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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2387691 No.2387691 [Reply] [Original]

So here's another day to sitting alone on a computer playing games and fapping. I've probably been doing this for awhile. Sometimes I look at the anime conventions and /a/ and think to myself "If I stopped being such an elitist prick maybe I could get along with them". I could lower my level and go hang out with people in anime conventions and cosplay as ichigo. I would probably be alot happier. I would have friends, I would go out more and it would be better than sitting all day alone in my computer. But what will I sacrifice for all this /jp/?

>> No.2387707


>> No.2387698

Retarded friends that go
-kawaii desu nee~~
-naruto is so GAR
-sasuke is so cute uguuu~~

>> No.2388645

if they drink alcohol I could tolerate it.

>> No.2388647

Most normal anime fans are idiots who would cause me to feel dead inside if I tried to get along with them.

I have a few close friends that share my views, so I dont have to deal with "that" crowd.

>> No.2388648

If they do, they will get drunk off of a couple drinks, and be really lame drunks.

>> No.2388649

Protip: You can be friends with people who aren't into anime and video games.

If that's what you look for in every friend, then it's no wonder you spend your time here instead of irl.

>> No.2388652

Why don't you just be friends with people who don't go to anime cons? It's not that hard.

>> No.2388657

Sage for reverse-psychology attempt to get us to leave our rooms

You aren't getting me out of here that easily, faggot

>> No.2388662

Trust me, I've been there. This WILL NOT work. You will not be happier. Normalfags are autists.
Just stay with the things you like and hang out with people who like the things you like.

>> No.2388668


OP is probably one of those meme spewing /a/ idiots.
Learn to suppress your power lvl and mingle with the normalfags if you really want friends.

>> No.2388670
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My brother once convinced me to go to an anime convention. It was so dull, all I ended up doing was watch people play Rock Band while he went off and talked with his friends. On the bright side, I did get to see this adorable little girl cosplaying Pikachu.

>> No.2388672

Considering you posted a Girugamesh image macro I think you could get along with /a/ posters (and by extension con-goers) a lot better than you might think.

>> No.2388675
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A while back I thought this too, but then I decided " fuck this " so I returned back to the darkness never to seek the light again.

>> No.2388688

I had a group of friends who loved watching like Kaiji, Mushishi, or Mononoke, even discussing mangas like blame, jojo or berserk, they usually just dressed normally and hided their power levels in any other places.

at some point we all just parted ways and stopped meeting, but those where good times, I grew with those guys and had an image that most anime fans of that age would be like that.

but then I met the "casual" fans.

now I miss those guys so much.

>> No.2388694


did you try to catch her?

>> No.2388712

Her mother was with her and I didn't have enough balls to make the attempt.

>> No.2388716

So she already had a trainer I guess eh?

>> No.2388729

I was in a IT school, and we were all anime fans and geeks
that was cool, we were exchanging DVD's, artbooks, stuff, there was always someone who discovered a new serie/VN/whatever and it was our main conversation subject. I've never hidden my powerlevel and I was respected

that was the good old time.

>> No.2388733

If this isn't a copypasta... then, well, now it is.

>> No.2388739

Well I see that the IT schools are the same everywhere.

>> No.2388828

The irony of this thread is that a bunch of shut-in human detritus who don't have the respect of a single person (except perhaps the twisted and grudging approbation of a few other anonymous posters on this board) are concerned about the loss of their "pride" and the effacement of their "image."

That being said, consider this OP. You say you feel empty and unfulfilled because you're alone, but with time, won't everyone end up like you?

Consider a "normal" person of above average success in the rat race. He'll find consistent employment in the same field for ~30-40 years.
He'll begin his career enjoying what he does, but soon, he'll come to realize that the realities of his job are quite different from his dream. Nevertheless, the "success" he's acquired and the fear of losing it drive him onwards and within the span of a few years, the prospect of going to work darkens his days with dread.

But what of his personal life? Well, he'll meet a great many people and call many of them friends. But in truth, as the years pass, his "friends" will fall away from him whenever he falls on hard times or when he leaves their immediate proximity. If he has a marriage that is fortunate enough to not end in divorce and alimony/child support payments, then it instead will grow stale, monotonous and grinding; a partnership maintained out of habit and convenience rather than love.

