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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2384692 No.2384692 [Reply] [Original]

Darn it! I wanted to be the healer! She doesn't have to rub it in by sticking her tongue out. =(

>> No.2384701

id rather be the tank or dps anyways

>> No.2384700

You best be a troll. Nobody wants to be the healer.

>> No.2386780

You serious? Healer is the most fun role to play because it gives you power over everyone else.

>> No.2386797

Back when I played RO (wwww), I had my own personal Priest bot that always followed me. It was awesome, much better than human Priests. She'd insta-buff me whenever a buff ran out, plus she'd use the lowest level of heal that would fully healed me with one spell, for maximum SP savings.

>> No.2386814

Melee dps, screw your ranged faggotry.

>> No.2386818

I always play the healer.

>> No.2386822

Tank is the most unrewarding job, it doesn't get enough credit.

I think most healers like being so because they don't like depending on other guys.

>> No.2386824

While pretending I'm a little girl.

>> No.2386827 [DELETED] 
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Healers always get raped

>> No.2386832

I like depending on others and having them protect me while I heal them. The shy and kind-heart type of moe.

>> No.2386838

You know, you're probably right. At least for me I wouldn't want to call on just any jerkoff with a heal spell to try to keep me alive.

>> No.2386843

I too play healer. It's a little tedious when leveling, but it allows me to venture off by myself (and resurrect the random dead guy). It's also fun to buff everyone but that one guy you don't like.

>> No.2386845


>> No.2386852
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>> No.2386858

Getting job 50 as a battle aco was a pain if you didn't have the right equipment.

>> No.2386862

In all the time i played MMO's, being healer is the job with the biggest burden. If anything goes wrong, it's your fault always. And even when you do your job, you didn't really help killing anything per se, so you don't get that much credit for anything. My own experience as a healer was being unthanked, mostly giving moral support to the people in the danger zone while i did my job. When thigns went wrong it was always my fault, even if the tank didn't get his stances/buff's/whatever up at the right time or whatever went wrong. The healer is always supposed to intervene miraculously somehow when things go wrong

>> No.2386863

Healer is usually really nice for learning the basics of games, but they get borrrrring after years of playing.
Offensive magic classes and nukers, though sometimes gimp, are where it's at.

>> No.2386909

Sometimes you have to have the balls to stand up for yourself and tell them that no, nothing was your fault at all. At least, that it's not your fault they fucked up and allowed the mob to one-shot them, or the tank let a handful of aggroes swarm the DPS while he was dicking around with a slime.

Usually people find something else to bitch about, but this way you won't be the target.

>> No.2386917

You're not the right type of person to be a healer and you're playing games with crummy communities. I don't expect thanks because I'm just doing what I'm supposed to be doing and so far I have yet to get into a group that blames me for everything but I probably wouldn't notice because I'm the kind of person that apologizes whenever I slip up in the slightest.

>> No.2386933

no no no, It's not always the healer's fault blame can be placed with a simple rule:

Healer dies, Tank's fault
Tank dies, Healer's fault
Deeps die, Its their own fucking fault.

>> No.2386939

I want to play games with /jp/.

>> No.2386943

Healer isn't for learning basics, healers are usually more mature players who enjoy more than running around whacking things.

>> No.2386949
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I remember one time we were doing really well, the enemy was about to buy it, and everyone was at full health. Silly me, I decided to get up and grab a snack, and when I get back, everyone was dead except for me. I had time to sit down in time to watch my character die.

>> No.2386967

That's the most irresponsible thing I've ever heard regarding online games.

>> No.2386977
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We can if im not the only /jp/edo who plays WoW.

>> No.2387051

I know, but I didn't expecting things to go tits up just in a matter of two minutes.

>> No.2387058

Is it even relatively good anymore?

>> No.2387065

No, baby.

>> No.2387086


Still the best game in the world right now

>> No.2387101

I'm just holding out till 3.1, suppose to be a bunch of new stuff.

>> No.2387102

That's what I thought.

>> No.2387115

I play WoW. I'm a dirty European though.

>> No.2387140

Now I don't know what to believe. I quit about 3 months after BC came out, did it improve or go down hill since then?

>> No.2387191

Out of vanilla WoW, BC and WotLK, BC was the worst. WotLK content is far too easy at the moment though, and PvP is a gibfest. I guess it'll get better in time, but they should remove death knights from the game.

>> No.2387296

Agreed, While some classes are utterly broken the changes since BC haven't been that bad. Wrath is geared towards higher level players though.

Dk's need to be removed, If i see another DK named "Komachi" im going to kill myself.

>> No.2387340

>some classes are utterly broken
My class used to be the most overpowered class together with Warlocks in vanilla WoW. In BC I could at least get carried by rogues in arenas, now I can't even do that anymore. I gave in and rerolled Paladin. Isn't it sad? ;_;

>> No.2387356

Is the class you're referring to a mage, by any chance?

Sounds like the same situation I was in since my main was a mage.

>> No.2387362

Shadowpriest. I could just go disc but I really don't like playing it.

>> No.2387372

Still the only MMO where raiding is fun with everyone doing their role.

