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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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24640874 No.24640874 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is language learning thread focused on the learning of Japanese via the consumption of weeaboo media such as anime, manga, and eroge.

Archive of older threads: >>/jp/?task=search2&search_subject=DJT

previous >>24613388

>> No.24640983

how long has kitsunekko been down for

>> No.24641153

bros did no one get a rip of it? fuuuck

>> No.24641181


>> No.24641641

How much time do you guys spend on anki?
Started a few days ago and I'm having to increase it's use clear the daily schedule.

>> No.24641718

what are some good games to play early on? i know a few hundred kanji but i just don't have the attention span to read books, i need a game that i can commit myself to

>> No.24641768
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>> No.24641773
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wtf is this?

>> No.24641851

for the 1,000,000th time

it just goes down every now and then

>> No.24641875
File: 3.32 MB, 2894x2039, 4952d31ae443e1da718c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does that even work

>> No.24641992

*usage time to clear

>> No.24641996

why hasnt yotsuba been made into an anime

>> No.24642105

just listen to the comfy soundtrack while reading

>> No.24642320

shut the fuck up nigger.

>> No.24642506

want to leave six nuts in midna

>> No.24642551

this thread is cucking jamal's wife sad mood
*slides pinkie across my balls* now smell my finger
thats actually p cool to have a furigana popup for gainz

>> No.24642558

good manga wasn't invented until 2015, everything before then was made for babies

>> No.24642562
File: 1.30 MB, 1292x952, GZ2J01-38 (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started TP right afterwards and quit it at the halfway point because it's one of the worst Zelda games ever made.

>> No.24642575

it was meant to be a containment board

>> No.24642643

for some reason i always thought 旅団 meant "troupe" but its not even close wtf

>> No.24642738

shut da fuck up

>> No.24642772

sdfu desu

>> No.24642796

this is what happens what that retard posts his dumb ass image instead of the regular thread info

>> No.24642901

just feel it out bro wtf

>> No.24642923

looks based

>> No.24643069

what is your end goal?

>> No.24643098
File: 9 KB, 257x196, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people who do ajatt and mia insist on doing rtk if they want to do isolated kanji study rather than kklc? kklc is laid out in a far better order and is more complete than rtk is

>> No.24643141
File: 385 KB, 1195x672, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a sourou sure

>> No.24643239

how else would you get you to sunk cost into his method

>> No.24643321

tfw pre-modern chinese history is dank af but chinese fiction (besides sangokushi) is shit

>> No.24643405

can barely stand a 100 seconds
of matto let alone 100 minutes

>> No.24643417

i watched his video but i still disagree with him. unlike what he says, you don't actually have to learn all the vocab with each kanji (it actually recommends you don't do that) but rather just learn one or two to see how it's used and to just move on so you can read it in the wild. he's right that there is multiple meanings for the kanji sometimes but you shouldn't really be relying on that if you are reading native materials anyway. finally he argues that rtk is better because you have to come up with your own stories to learn them later in the book but i personally didn't want to waste time doing that when i could be reading native materials.

>> No.24643469

I agree with you, but I think it's kinda pedantic. at the end of the day, whether you do lazy rtk or lazy kklc the result is the same.

>> No.24643470

Matt's opinion has changed since that video. He now basically recommends an (to use his vocab from the video) in-context approach to learning kanji.

>> No.24643567

just follow the quizmaster method and become as good as he did in 3 years

>> No.24643572

the problem with that is that people take matt's advice like it's gospel though. matt's japanese is really good but he's human and as a result has had to change his mind over time. everything should be criticized regardless of who is speaking

>> No.24643704


>> No.24643800

this. i would reference ciaran's authoritative statements on japanese learning but he tries to avoid it and has more of a "lol idk do whatever" attitude which really pisses me off. but since he won't step up to the plate, matt is the next best option.

>> No.24643862

matt be like "lol idk do whatever and give me money"

>> No.24643897


>> No.24643909

my mom told me to go outside and make friends so i just showed her this thread and she got btfo...

>> No.24643911

watched episode 1 of vinland saga and don't wanna watch anymore because i'm already bored by all the gay little faggot tropes in it. sigh i really did ruin anime for myself and it's fucking sad.

>> No.24643936 [DELETED] 

I'm supposed to follow a nigger instead?

>> No.24643949


japan is really good at imitating UK's happy hardcore when it really wants

>> No.24644049

Holy fuck just saw a scene in my anime where nips try to speak english and i had to read the japanese subs and ignore the characters lmao

>> No.24644468

sentence card guys believe that anki is the thing that makes you learn japanese and not the thousands of hours of input so they think you'll cripple yourself if you dont do sentence cards

>> No.24644509

sentence cards are quick and provide better retention rates

>> No.24644661

too lazy to check if this is a reddit repost. none because people don't speak in kanji

>> No.24644682

I learned another language that had a wildly different alphabet already (not Japanese though) so I can confidently say that vocab and sentence cards are usually useless and most people make them just to waste their time and avoid actually studying.

>> No.24644691


>> No.24644693

it won't because it's easy to pick up these differences in meanings just from hearing the sentence because it's easy to attach information like this onto words you already know

>> No.24644694

i'm gonna assume that this isn't a reddit post because i can't be bothered to check but just do rtk or something and learn words.

>> No.24644717

yea but matt is smarter than you and better at japanese than whatever language you learned and he did sentence cards so we gotta trust him over you sorry

>> No.24644728

you shouldn't be doing vocab cards because you should be seeing words in immersion and remember words that way. if you arent there isn't any point to learning it

whenever someone makes some shitty vague theoretical argument about why one card format sucks just throw it right back at them

>> No.24644762

matt got to a level of fluency beyond anyone here after 3 years of ajatt. why even count 2 years of highschool japanese where you might learn some set phrases and basic grammar stuff you could learn in a few months of self study? he said he sucked complete ass and didn't know shit. hours matter not years.

>> No.24644772

>matt got to a level of fluency beyond anyone here after 3 years of ajatt.
there's no proof he was very good then and a lot of proof he sucked ass though

>> No.24644801

>you don't need "i+1 sentences" in anki you just need to read them as you come across them instead of wasting time in anki
I wonder how much time will pass before I encounter the word 蠢動 again.

>> No.24644802

wow why would you kill them

>> No.24644822
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beginner question. if i already know everything in the tae kim grammar guide, can i just use the dojg or hojg as a dictionary resource where i just look up the grammar point when i come across it in native materials without memorising it or doing anything (i.e if i see it in a native text, i just look it up and then continue on reading).

>> No.24644851

yea this is what you should do eventually you won't need to look shit up

>> No.24644857

getting high on some indica

>> No.24644958

i can pick out stuff in native materials but i rarely come across i+1 sentances. that being said i'm a beginner and this is just standard manga, games and stuff

>> No.24644977

to add to what this guy said i did the yotsuba reading pack shit that the djt guide recommends and that propelled me into finding i+1s everywhere while also being easy enough to find i+1s when reading it

>> No.24644987

Yeah I spun my wheels for ages fiddling with bloated anki decks until I found a decent kanji memorization app program and just started putting fulltime hours into reading and listening the actual language, difference was astronomical after a few months

>> No.24645518

japan is right about weed

>> No.24645672

how hard would it be reading kokoro as a beginner?

>> No.24645716

no idea

>> No.24645830

no they're not they're a bunch of brainwashed bug people

>> No.24645892

so you are racist and you smoke weed?

>> No.24645913

Pre-Americuck taint Japan, that is.

>> No.24646029

Sentence cards are dumb.
Reminder that matt deleted his deck because he was turning crazy spending two hours a day reading dumb sentences.
Do vocab cards there are much faster to review and add a sentence as reference so you can clarify the context if needed.

>> No.24646381
File: 10 KB, 272x186, jamal and qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24646574

How do I learn the different conjugations a verb can have?
Get better at recognizing the way a verb is conjugated?

>> No.24647126

I'm just wondering how many hours most people studied before they could easily hold a conversation. I already have studied maybe 600-750 hrs but it still feels like I can barely hold a conversation together. Also, what tools people found really helped them get speaking/grammar down. I've put in:

3 college classes: Probably 180 hrs or so here in and out of class (need to take a 4th one soon)

Japanese Pod 101: 260ish hrs listening (1096 lessons)

Memrise/Duolingo: can't check exact time anymore since I canceled my Memrise subscription but around 200-300 hrs if I remember right.

Translating Manga: 25 hrs or so.

>> No.24647266

How long, how much per day?

>> No.24647497


>> No.24647675


>> No.24647676

my post has nothing to do with pol shartboy
wtf is ur problem

>> No.24647715

>nothing to do /pol/
based retard

>> No.24647729
File: 500 KB, 500x333, 1590928923801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me check this thread for a change
...w a t ....
It just gets weirder and weirder in here. Kthxbai

>> No.24647742

you seem to have more knowledge about pol than me may i suggest you relocate ur shart stained ass over there? thanks
sick fuck
see you in an hour tobira guy

>> No.24647776

>if you know where my subhuman tier memes are from, you are a native of that place!
Is there no end to the stupidity of poltards?

>> No.24647917

kklc is dogshit because of the overlapping keywords inevitably causing confusion

not to say that rtk is good but it's better than kklc by virtue of its unique keywords (though as we saw with nuke-chan's rice/rice-field fuck up, english keywords in general can cause confusion just by being *similar* to other keywords)

you should save kanji study (if you do it at all) for when you're proficient and can do it properly using the actual japanese words associated with the characters

>> No.24647922

>throwaway comment
Holy shit, go back

>> No.24647931

>you should save kanji study (if you do it at all) for when you're proficient
v. good post

>> No.24647942

ITP: ESL rambling

>> No.24647951

lurk for at least 2000 years before posting

>> No.24648052


>> No.24648124

for starters, it is 'you' not u

>> No.24648146

>go back doesn't mean go back to r*ddit
look if u have to resort to being this disingenuous it stops being fun haha

anyways lets get this thread back on track

>> No.24648147

hi guys how do i use microsoft ime with ansi layout?
in my desktop, if i press shift+2, it outputs " as in the jis keyboard and not @ as in the ansi layout
i have both ansi and jis keyboards, but i want to switch to one or the other depending on which keyboard layout i'm on

>> No.24648223

the japanese is babby tier but it makes no fukin sense
literally means "personality excreta" (shit in this case it appears)
your guess is as good as mine but from the image it looks like she has shit out her personality at the end?

from top right:
>personality excreta...?
>i don't really understand what you mean
>shut da fuk up bitch
>hurry up and do a personality shit
>fuckin gross
>how are you feeling after taking a shit?
>...fukin ignoring me huh!

>> No.24648244

This is kind of a shot in the dark.

I think around 2010 or so there was a guy on the koohii forums I think, or maybe it was another forum.

Basically he had a blog where he was attempting to learn Chinese through immersion only by watching dramas. He wanted it to be pure, so he did not learn any grammar, written language, or anything else outside of just watching, and he watched like 5 hours of dramas a day for multiple years.

The experiment was basically a failure in a way, but I was just wondering if anyone had a link to his blog.

>> No.24648270

>unless you want to derail the thread into stupid shitflinging
you are doing a great deal to help him

>> No.24648338

Learning Japanese is such a long and personal journey to actually become fluent that when I see posts like this asking for the dumbest shit ever I always know there's no use helping them because they 100% will never even make it very far if they lack independence to this degree.

>> No.24648423


>> No.24648458

feels good to come back to something that gave you a hard time and find it smooth sailing

>> No.24648469

make sure what you downloaded matches your anki version, there’s two different downloads on the mia site

>> No.24648494

thank you

>> No.24648506

im 100% right though

>> No.24648691

>I would have told people to go to /a/ when the thread was on /a/ lmao.

>> No.24648762

I don't like 料理の鉄人 are there any other cooking shows worth watching that are easy to find?

>> No.24648775

Your attempt at feeling superior failed, you can move on now.

>> No.24648784

>he was attempting to learn Chinese through immersion only by watching dramas. He wanted it to be pure, so he did not learn any grammar
>The experiment was basically a failure
easy nihongo guy btfo

>> No.24648836

I would have posted the same thing 6 years ago when the thread was on /a/ lmao.

>> No.24648962
File: 753 KB, 725x527, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she actually kinda good at this

>> No.24648989

clean it up jannies

>> No.24648995
File: 217 KB, 452x595, Attributes_Fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24649005


>> No.24649082

kimagure is pretty good because you learn the words for organs and stuff because he explains everything, also learn to cook seafood. ive bought a lot of good sauces based on his recommendations.. thinking about buying one of those $150 japanese knives too, except you cant get them wet or they rust so idk

>> No.24649251

People in history who learnt foreign languages learnt by literally spending hours of their life lurking in the streets of that country and casually talking to strangers and all whereas most of us spend like what? 1-2 hours on it daily in front of our guides and online resources
Besides, you need 5 years to reach N1. To get good at japanese, 6 months is more than enough

>> No.24649457

probably means the show dude

>> No.24649605

his japanese sounds so bad

>> No.24649735

these two posts are made by the same person

>> No.24649775

yeah i'm basically a real japanese now


>> No.24650001

just was reading some anime reviews on mal and damn people take these pulpy shows way too seriously

>> No.24650041

I think the main reason people make fun of people like this and Nukemarine is because they are relatable in a way people don't want to admit to themselves and makes them feel uncomfortable so their knee-jerk reaction is to bully the feelings away.

>> No.24650131

it's just 4 teh lulz mate

>> No.24650234

i think the part about it being relateable is true but it doesn't feel like bullying the feelings away. nukemarine it's funny to make fun of nuke's goofs but he's likeable for it and usually even takes it in stride. i dont think anyone in here hates nuke.

>> No.24650407

someone posts about how people make fun of others because they are insecure about their own faults

you agree, then 2 minutes later literally post:
>i actually do have 1 legitimate reason to hate nuke chan
>hes been around posting garbage for like 15 years in places where ppl look for genuine help in "learning" japanese yet hes still not fluent

like pottery

>> No.24650423

Nuke is proof that matto is a net positive force. the fact that he got nuke to switch from being stuck in eternal mnemonic hell to input shows that matto is making a difference

>> No.24650560

one day nuke will surpass you and then hisatsuwaza this whole thread

>> No.24650617

post the ricefield one

>> No.24650628

who is the didn't make it girl?

>> No.24650680

>ichiban tsuyoi gaijin ni naritai


yeah i'm thinking he dipped that manko

>> No.24650904

I don't get 伺う. I came across this sentence
Which I guess translates to "watch" but I don't know why, given the word meanings.

>> No.24650935

nuke was already posting comments on the ajatt website before matt started his journey so he definitely knew about the input hypothesis well enough

>> No.24650968

i usually see it used for receiving some info like
your parents told me about you

>> No.24651007

Ahh I understand now, that makes sense. Thanks anon.

>> No.24651052

nukes never gonna fuckin make it till he joins the ero gang

>> No.24651111
File: 16 KB, 1086x71, youtube videos nearly every day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this guy makes more videos than he actually spends time readin or listening to nip

>> No.24651244

is bunpro worth it bros?

>> No.24651367


>> No.24651374

>2 years of experience
how does this make your statement authoritative lmao
fuck off

>> No.24651419

iam using bunpro for 2 years now and he asks for opinions about bunpro.

you dont understand the situation.

>> No.24651443

it means you still havent graduated from using your dumb tricycle with trainer wheels

>> No.24651453


>> No.24651471

you act like i use it as sole method. i use it as reference when i need it during immersion.

>> No.24651479

read what?

>> No.24651522
File: 369 KB, 1000x1000, 1593828712359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24651573

monster park and monster park 2

>> No.24651624

Stop talking about how to learn Japanese and just learn it

>> No.24651630

ez guide suggests grammar and vn core though

>> No.24651640


>> No.24651643

actually good advice but people keep arguing about method because its an excuse to continue to use english in a way that feels like its japanese-related enough to not feel like procrastination lol

>> No.24651689

just wanna say your the most based poster here

>> No.24651692

its like asking how do you lose weight or how to stop smoking

the answer is obvious, but its obfuscated by lazy people

>> No.24651698

he forgot the comprehensible part of "comprehensible input"

>> No.24651740

How do you even find comprehensible input if you don't know a language yet?