>> No.2388831

continued from >>2388828

What if he has kids? Well, all of you should understand how unpredictable the raising of children can be; even if your kids don't turn into NEETs, parasites or embarassments to your name, they may reciprocate your love with betrayal in other ways - a cold shoulder or the nursing home, perhaps?

As for his material comforts, he'll have acquired many trinkets in the years of his employment. Yet he finds that even if he has the time to savor the fruits of his labor, they taste as ashes in his mouth; the pleasure is in buying and not possessing and only too late will he realize this. Meanwhile, he's spent the best years of his life accumulating his trinkets and paying off his house, shackled by the obligations of economic slavery.

And this picture doesn't account for the ultimate separation; death. Consider our fine "normal" at the end of his days, having outlived his family and compatriots, entirely alone; having had everything, lost it and then, reflecting upon his life in his last moments, understood that it was all worthless and that he had pursued the wrong path?

Just some food for thought.

>> No.2388847

More like the only people who would enjoy a convention like this are socialites, anyway.

>> No.2388853

Posting a bunch of pointlessly negative "what if?" scenarios doesn't really prove any kind of point. Oh golly what if bad things happen?!

People on the internet are hopelessly pedantic.

>> No.2388885

>People on the internet are hopelessly pedantic.


>Posting a bunch of pointlessly negative "what if?" scenarios doesn't really prove any kind of point. Oh golly what if bad things happen?!

Let me make my point more clear then. A scenario like this is unlikely to describe the life of only one person, but taken as a composite, I imagine most of you know someone who represents at least one, if not many, of these sorts of traits. The point I'm making is simply that in the case of the OP, he's inadvertantly reached a state of (crude) enlightenment by his lack of desires and feelings of discontent and emptiness. By giving up and waiting to die, he's at least saving himself the disasters and disappointments (and same ultimate conclusion) waiting for him if he should try to take a different course.

>> No.2388888

Hard work sometimes pays off in the future, while laziness always pays off and the rewards are immediate.

>> No.2388903


Isn't a pedantic someone who loves children?

>> No.2388907


Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: a pedantic attention to details.

>> No.2388908
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pic related

>> No.2388912

It is not elitist to not go to american anime conventions they are objectively bad and full of bad people

>> No.2388915

But if >>2388670 is telling the truth, they are also filled with cosplaying little girls.

>> No.2388925


..... you just blew my mind...

>> No.2388931
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Why would anyone go to an Anime convention to socialize when there are plenty of places to socialize that don't involve fat sweaty fucks dressed up as cartoon characters? They are nothing more than a collection of man-children who have refused to grow up.

The same goes doubly so for the women who go there, as they are little more than girls who will not stop playing dress-up.

By hanging out with these people, you yourself will regress to a more immature stage. If you want to experience emotional maturity and progress to a better stage, I advise you avoid such things.

>> No.2388935
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I don't quite get the picture there.

>> No.2388939

The first time I went to a con (and the only time) I went to the dealers room to see all the over priced stuff I could've bought else where. Some people might go for that stuff though.

>> No.2388947

Enjoy your little girls who only went to an anime convention because they're ugly and only have ugly friends, if any.

>> No.2388953

Happiness in life doesn't come from material possessions or love or whatever.

Its' something you find in how you look at the world - in your mindset. To the relaxed, detached and happy person, you don't need huge piles of material goods to make you happy.

On the other hand, you won't be able to fill any kind of hole with just material goods.

You can find happiness inside of yourself, no matter how bleak the situation is now. I've done it, and so can you.

>> No.2388969
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This is the true mindset of happiness.

You will not become happy through your achievements. They will merely be bars that you will jump over and leave behind, of little meaning or use.

Nor can you buy yourself happiness. You purchase new figurines, books, toys, or gadgets not because they will make you happy, but because you want them.

Someone else cannot give you happiness. It is selfish and unreasonable to place that burden on another person's shoulders, and doubly so to use them as a crutch for moral support.

In the end, you yourself must be happy. Being happy can be as simple as telling yourself that you are.

>> No.2388972

Convention are a great place for otaku shopping. You don't have to socialize with retards to get the good artist alley material or discount figs and doujinshi. Also, some of the bigger cons have interesting panels hosted by animu studios and game companies.

