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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2376738 No.2376738 [Reply] [Original]

What MMO is /jp/ playing? Just started DOMO and Ether Saga

>> No.2376741


>> No.2376751

We only play Meltan, 2YN, and occasionally SWR/IaMP

>> No.2376753

Ragnarok online

>> No.2376760


>> No.2376767

you don't play Loli golf? you're missing out.

>> No.2376772

The only MMO I've ever played is PSO for the Dreamcast.

>> No.2376774

Requiem Bloodymare

>> No.2376776


>> No.2376778

I played this for a brief while, I got somewhat bored, I figure I'll get into it again and stick with it around June, so schooling doesn't interrupt me.

>> No.2376779

Loli golf intrigues me? Happen to have any screencaps?

>> No.2376783

Shit that looks kinda awesome.

>> No.2376787

World of Warcraft

>> No.2376788

I'm easily entertained, so lolis in skimpy outfits and flying gibs appeal to me.

>> No.2376794


ntreev.net server will re-launch soon.

>> No.2376799

I hate mmo's nothing but boring fetch quests grindian and dealing with annoying fags.

>> No.2376800

Yeah, that kept me in it for a good amount of time, although the grinding gets noticeably bad about mid30s or 40s, I can't remember. I didn't feel like paying for a free game to allow me to play it longer, although I'd like to start fresh in a couple months with a new account, all new characters, and go ahead from there TOWARDS A BRIGHTER FUTURE.

>> No.2376809

Too cutesy for my tastes.


>> No.2376817

I was playing LaTale with a bunch of /v/friends, but eventually the guild disbanded and stopped playing, I wish I could go back but I'm busy with my job and studies ;_;

>> No.2376818

Still on Trickster

>> No.2376825

None, I've been trying to find one, ether saga looked interesting but I uninstalled it for more hard drive space. DOMO was meh from I played.

>> No.2376826

Yeah, that can be a pain, but sometimes the devs hold out events that boost the exp rate. I remember I leveled my character up to 39 lvl during exp event mostly by doing quests.

What I like in mmorpgs is exploring the world and Requiem has a lot to offer, the world map is huge. Sometimes it's a bit painful to the eyes, because the textures in some places look awful, but still, the interaction with the environment around me and visiting different towns is what I'm looking for.

>> No.2376833

I've been thinking about running through guildwars again, but every time I start, I lose interest.

>> No.2376857

I'm waiting for NA Pangya to open up again and play with those BRs

>> No.2376875

>Requiem Bloodymare

Going to give this a try since variety of characters and skills is the may draw for me to most MMO.

>> No.2376893

Playing MapleStory on a low-rate private server.

>> No.2376894

going to try requiem also, want to meet up?

>> No.2376906

I play World of Warcraft.


>> No.2376907

You're the only person in your guild.

SO RONERY even in an MMO, isn't it sad?

>> No.2376909

Going to start SWG EMU soon with other bros from /v/.

>> No.2376914

I have a main.


>> No.2376918

my friend pays for my wow account so him and his room mates have someone that is always sitting at a computer to heal them

>> No.2376920



Oh for fuck sake.

>> No.2376926


Just reroll and restarted wow myself after 2years.

Magic exist.

>> No.2376929 [DELETED] 

Are you girl?

>> No.2376938 [DELETED] 

No, aren't you?

>> No.2376947
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>> No.2376959
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Final Fantasy XI.

>> No.2377962

also Cabal Online from time to time.

>> No.2378004
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Someone asked if I liked Touhou. I just denied any knowledge of it and gave them a wiki definition of patchouli.

>> No.2378040

I find it strange that in a thread on /jp/ of all places about MMOs, four people play WoW and only one plays FFXI. Seems backwards.

>> No.2378042

RO, but I'm not really playing it because I'm being lazy.

>> No.2378051

Holy shit, are you on Spirestone? I've seen you around. I thought about saying something once, but I figured you were just a stoner or something.

>> No.2378113

I tried Valkyrie Sky, but I didn't really get into it.
The only other MMO I've played besides that is Dark Ages of Camelot, but that was at least 5 years ago.

>> No.2378115
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I was pretty much god at wow. Quit a while back due to the terrible expansion.

pic related and sage for stupid thread

>> No.2378128

>I was pretty much god at wow.
hahahahahahaha play a real game

>> No.2378136

I was also pretty much god at UO and then SWG when I played them too, if that makes you happy.