>> No.24651814

>kitsunekko stopped hosting files on their server(s)
Rest in peace, my old friend.

>> No.24651864

? ? ? what the fuck is wrong with kitsunekko
it always has some connection issues every other month

>> No.24651891


what the fuck is this

>> No.24651908

jamal doesnt acutally wanna save calvin
he just wants more lulzy pics for his funnipics compilation folder

>> No.24651922

i was taller than all of my japanese friends lol, i was slightly above average height in japan from what i could tell

>> No.24651934

ask the dictionary

>> No.24651962

damn id get looked at like a freak at 188 then

>> No.24652057

yea you're gonna have to watch around hunched over half the time lol in some places the ceiling can be pretty low too

>> No.24652155

>japanese subs link just goes to a .rar file on google drive
it might actually be dead for real this time

i think itazura hosting an alternative service would be a really bad idea tho since it would attract a lot of unwanted attention and put all the mega links in the library at risk

guess we'll have to wait for some third party to set up a new service if this guy is really giving up on hosting subs for good

>> No.24652320

moogy claims he could memorize any word after only seeing it once while reading lol

i don't doubt his claim that he never used anki but i'd take his other claims about his learning experience with a huge grain of salt cuz he seems like a grade-a bullshitter

>> No.24652328

eurochads run this shit baybee

>> No.24652331

the big issue i see is where are people gonna put up the subs for currently airing shows?

i uploaded some stuff that i ripped from netflix but im not gonna have an account soon so what then?

also in more rare cases where someone wants to upload all the subs to an older show, where do they go? i hope this isnt permanent, how much does it cost to host that tiny site wtf

>> No.24652465

it was one guy and we had quite a lot of 共通の話題

>> No.24652479

>2bh this might actually be a good thing in the long term because the site was trash and now that it's gone someone might come along and make a much better alternative to fill the vacuum
what's the incentive for someone to do that? you can't monetize it and the big downside is that the userbase would be starting from 0 which means that the likelihood that old subs and shit will get uploaded is basically 0 since it was a rarity even with kitsunekko. i wish he'd have at least made a post or something asking of someone would be willing to take it over. there was that one guy on the forum that would reply to people and upload the subs for newer releases and shit.

>> No.24652590

>what's the incentive for someone to do that?
what was the incentive for the kitsunekko guy to make his site in the first place?

if there's demand, someone will do it,
and once the site becomes known here or some other community like r/LearnJapanese, word will spread fast to those who care and people will come to it

>i wish he'd have at least made a post or something
yeah it's shitty that he decided to just give up with no warning

at least he had the decency to provide what is hopefully an up-to-date archive of the site's contents though

the guy who ran the old nyaa did the same thing but he never shared a back-up of the site so a bunch of torrents were lost (especially from sukebei)
the only reason anything was saved was thanks to anons who had taken their own back-ups, but they were pretty outdated (again, especially for sukeibei)

>> No.24652768


what are some good erogays with kansai-ben heroines

>> No.24652864
File: 40 KB, 784x286, 1564123977942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was anyone able to download the kitsunekko rar? i have the xavier pack and the itazura mirror is nice but would be nice to have the updated one. could someone upload it somewhere please?

>> No.24652891

i couldn't get it either, same message

>> No.24652963

ye if thats from the archived one i got a few from there the other day fine

>> No.24652987

no it's the rar thats linked on kitsunekko that presumably contains all the subs

>> No.24653121

yeah dont waste your time unless u need it for a job

>> No.24653156

if you passed n2 in 2018 and you actually watch/read japanese often since then you should be able to pass it without trying

>> No.24653215

how about you just read some eroge or manga and watch some anime or something

>> No.24653327

the shortcut to a lot of cute kansaiben 華さんたち

>> No.24653383

kansai ben girls are the worst since there only personality is せやな

>> No.24653412

jamal with the sketchy posts and different tripcode

>> No.24653414

all your knowledge about this topic is based on anime so basically stfu

>> No.24653460

How is that different than words that have multiple meanings exactly? Plenty of words in English exist like that, the only difference is they are the same in writing too.

>> No.24653521

is to heart actually worth playing in 2020

>> No.24653555

in a few years you'll look back and cringe you're trying to show off by posting a common word you think is obscure

>> No.24653567

not cool if you unironically think the value of art/media diminishes over time

>> No.24653570


>> No.24653580

not really unless you adore slice of life, it's charming though, the main strength i guess is that there are a lot of heroines to choose from

>> No.24653588

i meant it more about tropes
you know like if the tropes started there and where special at time
do you わかる

>> No.24653592

lol boomer dont you have some news to watch

>> No.24653594

in a few years you'll look back and cringe at trying to show off by posting about how much you know on djt

>> No.24653630

boomer exposed lol

>> No.24653692
File: 152 KB, 500x516, 1593875164418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Daily Japanese Thread, faggots.

>> No.24653695

shakespeare shits on anything written in the past few centuries in english so its pretty clear art doesnt diminish

>> No.24653711

anything with the oomer suffix is a result of braindead underage b&

>> No.24653717

you having that picture saved automatically makes me better than you

>> No.24653721

only thing preventing old art from diminishing is nostalgia and being told 'this is good' by old people lol just stop stalking you're exposing your iq live on 4chan

>> No.24653777

go ahead and explain how old art "diminishes"

>> No.24653786
File: 26 KB, 453x465, wQ-8IxrOTrUMXBTM50EMaGff6M4KInvnZj9AHklV7uo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24653793

i gave myself 30 cause im close and i dont wanna be grouped in with the 20s

>> No.24653795

true, otaku art is just the a reinterpreted vision of the kind of art that was displayed in places like cathedrals according to howard

>> No.24653796

>they 100% will never even make it very far if they lack independence to this degree.
that's not fair bro i bet even most people who make it start off asking dumb questions but the better they get the more they realize how pointless it was

>> No.24653822

>being old is cool
imagine unironically having this mindset
i can tell you're the type of person to get buttfrusterated over the dumbest shit

>> No.24653847

30 isn't old you literal child

>> No.24653848

ill be insane at japanese when im 30

>> No.24653879

he's literally lying a poll about age to appear older on an anonymous image board. and for what reason exactly? it makes literally no sense when you think about it.

>> No.24653962

youre taking djt too seriously bro calm down

>> No.24653968


>> No.24653978

old boomer brain can't do basic arithmetic lol

>> No.24653981

djt is my fucking life faggot

>> No.24654003

ok dude youve made this post 3 times now you can stop being so annoying now

>> No.24654008

yeah dont care

>> No.24654016

no wonder this place is full retard

>> No.24654042

nice try fbi

>> No.24654046

hes right though

>> No.24654109

how can anyone get owned by you when you dont know japanese?

>> No.24654120

still feel like its 平成 to be honest

>> No.24654127

damn you sound like every boomer throughout history

literally almost exact quotes from hundreds of years ago

imagine thinking you are somehow different lol, you're just a boomer fading away into the bubble of your generation

>> No.24654140


>> No.24654142

proving me right again i see
take the l and sit down

>> No.24654146

>I downloaded the .rar file on kitsunekko.net and it's missing subs from more than a year ago.
weird, the .rar archive seems to have a date in its filename suggesting that it's only a few months old at most:
impossible to know what formatting is used here but the file is either up to date as of the 4th of july this year, or at worst the 7th of april

are you sure it is missing years old subs?

>> No.24654180

you'll get it soon kiddo, your opinion isn't worth shit

>> No.24654193

wow never seen these very cool actually
reminds me of the ㍍ thing

>> No.24654300

i prefer passive reading

>> No.24654302

oh no maybe you have to learn to listen now lol

>> No.24654306

do your weeks start on mondays or sundays

>> No.24654366


My major goal actually isn't to know how to have proper japanese conversation. I want to be able to read japanese literature and texts of games. So knowing the most common thousands kanji is highly important.

However I fully agree that you should never forget to learn the grammar and real vocabulary

>> No.24654377

fuck conversation

>> No.24654379

7zip is a meme winrar does everything it does but with better compression algorithms

agreed but you can just download some random license file from somewhere plug it in the winrar directory and never have to deal with it again

>> No.24654390

not sure how you think that that is an unpopular opinion, almost nobody learns kanji by themselves for long.

>> No.24654425

lmao people here are really good about finding ways to be elitist about literally everything

>> No.24654427

if people start replying to reddit reposts with replies to those reddit posts this place just becomes reddit

>> No.24654430

but it does the same thing

>> No.24654436

>7zip is a meme winrar does everything it does but with better compression algorithms
7z actually compresses better than rar

rar is no better than zip, completely pointless proprietary garbage

>> No.24654488

bunch of nerds in here i just use my pc for vinnies anime and internet dont know wtf ur all babbling on about

>> No.24654490

if you aren't using mpv to watch anime do not EVER reply to any of my posts again
literal subhuman filth

>> No.24654492


>> No.24654500


>> No.24654507

your opinion doesn't matter then tard-kun

>> No.24654521


>> No.24654526

what's the healthy amount of cpu usage i should be getting when i stream animu using mpv

>> No.24654532

Nice try samefag

>> No.24654536

dang theres a heck of a lot of words in this here language yall

>> No.24654538

oh no..............i cant watch anime with subs wahat do i do now

>> No.24654561

yeah but yalls pretend like anki is all yall need lol

>> No.24654563

i use plex and then a program to shim it into mpv so i get the benefits of a good customizable interface but i can access it from multiple computers (or the plex app on my phone if i need to)

it works well for me.

>> No.24654568

anon please i'm trying not to get mad but you're making this difficult

>> No.24654624

that explains it

>> No.24654628

download a frequency list and see how wrong you are

>> No.24654631


>> No.24654648

you probably have an ugly sounding accent if your not raised in the us of a

>> No.24654676

what the fuck is going on

>> No.24654682

fukin lol

there isn't a single good-sounding us accent

>> No.24654686

jesus christ shut the fuck up lard

>> No.24654687

wrong we are God's chosen voices

>> No.24654706


>> No.24654728
File: 679 KB, 375x498, 1593988391099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a lot of people hate Matto/MIA

why is this the case?

total noob here, be gentle pls

>> No.24654729


>> No.24654749


>> No.24654756

don't hate matto, just don't care about him and can't stand his stupid cultists screeching all day itt

>> No.24654758

mostly butthurt from people like jamal who are jealous that matt is better than they ever will be

>> No.24654781

>if ppl dont bring him up he doesnt exist to me

yeah you don't care and totally don't think about him at all, that's why you've made like 100 streamables about him

>> No.24654812


>> No.24654813

personally i'm not into "passive immersion" so that's whatever, but all in all his method isn't too different from what was done while we were still on /a/

>> No.24654865

Thanks for giving my boy views

>> No.24654866


>> No.24654868

"his method" is what anyone outside a classroom recommends you do with any language lol
but i have nothing against him as a person and respect him for making money off it

>> No.24654871

I see, that's good to hear, I guess I'll try to just get the good parts out of it, thanks guys

>> No.24654889

watch japanese from zero until you become inspired enough to move to japan and fuck as many japanese girls as george

>> No.24654890

uh jamal didn't you pussy out of meeting matto due to the terror of having to speak with someone who's actually competent

>> No.24654901
File: 3 KB, 295x42, 1566520559231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rough day bros felt like it was 3 hours

>> No.24654935

1. be confident
2. go outside
3. talk to people
4. have sex
5. ???


1. pay a prostitute

>> No.24654939

anyone else here grow up bilingual? i've noticed i feel a lot more comfortable and am significantly more outgoing when im speaking english as opposed to my other native. like my personality is different by maybe 15%. shits weird

>> No.24654942

give me invite

>> No.24654944

its not on ab either

>> No.24654953

how do I get in?
the last registrations were like a year and a half ago

>> No.24654958

i can understand being scared of someone irl but i have never seen someone scared over the internet like jamal is

>> No.24654963

sounds nice

>> No.24654965

in other words
m...matto dono...i kneel...

>> No.24654966

this is exactly me

i think i'm mildly more outgoing in english, but it's not a massive difference like you said, just about 15%

more reserved in my native one

>> No.24654969

stfu it was my question i get the invite

>> No.24654982

? im saying the manga youre looking for isnt there. ab pretty much sucks for raw manga pretty much everything that's on there is on nyaa as well

>> No.24654988

red for a year

>> No.24654992

fucking schizoid
stop marking every post as (you) to get those sweet replies

>> No.24654995

can someone on AB at least confirm that this manga that cant be found anywhere is on AB so i know that that tracker is what its cracked up to be

>> No.24655000

its there in eigo

>> No.24655001

see >>24654982 and >>24654944

>> No.24655011

>? im saying the manga youre looking for isnt there.
you never said that retard

>> No.24655025

jamal add me on hellotalk

>> No.24655027

why not use times like these are an opportunity to support japanese creators through amazon ebooks

>> No.24655029

His method is literally the best way to learn Japanese in a short amount of time and has lots of success stories. I highly recommend you read through the website.

>> No.24655031

AB sucks anyways crunchyroll works perfectly fine on microsoft edge

>> No.24655035

jamal add me on line

>> No.24655057

who are these "success" stories lol

>> No.24655071

eigo is fucking trash, can't believe it's a real language, who the fuck even uses it?
should be replaced with latin, can't believe it's a pratically dead language, much cooler than from-retards-for-retards english
garbage language for garbage people

>> No.24655078
File: 377 KB, 1817x1360, firefox_2020-07-08_07-32-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao those comments

>> No.24655094

poor af, don't even have a card to use and I'm not going to the store to buy gift cards

>> No.24655104

stop posting gay reddit shit here

>> No.24655116

fuck off

>> No.24655130
File: 46 KB, 862x652, Screenshot from 2020-07-08 12-01-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can get most of these by just guessing

>> No.24655146

everyone on reddit is gay and needs to read more VNs to be cured of their gay

>> No.24655200


>> No.24655204

as a reply to these posts.
How to learn japanese:

1. stop watching 500 hours on "how to learn japanese efficiently
2. Tae Kim / Genki / imabi -> core 2000 ->(inbetween the next steps: core 10000) -> easy LN/manga/SoL videos etc. as input -> switch to J-J dictionary -> continue input -> improve further -> Done

>> No.24655218

oh that's a fake jamal? i kind of figured he went insane after repeatedly getting BTFO

>> No.24655221

as a reply to that post
How to learn Japanese

1. start meditating
2. https://massimmersionapproach.com/table-of-contents/stage-1/jp-quickstart-guide/

>> No.24655222

do you know japanese "kissshot"?

>> No.24655228

if youre so confident in this can you post this again for me in japanese?

>> No.24655232

knowing the true difference between が and は as a non-native is impossibru

>> No.24655241

you're jelly that japancirclejerk is more clever and entertaining that your shitposting will ever be lol

>> No.24655250

ok so stay there and dont bring it here

>> No.24655295

man you are really seething today

what's up dude? wanna talk about it?

>> No.24655313

they're really aren't many and they're very common so it's pretty easy to just starting seeing the phrase as a single unit like "flight of stairs" or "on fire"

>> No.24655330

so the thing everyone already does

>> No.24655333

they're like anime cards but with a crutch that gets rid of the guarantee you'll recognize the word outside of the given sentence. praise anime cards

>> No.24655340

I used to study japanese regulary and daily with anki. But during writing my bachelorthesis I didn't have time for it and then shortly after my master started, which is not connected to japanese anymore. To put it short: I haven't done anything since february, except watching some movies in japanese.

I just opened anki and *BOOM * now over 20.000 cards need to be reviewed. This ist kind of frustraiting and I don't know if I should start over or just try to reduce this until I can return to my daily 600 cards/ day habit. The whole Ankis decks have over 35.000 cards... I'm sure there are cards I still know, but I just reviewed 100 cards and I remembered maybe only 10..

