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24328765 No.24328765 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>24203595

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.24329432

I am currently playing the second 9-nine

>> No.24330225

nice men, series really picks up by the 3rd game.

>> No.24330648

I wonder when is Eushully announcing the release date for the fan disc of Amayui. On that note, is this the first time they ever do actual fan discs and not just appends? Kind of odd but I wonder if we could expect something special.

>> No.24331608

I am already enjoying it more than I did the first one.

>> No.24331929
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Currently playing Shoujo Ramune. looking forward for 100% CGs

>> No.24332598

Well, the sister is a so much better and entertaining heroine in all aspects. Anyway, after the bland first episode, I didn't find heart to continue with the rest.

>> No.24332691

You should at least try the second one, first was 3 out of 10 at beast, but second is a solid 7 or so.

>> No.24332734

not him but is the first one actually necessary to play in the sense that I heard they're not connected to each other

>> No.24332746

I also found the first one rather bland, but the second episode is so much better so far. I love interactions between the MC and his sister.

>> No.24332774
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But anon, Amayu is translated.

>> No.24332848

> necessary to play
> heard they're not connected to each other
Also world building happens in it and ep1 is like just 5 hours long, so just bruteforce through it, that's important.

>> No.24333038

FUCK Kiritani Hana.

>> No.24333060

How long was ep2 for you?

>> No.24333065

Hope you enjoy fat neets cumming on your lolis.

>> No.24333172

Same length as ep 1.

>> No.24336712

In fuukan no grasesta when does rosalind scenes start, I'm already at chapter 5 and got nothing only the underwear event and that was ages ago

>> No.24337028


for real dog

>> No.24337345

Mashiro Iro Symphony complete when? Has there even been any news since it was announced last year?

>> No.24338678

Be sure to read her h

7 hours, it's slughtly longer, but i also didn't skip h in it and didn't try to just finish it as soon as possible

>> No.24338928
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New game with Rubi-sama art announced http://www.pajamas.ne.jp/pjex/project/as/index.html

>> No.24339258

>not gore shit

>> No.24339317

Tits too big.

>> No.24340051

Finished kinkoi and hatsusaku, anything else worth reading from sagaplanets?

>> No.24340141

uwaki cuckspring

>> No.24340190

Niijima Yuu's earlier stuff if you care enough about him to see where he came from. Other than that no not really.

>> No.24340945
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has anyone ever played 初めての彼女 before? i finished it a couple days ago and i've been having trouble sleeping since. also seeing JAV just makes me sad now.

>> No.24341362

sorry not a cuck.

>> No.24341387

wait this was gonna be a thing, they finally bringing sana to pc? Hopefully with some sexy times as well i hope.

>> No.24341655

Why would you read an NTR vn thats genuine actual NTR and not some 2 hour nukige if it bothers you

>> No.24341773


i've played other NTR games as well and none have ever had this much of an effect on me before. usually i just snicker at MC for being stupid enough to get cucked but this time I just feel sad. there's barely any NTR in this game in retrospect

>> No.24342812

Is Niijima older stuff much worse compared to hatsusaku? I don't really care about his origins if his earlier work is a whack

>> No.24342860

>the finally bringing sana to PC
>hopefully with some sexy times
PC ver. has only 18+.

>> No.24342878

Her psp route has no 18+ so they need to make em from zero tho.

>> No.24342913

>Her psp route has no 18+
Obviously. The artist is still alive and kicking, and even working for them, so I don't see the problem. The seiyuu is still alive and active, and does eroge occasionally.

>> No.24343196

Good, can't wait.

>> No.24349225

Waffle are good with their netorare works. Both the milf series and the recent JK works do a very fine job at compelling the feelings of despair upon the readers.

Though the work before that, 親友が気づかぬ, was netori, it connects very well with the heroine.

>> No.24349414

Dude, holy shit that game. It's the only NTR game where I had to actually stop playing because it hurt me so much. I just couldn't handle the beginning of Akino's route, the way it depicted her mindset and lifestyle was just so real and depressing to me. Mad props to the writer and I really hope he makes another game like it, but damn.

>> No.24349734
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uhhhhhh, that's a pretty charged line
i expected more from this porn game with nazis in it

>> No.24349819

I don't see it. He's just pointing out that chinks like to use ある as a 語尾

>> No.24349900

you weren't supposed to point that out

>> No.24350143

Speaking of Shoujo Ramune, anyone have a reccomendation for what the jp version of unteralterbach might be?

>> No.24350395

Am I retarded for thinking Rita and Haruka Shimotsuki are the same person and for a long time not realizing they're not?

>> No.24350449

>Only bad endings

At least give a cuck an out, can't imagine sinking days worth of playtime to lose in every possible timeline. I can barely handle reading manga like カラミざかり and that only takes 10 minutes... NTRbros must be brave

>> No.24350470

all endings are good because I cum

>> No.24350847


>> No.24351026

Can anyone recommend eroge similar in atmosphere or themes to Texhnolyze? Something so bleak that even h-scenes are melancholic and sorrowfull? I heard Swan Song is kinda like that, can anyone to comment on that one?

>> No.24351125


yea the beginning of Akino route was where i first stopped playing. seeing a cute girl talk about freezing to death in her own home is a true humanitarian crisis. i eventually went back and did the full clear and fuck me it was even more painful than i ever imagined. did you go back for desperation route? that's where the real pain begins

>> No.24351222

I wouldn't describe swan song as melancholic, more just plain depressing. It's bleak, that's for sure, so if that's your thing give it a shot.

>> No.24351260

I don't think there's a single upbeat sex scene in inganock, so give that a try.

>> No.24351376

That's good to know, I'l give it a shot.

Do I need to read Celenaria before Inganock? Or is it standalone enough?

>> No.24351394

Standalone enough, it mostly deals with its own, incredibly shitty, city.
Do get the fullvoice edition though.

>> No.24351445

Thanks, I'l try it after Swan Song than.

>> No.24351511

Whoa, I don't remember seeing that translated in the EN version.

>> No.24353742

Of course you didn't. All English translations are atrocious rewrites.

>> No.24354597

I haven't gone back to the game yet, I don't think I'm mentally prepared for it yet. I definitely want to play through the whole thing someday though. It's nice (?) to hear that it gets even more depressing.

>> No.24354612

Honestly makes me sad just thinking of Akino and I didn't even finish the game. She just wanted to be a teacher ; ;

>> No.24354709

Neither Swan Song or Inganock is what you're looking for. There isn't really anything similar in Japanese media but there could in western stuff. Don't ask me though

>> No.24356676

To the guy asking last thread, madou koukaku is their best game in my opinion.
Tenmei is pretty bad, but if you're just in it to get to your favorite girl's scenes and have a good time with them it's worth fucking around with

>> No.24357048

Yes, their voices are completely different. They even sang in a same VN OP and ED together.

>> No.24357511

>Something so bleak that even h-scenes are melancholic and sorrowfull
Makes me think you should read old denpa stuff

>> No.24359701

Thats a pretty nice song.
I love eroge music. Be it vocal or instrumental.

>> No.24359733


>> No.24359812

Its just I don't have many experience with non-18+ games like that one because I don't play them.
After 100%ing every 18+ game then maybe I might start reading those as well.

>> No.24359898 [DELETED] 
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The moment we glorify otakus is the moment society crumbles

>> No.24361027

Are green and blue completely dead? Haven't seen them write anything since march.

>> No.24361069

the upcoming and delays are still getting updated often, there just hasn't been any of the monthly roundups since march

>> No.24365114

Green doesn't even read eroge and shits on everything as if he already read it, why would you miss his impressions? Or are you just sad to see the him go because he was doing these since forever?

>> No.24371275
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Can you think of any eroge with this type of pose? The kind where you can see the sole of the girl's feet?

>> No.24371360

Change! has a bunch, and I haven't played them yet but it's probably the same for other May-Be Soft games since the artist is a footfag.
This is my favorite one:
And it's animated in the actual game.

>> No.24371571

Can somebody spoil this one for me? I'm pretty intrigued but I don't think I actually want to read it.

