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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2404802 No.2404802 [Reply] [Original]

Well, another fortnight until Mangagamer (may) bring out the last of the games they have the licenses for, so is there anything anyone is waiting for in particular?

Pic related. Downloaded the trial based on the name, and was surprised that the translation was half-way decent. (except for the formatting and a few images) What's the general opinion on Suika A.S.?

>> No.2404830


>Suck My Dick or Die

Well, the most honest VN title I ever seen.

>> No.2404826

>Suck my dick or die!
I never fucking understood this. Was "Guerrilla Rape Hunting" not to the point enough for them?

>> No.2404840


What's worse is that the title is misleading, since the girls get killed despite servicing the men.

>> No.2404846

What about The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno?

>> No.2404858

The it should be Die!(After you suck my dick).

>> No.2404857


Since when does Mangagamer have trial versions?

>> No.2404873

The Semen Inferno part is kind of vague.

>> No.2404875

Only a few of them have them (My sex slave is a classmate is the other one IIRC)

>> No.2404882

Shouldn't it be Suck my Dick THEN Die instead?

>> No.2404890

Would they still do it if they know they will die either way?

>> No.2404911
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>On Sale Apr 25, 2009

>> No.2404930

That brings up many ethical quandaries.

>> No.2404932


>> No.2404940

Wrong company, brosef.

>> No.2404965


I wouldn't want a blowjob from a girl that knows she's die either way.

>> No.2404974

That's a good point.

You might have to lie to them. Hence the 'or'

>> No.2404975


After Otome Function

>> No.2405012

I'm uncomfortable with the prospect of lying to them about that. It just doesn't seem right somehow.

>> No.2405026

You're going to rape and kill them but have moral problems with lying to them?

>> No.2405038

Lying is wrong. Even I have my moral boundaries.

>> No.2405064

That makes sense.

I mean, you obviously can't leave any witnesses. But lying? That helps nobody.

>> No.2405073

>Lying is wrong

>> No.2405077

No, you.

>> No.2405087

cool bideo game

>> No.2405082


>> No.2405091

>Lying is wrong.
/jp/ - Empty moralism/Comedy goldmine

>> No.2405103

"flying is wong"
- old chinese man re: fried rice

>> No.2405110

So far the score is /jp/-3 Mangagamer-3

as in we have 3 of the titles released but aren't able to get the other 3

Currently missing...

Shera, My Witch
Tasty Shafts
My sex slave is a classmate

>> No.2405136

It makes sense. When you rape and kill someone, you're only raping and killing. When you're lie to, rape, and kill someone, you're lying, crushing hope, raping and killing.

Just imagine. She's sucking your dick thinking that everything will be over in just a couple of minutes when you pull out, ejaculate in her face, and then tell her she's dying anyways. How would she feel?

>> No.2405156

aww shit... they die anyways? is there any good ends in this game?

>> No.2405167

Uh, one of them who dies really loves you?

>> No.2405175

Well, this sounds tasteful.

>> No.2405182

That doesn't really sound like a good end.

>> No.2405188
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>> No.2405198

link to torrent?

>> No.2405215

>Tasty Shafts

>> No.2405221

it's not released yet dumb ass

and judging by the past times there is only a 50% chance of it getting torrented.

Shera, My Witch
Tasty Shafts
My sex slave is a classmate

torrentz where?

>> No.2405723

I heard they fixed the DRM workaround so that they didn't work anymore.
So probably we'll get no more torrents

>> No.2405854

You are forgetting that mangagamer is a master troll, don't believe everything they say

>> No.2405868

That's pretty hilarious. It's pretty much nigh impossible to stop people from cracking something. Just might take time for people to find another one if what they say is true.

>> No.2405886

>implying an eroge company has uncrackable DRM
Anonymous, your power level is showing...

>> No.2405897
File: 72 KB, 640x480, cg11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, I fapped to the CG set so many times
Now delicious context

>> No.2405956


>> No.2405970

Remember when Da Capo was cracked by anon within hours of it being torrented?

>> No.2406027

um yeah.. the recalled version. Not the new one.
there are also 3 other games that haven't been cracked.

>> No.2406033

People actually bought the other ones?

>> No.2406070

japan makes some great game titles.

>> No.2406100

There doesn't seem to be much demand for them as they look to be standard fappan' games.

>> No.2406123



>The site renewal that was planned on 3/25 has >been postponed indefinately due to unexpected >circumstances.

>Also, because an important security risk has >been found in the game program,the following 3 >titles will be postponed.

>Suika A.S+
>Sandwiched by my wife and her sister
>The Queen and Princess as your rewards

>> No.2406294

>>We've received word that our upcoming game Cosplay Fetish Academy, a fantastic game about being transported to an alternate universe where all the girls wear bizarre sexy costumes yet don't even notice anything at all is strange about what they're wearing, has finished translation and is being put in beta mode. This means it could be ready for release soon, probably as our next title -- what a nice surprise!

on the other hand.. taken from the Peach Princess front page

>> No.2406326

I don't think anybody even released or bought those games to begin with.

>> No.2406372

im sure they got no sales in the first place and just looked at each other and went "IT MUST BE THE PIRATES" never mind the fact that there is no real market for this shit outside of japan.