>> No.24655347

spoilers have proven to increase enjoyment of the spoiled media but ok i guess you're above the statistics delusional andy

>> No.24655355

most of those alternate meanings words all are flowing from a shared symbolic source. like 刻む i can figure out all of the meanings because it just makes sense those those tertiary meanings would be there.

>> No.24655382

im gonna learn japanese so hard its gonna be written in the matrix of my soul and come with me to heaven

>> No.24655390

>spoilers have proven to increase enjoyment of the spoiled media
jesus christ fuck off you literal tard

>> No.24655392

tl: sit in front of a computer and shorten your life span

>> No.24655406

>buying into spoiler culture
your reddit is showing

>> No.24655420

what are you saying, and who are you quoting

>> No.24655424

if something can be "spoiled" by simply knowing what happens in it, then it means it wasnt very good and relied on dumb trickery to make people enjoy it

>> No.24655427

i accept that spoilers are harmless but i still dont want to be soiled on ssr ok

>> No.24655430

>skipping review day
kek. i'm going to finish my final anki review set for the day before i die

>> No.24655447
File: 13 KB, 644x800, d90[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24655451

where can i get jsubs for re zero s2?

>> No.24655464

plot fags i swear
its all about the how not the what

>> No.24655466

if it's not there it's not anywhere

>> No.24655469

should've guessed it was a wojakposter

>> No.24655470

unforunately you're going to have to actually learn to listen sorry buddy

>> No.24655486

what if they spoil the how

>> No.24655489

i have been buut i miss a word every now and then and its nice to be able look them up you know

>> No.24655490
File: 33 KB, 495x270, fuck quizmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anime chard sjit is a scam

>> No.24655495

>i have been
>using subs

>> No.24655507

I am not sure how you managed to do 20k cards and also forget all of them so quickly. that makes it seem as if you didnt actually truly understand any of them, and instead just crammed them as random info.
precision over speed.
quality over quantity.

i recommend you go for a premade anki deck like core 10000 deck and customize all the cards for you to understand them best.
that has the advantage that they are structured in a nice order, and you have words and example sentences professionally voiced by native actors

>> No.24655511

just post the voice clip here if you cant hear what theyre saying and someone will help you out. heck it'll even make the memory bond between that new word even stronger!

>> No.24655533

today has been exceedingly more shit than usual
the fuck's going on

>> No.24655547

>new word
that's the thing with these people, they want subs because they can't even hear the words they even know lmao

>> No.24655569

yea not going to get ridiculed for hours, still got ptsd from qm's hitler phase, but there is truth to the point i should try only listening.. prolly a blessing in disguise

>> No.24655573

? how can someone spoil direction, animation, voice acting, pacing, etc

>> No.24655575

t. doesn't know japanese

>> No.24655586

fix yo brain

>> No.24655617

time to get high on some indica

>> No.24655619

by watching it, the ultimate spoiler

thats why i personally dont even watch the stuff i dont want spoiled

>> No.24655627

the dragon quest bd remaster has jp subs

watch it u fags

>> No.24655630

>he doesnt use hybrid concentrates

>> No.24655631
File: 122 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2020-07-08 12-35-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tagaini jisho is the best offline japanese dictionary. i am surprised no one uses it

>> No.24655647

i know concentrates get you higher but i prefer working with real flower
frosty buds are a natural work of art

>> No.24655653


>> No.24655661


How the fuck have I not encountered this word sooner?

>> No.24655665

lol thats probably close to my stats with vocab cards, anime cards got me to 87% true retention (20 new cards shown a day, which is actually more per day i was doing vocab cards)

>> No.24655684

did you really make a duolingo account and download some spyware just for a troll post lol cringe

>> No.24655691

i still have to smoke the real stuff time to time and even though its way less thcs its actually a better high for sure but man tastes like ass after you get used to vaporizing it and its messy and its more work

>> No.24655700


i'd say 大辞泉&大辞林 are probably better

>> No.24655704
File: 49 KB, 765x512, djt mount stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're not very good yet enjoy the ride down

>> No.24655707
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, 1587839746090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24655723

100%, im right in the depths of that valley cant wait to rise for real

>> No.24655731

if i only care about vns, syosetu and manga and don't really enjoy anime for any other reason than grinding what path should i take

>> No.24655748

Just read.

>> No.24655750

just read those things and mine things you want to know to anki, youre going to really enjoy it bc the nightmare is listening

>> No.24655760

he probably means that he hides the subs until a word he doesn't know comes up then he shows the subs to hover with yomichan. it's what i'm planning to do once i hit 10,000+ words.

>> No.24655763

i know what you mean about the better high i think its the terpenes that contribute to that
i vape my green by default though even if its flower, you've never tried that?

>> No.24655764
File: 1.10 MB, 480x360, oo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

お笑い and podcasts are probably more enjoyable for you
i rec starting with 水曜日のダウンタウン
for podcasts さくら通信

>> No.24655769

vns are the easiest and best way to learn

>> No.24655794

i imagine the less expressive characters and scenes combined with larger vocabulary would them only preferable for intermediates.

>> No.24655795

i used a friends volcano back in the days but the probably is the optimal way. i didnt know about the terpenes i know real weed is def better though cant put it into words just feels fuller

>> No.24655804

would make them*

>> No.24655824
File: 322 KB, 375x424, jlklkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24655892
File: 30 KB, 765x512, 1580705897044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24655928

>No tobira guy

>> No.24655929

i know youre trolling but this makes me really angry

>> No.24655934

are things on here looked over by editors, or is this no better than reading tumblr

>> No.24655948

almost perfect, but switch ciaran with jamal... and move them both closer to matt

>> No.24655953
File: 37 KB, 400x562, 701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24655957


>> No.24655958

try https://kakuyomu.jp/ instead maybe
ive found a few actually good things on here using the search options

>> No.24655971

>all the time

>> No.24655972

why do people always post shit like this? how can you not understand the need for words like this?

>> No.24655996

is it かち or こう

>> No.24655999

How do i make bangercards™?

>> No.24656000

imagine learning a language where visual and auditory memory are crucial and then using a drug that moderately-severely impacts your memory, this is peak stoner logic

>> No.24656009

unless you're in the fucking edo period talking about soldiers, it means walk and is hokou

>> No.24656019

>that moderately-severely impacts your memory
not if you vape it

>> No.24656024


>> No.24656036

guide would be perfect if it mentioned hover dictionaries and the hjgp site

>> No.24656037

wtf r u on about did you see this in a samurai manga with that furigana and think it's ambiguous when it's never written like that without furigana

>> No.24656040

no one is forcing you to use anki...

>> No.24656044

by using quickmaster methods on bangers

>> No.24656049

i am good enough that i read and listen just as fine high as sober

>> No.24656059

wotd: 貞操帯

>> No.24656061

you mean はやいmaster?

>> No.24656064

qm wouldnt know a banger if it banged his mom

>> No.24656068
File: 180 KB, 518x292, ア.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why the writer ends these sentences with a katakana here?

>> No.24656088

this is why you should always watch 10k hours of anime before reading anything

>> No.24656131

holy shit, that's impressive

>> No.24656148

or just 10 episodes with japanese subs which is more effective and takes less time

>> No.24656154

whooo knows

>> No.24656177

10 episodes of anime with japanese subtitles >>>> 10k hours of english subbed anime

>> No.24656178


>> No.24656192

they are redundant

>> No.24656216

just found it very amusing that 中国最高的存在 can be read in chinese and japanese with no difference in meaning
nothing much

>> No.24656223

fuck you're a pos for implying that all of us laughed at carbin when it was mostly you that laughed at him and you even were really proactive at that

>> No.24656228

guys, do not fall the the shit cards (aka anime cards) meme
i repeat
do no fall for it

>> No.24656233

的 in chinese means の so it's not the same meaning

>> No.24656251

的 = の in chinese iirc
bit different in japanese

>> No.24656255

i fell for it, then i switched to sentence cards and had lots of success

>> No.24656259

sentence cards are actually like acquiring on easy mode lol the only reason quizmaster likes anime cards is because he created them and never tried sentence cards

>> No.24656263

>use anki
>cards are ichi, ni...
>"ok easy"
>get to word X
>ichi X, ni X...
>this keeps repeating forever, 1000 words, if you skip a day you have to review them again, when you already know ichi, ni and X... could just look X in dictionary instead of a thousand reviews of it to get second word Y
how does anyone have patience wtf

>> No.24656264

your conversion rate sound about right

>> No.24656271

will probably remember this next time i watch something japanese with hardcoded chinese subs

>> No.24656272

i switched to it from sentence cards and made more gains than i ever had in a year

>> No.24656293

>dumb card type argument again
it doesn't fucking matter

>> No.24656294

no idea what youre trying to say

>> No.24656302


>> No.24656304
File: 835 KB, 1920x1080, Fate Grand Order -絶対魔獣戦線バビロニア- 第08話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire show is eye candy i love gacha now

>> No.24656309

Pls just tell me, I can't figure this out

>> No.24656312

the tango decks have a LOT of counter word cards, usually like 12 cards per counter

>> No.24656316

thats classical/literary chinese for の

>> No.24656317

reading more is the best card type

>> No.24656326

so delete them if you dont want to learn them

>> No.24656333

my post gave you the answer bruhh

>> No.24656334

wtf chinese actually seems kinda cool.....

>> No.24656340

just suspend them

sometimes i'll keep the ones that are change pronunciation or are irregular but you really don't need 11 cards to tell you how to count animals

>> No.24656342

but i see it in what i read

>> No.24656353

it's slang

kosoku to kasaaa(n)
houritsu to kasaaa(n)
basically comparing these abstract concepts to his mother

>> No.24656355

it's just a way of elongating the sound さ that's all. there's no way to know exactly what was going through the author's mind when he chose to write it in katakana instead of hiragana because probably just because hiragana has a more 'gentle/warm' feeling which doesnt really suit the character

>> No.24656360

classical chinese = 漢文
which makes 之japanese as well

>> No.24656367

is it OK if I use multiple strokes for hiragana like "そ"?

>> No.24656368

what do you read

>> No.24656377

can i watch this if i haven't played the game

>> No.24656378


>> No.24656399

no thats a sin

>> No.24656404

go garbage has no relation beyond the surface

>> No.24656434

Okay that makes sense, thanks anon

>> No.24656435

moege and wikipedia articles
it often appears in proper nouns

>> No.24656436

fuck i find this kind of cute

>> No.24656449

>it often appears in proper nouns
and what do you think it means in those proper nouns...?

>> No.24656459

anyone wanna rip 宇宙よりも遠い場所 subs off netflix for me? my netflix account expired :(

kitsunekko didn't even have them before it went down i dont think

>> No.24656462

this guy is a real freak

>> No.24656464

that is what I did
>learn how to macro delete anki cards
>cards of words I know still repeat forever in reviews, can't skip a day or they go back
>delete more cards
>wtf, lose patience again
>delete anki

>> No.24656468
File: 16 KB, 287x500, Screenshot_2020-07-08 日本の歴史 - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which jidai would you have liked to have lived in?

>> No.24656479

i haven't played the game either and have no problem following what's going on
just make sure you watch the prequel movie and episode 0 first

>> No.24656493

just went through some of his vids and he seems like a real animal guy
good for him

>> No.24656504

bakumatsu cause that's the one i know best

>> No.24656514

reiwa of course
aside from that heian period was one of the best times in history to live in so that's my choice for non-modern times

>> No.24656517
File: 526 KB, 660x350, efdabfb9be5b196383511c7c2894006a-660x350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ベタだけど平安 cause i bet those girls were cute wearing this sort of stuff

>> No.24656520

check out this japanese translation of romeo and juliet https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000264/files/42773_39853.html

ctrl-f ァ

>> No.24656531

the 新選組 aesthetic is ftw

>> No.24656532

you wouldnt get to see any tho. they didnt leave their houses unless they were getting married. thats why あう is related to romance/marriage cause just meeting someone meant you were getting married to them basically

>> No.24656548

late showa era was when japan was at its zenith
it all went downhill after the 80s

>> No.24656556

wouldnt that mean i get married to one of them then

>> No.24656562

yea showa just before the bubble popped is the only choice

>> No.24656564

>cause just meeting someone meant you were getting married to them basically
better times

we need arranged marriages again in america

>> No.24656567

theres lots of anime and vns set in or that make references to sengoku jidai but its much less common to see stuff set in heian era

but i dont think ive ever seen anything set in kofun jidai, asuka jidai, or nara jidai

>> No.24656569

for me, it's 2020 america with a good internet connection

>> No.24656573

don't forget the 薩摩切子s

>> No.24656574

yea i guess if you're of noble stock but you'd probably just be a dumb peasant farmer with an ugly wife

>> No.24656579

based. nostalgia and grass-is-greener fags don't know how shit things were

>> No.24656606


>> No.24656609
File: 12 KB, 278x181, meiji jidai japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan was at its peak when its cities and government tried to imitate western europe most closely but still retained a bit of that old style nippyness

>> No.24656610
File: 229 KB, 264x346, firefox_Fh8F4IYIRK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if quiz owns this one

>> No.24656620

90% of the people who want to go back would probably be "living" as some farmer neck deep in pig shit lol

>> No.24656633

this is about wasted effort. i'm trying to warn niggas here so they don't fall into the same trap as i did

>> No.24656642

i already live in a shitty third world country in a poor-ass neighborhood
lemme have my occasional escapist fantasies

>> No.24656645

i'm prolly between 20 and 30 k nihongo points by now

>> No.24656646

delete the card, u fuckin dweeb

>> No.24656674

yea theres no way youre keeping your wife is shes hot back then

>> No.24656686

just be a lord retard

>> No.24656691

if anyone is feeling charitable enough to fulfil this guy's request

pls could you get the subs for the episodes 55 to 161 of ranma as well?

the subs on kitsunekko are (were) absolutely unwatchable due to weird, broken formatting with random line breaks inserted everywhere, and the netflix subs on the itazura site only go up to episode 54 out of 161 for some reason, so 2/3 of the episodes have no subs

>> No.24656702

my dream would be knowing as much japanese as i do now and going to high school in japan at the start of heisei some inaka place with loads of milfs who love white people

>> No.24656709

beatification of vocab cards by methods like the anime cards is such a foreign idea to me
i cannot see anything beneficial about anime cards over vocab cards
the only useful modification to vocab cards is adding an example sentence that only gets used when you fail a card and need a refresher on usage of that failed word

>> No.24656712

ill allow you to be the lord of hoes and the marquis of ploughs

>> No.24656720

feelin based

>> No.24656721

anime cards = wait until a while passes and a bunch of words appear that will feel like u have never ever even seen them before and others that you will remember but only have a vague notion about
you'll hate anki and japanese forever

>> No.24656732

i'm guessing it's the attachment
like if someone were to mine something that he got hyped up from like chuu2shit, the attachment to the word would be stronger

>> No.24656733

reminding yourself where you saw the word is powerful when it comes to acquisition

>> No.24656734

same, but probably for much different reasons than you

>> No.24656738
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 15241246_1427789873960844_8619278509742582743_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont wanna live in a world without kitsunekko bros.

>> No.24656740

nah you gotta imagine that youd have to be a generic salaryman doing some shitty repetitive job stuck in an office all day long
thats why youd be glad to have been living in edo jidai instead of from meiji onwards

>> No.24656765

us people in the know call them "high quality vocab cards", "anime cards" is kind of a cringe name

>> No.24656770

yeah nigga i want those kakushigoto subs what the hell!