>> No.2378140
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I also play WoW.

>> No.2378144

Which SWG server?

>> No.2378165

WoWfags, in my /jp/?

>> No.2378182


>I hate mmo's nothing but boring fetch quests grindian and dealing with annoying fags.

What are you doing in 4chan then?

>> No.2378186

These days /jp/ gets invaded by every board and their grandmother.

>> No.2378193

Not an MMO, but I've been playing Diablo 2 again. Found a pretty sweet mod and I'm enjoying it more than I did the original.

>> No.2378200


>> No.2378201
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>> No.2378205

i play PerfectWorld, Ethersaga ( a little) and i just started playing Atlantica

>> No.2378211

I don't know about. But when I compare WoW with all the typical grindan korean mmo. I will take WoW over it anyday.

Only korean grindan game that I like was Valkryie sky, but no idea when those guys are reopening the server.

>> No.2378214

play Perfect World,
Chinese, and almost no grinding (way too many quests)

>> No.2378215

Anyone on Darkfall?

>> No.2378226


we're in the same battlegroup! lol

>> No.2378233


it's "free" but i ended up paying more money than i did on other MMOs because of the pet-purchasing system, etc...

>> No.2378234

Perfect World is terrible. The only entertainment in that game comes from watching your Venomancer's tail (nobody plays any other class) bounce around for a couple hours while you kill stuff.

Oh, and lol at buying cash shop talismans in order to do anything endgame.

>> No.2378347

I played both.
Dude, Ether Saga is shit.
But why the fuck are you playing...World of Warcraft, and STAR WARS GALAXIES? They both made me hate their respective worlds, as if Warcraft 3 and Star Wars Battlegrounds weren't enough bullshit.
Where are you playing in Requiem, guys? I was about to replay it, nice timing.

>> No.2378359

210+ new character skills, all new items and cube recipes, max level raised from 99 to 120, and lots of endgame content in the form of "uberquests" and "uberlevels".
There's too much for me to cover, really, check it out yourself:

>> No.2378363

Mabinogi. I used to play loligolf but im too lazy to reinstall.

>> No.2378386
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Aion Tower of Eternity

I got Korea Live

>> No.2378395

I'm still laughing here.

>> No.2378425


I quitted Ether Saga...I couldn't stand the grind after level 30.

>> No.2378429
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Friends' pressure



>> No.2378435


I feel like playing back WoW for it's arena.

>> No.2378438

Yeah, cool, cool, but it's shit for Multiplayer, and it's all the same shit, just as broken.

>> No.2378443

Warhammer online is good


>> No.2378446

Played several mmorpgs over the last few years. Pretty much all of them is a grindfest, and a huge waste of time.

They were fun for a while, but then they became a second job, having to always keep up with the rest of the server in levels/gear.

I swore to myself that I'll never play an MMORPG again, and /jp/ should do the same.
Especially mmorpgs from asia, they have the least real content and the most grindan.

>> No.2378453

Aion or Blande and Soul once it comes out

For now i'll stick with Dawn of War 2 and Left 4 Dead.

>> No.2378455

the only mmorpg where teamplay means something, where guilds are usefull and where you don't need to be high level to have fun

on which server do you play?

>> No.2378460

Croatia, DoW2 is bad.
How can you play that.

>> No.2378464

Atlantica because it has enough content to avoid grinding for a good while. Also, because you can assist Kaguya by killing zombie ninjas with an electric guitar.

>> No.2378469

I play eve because while I am an mmofaggot I am not a faggot.

>> No.2378473

I never played D2 multiplayer either, so this is fine by me.
As for "broken", care to clarify? It's not like every other character is a Hammerdin.

>> No.2378475

Hammerine since that's the only server that allows pvp.

>> No.2378483

In what aspect? It's bad compared what it could have been but it's still a good MP game. Hope MS cert lets the patch out today so I use WS again.

>> No.2378486

Ragnarok Online

>> No.2378490

You're stupid or someting? they still have overpowered Skills, by leveling one or two of them, you don't need any other, even if you did, they restricted some Skills to avoid following the same pattern in one or another character, I would like this otherwise...but even the Skill Trees are plain simple and ugly, they just broke the Barbarian and the Necromancer, it's all shit, and all the same shit at the same time. As if that wasn't enough, the Drops are fucked up. What a shit game and mod.
The worst is that the author himself thinks he is doing the Lore right, but he isn't, because he ain't Blizzard, so he finds excuses to every new version shit he makes. It's shit.

