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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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23490262 No.23490262 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous thread: >>23416975

>> No.23490604

how the fuck do I use EMM for another eden?

>> No.23491091

Trying to remember the name of this mobage i came across the other day but didn't look too much into it because i was busy. It had a X in the name, something like Xblade, Xcross? It was in 3D and looked like SO Anamnesis, i think it had some SO producers involved too.

>> No.23491254
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This is very silly to look at, i'll just go for kabuki and stop as early as possible

>> No.23491295

This one?

>> No.23491927
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Summary of the news today:
The Kabuki collaboration will start on the 27th. The new hero is Satō Tadanobu - he's a tank boasting high offensive capabilities with a 1.35 attack modifier. There wasn't the usual video showing off all of his abilities and card timings, but his hero skill creates an area that reduces the card cooldown times for allies. His hero ability grants him a healing effect whilst he is near at least one ally, with two giving a greater effect. His hero action is some sort of charged attack that has a medium range but can deal great damage. We'll have to wait to see just how strong the effects are, but it's nice to have more offensive tanks.
In addition to this Miku, Rin and Len all get their Senbonzakura costumes (Miku gets a unique theme with hers), effectively doubling this up as yet another Vocaloid rerun. Marcos, Tesla and Adam also get their costumes from the card art added. I'm assuming that they will all be in the same gacha.
Six new cards will be added as part of it. From left to right:
>Team-wide heal
>Close-ranged lifesteal nuke
>Return to base heal + speed boost
>AoE silence
>Standard attack lifesteal buff
Nothing new but some nice alt-elements.
Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Leil_jGNm2Q

After maintenance on the 20th the costumes from the design contest will be added to the game. It hasn't been stated how they can be obtained specifically so we'll just have to wait.

In the Summer they will add a stage maker to the game, no points for guessing what it does. I believe it will also be free and not locked behind Prime.
Preview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uItYjTn394s

For some free shit, everyone will receive 2525BM either after maintenance on the 20th or 27th.
That's all for now! The stage maker looks pretty extensive - it'd be nice if they had a playlist that would cycle through top rated stages or something.

>> No.23492222


soon. i kinda like the aesthetic of this game

>> No.23492297

Here's the DMM general where they're discussing the R18 ver of the game that was released in fall last year >>23367354

>> No.23492663
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Magicami is a game about magical girls suffering, time travelling and girls having sex with futas, demons, shotas, dogs and romantic consensual sex with MC. It's pretty great.
The only problem is that it's pretty jewish. Only certain SR and SSR dresses(read:playable character versions) come with H-scene(which is kinda stingy compared to other DMM games). The story isn't voiced. The art is definitely one of the best I've ever seen, with H-scenes gorgeous and well animated but I didn't feel like investing more time in a game which restricts its R-18 features so much.
If you like the art, know japanese and are willing to look past all of the shortcomings it's definitely worth a try at least for the plot. The developers are also listening to player feedback and don't treat the game as if it was their short term cash'n'grab.
Anons over at DMM general like it, so it's better to discuss it there anyway.

>> No.23493081
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>At the same time, 500 more gems for a 1/4 chance at her and 3/4 chance at anyone new seems not too bad.
Yeah, that's true. If I can save up 500 I'll finish off the stamp card and hope for the best. One of the dataminers seems convinced that it will be a collab next so I'm hoping he's right and that I'll be able to save up again after this is over.

>> No.23493635

Yup, that's the one. Thanks anon.

>> No.23493683

I still didn't get her and Shiro but i used up all the gems i saved mainly because of the previous banner.
I guess i'm fucked and need to island reset if i want them + the older version that should come out later.

>> No.23493962

The Mover Defense shit in Blue Oath is fucking tedious.

>> No.23494056

>SOA Quests say "Beat Episode 3 Chapter 1"
>Episode list doesn't list it
guess i actually have to do episode 2
thank god i pulled for Anastisia

>> No.23494109

Do you know if there is a link to the summary of episode 2 an anon made when the general was still a thing? I forgot most of it.

>> No.23494119

uh, i just started since like GG Dizzy banner, so i dunno

>> No.23495165

Won't this set be reran with free rolls during the anniversary? Unless there's another recent gacha you'd rather use the free rolls on, waiting might not be a bad idea. If I still had my island reset I think I'd save it in case they release another character I care about closer to the anniversary, since that won't get a rerun until December. The only downside is that you won't have them while they're super meta.

>> No.23495233
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Am I missing a way to amass a decent quantity of these besides having the factory churn them out?
Given how you need about 12 million of these things I would honestly consider dropping like 20 bucks to Asahi if I could buy a bundle with about a 1000 of the damn things to get over the initial equipment leveling hump.

>> No.23495294
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>used up all the gems i saved mainly because of the previous banner
Yeah, same here. One more for the rerun target list, I guess.

My reset is probably staying unused unless they bring out a third Mireille.

>> No.23497403
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Stellaris the mobile game (Starlike) put up its first PV and is up on TapTap and Bilibili for pre-registration.


>> No.23497533

Looking forward to it in 2022!

>> No.23498478

For blue oath, is it worth investing in R rarity ship?
For example, should I level an SR ship without dupe or R ship with a lot of dupes? the 5th uncap require level 45 which is very high

>> No.23499179

looks more like a VN.

>> No.23500278

Limit Breaking to 4 Stars generally unlocks the most potent of the LB Bonuses so that would likely make those Rs better in the short term,but SRs are pretty quick to print dupes of too.
Right now though equipment is way more important.

>> No.23500483

There’s also a mission chain for LBing a Rare character to 6 stars that rewards a load of gold soda too, so that’s at least somewhat worth investing in.

>> No.23502530
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Why does every idol game have a meme twin unit which is mostly irrelevant

>> No.23502537

Welp I posted the wrong image and now deletion is wonky.

>> No.23502939

Taro games always have twin too.

>> No.23503182

Can't wait to roll Devola&Popola(Swimsuit).

>> No.23503647

What are they from? Both the thing you wanted to post and the thing you posted by mistake.

>> No.23503686

Nier:Reincarnation is an upcoming game

The twin idol trope is just generally everywhere, every Idolm@ster, Enstars, Tokyo7th, ichu, lapis relights

>> No.23503714
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Shinymas twins are pretty fun.

>> No.23503998
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So Honkai is still one of the best gachas, huh. I don't even know what to play now. I've been waiting for Romancing Saga global just for the memes and see if its actually good.

>> No.23504002

Those twins aren't idols though

>> No.23504274

Well of course Tenga is fun.
It's right in her name.

>> No.23505094

Romancing Saga is basically one of the most relaxing auto-battling game but one of the worst if you want to flex for e-peen points for PvP or some other competitive mode since they don't exist.
There's things to do always but it's just grinding for the sake of grinding.
I only play it because they don't slap your progress with past character and shove in new amazing ones with top Dickings Per Second or some other bullshit. Somehow Reddit thinks its the most boring shit in the world because it doesn't shove new metas every month or so.

>> No.23505211

do you know when global's officially releasing? and is best girl asellus useful in it

>> No.23505397
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>have Another Eden JP account but stopped months ago
>friends are playing on EN for some time
>that's nice, lets see what I missed
>new elements, new weapon grind, new YGO-like zone

>> No.23505447

2020 Summer is the prediction from some news sites, but the game as of now is pretty stable so I might say at least 2020 winter at worst.

