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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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24116080 No.24116080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unless it's a problem
Anons from /c/ woupd like to move here. Since having a waifu is a japanese culture thing they say.

>> No.24116236

i can't speak for anyone else on this board but i personally don't mind as long as threads don't descend into complete blogtrash

which is what i've seen it do time and time again

>> No.24116276

Yeah. I don't think they need a geenral 24/7. Let alone an entire board. But they're being crazy about asking. So I figured I would man up and ask for them. I don't really care myself. The drama has been absurd. They can't even psot text on /c/ wothout leaving out sage. Like how hard is it to sage? They have a discord. But insist all drama be on the /c/ threads. It's silly.

>> No.24116327
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Let's just see how will it work.

I wouldn't want this thread to go meta, but we really are in tight spot here. You can read on >>>/qa/3247708. I hope you guys don't mind us.
But let's not delve more into it.

It's getting warm, post your waifu wearing sundress or other summer clothes!

>> No.24116349

>It's getting warm, post your waifu wearing sundress or other summer clothes!
Why cant that be done on /c/? If you're looking to image dump that's what the /c/ threads are meant for.

>> No.24116370

the fact that there is a discord and drama makes me want to immediately rescind my semi-invitation, that shit is universally trash and best had absolutely nowhere

anyway it looks like waifu wednesday is allowed to live in /a/ so i actually don't see why you guys can't have it there

>> No.24116458

Waifu questions:

How long have they been your waifu?

How much merch do you have of them?

Is there any more merch you want and/or planning to get?

>> No.24116471

>it looks like waifu wednesday is allowed to live in /a/
No it's not. /c/ mods told us it is, but then when we posted on /a/, they just mass banned everyone.

Because mods do not like discussion about characters and having a waifu in general. I'm not best with questions so started with image request but here is some:

How much time of the day do you think your waifu would spent on her hobbies? And what they are? Would she want you to join her?
Does your waifu have an alternative hair styles? Do you think she would like to experiment with something new? Would you want to see her try some specific ones?
If she won the lottery, what do you think she would do with the money?

>> No.24116474

Yeah. They don't liek me telling others it exists. But they don't like me so eh. They aren't innocent in the trouble they get into.

Also Waifu Wednesday is not enough for them. I made one thus week. They couldn't stop their goddamn drama and started posting /k/ knife shit and it got deleted. They then demanded a board. So mods said no /a/. And as I said they refuse to stick to /c/ images and light text posting only. Can't even sage when it's just text. Too stubborn or something. Spoilt kids at this point as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.24116493

I don't want to delve into drama but the guy you are talking with is a known shitposter that converted to semi-good guy. He is trying to mine us down because people continued to shittalking him for what he did before. Don't hang on his lips, please. /c/ threads were pretty cool.
>anyway it looks like waifu wednesday is allowed to live in /a/ so i actually don't see why you guys can't have it there
We can't post about our love for the character, only about the character itself.
Even just saying "I loved her since 2007" will get you banned.

>> No.24116495

>they just mass banned everyone.
Because it was drama and /k/ memes. Look at the archive.

>> No.24116549

No I'm not. I am jaut saying it like it is. You guys are nothing but drama. Accept it.

I'm out. I already said /c/ and waifu wednesday is fine for me. You guys are the ones demanding a board. Fuck this.


>> No.24116599

Waifu goes on a vacation! Which country would she choose? Any place she wants to visit in particular?

>> No.24116637
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Here she is!

6 years

I don't have much just 4 figures, her manga and an artbook

I'd like to get her nendoroid

She spends as much time as possible writing, drawing, playing games and watching anime, when she's not having to look after her sisters

Nothing canon. I think she's set on her style and would only change it to cosplay. She's particularly beautiful in a ponytail

She would fund Maschera season 3

I bet she'd like to go to Germany and see the gothic castles and cathedrals

>> No.24116648
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Pic related/
>How long have they been your waifu?
I've been with Kisaragi since January 31, 2019. Which means I've been with her for nearly a year and a half.
>How much merch do you have of them?
Not really.
>Is there any more merch you want and/or planning to get?
I've bought a keychain of her in April, but current events prevent me from letting it get out of Japan.

>> No.24116653

Please be aware that the singular person complaining about drama is the same singular person that's causing all of the drama

>> No.24116682

your waifu is my paizuri slave, dude.

>> No.24116702

/jp/ is already plagued with shitty generals, what's one more gonna do, right?

>> No.24116739

Not really. I didn't post knives on /a/. I didn't demand a board. Among much other bullshit. You need a scapegoat though of course.