>> No.24656775

i didn't realize so many people used japanese subs. i find watching it raw a lot more fun and challenging

>> No.24656777

i still remember exactly where i saw a lot of words for the first time

>> No.24656781

dunno why people choose to torture themselves doing vocab/anime cards when you could take the easy mode of sentence cards and just non stop acquire lol

>> No.24656784

the example sentence can produce the same effect although not as strong like an image can, i admit

>> No.24656794

>"high quality vocab cards"
>"anime cards"
based and fushigi na power ftw

>> No.24656807

just do vocab cards with the sentence on the front as well and audio if it helps for harder words

>> No.24656815

i listen to the audio on all my animecards until i get to the point i don't need to

>> No.24656816

why would you do sentence cards instead of high quality sentence cards

>> No.24656819

rather be the local town rambler during the 大正 who always goes about how my father was a 侍 who fought for the 幕府 many years ago

>> No.24656849

the ones that the guy with the pitch diagrams posts

>> No.24656852

one that doesnt exist

>> No.24656853

why doesn't the kitsunekko just put an announcement up with his intentions?

literally one sentence on the front page
>this site will shutdown on yy/mm/dd
>site will fully return shortly
would be enough

>> No.24656858

have a mixed deck of anime and sentence cards

>> No.24656857

stfu howard

>> No.24656862

does japanese have a term for chode?

>> No.24656864

how do you explain me being able to understand easy raw shows when all ive done is watch jp subbed anime

>> No.24656876

yeah it can
while it works a lot of the time, there are cards where you'll simply forget where the sentence is from and i'm speaking from experience
also an image you'll see on every review without exception, the sentence you'll only read if you chose to do so

>> No.24656882

reminder that people here shitting on either card type don't know japanese
reminder that in the long run cards don't and won't matter

>> No.24656907

for a lot of concrete nouns without much nuance theres not a huge reason to put a whole sentence on the front, so i think a mix is a good compromise.

>> No.24656911

gonna use anki until i've read my 250ths vinnie

>> No.24656924


>> No.24656969


>> No.24656972

yeah and people who are still in the pits of learning give meaningless "advice"

>> No.24656973

based grug

>> No.24656982

what discord is that so i know never to join it?

>> No.24657006

is this the uwasa no ethiopian prince

>> No.24657011

https://discord.gg/5K5jQjG this one

>> No.24657020

you do know that japanese isn't the only language in the world and there are people who already have learned other languages out there, right?

>> No.24657048

>containment board
doesn't do a very good job of containing anything desu

>> No.24657049

some of us might not have learned japanese yet but have already gone through the process of acquiring a second language or even a third one.

>> No.24657101

thats not howard, howard does ota-cards, not anime cards dude

>> No.24657112

he believes in 言霊 and thinks by calling it "anime cards" it imparts some power into you

>> No.24657113

learning spanish!=learning chinese!=learning korean!=learning german!=learning japanese

>> No.24657121

shit thatll work for spanish speakers learning portuguese or english speakers learning dutch might not work for english speakers learning japanese
different writing systems, different ways of conveying stuff, different expressions, etc.

>> No.24657127

yeah i believe that too, sounds cool and based

ota-cards are probably based too but you need an analytical mind and even then they take too long to make

>> No.24657137

bet learning mandarin chinese for native hokkien speakers must be as easy as learning french for is for portuguese speakers

>> No.24657140

thinking cause you learned spanish or whatever as an english speaker (or visa-versa) means you know about how to learn japanese is like thinking you know how to race f1 cars cause you drove round a nascar circuit once

>> No.24657142

sdfu retard

>> No.24657151

can you post an ota-card for us

>> No.24657182

i feel like when retards itt get too many (You)s on one post they feel they successfully made everyone mad and are right for some reason

>> No.24657186

never know when this one is gen or gon

>> No.24657191

wtf lads theres a georgian architecture on wikipedia but its not either about architecture from georgia (the country) or georgia (the state)

>> No.24657194

its neither u fool

>> No.24657198

its really ineffecient if your goal is vocab gains

>> No.24657211

watching anime in the first place is inefficient if your goal is "vocab gains"

>> No.24657215

congratz you just played yourself

>> No.24657216

ahhahahahah ngmi

>> No.24657228

trying to say you were baiting? nah bro.. take the L like a man

>> No.24657233


>> No.24657259

is duolingo cringe or based

>> No.24657261

Does it make sense to watch Japanese YouTube videos if I'm able to understand a few words here and there, like 10-20%, but I don't understand the remaining 80%?
Or am I better off going back to studying until I understand more

>> No.24657268

wait where do I find subs in jp?
what am i to do, travel to japan

>> No.24657272

just ripped this cool song from the official rerelease of the original version of 雫 cause it wasnt on yt

>> No.24657280
File: 160 KB, 1008x567, 1594064122551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing bud

>> No.24657340


>> No.24657346

why do you faggots mystify japanese?

>> No.24657361

im lower intermediate and i get 2-4 words mined per episode in most anime
i think youve got beginner and intermediate mixed up

>> No.24657408

i live again

>> No.24657411

apparently it's missing shit so not quite

>> No.24657414

stop being a pussy and dont use gay fuckin japanese-subbed anime
books and vns are for reading time
anime and movies are for listening time

>> No.24657420

then you should have enough vocabularly to write this post in japanese

>> No.24657425

what is it missing? any examples?

>> No.24657432

see >>24654280

>> No.24657442

what do think about having subtitles turned off, and the html text hooking page minimized and only looking at it when you want to make an anime card?

>> No.24657466

i'll do whatever the fuck i want now shut up
you probably don't even know japanese

>> No.24657490


>> No.24657515

if you can hear it well enough transcribe it by ear, mine that
otherwise, dont mine it

>> No.24657537

It's not a reddit post

>> No.24657546

if you can read a line but not understand its spoken equivalent its still white noise m'lad.

>> No.24657555

look at all these people who don't know japanese giving instructions on knowing japanese

>> No.24657585

ciaran spent several years repping core10k till he started watching raw anime so better get yo vocab studies done before you try tackling animays

>> No.24657592

actually wish jamal was around now

>> No.24657600

huh... ok damn, i guess i will have to make a torrent or something for my complete mirror i have. i'll post it on the irc ;)

>> No.24657611

good post

>> No.24657613

wow so you really take it that far huh, whether you trasncribe it or copy and paste, you would need to pause to make an anime card. transcribing is obviously less efficient and i dont see much benefit as a trade off for that

>> No.24657664


>> No.24657668

what makes you think it's a lie? it's not impossible

>> No.24657686

i don't know enough friggin kanji to read or play games this is fucking gay. do i just keep reading while not knowing what it means or do i look up every word?

>> No.24657688

reminder that for every matto "success story" posted online there are about 10 abject failures

>> No.24657722

do vn core 1250 (see op image)
that will get you enough vocab you won't need to dive into the dictionary for every single word
then, yeah, look up words you don't know or skip over them depending on how you feel

>> No.24657733

slice of life?

>> No.24657734

they would probably find like 10+ words they didnt know in the first episode of a sol anime, some lf which probably not worth mining

>> No.24657749
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, 1583905463068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the eroge you were looking forward to playing won't run in either wine or your windows virtual machine

>> No.24657752

if you buy the grisaia vn for nintendo switch you can switch between japanese and english at the push of a button

>> No.24657793

even a newborn baby already know more than 1250 words

>> No.24657799

its a great feature for beginners, nothing wrong with beginners looking up manga translations either if it helps them stay engaged. as long as you at least make an attempt at the japanese every time

>> No.24657812
File: 158 KB, 1787x936, 1584759311188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1250 words = fuck all
who said vn core would get you to fluency?
it is just like any other core deck, it is meant to ease you into reading so you don't have to look up literally every word

>> No.24657813

it's enough to start without looking up every fucking word subhuman

>> No.24657821

i know what is lower intermediate and i know they dont know rare nouns that still appear in sol anime

>> No.24657831

maybe that's the idea, minimum -> immersion is better than nothing or spending years doing 30k anki

>> No.24657888

i dont i just move on to the next sentence

>> No.24657901

i kinda figured this thread had a bunch of non-americans given the general shit they've said about this place lmao

>> No.24657918

yea passive immersion through the mothers stomach wall is impressive really.

>> No.24657921

wtf, we have a nigerian poster here?

>> No.24657932

that's jamal

>> No.24657934

i look up every word, so a story that's hard to comprehend the first time is easy on the second read. never use anki anymore, but it was really good to have familiarity with the most common kanji to start

>> No.24657937



>> No.24657938


>> No.24657940

Big man tyrone

>> No.24657945

lower intermediate guy, ive got ~4k cards on my mined deck
last time i read an sol manga i made 4-6 flashcards per day while getting through two volumes per day
i know an anime episode usually covers 1 or 2 chapters at most so i guess id get even less out of a single anime episode

>> No.24657961

if you can pass the n2 test youre lower intermediate
dass it m8

>> No.24657962

theres a nigerian guy who does MIA its prob him

>> No.24657968

yea i figured he might be learning nihongo

>> No.24657978

>brazil (2)
>mexico (1)
just as expected

>> No.24657981

is he a nigerian living in nigeria tho?

>> No.24658004

another japan guy joined. along with someone from italy and israel

>> No.24658020

jap flags are always either english teaching assistants or ryuugakusei weebs

>> No.24658026

oy vey now we getting some of the discordbois

>> No.24658033

not everyone who dls shit from nyaa is a poster here idiots

>> No.24658035

feels good when you see the cards you droned in actual media

>> No.24658044

yeah pretty much

>> No.24658050

are you the jisho miner?

>> No.24658052
File: 137 KB, 300x200, 1576263276906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24658059

hope you have some evidence to back up this claim

>> No.24658106

samefag anti-discord schizo

>> No.24658119

just learned 危機 and realised I already know 管理 so 危機管理 is crisis management from machikado mazoku

>> No.24658126

looks like someones a little red in the head kek

>> No.24658127

So many DQNs itt

>> No.24658137

i don't see what's so surprising about this. it's exactly what i expected

>> No.24658147

djt is full of brainlets, my god

>> No.24658148

just learned 自己 and realised I already know 紹介 so 自己紹介 is self introduction

>> No.24658149

if you don't dl stuff with 90% japanese ids you're prolly dl stuff that isn't japanese

>> No.24658176

wtf where's your source

>> No.24658197

just google what he said youll find what hes talking about instantly

>> No.24658229


Mudo means silence in Spanish, and in Japanese, the kanji for Mudo means 'curse' or 'kill'.

Megido comes from Har Megido, Hebrew for Mountain of Megiddo, which is a place described in the Bible where Armageddon will take place.

Agi comes from Agni, which is Sanskrit for fire. (Also Hindu and Vedic deity.)

Bufu comes from the Sanskrit bRhattuhinazarkara, meaning full of great lumps of ice. The highest order of Ice spell is Niflheim, which is the land of ice and cold in Norse mythology.

Dia in Greek means song.

The prefix Maha- means "big/great" in Sanskrit. (Maragi, Mabufu, mazio, derive from 'maha'.)

The suffix -dyne is actually the unit of force in physics. (Agidyne, Bufudyne, Ziodyne, Garudyne.)

>> No.24658262


>> No.24658281


>> No.24658310

post 相対性理論

>> No.24658324

god i love listening to matt tell stories his voice is so soothing

>> No.24658345

what vid

>> No.24658347

just learned 自己 and realised I already know 満足 so 自己満足 is self satisfaction

>> No.24658349

the fuck. the how is part of the what you fucking inbred retard in fact that's the only way you can be a patrician plotfag

>> No.24658417

it's SHOUsetsu

FUCK this SYOsetsu bullshit.

>> No.24658444

vinland saga is supposed to be eye candy and so far i'm rolling my eyes at how boring and pointless it is, desperately holding myself back from setting playback speed to 2x

>> No.24658446

still waiting for that df translation for nihongo

>> No.24658473

sounds like shit

>> No.24658500

meiji, being able to experience the rapid industrialization of a backwards shithole to a world power that could at least strongarm other shitholes like russia and china.

also this

>> No.24658503

did you know that red eyes in flash photos is the same as when you see cats/dogs/sheep eyes glowing as they reflect light. It's just that nocturnal animals have a reflective layer in their eyes which reflects the light a lot easier and is green whereas in humans it only can be seen with a flash photograph

>> No.24658508

oh hell yea thanks fellow weed dude. i cant wait till the day they have the science of it completely worked out and weed is perfect for everybody

>> No.24658511

didnt know that dude thanks for that 豆知識

>> No.24658518

fuck you , you didn't even listen fuck you

>> No.24658537

i skipped to the vocals to see if it was another annoying bitch who sounds about 7 y/o and i was right

>> No.24658549

if you want to see something cool you should go into a field of sheep at 2 am with a flashlight brought close to your eyes and you'll see 100's of eyes staring back at you in the darkness

>> No.24658554

the moving picture of that girl in the right corner is too spooky for me to watch the vid

>> No.24658577
File: 582 KB, 3648x2052, gedc1248[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24658578


>> No.24658616

yeah this exactly !
surprised I never once saw it in a movie scene or something, it's pretty out of this world for something you can experience in a day to day life

>> No.24658620


>> No.24658628

is this black metal?

>> No.24658639

what's wrong with singers sounding like a 7 y/o

>> No.24658651

>get distracted for a few minutes
>2 hours have passed

>> No.24658661

nah it's post-rock/screamo. black metal is much more harsh. i actually don't know any good japanese black metal bands so heres a chinese one for comparison


>> No.24658662

very cool ... until the part where he screams : (

>> No.24658665

buy a pomodoro timer, it's so fucking cheap

>> No.24658666

are there any japanese ways of expressing some idea that you find particularly odd? things they say in a notably different way to which an english speaker might express something similar

>> No.24658669


>> No.24658685

i could write a book

>> No.24658687


>> No.24658747

on the surface this looks like meme music but this guy is actually really good at making music, the sample really fits and adds to the source
I liked this one too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwhjqdSPw5g

>> No.24658761


>> No.24658787

oh wait, different author

>> No.24658789


>> No.24658800

>i have watched 50 eng subbed episodes recently
look what you did jamal

>> No.24658807

im gonna read 1 chapter of my book and procrastinate by looking at djt so it takes 4 hours

>> No.24658839

man theres a lot of good music like this steve aoki, joe inoe, japanese peeps got beats yo

>> No.24658851

how will it prevent me from looking at djt?

>> No.24658871

matt said it better

>> No.24658881

everything about joe inoue rubs me the wrong way

>> No.24658882

jamal ill never be as good as u...

>> No.24658893
File: 30 KB, 500x819, EagoZs7lMK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first step is dont be afraid to admit you have a problem

>> No.24658909

turn it back on
set a password (just hit random keys on your keyboard)
enjoy your freedom

>> No.24658916

ugh this sounds so boring

>> No.24658923

hes a troll but some of his music is genuine fire

>> No.24658931

i already watched all the good boomer anime with english subs
guess it's time for moeblob

>> No.24658933

mashups got old immediately after 2012

>> No.24658939

enjoying bill withers lean on me more than any song posted itt

>> No.24658945

>buy physical books
>read in my garden
now that's how you learn japanese

>> No.24658951

dunno i enjoy revisiting them after all these years

>> No.24658953

imo this doesn't fit together so well as others, it sounds in some parts like just having 2 music tabs open and playing at the same time

>> No.24658956

just deleted my r*ddit account thanks to you guys. unfortunately i already made a spare account like a week ago and the cycle is going to repeat itself

>> No.24658958

yea bc djt isnt in the equation this place is language rape

>> No.24658959


>> No.24658967

yeah, true

>> No.24658968

what do you think of haiku's ?
(in any language)

>> No.24658971

jesus dude just free yourself of that baggage all of the way, youre not what a website tell you, nobody cares what they think here

>> No.24658988

isn't this matt's old friend patrick?

>> No.24658992

are you me?

>> No.24658993

fuck off retard

>> No.24658997


>> No.24658999

and i mean the shirobon guy

>> No.24659000

thats how they get you... to each's own i guess

>> No.24659020

haha fuck of redditard, i hope the cancer is terminal

>> No.24659023

yeah dude, like, totally

>> No.24659030

those plant timelapse vids are fun to binge watch

>> No.24659087

>wake up
>open up /djt/
>do absolutely nothing for 8 hours straight but post here
>laugh at ankidrones for wasting their time

>> No.24659125

pretty facking cool mate. I wish human society could be so close

>> No.24659136

would prefer if this were a game

>> No.24659146

got my fifth ending in 痕
very cool plot

>> No.24659148

had the sudden urge to play some tactics ogre
been too long

>> No.24659165

what do you mean?

