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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 150 KB, 685x1000, sapphire_384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2381507 No.2381507 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2381513
File: 160 KB, 685x1000, sapphire_385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet Ai

>> No.2381523 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 251x176, sayakagif3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2381538

Use "previous thread" so that my script autohides your threads, please

>> No.2381551

Why not use the subject instead? "モームスとあややスレ" would cover them all.

>> No.2381560
File: 438 KB, 1400x1000, kuko1091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh anons let the sun that is musume shine down on you

>> No.2381570 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2381571

And I thought Miki looked manly.

>> No.2381626

>let the sun that is musume shine down on you
Their light was swallowed up by the talentless black hole named Kusumi Koharu.

>> No.2381756
File: 762 KB, 1440x810, kuko1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more koharu trash talk i hear, the more
i really do believe she is the "miracle ace"

>> No.2381768

Oh I gotta hear the retarded reasoning for this. Go!

>> No.2381771
File: 196 KB, 628x900, sapphire_386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican anon here.


>No offense for Mexican Spanish, but who would prefer Mexico over Spain as a destination for a study vacation?
Only spaniards are proud of their own spanish, the words you use in daily life sound really stupid on any other country. Also, I think Mexico is the most important latinamerican country (not that im proud of my country, but thats how it is said). Also were famous in Japan for doing wotagei, if you search in youtube for wotagei, most of the videos are mexican. And in 2chan they always say: メキシコといえばヲタ芸だよね

>well there are rich Mexicans in Mexico City
>rich Mexicans
Hmmm, that doesnt sounds right in the same sentence

>Holy shit, where/how did you find her? Maybe I can find my own Japanese girl to teach her Spanish. I envy you ;_;
>Also, ask her to teach you Japanese.
You just have to lurk moar, they are easier to find than most mexican weaboos think. And we are supposed to be doing cultural exchange now, but somehow she noticed my badges today and we ended going to the cinema

Also more delicious Ai

>> No.2381775
File: 227 KB, 628x900, sapphire_387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2381796

>but somehow she noticed my badges today and we ended going to the cinema
my powerlevel wasn't high enough to flash musume merchandise around in public, but hearing that it hooked in a japanese girl my mind is changing
but she's actually not your girlfriend and grant it you are actually a wota, you'll find some way to fuck that up

>> No.2381815


Mexican here too, just some information, Mexico IS the most important latin american country, and yes, there are countless of rich mexicans.

why am I so sure about this? because My job is about knowing how mexican economy is doing(not just reading newspapers BUT doing some deep investigation), the percentages of viable economy and work, I believe the main problem we have is believeing we are poor by comparing ourselves to first world countries (or believe politics have anything to do with how our economy develops).

Im not that proud of my country either(lacks of a lot of culture) but I know we are much better economically than what most believe.

>> No.2381816

>Also were famous in Japan for doing wotagei, if you search in youtube for wotagei
sorry can't say I heard of that nor ever having the inclination for searching for mexican influences in Japan, but we learn something each day
>Hmmm, that doesnt sounds right in the same sentence
couldn't agree more, that is why they are secluded in a centralized location far from the poor farmers
glad you liked the OP but then again how couldn't you

>> No.2381861
File: 2.83 MB, 374x270, toro7059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah most probably, I met her last week, she is studying spanish on my college. I also always hide my powerlevels, but it seems that japanese (girls and boys) find interesting that something as disgusting as momusu has reached other countries and there are die hard fans outside the island. Im thinking she is just in for the lulz, but still....

>> No.2381879

>find interesting that something as disgusting as momusu has reached other countries and there are die hard fans outside the island. Im thinking she is just in for the lulz
>disgusting as momusu
this relationship just too a turn for the worst
but you keep posting those Ai gif's and we'll work it out,
and at some point I want to see a comical list of the differences between mexican women and japanese women

>> No.2381927

i think i understand what you meant by disgusting
like how Japanese like destiny's child and black influenced everything

>> No.2381968
File: 1.72 MB, 320x180, sapphire_300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real problem is that the rich are just a few, and everybody else is so damn poor

>but you keep posting those Ai gif's and we'll work it out
Im giving my best

>and at some point I want to see a comical list of the differences between mexican women and japanese women
first one would be hair where theres is supposed to be none....this applies both ways

>> No.2381989

>first one would be hair where theres is supposed to be none
lol, i can guess the locations
but seriously explain the disgusting comment further, just curious

>> No.2382025
File: 1.28 MB, 305x187, sapphire_267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, destiny's child is a really good example. But still if US weren't so cocky about being the best country in the world, you would find interestin that they were famous in a country so far from your lil' islands.
Truth is I've made some really good friends mostly because of me being an otaku and they find cool that someone knows that much about their country

I would like to be hit by that ass

>> No.2382052

>because of me being an otaku and they find cool that someone knows that much about their country
right on, exactly why i think some of us are fascinated with some aspects of Japanese culture embracing the U.S. (i.e. baseball, drinking, extreme fetishes, etc.)
>But still if US weren't so cocky about being the best country in the world,
i think a lot of that mentality was forced upon the media thanks to the bush republican administration
lurk around 4chan a bit longer and you'll find a lot of americans who can stand their country
but in general, stereotypes never real answer anything and create more problems

>> No.2382103
File: 34 KB, 720x405, hello4215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sistas gotta hug
its so good to see those two getting along better now, it was kinda rocky when Aika first joined, koharu can get so jealous of attention sometimes

>> No.2382109

>mostly because of me being an otaku
so you identify as an otaku first and a wota second ?