>> No.24371587

What is his problem? How did he even end up doing these monthly commentaries?

>> No.24371637


i'm working on converting the notes i took during the game into a coherent summary. i'll post it here when i'm done. it'll probably be long as fuck though so be warned

>> No.24371648

Good taste. The lower body does not get enough attention in eroge.

>> No.24371650

Can you put it in spoilers bro? I still plan on finishing the game

>> No.24372687
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Looking for an easy vn (Language wise) to start with, i found out eroge are written with basic japanese but most plots are super dumb

>> No.24372713

Find something with a plot that appeals to you then.

>> No.24372715

I suggest one of these:

>> No.24372716

相州戦神館學園 八命陣
天ツ風 ~傀儡陣風帖~

Try these.

>> No.24372777

Thanks, /djt/ guys told me to fuck off

>> No.24372821

Personally, I'd go with 村神海物留人

>> No.24373122

whats the best side to get old ass visual novels? 90s stuff mostly

>> No.24374761 [DELETED] 



>> No.24375498


Yuzusoft gonna get sub-brand or what?

>> No.24375546


>> No.24375822

Are any of the games be Hooksoft worth playing?

>> No.24375832


Strawberry nauts so you can experience one of Ayukawa Hinata's last performances

>> No.24375840

no built-in hooker, so no

>> No.24375881
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dochi no I ga suki desu ka? Is pretty good.

>> No.24378134

>Or are you just sad to see the him go because he was doing these since forever?
Yes, actually.

>> No.24379262

Is Soranika Ele worth reading? How are light's non-Masada chuunige in general?

>> No.24379452


>> No.24379602

The Silverio series is really good

>> No.24381462

9moe if you don't mind baidu links and AB if you can get into private trackers. Other than that just use A-S but it's missing many titles AB has.

>> No.24381499

People get jaded and disilusioned with things over time, especially with Japanese stuff. The guy just sounds like he doesn't know how to move on.

Do you also miss Moogy?

>> No.24381548

>Do you also miss Moogy?
I can relate to being jaded and disillusioned, but not to trannying out, so no.

>> No.24381598

I miss sacred...

>> No.24381653

>Do you also miss Moogy?

>trannying out
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.24382234

If I read Sea Bed, will I moogyfy?

>> No.24382277

>Yuzusoft gonna get sub-brand or what?
i'm predicting a yuri or otome sub brand

>> No.24382396

I doubt they can do otome.
So yurishit/trap games it is, time to bury ensemble.

>> No.24382620

b-but yuzusoft is garbo

>> No.24382732

only if you're a contrarian who hates fun

>> No.24382753

It's a good game.

>> No.24382805

Yusuzosft games aren't fun, as they have no comedy or anything fun in them.
They are super bland garbage.

>> No.24383076

He just recently tweeted about atri being very good, which makes me actually want to read it now.

>> No.24383654

If someday you read a Yuzusoft game, you'll learn that's fake news. They are fun, with interesting plot, kind of fast-paced for moege standards.

>> No.24383873

Interesting. I only read Dracu-Riot! so far and mostly enjoyed it, but found it too long and the story wasn't all that good in my opinion.

(unrelated anon)

>> No.24383919

Do you miss pre-tranny Moogy?

>> No.24384446

I have never been entertained by a yuzusoft game, which is I presume the intention of the moege genre. Now Majikoi, that was a fun and fast-paced moege.

>> No.24385109

Can you really call majikoi a moege when the girls are so ugly

>> No.24385129

Post your address so I can go to your house and smack you

>> No.24385184

1600 Pennsylvania

>> No.24385197

im on my way cunt you better watch out

>> No.24385299


>> No.24385390
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>My opinions on 初めての彼女

Over the past 6 months, I’ve dropped and restarted reading 4 times. This game will obliterate your sex-drive and send you down a pit of despair that will take you some time to get out from. I had a really bad case of insomnia and depression the first 2 days after reading. It’s a bit better now though but I still just randomly get sad throughout the day.

The game is split into 3 routes with an enforced playing order. Noriaki, Akino, and Desperation.
Noriaki and Akino routes tell the same story from 2 different perspectives. If you do find yourself reading HnK, I recommend that you resist the urge to ctrl through the Akino route due to feeling like you’ve already seen everything. There are crucial monologues that only exist in the Akino route which sets the stage for the Desperation route. The summary below assumes that you’ve read the synopsis. It'll provide a decent overview of the main points but I've left a lot of shit out because I just feel some stuff is better experienced yourself.

>Noriaki route

Told from Noriaki’s (MC’s) perspective, following his nomination of Akino at the soapland, the two keep in contact afterwards and quickly become lovers. After losing their virginities to each other the next day, Akino explains that she is working at the soapland in order to pay-off her family’s debts in her mother’s place due to collapsing from overwork . After taking on part-time jobs for the past year and not making any progress on her family’s debts, Akino determined that for someone with no marketable skills, becoming a soaplady was the only option. Having effectively turned into a full-time worker, Akino also begrudgingly dropped out of college where she was pursuing her dream to become a teacher.

Eager to help ease his girlfriend’s load, Noriaki offers to help Akino pay off her debts. Grateful but uneasy, Akino refuses Noriaki’s support because of not wanting him involve him in her family circumstances a central theme in the Akino route. Instead, Noriaki suggests that he indirectly helps her by continuing to visit and nominate Akino at the soapland. Akino gets paid and the two get to act as lovers in a romantic environment. Win-win.

Throughout the route, you get a small handful of glimpses and foreshadowing that Akino is having sex with Takahashi (Noriaki’s manager at work) in the way of the change in Akino’s mannerisms, her clothing choices, and no longer using gifts that Noriaki gave her. The climax of the route is when Noriaki walks in on Takahashi and Akino having sex on Akino’s birthday. The event comes with all the bells and whistles of your typical NTR reveal scene. MC guilt-fapping and cumming to the sight of their lover having sex with someone else, a mental comparison of MC and the bull’s dick sizes, etc.

This route is low in terms of actual NTR content and is more focused on making the reader experience a reunion with a long lost first love. Its true goal is to set you up for Akino route.

>> No.24385417 [SPOILER] 
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>Akino route

This route is a retelling of the Noriaki route from Akino’s perspective. From the moment you begin this route, you are presented with Akino’s monologue on the hopelessness of her situation. Saddled with debt, her dreams of university and a proper job as a teacher are robbed from her, and in an endless struggle where her earnings cannot even pay off the debt interest despite working herself into exhaustion. During Akino’s weekly visits to the hospital, Akino’s mother (whom is oblivious to the Akino being a soaplady) encourages her to continue working hard on account of her dogmatic belief that hardwork is only hard in the present, only take on upstanding work, and brighter days are guaranteed ahead for good girls. Saddled by the pressures of society and her mother. Robbed of her dreams, the world around her loses all color. Her will to live is drained to the point where she considers suicide the only release.

As described in the Noriaki route, the two become lovers and go on the occasional date. While becoming a couple was is a life achievement for Noriaki, for Akino, their relationship is a candle of hope in her otherwise bleak life. Throughout the route, Akino will constantly question herself on what role it is exactly that Noriaki plays in her life. Whether she actually loves him or is just using him for emotional support. As this route is from Akino’s perspective, instead of glimpses and foreshadowing of NTR, this route explicitly shows what happened.