>> No.24116747

>How long have they been your waifu?
Only 4 months!
>How much merch do you have of them?
Only 15% of a shelve right now, so not much.
>Is there any more merch you want and/or planning to get?
Yep, already have 'bout 26 items ready to be shipped from my proxy!

>> No.24116813

Your thread already got deleted once. >>24115766
What makes you think you're welcome?

>> No.24116822

you're my cum sock dude

>> No.24116823

But that was not a general, that was a meta thread.

>> No.24116852
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I'll make a post for now. Just to show I'm not trying to doom you all. I feel really full of fluff for her today anyway.

I think this is pretty good. I love staring at this and imagining us together on a beach in some place tropical like Columbia or Jamiaca idk. Or maybe even some random little island.

Working on a year. Though I really don't like that I didn't know of her several years ago some how.
So far just a daki. Some other stuff should be on the way soonish though.
Absolutely. Currently watching out for some stuff in fact.

Not sure honestly. That would be interesting to find out.

>> No.24116869
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Thank you, kind Anon.
>How long have they been your waifu?
Almost three years
>How much merch do you have of them?
Nothing, but I'm currently planning on changing that
>Is there any more merch you want and/or planning to get?
I'm trying to buy Koha-Ace
>How much time of the day do you think your waifu would spent on her hobbies? And what they are? Would she want you to join her?
If it's swordfighting I don't think I'm up for the task.
If it's playing a game or watching a movie about swordfighting, I would join her with pleasure.
>Does your waifu have an alternative hair styles? Do you think she would like to experiment with something new? Would you want to see her try some specific ones?
Her short hair hairstyle is best but the long fluffy ponytail she has in her swimsuit is VERY cute.
>If she won the lottery, what do you think she would do with the money?
Nothing. By Shinsengumi Law Article 3 she can't raise money privately. She would have to commit seppuku otherwise

>> No.24116908

Tamamo isn't a waifu here even.

>> No.24116921
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>How long have they been your waifu?
7 years now!

>How much merch do you have of them?
I'd probably get lost counting. ~20 figs, 3 dakis, games, and plenty of small things.

>Is there any more merch you want and/or planning to get?
Yes, still waiting for new daki cover, pillow and 2 new figs that are stuck in proxy. I'm also considering getting undressable daki to see how it works, and some other figs.

>How much time of the day do you think your waifu would spent on her hobbies? And what they are? Would she want you to join her?
I'm not sure how much it takes to practice singing and/or playing instruments, but I'm sure she will do it as much as necessary. I couldn't really help her with it, but I sure would love to join and listen to her training.

>Does your waifu have an alternative hair styles? Do you think she would like to experiment with something new? Would you want to see her try some specific ones?
There is plenty of styles of Miku and I think she would enjoy experimenting a little. I find her twintails the most adorable thing ever, but I wouldn't mind to see her with loose hair.

>If she won the lottery, what do you think she would do with the money?
I don't think she would have any specific plan for them. It'd probably quite a trouble for her, I think she'd just ask someone close to her to give her suggestions. But in general, I think she would feel quite some responsibility and not waste it on random desires.

>> No.24116954

Having waifus is an /a/ related habit. It doesn't belong on /jp/. So if you have a waifu and intend to talk about it, kindly leave.

/jp/ is for translators, artists and scholars of Japanese culture only. It is a place to create original content and engage in meaningful discussions. Not a place for man-children to salivate over imaginary cartoon girlfriends.

Now that this is settled, please continue.

>> No.24116989

Waifu discussion is banned from /a/ and /c/ so apparently it's not /a/ related any more

>> No.24117001

Please don't make more generals on /jp/. We already have too many of them. I hope you understand.

>> No.24117014
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Doesn't matter he's right though.

>> No.24117028

>Japanese culture only

>> No.24117031

Well, it isn't /jp/ related in any case.
You people are not anons, you are circlejerkers who are in a Discord server together. /c/ and /a/ were right in getting rid of you parasites.

>> No.24117043

So our only option is /qa/ or just moving to the /r9k/ general?

>> No.24117047

Thank you for telling them they should learn to stick to their discord for drama. If I myself had reasons to post on other /jp/ threads I would join. You guy's have been very fair and true about this.

>> No.24117059

Yup! Deal with it. Or use your discord you made. Why else do you have a fucking discord? You don't need generals if you have one.

>> No.24117060

>who are in a Discord server together
Actually only after we were starting to get shunned away by /c/ and /a/ as a way to still stay in contact.

>> No.24117070

You guys have had one for over a year, fuck off with that shit

>> No.24117075

That's exacly the point. Stop believing his bullshit. We need a thread to discuss our wives not a discord.

