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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 38 KB, 531x400, icon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2399501 No.2399501 [Reply] [Original]
US West
High Tier Iku
High Tier Alice

>> No.2399511

Forgot the mention the game. SWR

>> No.2399629

ggs. only ever played with my gf so didnt know what level I was. clearly shit tier :P
question though, do you play using a regular keyboard using default keys or a joystick?

>> No.2399635

GGs. I used to play Alice exclusively for a long time. I eventually gave up after I got sick of dealing with how vulnerable she was on the ground against air opponents. It's tough to be Alice and have no answer to jump in after jump in.

Good luck with Alice, she's definitely tough to master.

>> No.2399653

I play using keyboard but I switched the keys around.

WASD are my up, left, down, right keys.

UIOP are my melee, weak bullet, strong bullet, and fly buttons.

78 are my activate spell and switch spell card buttons.

>> No.2399670

gb2/irc/, beat

>> No.2399695

Play Alice because I'm infatuated with her. SWR is my first and only fighting game so I have no clue how to tell if a character is weak against this or that. Comes with experience I guess. Have fun with future games!

>> No.2399717

nobody else is hosting? I'm bored as fuck.

>> No.2399742

shit tier

>> No.2399751
May not work, let me know.

US West - Mid-tier

>> No.2399771
File: 79 KB, 1105x718, touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US West
High Tier Iku
High Tier Alice

>> No.2399889
US midwest

>> No.2399905

still hosting

>> No.2399914
File: 21 KB, 451x336, alicemf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>High tier Iku

>> No.2399979 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 450x600, sakuyaEoSDredo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Central
Re-establishing Ones-self tier

>> No.2399984
File: 101 KB, 450x600, sakuyaEoSDredo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Central
Re-establishing Ones-self tier

>> No.2400013

It is sorry, and when it is from Japan, lag is cruel. Moreover, please play.

>> No.2400020

ggs, I swear my Marisa is usually much better than that (though still not great).


>> No.2400026

Good fights, bro. Good fights.

>> No.2400046

Sorry bro, phone and stuff. GGs.

>> No.2400076


>> No.2400283

ggs. I am shit tier. I dont think you are though.

>> No.2400284

Good fights. This is the first time I play with such a low lag on /jp/.

>> No.2400294

ggs broski.

>> No.2400305

ggs. I think we're about equal honestly, you won a good chunk of the games. Alice is probably one of the harder characters to play decent with, I'm more fond of Yuyuko and Reimu.

>> No.2400326

It's a shame Alice is easily taken apart with a half assed Suika.
B itself causes a good Alice player to charge.

>> No.2400339

I'm glad random never gave me Suika. All I can do with her is loliball spam(see strategy chart that I didn't save).

>> No.2400386

West coast USA hosting. Mid tier Yuyuko, Youmu.

>> No.2400555

GGs. Rehosting, somebody different this time.

>> No.2400560

lol ragequit? just kidding, ggs

>> No.2400593


ehh.. ggs, dude?


>> No.2400596

Ragequit. I've fought enough times in the IRC to be completely sickened by tourneyfag fighting styles nowadays. It's like everyone uses the same combos. Why not just put two robots to fight each other?


>> No.2400599

Wait, quoted the wrong person. You get the idea if you're the person I'm talking about.

>> No.2400610


>> No.2400615
File: 37 KB, 300x300, Remi_0277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's probably only one of these threads every month or so and I always miss it. I guessing there's nobody left?

>> No.2400618


>> No.2400637

I'm this guy, and I'm hosting for a while

>> No.2400639

GG, too laggy.

>> No.2400640
File: 105 KB, 240x340, Remi_0231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice if you'd include a location.

>> No.2400651

are you blind or something goddamn

>> No.2400675

No need to cry about it, calm down.

>> No.2400681



>> No.2400682

US West
Mid tier Yukari/Patchy I guess.

I hope I'm not too rusty

>> No.2400735

gg! it was fun and low lag!

>> No.2400737


I'm too out of practice, got my ass kicked. Was fun, though.

>> No.2402440
US Midwest

>> No.2402488

To whoever connected, I was there. It just takes a few seconds to switch from windowed mode to fullscreen.

>> No.2404132
File: 7 KB, 172x123, icon7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US West
High Tier Iku
High Tier Alice

>> No.2404161

goddamn, sadly netplay somehow doesn't work for me :/

>> No.2404174

Does it say
"CE . u " e 'z "V Ver. 1.06"
at the top of your window?