>> No.23505901

I already ditched war of the vision. At least romancing saga CBT doesn't disappoint me so I'm looking forward to the full release.

>> No.23505910

How many copies for the last LB?

>> No.23505913

For what its worth the Cherry Blossom weapons if those are the ones you are talking about are super casual to +10.
The Garlea grind is more annoying but it at least gives you something to do with your green keys.

>> No.23505941


>> No.23506264
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How do I make her go away?
The ! is bugging me. Tapping on her and viewing her little story doesn’t help.

>> No.23506786
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worth the money or not?

>> No.23506834

It's just a skin for a Normal boat only good for her dormitory bonus.

>> No.23507089

Try again maybe? Restart the game? I had 2 bote scenes appear in the base and they went away after I viewed them once.

>> No.23507242

She and the other two who have popped up have been there for days now.

>> No.23507316

Android or PC version?

>> No.23507324

How? Honkai is absolute garbage if you play it like a gacha game. The only good parts are the new story chapters and PHO, both of which have absolutely nothing to do with the games gacha since all units and equipment are self-contained.

>> No.23507424

How many 5* is an EN player "supposed" to have on average in AE? I've only ever rolled Hozuki, Philo, AS Ruina, Tsukiha, and Anabel. I got Miyu for free at some point and I used paid gems on a healer gacha and got Mariel. I had to start over when I got my new phone in late-October (download crashed at 99.8% whenever I tried to transfer account), so that's about 6 months of login bonuses and I've barely gotten anywhere in the story.

>> No.23507431

Changing my phone's timezone just made it work.

>> No.23507573

punishing gray raven and awakening automata already made honkers obsolete anyway

>> No.23507580

There is a pc version?

>> No.23507664


New event.

>> No.23507686

It's just an emulator build. You also need to scan QR code with your phone every time you want to login on PC.

>> No.23507767

I started in 1st week when JP was released and currently I have 28 unique 4.5*/5* (Miyu/Ciel doesn't count). I'm too lazy to count the dupes 4.5*/5*.

>> No.23508000

I'd agree with you, but the new Post Honkai Odyssey chapter has even better gameplay than this.
>Awakening automata
We have no information about this beyond that little teaser they showed.

>> No.23508026
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Some event details for Blue Oath.
Event looks pretty generous if it isn't a huge spike in difficulty or a soul crushing grind.

>> No.23508060

Surprised there's a marriage ring, usually those things are strictly cash shop and given away for very special celebrations or one time missions. The event shop looks good, decent amount of materials we all need. Maybe they're being extra generous because it's the first event.

>> No.23508080

You'll most likely need to grind non-stop to completely clear out the event shop, but ~75% of the items will be obtainable just by doing a few runs every day of the event. The question is, will all the good stuff be in the 25% or 75%.

>> No.23508095

>4 copies of Gneisenau
>Need 1 base
>1 for 3 Star
>1 for 4 Star
>Need 2 for 5 Star
I am bothered immensely by this. Either give 3 or 5, not in between like this.

>> No.23508747

Awakening automata already playable(still in CBT). Gameplay is very similar to Closers

>> No.23508761

Well unlike azur lane, the marriage ring is farmable but costume is purely paid currency

>> No.23508772


>> No.23508878

I have both factories churning them out and refresh both stores as often as I can and I still don't have enough.

>> No.23508904

I want Andrea Doria

>> No.23508958
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>> No.23508970
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>> No.23509024
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>> No.23509048

Very cute queen
Debating if i should try to get her again. Warspite and Alabama aren't enough

>> No.23509099
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Elizabeth been the only Battleship I've used lately other than for dailies, that tanking skill is just a godsend. The side story leading up to her Oath was cute too.

>> No.23509211

How much have you spent

>> No.23509239
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I should have focused on trying to clear up the higher experience daily instead i was just leveling all my ships evenly.

>> No.23509289
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Compass has updated and the servers are up. 2525BM has been distributed to everyone and the costumes from the design competition are now available. As for obtaining them, they're available in the normal hero gacha and also a separate hero gacha (uses normal hero tickets) with just the 4 in there - it'll be available until the 30th.

>> No.23509314

Does anybody know what happened to the AGA PC client? It wanted to update and now there is an alice.exe and an alice_main.exe with the _Data directories duplicated. After starting it all my settings were reset.

>> No.23509361
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Think I've bought 3 Rings, 1 EXP Pack, lvl pack till 40, Oigens damaged outfit and the first Hiryu pack. Other than that I've been buying the daily 60 coin ish packs, I still have 1.9k coins left just for that.

I focused on Oigen and the 2 sisters at the start, the 3 of them are just great for dailies because their usable on 3 of them and a bit on the Carrier and destroyer ones.

>> No.23509519

>Eugen with Dorsetshire and Norfolk
I'm jealous, only got Eugen myself and she's already amazing when she gets on a roll and starts killing enemies to reset her CD over and over, can't imagine how much better it is with all 3 of them to buff their main gun's damage.

>> No.23509541

In AE, do you get anything for full clearing the mines? The first mine has shitty rewards, and I'm too lazy to go back and finish it.

>> No.23509581

This kusoneko tower is godawful. They should have at least remove the SP cost x2.

I don't think there are any extra bonuses.

>> No.23509719

Yeah, I like that the tower is forcing me to use different characters for a change but it'd be better if I wasn't forced into using the same ones constantly because their normal attack spam is much better than the others.

>> No.23509749
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Tough luck if you don't have Chaguma Nemo, the fucker becomes hilariously broken at +99999% AS and also very comfy to use because virtually nothing can touch him during S2 except the DA grabs (which can be dodged anyway).

>> No.23509776
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Things are getting tankier though, I usually switch to 5 Battleships or 5 Destroyers + Oigen when its a full battleship stage or something.

>> No.23509828

I think they reset the setting to prevent problem with improved controller support ( now you can actually use the dpad )

>> No.23509924
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Look at this beautiful thing
Look at her

>> No.23510000

>now you can actually use the dpad
But I've been using it the entire time.

>> No.23510029

Previously the game doesn't register my Logitech F310 dpad input correctly

>> No.23510062

So swap to characters with higher hit counts on their skills the more points you get into AS? At least that'll keep things more interesting.

>> No.23510902
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Fucking hell, and here I thought I had burned a lot of oil as it is getting Le Fantasque to 4 stars.

>> No.23510962

Think I used a total of 15k-20k oil to 6* her, I also only ran a team of 3 to reduce oil usage. Warspite was fairly quick in comparison.

>> No.23511164

It’s taking me about 10k oil per copy, so kindly explode.

>> No.23511169

The SP mechanic feels like it was made to push the new warrior/xsaber and their limiter mechanic.

>S3 for 0sp
>use the 15 seconds of 0sp mode to spam S2
>wait until S3 is ready again

>> No.23511345

If that's what you think then I guess they're not pushing it hard enough because I'd rather grind 24k runes than roll for the new warrior/xsaber.

>> No.23511471
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How many episodes left until they are going to announce the anime is delayed because 567?

>> No.23511620

Do the nips actually call it 567 or are you having fun with some goroawase

>> No.23511725
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>I'd rather grind extra than spend gems on a character for one event
Well, yeah, fair. As non-whales, that is kind of what we do.