>> No.24659184 [DELETED] 


>> No.24659197 [DELETED] 

a crane wouldn't be able to just enter a house like that with european walls.

>> No.24659216

Ok so I have been 2-3 hours of immersion with almost full day passive immersion but I don’t do it during sleep. Recently, my class started again after a long break and assignment and exams are coming non stop. I manage to get at least 2 hours worth of listening and reading and an hour doing anki reps everyday when my class started again but my passive immersion suffers because I can’t study with anything playing and I spend a lot of time doing assignments. Will I not progress if I don’t do passive immersion almost all day long like before?

>> No.24659235 [DELETED] 

really love finding out about british things in this japanese thread, thanks for the 411

>> No.24659249

if you cant make it a sentence i honestly cant read it for ethical reasons

>> No.24659266 [DELETED] 

sorry, I will try my best to not be distracting from now on

>> No.24659277 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 628x756, 吸う葉っぱ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or distract us with japanese

>> No.24659278 [DELETED] 

you won't
you say you will but you most likely won't

>> No.24659296 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x537, 意見を捨てた.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know already, youre anti fun

>> No.24659302 [DELETED] 

no need u got btfo!!

>> No.24659351 [DELETED] 

I will improve my japanese so that I can do so

>> No.24659371

its funny when i see people learning japanese from textbooks fretting about intransitive vs transitive verbs when i literally did not know what the difference was in english until i started learning japanese. do people actually learn grammar growing up?

>> No.24659377
File: 71 KB, 511x523, COstM5rxkI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a dream that one day this place will just be 'cool posters'

>> No.24659396

i cant force myself to mine stuff like 雪辱 or shit that has an obvious reading/meaning so i end up mining 2-3 words per episode

>> No.24659408

those videos he made about ff7 were pretty good
i have pretty much the exact same opinions about that game

>> No.24659437

another day
another ln down

>> No.24659440

want to bash in the skulls of and strangle every druggie itt before dumping the body in a river

>> No.24659450

good one

>> No.24659456 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 800x800, ジャケット.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24659483

>watch an episode without subs
>do 20 anki cards
>read a manga chapter without consulting dictionary
>post here
my method for the moment

>> No.24659486

i was using this already, but now i have set it up so it redirects me to this link every time i visit a blocked site: https://i.imgur.com/zuBcE2O.png

>> No.24659514

why does he change to portuguese out of nowhere?

>> No.24659517

still have no idea what intransitive/transitive verbs are in any language

>> No.24659535

yeah it's the first one i've read in one day

>> No.24659536

i mean i highly recommend that plug in since i myself use it but dont go crazy have a few djt breaks, just try not to listen to anything jamal says :P

>> No.24659547

do u know the difference between は and が

>> No.24659553

i prolly linked the wrong video lolo idk thats not one of the songs i like but its a popular one so i just linked it, dont over analyze everything

>> No.24659555

what did you read?

>> No.24659559

as a whole, do you think japan is a healthier society than the average western society?

>> No.24659571

no idea what the passive, etc conguration shit is in any language

>> No.24659576

no, i can almost weight it out perfectly even

>> No.24659590
File: 1.49 MB, 2160x3200, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24659592

i can feel it a lot of the time

>> No.24659599

looks like the diarrhea i drained out of my asshole earlier

>> No.24659606

good job anon

>> No.24659608

>vol. 11

>> No.24659611

I have a Notepad file where I paste all the sentences (and translations of the words I don’t know) that I intend to eventually add to Anki. The problem is that it often takes me two or more hours a day to find the meaning of the words I don’t know in each sentence and to transfer all that into Anki. Any advice for speeding up this process?

>> No.24659614

this video changed my life
her entire grammar series is worth going through at least once

>> No.24659619

hate these generic ass drawings

>> No.24659622

japan was so smart with the long titles while also having a shorter name to refer to the ln/anime idea

>> No.24659630

oh cool post yours mr. judgement

>> No.24659629

whats the actual benefit of bothering with that shit though? will it make consuming stuff easier?

>> No.24659635

what drawings do you like?

>> No.24659634

yes? what kind of question is that?

>> No.24659640


>> No.24659653

non-generic ones

>> No.24659673

this show fucking sucks so bad. its generic and cringey 100% of the time

>> No.24659681

all of that trouble for 猫, bro?

>> No.24659686

says a lot about society that "naruto but somehow worse" broke all the manga records

>> No.24659690

>all that trouble
>2 clicks
it works for any word "bro"

>> No.24659691

when are you gonna make the monolingual transition bro

>> No.24659702

the cripple setup

>> No.24659706

kny is better than naruto cuz it's less bloated

>> No.24659713

do you have an example? I won't make fun of you just interested

>> No.24659720

idk i dont really see how, seems like something u can just feel out

>> No.24659721

me smelling a tinge of shit when watching that show

>> No.24659731

please guys im not ready for another shonen debate since we all know one piece is for sure the best and the rest is just iffy at best

>> No.24659738

ゴミ is a good word.

>> No.24659747

did u ever make it so that the script can put the glossary, sentence and pic in different fields? i tried editing it myself to make it work but im too dumb

>> No.24659748

yeah then later u realize how shitty that format is and will hate qm for the rest of your life for all the wasted effort

>> No.24659763

>all the wasted effort
>2 clicks

just fucking expand the json retard

>> No.24659765

then don't watch it, retard. i tried to give you the keys to the city but have fun 'feeling' your way in through the stinky maze of sewers, retard

>> No.24659770


>> No.24659773

started kumentsu no yaiba today with japanese subs pretty interesting so far

>> No.24659783

mined あくた in a vinnie recently.

>> No.24659795

i just wanna kiss the ugly fujoshi who probably made kimetsu

>> No.24659797

animecardfags will never ever make it

>> No.24659798

interesting as in it's interesting how such a soulless, boring piece of gomi got to be one of the most popular shows of all time

>> No.24659800

>just fucking expand the json retard
idk how to lol

>> No.24659801

agreed i personally couldn't get enough of the hilarious and relatable pirate goofs hopping island to island discovering an oppressed people before the crew gets separated and they get into crazy shenanigans and fight against generic henchmen before luffy finally has a showdown with super evil oppressor man and the fight seems tough but near the end there's an unnatural and corny scene depicting how luffy will never give up because you can't trample on his friends and we're supposed to feel inspiration or some shit instead of cringing at this generic as fuck and boring story written for little kids before luffy whallops them with his rubber shit pistol. i don't get how people can look down on such a mature and deep story

>> No.24659812

i clapped when the girl growled

>> No.24659814

ive been using a plain vocab deck on the side in addition to my anime card deck and anime cards themselves are way better imo, its just the tediousness of making them thats the downside

>> No.24659818

who is json

>> No.24659820

i think i've acquired enough that i can swear off an*me and enjoy other jp media that actually attracted me(besides lns, fuck em)
feeling good

>> No.24659823

its ok if you didnt 'get it', i'm sure hxh met your demands

>> No.24659834

i enjoyed everything about kny other than the fag with the yellow hair, even the pighead was bearable. being a pleb rules.

>> No.24659838

it's not about getting it or not it's about if the story is presented in such a way that it's worth getting and let's be honest it's just not

>> No.24659842

fuck off
an "anime card" is just a high quality vocab card and they've been a staple here for years, hell the core decks are in the same format

>> No.24659845

this is a bad take

>> No.24659846

how far along does one have to be for this to become viable?

>> No.24659855


howard already destroyed this argument

>> No.24659861

vinnies friend

>> No.24659864

hmm i never really thought of it like that, i knew there was something retarded with it but couldn't place it, maybe blonde boy was a huge part

>> No.24659865

if you dont understand one piece youre ngmi

>> No.24659875

just check out monolingual dictionaries every now and again and you will know when the time is right
its not really such a big deal anyway

>> No.24659877

fuck wan piss
fuck homo x homo
fuck shitmetsu no yaiba
fuck fullmetal alchemist faggothood
fuck gayruto
fuck shonen

>> No.24659884

proven to be trash by our guy matt

>> No.24659886

you really should be always trying to get there

>> No.24659887

he's really hard to watch. usually comic relief is supposed to be at least somewhat humerus

>> No.24659891

hello howard how are you doing?

>> No.24659894


Matto destroys anime cards

>> No.24659898

and fFuck in-ur-ass-sha

>> No.24659911

been 7 years since i tried reading one piece but don't most arcs reference freedom and hierarchy and chasing your dreams and shit but i mean it's a kid series so what do i care what themes a kid series explores it's not gonna do it in a smart way so why bother

>> No.24659920

i'm starting to dislike matto entirely because of his dicksuckers here

>> No.24659921

he does nothing but praise them wtf?

>> No.24659923

reminder that one of the primary guys that shits on shounen rates koe no katachi as a 10/10 lol

>> No.24659933

kanji is pretty fucking cool imo

>> No.24659936

then i'll double down on the matt posting AND defending because quite frankly i don't want someone whose rational faculties are so easily swayed to enjoy a great man like matt.

>> No.24659940

i hate shonen and that shitty movie but i like kimi no na wa even though i know its shit too
fuck anime really i mean it

>> No.24659941


>> No.24659946

>but i mean it's a kid series
yea they expect kids to understand all of those military terms, cigarettes, and deaths
instead of attack one piece (which is perfect) what is the superior show?

>> No.24659958

i dont know what you mean
i just want to talk to howard if he actually posts here

>> No.24659964

sorry to disappoint you then buddy

>> No.24659965

was reminded of nukechan by this setup

>> No.24659981

i remember when we were discussing this:


>> No.24659995

what's your point

>> No.24659999

don't complain later, bro
i tried warning you but you wouldn't listen

>> No.24660008


>> No.24660014

samurai champloo isn't shounen

>> No.24660015

can't read
what's happening here ?

>> No.24660032

i don't know what card type to trust any more. i'm quitting anki.

>> No.24660050

is that his wife?

she doesn't look very japanese

>> No.24660059

no its too good to be, some things manage to escape this world. the details and rise above, in fact going to rewatch it tonight, bc i cant escape that sound track baybee

>> No.24660062

its michelle rodriguez lol

>> No.24660064

anki is meant to expedite the process of thousands of hours of input

>> No.24660067

it is tho and thats okay

>> No.24660073

anki is a retainer, nothing more

>> No.24660077

it's not

>> No.24660086

technically not but it's pretty simplistic like most shounen

>> No.24660095

these shounen hating fags are usually the creepy fucks that have the worst taste.

>> No.24660104
File: 113 KB, 1000x643, Oq8g1wSVxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had fun posting with you guys, dont listen to anybody

>> No.24660107

couldn't be more shounen

>> No.24660110


>> No.24660116

samurai champloo is a great example of a show that gets it right
how > what

>> No.24660128

literally who?

>> No.24660137
File: 149 KB, 660x509, 1300124950639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is written on this tombstone

>> No.24660144

you dont remember her from james cameron's box office record shattering avatar? or the revolutionary tv show LOST

>> No.24660145

dyke actress thats been in all the fast and furious movies

>> No.24660148


>> No.24660157
File: 142 KB, 1120x630, SEVEN-SAMURAI-mifune-kurosawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how is matt so fucking based, he always knows the right thing to say. what a fucking legend. qm or jamal will never even come close to his guru status

>> No.24660169

oh shit i see it now

>> No.24660170

recall asking a shonenfag itt what he considered good about naruto and his only answer was a COOL EBIN FIGHT WITH TACTICS BRO
i can't take them seriously

>> No.24660173

how could anyone possibly read 11 volumes of this shit

>> No.24660175
File: 518 KB, 1200x1200, sandogasa_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24660178

look mummy i slurped his cock again xdddd

>> No.24660183

>james cameron's box office record shattering avatar
does anyone remember anything about that
>or the revolutionary tv show LOST
don't watch burger series

>> No.24660187

hes a cheater he meditates

>> No.24660190

watched avatar when at the cinema when it came out but that was like 10 years ago and i don't remember her

didn't watch lost

never watched any of these

>> No.24660191

that shounenfriend is based

>> No.24660199

i didn't test it but here you go https://pastebin.com/avTt74z5

>> No.24660202

i've watched 130 western tv shows

>> No.24660206

with there eyes

>> No.24660244

what is the intrigue in this image?

>> No.24660251
File: 472 KB, 933x756, 1565572963084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used this image for my anime card

>> No.24660257

wish it was culturally acceptable to wear those things here.

>> No.24660266
File: 12 KB, 978x541, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no reason to make it so complicated in my opinion
pic related is my card

>> No.24660268

was it worth it?

>> No.24660281

i love her

>> No.24660295

yeah i guess, i enjoyed it. its kinda frustrating that i spent the years when i found almost anything compelling (i could watch a something like csi ny for 8 hours straight basically only alt tabbing at the end of each episode for 5 minutes) watching western stuff but what can you do i didnt give a shit about japanese then can't take that back.

>> No.24660296

my anime cards

>> No.24660305
File: 11 KB, 500x281, 3indNohUKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your super power is suicide


>> No.24660306

nothing that's retarded

>> No.24660319

is that anime fun

>> No.24660320

ayano kaneko on repeat personally i just click with her music

>> No.24660322

why the fuck would i

>> No.24660324
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1593743368488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit it, I'v come to the point in my life where I have to learn Japanese to continue reading manga.

This sucks. I'v postponed it for years, found new authors but everything I read and enjoy is either dropped or has untranslated sequels. This sucks so hard, I'm not even good with languages

>> No.24660334

got any songs you'd recommend

>> No.24660335


>> No.24660339

white noise

>> No.24660366

peppa pig for passive immersion

>> No.24660378

Good on you.

>> No.24660383

now leave before you get crippled like the rest of us

>> No.24660387

where can i find japanese audiobooks(for free) for example konosuba

>> No.24660404

dude read the guide and get the FUCK out, staying here any longer than necessary is a massive waste of time and will probably cripple you

>> No.24660406

matts discord has links to all the audible ones

>> No.24660409


Good luck!

>> No.24660413

voice in my mind

>> No.24660416

some people are genetically not good with stuff

>> No.24660418

read the guide in the op image, have fun :)

>> No.24660419

So I've been trying to read more recently, and was wondering what 'reading immersion' actually is.

I have two ideas of what it could be, but im not sure which one is right since there isn't any info about it.

A. Reading text and just trying to understand what I can see, no looking up words and piecing sentences together.

B. Actively going through and looking up definitions for words, even when its literally every couple words in an effort to piece a sentence together.

I may be asking a stupid question here, but active reading using subtitles and watching a show feels like A, whereas trying to read a manga or book im looking up a lot of words (Which essentially feels like sentence mining, not reading immersion) feels like situation B.

Am I overthinking this? Probably overthinking but some clarity would help, thanks!

>> No.24660420

good to see people linking the quickstart guide here

>> No.24660431
File: 112 KB, 1000x822, Dq8alYX728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought about that question for a while honestly and came up with this song, but for me she has better stuff but i think you have to find them.. so godspeed do you

>> No.24660432

don't follow >>24660409

>> No.24660442

damn denpage really do have some fucked up eroscenes...

>> No.24660451

it sounds like you're seeing it as a chore. You should try to see it as something fun to do as a hobby and learn at a pace at which it stays fun.
if you're not enthusiastic about learning you might spend months working hard at it to reach the end goal, but get burnt out and drop it , wasting all the time and effort you spent learning.
This has happened to a lot of people and it's sad to see, so make sure it's really something you can see yourself committing to long term

>> No.24660452

why do male characters always act as if they like dick when a woman approaches them?