After visiting Akino for the first time at the soapland, feeling that Takahashi is someone he can trust, Noriaki reports his soapland experience with Akino to him the next day. Takahashi takes an interest in Akino himself and subsequently visits her himself. Though Akino is initially reluctant to service Takahashi due to his relationship with Noriaki, Takahashi acts like a perfect gentleman at the soapland. Gradually, Takashi increases the extremity of his requests of Akino from standard blow-jobs, body-washes, and non-penetrative play to eventually nominating her for delivery-health services. With Akino’s guard gradually lowered, Takahashi eventually requests protected sex with Akino. While reluctant, due to the generous tip Takahashi offers, it is hard to refuse the offer given her financial circumstances. While Akino is still reluctant, preying on her confusion in the moment, Takahashi suggests that protected sex is just a standard optional service (a service outside of the standard non-penetrative suite) from other soapladies. Akino eventually reluctantly accepts. From this point, his requests of Akino escalate further and further. After every encounter with Takahashi, Akino’s mental state gradually deteriorates. Confused why she’s even shouldering her mother’s debts, what exactly is love, and why God dealt her such a shit hand in life. Due to Takahashi’s ever-increasing demands, Akino has less and less time for Noriaki and their contact eventually grinds to a halt outside of his occasional visits at the soapland due to his low disposable income that comes from being a waiter at Takahashi’s cafe. Every morning Akino returns to her cold, lonely, apartment; she finds herself battling with the grief/regret of another day’s work as a soaplady while yet yearning for Noriaki. Questioning herself on whether she was still pure enough for him and whether he would accept her despite her deeds. Caught up in this mental battle with herself, she cries herself to sleep on multiple occasions. As time goes on, Takahashi’s gentlemanly actions and skill during and after-sex begins to fill the void left by Noriaki. Continuing not just to offer substantial monetary support in the form of tips, Takahashi also lends an ear to Akino’s circumstances like a lover would. By the time of the final reveal on Akino’s birthday in Decemeber, Takahashi has robbed the position of Akino’s boyfriend away from Noriaki with Akino barely even remembering who Noriaki is other than being a customer who used to frequently nominate her back when she was starting off.

The central theme of this route is Akino’s gradual realization (or mindbroken fever dream?) that her glimmer of hope didn’t have to be Noriaki, it could have been anyone. In this case Takahashi. Oddly enough, I didn’t even mind this towards the end of the route which I believe is a reflection of the scenario writer’s skill – an NTR game, that despite the huge amount of NTR scenes in this route, that feels more nakige than an NTR game. I didn’t even care that Noriaki was being cucked, I was just cheering for Akino’s conditions to improve.

>> No.24385431 [SPOILER] 
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>Desperation route

This route is an alternate scenario from the Noriaki and Akino routes where the two of them begin a cohabitation life in Noriaki’s apartment and become genuine lovers. Chronologically, the route starts after the first time Takahashi has protected sex with Akino, a secret that Akino vows to take to the grave with her. As Akino and Noriaki’s life together plays out, Akino is genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. Finally, despite her soapland position, Akino finds solace in being able to return to a place where someone is waiting for her. Contrasted with Akino returning to her cold, lonely apartment in the previous two routes, returning to Noriaki causes her to develop real feelings for him beyond using him just as replaceable emotional support. This route also introduces two sub-characters as university friends of Noriaki: Satoshi and Miyashita (both characters also appear in the other routes in minor capacities). Though Akino is initially reluctant to interact with them due her fear of being discovered as a soaplady, Miyashita’s moodmaker attitude binds the group of new friends in a strong bond. Having finally found a group of genuine friends, Akino’s outlook on life begins to improve.

One day, Miyashita suggests to the group go on a hotspring trip together. While initially happy to hear the news, Akino worries about being seen in public with her new friends due to the risk of being recognized by her patrons at the soapland and exposing herself. With the hotspring trip date tentatively scheduled in 2 months, Akino tries desperately to find a way out of her current soaplady arrangement. Knowing that her new found group of friends cannot wait for her forever to return to school “a normal girl”, Akino seeks out Takahashi (who appears to be really knowledgeable about all things in the Japanese redlight industry) for advice on how she can make a lot of money. Takahashi introduces Akino to a rich middle-aged man (whom we only know as President) to enter into a mistress (prostitution) contract with. In exchange for enough money to wipe out her debts, Akino hesitantly agrees to the contract terms of meeting with President anytime he summons her for one month. It is within this 1 month that the deterioration of Akino’s mental state occurs on multiple fronts:

Though Noriaki was willing to accept her position as a soaplady, Akino must now carry the guilt and mental anguish of hard prostitution a secret to even Noriaki. Where her life before as a soaplady was just bearable because she had found someone who was willing to share the burden together with her, now she must carry an even heavier burden by herself. Thereby, effectively, returning her to before Noriaki re-entered her life
Akino’s comes to the realization that her life, not only her present circumstances, but has always been shit due solely to her mother’s teachings of hardwork and self-reliance. But as her mother’s anger boils over once she eventually learns of Akino’s job as a soaplady, Akino realizes that her mother’s true goal of teaching those values was never to instill Akino with a strong set of values, but to protect her mother from losing face from any unsavory acts (relying on others, etc) that Akino may one day do. Disgusted with her mother’s true intentions, Akino questions if there even is any value in keeping those values as she’s already dirtied (what Akino considers)
Acknowledging her desperate circumstances for becoming a mistress, Akino tries to convince herself that she is different from other prostitutes – that she is not doing it because she enjoys the sex or wants spending cash, but that her family’s financial situation and her lack of marketable skills forces her into such a position. As she is forced into pleasure by hours of sexual pleasure per day, Akino’s grip on what differentiates her from other prostitutes blurs, and considering the two points above, whether it’s even worth drawing the line anymore given that she’s already lost everything

Despite all of the physical and mental anguish that Akino experiences during this route, even as her world is turned upside down by her choices. She holds onto her the memories of her relationship with Noriaki and her new circle of friends for dear life. However, even after the 1 month mistress contract is concluded, Akino cannot bring herself to show herself in front of Noriaki or her friends, much less interact with them due to her perception that the 1 month of prostitution has left her permanently soiled beyond saving

>> No.24385461

I swear NTR heroines must have an average IQ of 60 for these plots to work.

>> No.24385466

Well they're women

>> No.24385477
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>Desperation route cont

Believing in this, and turning her back on everyone she valued, Akino concludes in a fever dream that the punishment suitable to her sins is amongst the same prostitutes that she cursed before. Guilty, confused, rebelling against her mother’s values which fucked her life so badly, Akino recklessly abandons all ties to her past life and thrusts herself fully into the world of prostitution and eventually the Japanese pornography industry. Though, no matter the pain of sexual violence, guilt of not being to think for herself, and regret her cowardice of not being able trust in the kindness of her lovers/friends to accept her she is forced to experience on her new path; Akino soldiers on by holding fast to her only mental support; the brief but warm, memories that she shared together with Noriaki during their cohabitation life. Though she cannot allow herself to ever see him again, her warped mind is only kept roughly bandaged together by those memories. Desperately worried for his girlfriend, Noriaki wanders the streets of the redlight district in search for Akino for months, determined to accept everything that Akino may have become. He eventually finds himself at a standstill when Akino reveals that she was impregnated by an unknown father. Though this is technically where Noriaki’s pursuit of Akino stops, he seems to even accept this but comes to realization that that all of Akino’s self-harm was her warped way of communicating to him that she is pushing him away. Though despite all of this, even as you step into the mind of the broken Akino, her only shred of sanity left is her deepest, sincerest wishes that Noriaki finds happiness without her and overwrites her in his mind with happier memories.

This route truly showcases why I believe HnK is actually a nakige masquerading as an NTR game. If you’ve made it this far into the game, you are unlikely to even be phased by any of the NTR in this route. Despite this route having the most erotic H-scenes of the 3 routes, I found it difficult to actually get hard during this route. This route is the most difficult text I have ever had to read in any medium ever. It is the perfect storm of hopelessness in both its content and performance. Akino runs the full gamut of topics likely to impact a real modern soaplady: self-deprecation, depression, suicide, and the cognitive dissonance of simultaneously wanting to protect and push away those she loves. Manome Ruka is usually typecast as caring onee-san types, but in HnK, her voice goes the full spectrum. From meek new-blood in the soapland industry to seasoned cock devouring, cum guzzling JAVfu. Her performance shook me to my core in how believably naïve, desperate, and hopeless her voice felt in different stages of the game.