>> No.2406375

>>i have the drm version i will post it if someone can make a crack

>> No.2406380

It just so happens their target audience happens to know how to get stuff for free more easily than others.

>> No.2406392

DRM and piracy aside...

Would you really pay money for this game? REALLY?

>> No.2406405


It would be kind of funny seeing "Suck my dick or die" in a credit card statement, though.

>> No.2406413

For this one? No.

Suika A.S. and Da Capo? If I really had no alternatives, yeah.

>> No.2406423

This is the problem with companies trying to release products without doing any research into their market. Yeah the VN market is pretty fucking niche in the west but that's no excuse to just translate shit that Japan plays for a week and pass it off as OUR BEST ATTEMPT AT REACHING VN LOVERS IN THE WEST. Fuck, I'm sure if re-release Ever17, it would make a shitload more money than releasing crap like Do you like Horny Bunnies or Suck my Dick or Die!. Yeah Vn's are known for fappan and shit, but our interests are pretty diverse. Maybe we want some plot in our games. And if they complain about bullshit like Key charging 1mil for the liscence, then just translate something simple but fun like Higurashi. 07th expansion seems to tolerate and appreciate the western fanbase, plus we got the manga here in the west so it's not that much of a stretch to grab the game.

Less fappan, more plotan games.

>> No.2406433

What's stopping her from biting your cock if in a last desperate attempt at resistance, if she knows she's going to die anyway?

>> No.2406438
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1226184628304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2406443

It's not as easy to bite through a dick as you think.

>> No.2406492

sure it is. the head of the penis is the softest part -- push it to your molar area and chomp down hard

>> No.2406482

someone who knows how to crack the DRMs get in touch with that dude

>> No.2406507

...how did you know?

>> No.2406532

An old classmate told me.

>> No.2406587

you don't have to bite through a dick. just bite enough to mangle it and if he doesn't get medical attention he's going to lose it.

>> No.2406950

games were so crappy they didnt deserve a torreent

>> No.2407008

I'll try to get in touch with him, HOWEVER, i don't fucking know how to crack it, i'll try to convince the guy to post it on /jp/ and see what you guys can do.

>> No.2407062

don't worry about it as long as we get a torrent we'll find a way

>> No.2408034

care to give an update?

>> No.2408082

I still haven't played that pirated Edelweiss version due to JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THIS IS BAD ENGLISH

>> No.2408290

The guy still hasn't replied back, i'm going to sleep, i hope to see a pm from him after i wake up...

>> No.2408320

there is a newer version that they redid but no one got it

>> No.2408557

There's one thing that most of you are misunderstanding.
It's very, very sad, but it's true.

There's always some rich horny 15-years old kid or older unintelligent person going 'uh-huh-huh it's a porn game lololol porn porn', and buying these games regardless of quality.
Because of this, companies release more fapping games as they are more profitable, worsening the image of visual novels as 'crappy porn games', making it even harder to sell story-based VNs.
This has continued for a long time, and the VN fanbase is small; many people still think VNs are crappy porn games and refuse to buy any story-based VNs. The only ones still prepared to buy anything are the small VN fanbase (most of which torrents their VNs anyways), and the much larger group of people going 'uh-huh-huh its porn lolol buy buy'.

>> No.2408676

Plug a H-scene and you're good to go. Story MUST be accompanied by porn. No exceptions.
No porn brought KID to bankruptcy, if that tells you something about Japan.

>> No.2408716

>No porn brought KID to bankruptcy

;_; I even paid for ever17. That's how much I wanted to encourage them

>> No.2408718

Some of the most successful games are non-porn, what the fuck are you people talking about?

>> No.2408726

Nitro+ has being doing some interesting things to progress the genre though, and Key attempted to move the image on somewhat (although Little Busters kind of undid a lot of that).

>> No.2408732

In Japan, where people accept that VNs can be good without porn, yes. But in the western world, the only succesful non-porn VNs are the Phoenix Wright games (if you can call those VNs).

>> No.2408752

Some but not all, and the formula for success is unknown, it seems to depend a lot on fan groups and net memes to produce free viral advertising. In addition to this the game needs an interesting and somewhat unique concept, preferably with a good execution.

Yes you could make the next Clannad and turn a healthy profit but it would require a flash of talent and a lot of luck and hard work for it not just to be an absolute failure; even a good game won't necessarily save you from failure (see KID). Alternatively you could guarantee a profit by simply targeting the right fetishes in an almost mechanical manner, and back it up with some appealing cover art.

What do you think most companies are going to pay for?

>> No.2408852

When you brought your copy their company already ceased to exist.

>> No.2410106


Was the same for me and Fatal Racing. Got it on your regular "dozens of games on CD", loved it, and the day I found it in a store, it was already too late (actually I found it at a post office... it was that obscure apparently)

As for me it doesn't matter if there is sex or no sex, what do matter is if it is violent or not. I don't see me even playing Suck my dick or die if I got paid for it.

My Sex Slave is my Classmate I would pirate simply because it sounds like a bad game, but I could be wrong.

Tasty shafts seems like an interesting sex game, but I'm turned off by their choice of title. (Not that it is that horrible)