>> No.24660454

and where do i find this discord? I'd be very grateful for sauce

>> No.24660462
File: 33 KB, 382x425, 1592518753538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24660473

That's literally the point, though.

Note that RRTK is typically the 1000 most frequent Kanji, where you're only recognizing the pieces that make up various Kanji, instead of having to recall and draw them out after seeing a keyword. So RRTK is a lot easier and faster, on both the individual Kanji basis and by there being fewer Kanji to do.

I assume you aren't talking about learning vocab without Kanji -- without Kanji you can't read, and thus you're not learning vocab, so you're probably not making that argument. So I assume you're just learning vocab either alone or in sentences, and learning how those words are pronounced at the same time. (Most people do agree that learning readings without context isn't a good idea.)

The point of using RRTK first is so that you can tell apart similar looking Kanji. What looks similar is dependent on the person, but unless you learn the vocab looking very closely at each Kanji (instead of deliberate Kanji shape study -- RTK), you will eventually get confused down the line. Because, holy hell, going through RTK right now, there's a lot of similar looking Kanji. I'm learning the differences between them, so it's fine, but I could easily see someone else being far more confused.

Another reason to do RTK (not RRTK) is to learn how to actually write each Kanji and their stroke order. You aren't really going to get this via anything else. This isn't an argument for RRTK, though.

The other main reason for RRTK is that it's supposed to make vocab study faster. Say you deliberately focus your effort on Kanji first, memorizing all the different shapes and being able to recognize the differences between them. Then, when you study vocab, you won't have to worry at all about wasting time misrecognizing Kanji or forgetting them. (The efficiency gain should only be made up in the long term, though, because you've frontloaded a bunch of effort for faster speed later.) Studying vocab should just be less stressful, that way, and be a smoother experience. After all, you'll already know the writing system, like any other European language.

Ugh, there's a reddit self post in this subreddit that I've been looking for the past hour and half with more detail that you should probably read. Basically, there was a guy who experienced the issues of not using RTK or similar tools, where they were fine for a year or two, but it eventually got tougher and tougher, and when they did RTK, being able to tell the difference between different Kanji became super easy. Sorry I wasn't able to find it for you, but from my perspective, this comment was written a while ago and I just want to get it posted.

>> No.24660478

you've gotta be a patron. let me see if i can dig up the link for you

>> No.24660483

in touch with their feminin side and playing hard to get its the new clutch move

>> No.24660488

my irl name is james and im ashamed about that now

>> No.24660494

if you aren't literally retarded you'll be able to tell shit apart from context alone

>> No.24660495

The only reason I was able to study so long is because the number of conscious actions is suprisingly low.

I didn't have to balance anything.
I just had to follow the same loop over and over.

>Consume content
>Mine sentence for Anki

Are you making it too complicated?

>> No.24660544

done with this general
see you suckers never

>> No.24660582

matt btfo qm on discord on the topic of audiobooks so i wouldn't listen to audiobooks if i were you

>> No.24660623


>> No.24660627

I couldn't find it in a search, matto has cleaned up his act a bit in regards to piracy. I would try pming Nukemarine on reddit or just pay the dollar to join discord and pm him there, he seems to be into audiobooks

>> No.24660658

no it hasn't
you cunts have been pushing it

>> No.24660688


>> No.24660691

why do i still come here

>> No.24660693

that one instrumental livestream

>> No.24660707

post the stuff about the mia guy who blew out his eardrums

>> No.24660709

nothing i find that distracting

>> No.24660710

They are jealous of how effective that website is. It's truly the best method available at the moment. Read through the articles and watch the videos yourself. Matt is not a snake oil salesman. He's the real deal.

>> No.24660731
File: 4 KB, 335x105, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When doing kanji, and I remember the meaning, but not the pronunciation which one should I choose?Which one do you choose?
Should I repeat it?Or select hard?

>> No.24660745

i do the djt method and its working tho (not the op pic method btw), orginal djt style gang shit my homie

>> No.24660748

mass autism approach

>> No.24660754


>> No.24660757

crazy how dumb ppl think this is a good argument against matt's philosophy

>> No.24660759

what did he say?

>> No.24660772

Thanks, think I just dodged a bullet.

>> No.24660774

i just do passive immersion with my phone speakers. although i did use earbuds when i had to be in the same room as someone but not 24/7 (or even close) and not very loud

>> No.24660795

and it only took him 10 years to get there

>> No.24660800

don't remember the context exactly i think qm suggested people use audiobooks for raw listening practice outside of jp-subbed anime and matt said this isn't ideal practice because audiobooks use clearer speech which won't help your listening skills as much for natural spoken japanese

>> No.24660809

i'm interested in paying for the discord if i can find audiobooks there, i looked at the discord and desu i'm not interested in learning materials(i'm at a level where i can read novels just fine) but i assume if i paid to join the discord and messaged this guy he may link me to audiobooks?

>> No.24660810

i do MIA and i just paused a bit to check for a ringing in my ears and there was nothin. guess im just unstoppable bros

>> No.24660811

he was fluent in 3 years and beyond native in 6

>> No.24660822

very true. what a genius matt is.

>> No.24660825

this but unironically

>> No.24660837

Are there any sites for publishing manga that don't suck?
A lot of the time even between loveheaven, rawdevart and senmanga I can't find things.

>> No.24660843

ive got like 50 full length anime show audio stored on my phone. i dont think it helps me at all but it feels based anyway

>> No.24660847

I couldn't find the audiobooks through a search, there was only a dead mega link. Just PM him on reddit it's free

>> No.24660851

wonder what the meisou path to fluency is

>> No.24660885

gonna fuck off there once i'm good enough
one step closer to removing myself from western society

>> No.24660933 [DELETED] 

please don't tell me you think japanese imageboards are not full of politics, clearly you haven't spent very long on them then, they are just as political as 4chan

>> No.24660960 [DELETED] 

you can escape it on western ibs and whatnot, you just have to not be on the surface

>> No.24660964

happens to so many expats and western otaku

>> No.24660979 [DELETED] 

>going from being surrounded by holocaust deniers to being surrounded by nanking/korean oppression deniers

all things considered i guess it's an upgrade

>> No.24660983

yep, i assume that guy barely understands japanese, it shocks me how delusional some people who want to move to japan are about japan

>> No.24660990

has nuke always looked so sweaty and greasy?

>> No.24660995 [DELETED] 

>nanking/korean oppression deniers
thats the beginning of your worries

>> No.24661006 [DELETED] 

The politics aren't as pozzed as western politics.
Worst I've seen outside of political boards was some obviously zainichi guy making one irrelevant post about Abe in every thread.

Tell me more about the 6 gorillion, and those highly effecient gas chambers with the wooden doors and the non-explosion-proof lighting.

>> No.24661042 [DELETED] 

back to your board faggot

>> No.24661046 [DELETED] 

why do holocaust deniers anger commies so much. i think the holocaust happened and reported numbers are accurate but i don't care if people think differently. if it's about dehumanizing, both sides dehumanize each other so who cares

>> No.24661056 [DELETED] 

mate, you spend too long on /pol/ the average westerner gives 0 shits about whatever identity politics or whatnot, however, its probably best you understand more about japan, learning to language, perhaps living there, it will give youa new outlook and likely change your views on things, considering how you think now, you'll probably want to leave japan within a couple of years or less, but it will be a good experience for you regardless

>> No.24661072 [DELETED] 

I don't really know much about Japan's extreme right wing politics, but considering that I do shamefully harbor minor "Japan first" and anti-China views I would probably find it more tolerable than western extreme right wing groups.

>> No.24661082

For real? How so?

>> No.24661120 [DELETED] 

not here too ffs

>> No.24661128

It wraps you up in it's little practice exercise games and keeps you from real japanese because you think "Oh I can only read my safe manufactured Japanese in genki until I finish it." When really the sooner you break away from artificial stuff into the real language, the better.

Also, it's grammar explanations are shit. The way the authors translate between Japanese and English has too many liberties as opposed to trying to literally emulate how the Japanese is sounding, which is what Tae Kim does. Source: I took 4 semesters of college level japanese that went through the genki books

>> No.24661152 [DELETED] 

this is bad. real bad. i thought it was mostly shounen and moe that i was too smart for but i can't enjoy almost any show anymore.

>> No.24661156

TIL about 相槌

>> No.24661165

クチュ >>> くっぱ

>> No.24661174 [DELETED] 

just leave the thread and go rewatch the sopranos you cripple

>> No.24661182 [DELETED] 

always funny when some kike bootlicker brings up holocaust deniers then tells you to go back to /pol/ for responding to him on the topic

>> No.24661184 [DELETED] 

i've never seen the sopranos but maybe i should

>> No.24661187

Sounds like you just saved me a fuck ton of time, thanks bro
My plan is basically this:
-Learn Kana
-Learn that RRTK stuff while looking at like one chapter of a day of an anime I already saw but without subtitles
>After I'm done with the deck go ahead with the grammar, then maybe start trying to read native manga writing down new kanji
Uhh profit? How does this sound?

>> No.24661196 [DELETED] 

happens a lot relative to leftist representation on 4chan.

>> No.24661213 [DELETED] 

careful i got banned for 3 days for this post >>24588278

>> No.24661217 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 683x623, 1586940235195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neo-nazi calling other people bootlickers

>> No.24661218

mate, learning grammar from genki is fine, the genki textbooks were my first introduction to japanese and helped greatly

>> No.24661235 [DELETED] 

i find it interesting how people obseesed with jews, the holicaust and nigs are attracted to japanese, you're in a for a big suprise when you learn the language and actually talk to japanese people, just a pro tip, they won't agree with what you say

>> No.24661242 [DELETED] 

lol wtf japs are way more racist than the average westerner

>> No.24661246 [DELETED] 

japanese people are pretty open to racist views in my experience

>> No.24661247 [DELETED] 

dont care and this has nothing to do with my post

>> No.24661251 [DELETED] 

it's almost like people want to discuss shit without some retard bringing in braindead political shit
inb4. leftist

>> No.24661254 [DELETED] 

i'm guessing you haven't met many uni students in japan

>> No.24661255 [DELETED] 

because people want to feel like it's all over and their world is safe but holocaust deniers are people who would do nothing to stop it from happening again, shattering that illusion

>> No.24661262 [DELETED] 

its the pussy version of Oz, be a man and watch the og which is infinitely better, the wire is also gay and sopranos where for normie cock sucking faggot fucks but Oz Oz was the real thing.. let you see how nightmarish life could be and then you realize you are that nightmare

>> No.24661295 [DELETED] 

to be fair its probably not a big deal anyway, these people obsessed with american politics aren't going to get anywhere and most certainly aren't going to actually learn japanese to fluency

>> No.24661297 [DELETED] 


>> No.24661313 [DELETED] 

Nice Japanese learning thread faggots

>> No.24661320 [DELETED] 

ill eat your ass you ever say that again fag

>> No.24661330 [DELETED] 

what post, whatd you say

>> No.24661347

Well, if I were in your shoes, I would read that MIA quickstart guide three times over and then follow it faithfully. I would also probably leave this place and join the MIA discord for advice (you have to pay for this though). You're going to get a lot of conflicting opinions here, and the problem is you can't actually verify if the people giving you advice have made it using that advice or just think they are better than they are.

>> No.24661353 [DELETED] 

poltards need to find a way to mention jews

>> No.24661356 [DELETED] 

how is this video real damn

>> No.24661367 [DELETED] 

@361 you take your politics back to /pol/ and stop shitting up the thread you dumb ideologue

>> No.24661377

is howard an ideologue

>> No.24661378

DRIP TOKYO #2 カネコアヤノ
some acapella as i go to sleep but i own all 4 albums and theyre way better than this stuff but the patricians might enjoy it

>> No.24661387

Wait, so if you stop paying monthly you lose access to the discord?

>> No.24661390

That's just my experience. I think Tae Kim or Japanese the manga way are much better grammar resources

>> No.24661400


>> No.24661401

but did you lol

>> No.24661414

yes but you can also use twitter

>> No.24661419

yea you're just so above it all random guy

>> No.24661425

hey janny since you're here and deleting posts that actually should be deleted here's a reminder, dont delete post that have to do with members of the japanese learning community, dont delete posts about anime and vn that people here are consuming, and dont think for a second you know what purpose this thread serves better than we do. thanks

>> No.24661433

what do we discuss now bros

>> No.24661437

Pretty expensive ngl, might as well start paying for Spotify instead of $10 a month for a discord server
Well, hope the quickstart guide will be good enough

>> No.24661438

i'll get there soon bros
working on genki 2 atm

>> No.24661445

just finished rtk 1, where do i go from here

>> No.24661448

you can pay matto to stay in his gay little discord and ask a question to which youll forget in a day or you can ask the deej and maybe recieve a shitpost or 5 but the answer wont be just handed to you on a silver platter so youll remember the experience and therefore aquire the japanese

>> No.24661451

only took me 3 and a half hours

>> No.24661454

the 江

>> No.24661455


>> No.24661468
File: 32 KB, 500x533, 1NJBvxtWkD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24661476


>> No.24661479

It's just a suggestion if you want more interaction and tips. You can learn everything you need from the MIA site and matto's channel, all of which is free. The only people who successfully learn Japanese here are the ones that leave the thread, leaving it in a vicious spiral of proscratinative shitposting that explains the current state of affairs

>> No.24661489

you can learn everything from the guides here

>> No.24661503


>> No.24661519

Thanks bro, at least I got linked to that quickstart, guess it's time to follow the advice and leave and only come back when I can shitpost in japanese

>> No.24661538
File: 42 KB, 763x369, ZJsUpGG2jm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you guys think about using visual novels to learn japanese?
>not sure but here's my piece of shit dorama course have fun

>> No.24661551

don't come back
that's the best thing you can do for yourself

>> No.24661560


>> No.24661563

uhhhh nukey boy that is NOT what matt-sama advocat4es!!!

>> No.24661572

nuke would be even better than matt at this point if he played eroge exclusively for the 10 years he's been learning japanese by pausing a lot

>> No.24661608

i'll never learn this shit language

>> No.24661615

not with that attitude you wont

>> No.24661617

dont beat yourself down dude it's not for everyone im sure you're good at other stuff

>> No.24661626

>matt 'benjomesi' vsjapan
>""""blaze"""" chris
>quizmaster (on the path to godhood)
>jamal (confirmed kentei 1; respected far and wide)
>the tier 2 namefags

hmm tough choice...

>> No.24661643

don't forget makopi dude

>> No.24661655

yea because you call it a shit language you absolute retard.. you better love things you want to be good at i'd spray bug spray in your face and tell you to fuck off irl

>> No.24661657

we drove makopi out of here because of his sissy boy posts

>> No.24661673

life is about loss, theyll be the dirt we build our world upon

>> No.24661691

moe vs calvin

>> No.24661700

>>the tier 2 namefags
quick rundown on these guys? we should make a list of them

>> No.24661728


>> No.24661735

moe never went into details about his approach though like he watched raw anime but how often did he look stuff up and how many sentence cards did he do a day

>> No.24661740

id like to hear moes honest opinion about his japanese level after watching so much raw anime but i dont think he wants to dispel the memes

>> No.24661833
File: 833 KB, 1920x1080, 156821293870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based isekai bro

>> No.24661836

how many words do i need to know to read novels with minimal lookups?
10k? 30k? 50k? 100k?

>> No.24661839

is he neet?

>> No.24661841

depends on the novel

>> No.24661845

he's in college

>> No.24661847

lets say something like the logh novels that mary likes so much

>> No.24661852

hes 23 so maybe not anymore

>> No.24661863

You don't need words you need reading experience

>> No.24661865

he's in the zero anki crowd which makes him radically different from general djt

>> No.24661870

probably around 30k then. i read them when my vocab was probably around 20k and there were a lot of unknown words

>> No.24661873

everyone who starts mia gives up or had *10 years of japanese experience before starting

>> No.24661877

he said he was the same age as quizmaster iirc, which would be 21

>> No.24661880

see graph here >>24657812

aim for about 95% minimum

>> No.24661881

If you actually do the math here, 1 minute is equal to almost 90 hours. I'm pretty sure 90 hours of English subbed anime is actually better than 1 minute of Japanese subbed anime.