>> No.2382197
File: 332 KB, 1000x1400, aewen1189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think imagination may make the comment more interesting Protip: go see some JAV

Its an easier way to not scare jap girls that way. Still I sometime get the キモイ!! look once in a while somehow im proud that a jap girl already told me that ;___; so ronery

Im lazy to search for more AI gifs, have some Dining Musume instead

>> No.2382201
File: 336 KB, 1050x1483, sapphire_280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the best OP I have ever seen in my life. Thank you, OP. Thank you.

>> No.2382218

>Protip: go see some JAV
counter-protip: we are in /jp/, it goes without saying

>Its an easier way to not scare jap girls that way.
jap is an offensive term bro, don't talk like that in front of the girl. or do mexicans get away with making that comment because they weren't in WWII ?
i was just joking about the .gif's, you not being an asshat in this thread is good enough

>> No.2382244

your acting strange reinya, whats your angle here?

>> No.2382307

/jp/ - Previous Threads

>> No.2382312


>> No.2382314

Have I ever told you that tartan looks good on Jun Jun? I wonder if they're the only kind of shirts she can afford, though. I've noticed she seems to wear them way too often.

>> No.2382327
File: 177 KB, 1348x926, 1223433159008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just used jap because is faster to write, dont know if we can get away, since there is no offensive term in spanish unless "nipones" is bad for them.

>your acting strange reinya, whats your angle here?
>your acting strange reinya
>strange reinya
You almost made it sound like if something was wrong there

inb4 grammar-anon

>> No.2382354

>green text
very nice, he is acting strange because he acted as if he hadn't noticed OP until post 17 . . I catch that instantly, reaction to that photo is natural
i could only imagine being at that concert when they were wearing those
>I just used jap because is faster to write,
spend the time and write it out fully, its not that hard

>> No.2382373

>no offensive term in spanish

>> No.2382392

>>very nice, he is acting strange because he acted as if he hadn't noticed OP until post 17
I'm not trying to start some sort of shitstorm but sometimes your guys' thread is pure shit and I avoid reading them. Like now, this mexican faggot is really annoying and I'm just waiting for him to stop. So, yeah, I really did just notice the OP because I wasn't reading this thread. Seriously though, her thighs are unbelievable.

>> No.2382403

annoying? because our attention is on him instead of you? go back to h!o and cry

>> No.2382427

>Like now, this mexican faggot is really annoying and I'm just waiting for him to stop.
cute, but i hear where you're coming from, I'd rage if I heard about someone grabbing a japanese girls attention thanks to his musume wear if I thought like a teenager
>Seriously though, her thighs are unbelievable
I completely agree and nothing is more sexy than seeing her skin get whiter and whiter as you go up her leg

HANGRY&ANGRY @ 「Sakura con」 Episode 0

So who is going to be there ?! I know one anon was plotting a Rika waifu plan

>> No.2382462

sorry the link's broke ;___;

>> No.2382510
File: 93 KB, 697x986, pasta_typhoon4972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I don't see "メキシコ人ブロ" anywhere in the subject, so keep your blog shit to yourself.

And not even one flimsy response from that Koha-fag? Your fellow Haguki-wota would demand you kill yourself for not responding, but maybe you're not as seasoned when it comes to making shit up as they are.

I was really looking forward to your line of reasoning too.

>> No.2382550

you are sounding pretty trollish there bro
debating your personal tastes in idols seems pointless considering how you don't acknowledge Koharu's successful singles at all
besides I just thought you were a troll anyone and it still sounds that way even with that picture of Aya next to you
maybe you jealous of mexican wota as well ?

>> No.2382563

yeah cause reading your dialog with mika on the kids thread is the most amazing thing ever to happen in /jp/

You are right on the thigh thing though

>> No.2382609
File: 383 KB, 1024x576, tekitou0327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need for all the rage,
just calm down and enjoy this picture of Eri

>> No.2382633
File: 359 KB, 1024x576, tekitou0331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave it to dc to fuck things up . . .

>> No.2382664
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>> No.2382669


>> No.2382693
File: 288 KB, 1050x1483, img2008050810313531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>annoying? because our attention is on him instead of you? go back to h!o and cry
You are the reason I should have just kept not reading this thread.