>> No.2388975

I smell a troll here guys.

>> No.2388978
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>Enjoy your little girls who only went to an anime convention because they're impressionable and only have worthless parents, if any

Fixed. Pic related.

>> No.2388986

hey /jp, last week i asked the prettiest, sweetest girl i have ever meet to be my girlfriend. she's Japanese, 23 years old and her smile makes me blush every time.

she said yes. so fuck your ronery shit, i'm outta here.

>> No.2388988

/jp/ is a lonely path. It is also the ultimate humanitarian path. We forgo social interaction in hopes that someone out there in the world will take our share. Such is the sacrifice that we must endure when we take up the banner of /jp/. Our path is a solemn path. We do not expect to experience happiness. We do not expect companionship. We do not expect any interaction with the opposite sex. Instead we live our lives through the eyes of the protagonists in visual novels. Once we see through their eyes, we cannot turn back and hope to experiencing those things through our own mortal flesh. In becoming one with /jp/ we shed our fragile bodies for the eternal body that is a VN protagonist.

>> No.2389005

/jp/ - Brotherhood of Transcendence to a Higher Being via Visual Novels
Thanks anon you just made my day.

>> No.2389009

I just have problems socializing.
I'm not being elitist, I'm just being a recluse.

>> No.2389034


A slow and solemn golf clap for you.

>> No.2389038

I'm not elitist either. Heck, I'm not even ugly, nor fat and I have no problems socializing with people I know.
I have friends

>> No.2389041
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>> No.2389055
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>> No.2389057

Well you're normal I guess then.
I can only openly talk to my family members and psychologist.

>> No.2389058
File: 326 KB, 1000x500, fistfist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2389061

I'm a 4chan level otaku. I don't talk with you chumps in anime club, I don't read your "anime magazine" with new releases I saw two years ago. I don't need to go to a club full of fat smelly people to watch Full Metal Alchemist all over again. I've got fuckin' live feed torrents of the newest animes you haven't even heard of, and figures from said anime being shipped to my house so I can masturbate on them. Go read your "yowie" on fanfiction.net, I'm downloading loli dojinshi and reading the fucking raws. You keep wearing your naruto headbands and shit, socializing with your weeaboo friends. I'll be walking by, Anonymous. You'll never know that the master of anime had passed you by, because I suppress my power level.

Remember bros, this is the only path.

>> No.2389064

I don't talk openly to anyone. The only friends I have are fellow kitchens on 2ch.

>> No.2389068

You’re a 4chan level otaku, you say? Hrmph. I am a 2channel level otaku, and you are as far beneath me as narutards are beneath you. Think you’re pretty hot with your torrents? My satellite dish is pulling down the latest shows while they air from motherfucking SPACE. By the time you even see the OP I’ve already fapped and smoked a cigarette. And the latest moeblob you fell in love with this season? Three years ago I played the game the show’s based, got the secret harem ending, and came on her face. And her friends' faces. All at the same time. Twice. You keep waiting for your precious torrents. I’ll be standing in line at Comiket, getting the real deal from the artist himself.

>> No.2389075

I played ToHeart the day it came out.

it was the last eroge I ever played ;_;

>> No.2389076


Good time to pull out the pasta.
Was there a ZUN level otaku pasta? I vaguely remember seeing it before.

>> No.2389389

>I have no problems socializing with people I know.
So no one actually noticed how I typed that?
No one?
The point being that I can very well be comfortable being with the people I know, that is to say my old casual-otaku/nerd friends and family, and still be a generally socially awkward hikki NEET who's never even touched a female. Because that's what I am.

>> No.2389405

I noticed, but it's not that odd for people to only socialize with their close circle friends and family.

>> No.2389446

if you guys were buddhists you would be praised for your isolation efforts, be they intentional or not.

>> No.2389453

I wonder how you get friends in the first place though, since everyone starts out as a stranger.

>> No.2389470

I don't even remember how it happened, I think I was young and shared a few interests with similar nerdy kids in my class back in primary school or something. After that I walked down the path of hopeless otakuness and never got another new friend anymore.

>> No.2389476

I don't really want to be happy.
