still, I support Sony by buying a fuckton of PS3 games which I wouldn't have been able to afford if I bought PSP games...

>> No.2518337


>> No.2518349

>worst handheld console
Show me a person who still buys every game for their psp after modding it, and I'll show you a fucking liar.
Or someone who wouldn't buy psp games anyways, and just wants it for emulation/multimedia purposes.

>> No.2518352

ITT: It's 2007, apparently.

>> No.2518359

'sup /v/

>> No.2518393

Is that guy in the green suit supposed to look like Lezard Valeth or is it just me?

>> No.2518419
File: 59 KB, 430x600, 1225657200030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>entire thread basically about Valkyrie Profile

What do YOU think?

>> No.2518536

This is accurate.

>> No.2518541


is the girl with pigtails and only one arm
Damaged Goods - chan?

>> No.2518555

Yes 360-fanboy, the PS3 has many games that you don't. You have a couple of 'good' ones (read: halo, gears) that we don't. And like one or two we might just get on the PC. Most of the games you own (or downloaded) are on the PS3 too.

>> No.2518564

Goddamnit /v/ get out of here! /jp/ is neutral territory in the Console Wars!

>> No.2518575

>good ... halo, gears

>> No.2518591

Kinda the point I was making. They're the only games the 360 has over the PS3 anymore yet they still think they're superior in some way.

>> No.2518600

They're all damaged goods in that game. It's okay though.

>> No.2518606

Well, neither of them have games worth getting that can't be gotten on PC. They're equally shit.

>> No.2518637

>/jp/ is neutral territory in the Console Wars!

I thought we're supporting whichever machine has the best and biggest /jp/-related catalogue.

But of course, when people start arguing about halo, you know there's something out of place here.

>> No.2519160

PS3 exclusive games on the PC? (protip: Microsoft Xbox 360 = PC releases) Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea 3, Cross Edge, Ateliar Rorona, White Knight Chronicles, Demon's Souls, MGS4, Uncharted 1/2, inFamous, Pixeljunk 1-4+, Fat Princess, Wipeout HD, GoW3, Heavy Rain, etc. Plus KZ2, Warhawk and MAG for the more mainstream/shooter fans. As well as a tiny chance of a Tears to Tiara English release - seeing as for some retarded reason Agarest Senki's getting one.

>> No.2519178
File: 175 KB, 599x741, 3801126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xbox 360 has Idolm@ster. Therefore, 360 wins no contest.

>> No.2519190

Said games worth getting, brah.

>> No.2519193

So, PSP wins over DS?

>> No.2519192


>Therefore, 360 wins no contest.

Enjoy your money burned by E74 Error and scratched discs

>> No.2519228

Sure is /v/ around here ...

>> No.2519259

Wow. Do 360 fans get off by talking bullshit or something? Any one of those games is better than any 360 exclusives - except idolm@ster for some, though it is Japanese only and also on PSP. If you'd played any of the amazing games on PS3 you would take back that comment in an instant.

>> No.2519356

Depends on what games you like.

As for me, I LIKE THEM BOTH.

>> No.2519357

This is so horrible of a statement I cannot even describe it.

You're embodying "My opinion is fact and yours is false" here, do you know that?

There is no criteria for "better" because every one has different tastes.

>> No.2519392

Don't bother. It has always been like this since the Sega and SNES days.

It will never end.

>> No.2519401

I have a 360 but I've been wanting to buy a PS3 lately.

Luckily, I'm not a poor faggot who can't afford multiple consoles, nor a rabid fanboy who acts like faceless companies are their BFFs.

>> No.2519416

>They're equally shit.
Reading comprehension, broseph.

>> No.2519453


True, unless there is just The One Console but do we really want that situation?

Its not as in the old days were betting on the wrong horse meant we were fucked, most titles of this generation are multi-platform.

>> No.2519554

I am not poor or a fanboy, that is why I have a computer to play games on.