From beginning to end, this route is delivered like a tragic stage-play detailing the life of an unfortunate, unprepared girl barely out of highschool left to fend for herself in a stoic, cold, and uncaring society. Akino knows very well what she’s getting into; she’s not being drugged, she’s not being coerced, and she’s even given plenty of opportunities to escape. But due to the extreme pressures, she ultimately finds herself a slave to her circumstances. None of the bulls Akino fucks stood out to me as antagonists either – they all play by the rules of Akino’s prostitute profession. If there’s anyone you could remotely convince yourself is antagonistic, and this really goes to show the skill of the scenario writer, is Akino herself. She is her own anti-hero. She digs her own grave, conceals it under a grass tarp, and leads herself into it. But yet, despite her naivety, your heart will ache for her. Even in her cock crazed mind-broken state, the awareness of the immorality of what she has become still burns in her heart – and despite her heart’s best attempts to return to a normal life, her mind cannot reconcile, nor can she imagine any other place in the world that would even accept her. It is this cognitive dissonance that elevates HnK from NTR sex-romp to tragic poetry.

初めての彼女is one of the best games I have ever read, and while I never want to forget it, but I never want to read it again.

fuck that was long

>> No.24385478

That's still a 15-20 point drop.

>> No.24385487

Women becoming essentially sex slaves because of debt that in an honest world they wouldn't be paying off in the first place is kind of one of the biggest industries in the world. There are more sex slaves alive today then there have been total slaves alive in at any other point in time and most of that is either through child trafficking or debt trafficking.

>> No.24385504

Most of those women come from third world shitholes though, in a place like Japan they have options even if being a whore might pay it back quicker, they can take any shitty low wage job that doesn't involve taking dick for money.

>> No.24385515

These women aren't sex slaves, most of the time they are literal retards being blackmailed through stupid bullshit or just making the most retarded choices possible.
Hell, look at the girl from here>>24385390
>I have issues so I can't have the guy I like help me and get me out of a fucking soapland and find another, worse job!
>no, I can't repay him later either, I must be a self reliant woman who basically fucks guys for a living!

>> No.24385526

The game presents a situation where there is so much debt that a minimum wage job can't pay it off. Of course I'm not Japanese so for all I know there are welfare programs and shit to let you escape that in Japan.

>> No.24385532

people want to hide how shitty they are in front of the people they like

it's a whole thing

>> No.24385553

There are welfare programs.
There are standard loans.
Her mother collapsed during her job so she's pretty much on sick leave/incapacitated, that nets you money too.
It's just idiotic.

>> No.24385560

What happens to men in Akino's position of debt? Do they become gay hookers or just kill themselves.

>> No.24385565


There's some truth to >>24385487. I've been to my fair share of gentlemen's clubs, soaplands, privhuis, kamers and one of the most common stories you hear is that the girls are doing it to pay something back. Whether its personal, educational, or family debts. It's a lot more common than you think. Girls typically don't love sex enough to sign-up for prostitution.

>> No.24385571

So she's hiding how shitty she is by working as a not-whore and having him come as a client.
Makes super sense.

>> No.24385578

not him but is this actually good?

>> No.24385582

I don't disagree that it's a dumb way of thinking, but I think you will find the majority of people think that way and not just two standard deviations below average people. Fuck, just try dating any woman between like 18 and 30 and it's nothing but 'I have issues but I won't let anyone help me with them, thereby making the situation far worse than it was'
Majority of male debtors become labour slaves. I remember reading a few years ago that the JAV industry had a crisis because of a critical shortage of male actors, with something stupid like over 100 times more female actors than males.

>> No.24385583

They don't really have to pay it back that way though, it's just generally easier. More money for less actual work, even if it's pretty soul sucking. I'm not saying they're in it for the sex but they clearly don't care enough to pursue other options

>> No.24385597

>is that the girls are doing it to pay something back
Anon, you're buying fake sob stories they use for money. They are in it for the easy money.
It's like all those immigrant girls who are totally sending their money back home, totally.

>> No.24385600

Why can't women become labor slaves?

>> No.24385608

They're weak.

>> No.24385613

Because females and actual, honest, soul crushing job does not compute.
As all those equality (only for comfy jobs, not miners and shit) movements show.

>> No.24385620

-4 STR

>> No.24385631

That's true for the strippers sure, but in actual prostitutes a decent enough number of them have shit like debts. Not all of them and depending on where you are not even most of them, but always far more than just the strippers
t. worked in a business that works with those businesses

>> No.24385635

Prostitution seems pretty soul crushing, they just don't want to do physical labor.

Women are weaker but not that weaker. Not all labor is lifting obscenely heavy objects. They're weaker than men but not made of twigs, their bodies adapt like anyone else if forced into constant work.

>> No.24385650

Thanks for taking the time to explain the story, I was interested in how it develops from people talking about it but as with most untranslated games there wasn't really much out there in terms of plot synopsis's.

As expected, I doubt I'd ever stomach a game like this, thanks for helping confirm that fact.

>> No.24385658

I said honest, females, when faced with hardship, will eventually come to the selling your body idea, while a guy will find the shittiest job possible that pays enough.

>> No.24385662

>Women are weaker but not that weaker
Male athletes who couldn't get top 100 in mens sports break world records in womens sports after "transitioning". Testosterone is a banned hormone in womens sports. The kind of labour jobs that use debt slaves are the kind where even for men they die or break within 5 years, women would be completely worthless.

>> No.24385673

What's dishonest about prostitution? She exchanges her body for cash. Seems pretty clear

>> No.24385685

Society views it as dishonest. Whether it actually is, is irrelevant to the views of society, especially for women.

>> No.24385688

>exchanges your body for a quick buck
It's generally considered dishonest, and has a huge stigma attached to it everywhere.
For a reason.

>> No.24385689

I just meant they're not dainty princesses incapable of work. They will probably break or die in half the time of an average man and their limits will be lower but they can do it fine. Understandable they wouldn't generally be hired for these jobs even if they wanted since men are objectively gonna give you more bang for your buck as workers, but this was just about capability.

>> No.24385696

How is hard labor not also exchanging your body for money though. It's just used for moving shit around instead of

>> No.24385728

I mean if you just want to argue that a women could feasibly do the job, just worse, then you would be correct, but it's a meaningless point to make because there's so much cheap male labour available that these worksites will never, ever run out of men and be forced to hire women.

>> No.24385752

soapland/prostitution work is actually very physically taxing. Most guys are the types to just lie there on the bed like a dead fish and expect the girl to do all the work. When you're jerking people off, blowing dicks, and riding up and down on people for hours a day, it gets exhausting.

>> No.24385753

There's a lot of academic commentary on that kind of question but to dumb it down to its very constituent parts
>work = money isnt seen as lowering the value of the individual like sex = money is
>work = money has a 0% chance of pregnancy while sex = money does not

>> No.24385756

If you were a woman in deep family debt, would you become a whore, anons?

>> No.24385764

If I was a woman I would whore myself out even if I didn't have any debt.
whore myself out to other cute girls

>> No.24385769

What does chance of pregnancy have to do with whether it's work or not? I'd say labor jobs lower the individual's value too, not nearly to the degree as prostitution though.

>> No.24385777

The only woman who pay for female whores are gross middle age lesbians but good luck with that one.

>> No.24385787

I'd be glad to read some of that stuff, so go ahead and post your bibliography, boy.

>> No.24385797

Because pregnancy means you excessively take up resources on top of being unable to work. It's fine if its pregnancy being taken care of by someone whose working like in a marriage but if its in a single female doing sex work its a gigantic mess.
>I'd say labor jobs lower the individual's value too
Again, what matters is how society views it. Lots of people have their own views but the large overarching one that people tend to be judged by is sex work lowers your value.

>> No.24385804

If it's gay prostitution there's still a 0% chance of pregnancy

>> No.24385821

But what if my boifriend boicums in my boipiussy without wearing his boicondom and I get boipreggers?

>> No.24385834

I just meant it's not black and white that one lowers value but the other doesn't. I agreed sex work lowers value far more than labor in society's eyes, but that doesn't mean labor workers aren't seen as generally being of less value.