If not you need to update to version 1.06.

>> No.2404183

I've checked everything I could find on this topic, but it doesn't work - maybe because I have a dynamic IP?

>> No.2404196

No, I have a dynamic IP as well and it works fine. Most likely the port isn't open for whatever reason.

>> No.2404247

Most problems are caused by
1. Not using the correct version of SWR
2. Not forwarding ports (not a problem since I'm hosting)
3. Firewall blocking SWR

>> No.2404253

ggs, lag was a bit much though

>> No.2404273

Does work now
gg, but my timing was all screwed up - Only played LAN before :/

>> No.2404305

bump for great games

>> No.2404600
File: 233 KB, 580x580, 1220407248665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for some hostan
still shit tier
still europe

>> No.2404634

and still waiting

>> No.2404660

Any way to fix the copying option in Network? For some reason, it won't pick up the copied IP addresses.

>> No.2404723

ggs, but I think our skill levels might be a bit too far apart.

>> No.2404740

Well if you say so.. GGs anyway.

>> No.2404755 [DELETED] West Coast, Side Grinnan tier

>> No.2404784
IRCfag Tier.

>> No.2405035

GGs. It seems I'm still stuck at /jp/ tier.

>> No.2405109

GGs, E-MAN, I think my Reisen is ineffective on Reimu. So annonoying on mid-air. Also, need to work on Iku as well.

Thnaks for the games.

>> No.2405121

Duckator, for the love of god, stop mashing on wakeup.
Aside from that, you're not that bad.
Tnanks for the games!

>> No.2405128
File: 97 KB, 600x450, GGreimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fun matches, even with your RAGE inducing Youmu. Got 3 calls like halfway through our last two matches, so I need to answer them.

>> No.2405135
File: 417 KB, 700x700, 4fbb0e3324a60bb034eae44fbd23eccb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging around to have someone connected, I can't host, sadly.

Near mid-tier Iku.

>> No.2405143


>> No.2405165 [DELETED] 


>> No.2405334

GGs dude. You're fucking awesome. I can't do well with heavy defense dudes like you. Back to training again, I'm rusty, and lag fucked me up in critical moments.

>> No.2405339

Thanks for the games. always nice to see a decent iku, there's a shortage of those around.

>> No.2405346
File: 112 KB, 450x450, komachisikieiki0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame Komachi. Back when Iku was on the rise, so was Komachi and her rage inducing non-reliant-j.2A air game. Iku's been declining ever since.

>> No.2405373


You're welcome. Glad to think I'm decent. I'd like to play more defensive, but it's too hard, plus, my friend that I always play against (Marisa-main) is always going bananas, jumping everywhere, shooting and shit, so it's hard to play defensively.
Some tips about defenseive play? I don't wanna change Iku.

>> No.2405420

I'm hosting again. IP changed

>> No.2405439
Southern California
Power Level < 9001

Its been a while. ;_;

>> No.2405447
File: 87 KB, 615x800, 1221201427855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US West Coast Hostan

>> No.2405469

You're not playing defensively with iku? That's just nuts there.
Playing keep-away with Iku is beautiful with her reach and slow bullets. Her lightning bolt negates everything other than lazers and her drill already covers half the screen.
Keeping iku in the air is actually a better defensive strategy than you'd think. She can peek-a-boo really easy with her range in mid-air. As long as Marisa doesn't catch you with her broom ride cancel into a special you can combo her really easy with c.

>> No.2405498

Any aus hosters?

>> No.2405530

gg. I think I have played with you before but the you always left because of the lagstorm. I'm glad the lag is gone now :)
Hosting again.

>> No.2405540


>> No.2405556

gg. I blame SF4 for being bad at this game.

Rehosting. ;_;

>> No.2405557
File: 689 KB, 1097x788, YukariTenshiLick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. I had to see what sad Tenshi was like.

>> No.2405558
North America

>> No.2405563
File: 13 KB, 206x125, YukariSpin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.06 - Spectators: OK
Advanced Yukari & Patchouli

>> No.2405574
US midwest

>> No.2405582

Very sad. Haven't played this game for quite a while. Too much SF4 "Shoryuken on wake-up" crap. ;_;

>> No.2405587
File: 56 KB, 640x480, failed i think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting this image whenever i try to connect to anything... first time trying to use the netplay feature and i dont understand japanese so im asking since i guess someone should know what this means and if someone could point me in the direction of what im doing wrong if it's something im doing wrong

>> No.2405591

FUCK, Icekin and Dimglow back on jaypee and I can't play either!?