/jp/ is awesome. When I post too much, I am looking for attention, but when I don't post you say I'm looking for attention by avoiding the thread lol.

More Ai.

>> No.2382722

just so you know we are not the same anon
but there is some truth to his statement
i find it very strange that you couldn't handle some new anon describing his background
and resorted to cursing him out for doing absolutely nothing to you
when i hear that musume goods attract japanese girls attention, that interests me, even if they are doing so out of humiliation

>> No.2382790

lol, I didn't even read his posts, I just saw someone mentioning some mexican anon. From what I did read though, he was posting about retarded real life shit like girlfriends and other non-/jp/ related normalfag business. Leave that to Athens.

>>and resorted to cursing him out
I didn't speak directly to him or anything.

>> No.2382813

>lol, I didn't even read his posts
ok, fair enough, I guess I'll believe you there
>he was posting about retarded real life shit like girlfriends
you do know that in the real world it doesn't go from stranger to waifu right, if you don't think about that stuff your crippling your future

>> No.2382861
File: 583 KB, 1006x1481, tekitou3519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides, wouldn't you like a real japanese girlfriend,
to dominate her passive nature?!

>> No.2382874

>>you do know that in the real world it doesn't go from stranger to waifu right,
Unfortunately, yes.

>>if you don't think about that stuff your crippling your future
My future was already crippled.

>> No.2382903
File: 275 KB, 1016x1359, img20090315183034628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My future was already crippled.
You've got assburgers, don't you?

>> No.2382914

you fool didn't you hear, in Japan you can turn from zero to hero
didn't you say you're 18, plenty of future there
unless you truly do look like that disgusting metal-rap kid picture i post
but please don't answer either, i just realized i crossed a line about asking about Reinya's personal life

>> No.2382960

charisma man? is that you?!? :o

>> No.2382964

>>you fool didn't you hear, in Japan you can turn from zero to hero
More like zero to hero, then back to zero in a very short time.

>>unless you truly do look like that disgusting metal-rap kid picture i post

No, don't you?

>> No.2382979
File: 314 KB, 992x1343, img20090315183354446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, don't you?
No, I'm actually an upstanding member of society. People love me, it's probably because I'm a Sexy Guy.

>> No.2382990

Well, that's why I love you, so it wouldn't be completely out of the question.

>> No.2383007
File: 320 KB, 1016x1351, img20090315183421549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, that's why I love you, so it wouldn't be completely out of the question.
That can't be the only reason you love me, who are you trying to fool?

>> No.2383032

I'm shocked and appalled that some of you idiots believe this spic's bullshit story. All the people responding to it better be him replying to his own posts. Anyway, I thought these threads were about morning musume, not someone's fucking blog.

>> No.2383039

I already went down that road, then I got yelled at for wanting attention. Anyway, well said.

>>That can't be the only reason you love me, who are you trying to fool?
No, it is.

>> No.2383051
File: 295 KB, 1483x1050, img20090207063121099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, it is.
No, really, There has to be more reasons. You can't just love me for being an unbelievably sexy guy. That's not the way it works.

>> No.2383063

i don't see what you are crying about
i basically picked apart his story, he only claims he went to the movies with her and knows her for one week
there is nothing hard to believe about that
will you two just get a room already
its deep weaboo bro love

>> No.2383064
File: 39 KB, 417x600, img20081220093559889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Since when the fuck are we allowing no-good, dirty, mexican rat-bastards post in these threads? For fucks sake, do I have to run this shit as well?

>> No.2383070
File: 351 KB, 992x1359, img20090315183405715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shut your dirty whore mouth when Men are talking.

>> No.2383076

i don't listen to thugs in life or on the internet
and aren't you brazilian if i remember correctly

>> No.2383096 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 516x768, img20090207003947597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't play coy with me, you know damn well who I am.



>> No.2383104
File: 86 KB, 894x1280, 20060701-eri08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I had an obscenely long and angry rant typed out, but 4chan ate it.

Anyway, in short (and no particular order); Nu-uh! Shut up! That still doesn't make her any good! www, moran, etc. etc.

"We now return you to your regularly scheduled shit thread."

>> No.2383109

>>No, really, There has to be more reasons. You can't just love me for being an unbelievably sexy guy. That's not the way it works.
Nope, that's pretty much it. What else did you have in mind?

>> No.2383115

>Ugh, I had an obscenely long and angry rant typed out, but 4chan ate it.
oh thank goodness
i like this diplomatic approach much better

>> No.2383141
File: 402 KB, 1280x892, eririn (1550).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nope, that's pretty much it. What else did you have in mind?
How about the known fact that I'm the best poster in any of these threads? Clearly that deserves attention.

Single-handedly bringing the Berryz/C-ute thread back into existence? I got banned so you could argue with shitbags like Mikka. Do I get no credit there?

I think you take me for granted, bro. That's not right, that's not right by any means. You should know how awe-inspiring I am, I do.