>> No.2378495

Atlantica looks like the greatest mmorpg ever made while you're still low level. Sooner or later, you will get bored of the lack of abilities/spells. All of your units only has one or a max of two special attacks, and higher level units generally only have one.
In addition, on higher levels, it has a ridiculous amount of grindan. If you want to be competitive, you have to grind that +10 gear. On 5 item slots. For 9 characters.

>> No.2378497

it's not Starcraft 2, it's boring.

>> No.2378501

i'm a winged elf and flying is pretty damn sweet. Other than that though, yea.

i enjoyed fiesta online when i played it. Never hear about it but its super fun.

>> No.2378506


>> No.2378508

low level trolling, also remember when Blizzard didnt have the money for the Warhammer license so they made starcraft?

>> No.2378515

Being broken is what makes Diablo 2 fun. It's all the "balancing" that has ruined most MMOs by making them boring.

>> No.2378529

Remember when Croatia was a good troll?
Me neither.

>> No.2378539

Again with bad trolling.
Anyways you know what the difference between SC2 and CoH,RA3 and Dow 2. Well SC 2 isnt out. So I'll stick with the things I can play for now, while waiting for SC2.

>> No.2378542

Sheesh, I'm sorry I asked.

>> No.2378559

The difference is that CoH and C&C: RA3 didn't fail, Starcraft 2 won't, and DoW2 was already featured as bad sequel since the Beta, we all agreed, plus, the whole DoW is bad since the first game's expansions.

>> No.2378564

So whats so bad about dow2?

>> No.2378597

I already told you, it's not Starcraft 2, it's boring.
Rehash of a rehash, bad introduction, bad Campaign, bad Balance, simplified, plus bad Gameplay, lack of Multiplayer's orignality, lack of replayability...
If I had to choose between this and CoH, I would take CoH.

>> No.2378666

Should've buy an EU account... sigh.

>> No.2378701

Lineage 2

>> No.2378706

I'm not going even to bother with argumenting back since your just going to throw general "shit sux is bad" arugents back without explaining anything, i'm going to enjoy the game. While CoH is better then Dow 2 I've played it for ages and i'm sick of it and world war 2 games.
http://www.gamereplays.org/dawnofwar2/ Try some vidcasts they're pretty good.

>> No.2378713

I like how all the wow players are gigantic faggots with /jp/-related names except these two:

>> No.2379518

Naming your character after something you like is a pretty common practice in MMOs

>> No.2379521


>> No.2379535

Eve Online

Not having to pay since 2006

>> No.2379571

Hello Necrophagia, I remember fighting your 3's team in s2 on one of our pointselling teams, and commenting to my teammates that your name looked familiar from the mage forums.

>> No.2379573
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>>Eve Online

>> No.2379586


>> No.2379587
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>> No.2379601


>> No.2379605

also weren't you on noxn's 5's in s2?

>> No.2379709

I've been wanting to try Requiem again, currently finding it impossible to update.

>> No.2379714

Haven't touched any for more than 2 years.

>> No.2379722
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ai sp@ce

>> No.2379859

Didn't expect this thread to be here the next day also downloading Requiem Bloodymare

>> No.2379917

My brother and his friend have been talking about playing some new mmo, I think it was ether saga but I don't remember.

Can't say it sounds too interesting, but then it's hard to convince anyone that's been around mmos for a while that one or another is "good".

Anyway, it's mostly ragnarok online for me.
I played latale a bit back when it came out but I got bored.
Grinding quests is still grinding.

Before that I played trickster.
I wont touch it nowadays though, they've completely ruined it with real money items and events.

>> No.2379980

>3's team in s2
oh so you probably won, eh? ahaha.

yeah. that was fun. i wonder if noxn still plays.

>> No.2379982
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Hey Croatia.
Fuck your vaporware Sequel.

>> No.2380008

Where can I meet you guys in Requiem.

>> No.2380144
File: 511 KB, 1024x768, Luna_01_090406_152240_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna Online

this video is the only reason i am playing it