>> No.24385861

I don't disagree, and society certainly views labour workers are lower down than like office jobs or civil work or whatever, but the point is labour>sex work to society, so labour>sex work to the average person.

>> No.24385869

Just go on google scholar and look up morality and prostitution or something. There's literally thousands of articles.

>> No.24385918


np. i think writing about it was therapeutic for me.

>> No.24385939

Blackmailing you about whoring yourself of sending some thugs to your home isn't any joke that you can overcome in a day. I'll require some preparation to free yourself from that, and while fucking clients, high from coke provided by the pimp, in a whorehouse, you might not find the free time or willpower to do so.

>> No.24385942
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>> No.24385951

my japanese comics said that the primary clientele was twenty-something menheras

why would they lie to me like this

>> No.24386002

HnK can't download fast enough nghhhh

>> No.24386010

That's certainly a super Japanese way of thinking.

The Japanese prisoners of war during WW2 were so destroyed by the idea that they had become traitors, instead of fighting to death to the last drop of blood like the emperor ordered. Since they considered themselves unworthy traitors, there was nothing left to protect, and they started to talk like parrots during the interrogations 草

>> No.24386019

>willingly depressing yourself
Unless you are going to read it like a CHAD like myself does, where you download a full save and just read the h-scenes

>> No.24386038

Just waste an hour or so of your life speeding through the text

>> No.24386043

My backlog is far too big to waste an entire hour

>> No.24386066

I've yet to see a well-developed NTR plot

>> No.24386073

What would make one good?

>> No.24386085


it's funny you mention that, i had a similar thought. i left it out of the summary because it's quite nuanced but Akino forms a friendship with an old lady who she eventually opens up to about her profession. instead of being disgusted with her, obaa-chan draws parallels between Akino's modern day soaping to the Japanese women who whored themselves out to American soldiers out of a need to survive. while at first, Akino begins to pull back from her guilt a bit after hearing obaa-chan's opinion, she's pushed over the edge by another event almost immediately after that causes her to go into full parrot mode.

>> No.24386088

I'm actually curious about whether or not Waffle will release another NTR games like HnK. Or are any of there past NTR games of similar quality?

>> No.24386090

Speaking of NTR, anyone know when the next 人生通行止め game is coming out? The new anim was supposed to be in 2 fucking days but it got pushed back to next month too

>> No.24386102

not good but just not written for a nukige.
I have expectations that this will top WA2

>> No.24386103

I wouldn't expect it any time soon. Egao no Riyuu only came out like a couple months ago and that was stuck for a long time in dev hell

>> No.24386106

Based Waffle. Will have to read this one.

>> No.24386112

I saw a lot of porn ads of this when i was in japan, is it any good?

>> No.24386124

That's unfortunate. I like the style of NTR where the girl is just a huge retard and the boyfriend has no personality so you don't feel any sympathy for either of them and 人生通行止め is great at that.

>> No.24386140

How about koikake? Weren't people calling it music ntr? And it's not a nukige.

>> No.24386202

oh sure I can give that a shot

>> No.24386206

She doesn't fuck the music, on screen at least

>> No.24387508

What's Akatuski no Goei like? Worth reading?

>> No.24388252

>None of the bulls Akino fucks stood out to me as antagonists either
From what you described though Takahashi seems a bit antagonistic/villainy, at least from the MC's perspective.

>> No.24388414

So either she gets a relatively happy end but never loved the MC and cucks him in front of her, or she falls in love with him for real but ends up as a hardcore miserable prostitute.

>> No.24388446
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at least keep your room tidy god damn

>> No.24388571
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matter of perspective i think. there's a bit i left out at the end of Noriaki route where he confronts Takahashi and is like "wtf dude why did u fuck my gf?" Takahashi then points out that Noriaki should see it from his side. if the roles were reversed, and Takahashi started boasting about how awesome his hatsukoi soaplady was to Noriaki, Noriaki would probably also go check her out as well. she's a soaplady, she's fair game i feel. it's not like they had some kind of brocode going on.


yea, i feel more at ease in the latter. at least then, at least Akino got to experience love before going down her self-destructive path

>> No.24388718
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>> No.24388764

If that was the sounding Chinese line, they rewrote it to Kasumi saying something like "I wanna give her all these presents" and Ren replying with "what are you, Santa Claus?". It makes sense to alter it in translation, unless you want her to "talk rike dis" for an English audience.

>> No.24388948

>it's not like they had some kind of brocode going on.
That makes sense then, but you did mention he was someone that he felt he could trust. Well, not going to nitpick any further because I can't know their relationship without reading it but ultimately it does feel like that is just conveniently there to set up the "NTR", as in the MC's choices being kind of questionable (I know I wouldn't tell anyone no matter how much I trust them).
But maybe that's just me. Or maybe I just got lost reading your essay, but none the less it was kind of interesting to read.

>> No.24389019


i imagine that it's like being a kid and your cool cousin comes to hang out and you divulge where you hide your fapsock because you know, he's cool. either that, or MC is just straight retarded. like why in the fuck would you ever tell someone that your soaplady gf gives awesome blowjobs?

>> No.24389291

He just had his first sexual experience and wanted to brag like how he never got to do as a teenager I'd guess

>> No.24390524

In a sense, that is more faithful to the original text than Santa Claus. but then again, no one gives a shit about translations: not the people here, not the translators and not even the people who read them

>> No.24390905

Found the common route okay, but the endings garbage. You end up hoping they use the world it builds in some meaningful way but it never does. Finishing it and looking back I'd say if I never read it I wouldn't miss anything. See if you like the characters then drop it if not.

>> No.24391078

I didn't know we had this many cucks in this general.

>> No.24391200
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Bro, i read 5 yuzusoft games and it's worse with each game i finished, cafe stella is a fucking disaster and even good girls can't save it for me. Never gonna read another one unless they change their main writer, cause Nozomi and Mei (Seo Jun and Fumi) isn't as bad as Kanna and Natsume route(yuzu default dude). A lot of fucking repeated plot points from SW and some cgs just sucks. Interactions between p-kun and heroine in yuzuman routes sucks and feels forced.

>> No.24391231

If their games are so bad why are they still the most popular moege company? I think the problem isn't their games, but you.

>> No.24391274
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Actually yes, decent plot on par with some plotges, but a lot of H as well. All guro content in ~4 h scenes in bad ends, so you can skip it if you want although one of them is just fucking hilarious so it's better not to skip bad ends. Rest of h is pretty much vanilla. Also one of the best 幼馴染 characters.

>> No.24391294

Because of a good art and moebuta basically having no standards nor caring about content as long as they can fug their cut3 g1rlz.

>> No.24391337

Cute girls and good art is content.

>> No.24391515

If that's moebuta quality standards - sure.
But what about romance quality itself, characters(including mc) and everything else?

>> No.24391534

Very nice to see people appreciating Akkinochuwan's game.

>> No.24391546

Do you really think popularity equates to quality? Why would you even bother with visual novels if you thought that? It's not a popular medium.

>> No.24391549

They must be doing something right since they are as big as they are.

>> No.24391564

Pleasing moe crowd with no standards, sure.

>> No.24391567

No, but it's usually a good indicator.

>> No.24391586

Their standards are just not as high as yours. Them enjoying what they read doesn't make them and what they read bad.

>> No.24391624

It's not. Most people have no taste at all and will latch onto whatever they think other people like or whatever gets advertised the most.

>> No.24391632

How are people still arguing about yuzusoft?
One side likes to overrate it to unreasonable lengths and the other likes to shit on it for the sole purpose of making it seem like they have some sort of elevated taste. Neither side has ever and will ever convince the other.

>> No.24391650

Liking what the majority of other people like is fine. Not everyone has the time to comb through games they have never heard of just to see if they like it or not.

>> No.24391683

There's nothing inherently wrong with liking something that's popular, assuming you have reasons other than peer pressure and advertising to do so. But most people don't view anything critically and just do what they believe or are told others are doing in an endless feedback loop. Anyone who isn't willing to try something just because they've never heard of it is not really interested in that medium, they're just following the group.