>> No.2383156
File: 193 KB, 685x1000, tekitou3527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm going to sleep because ive been posting WAY TOO long today

>> No.2383158

i ate it.
over there.

>> No.2383168
File: 218 KB, 1176x1782, toro42825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you missed me tearing you, the Mexican and Koharu down like the pieces of shit you are (it had lots of neat swears and everything!).

I even had a very small compliment for ReiNya~<3 crammed in there because of his stance on normal faggotry.

>> No.2383219

Would it be out of line to ask you to type it again? Sounds very interesting, actually.

Nope, that's definitely it, sorry.

>> No.2383241
File: 47 KB, 640x480, hellogirls0358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2383270
File: 382 KB, 1005x1426, tekitou3290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would it be out of line to ask you to type it again?
The moment has passed, sorry.

>> No.2383275

For me the fear of normalfaggotry is more rewarding to watch than any response you'd get out of a long winded and pro reinya rant against a 15 posts on topic discussion
Besides I'm trying to get to sleep

>> No.2383315
File: 345 KB, 1050x1483, sapphire_345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>pro reinya rant
It'll be a first though, you have to admit that.

>>Besides I'm trying to get to sleep
Ah, who needs it.

>> No.2383526
File: 74 KB, 576x768, 129188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, sort of.

>> No.2384158
File: 228 KB, 1004x1434, toro41192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a long winded and pro reinya rant
It was thoroughly anti-Koha, not pro-ReiNya.

>a 15 posts on topic discussion
Yeah, No. Just like attaching something Japanese to random thought doesn't make a stupid thread related to /jp/, attaching something about H!P to your continual blog posts don't make them related to Momusu or Ayaya.

>> No.2384272
File: 129 KB, 600x788, 13885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2384316


>> No.2384356 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2384373

i can't believe you guys had that discussion
you should know better

>> No.2384376

lol, Momusu really is dead.

>> No.2384381

wait... that's not the official mypsace site lol

>> No.2384389
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. I feel sorry for the current generation of wota, who comprise something like 99% of the fanbase now.They missed the golden age.

>> No.2384418


>> No.2384484

what's your point, most non-japanese fans missed the "golden age"

gtfo. current mm is <3

>> No.2384503

Actually, Morning Musume have had quite a large foreign following for years now. We weren't all in high school at the time.

Anyway, I'm going to stop talking about this now because I do like these threads and don't want to "troll" them or whatever.

>> No.2384526 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 860x1249, tomo030i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And it took you how long to realize it? Opening a MySpace page was just the clincher. Had you had been more insightful, you would've realized that nothing good would have come of the direction H!P had taken in these last two years.


I find more hilarious how they can't even think up of valid rafutations when confronted in regard to the shoddiness of the current lineup. Current MM wotas have sadly lost any kind of musical discernment; anyone else with an ounce of common sense has either shifted his attention to more talented idol groups or is persevering in clinging to H!P just because of Matsuura Aya and the like, that is one of the few if not the only salvageable artist.

>> No.2384561
File: 200 KB, 1120x1504, pasta_typhoon4989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute... you don't sound like a golden era fan.
You're supposed to hold the newfans in utter contempt. Like me.

>current mm is <3
Half of it is decent, but anyone from you-know-who onward needs to go.

>clinging to H!P just because of Matsuura Aya
To the bitter end bro. Oh how I wish she left the company after that "graduation."

>> No.2384573

so i'm watching the miki mossburger thing and they're in the amazon.jp warehouse assembling customer orders. and so far all the orders were anime or hentai shit. loljapan

>> No.2384650
File: 102 KB, 754x609, hpimg574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top of the morning indeed, that was a well needed rest after a long day of /jp/
oh for fuck's sake I should of realized that Johnson wota was behind the recent trolling
oldfags sure get along to troll on the new generation
>clinging onto Aya to the bitter end
and you sure are bitter aren't you, clearly you need to embrace the new blood and stop being a stuck up faggot, get with the times, Im not saying you have to love the new faggot/wota generation, just stop fucking on us here
this notion of having blog posts, I think you are confusing the events of yesterday, my posts are more like twitter posts while your pop in every 8 hours to post your bitching and whining shit is much more resembling a blog post
is that available anywhere

and also
admit it, when you look at Takahashi now, you can't help but think a little about her slight Mexican resemblance, LOL

>> No.2384655

2009年5月13日(水)発売、モーニング娘。New Single「しょうがない 夢追い人」発売記念イベント決定!

New Single【初回生産限定盤A・B】及び【通常盤】(初回プレス分)の中に入って
いる応募抽選参加 シリアルナンバーカードを使って、携帯電話サイトにアクセス(PHS不可
抽選で、New Single発売記念イベントにご招待いたします。

~ モーニング娘。39thシングル「しょうがない 夢追い人」発売記念イベント 日程 ~

●5/30(土) 東別院ホール(愛知)
●6/20(土) 横浜BLITZ(神奈川)



>> No.2384673
File: 155 KB, 734x1023, img20090407143350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many mossburgers would you like little boy?