>> No.24661889


>> No.24661914
File: 109 KB, 701x912, pCxC098yLu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah this conversation took place last august so he would either be 23 or turning 23 very soon. also quizmaster must be 22 by now,

>> No.24661916

people who only watch japanese-subbed anime are total conformists who dont care about what they watch as long as they can make their flashcards

>> No.24661923

yea but people really good at japanese like quiz recommends it so i don't care if i'm being conformist

>> No.24661933

clash between two titans

>> No.24661937

>i dont care if i have to force myself to watch shitty anime instead of good anime as long as i can make muh anime cards

>> No.24661941

i won't pretend that i'm enjoying something that i can understand only 20% of

>> No.24661947

Does reading in Furigana daily help with japanese learning? I've been doing this for a week now. I don't know if this is the way to go

>> No.24661952
File: 35 KB, 557x304, pCc0IxFiBZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quizmaster spoke way too soon on this one. moe should join the server again

>> No.24661959

i don't make cards any more because i want to watch anime all day not read

>> No.24661978

feelings are subjective

>> No.24661999
File: 61 KB, 536x554, YB71QVtOMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one is tame for their standards honestly

>> No.24662000

20K?! How many vocabs do you think English speakers use daily?

>> No.24662017

it's autism. people who have nothing better in their lives to do but to hang out with other anti socialites and compare quiz numbers

>> No.24662023

you only need to know 3 words to enjoy nip -

>> No.24662024

yea moe prolly would benefit big time from finishing at least 100 eroge

>> No.24662035

its funny how whenever someone comes here and asks how to learn japanese there's always conflicting opinions about the perfect method, but the one thing that literally everyone agrees on is to leave this thread and never come back

>> No.24662036

how are we even supposed to watch seasonal anime now without kitsunekko
i dont wanna become a vnfag

>> No.24662039

i don't like this word but have you mined パイパン? ボーボー is better

>> No.24662050

by listening to the japanese, with your ears

>> No.24662054

dont know about u guys but i dont feel bad about being older than most of u (23) and learning nihongo only now since i spent my youth learning a billion other shit thats infinitely harder in comparison. i dont even want to get to native level. i just want to read shit im studying in my field at a basic ass level to git even gudder at what i do since most shit is untranslated

am i the only one here learning nihongo for practical reasons or do most here just do it just for the vns and games?

lame that this guy is the same age as me just be humble about it lol

>> No.24662059

not even jamal has read 100 eroge

>> No.24662063

everyone doesnt just use the exact same words every day. once conversation could use 300-400 words but it's about one topic and then a different topic only shares 100 of those words and adds 300 other ones. repeat for many different topics and you have a lot of words in "daily use". not to mention peoples own personal word choice

>> No.24662068

speak? maybe 2k-5k per day. hear? ~5k a day seems reasonable and can balloon upwards the better and bigger your brain and appetite for knowledge is. if you read the news daily and read blogs and stuff you're looking at 10k-20k unique words per day MINIMUM

btw just pulled all of this completely out my ass and could be completely wrong

>> No.24662072

how is learning for vns not a practical reason?

>> No.24662077

lol you're not old didnt you see the poll? 60% of the thread is over 25

>> No.24662079

lets settle this once and for all


>> No.24662094

he said english speakers but that probably does give some context even for english, maybe it's closer to 5k unique words per day even for someone reading non fiction daily, it's just that over the course of a week that could increase a ton

>> No.24662097

this is obviously not true. 95% coverage is over 6k for the vast majority of vns. it's probably closer to 15k

>> No.24662103

damn matt’s channel keeps getting more and more popular

>> No.24662110

i'm a native english speaker and there's english words that i see once every few months or so but i never actually remember what they mean exactly and i bet sentence cards would help a lot.

>> No.24662122

is that the mattard discord?

>> No.24662127

kinda cringe, why do you come to a room of otaku just to look down on them?

>> No.24662130

wareya's coverage list comes from the word frequency list generated off the vn frequency list, not off the number of unique words per script

>> No.24662131
File: 14 KB, 670x339, FTNgEyp[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add this to the jamal sucks folder

>> No.24662136

hit us with the stats bro

>> No.24662138

i just copy and pasted this thread into a unique word counter on google and got 7781 so probably around there for me

>> No.24662145

nah that's the quiztard discord, qm is too much of a pussy to come into matt's house

>> No.24662146

now that i dont have kitsunekko i find that jamal's method of english subbed anime is the true ultimate method. if you get lost u can glance at the sub and instantly understand the full context as you're deciphering the nihongo in ur head. i found one line hard and listened again after reading the eng sub and was actually hearing all the words and i didnt hear them the first time. maybe jamal was actually smarter than we thought??

>> No.24662152

am i the only one that only understands like 25% of those stats?

>> No.24662159

>learning jap instead of chink or hindi for work-related reasons

>> No.24662163

or maybe you should watch without subs retard

>> No.24662168


>> No.24662169

we've been saying this

>> No.24662172

>matt's house
why would qm go all the way to oregon just to go to barry and garry's house?

>> No.24662182

ok, tamil, sorry.

>> No.24662208

true true fair point - my value system sees doing stuff like vns a huge timesink cus of work but i agree its a valid reason.
unironically idk whats true anymore but i know most here are generally younger than 23 in my experience interacting with the general populace of this board. if ur young and learning nihongo i hope u put it to good use tho.
i think i came off with the wrong message my bad didnt mean to come off as demeaning.
it took me about 5 years to come to the logical conclusion to learn nip for what i need to do but i got good reasons to put myself through it like yourself but itd be too blogposty.
shitty place to live - my brother works in chinkland as an eng teacher so i know secondhand to avoid it like the plague
lmao what

>> No.24662218

>but i know most here are generally younger than 23 in my experience interacting with the general populace of this board
? based on your assumptions

>> No.24662224

even if that were true the problem is what words? there is a huge amount of choices and to cover a good amount of that you have to have around 20k at least in your passive vocabulary

>> No.24662229

yeah thats why i said "i know" its anecdotal my guy

>> No.24662245
File: 543 KB, 640x606, 1594103909064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24662309

what do we do from now on after we've established that learning japanese is impossible

>> No.24662367

learn esperanto it's gonna take 3 months at worst and you can fellate yourself at the thought of knowing another language (which isn't used for anything btw)

>> No.24662389

I already know 3 languages so i can already fellate myself at the thought of knowing languages

>> No.24662402

you can never fellate yourself enough my man
now off you go

>> No.24662414

barry and garry lmfaoooo

>> No.24662469


>> No.24662527

my dopamines absolutely busted

>> No.24662555

somebody's not having a good time as an english teacher

>> No.24662571

same, might meditate tomorrow. please pray for me

>> No.24662588

every day i have a dream. ive been studying japanese for fifty years. im an old man now. ive come a long way. but then my nurse asks me to draw rice field and i panic and she keeps asking me whats wrong. i look down at the shaky cup of water i hold in my hand and see nukemarines face staring back at me.

>> No.24662598


>> No.24662627


>> No.24662658

yosh, finna block 4chan for a while

>> No.24662689
File: 2.71 MB, 1713x2706, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese crossword puzzles are a great way to learn vocabulary if you're a beginner

>> No.24662718

see you in few days


>> No.24662749

i will learn japanese

>> No.24662751

Dame rurouni kensin is fucken based

>> No.24662796

felt like a gay generic shounen to me haha

>> No.24662805

The proablem is the conclusion you come to have the force of ignorance behind them.

>> No.24662811

dont care what you think eop

>> No.24662813

that's possible


>> No.24662819

did i upset you english sub watcher?

>> No.24662822


>> No.24662823

no but it's accurate to say i'm an english sub watcher but it's even more accurate to describe me as a non watcher

>> No.24662853


lmao wtf bros shes better than this whole thread

>> No.24662858

god i love independent reading time, nothing like the story going so good you figuratively dive into another planet

>> No.24662877


>> No.24662888

would kill everyone in that image

>> No.24662892

even yourself?

>> No.24662903

not one of the subhumans in the image

>> No.24662917

Wtf she just repeats the same set of phrases in each language.

>> No.24662926

jk but isnt it true quizmaster doesnt feel the same way about you anymore, im pretty sure you guys could be good friends if you both gave it a chance

>> No.24662944

wot? not one of you namefag retards

>> No.24662951

are you retarded

>> No.24662988

it would make sense if you were moe though

>> No.24662994

why do beginners think that they can tell what words are worth mining or not at their level...

>> No.24663007

you can know 10k words and still get 20 words you've never seen before in an anime episode. 10k words isn't low intermediate so either anon isn't low intermediate or he's lying about his level

>> No.24663010

they should know not to mine rare ingredients for 料理 and also frequency lists are a thing

>> No.24663014

>some namefag subhuman
go back to your discord circlejerk and stay there instead of shitting up the thread

>> No.24663022

n1 is about 10k words and thats upper beginner

>> No.24663028

what? moe is one of the more popular members of the thread according to polls here and isnt in the discord. dumb newfag

>> No.24663029

>and also frequency lists are a thing
A meaningless thing.

>> No.24663035

but that doesn't make incomprehensible input comprehensible

>> No.24663041

too low iq for frequency #s huh

>> No.24663042

stop pretending you're above this thread. you come here for a reason and it's not to discuss japanese because everyone knows that's not what this thread is for.

>> No.24663051

>redditor polls for redditors
go back to your discord circlejerk and stay there subhuman

>> No.24663054

shut da FUCK up

>> No.24663065

i'm not above the thread. you're below it discord subhuman

>> No.24663072

dumb newfag just bringing up reddit and discord for no actual reason. reddit would never have such a cool culture that they rank their members in a poll by popularity. moe mogs you in japanese too must be hard on you

>> No.24663074

i dont use discord. neither does moe. you just dont know this thread's culture or inhabitants because you're new.

>> No.24663077
File: 40 KB, 600x449, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i suck so much? why does this language refuse to reveal itself to me. I don't get it

>> No.24663087

you've probably read about half a book worth of japanese in your life what do you expect

>> No.24663091


>> No.24663092


>> No.24663095

>dumb newfag just bringing up reddit and discord for no actual reason
yes dumb newfags have been bringing up reddit and discord shit in every thread and people got tired of telling them to fuck off. who do you think keeps posting matt and nuke and discord drama? discord and redditor subhumans

>> No.24663123

i dont know about the matt and nuke drama but man i wish i did anyone got a clip or something

>> No.24663143

the discord spies are some of the top contributors to the thread

>> No.24663170

im starting to get high intuition for anime i just predicted a situation would happen

>> No.24663243

what you mean

>> No.24663272
File: 45 KB, 341x512, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think my brain wasn't made for japanese. i don't feel the intuition building up. words feel vague. the grammar won't stick in a natural way in my brain. everything feels vague, fuck.
this language has broken me inside

>> No.24663280

i was basically just reading the room very well

>> No.24663287

1000 more hours of input buddy

>> No.24663320

clearly you have inferior genes to everyone else, nothing you can ever do about it it wasn't your fault you study for only 30 minutes a week

>> No.24663356


>> No.24663367

good video

>> No.24663369

you will never be this good
how does it make you feel?

>> No.24663374

classic benny

>> No.24663448

If it's comprehensible you're not learning anything retard. That's why you rely on subs to understand everything because you're listening level is absolute shit and it's not getting better by reading.

>> No.24663460
File: 2 KB, 75x37, Screenshot (456).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he is asking me
>Burger san are you tormentor?

but why does he write tometosu in 2 different alphabet? Why not just write in katakana?

>> No.24663468
File: 24 KB, 225x299, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the work i put in for nothing.
i should have studied german or russian insted

>> No.24663470

how is your first 20 seconds of learning japanese going? keep it up and maybe one day you'll be at a full minute of learning i believe in you

>> No.24663475

MIAbros? Matt's new video says do 70% more reading than listening until you're fluent then go back and catch up. What happened to listening to 10,000 hours before reading?

>> No.24663489

different goals
most people don't care about accent so just read
if you care then listen first, but the different isn't huge so he doesn't really recommend it anymore

>> No.24663491

based uppercaser

>> No.24663499

you're retarded if you don't prioritize listening first, and will end up being one of the zombies who post here who don't hear the ng in 全員

>> No.24663549

wtf how can he just change it like that after saying the exact opposite for so long

>> No.24663569

meditation helps quell his autistic instinct to tell people they can only do things in a way he theorizes is optimal rather than a way which he knows leads to results.

>> No.24663593

makes sense, thanks for framing it that way high iq guy

>> No.24663621

matt has said one correct thing which is lots of reading and listening will make you fluent, every thing else he says is pure 100% untested conjecture.

>> No.24663637

you have to pay money to go into matt's discord what does it have to do with being a pussy
it's prob full of hopeless noobs anyway who constantly want to talk about their sentence cards or whatever so who even wants to be there

>> No.24663668

you'll want to after this *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.24663697

>If it's comprehensible you're not learning anything retard
you're the retard if you think that

>> No.24663700

*shoots out a huge stream of diarrhea directly on your foot*
*you fall over from disgust and fear*
oh you thought it's over already?
*sits on your face and shoots second load of diarrhea half murdering you*
you want to try that again kid? didn't think so

>> No.24663735

gonna order some ffood

>> No.24663746

why don't you eat this *shits in your face*

>> No.24663786

i feel betrayed by matt

>> No.24663809

バスクチーズケーキ うまそう!

>> No.24663811

anyone trying to sell you a learning method for Japanese is a liar, matto, ja-meme and quizlet
just take a uni course and get N2 and you'll be as fluent as you will ever need
tkae it from me わたしはにほんごがじょうずです。

>> No.24663881

>when your joke is so bad the thread dies

>> No.24663904

what's wrong with quizlet

>> No.24663908

oh yeah bro? write that in Japanese or you lose

>> No.24663926

dno bro i think the animecards site is better than anything anyone in the community has done

mary is waking up around now probs i hope he knows we appreciate him

>> No.24663931

quizlet is a flashcard app

>> No.24663975

i'm seriously thinking about quitting
i found a group of japanese hanging out next to our residence and introduced myself in japanese, they all looked at each other and just spoke english to me instead. should have just learned german

>> No.24663999

anybody have any calvin moments recently?

>> No.24664004

lmfao nips abroad don't want to talk to randos learning, especially when they're living in a different country
If they go to university then they don't want to talk to anybody period

>> No.24664075

but matto talked to some

>> No.24664184

i think i have no more power left to do this anymore. i've been defeated

>> No.24664202

出来ない 草

>> No.24664213



>> No.24664232

this language is bottomless

>> No.24664237

hope flooding fucks up Shizuoka enough to make my future property cheaper

>> No.24664267






>> No.24664304

what's your guys' japanese routine? reading manga and watching anime?

>> No.24664346

watch TV or grind some LN
if I see an i+1 sentence add it to the sentence bank
do the morphman meme on the sentences

>> No.24664362








>> No.24664409

kitsunekko is back baby les goooo

is there a way to rip everything at once as a rar or something?

>> No.24664436
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god...

>> No.24664447

did anyone else here not care about kitsunekko going down

>> No.24664453

wow you're so fuckin based bro congrats on existing

>> No.24664460

dude chill i just wanna know if anyone else wasn't the least bit concerned with kitsunekko going down

>> No.24664482

650 is n3, 800 by frequency gets nets you 90% of vocab, 1000 is n2

also studying kanji is dumb

>> No.24664535


those are dictionary definitions.
what do 《整》and 《調》mean within the explanations?

>> No.24664537


>> No.24664583

some people on the japanese thread on 4chan were saying that 10,000 words is upper beginner level. is that true? i thought that would be high intermediate.

