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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2412144 No.2412144 [Reply] [Original]

What's more important for a medium level weeaboo?

>> No.2412168


>> No.2412174

None of them are important unless you have very specific plans to travel to either Japan or France for a longer period of time.

Just decide by what would give you most entertainment.

>> No.2412187

If you have to go for French, learn Latin instead. Gives you a whole package for most European countries.

>> No.2412182

No one studies French anymore.

>> No.2412190
File: 214 KB, 1031x1031, 06d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French sucks ass in every aspect.

>> No.2412205

you guys don't know how it is convenient able to talk to africans.

je parler francai!

>> No.2412214


French is more likely to earn you applause and affection than CHING CHONG NIP NIP NONG.

Suave, sophisticated people learn French, neckbeards with Dakimakura and figs learn Japanese.

>> No.2412228

Being able to read and write Japanese will impress people far more than being able to do the same thing in French. Coming from a person that's studied both.

>> No.2412230

>Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6
You should really stick to /v/, you waste of sperm and braincells.

>> No.2412232

Gee, I better learn French then, so I'll automatically turn into a charming and charismatic young man who every lady in the building wants.

>> No.2412238 [DELETED] 
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Oh look, the neckbeard is mad.

I will throw Pocky at it!

Heeere fatty! Here, fatty fatty fatty!

>> No.2412243


You should brah, then you'd probably be more socially comfortable.

>> No.2412246

It because the characters are completely new to them. French isn't as impressive to your average American because it essentially uses the same alphabet.

>> No.2412267

If you're a weeaboo obviously Japanese.

>> No.2412310
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Learn japanese, OP. At least it'll serve you when you turn into a full-force weeaboo. You'll find no untranslated french material worth a read, and even if you do travel to France, you'll find out it actually is a shitty country full of douchebags.

>> No.2412321

Learn both. It's not like they're so similar that you'll start confusing them with each other.

>> No.2412323

Then on that logic, people who actually make money learn Chinese?

>> No.2412326


>> No.2412328

>it actually is a shitty country full of douchebags.
There are more people like you over there?

>> No.2412332


>France, you'll find out it actually is a shitty country full of douchebags.

With free universal healthcare, high standards of living, nuclear energy, and a shitton less pollution, I might add.

>> No.2412337

>medium level weeaboo?
please explain the classification system clearly
I'm listening

>> No.2412344

Probably French.
Too many people at the bus stop expecting me to know it.

>> No.2412347
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Well I am french after all.

>> No.2412350

Understand your hobbies better and be able to read untranslated stuff.
I can't think of any use for it unless you want to move to France.

>> No.2412343

Learn French.

>> No.2412354

Great, so you can put up with older douchebags longer.

>> No.2412363

qui parler francai ici?

>> No.2412364
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And also not die from common illnesses or be denied medical assistance because you have no insurance. Win-win situation.



Yes, French really isn't useful at all, I completely see your point.

>> No.2412373


>> No.2412369

why must you always fag up threads with your utter ignorance

>> No.2412379

Or go to Montreal.

>> No.2412387

Un peu.

>> No.2412390

j'aime les petits enfants!

>> No.2412397


Sir, I am going to have to disagree. I am not a small childs.

YOU are the small childs.

>> No.2412406

he's saying he likes small children

>> No.2412403

As always, you're a complete ignorant idiot. Either you're a deluded french or you blatantly worship them.

Oh you.

>> No.2412412


He is implying that we are the small children by saying this, clearly making mock of us. I'm having none of this.

>> No.2412418

And pissed off muslim immigrants as well! Kind of like the cherry on top.

>> No.2412414

trolls trolling trolls etc etc

>> No.2412437

Japan has the same amount of culture and culinary shit than france.
And for food... it usually tastes better.


...the hell...
Casual clothes all the way.
