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2355167 No.2355167 [Reply] [Original]

I got trolled. I could just see Battler taking off Beato's clothes in my mind's eye this episode.

>> No.2355204
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>> No.2355202

Needs more finnish doujinshi.

>> No.2355207
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>> No.2355225

Anyone who says they saw it coming are lying.
I started feeling suspicios towards the end when everything looks too good, but I believed Beatrice up until this fucking moment. Fuck.

>> No.2355241

It's great because they told you they were going to do it earlier in the episode.

>> No.2355245

Why... finnish?

>> No.2355256

I'll never trust a woman again

>> No.2355257

Yeah, everything was a little too 'CONGRATULATIONS SHINJI' for my liking. The worst part was I genuinely wanted to like Beato, so I jumped at the chance as soon as she gave me a reason to, as I'm sure Battler and everyone else did.

>> No.2355274

I wonder if Battler is able to counter-troll her with something similar in the later next episodes to come. Battler breaking Beato's heart would be hilarious.

>> No.2355281

well he did pierce her

>> No.2355287
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Same here, man. I still want to like her not as a villain and I will gladly fall into such trap again and again.

>> No.2355304


I did figure it out, though. North Wind and Sun hint made it too obvious.

It still trolled me anyway because I wanted it to be real because I'm a sucker like that.

>> No.2355313

Where's mah full 4th ep translation, I know something epic is going on there.

>> No.2355331

I was pleasantly surprised one could say.

>> No.2355342
File: 128 KB, 800x850, 01c3209c44d41cf253f228e65c86b81f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's mah full 4th ep translation
I don't know what that is.

>> No.2355344


Yeah, like Kinzo already being dead.

Ange dying.

Everyone dying in the first twilight but Battler.

Epic George vs Gaap and Jessica vs Ronove fights.


>> No.2355348

I was going along with everything, sort of expecting a reversal.

Then Virgilia put on her rape face. Freaked me out, because she actually had eyes.

>> No.2355366

>Ange dying.
FFFFFFFuck yeah. I hope she stays dead unlike everyone else.

>> No.2355380

Oh yeah, and Battler is a warlock and can use magic.

>> No.2355394

Which doesn't stop him from denying it, right?

>> No.2355398
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Magic can only defeat magic, Jackieeeeeeee!

>> No.2355407


Well, the entire Tea Party is a massive magic battle with Beatrice while he calls down spears of blue light and impales her with them over and over.

>> No.2355410

Spoilers ruined it. You can't browse /jp/ when people make threads with OP images like this one the same moment hear that the game / patch is released.

>> No.2355416

The moment patch got released was the moment I just started reading Umineko and I didn't get spoiled. Learn to stop yourself from reading massive threads about VN you haven't read yet.

>> No.2355431

Open /jp/
See Virgilia rapeface forcing Battler to sign
Read OP's text: "Patch released"

>> No.2355438

Battler lost completely the time he resigned himself to be furniture to the witch, so why is the game still going.

>> No.2355444


Supposedly because Beatrice didn't want him to give up because she enjoys toying with him. That's why she staged the whole Rosa torture so Battler would change his mind.

>> No.2355449

Also Rosa became a dark witch after episode 2's tea party

>> No.2355453

Because Beatrice doesn't want to win, she just enjoys playing.

>> No.2355461

So Lambdadelta wants this to last forever and Beatrice can just decide not to accept Battler's loss, therefore Battler can't lose, this isn't as exciting now.

>> No.2355465

I think it's more due to 34 wanting the game to go on forever and ever. I don't think Beato really cares if Battler wins or not, which 34 lectured her on.

>> No.2355476

If all else fails and Battler solves the mystery in its entirety, won't they just say "then how are you here"

>> No.2355489

the game isn't "magic exists or not"

it's "prove that magic didn't have anything to do with what the fuck just happened when you watch it through the witch's eyes and her using the magic via incredibly flawed logic"

>> No.2355497
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I saw that too. But by the time I got to that point, I forgot all about it. Lucky me.

>> No.2355871

Wow, did you seriously miss Beato's expressions at the end of the scene? All that stuff that happened was real, and she tried a scam to win the game only at the very end.

>> No.2355911

No. We got trolled. You got trolled. You just want to believe Beato is what she appeared to be throughout the episode.

>> No.2355922

Neck should not bend that way, dear Virgilia.

>> No.2355969

I was thinking to myself. Nice Beato is kind of cool but I want the evil Beato back. She was a lot more interesting when she was evil.

>> No.2355991

And I've read the rest of ep.4:
Beatrice herself admits that she tried to cheat only at the very end

besides her facial expression at the end of the ep, did you also miss the ??? tea party? Beato gets bitched at for doing things which looked like she wanted to lose. Look, no one wishes more beato would stay evil, but it's just not going that way. Her 1000 years of high-rolling and bitch-slapping has come to an end because some guy she's hot for yelled at her. God just read ep4.

>> No.2356012
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If I get yelled at by Battler I'd change my life too.


>> No.2356020

>And I've read the rest of ep.4
Faggot. Stop that.

>> No.2356085

>And I've read the rest of ep.4
>EP4 spoilers everywhere
This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.2356723 [SPOILER] 
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