>> No.2384684 [DELETED] 

[Live 2008.11] Take off is now!
part of the reason I like the new generation much more, its not made for children

>> No.2384759
File: 168 KB, 1000x1430, opa00142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice tat Reina

>> No.2384782

reina looks exceptionally tiny in that picture and it makes me feel unnecessarily more like a pedophile

>> No.2384802
File: 85 KB, 1200x853, img20090404023958076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koharu has such a nice smile

>> No.2384847
File: 351 KB, 1179x1719, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2384897 [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 1440x810, TomochinMightBeWitnessingYouPleasuringYourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>its not made for children

I'll be grateful if you could get the hell out of this thread, since I should think you have never heard about MM until today. Take off is now! can't even qualify as a good song, being too much reliant to background niggermusic and tunes shamelessly lifted from a Ricky Martin song or someshit (Besides, what's up with this recent trend? See SONGS, also full with niggermusic.), neither can the whore trio be considered a suitable trio. Never before I've ever seen someone failing at reaching a low note like Takahashi Ai does in this video.
If all you seek is bitches shaking their asses in your face, just get a JAV DVD.

>> No.2384920

looking forward to week 2 digital photobook
plus i cant seem to find the koharu thread in that block of text

>> No.2384959
File: 145 KB, 680x1020, abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abe would be a hot geisha girl

>> No.2384982
File: 94 KB, 720x810, hellox192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2384989 [DELETED] 
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Well, sorry if I couldn't resist rising to the trollbait, it just looked too much delicious.
But since the poster has weaseled out, the debate might as well die here as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.2384993

Fujimoto Miki - Dohhh UP


>> No.2385014


>> No.2385022


>> No.2385023

Here's that recent Koharu appearance

>> No.2385055
File: 133 KB, 1440x810, harunyan0052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reported for unsolicited report abuse, not to mention being too dense a poster to carry on a polite discussion.

>> No.2385065
File: 136 KB, 633x900, pasta_typhoon0977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, Still sore about yesterday huh? Well I'm not in the mood to argue with someone who knows fuck-all about idols today, so you can relax, dump your images and make inane (poorly punctuated) comments in peace.

>> No.2385074

alright, then fuck off for another 10 hours

>> No.2385098

Are you /jp/'s moderator?

>> No.2385100
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>> No.2385104 [DELETED] 
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>Whores on stage and in real life

Say that to their faces, feces eater, not behind a monitor like the pussy ass bitch you are, and see if you can make it out of Don Quixote outside of a body bag.

>> No.2385110

lol, not that again, don't feel too sorry for Reina, she has Aika now and not to mention the other members are jealous of her almost co-leadership role
No, he's the non stop ban evading Akb troll

>> No.2385125


>> No.2385134

relax anon, janitor is good with cleaning up
just quietly report it and ignore if you are raging

>> No.2385138
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>> No.2385150 [DELETED] 
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I'll have you know that none of your reports resulted in a ban, as far as I know, but this doesn't prevent you from deluding yourself you are of consequence here.

And just to make this post relevant, why is UFA fouling its own nest by making their new program an out-and-out yawner? Couldn't they just go back something like early days Hello!Morning, or AKBingo?

>> No.2385147

Dammit I love Miki and her attitude towards everyone that's not Yossie, Aya or Goto (and some girl I might be forgetting).

>> No.2385181
File: 312 KB, 1280x720, up3477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll have you know that none of your reports resulted in a ban, as far as I know, but this doesn't prevent you from deluding yourself you are of consequence here.

And just to make this post relevant, why is UFA fouling its own nest by making their new program an out-and-out yawner? Couldn't they just go back to produce something like early days Hello!Morning, or AKBingo?

>> No.2385184

Not sure how you can like an elitist attitude at least for not too long
The best way you can describe it really is that she is a bull dike and she didn't wanna put up with the cutesy girl image that so encapsulates generation six

>> No.2385203
File: 1.51 MB, 300x207, Ayaya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2385204

>as far as I know
well changing ip's constantly would do that
and that always made me wonder if you were posting from Japan

>> No.2385231

omg that is so depressing T_TI giggled and cried at the same time for Reina.

she acts cutesy when she's drunk :P

>> No.2385236

>she acts cutesy when she's drunk :P
any examples ?

>> No.2385241

She was already 18 when she joined, she had a career and whatnot, not to mention a legion of very insane wotas. Anyone being pared up with a gang of 13 year olds and being told that "these are your new friends, every publicity crap thing you attend you'll sit next to these guys. Also: act like this is the best thing ever" has the right to be pissed. It's understandable.