>> No.24391741

>assuming you have reasons other than peer pressure and advertising to do so
I don't believe anyone is being forced to read their games, their games are just more well known since they are already an established brand and al that, therefore drawing a larger audience.
>Anyone who isn't willing to try something just because they've never heard of it is not really interested in that medium
There's nothing wrong with being a casual reader.

>> No.24391836

My standards aren't even high and i can enjoy shitton of other popular things tho.
Not saying yuzu crowd sucks or something, shitting on someone for liking something is retarded and elitism, so it's bad.
But i can't stand unreasonable hype and praising of yuzusoft(especially recent vns) when it's below average compared to both earlier yuzusoft works and other devs moege.

>> No.24391842

Sorry, it's getting late and I misread your first sentence. But my point still stands, having a larger audience leads to more people liking your games in general. Are there people who maybe pretend to like something because it's the popular thing to do? Sure, but I doubt they are even a fraction of the people who do like it, and you could say the say the same thing about non-mainstream titles as well and when you take it to the extremes you get the cartel.

>> No.24391858

>But i can't stand unreasonable hype and praising of yuzusoft(especially recent vns)
This sounds unhealthy.

>> No.24391891

> learning jap to read porn chinese shit
> implying someone is sane to begin with

>> No.24391936

What's a good moege that came out recently? I'm looking to expand my horizons.

>> No.24391941

Amakano 2

>> No.24391959


>> No.24391979

Docchi no i

>> No.24392012

I played Kinkoi but I had to drop it when the literal first sex scene was a threesome with Reina and Ayaka when neither of them were going out with the protagonist all because of a scent that make you horny.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Hulotte is one of those brands that put a lot of focus onto porn, I'm not really a big fan of this.

>> No.24392127

>one of those brands that put a lot of focus onto porn
That's pretty much every moege brand nowadays, you can almost expect at least a threesome in most recent moege.
Not even a bad thing really, moege were never good at telling a well written romance story so some ichax2 plus hot h-scenes without going full nukige is only an improvement.

>> No.24392167

Just a silly nukige-level premise for h scene, route is better i promise. Also true route worth it.

>> No.24392453
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Butterfly Seeker's pretty good so far

>> No.24392496
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Nice wholesome reference there.

>> No.24392516
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>> No.24392522

Is this manga really, really popular in Japan or something? I've seen like three wildly different things reference it. Which isn't a ton, but it's more than most loli doujins get.

>> No.24392537

Infamous because someone tried it in real life, afaik. Asane seems to referencing the real incident.

>> No.24392547

what the fuck, that's terrible

>> No.24392640
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>still over a month away till the new Kaeru Soft game comes out
God dammit, bros.

>> No.24392653


>> No.24392798



>> No.24393569

Story? I haven't read that doujin

>> No.24393648

>A man who claimed to being conducting radioactivity tests to gain access to homes and then allegedly assaulting young girls who were by themselves is suspected of having carried out as many as 20 similar attacks in the three years before his arrest.
>Yuya Yazaki, an unemployed 35-year-old resident of the town of Soka in Saitama Prefecture, north of Tokyo, has been arrested on a charge of sexually assaulting a girl in the same city in April and has reportedly confessed that he copied a tactic depicted in an adult manga comic.

>> No.24393794

What the fuck

>> No.24393872

Given how much they shit over the game with the fandisc, it's better the game gets dropped early. The true route should've ended on the rooftop. The final stuff was unnecessary and bad, especially considering the god awful fandisc crap coming later.

I wonder who decided that this is a good idea.

>> No.24393994

Just don't read FD, like i did? As for reincarnation hint in main game, yep that part is shit but not shit enough to shit true on route

>> No.24400264

Why you do this Key?

>> No.24400311

I wish Misakura Nankotsu drew more futa VNs.

>> No.24401241
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So I just "finished" 初めての彼女 and wanted to let out some quickfire thoughts on each route.

disclaimer that I played a bit from the beginning to get the necessary setting, then just took the the hardest route first (desperation) to see if I could stomach it and because I have spoiled myself akino's route. also a fair amount of ctrl and backlogs.

>Noriaki route
The cuck route. I can't be bothered to be kept in the dark while all the signs are obvious but I'll get around to it in the future.

>Akino route
desu an infallible gigachad in his 30s as the antagonist put me off but Akino's monologues are what made this route. Maybe he could have been a more believable character but I guess if you're gonna do ntr might as well have a gigachad do the honors.

>Desperation route
Without this route the game would have been just an ntr game with maestro takahashi puling the strings but here we see Akino confronting her conflicts and making big decidions. This is the route where I was invested in Akino's development.

Overall it's a really good game. delivers what the player would expect and more. The character sprites are also a bit of a throw off with different facial expressions on recycled poses.

>I was just cheering for Akino’s conditions to improve
I can't cheer on a hopeless case.reminds me of "that" utena ep. Naivity and inexperience being used for personal gain.

>> No.24401347

>disclaimer that I played a bit from the beginning to get the necessary setting, then just took the the hardest route first (desperation) to see if I could stomach it and because I have spoiled myself akino's route. also a fair amount of ctrl and backlogs.
I hate people like you.

>> No.24401364

Lost all respect for key, thinking they can tease me like this. Just give me my 18+ edition so I can fuck Ao like she deserves.

>> No.24401645

>"that" utena ep
The one where she gets fucked or what?

>> No.24401724
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I haven't finished the game and I'm still on Akino's route, but I will say that one thing that I liked about Noriaki route is that you get to find out how much of a bro the friend character is. Very surprising for an NTR game.

>> No.24401913

Is it normal for NTR games to have mal characters that don't exist to get cucked for fuck the girl?

>> No.24401964


Akira is a bro as well. Satoshi and him were my favorite characters for sure.

>> No.24401992


HnK isn't a normal NTR game.

>> No.24402244

If I had gone in blind I wouldn't have.

Yeah takahashi is basically a mirror image of Akio

He is but this was obvious from the very beginning.

absolutely. he deserved some and more.

>> No.24402324
File: 30 KB, 250x300, 101106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read it but why doesn't MC give up on his whore and fuck this big titty qt

>> No.24402391

Any NTR vns where the NTR is being done by the obligatory bro character instead of by some old businessman/old fat bald guy/tatooed blonde delinquent

>> No.24402419

this T B H
tbf whore prob has bigger titty

dang kinda tempted to buy and participate in their survey. not even for the extra cg

>> No.24406042

>those lines
That's retarded. Human body temperature can be quite variable depending on a number of factors. Use a better metaphor.

>> No.24406343

Someone tell Nomiki that her body feels hot because she has COVID, not because of the warmth of her soul or whatever.

>> No.24406356

And this is why there's no Nomiki saying that next to you.

>> No.24406579
File: 211 KB, 1060x832, ntrprobane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting some soft inexperienced bro bitch instead of the veteran born in the ntr, molded by it, not having seen vanilla until he was already a man

>> No.24407107

Man all these monologues in Akino's route are crazy good. Why the fuck did Waffle go so hard with this game?

>> No.24407635


It's Waffle's La La Land. But instead of Whiplash, they forced the scenario writer to write nukige for a decade before letting him write what he always wanted to write.

>> No.24408180


>> No.24408194

What is so good about them? Isn't she just going "oh boohoo I'm a dirty whore but it's hard to not be a dirty whore because my life fucking sucks, I'm such a dirty worthless whore boohoo"?

>> No.24408229

親友が気づかぬ内に彼女を寝取るボク by Waffle is close to that. Except in that one, the protagonist doesn't take it lying down and netori the girl back.

Speaking of which, 俺の知らぬ間に彼女が… must have each chapter take place in an alternate timeline or the protagonist is the biggest loser in eroge history to get cukced 5 times over.

>> No.24409111

Demonbane voice patching anon from >>24139332 here. Just an update, I finished QCing all of the common stuff (chapters 1-7) and Al's route (and some other random fixes). The English patch I got is actually kind of shitty and randomly omits voices from lines for no particular reason so maybe I made a mistake using this a source for converting to Japanese but whatever. Ruri and Leica shouldn't take too long hopefully.