>> No.24117081

The majority of waifufags aren't in a discord, stop thinking it's a discord circlejerk. It never was.

>> No.24117085

Notice how the shitposters completely ignored your post. They don't want to admit they're wrong.

>> No.24117090

Discord-4chan fused threads are almost always cancer. I'm sure you had your reasons, but that doesn't make them not shit. That setup is only ever even remotely tolerable when people make sure shit doesn't flow "back upstream," as in, everybody makes sure none of the retarded shit that happens in Discord ever flows back up to 4chan and that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Anyway, I never liked waifu threads myself since they're just aggressive personal fanfiction but that's just a personal preference. I don't give that much of a shit one way or another.

>We need a thread to discuss our wives
I think /tohno/ has a board for it, although I don't think I've thought about that site in more than five years.

>> No.24117112

Waifuism is otaku culture though, even in Japan there are lots of people whom marry a fictional character and are in love with them.

>> No.24117113

This is exactly the sort of circlejerking i've seen in alot of spinoffs. Go to fucking Tohnochan or something.

This off-site drama shit absolutely does not belong on /jp/. Get out.

>> No.24117120

>make sure shit doesn't flow "back upstream,"
It's only one person that is causing all this drama and is talking about Discord. >>24116276 but he has no fucking clue what he's talking about and is just making things even worse than they are. Thanks a lot.

>> No.24117125
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No. Not true at all. It has been posted in /c/ generals since last year. Check archive.

Alao you shouldn't be seeking to make friends as your goal on 4chan. How new?

No. You dont need a thread. If you want that you already have a discord. I am fine with Wednesday only for waifu stuff on /a/. I am fine with image dumps on /c/. I don't need blog posting and drama though myself. And apparently most other boards agree.

/mai/ isn't good enough for them. Not even their own discord is. Why would /mai/ be any better?

>> No.24117138

See >>24116954

Yeah. Sorry I told them about your secret club you have had for over a year.

>> No.24117145

Yet you made this thread, you dumb fuck.

>> No.24117148

You made this thread you fucking retard. Nobody else but you thought it was a good idea at this point. You're singlehandedly killing the threads by yourself. Congratulations.

>> No.24117150

>Not even their own discord is. Why would /mai/ be any better?
I assume they wanted the anonymous thread format, which was, prima facie, the complaint.

>> No.24117160


>> No.24117169

I love how it's my fault no matter what. Serves discord run bullshit drama right to be outted.

I have no idea. I stopped caring about their petty shit. I don't like or use /mai/ myself, but eh.

One of you would though anyway. Oh right. Yuurifag makes the difference by not saying there is a discord right?

I was not yhe one suggesting /jp/. Melan and others were.
Fuck I love that you gotta scapegoat me though.

>> No.24117177

>go on Tohnochan
>go on Discord
You are not making any sense. The reason why I want a 4chan thread is because I don't want fucking circlejerks, only to talk about my wife. Do you really want to take that away from me just because there are other waifu communities I don't care about?
You are no different that saying "waifu threads are banned from 4chan but at least there's /r/waifuism".
I don't want another site. I want Anonymous posting on one that is big enough to not make me too much of a recognizable poster

>> No.24117182

>I love how it's my fault no matter what.
Everybody who talks about drama is at fault for drama no matter how much they profess not to like the drama.

I'm contributing to it right now!!!!

>> No.24117203
File: 13 KB, 218x232, 離れてください.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread isn't comfy. Cease your metafaggotry or take it somewhere else.

>> No.24117220

Again. He said what /jp/ is for. You gotta turn your comprehension up.

Eh. You'd all make it. But again. Go ahead blame me for your problems. Anyway I'm done. This is too fucking retarded. Enjoy /r9k/. God knows /qa/ is too good for you.

Agreed. I'm so glad /jp/ agrees.

>> No.24117249

From the looks of things, your waifu general buddies don't share your sentiment.
Why would they need a secret club chatroom to ''stay in contact'' in the first place?

>> No.24117250
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Damn, it doesn't sound like you guys will end up here, but it'd be neat if you did.
I haven't been going to /c/ for like a month or something since I've been busy but if these threads move to my primary board it's gonna be easy to get posting again!
It's really looking like you guys are gonna get b& though...
Since Rin is the master of sundresses, I'm obligated to at least respond to this!
Anon do we browse the same board? Like half of /jp/ is waifuposting. I really can't imagine a better board for this general.

>> No.24117282

>I don't want fucking circlejerks, only to talk about my wife
>I want Anonymous posting
You're contradicting yourself here, you aren't an anon when talking about your waifu since you are avatarfagging.