Speaking of Miki and whatnot, ever seen that one Hello! Morning where Sayu came out with the "fact" that she was cuter than Aya, Miki just went "Riiiiight..." while both she and Yossie gave Sayu a "...you sad dumb bitch" look? Fucking hilarious. That and the fact that Aya said in some interview that Miki isn't very good with the H!P kids because she just yells at them all the time. Like I said: love that girl.

>> No.2385259
File: 96 KB, 778x600, lolwotas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or maybe all your attempts at fingering me as a troll fell through. That's what you get for being so thin skinned.

>> No.2385263

>That and the fact that Aya said in some interview that Miki isn't very good with the H!P kids because she just yells at them all the time. Like I said: love that girl.
Interesting how a current musume hater lives vicariously through an ex musume member who bashes them
picture of mall concert.jpg --> humbling a bitch

>> No.2385278
File: 422 KB, 642x1650, hurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2385289

>Sayu came out with the "fact" that she was cuter than Aya

Sayu's right.

>> No.2385292

actually, whatatrollactuallybelieves.jpg would of sufficed, plus the picture could be updated with today's short lived thread

>> No.2385294
File: 10 KB, 260x361, Kappa finding something fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> would of

>> No.2385300
File: 144 KB, 728x1023, img20090407143425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now u trolling

>> No.2385303 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 880x496, Universal Butthurt Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahah, lumping me with the other guy scribbling penii on your pics. How sad. Almost as sad as impersonating me.

gb2 H!O

>> No.2385310

I personally think Sayumi is much more cute than Ayaya. Skinny Sayu that is.

>> No.2385311
File: 10 KB, 230x306, 1238186471741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reaction Face Guy of /a/ !Ep8pui8Vw2
go back to /a/

>> No.2385315

Cry a little more and someone might start caring, bro.

>> No.2385319
File: 640 KB, 784x1113, 2-051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft, I'm not a current Musume hater. I've come to terms with the current line-up. S'all good with me. Still want some fresh blood injected into the group however.

We had this conversation way, way back about the fact that current Musume is all lovey-dovey with no conflict or competition showing. It was after Reina said something about how "it may look like that on the surface but we're still rivals" blah blah blah. Shit's interesting and a very frank and outspoken girl like Miki telling girls to know their goddamn place is very funny to me. Especially when someone like Sayu even thinks that she can compete with Ayaya, in any department.

>> No.2385324
File: 310 KB, 1000x1400, opa00083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to make that case round here
Shige is ok, I liked Rika doing the cutesy girl thing better though

>> No.2385334
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>> No.2385347
File: 40 KB, 320x240, up3547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make more fake threads, pussy, maybe I'll care even more since /jp/ regards you as outcasts.

>> No.2385352

wow maki fag bringing up some good points
>We had this conversation way, way back about the fact that current Musume is all lovey-dovey with no conflict or competition showing.
I do remember that conversation and now that some time has passed I give Ai total credit for keeping things in line as it seems a sort of peace has been restored with Reina in a pseudo leadership position.
Although much could be said that there is still tension underneath the surface but thanks to fucking Tsunku, he doesn't let them openly discuss it anymore like that one Music Fighter I loved so much
>Shit's interesting and a very frank and outspoken girl like Miki telling girls to know their goddamn place is very funny to me.
I'll give you that it is certainly a personality some people love but it is suited for a diva or solo singer, it is a cancerous attitude within a large group where friendly competition should be encouraged

>> No.2385389 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2385397
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>> No.2385399


How sensible of them to give Jurina an one-piece swimsuit.
That's more I can say about H!P.

>> No.2385409
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>> No.2385413
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>> No.2385434


>> No.2385447
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>> No.2385449 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2385450



>> No.2385455 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 300x413, sashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like anyone in H!P compares to my Sashi <33333333333

>> No.2385464
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>> No.2385499 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 813x858, up3758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pardonnez-moi, mais je crois que cet entretien se trouve dans une panneau d'images en langue Anglaise, donc il ne faut ainsi pas parler en Japonais.

>> No.2385526
File: 1.03 MB, 242x225, rabbit2328.626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh, well we can't do much worse than Kamei fag yesterday
anyways, moving on, who's going to be in Seattle on the 10th ?

>> No.2385545
File: 765 KB, 2500x1771, img20080320165407753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>current mm is <3

wow i actually agree with you

>> No.2385558

Are they legal age? Cause I am fapping to them right now..

>> No.2385576


Kojima Haruna should be almost 21. Happy fapping.