Just saying that if you were, for example, rolling for Kuroka anyway but ended up getting one of them instead, they seem to fit pretty well.

>> No.23511816

Not him but

>> No.23511977
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Wow, people actually draw a lot of fanart for Megido 72.

>> No.23511993

Is it too late for me to get into blue oath now?

>> No.23512035


>> No.23512089

It hasn’t even been out 2 weeks.

>> No.23512094

>if you were, for example, rolling for Kuroka anyway
I won't, even if I have 10k gems in stock.

>> No.23512327

Damn, never knew. Thanks.

I usually get a 4.5/5 every 3 10s. Play the game if you haven't started, it's not surprising to be able to do a 10 pull every day the first week.

>> No.23513272

Anon, is not like Megido72 is a lot played in JP or anything...

>> No.23513334
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Well I've only seen memes about it here and I never got to play it because it doesn't work on emulators. I almost never see it come up in top app rankings, so I assumed it was a doa mobage.
But apparently it's doing rather fine? I mean it has 8 times more fanart than PTD, and I thought that was a very niche game.

>> No.23513423

It won an award last year and the mangaka of Biscuit Hammer shills it on twitter. It also had a short web anime?
I wish PTD was more popular.

>> No.23513685
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10/10 expressions

>> No.23513926
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I feel ya. I wish Cafe was more popular, but they're pretty slow on updates. I just like Cafe mostly because it feels like what BGHS could have become.

>> No.23514283

Someone spoonfeed me the gameplay to Blue Oath please. The only other botecolle game I played is AL, are they alike in any sense other than you being a 指揮官 who fucks/marries them?

>> No.23514423

It's literally kancolle arcade on phones/pc. Pretty generous game overall but recent news of the limited girl being blocked from the free-dupe creation system is setting all the nips ablaze like her cannon

>> No.23514455

There's a big map with enemies roaming around. When you get close enough to an enemy you move to an instanced fight against them. You dodge telegraphed attacks by moving left/right and adjusting your fleet's speed (the faster you go the more tired they get so you have to regulate it constantly, and turning around is harder at full speed compared to medium). Those telegraphed attack get more complex the harder the content is. There's another mode which is a pursuit where you move in a straight line and need to kill enemies that have specific movement patterns so killing them as they show up might not be the best because some might escape out of your range. To attack you have air strikes, main gun barrage, torpedoes and secondary gun barrage. Torpedoes are limited while air strikes, secondary gun and main gun have a cooldown. The main gun resets when you fire so the more ships of the same type are ready to fire together the more damage your main gun barrage does.

>> No.23514502
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Is this the same artist who did the launch promo art for Blue Oath? I always like playing "guess the chink artist."

>> No.23514997

Why hasn't the rest of the industry started copying cygames' gacha tactics? Especially rhythm games, I keep dropping rhythm games that ask for too much grind. I think a huge part of Bandori's success was because it was so easy to get into and events can be cleared quickly, but they dropped the ball with the gacha cards getting boring.

Anyway my point was:
More gacha opportunities = more positive feedback = people get more addicted and feel like playing
Nowadays games where you can at most save up for 10 rolls per month are outdated and feel like a slog.

>> No.23515080
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>Gacha cards keep getting boring

They realized they couldn't beat their peak

>> No.23515103

I hear you. I really want to stick with sb69, but even playing at 20 stamina per song it's a longer daily grind than I'd like

>> No.23515157

That's setting me ablaze too given how shit the rates are, how many dupes you need, and how relatively expensive each roll is. That's nearly "drop the game on the spot" material.
The only saving grace I'm seeing right now is that the update info says you can purchase several dupes for a relatively low amount of the medals you get for rolling SRs and SSRs.

>> No.23515179

Yeah, I agree. It's hard to get used to "lesser" gacha games after you played something big from Cygames.
Relatively easy to farm events, basically unlimited stamina, steady supply of premium currency+free rolls and the spark system. No need to roll multiple dupes of each character(except for certain summons and whale pools, but this has alternative ways of uncapping anyway).

Every other mobage I played for a long time and enjoyed, but dropped had recurring problems. You either need to dedicate a lot of time to get the main event reward(s), or you need to roll multiple copies of characters for them to be viable or even playable.

>> No.23515445

The only games I've played that aren't cygames and have so many free rolls are Sinoalice (at least one spark per month), Shiny Colors (True end system gives a couple hundred rolls) and CUE seems generous with SSRs so far.

>> No.23515834

>copying cygames gacha tactics
because it isn't a 100% guarantee success rate?
people really forget that world flipper exists

>> No.23515914

>people really forget that world flipper exists
just don't bait and switch bro

>> No.23516009

World flipper had a brilliant gacha animation, but as you know the game died due to breaking the "don't nerf shit" rule

>> No.23516071

the good ol "I'm gonna nerf a element after releasing their best banner in Christmas, nothing can go wrong!" tactic
and then the "ill release seasonal characters that make the other elements stronger for christmas!"
and people say CyGames is the saint

>> No.23516354

From what I was told that really wasn't the problem.
The problem is the game wasn't really pinball so pinball nerds didn't like it while it it was too much pinball for normal people.

Essentially the game just wasnt fun.

>> No.23516415

I don't think it's that big of a deal especially if you can get her to 4 stars or so which isn't that hard. But pure f2p people would rage for obvious reasons.
The initial problem with the game back in chinkland was that the wishing wall was just a bit too goddamn generous and the game couldn't pull in big money. They went the classier route but went full fetish-pandering with skins later on along with more packs. This was the first event in the original launch and it's high-budget as hell with full-voice and other nonsense and they attempted to do the same back then. They're repeating it again in the jp release to great laughter from chinks on baidu/weibo as they joke that this is the game's "original sin"

>> No.23516444

I could see that.
But it was doing well at release enough to stay at least in relevance.
The problem is that the already small playerbase basically got hugely upset after the Christmas debacle and many just up and left.

>> No.23516446

Cygames gives you a lot of free rolls but the individual rate up %s are pretty shit to compensate, the general rule in nearly every Cygames title is "save until you have a spark" for a reason. It works for them because of the high production values but you can't expect other companies to be able to replicate that effectively. Honestly, Cygames gets away with a lot because of their brand. Look at how hard they tend to jew whenever a game is first released, they managed to salvage Princess Connect and make it do extremely well after that first year but Dragalia never really recovered in Japan.

>> No.23516467

DragQueens pretty much Nintendo isn't it?
I dropped it in under a week but from what I was led to understand its content made by cygames but the actual management of the game is Nintendo.

>> No.23516592

Different anon here, I do agree that the wishing wall is too generous and actually doubted the game would make any money without going full costumes which I would have loved personally. I wouldn't be so pissed if the game had a higher free gem income or if the wait wasn't a whole 6 months. I'm hoping the backlash is enough for them to reconsider it for the future gacha or at least lower the wait time.
Also wasn't the game in CN in a sort of *beta* until recently?.

>> No.23516594

I'm somewhat fine with not being able to dupe them for some time but six months is basically ages for a game like this. I've read some stuff that says it was one month for the CN version, but that they possibly also weren't able to buy dupes for discounted medal costs so I'm torn. It also stings a bit in particular for me since the Scharnhorst is one of my favorite WW2 warships.
A big part of it though, is controversy (that has a very real possibility of blowing up like this might) happening this early in the game's life is always discouraging, as it could kneecap the game and its future.