>> No.2387380


Get some fucking keybinds you damn scrub.

>> No.2387384

i have to heal cause nobody else will
also i get told i'm awesome at it, but maybe they just say that to keep me in the role so they don't have to do it

>> No.2387391

The last MMO I played was a Maple Story private server

>> No.2387402


I got reminded of this song.

>> No.2387411
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>> No.2387439


>> No.2387462

/jp/ - WoW/General

>> No.2387509

Mages stopped being overpowered right before BC came out and, so I guess you mean only in Vanilla, right? I had a 60 Gnome mage mid-Vanilla, but rolled horde late-Vanilla/BC and had a 70 Troll mage until I quit. I pvp'd the entire time, but PVP was so horrid once BC came out with arenas there was almost no point.

>> No.2387625

Enjoy your ronery solo grind on MMO.

>> No.2387630

Says the guy who plays MMOs at all.

>> No.2387653

Every class has had its ups and downs. Except rogues and death knights. Seriously, fuck death knights.

>> No.2387663

You're forgetting Survival Hunters.

>> No.2387678

Survival was shit ever since vanilla until they suddenly made it overpowered. And besides, hunters were fine, they even sucked at dps back in the MC days compared to, say, mages or rogues. I'm talking about classes that have never seen a rainy day.

>> No.2387686

Ah, yeah then that's about right. What was Blizzard thinking when they gave DKs EVERYTHING to counter casters, it's so fucking retarded.

>> No.2387708

EVEfag reporting in

also, metathread sage

>> No.2387726

What are you talking about? Mind freeze, Strangulate, Anti-Magic shell, Anti-Magic zone, etc require lots of skill!

>> No.2387755

I didn't think many people here played WoW, you surprised me /jp/.

>> No.2387791


I played a long time ago, but I gave it up because I felt they were fucking casters harder and harder with BC.

>> No.2387794


and how

>> No.2387807

Warlocks will be the strongest class by quite a bit in 3.1, aren't you happy?!

>> No.2387819

I play City of Heroes, and I really need to try being a defender/corruptor. Thing is, I'm too attatched to my big red number/not ever dying ever. Please, /jp/, give me advice as to how to enjoy playing a heal-bitch.

>> No.2387823

I played WoW when it came out, quit within 6 months. Now my friends resurrected my account... So now I have a 10 day trial on Ghostlands Alliance.
I still think EQ2 had better PVE and WAR will have better PVP in a few months when shit is balanced.

>> No.2387827



>> No.2387858


>> No.2387862



>> No.2387872

the film company

i am nothing without my spellcheck

>> No.2387879

seeing these posts about WoW make me wonder...

is there anyone here who plays on Thunderlord or is in the battlegroup Vindication?

>> No.2387887


I've given up WoW for TF2 and L4D. I find myself much happier for my choice.

>> No.2387888


>> No.2387891
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>> No.2387892


Don't worry, they are just giving the warlocks some hope since they were nerfed so fucking much up till now. Give it a few weeks and it'll all be nerfed again. Nothing of value was lost etc.

>> No.2387893

>>2387887not to mention you save 15$ a month

>> No.2387903

I hope so, Warlocks are already the highest PvE damage class and one of the strongest classes in PvP.

>> No.2387921

WAR rulez
bright wizzard and war priest ftw

>> No.2387925

Overpowered classes?
Though I played an Ironbreaker and a Rune Priest before I quit.

>> No.2387929

nothing is overpowered against a fury.
when did you quit?

>> No.2387934

I got sick of Witch Elves and Mythic failed to announce the promised announcements.

>> No.2388116


>one of the strongest classes in PvP.


>> No.2388148

You do realize the number one 2v2 team is Shaman Warlock at 2.9k rating right?

>> No.2388157

Also, Paladin DK Warlock.

>> No.2388161

Jesus son of a bitch. /jp/ discussing WOW? Not even /v/ can tolerate WOW.

>> No.2388303


>> No.2388357

/v/ has 160+ reply wow threads all the time. Granted that about 30 of those replies are sage

>> No.2388365

enjoy wasting you're life on a grinding game

>> No.2388498

Depends on what kind of grind. I think doing lore-full quests (I just got shown how Arthas comanded his troops to burn his ships in Northrend and few quests after that how he aquiered Frostmourne and killed Muradin, who suprisingly still lives, but lost his memory.) is really enjoable. They are also pretty small ones, so even if they repeat pretty obviously they can be done in small amout of time so you dont feel like you are doing one thing for long time...

>> No.2388559

This is why WoW superior to all other korean/japan mmo.
WoW level cap is at 80 and it reward you for doing end game stuff rather than just grindan to be the highest lvl guy on the server or to grind to wear better EQs.

>> No.2388570

The only good classes are archer classes.

>> No.2388580 [DELETED] 

I had lots of fun playing white mage in FFXI... that is until they dumped me at level 41 for those fucking refresh whores.

>> No.2388585
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I had lots of fun playing white mage in FFXI... that is until they dumped me at level 41 for those fucking refresh whores.

>> No.2388594

Sorry bro...
I was happy to get groups!

Does anyone on /jp/ play on Kajuta?