>> No.2385582

i've no positive or negative feelings about current MM
there are some funnies here and there but they don't really have shining moments anymore
i guess that's because they don't get to have real tv exposure

>> No.2385589

Alright.. thanks

>> No.2385628
File: 447 KB, 1007x1473, ReinaT_5400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but they don't really have shining moments anymore
they are farther and further in between but most of those moments come from the stage
>i guess that's because they don't get to have real tv exposure
they are getting plenty of tv exposure its just not the typical tv we have been used to, such as yorosen or this new H!P show
but they certainly do enough variety show appearances, etc.
trust me if they did a utaban appearance nowadays it would be just as funny, its just Tsunku is playing the image game very careful nowadays

>> No.2385632

Agreed, they should have a 60 minute H!M

>> No.2385678

i think only sayumi does the worthwhile tv appearances
but those shows always pair her up with another h!p member, usually a variety show veteran like yaguchi and end up outshining her

>> No.2385718
File: 625 KB, 1440x2430, o37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that quiz show appearance was really funny
and if Yaguchi is your favorite member its kind of hard to outshine her huh
>they should have a 60 minute H!M
that was exactly the mistake they made back then, they expanded H!M more and more and oversaturated the show
consider the amount of writing and ideas they would require, not to mention the producers of those shows actually cared back then
I agree the format is the right answer but it should be short and sweet, like 20 minutes

>> No.2385739

>>trust me if they did a utaban appearance nowadays it would be just as funny, its just Tsunku is playing the image game very careful nowadays
Uh, Tsunku is definitely not the reason that they don't go on Utaban, anymore..

>> No.2385761

then who?

>> No.2385780

I know that, that sentence shouldn't of been considered together like that
overall Tsunku is watching their image carefully
separately the producer of Utaban is a Berry-z fag and is butthurt

>> No.2385872
File: 328 KB, 1440x810, 397456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another format that was great back then
what happened to these guys and Musume?

>> No.2385891

lol okamura. They need to do another fieldtrip or something. I remember the sportsday and baka test were fucking awesome.

>> No.2385948

Utaban itself, I wrote something about it some time back on here.

>>separately the producer of Utaban is a Berry-z fag and is butthurt
What? They don't even deal with H!P as a whole anymore because of the difference in popularity. Even the smallest appearance of H!P on Utaban is considered a charity.

>> No.2385968

at least you don't blame mr akb
i think a hey!hey!hey! appearance would be fine too, although they're mostly talk these days

>> No.2385989

Basically the same issue, Morning Musume is supported by a wota fanbase. Basically, them being on their show doesn't help the show much at all. It's pretty simple logic in the end, if you don't have as many fans, you won't go on as many shows.

The only TV spots that really benefit from having idols on are variety/game shows, nowadays.

>> No.2386016

>>at least you don't blame mr akb
That argument doesn't make sense, because if you blame everything on the part about the producer and all that junk, then how would one explain the fact that MM doesn't really get invited to any other popular shows, not just the one that the producer has a say in.

>>i think a hey!hey!hey! appearance would be fine too, although they're mostly talk these days
Unfortunately, it's yet another case of the same situation.

Hey!x3 >>> Morning Musume

So they don't need their participation for ratings.

>> No.2386037

>Basically the same issue, Morning Musume is supported by a wota fanbase. Basically, them being on their show doesn't help the show much at all.
fuck that logic, I refuse to believe any steady audience watching those shows would shrink when a group of girls like musume shows up on the show, even if most people dislike the band now, you know it makes good t.v.
now who shows up at those shows, thats a different thing

>> No.2386109


Then you obviously don't get how Japan and wota-ism works. Wota and wota interests are looked at as disgusting and perverted. Morning Musume used to have a very general fan base. They don't anymore. They only appeal to wota largely. Heyx3 doesn't need the wota. Their ratings are better than popular artists are on. As of right now, Morning Musume isn't popular in Japan. They are popular with wota. You can spin and deny it all you want, but it's the truth. Sucks that it is, but it is.

>> No.2386116
File: 273 KB, 1400x1430, img20090407160738651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2386128

>Then you obviously don't get how Japan and wota-ism works
no, i know exactly how its works, thats why Im saying fuck its logic

>> No.2386145

It wouldn't shrink, of course not. It just wouldn't grow, either. The point of having guests on a show is for ratings. Years ago, having Morning Musume on your show was big and gave your show a lot of benefits, now it's just not the same at all.

>> No.2386170

another probelm with this is the fact they love having boy bands on those shows all the time now
those fangirls are just as fucking disgusting, not to mention the fucking homoerotic men that follow them too

>> No.2386252

I want to see the ratings of Utaban & HeyX3 nowadays, any sites that might be easy to find this?

>> No.2386329

Maybe 2ch's TV board?

>> No.2386362

The best thing to happen to Ayaya was Haruna Ai becoming popular since it got her invited to tv shows.

>> No.2386365

>then how would one explain the fact that MM doesn't really get invited to any other popular shows
The current lineup lacks personality, it's that simple. Comedians aren't gonna want to waste their time trying to pull a decent TV appearance out of these girls when they're not very popular to begin with.

Perhaps if the sixth gen members had not been so shy and quiet (compared to their peers) back when they were regularly appearing on those aforementioned shows, things might be different.