>> No.23516662

I'd be blown away if Cygames didn't have a hand in that triple gacha, GBF launched with the exact same thing before they walked it back and removed the characterless weapons.

>> No.23516664

>too generous
Its only every 7 days so that's 4 dupes a month. Meanwhile I can get more SSR bulins from weeklies in AL.
There is literally nothing wrong with the players to get strong faster, they will keep playing the game you know, it gives better feeling.

>> No.23516705

Last thing we need is another mass ragequit after that recent cygames pinball mobage.

>> No.23516843

Is blade xlord any good? Bored and looking for a gacha game to play while binging netflix shows.

>> No.23516898

A bigger problem was that there was no real way to get gacha currency other than their monthly handout. It was extremely stingy.

>> No.23517133

Its every 4.5 days, you can use the stones to cut the time down by half. Theirs a massive amount of High grade stones on the Oath store though it probably doesn't refresh from what I can tell for now but it probably gets replace by something eventually or else the daily stones just end up as useless garbage. Theirs about 50 high grade stones on the Merit store which refreshes monthly that cuts about 7 days every month from that alone.
Azur lanes the exact system I was talking about when I mention about a generous gacha but takes its money from costumes. Its probably a lot harder for a game like Blue Oath to do that when Azur Lane could likely make 3 new girls for what it costs to make 1 in Blue Oath and then further sell them with sexy costumes.

>> No.23517360


Shitton of mass refunds going on. Most people are outraged at the 6month lock

>> No.23517403

Yeah I saw that, hopefully its enough for them to reconsider and not go the Abyss Horizon route.

>> No.23517431

What is up with that one, I know it's the other KC arcade clone

>> No.23517500

I've mentioned it before, but I don't know how the English version or how the JP version is now. But back on launch the game was great, you could get ships that would let you limit break easily, equipment was farmable etc. Then they slowly removed anyway for you to farm limit break items or equipment without using money, pvp was a mess with a certain ship just completely stopping the other side from attacking. Skill were either wrong or didn't even work etc. I could go on, I'm told its better now but it seems dead player wise.

>> No.23517593
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The certain ship that made pvp into a who shoots first meta.

>> No.23517689

How does the new SB69Fes event work? I did 1 boss but how does the point work? Just defeat 1 boss to get 600pts?

>> No.23517722

I'd be surprised if they don't change it, but changing things like this usually need approval from an actual higher up so could take time, or if they're an ass double down on it.

>> No.23517827
File: 393 KB, 2048x1536, abyss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't have much hope for Chinese companies honestly, when I started Abyss Horizon I knew beforehand X.D Global was a horrible company but I still played it hoping that they won't do anything stupid. I'm hoping I'll be proven wrong here.

>> No.23518011
File: 716 KB, 1920x1150, EWF_2UzUYAEQsrU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given how much planning they seemed to have set put in place for the game's launch it'll be unfortunate if they shoot themselves in the foot that badly over something like this.

>> No.23518087

These chinks never learn. Only cygames can get away with scummy shit like that

>> No.23518198

They are already resetting the double gem bonus for first time purchase in Ash Arms. They are doing that bad it seems.
Not that surprising considering the only thing going on in the game for this year has been new 3 stars unit after new limited new 3 stars units without a way to limit break them.

>> No.23518394

The game performance keeps taking a dive with every new update, the latest update with x3 battle speed actually managed to make the game runs even slower on homepage and system menus.
Overall the game feels like it's still in beta state, all these bugs, balance problems and crappy limit break system really make a huge impact on its potential.

>> No.23518471

FEH part 1 collab rerun in Dragalia doesn't have login bonus or guaranteed banner with paid gems like the original run for some reason. The event rewards is somewhat nerfed as well.

More boss HP = more points. The gold colored ones seems to give more points compared to normal ones. Playing songs normally still give points but the amount is pitiful.

>> No.23518485

The game overall looks really beautiful, especially by Chink standards. I just hope it can at least make it past the 1-year mark.

>> No.23518486

God fucking dammit
Last Origin JP delayed to May

>> No.23518535

What are the glowstick drops you get from the sb69 event?

>> No.23518536

The virus really fucked them. I remember they were shitting out event after event and implementing new systems really fast and now they can't shit out anything expect maybe 1 new unit or 1 skin event.

>> No.23518555

Graphics wise I'll say, the chinks put the japs to shame so far. The chinks may just copy everything but at least in 3D they go above and beyond compared to JP who just makes a clone of princess connect or a game for a popular anime series that plays and looks like any other game based on a popular series.

>> No.23518625

The bosses should really give goods. The weekly is going to be annoying now.

>> No.23518744

Nevermind, found out.
Yous sell them like the merch you get from free play songs.

>> No.23518749

It does the lolipop thing and the drinks. You can see it in the goodshop 700 and 1000 I think. The annoying aprt is that there's no way to use 2x the stamina so it's 5 per run and that's shit when you're full stamina/whe you're about to level up like I am right now. ugh.

>> No.23518967

>20k HP gold boss = 2k points
>80k HP gold boss = 12k points
The heck.

>> No.23519039

Oh I didn't notice they were autoing.
Friend requests seem to work fine so far but I'm not sure about random.

>> No.23519056

That's bullshit, people were obsessed with finding different combos of characters and praising it lots for the innovation.

>> No.23519068

Did you guys clear gravity horizon hell? It was too hard for me

>> No.23519085

>identityV JP has tens of thousands RTs on their announcements
>never hear anyone talking about it in Japan or here
What's up with that?

>> No.23519215

Mystery countdown in kusoneko probably will start today according to datamine.

It's made for berserkers. There is still 2 months until that event ends anyway unlike Runaway.

>> No.23519356

I like how you only need 100 rolls to spark for birthday cards in T7S.

>> No.23519371

It's a quick match-based asymmetrical slasher.
Sure it has a unique style compared to popular generic western horrors and now RE:R. But I honestly never got the appeal of these games. If you play the monster you try to catch as many survivors as possible, if you play as a survivor you just run until the time is up. Gameplay mechanics are pretty simplisic, maps are small, actions are very limited. Maybe there's something I'm not seeing.

>> No.23519471

I have 40 rolls saved up
Please give me scarn

>> No.23519485

It's honestly a very niche genre. Only liked Evolve because they reversed the role where you need to survive as the monster.

>> No.23519541

How many days left do I have to roll for an SSR I want on the Blue Oath page?

>> No.23519554


>> No.23519557

Today is your last day. Doesn't say at which hour ends but gonna guess when the clock hits April 22nd JST.

>> No.23519606
File: 395 KB, 575x536, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one

>> No.23519607

How are you getting 80k one? I've only seen 50k but then I keep defeating them when they come.

What's the point of friend request though? Any difference on the points when your friend defeat it instead?

>> No.23519620

>How are you getting 80k one?
Probably just rare. I only saw one so far.

>> No.23519644

Yeah, this game really remind me of my own life

>> No.23519700

>additional torpedo, 40% to get another one
>medium distance barrage
>durability 20%
>Ishikawa Yui
>can perform a special air strike at the start of night battle
>150% damage to the rest of the fleet if she kills an enemy
>100% chance to hit flagship for 400% damage at long distance
>Shiori Sugiura

Having that additional torpedo skill is the main difference between a good and a bad DD, Fubuki is one of the good ones but she's not unique enough. Normally CV can't do anything during night battle so Saratoga being able to attack makes her very useful and she has the best stats among all CV. I think you'll get more use out of Saratoga, the farmable DD from 4-4 and the SR ones should be enough to cover your DD needs.