>> No.24409696
File: 236 KB, 1012x557, fgf_Tq65RYS7Wn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I can really explain it but I guess I just find some parts of her narration to be brutally honest, almost going to the point of being neurotic. You really get a feel of her dreams, her insecurities, and her thoughts, and even she's constantly doubting herself, the whole thing just feels very realistic to me, and she can be a very relatable character.

>> No.24410696

So you haven't even read it you piece of shit, you're literally worse than MTLing EOP fucking rofl get rekt

>> No.24410770

>skimming in japanese is worse than trading machine translation
Nice try EOP

>> No.24410915
File: 154 KB, 642x527, それは舞い散る桜のように.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this game seriously have no music?

>> No.24410948

Sounds like the usual problem of old VNs that need to run the music via the physical disc.

>> No.24411002

Sure bro, as you say wwwwwww

>> No.24411076

Reminds me of the time I once played a whole VN without the OST because half the time it used ambient sfx instead of songs for background sound, so I just thought the large number of silent scenes were some kind of direction choice.

>> No.24411150

It does. It just plays them off the disc, and even then you might have trouble looping songs on a modern OS. I recommend using a Windows XP VM.

>> No.24411237

Looking around the web it seems the CD-DA used in old games just don't work in the latest windows versions.
I followed http://bartlettjp.blog133.fc2.com/blog-entry-413.html but I never had music to begin with even with the latest update from the webpage archives and the mentioned Game disc inserted. I tried launching the game with W7 compatibility to match the blog user but no luck either.
I'm sure a VM is much rather than digging further into the issue to get it to work, but honestly it's already killed my mood to even read it anymore.
Guess what I've learnt is just use a VM or prepare to meet problems.

>> No.24411257

if you mount either of the game images and run windows media player, can you see any sound files on the mounted disk?

>> No.24411309

Nope. The autoplay popup in Windows 10 also didn't give any media options.
It could be something to do how the copy was ripped, but I'm not really sure how that works.

>> No.24411447

It's different routes, yeah. He doesn't just get cucked consecutively.

>> No.24411714

No, sweetie, it has. You need inmm.dll. Rip the music from the disc image and inmm.dll will play it for you with looping and all.

No, sweeties, you don't need a VM. You need inmm.dll. Rip the music from the disc image and inmm.dll will play it for you with looping and all.

Btw, sweeties, what's up with your fucking newfaggotry? We discussed this several times over the years. Are you new arrivals from DJT or something?

>> No.24412059

Appreciate the attempted help, but the problem is before even getting to that stage; as I've stated, the music doesn't even show up in the first place to get the necessary mp3 files. And the writer gets music playing in the first place, which hasn't even happened for my case (which I suspect is due to being W10).
Getting bitter because someone doesn't read every thread is being silly. It's also perfectly natural for someone to skip through content or posts that aren't related to them, particularly of troubleshooting nature, so it's going to happen.

>> No.24412141

I swear to god these old fucks in eroge industry pisses me so much
>hahaha eroge are for ADULTS
>it's night and kids are sleeping so let's post these new H CG for now
>don't forget to support our adult game, my adult friends!

Fuck off faggot

>> No.24412165

gtfo kiddo

>> No.24412222

I've just had the same problem with CD-DA music in Heroes of Might and Magic 2, this solved it:

Mounted the disc in Alcohol Portable, ripped the music with foobar2000, renamed the tracks to start from 2 and put them into Music subfolder, then placed the .dll into the game's folder, done.
DxWnd can do this too, but it was too heavy for simple music playback.

>> No.24412270

Um, sweetie, if the music tracks don't show, use a different mounting software. Old Daemon Tools works every time, even when WinCDEmu doesn't.

>> No.24412329

holy shit bro that post is super funny hahahaha bro idk man this is super hilarious and i'd love to share this funny post to my friends. I hope you don't mind if I do share this funny, HILARIOUS post to my friends. Please let me know asap! anyway, this is hilarious and thank you for sharing the post with us! please keep up the good memes hahahahaha. have a nice day sir!

>> No.24412346

I don't understand what your problem is but it's only 6 PM there and Purple Soft just updated their new game's site with h-scenes cg and voice samples:
She doesn't say it in her sample but I wonder if Kotorii Yuuka will actually have some uncensored chinpo and manko lines, I think that would be her first time.

>> No.24412509

VMs are a lot more reliable in the long run, and are worth getting if you plan on playing old games in general.

>> No.24412759

I think I'm going to coom.

>> No.24412958


Get dabbed on, Amerishart newfag.

>> No.24413033

ok snowflake

>> No.24413665

Get in here bros, Asapro's new game.

>> No.24413988


>> No.24414302


>> No.24415743

This. A XP VM and a 7 VM covers everything you need. And then you can use a real OS for actual computing.

>> No.24416033

What time of day are VNs usually released at?

>> No.24416063

We unironically need more trans characters in VNs. And I don't mean the typical okama type character you see pretty often.

>> No.24416081

We unironically don't

>> No.24416261

i'm sure oelvns have them. Go read those.

>> No.24416429

I ctrl to read it again in the backlogs in one screen. easier skimming that way.

>> No.24416991

if u still havent fixed this shit, then i made this for myself from the soundtrack disk, since my daemon tools has been raping my ass with access denied errors so i wasnt able to attempt to rip it with it when i first downloaded the game and finally now decided to fix the bgm after a previous give-up:
you obviously need the _inmm tool itself and to change the paths in the _inmm.ini to point to ur bgm folder, and its lossless so the files are pretty large

>> No.24417017

Why do you cuck out for DJT sweeties so much? Let them learn stuff for themselves.

>> No.24417104

yeah ur right, but i had to do it for my use anyways so i thought i might as well post it since i had problems with this cunt game too

>> No.24417321

When will Reflection Blue be uploaded?

>> No.24417335

when will summer pockets get its 18+ edition

>> No.24417342

Within the day, most likely. Chinks already have it but baidu is completely unusable for me now.

>> No.24417382

Is there going to be a easy way to get to the new content in Reflection Blue?

>> No.24417389


>> No.24417936

It's already up on sukebei.

>> No.24418095

>another backlog month

>> No.24418115

>implying this is bad
Most good VNs came out a long time ago already, enjoy reading them

>> No.24418238

recommend us some

>> No.24418475
File: 252 KB, 1440x810, 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reflection blue doesn't ask if you read main game or not, so you have to ctrl manually or either read all of it from beginning since there is new cgs and scenes everywhere
suffer anon

>> No.24418495

This is why I waited to read Summer Pockets at all until now

>> No.24418497

I haven't read the base game though.

>> No.24418578
File: 234 KB, 800x802, summer_pockets_rb_master_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a crime that this semen demon only exists in an all ages kusoge

>> No.24418583
File: 270 KB, 1643x1100, EXAOYozU8AAvVvE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm not reading it then.

>> No.24418827

Is the Reflection Blue content even worth it? Does it make the true ending anymore complete than it already is? Let me know after you finish bros.

>> No.24418974

Maybe its next version? Key like milking their major releases at least like 3 times.

>> No.24419010

So girlcelly just grabbed RB from chinkalinks? Pretty based of him.

>> No.24419016

If it's just the common route than it's not a big deal. It's fairly short in the original game anyway so skimming all the scenes that feature the original characters isn't gonne take that long. If they also added new scenes to the existing heroine routes it's gonna be a pain.

>> No.24419033

didn't check routes so idk

>> No.24419064

No way, they have a bunch of newish VAs that have never done porn before.

>> No.24419082

Just get different VAs for porn version

>> No.24419214

and? I'm sure the sluts did some 枕営業 to get those roles anyway. Why not moan into a mic for a little, i'll even accept just Ao's route being turned 18+.

>> No.24419239

No way, they have a wonder anime idol seiyuu career ahead of them. They can't tarnish that with porn.
I hate when they do this.

>> No.24419254


>> No.24419264

They haven't done an 18+ game since Kud Wafter.