>> No.2386370
File: 90 KB, 610x915, 188003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, have some Aika
maybe if they made appearances on international shows they could drum up some media momentum

>> No.2386398

>The current lineup lacks personality, it's that simple.
>waste their time trying to pull a decent TV appearance out of these girls when they're not very popular to begin with.
that is the only reason they aren't making an effort
I refuse to believe it has anything to do with their personalities, sure Abe and Yaguchi were great on camera but fucking Johnson, Ogawa, Kei, early Gaki, Konno, early Ai - They were completely terrible on camera, the former 3 from that list were just laughed at which you could do with the current Chinese members

say all you want about their popularity but it isn't their personalities that is stopping them

>> No.2386425

in japan it's okay to laugh at black talento but not chinese or korean
if junjun and linlin had been black, things would have been different

>> No.2386457

what are you talking about, they do it all the time when they mispronounce things and say the wrong words, like the last Music Fighter where LinLin blurted out blonde fatass
also, black JunJun, hmmm. . .

>> No.2386494

that's the extent you can take it without being racist is all i'm saying

>> No.2386501

That relative nobody, who got his big break with that Air-Ayaya bullshit was the "best thing to happen to Ayaya?" You're shitting me, right?

Stupidest fucking post in the thread, and that's really saying something this time... I'm gonna go lay down, that hurt my brain.

>> No.2386519

lol, was that the fat trap who impersonated Aya
I didn't even notice that comment in there

>> No.2386525

In the past few years I meant. Sorry I left that out.

>> No.2386549

not to mention that there is plenty to laugh at with
Shige still struggling to sing and get attention in the group, laughing at Eri's strange social life is always good too

>> No.2386562

Anon here knows what's up. Taka-san has said on several occations that the new gens aren't up to par. And on that reunion show with the old gen he said that they should come back more often since the current Musume is pretty damn wack. It's sad, really.

And what Reinya said about popularity was spot on. Shows don't need these girls anymore.

>> No.2386585

>Taka-san has said on several occations that the new gens aren't up to par.
bullshit, Japanese faggot who chooses to only acknowledge the time they were currently on the show, if anything that faggot perpetuated the wota image the hardest than any t.v. personality possibly could
its all about ratings

>> No.2386627

Tsunku and UFA heads are the ones perpetuating the wota image, bro. But I get what Taka-san is talking about. It's not that they don't have any personality at all. They're raised as idols now so it's hard for them to get "real" with things. As opposed to the past when the girls were just girls who happened to turn into idols. I hope someone sees what I'm talking about and can explain it better than I can.

>> No.2386644
File: 128 KB, 636x1430, pokasdda1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the heart.

>> No.2386661
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>> No.2386668

>>Tsunku and UFA heads are the ones perpetuating the wota image, bro.
When I think of it, I tend to believe that they started going down the wota path and it just got to hard to stop the progression, so they just ran with it to survive. Like I always say, it was bad for the company, but it was great for us wota fans, because the reason I like them is because they are an idol group, not because they sell the most out of any artist.

It was kind of stupid that Taka-san did say all of that stuff about new members sucking, too. It's like a stab in the back to the group that really helped your show take off years ago.

>> No.2386675 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 480x640, 325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fags sure got told.

>> No.2386705

I'm pretty sure it's only one fag.

>> No.2386737

How many times has AKB been on Utaban? Serious question.

>> No.2386746

>Japanfiles hopes to also sell Morning Musume CD's and Merchandise later this year as well.

What's the chance that they start selling photocards?

>> No.2386772

old fag reminiscing about the past, playing favorites, big surprise.
Was saying the same thing when Maki left and Kei left
your officially as bad as AKB troll
only dumbfucks would take Taka's opinion about personality serious
besides he slobbered all over Maki, one of the most boring and listless idols when she first joined

woa, where is the link for that one, i didn't see that yet

>> No.2386777

and photobooks?

>> No.2387157

Impossible to fit them all in one room

>> No.2387165

She was invited to a few shows just to sit there and lagh while Kenji did his impersonation. Not the "best thing" that happened to her but it helped her to get on TV nonetheless.

>> No.2387264
File: 25 KB, 300x400, img2009040603295784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Kago still doing those nurse dvd's
or is that pretty much done with?

>> No.2387360


Anyone translate please.

>> No.2387377

plenty of translators out there on the internets
but its just a comment on the Akb troll and anti H!P trolls

>> No.2387408

New thread >>2387406

>> No.2387417
File: 174 KB, 480x854, 1231668185672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Le plaisir d'été déchargé dedans.

>> No.2387938

>I refuse to believe it has anything to do with their personalities, sure Abe and Yaguchi were great on camera but fucking Johnson, Ogawa, Kei, early Gaki, Konno, early Ai - They were completely terrible on camera, the former 3 from that list were just laughed at which you could do with the current Chinese members

you're an idiot. iida and kei are the source of pretty much all the legendary utaban lols.

>> No.2388027

im not talking about the funniness of those episodes but rather the personality
there is nothing special about just laughing at someone repeatably