>> No.23519752

Well it takes a lot less time to kill them

>> No.23519776

I wonder how many mobages were pushed to shutting down sooner because of covid?
I mean big companies losing profit is inevitable, but they can still recover when this is over. But what about games that already barely manage to survive?

>> No.23519827

How about the points though?

>> No.23519859
File: 730 KB, 1327x975, Screenshot_2020-04-21-16-45-13-72_b09f344b6f5b68c1f1666c9754a4f82d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they change something? I'm sure skills didn't reset before.

>> No.23520014

Didn't reset was a bug.

>> No.23520042

I hate that some bromides give HP, my UR Howan form the first event is very outclassed but I can't use her as support either because stupid +hp passive.
I guess I'm stuck with her in the main party until I get 11 URs.

>> No.23520072
File: 1.56 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2020-04-21-16-30-37-703_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.SB69Fes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait why is Howan bad? I have her ur right now.

>> No.23520095

Her stats and lower than average. Same for the event Sumomone. I don't know if the event guys are the same, haven't leveled them.
The only gacha pool cards with lower stats are the ones with the good->perfect skill from what I've seen.

>> No.23520122
File: 1.59 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2020-04-21-16-31-20-160_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.SB69Fes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck do I have anyone better to use? The other SRR/UR I have have shit skills.

>> No.23520159

From what I've seen all the skills that increase score in some way are good. I think raw stats are more important than anything if you want consistent high scores though. But take my words with a grain of salt.

I don't know what UN's skill is but if it's the same as Darudayu's and A's then it's probably the best skill in the game as it's a chance to score up on normal notes.

>> No.23520194
File: 814 KB, 1662x1537, hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you can see a lower level Retoree giving +1400 team score compared to Howan.

If Howan had a usable passive I could run Retoree on the main team and Howan as support and I might be able to close to 65000.

>> No.23520457

It bothers me that all the guys have had good skills.

>> No.23520522
File: 743 KB, 1280x720, Eugen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oath scene is really nice.
I feel like I did it too soon.

>> No.23520538
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Crow looks like it's shit. Or is P Support even good. He has the same skill as Airen but at least she has a good support skill.

>> No.23520559

Has anyone ever done a compilation of all the boats from all the Kancolle clones to compare what they look like? Like putting all versions of Saratoga or all versions of Takao next to each other.

>> No.23520564

That's just a shittier version of AutoP but everyone with AutoP has abysmal stats so it might have some merit.
I wouldn't run it over skills that don't rely on you playing bad though.

>> No.23520655

I meant the event cards we've had so far.

>> No.23520806

Why are people so hyped for 22/7? It looks generic

>> No.23520866

Am I too late for the ssr twitter thing for Blue oath? I went to the website, but the gacha thing only gave me an SR.

>> No.23520915

Your too late unless you make multiple twitter accounts.

>> No.23520952

>I wouldn't run it over skills that don't rely on you playing bad though.
Doing full perfect on battles gives 20% bonus damage.

>> No.23521064

Sure, but in that case you run AutoP which is guaranteed for x number of notes.

Betting on a random skill triggering right at the time you screw up is a big gamble.

>> No.23521095

How does the twitter thing work? Is there still time for me to start?

>> No.23521129
File: 355 KB, 2706x1306, EWH8cABU0AEakJG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23521135

You log in using your twitter account on their site to do 6 rolls every for an SSR or SR that you want. You literally only have 3 hours and 30 minutes at the time of this post before its over.

>> No.23521154

So I only have 6 tries left hoping for an SSR right? Thanks anon.

>> No.23521171

Man fuck twitter and their shitty standard. It's 10 days since i sent them an email about the locked account and they still have to answer.

>> No.23521172

Damn I only got an SR too.

>> No.23521175
File: 320 KB, 508x316, 3Vqki2oTI4gaWpuCKTpHuejw21q2PHiA0bJ4N9KfBLsX5mpBsSxdDsTPo7vfhdPG3vPK4XeaSEVrZk5s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah unless you have multiple twitter accounts, I suggest u get one of the non crossed girls because the rest can be gotten by other means ingame either by using farmable points or just drops. Though I guess you can't really be picky right now.

>> No.23521182
File: 321 KB, 511x316, 3Vqki2oTI4gaWpuCKTpHuejw21q2PHiA0bJ4N9KfBLsX5mpBsSxdDsTPo7vfhdPG3vPK4XeaSEVrZk5s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction, missed the SR and the point SSR destroyer.

>> No.23521213

Thanks for this anon. I guess I wasn't lucky enough to even get an SSR in 6 tries. No point in making many more twitter accounts and I'll just settle for what I have.

>> No.23521252
File: 1.34 MB, 1294x675, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let it get you down, a friend of mine beat all the current chapters just by waifu fagging SR destroyers and the free SSR Carrier and SSR Lightcruiser from the daily shop.

>> No.23521280

Thanks for the info. How easy is it to reroll and what should I reroll for? I plan to start my reroll hell now.

>> No.23521293

Wasn't Abyss Horizon handled by Morning Tec before it was handed over to X.D Global?

>> No.23521376

Its hard and annoying, the game remembers the machine it was installed on so even uninstalling won't remove your account. I couldn't find anything to delete either in the data files. If you still want to reroll I suggest you get an emulator that supports multi instances, make one instance and install Blue Oath on it but don't run it. Mark it as an original and clone it and roll from there on each server, if you don't get what you want delete that instance and clone the original again.

As for what you should aim for you can reference the game8 site https://game8.jp/blueoath/325642, but I'll say you should aim for girls that you can't farm or build for ingame which from that list from left to right on that list.
The top 2 carriers, the 4 battleships, the top 2 cruisers and 4th 5th. For destroyers the top 4 are decent enough too.

>> No.23521410

Ah yeah I got them mixed up. But X.D Global is still basically Morning Tec, they actually *switched* publishers for the JP version of Abyss to Y.Y Global after the whole Kantai lawsuit thing.

>> No.23521416

Damn so no point in rerolling without an emulator. It says in the wiki that there are three servers so 3 tries per reroll I guess?

>> No.23521421

refer to this for rerolling

>> No.23521434

Yeah you get 10 rolls from the tutorial and if you do 20 other rolls on the current gacha you'll get a random SSR.
Heh didn't thought of that.

>> No.23521464

>it doesn't work on emulators
I got it to launch but every time I tap the start screen I get an "couldn't process the data, returning to title screen" error. Does it require a vpn or is it their way of blocking emulation?

>> No.23521481

>Does it require a vpn
Working fine on my phone without vpn aside it has tons of loading.

>> No.23521504
File: 1.17 MB, 1279x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no vpn

>> No.23521517

Which emulator is that anon?

>> No.23521549

Damn, then I guess it's the emulator.
I was talking about megido 72.

>> No.23521621

Megido72 doesnt need VPN but fuck the slow speed it has for downloads.

>> No.23521626
File: 385 KB, 1280x720, AP shells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried using T91 shells? Are they better than secondary guns on BBs?