>> No.24419285
File: 977 KB, 600x800, lewd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I want a Umi lolige.

>> No.24419286

I can accept this.

>> No.24419711

But Ao is the least attractive girl next to Shizuku

>> No.24420094

I am retarded.

What are you supposed to do with siglus engine cracks?

>> No.24420175

Oh if you're talking about the chink crack everyone uses, you have to drag the exe onto it. It's dumb.

>> No.24420885

so what's the new takkyuu game like

>> No.24420893

Does Reflection Blue work for you? I'm getting "can't open scene.pck".

RB has PlayDRM, not AlphaRom.

>> No.24420904

Working fine for me.

>> No.24420919 [DELETED] 

Just to confirm, where did you copy what?

And do you have a scene.pck or a file like that in the game's folder?

>> No.24420921

What eroge has godlike mating presses

>> No.24420944

Scratch this, it works fine now. I wasn't copying the .org file. Though it isn't needed, but it is.

>> No.24421785
File: 500 KB, 642x485, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are reaching levels of cuckoldry that shouldnt be possible

>> No.24421951
File: 501 KB, 645x483, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.24422112

This is true love

>> No.24422258

NTR is for the mentally ill

>> No.24422316


>> No.24422344

ATRI's reception is too way fucking positive even from eroge and nukige enthusiasts

Are we actually sleeping on a masterpiece?

>> No.24422527

The screenshots I've seen look pretty cute. I'll probably check it out when I've finished what's currently on my backlog.

>> No.24422534

Asta's a good writer and it seems like he was given a decent amount of freedom with this one, so it's probably pretty good.

>> No.24423223

honestly, the fact that its all ages and got a simultaneous release in english has kind of put me off
i might check it out in a few months

>> No.24423290

This is just the way of the future anon

>> No.24423333

i know anon but i'm incredibly irrational and autistic
i don't particularly care for non-nukige sex scenes and i even skip hscenes for the majority of games, but i also get irrationally pissy when a game turns out to be all ages for no good reason

>> No.24423778
File: 2.14 MB, 2366x1329, Clipboard159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how COVID-19 spread

>> No.24424630

how is this anon? Im thinking of reading buttseeker next.

>> No.24424740

Inb4 the h-scenes are completely separated from the story like chrono clock

>> No.24424766

It's good and Atri is very cute.
Adabana Itan can be ignored though.

>> No.24424834

ok snowflake

>> No.24424868


>> No.24424943

>Adabana Itan
But why

>> No.24426113


KF4 is on track. Also, the people behind 初めての彼女 are making another game, so if you want more clinical depression, it's coming.

>> No.24426174

>Asta's a good writer
Oh come the fuck on. Asta is one of the best examples of bad writers in the industry. Padding galore, and insanely cheap drama based on misunderstandings with shitty resolutions guaranteed.

I mean I get that he can write cute girls, but a as a WRITER he fails in all possible kind of ways.
Atri is probably not much different there as well. We arrived at the point where people don't want anything but a cute girl anymore. If you are like that yourself (which might be the case if you consider him a good writer), go ahead. Otherwise, don't expect too much.

>> No.24426398


>> No.24426458

hey, his games since his pulltop stuff also double as encyclopedias

>> No.24426925

Surely there's more to Atri than cute girls, how can you sell a game based on cute girls with no porn?

>> No.24426968


>> No.24427162

I've been thinking about protagonists and writers a lot recently as I've been going through my backlog during the break I got from covid. Typically in VNs and works which don't feature a blank slate protagonist, the protagonists serve in some capacity as the representation of the thoughts and ideas of the author, and that the belief system of the protagonist is also derived from the author as well. I can think of a small number of protagonists who's thoughts and beliefs aren't in line with their writers, yet the writers were able to portray these beliefs in compelling way in spite of the protagonists being perhaps being diametrically opposed to them. Gives me a certain certain respect for the writers.

>> No.24427249

But you can't know this unless the writers have a public persona in which their opinions and views are very clear. which gives me less respect

>> No.24427272

To use a western writer as an example because it's the easiest one for me to think of off the top of my head, Stephen King fairly consistently makes his protagonists writers or english teachers, and his antagonists people who hate books / reading. You don't need to know shit about his public persona to figure out his personal opinions on the subject.

>> No.24427535

Imouto heroine? I'm sold!

>> No.24427650

>they have a click counter for the heroines
I know what I must do.

>> No.24427667

You'll never know Japanese.

>> No.24428027

why learn jap when deepl exists, snowflake?

>> No.24428075

t. brainlet

>> No.24428263


it was pretty good, I dont know how it didnt make it in the getchu rankings of 2018

>> No.24429145

Idol girl looks the best to me

>> No.24430646

Senpai > childhood friend > rest

part is kinda worrisome though. I get that the setting requires a special protag, hopefully they won't fuck him up to the point of being unbearable.

>> No.24431864
File: 8 KB, 731x46, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will be it for this month.

>> No.24431956

Absolutely shit taste.

>> No.24431955

All look very cute, and 毒舌めんへら妹 sounds like a kami-heroine. Not completely convinced on the idol girl, but I see her fans already went full autismo on the スキ counter.

>> No.24431992

hey they might be this months hidden kamige even toppling sumpok RB in plot.

>> No.24432314

You can pretty much skip everything in
Prologue aside scenes with new redhaired girl and 1 new scene with Shizuku. But they're noticeable, you won't miss them.

>> No.24432356

You can pretty much skip everything because no H no read.

>> No.24432536

First off, how the hell do you know the thoughts and opinions of eroge writers you read? Are you friends with all of them or something?

>> No.24434785

That maokatsu game seems like really went through some fucked development, after all the delays it still releases incomplete and barely has any content looking at the ripped gallery.

>> No.24434820

Wheres my fucking anim upload

>> No.24434861

Think you can count sheeps for a whole month?

>> No.24434876


>> No.24434920

Too bad because you'll have to.

>> No.24435104

Oh, no harem route. Deleted.

>> No.24435208

I don't remember MC being voiced in the original summer pockets. What a pleasant addition.

>> No.24435439


>> No.24435526

It's only partially apparently.

>> No.24435832

Did japs figure out a way to stop denchiunwrap?

>> No.24436068

Nevermind, my python was just fucked.

>> No.24437292

Really hope the era of voiceless protags end.
Faceless protags (Sprites and non H CGs at least) are basically out phased and relegated to bargain bin nukiges.
Next is actual personalities.

>> No.24437328

Too expensive

>> No.24437355

Only homos would want that.

>> No.24437356

>Really hope the era of voiceless protags end.
Well technically it will end since the medium will be essentially dead within the next 10 years.

>> No.24437760

Sounds like a waste of money considering everyone would turn them off.

>> No.24437817

Shiratama's all-ages doujin game in december.

>> No.24438193


>> No.24438257

Can someone explain umi and Shiki's route?

>> No.24439265


>> No.24440659
File: 2.27 MB, 1280x720, cute robot waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a masterpiece by any means, but its a decent read. Atri is cute, art is good and OST somewhat reminds me of Sakura no Uta. As Aniplex.exe's first release, I'd say they went for a conservative game probably to attract newcomers to the genre. Length is short, easily digestible and without any crazy gimmicky melodrama. Plot is very safe and by the book. Personally I hope they do well and attempt a more ambitious project down the road as the team they put together is fairly decent.

>> No.24442383

This person might be one of the worst artists in the industry when it comes to drawing faces.

>> No.24443349

>Sakura no Uta
Sakutoki artist actually worked on it, you can tell by looking at sprites in atri and at sakutoki artbook.

>> No.24444043


>> No.24444217

how about adabana?

>> No.24444631



>> No.24445255
File: 164 KB, 1143x1600, DpSTfarU0AMy56w.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moogy bad.

>> No.24445398

Imagine still having this image in the year 2020.

>> No.24445437
File: 1.58 MB, 1150x1404, 1471273936063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never die, until the day he betrays us with Muramasa.

>> No.24445595
File: 603 KB, 1280x1465, cartel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