>> No.24664606

the kanji variants

>> No.24664624

10k is what u need to read yotsuba

>> No.24664630

10k is when you should start watching peppa pig

>> No.24664654

at least from an english standpoint, an adult should know 20,000-35,000 words in their mother tongue and 10,000 words is what an 8 year old would know.

>> No.24664661








>> No.24664683

Shit like this really motivates me.

>> No.24664685


>> No.24664701

how are people able to make these music videos and not die from cringe

inb4 zoomer

>> No.24664713

I'm having a little trouble parsing Cure Dolly in this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=U9_T4eObNXg [Open]
Is the main take away that -wa is just an indicator while -ga, -ni, and -wo are the important markers of the sentence? Everyone in the comments is acting like it's a huge revelation which makes me think I've missed something.

>> No.24664722

how often do you look tings up when reading?

>> No.24664723


>> No.24664732

just read one chapter of german to relax... even though i only understood 30% of the words (translation of something i've already read), it felt better than trying to read japanese

>> No.24664740


>> No.24664741






>> No.24664770

I've been studying Japanese on and off for a few years; I'd say I'm somewhere between N5 and N4 level.

Recently I've decided I want to immerse myself more by switching anime/manga/VNs to Japanese, but I almost always run into trouble because my skill is just a bit too low to understand enough to be able to enjoy it (For the type of content I'm into, at least.)

I was wondering if anyone could recommend VN titles that I could play in Japanese that are around N4 level (Like day-to-day conversation in a work/school setting) while still being enjoyable?

>> No.24664819


>> No.24664829


>> No.24664830
File: 560 KB, 800x1200, 450-20171118101610332502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24664875

I see. Thanks.

>> No.24664900


>> No.24664926

Why does the 4Chan Japanese board seem to dislike Upper-Case writing so much? I posted there last week hoping to get a question of mine answered since nobody replied here and I got called a "new faggot" and other horrible slurs.
I'm starting to think that 4Chan Japanese board doesn't actually know Japanese all that well...

>> No.24664956

live stream it
do a flip
say "poggers" before you do it

>> No.24664970

I've been following namasensei's lessons these past 7 days, finished lesson 7 today. I love his videos but I just hope I'm not missing out on key things or perhaps he doesn't cover things as well. Maybe I need supplementary teaching to do with his lessons? Sorry for asking, just wondering.

>> No.24664984

How do you make good cards based on kanji which have very many nouns associated with it? Like for example 角 which means horn but also angle and corner.

>> No.24665004

what the FUCK are you talking about? i'll release my 炎

>> No.24665039

namasensei is literally perfect

>> No.24665110

the bad thing about german is that its simillar enough to english to have lots of cognates (like hammer - Hammer, feed - füttern) that can somewhat easily be guessed though context, but also lots of words that you gotta memorize which take no less effort to memorize than japanese ones

>> No.24665119

>the bad thing about german is that it has words that english doesnt have
fascinating insight

>> No.24665156

yeah but i can learn all of those words with the latin alphabet

>> No.24665181

thats not really much more of an advantage over being able to say "oh i can just spend a few months going through rtk/kklc/kanjidamage and just learn more chinaparean words, and then use sentence cards for kana-only words"
you still gotta memorize combinations of sounds as meaning something.

>> No.24665189

sorry does anyone speak japanese

>> No.24665200

japanese people do
djt is the larp thread

>> No.24665226

another anki session down
only took 2.1 hours today

>> No.24665233


>> No.24665252

it is an advantage because i'd be able to read faster and get more immersion in and i probably wouldn't be as mentally exhausted after all that input

>> No.24665273

>wastes 8 hours on djt

>> No.24665277


>> No.24665283

2 hours on anki is nothing for a neet

>> No.24665304

not really. after enough months of japanese input youll get so used to japanese writing that youll feel no more tired reading prose in japanese than you would reading prose in any language with a latin-based alphabet that you know on a less-than-near-native level

>> No.24665310

for a neet it should be 2hrs of erogaming, not 2 hrs of reviewing stupid flashcards

>> No.24665320

Why do people torture themselves with that much anki? You could use that time to actually read the language.

>> No.24665325

they dumb

>> No.24665329

anki enables you to acquire quicker, literally crippling if you dont add at least 30 words a day

>> No.24665338

anki is only good for remembering readings

>> No.24665356
File: 12 KB, 330x136, imagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can fix my review times better, jammy or quizler?
neither, I just alt-tab a lot while reviewing

>> No.24665364

are you doing rtk or some other writing-related shit like that?

>> No.24665391

whaddya mean torture? my sentence cards are all i+1

>> No.24665401

been grinding vocab for a while but I kept confusing similar looking kanji so I've been grinding 30 a day
figured the time investment would probably pay off, but I'm willing to take the hit if it doesn't

>> No.24665420
File: 138 KB, 550x285, anki_PJDNMy5a42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are basically me.
i love having leech threshold 3. it gets rid of all the "too high hanging fruit"
also i read alot of japanese dict definitions while reviewing.

>> No.24665503

I just get sidetracked or I look at the RTK entry a bunch
flipped the cards, hoping that helps

>> No.24665531

I've tried syncing from my mobile but every time it fails by timing out. Has anyone else had the same problem or is it just me?

>> No.24665595

i'm going to read manga until my eyes bleed

>> No.24665711

erogaming really is the way

>> No.24665716

wtf is larp an acronym for

>> No.24665728



>> No.24665757

live action role playing, you dunce

>> No.24665771

are you serious

>> No.24665824

how do you endup on djt when you didnt even figure out 99.999% of the answers you seek are a google away.

>> No.24665886

I did google it but I don't see what djt has to do with role playing unless gobbing off ecelebs counts

>> No.24665978

read 80k
read 3 volumes of manga
gonna read some more
staying away from here really is best, just this general specifically

>> No.24666060

use your brain, yo moran. the word is being used figuratively as in "pretend"

>> No.24666068

these are the "people" in this thread

>> No.24666153

hello this is your daily reminder that i dab all over u cocksuckas

*dabbity dab dabs on ur fuckin face*

>> No.24666199


>> No.24666213

looks like a fucking monkey in this video

>> No.24666221

shit is confusing when this happens

>> No.24666445

Is there something like mangadex but for raws?
I've been reading on kisslove but it often lags behind or doesn't have some series.

Wouldn't even mind if it's a monthly paid service, as long as it has everything.
Where do the nips get their digital manga?
Do they really pay for every chapter?

>> No.24666515

I mean it’s cheap as shit over here

>> No.24666579


>> No.24666609

damn bro how bad do you suck

btw u should quit ye

>> No.24666632

tfw u get retard anime video essays in ur recommendations just cause u listen to OPs

>> No.24666649

Don't they have a netflix for manga or something convenient like that?
Buying these weekly/monthly bundle magazines just for reading one or two chapters of manga that interests you feels like such a waste.
And volumes are always behind so you have to deal with spoilers.

>> No.24666686


found footage of anon

>> No.24666688

>finally starting to find looking at the furigana a pain in the ass

fucking fucking YES

>> No.24666929


>> No.24667935

what are some nice places with lots of stairs m8s?

>> No.24667961
File: 114 KB, 1366x768, moerawmangos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long time not browsing this thread, is there any update on this site?

>> No.24667991

even the sites name is a testimony to how much of a moefag he was

>> No.24668024

probably not

old itazura maintainer handed everything over to some other guy like a year ago who has done literally nothing since taking over

>> No.24668033

That guy you quoted in another post a few weeks ago says he is only 2 weeks into wanikani. Very much advanced.

>> No.24668045

ledditors are way more arrogant than we are its not even close

>> No.24668057

Sorry 2 months into wanikani. The same point still stands though

>> No.24668101

might make my second cup of 玉露 for today in a bit

>> No.24668160


>> No.24668192
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x2160, [Moe] Lucky☆Star - 10 [BD][1080p FLAC].mkv_[05:57.582]_[2020.07.09][15:46:19]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24668278
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x3240, [Moe] Lucky☆Star - 10 [BD][1080p FLAC].mkv_[05:53.328]_[2020.07.09][15:52:13]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, this is probably better

>> No.24668349


>> No.24668660

just kidding its trash but can i get a you

>> No.24668744
File: 83 KB, 367x482, 1547931784028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... iam slowly getting a grip with monolingual dictionaries....

this is a major breakthrough for me. so happy.

>> No.24668759
File: 2.78 MB, 3980x4019, 1594050042418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24668932
File: 43 KB, 551x826, e30ff44f7547a55ee713c7c426b45a4f-551x826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real asian is better

>> No.24668969
File: 15 KB, 352x143, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real american is madness

>> No.24669128

fuck you this dumb song is stuck in my head now

>> No.24669136

wtf i hate anime now

>> No.24669168

it is pretty catchy lmao

>> No.24669314

no one who actually reads that is going to follow through lol

>> No.24669405

what does i+1 mean?

>> No.24669423

wtf i hate irl japs now
2d is best

>> No.24669439

>posts ugly old ho
>says "real asian is better"
why do djters have absolute shit taste?

>> No.24669454

go fap to drawings or something bro

>> No.24669460

i do

>> No.24669507

lmfao this is an actual thread on reddit now they're getting copy pasted shit from djt can this retard just fuck off outta here

>> No.24669509

wtf 青髪 is あおがみ but 蒼髪 is そうはつ

>> No.24669544

You're part of the problem too.

>> No.24669550

same kinda thing for
you can feel it though

>> No.24669560
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>> No.24669574

only if you know that 白髪 has two readings that have different nuances

>> No.24669591

i don't browse reddit i just wanted to check if that was a real thread because i was the one who posted the upper beginner comment

>> No.24669815

north_papaya confirmed for still grinding core2k

>> No.24669860

how does mary feel about his crippling masturbation addiction
how does it affect his nip

>> No.24669862
File: 32 KB, 948x134, スクリーンショット 2020-07-10 2.27.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24669893

anki requires diligence
learning japanese requires diligence
therefore anyone who quits anki doesn't have what it takes to learn japanese
thx 4 reading

>> No.24669897

konosuba with kaho!


>> No.24669899


>> No.24669965

anki is for people who want to put off reading more

>> No.24670002

>not listening to atmospheric white noise and forest sounds for over 100k hours to be fluent in speaking the language of mother nature in 3 months

>> No.24670026

true she just wants attention cus she cant get dicked down anymore. the second the covid shit stops she'll disappear and be back onto hopping on cocks

>> No.24670029

wrong, she is pretty based actually

actually owns old otaku shit like the ps1 eva game unlike the zoomers in here

>> No.24670042

Based anons hacked her stream

>> No.24670073

same reason quizboy puts how many retard cards he has in his name field, and forces everyone on his discord into groups based on how much they play the quiz bot

>> No.24670084

i cant watch porn whores in any context other than getting dicked, i feel this weird mixture of disgust and sadness for their souls

>> No.24670172

what a faggot

>> No.24670206


>> No.24670211

why the fuck isn't it called バザーク

>> No.24670219

didnt knew how to spell my middle name until i was 12

>> No.24670223

If you stare at someone in Japanese do you have to say じー out loud?

>> No.24670248

whats hololive

>> No.24670249 [DELETED] 
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>> No.24670300

stfu everyone agrees learning to read in japanese is harder than a latin-based language you're a tard

>> No.24670341
File: 333 KB, 600x600, 1592959907551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuberfaggots in my thread

>> No.24670349

hope they ban your ip range this time

>> No.24670353

watching porn is as bad as make it

>> No.24670404

i bet she smells pretty stinky. tho itd be hotter once she starts sweating too

>> No.24670409

>mattfags who hate anything anime in my thread

>> No.24670412

vtuber company

probably the most successful one overall right now

>> No.24670432

lmao guys itt be like "what a demonic whore she has no soul and contributes little to society" then be deadass jerking off for 7 hours straight

>> No.24670449

luv anime
hate holoshit
simple as

>> No.24670450

naw faping is for losers and i only win

>> No.24670482

time to win by fapping for 6 hours straight

>> No.24670487

yeah thats what we do. is there something wrong with that tho?

>> No.24670501

t. 性同一性障害

>> No.24670521

you should appreciate her for providing you with pleasure through images of her getting dick'd without the uncomfortableness of having to physically deal with a real woman

>> No.24670544

haven't fapped much to 3d in the past decade or so
not that it's shit, but 2d scratches the itch better

>> No.24670570

i'm 30
mid late 2000s when i got into otaku culture through vn tls

>> No.24670571

Man I haven't had sex this whole decade yet.

>> No.24670574

i appreciate porn whores aiding me in busting but i still consider them rancid corrupt trash

note that i dont claim to be better than them

>> No.24670585

you'll acquire this fist consciously

>> No.24670588

feel like i should fuck more

>> No.24670609

ive never had sex and dont wanna ever have sex

>> No.24670628

ive had sex and i dont wanna have sex ever again

>> No.24670632

very accurate always confused me when people argued "well anime noses are small just like japs's noses" because jap noses are fat wide and ugly while anime noses are just mini white noses

>> No.24670669

>building a career
just become a neet who lives in his parents house
its not like they really need all that surplus money in their bank accounts

>> No.24670674

I'm in my late 20s, it's not getting better. You're literally in the prime of your life right at this moment. Things are only going downhill from here on.

>> No.24670709

it could last another 6-12 hours

>> No.24670713
File: 12 KB, 333x151, aliens are animays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24670714

dno bros dont really feel like posting with you anymore

>> No.24670716


>> No.24670719

Genki is okay for learning grammar and vocabulary.

>> No.24670729

thats like saying "walking from the garage to your bed is a healthy amount of exercise"

>> No.24670734

bit too chicchai bro

>> No.24670744

post some "chuuni vocab" u fags are always yammering about

>> No.24670755
File: 891 KB, 1819x2320, 1fe5FTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i will remind them

>> No.24670769

its cause the people that design the curriculum dont understand how acquisition works

>> No.24670791

dno bros

>> No.24670792

colleges only exist to take people's money in exchange for giving them rationed amounts of information and failing students who don't study enough

>> No.24670814

yeah dno either

>> No.24670817

Schools have a curriculum with things that are supposed to be taught, and textbooks are designed to cover those things. So it makes sense to use a textbook. If every teacher designed his own class (no textbook), then every class would learn at a different pace. That's not good because reasons

>> No.24670820

go to 4chan (the real one, not this fake 4channel shit)

>> No.24670825


>> No.24670826

im in the dno type of mode rn bros

>> No.24670827
File: 247 KB, 796x752, paralost2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell

>> No.24670839

yeah thats a skip from me

>> No.24670844

you need the textbook when you skip every class

>> No.24670845

they could just give em a small booklet full of factoids to memorize and to be checked on how well they were memorized in tests instead of shitty dialogues and exercises with ugly illustrations and cringy writing

>> No.24670866

only recognize like 20 of those

>> No.24670867

Any resources for unsubbed anime that isn't fucking 5gb per episode?

>> No.24670875

imma go take a shower bros ill be right back

>> No.24670902

the filler's all excuses to mark up the textbooks' prices and give mediocre designers a temporary source of income

>> No.24670919
File: 33 KB, 517x277, fuck anime cards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its always nice when you have a rare good day in anki

>> No.24670943

Most anime torrents are 5gb per episode with some autistic encoding, looking for something more lightweight

>> No.24670970

wtf you on about most of my torrents are like 300mb per episode for 1080p

>> No.24670990
File: 45 KB, 462x604, Madoka&#039;s message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them

>> No.24671052

i just download the smallest releases from ab theyre usually like 300-500mb

>> No.24671085


>> No.24671091

depends on what the audio encode is i guess, but i suspect that the video bitrate is more suitable for 720p

>> No.24671119

yeah ab

>> No.24671149

how the fuck do people read kanji text on the internet? the characters are so small I can't tell them apart

>> No.24671167

Get glasses, move closer to the screen or increase font size, or zoom in

>> No.24671168

S-so what's ab

>> No.24671174

you know

>> No.24671217

Does anyone have the yomichan dictionary with vn frequency list?
I lost it and can't find it again

>> No.24671244

just lmfao