>> No.23521683
File: 885 KB, 1141x644, snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take shells over secondary guns for my BBs.

>> No.23522229

memu, in the multi instance menu

>> No.23522250
File: 523 KB, 704x664, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice Gear's Marie, now with extra padding (in a maid outfit)

>> No.23522816

This game is out. It got shilled so hard in 4gamer.net, it's already on #1 trending.
Anyone know if this has english version? because it looks generic as fuck

>> No.23522832

Are you kidding?
This looks like your typical mass produced chinese "mmo" without any redeeming traits.

>> No.23522862

These kind of games is pretty popular in japan. Heck, shit like league of angel is big there

>> No.23522917

Ranking rewards have been distributed in Compass. The card places a giant interactive piano on the floor - https://twitter.com/HSI_Compass/status/1252615582504980481

>> No.23522931

I know they have a thing for grindy mmos but I refuse to believe this until I see some proof.
I can understand japanese being drawn to some of the older gen 1 mobages like RoB or any other "pretty cards do damage" style of games, but this is questionable.

>> No.23522961

They have Ito Hideaki a celebrity as the model.

>> No.23523093
File: 156 KB, 960x540, IMG_20200421_104331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're also gonna sell a ticket that lets you select a 3* star doll and rereleasing all the past skins. So yeah it looks like they're trying to get some money in while pretending it's because it's their half year anniversary.

>> No.23523183

Just login on jp playstore

>> No.23523365

I wanna take the bait because I really like the look of a couple of 3 stars that I missed, but without a way to limit break them there's no point, shame.

>> No.23523515

>CV - 石川由依
What's with her and voicing a thousand different boats in boat games?

>> No.23523517

If it's cheap get it in case they pick themselves up after the kung flu and fix the game

>> No.23523640

>boat games?
She has been in literally every mobage I have been playing so far, so a few boat games are just tip of the iceberg.

>> No.23523668

>Tried random requests
>No one helped after 1 hour passed

>Reusing anime assets for some of the collab stuff
What a cheap collab although it's possible they couldn't draw new stuff because Corona.

>> No.23523820


>> No.23523870
File: 10 KB, 776x40, What do they mean by rate up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nowadays games where you can at most save up for 10 rolls per month are outdated and feel like a slog.
I don't get how Jewflyer can get away with this on Another Eden. F2P can only get 10 rolls each month after they emptied most gems sources while the gacha rate is as worse as GBF and no sparking.

>> No.23523907

Because it's singleplayer game?

>> No.23524012

I played Another Eden shortly (EU download speed for the whole game sucks) and it has enough content to stand on its own, and a chill pace.

A shitty RPG with bad story doesn't give you satisfaction without gacha and new characters, anime rhythm games are often more about card collecting unless the music is really good, so those kinds of games can't get away with it.

>> No.23524123

Tenka Hyakken, Project Tokyo Dolls, Megido72 or them three? I'm bored and I need something new to play. Blue Oath just doesnt clicks on me, I think AL is better.

>> No.23524137

Didn't play Tenka but the other two are fine aside slow loading times.

Megido72 has fun gameplay and a 90s manga nostalgic feel with the designs, gacha is pretty generous. I don't play any PvP though, only casually.
Tokyo Dolls has great characters and outfit customization but you need to sell a kidney to get a UR.

>> No.23524145

Try all three, drop whatever you don't end up liking enough to continue. Not like free time is in short supply these days.

>Blue Oath just doesnt clicks on me, I think AL is better.
There's no rule you have to only play one boatgirls game.

Then again, I play zero boatgirls games.

>> No.23524193

Tenka is low maintenance and works as a side game plus you can run everything with any unit even an SR. It's a good time to jump in too since the anniversary event just started and you get a free UR unit.

>> No.23524251

It's just not fun when most F2P players need 30 minutes to 1 hour to defeat a challenge boss when a whale can defeat the boss in a few minutes.

>> No.23524354


Nice, seems like Tenka will be nice since I like gachas where I can just go slow. Megido72 has interesting designs and I don't play PvP at all so if I don't have to play it then better.

Tokyo Dolls... Yeah, I read some shit about the gacha, but I'm mostly interested because of how is the gameplay since it looks fun (at least for a while). Will try them three, thanks anons.

>> No.23524426

To be fair, you get lots of random UR tickets in Tokyo Dolls from events and anniversaries but I've never managed to save up in that game.

>> No.23524612

I'm almost convinced it really just sends it to one random person.

>> No.23524735

Not him, but how necessary is it to reroll there?
I've been somewhat interested in Tenka Hyakken for a while.

>> No.23524868

Not really that important all the content in tenka is easy to get through the only exception being is the nightmare difficulty for the monthly super boss but nothing is locked behind it except a title you can show off to the nips when doing co-op. The only thing that really matters is the girls equipment but thankfully all the events in tenka give you UR equipment so it's easy to gear up. If you want to try nows the perfect chance with the anniversary going on and sordfest being next week.

>> No.23524984

Fucking hell, I want to roll for Akagi since I don't have any good CVs besides Kaga, but the event is coming up. And I basically have fuck all decent CV equipment as it is too. I'm already up to 6 for the other dailies and might be able to swing 7 in some of them but I only could barely clear 5 for the CV daily.
ZKK is strong and all but I just can't bring myself to use her with that voice. There's

>> No.23525153

>Almost done with point rewards
>Still 6 more days until the event ends
This event is actually boring since the song which need to be played is always the same depending on the boss HP.

>> No.23525155

Shame I've essentially got Ash Arms in a comatose state. Otherwise, I'd definitely bite.

>> No.23525262

Is there any list for what we can get in the initial roll? So I can just reroll here and go in game with whatever they give me.

>> No.23525319

I just started myself and rolled a UR that released in 2019 so it doesn't seem like it's very limited.
I'll probably reroll a bit just to see if I can get someone more to my personal tastes. And one that has a name I can actually remember instead of 12 kanji long.

>> No.23525338

You can get anyone the only exception is limited units

>> No.23525427
File: 80 KB, 760x684, Kousetsu_samonji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this one but if I can get Tsurumaru then I'll reroll to try to get her or anyone I like more. Still, I got 3 UR equipment (貴金ノ外套 and 2 貴金ノ簪 ) so I guess this is worth too.

>> No.23525534

That equipment isn't that great the cloak only increases DEF and the brooch only HP you'll want elemental equipment like gauntlets, earrings, rings because if you equip it to a girl of the same element they get an extra boost. Also the fox mask is top tier equipment since it increases crit rate.

>> No.23525564
File: 689 KB, 2160x1080, magna rex rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mean the rate for getting a 5* in general? because i haven't seen rate-ups worse than gbf's so far
i'd say along with >>23523907 it's also because all content in the game is permanent, so there isn't a pressing need to have specific characters at particular times unlike other gacha. that and you can upgrade some 4*s to 5*s for free, but lol at the RNG
still i agree that it feels like shit in AE in particular, i actually started at global launch and quit because my luck was too horrid

>> No.23525619

Thanks for the reminder, picking back up. Hope the big titty fox girl isn't limited

>> No.23525659

We got like 4 fox girls now anon

>> No.23525727

Im the other anon but I'm rerolling for Tsurumaru or any of the fox girls too.