This day truly does suck.

>> No.2405609
File: 28 KB, 190x250, YukariWind1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play here exclusively, but then the connections got sparse so I went to IRC...
Just like now, still nothin'. Though I understand why.

>> No.2405641

I really want to play you again after so long, but now I gotta bounce.

Again, this day has sucked!

>> No.2405673


GGs, Chris. Thanks for the ups.

Nice using of Yukari's 213 there.

>> No.2405776

I should not have been taking matches from you. Even with all the lag you were full of holes.

>> No.2405779

gg. It was laggy but still playable!

>> No.2405789

Good games Sad Tenshi, I had no idea what that Aya long range kick was

>> No.2405793
File: 279 KB, 1005x672, SWRDash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Duckator. It was hard to time anything in that... Bad storms and tornado warnings in my area, so probably my fault.

>> No.2405794

I was full of holes?

>> No.2405797

GGs. It's really hard to find an opening in your attacks. Once you gain some momentum it's over for me.

>> No.2405828
Still looking for some games

>> No.2405892

A bit much distance between our locations ChileanAnon, but good game none the less.

>> No.2405996

Would someone care to host?

>> No.2406011
File: 10 KB, 247x260, 1238992726100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets play bitch

>> No.2406021

post an ip

>> No.2406039

Tourneyfag Extraordinaire.

>> No.2406061

ggs, hope the lag wasn't my fault there.

>> No.2406064

You are a good player, but you should remember that good skills doesn't win a match. You need to watch you opponent more than try to get the best combos.
Like the last match against tenko. You rushed because you thought that your B missle could hold marisa. You rushed and I threw out a C and broomed into you.
You've done it so many times before that you can read through most of your techniques.
You are too predictable is a problem against someone who watches. You beat me quite a few times to begin with, but slowly I started taking all the matches... Without following up on attacks, just sitting back after countering. Then walking around in the match. You should be more observant... but well it's just the internet not like this is a way of life.

>> No.2406090

Yeah, you're right. Mostly it's just me being lazy + getting bored and negligent after a lot of matches.

>> No.2406096
US East, Low/Mid Tier Yuyuko, Alice, Marisa

>> No.2406113

Should be careful, I consider myself a casual. By simply switching to a different way of attacking with suika I got your reimu with too many good shots. Oni fireball then another Oni fireball right after that, you tried to get off Reimu's B. You got a good opening with the teleport combo, but... yeah I knew that was coming. You always go for the opening attack. If I just rushed forward a few ticks I could have gotten you pretty bad right off the bat.

>> No.2406116

lol it's been a while jet

>> No.2406122

Ggs Bunny.
More tourneyfag action for whoever wants it!

>> No.2406242

Ggs ChileanAnon.

>> No.2406251

GG! I hope to play against you again soon!

>> No.2406473
US West - Intermediate casual

Hope people are still up.

>> No.2406768


I hate Sakuya to use.. so I came for some random character.

Well anyways, thanks for the games.
Keep up the good work!

>> No.2406771

GGs, rehosting

>> No.2408924

Ah, thanks for the tip then. It's just that I do the contrary with my characters in fighting games. i tend to go for the very heavy or the stronger-than-some-in-exchange-for-a-bit-of-speed characters...
I play with Ike on SSBB, Zappa and Potemkin on GGXX, Iku on SWR... and I always play offensive, even if some of them aren't meant to be played that way.

>> No.2408981

Anyone still hosting?

>> No.2409207
Hosting anew for a little bit

>> No.2409237

An odd spike of lag, still hosting if you'd like to retry

>> No.2409613

Good games Profile1P, sorry to cut them short but I've got to run

>> No.2410852


>> No.2410870

Rehostan if you will

>> No.2411371

GGs. I'm done playing for now. That disconnect was just a coincidence.

>> No.2411375

I guess that's good games Duckator. That first match turned out pretty weird if I say so myself. Do you main anyone?

>> No.2411444

Sakyua but I win the most matches with Yukari and Aya.
They're all fun to play though.
I have a habit of trying to learn every character in a fighting game and because of that I end up picking random all the time.