>> No.24117417

We really want just anonymous place where we can talk about our waifus. The only reason discord is active because everyone got banned on /a/, /c/ is in autosage, mods are contradicting each other and just no one knows what the fuck is going on. No one is happy with using discord, and majority of people isn't even there.
Please do not get confused by literally one retard that is trying to get us banned. He is the OP, started this thread in literally the worst way possible, he also made that meta thread before. And now he keeps talking how we shouldn't be here.

/jp/ is also my main board and I believe these threads would fit here nicely. But we are cursed, sadly.

>> No.24117434

That's so fucking untrue. That discord is old as fuck. Has a dozen regulars. No one will fall for that shit.

>> No.24117436

Who keeps saying waifufags are demanding a board for themselves. I haven't seen anyone actually say that, just wanting a good home given /c/ doesn't want discussion and when asking about /a/ the answer we get is "yes, but actually no."

>> No.24117449

How do you celebrate your waifu's birthday?

What about your anniversary?

Do you celebrate Christmas and Valentines with her?

>> No.24117450

/r9k/ is your home, waifufags, now get moving.

>> No.24117453

Because we are a literal sinking ship. What you call "waifu general buddies" is the guy that kept screeching at incels for threads making us untimately get kicked off /c/ for good. Notice how he makes bulk replies about everything that is remotely related to him? He is the only one talking about cult of personality while making one for himself.
See how he brought /r9k/ up? He did this on /c/ too making us sink into meta discussion every thread.
I want to stay Anon, he is the one that is recognizable even if he doesn't post his wife.
Please don't let him ruin /jp/ threads too for me and all the other anons that just want a comfy place.

>> No.24117467

The same retard that made the thread and is now shitposting it to death

>> No.24117486

It's been said many times amongst the FUCK MODS posting in the page 10 / c/ threads and archives.

Yep. Totally my fault. Totally. Nice scapegoating.

>> No.24117494

>only for translations and japanese culture
dog a big bulk of this board is which 2hu wud u fug and idolposting in 2D and 3D.

>> No.24117507

He beat you to the punch and probably has the thread on his watcher so rest in pieces.

>> No.24117512

Yeah. I am totally the /jp/ regulars saying it isn't welcomed. Yep. That makes sense.

>> No.24117517

You're really milking this victim act for all it's worth, aren't you?

>> No.24117557

No. It's just funny how you guys love drama and the rest have caught on and are saying no.
Like. Dude. Everyone knows discord and generals together equals cancer.

I'm being nice by not going and getting archive posts and screenshots to prove my point.

Anyway. Bye. I feel good now. It's nice to see it all getting exposed for the circlejerking bullshit it is.

>> No.24117588

>you guys love drama
You were the first person to bring up the discord. You were the first person to drop names. You've said shit like "I'm done" and "I'm out" a dozen times without ever actually leaving. It really looks like you love drama more than anyone else in this thread.

Hopefully this time you can actually leave properly and leave everyone else to their own devices.

>> No.24117602

Geez anyone who types this dramatically has gotta invite drama. Sounds like the other waifuanons are in the right.

>> No.24117606


>> No.24117623

What MBTI do you think is your waifu ?
What about guess her IQ?
What about her AQ?
Do you think she has any personality disorders or mental health issues?

>> No.24117677

Even looking past all this off-site drama bullshit, /jp/ already has more than it's fair share of generals to say the least.
It'd be appreciated if you guys would go somewhere else.

>> No.24117769

I'd rather not have a general myself but just waifu wednesdays, but I know threads here tend to last longer than a week anyways.

>> No.24117771

let's negotiate a trade. /c/ gives up waifus, and in return /jp/ gives up monster girls. could even throw in idols to sweeten the deal. they're all cute, right?

>> No.24117844

You all are so fucking braindead it hurts. /a/ doesn't want you, /c/ is starting to not want you, you whine to the mods about your sacred safe space, you don't want to move to /r9k/, you don't want to move to /qa/, and you start a thread on /jp/ which really does not belong here. This is what /r9k/ meant by you all, you are so damn special about having a gated circlejerk thread in a good place (yes I can safely say that as 75% of you are in fucking discord)
Realistically you have 2 options. Move off site to another chan or stay in discord. Stop trying to force your thread in other boards.

>> No.24117929

It still blows my mind they couldn't even sage text only posts on /c/ or just enjoy posting cute pictures. How do you fuck up a /c/ general? Oh by adding discord. And even with a discord they still need to discuss a bunch of shit in places where it shouldn't be discussed.
They even fucked up waifu wednesday with merch posting, /k/ shit, grudges and drama. Questions that are thinly veiled blogging. Cults of personality about several other anons. The list goes on really.