>> No.23525751
File: 434 KB, 691x591, 【天華百剣】[影]ソボロ助廣.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's the one I'm remembering (may not be a fox girl, just remembered the big titties), don't know if she is limited.

>> No.23525792
File: 635 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20200421-165647_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sir she's limited
Good luck anon all the fox girls are cute

>> No.23525810
File: 255 KB, 720x1480, fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops forgot to flip the picture

>> No.23525835
File: 865 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2020-04-22-00-03-13-397_jp.co.applibot.us.bladexlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Blade x Lord is also officially released, I started the rerolls to get a bit of rest from tenka ones and got her in the first one. This is nice art.

>> No.23525903

Anyone in particular to reroll for?

>> No.23526076

https://bladexlord.miraheze.org/wiki/Tier_Lists#Reroll_Tier_Lists Guess this will help you more than anything. Btw, you have to reroll for a unit AND a weapon that can go with the unit.

>> No.23526210

Thats kind of a dumb comparison from Grub since its literally a non 2x bait banner you are referencing.

GBF normally does like .4-.5 though theres some notable times they did absurdly high ones like Summer Jeanne. where she was like 1.5 or something really high.

>> No.23526290

how is Final Gear is it any good?

>> No.23526378

Game just came out? I might give a try.

>> No.23526396

Does GBF not have limited character gachas that appear even outside of the 2x rate events? I know Cygames other games do.

>> No.23526410

They used to but its been like 2-3 years since they did it.
I think Summer Anthuria might have been but then again she was on the flashfes right after anyway.

Pretty much every new character is on 6% rates. Its made the 3% rates non fests even more pointless.

>> No.23526550

I don't get it. In other singleplayer games, paid system is there for convenient pay2playmore, but in AE, gacha exists as progress barrier. That makes it worse, why is it acceptable?

>> No.23526582

Ah, interesting. I haven't played it in years so I wasn't sure.

>> No.23526665

So much for muh 'best china'
In the end, they're all as shitty as the mainlander

>> No.23526677

It's alright. Not that jewish but they still haven't released it in japan so I'm not playing it.

>> No.23526733

Konosuba updated on qooapp and you can predownload if you dont wanna get screwed by their weak servers in hour and a half when everyone tries to download at the same time.

>> No.23526736

it looks nice I hope they release it to JP soon and maybe even global someday

>> No.23527004

I'm done rerolling blue oath but how do I get the twitter gacha reward? I already linked my account to my twitter but didn't get her.

>> No.23527040
File: 37 KB, 270x117, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

login on the present icon that's not on this picture

>> No.23527340
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-04-21-21-54-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess that's as good a start as I'm going to get.

>> No.23527437

>US & Canada only
no thanks

>> No.23527481

Damn anon nice luck you got there

>> No.23527746

Thanks anon. Do I have enough time to get 1800 points for the current even for the free character? Today seems to be the deadline.

>> No.23527758

Are there any downside for rerolling monsters in the SB69Fes Event? I've been rerolling for 50k monsters since they're the best for leveling up my Bromides and for the points.

>> No.23527793

no, only 200 pts a day I think

>> No.23527830
File: 432 KB, 720x1280, Glowworm pantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you can get only 150 points per day. There's no free character, but you missed a skin and a medal to show off on your profile.

>> No.23527859

Too bad then. Thanks anons.

>> No.23527912

PTD actually as a 3% UR rate so it's in the average gacha jew levels. The old 1% rate was changed 2 years ago but everyone dropped that shit by then so they all remember the trash rates instead.

>> No.23528088

I doubt it. Do you do only the gold ones?

>> No.23528126

No Just skip to any 50K and up Bosses. Also I only use my level up team when the boss is about to die so the main team can wittle down the HP and the level up team and kill steal.

>> No.23528154

But how many rolls can you save up per month or so?

>> No.23528224
File: 1.55 MB, 2472x2112, uipic_ui_lihui_1_z1_p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are the girls name censored?

>> No.23528341
File: 279 KB, 371x580, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its my friends, he gave them such weebish names that even I was a bit embarrassed to post them.

>> No.23528422

Uhuh sure "friend" no problem yep

>> No.23528445
File: 786 KB, 1133x523, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you understand anon.

>> No.23528712
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x2300, EWLx6bcUcAIXlo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get Scarn in gacha you could basically 6* her ass for free

>> No.23528766

>all content in the game is permanent
Service closure will still exist eventually unless they are willing to just let the server alive without new updates for the game like Brave Frontier JP.

It's unacceptable for me. FGO can get away with it because of its IP and at least they are allowing usage of 1 support character from your friends/alts unlike AE.

>> No.23528775

50 rolls ready now

>> No.23528776

Am I reading it wrong or is it a typo? 1 Coin to exchange for the event girl as long as u got her from the gacha and it doesn't even increase?. Sounds to good to be true unless its event currency.

>> No.23528795

It's not a typo, read the last sentence

>> No.23528807

Christ, the backlash must have really gotten to them.

>> No.23528819

Fucking amazing.

>> No.23529012
File: 830 KB, 1322x700, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The results are in for the summer event and Chaguma voting.

>> No.23529031 [SPOILER] 
File: 782 KB, 1326x706, 1587538787044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaguma lineup.

>> No.23529051
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, EVJ4T3bVAAsckJ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't care much about those characters except Victor
Maybe I will just spent most of my gems on Anniversary.


>> No.23529086
File: 103 KB, 833x710, N1VkXQmSvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was excited about Chaguma Sheryl, until I remembered that section was only giving 1 each.

So no must-haves for me this time.

>> No.23529099

>6 million votes
So it wasn't just me who grinded the voting tickets.

>> No.23529114

>No Lumiere or Ekulu
>Neither were even top 3
>Not even Mana
Hype ruined. But looks like the Mermaid category had the most waffling.
>Eris was shy 5k votes
Now I can't remember who she is.

Japan is a buncha tryhards god damn. Was valentine Linea even that good?
Pretty good project choice at least.

>> No.23529186

Is there a correct strategy for what to level up in the gravity horizon tower? I've been pumping AS and normal attack only

>> No.23529315
File: 964 KB, 2039x2894, 79503106_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tricked me at first too. Releasing Linea right after her ruined any chances that Sheryl had. I would have liked to seen Sheryl in the story but maybe it's for the best. With how things have been going she would have gotten the Soara treatment anyway and now I don't have to hoard enough to get the ticket.

>Was valentine Linea even that good?
She was a very big powercreep. Not quite on Tina's level but close. She's still the best blunt character.

>> No.23529371

I raised all of them with almost equal levels but it's still somewhat awful. I can't imagine how could I clear some floors if I don't have Kuroka.

>> No.23529412

Depends on how you're dealing with the SP restrictions, I guess.

If you're using characters who can spam their skills anyway, go heavy into AS.
If you're using characters that buff themselves once and then punch everything, go for normal attack.
Or maybe just pump up your SP until you can afford to ignore it and play normally.

>> No.23529485

Super late but, PTD is fairly generous.

You could save up to one to two on dailies and events but there's a ton in story mode.

All new UR usually have a gacha pick up where you'd get a guranteed rateup UR by 4th 10 roll then another on fifth which is a fair enough spark system. The biggest exception is non limited story URs and collab. They normally give you 100 rolls for during collab anyways.

They also recently started a paid 10 roll for a guranteed rate-up UR if you're into that sort of light whaling.