>> No.24118034

3D isn't cute, anon. It's 3D.

>> No.24118035

I don't know about any of this stuff from all over the site as I generally only stick to this board and /m/, but I agree with >>24116236 in that this threads not really going to end up sticking around or doing much of anything for /jp/ besides attracting more drama nobody needs. It's not like these things can be discussed and agreements can be made easily due to the anonymous nature of this site, and while I do know there's some clear mod fuckery going on according to >>24116327 I don't really want this place to be dragged into it. We've already got enough shit to deal with if I'm going to put it bluntly.

...Is what I would say, but I'd like to rescind it all immediately because after properly reading the thread instead of just the first couple and the last few posts it's pretty clear there's already some shit going on here with OP being a faggot. To put it simply, if there's already a discord and that's been a thing in these /c/ threads forever then stick there. I don't visit the board but I'm also assuming not everyone is going to have the same waifu and the same levels of dedication so I can only assume you can figure out who is who based on what waifu they're posting about and how, already kind of ruining the anonymous nature of the site and making it no different from any other forum. There's really no point to this thread anymore and the only reason I'm bothering to post and not delete the original one I was writing was because I spent far too much time on reading this thread.

>> No.24118230

But discord only isn't good enough. They got to shit up anything else with the drama it causes themselves. Anything to avoid the blame. Generals run by discords are always gatekeeping, recruiting for the discord, or containing problems from the discord itself in generals.

>> No.24118254 [DELETED] 

Please just delete this thread, I'm tired of this. I just want to love my wife in piece.

>> No.24118266

Please just delete this thread, I'm tired of this. I just want to love my wife in peace.

>> No.24118290

There's never been any drama in the discord. It's all due to the facts the mods keep deleting threads and moving them somewhere they don't belong.
The threads belonged on /a/ and were part of /a/ culture for years until the mods decided they make new people uncomfortable so they decided to move them to /jp/. Now they're changing their mind. It's all caused by poor moderation.

>> No.24118315

Go join up with the monstergirl thread. It's basically the same thing. If your character is a touhou/idolmaster/type-moon or whatever otaku franchise, just make or join an appropriate thread. If they are just some anime character, then fuck off, this isn't the anime board. This shit doesn't need a dedicated thread.

>> No.24118321
File: 202 KB, 1080x1490, IMG_20200606_121737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this just to say for waifufags and /jp/fags alike to report and ignore Chrisfag and his metaposting.
He's doing it to cause trouble for everyone involved.

>> No.24118324

>The threads belonged on /a/ and were part of /a/ culture for years until the mods decided they make new people uncomfortable
Do /a/ mods really care about appeasing newfags?
"Lurk moar" is truly, truly a thing of the past.

>> No.24118368

This is exactly the reason this shit shouldn't go on /jp/.
He's only causing trouble for you circlejerkers. /jp/sies do not want you here, get the hint.

>> No.24118406

I am a /jp/ oldfag and want them here.

>> No.24118430
File: 819 KB, 590x1280, fac39770b6674e3a4e529f464acb2050ef1bc0ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much time of the day do you think your waifu would spent on her hobbies? And what they are? Would she want you to join her?
Kisaragi likes to draw a lot, and it's always fun when we're drawing together.
>Does your waifu have an alternative hair styles? Do you think she would like to experiment with something new? Would you want to see her try some specific ones?
Yes. She's shown with 2 braids or pigtails when her hairstyle isn't the standard ponytail.
>If she won the lottery, what do you think she would do with the money?
Kisaragi would probably donate a good part of the money to a NGO she supports.
I think Kisaragi would like going to Europe.

>> No.24118431

Then i hope you enjoy pathetic in-group Discord drama and avatarfagging, because that's what you're gonna get.

>> No.24118433

Man, Chris doesn't deserve this shithead using her name to fuck around in multiple boards.

>> No.24118441

Did you enjoy it

>> No.24118448

reminds me of a nerofag who used to do the very same, man you bunch of fags don't ever change

>> No.24118450

Or because you people are fucking cancer and deserve it.

Fuck discord generals and fuck your stupid grudges about me and others. You people belong in /r9k/ with the rest of them.

>> No.24118459
File: 17 KB, 285x281, 1521232703390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great, another general.

How long until this one splits itself into two other spinoffs?

>> No.24118461

>reminds me of a nerofag who used to do the very same
Surprise, it's the same guy.

>> No.24118462

>in-group Discord drama
Least they'll keep most of it there then. Instead of spreading it around.
No different than the other generals here.