Also mentioned is >>23524426 where if you play the tower you get a monthly Limited UR ticket. You need to get up to level 4 but that's easy. A lot of nips even get to the rotating nightmare difficulty floors ( 5 to 7) with only SSRs. I'd argue some SSRs (which you can trade for) are better than some UR

The hardest part is starting out as you have few usable SSR in the beginning. I'd suggest using the wiki reroll list. Recently the first 10 roll has a guaranteed UR plus you can repeat it as many times as you want.


>> No.23529493

Grind your AS to 99999% and at that point you can use any character you want.

>> No.23529551

didn't say it was acceptable, the fact that it plays like a standard jrpg with just gacha elements for cheap revenue reasons is its biggest flaw to me. should've just gone with regular IAPs like non-gacha mobage. either way aren't there players around who upload videos of clearing content using budget teams? you may not be able to do the hardest fights but that's expected for all kusoge
>service closure
sure, but i meant it more in a way like how other gachas make you want to pull new units asap for stuff like event bonuses, or clearing coop/pvp content before feeling like you're getting left behind, etc

>> No.23529625

A good portion of the story has been translated too btw


>> No.23529689

>use skills like 4 times
don't you mean normal attack?

>> No.23529702

>other gachas make you want to pull new units asap for stuff like event bonuses, or clearing coop/pvp content before feeling like you're getting left behind
I'm sorry anon, but not every game is like Kusoneko(or whatever you're describing). Decent gacha games don't bait you into rolling for the powercreep meme.

>> No.23529704

Action skill is life, bitch, shut the fuck up.

>> No.23529723

You could always use characters with damage fields that only need to apply them once or twice, at least for bosses. The fist lolis is very strong even around 50~.

>> No.23529758

never played shironeko but i've played a lot of gachas before, and i was under the impression that this practice was unfortunately more standard than not
idol gacha does it as well with gacha event cards giving more points for rankings, i believe

>> No.23529880

Damn you really grinded it out. It's probably better to just focus on one stat now that I think about it. Currently stuck at that fortress with legs boss and don't think I have the damage to clear it with breaking the barrier and making him fall

>> No.23529886

>Floor 92 boss weak to blunt/magic/pierce
>Archer/monk/runesaber are banned
Kusopl. I hate warriors and there aren't many good mage/lancer which don't rely on skill spams.

>> No.23529965

Floor 79 was rough, even doing coop.

>> No.23530090

Shironeko doesn't lock character upgrades behind awful bosses for most F2P players like Gariyu AS at least. The bonuses for Hell Quest are just gems and a title for bragging rights.

>> No.23530299

Im the anon who wanted to try the 3 games so I'm thankful for this. Now this makes me want to play it.

Also fuck it I'm gonna roll for 2+ UR girls in Tenka. Game is fun and I did some events with SRs and it was easy.

>> No.23530477

Useless for 2 painter boss on 96. They are guarding skills most of the time.

>> No.23530493

>They are guarding skills most of the time.
No they're not, you're just doing it wrong.

>> No.23530533
File: 884 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200422-184733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, that was a fun climb. Super grindy at first though but there's nothing I cannot handle.
As for the final boss, I admittedly suck at J.Countering so I used 3 layers of damage field instead.

>> No.23530691

It isn't my fault that most warriors or xsabers have short range skills. Managed to do it with SH Eleanor instead.

>> No.23530760
File: 1.64 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2020-04-07-04-16-52-204_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.PTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to link this. Here's the translations.

The story gets pretty dark but not too edgy. You can also mind break a girl by maxing out a certain stat

I'd suggest waiting till Swordfes to reroll in Tenka as it's double rates and the best units are available then desu.

>> No.23530888

Pretty disappointing that it’s been 3 years of Tenka and they never learned to release a hype new girl during anniversary, nothing even special unless you pay.

>> No.23530943

You spout too many excuses, when the only important fact is that you just don't know how the boss works.

>> No.23530971

6 thousand gems for a 3 star of your choosing in Ash Arms. I was even going to buy a couple of skins, but man, these prices.
I guess I'll buy the monthly pass and be done with it.

>> No.23531187

I really couldn't understand the mechanic in PTD somehow at a certain point in the event stage you get debuffed by opponents and then are instakilled by then on turn 1 I had thought first I was underleveled but I was still doing high damage to them just that they one shot me when I get these debuffs, is something wrong or I got do something else than block?

>> No.23531295

I tried Megido72 again and uninstalled it after a day. Same old story.

>> No.23531531

Well given how much they backpedaled, hopefully they don’t try and push the 6 months through next time, and if they absolutely want to block the Wishing Wall they go for something more reasonable like 1 month like in CN.

>> No.23531581

That's the "meat" of PTD. Mechanically it's the same, but team building is important mainly to watch out for certain kinds of debuffs and figuring out what unit you need is key.

The trick could be def down, hp down, field def down, element down, field element down, etc.

This is fairly common in events (latest UR or SSR is what's needed) and especially in the tower which I'd reccomend to try to do to get UR tickets. Most of the time you can use tradable SSR though

Dont' get me wrong. It's not "You NEED this". Alt strategies are needed and don't hesitate to trade away SSR you may not need for more useful ones.

If you're talking about the most recent event, the enemies do atk down and curse which is probably that.

You could undo it with a mummy SSR if you odn't have the new ponytail UR which I'd recc trying to get as it's pretty useful overall.

>> No.23531707

Bait gacha in Star Ocean this week: Resonance of Fate, Maid/Butler, Episode 2 characters gacha.

>> No.23531749

I don't know where you people got the 1 month from but it was 3 months for CN.

>> No.23531948
File: 311 KB, 1152x2048, DHr2TYwV0AA6xx5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only Ciela made it in from who I voted for, and the guy I picked just to have more dragons around
Then again, I'm more or less okay with this lineup too, the only one I really wanted in was Nagi.

Damn nice, actually. This is probably better news than Chiara making it in, since unlike the rest I didn't expect this one at all. Still voted for someone else that didn't have a chance to win anyway for fourstars, but oh well.

>> No.23531953
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20200422-151610_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep this?

>> No.23531972

Unless you don’t like any of those, probably.

>> No.23532013

I saw a picture of it being 1 month thrown around across twitter and 5ch, so that’s where I was getting it from.

>> No.23532229
File: 341 KB, 360x640, 1231924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no word on buffing Resonance of Fate characters
Come on. The fans love them and they're practically unusable these days. I'd love to use Vashyron or the original Reanbell but they hit for peanuts I just feel bad.

>> No.23532308

If you don't like it I'd gladly take it.

Now seriously, keep it. Fox is fox.

>> No.23532627
File: 1.63 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_2020-04-22-16-00-21-751_com.dena.a12022874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fox, but I'll take it. 2 cute URs.

>> No.23532683

>tfw ykur kusoge is handling korona better than FGO
Feels good to have a steady stream of content.

>> No.23532699

It's highly suspected that it's a bunch of KC diehards stirring up problems and misinformation. They used pictures of MLBed SSR girls giving 100 medals vs 25 medals per ssr girl(non-maxed) to incite anger about 1/4 rates but it's literally the same ingame right now. Don't fall for that nonsense.

>> No.23532784

That 2 painter bosses floor ended up the hardest for me compared to the last one.

>> No.23532886

If you want, I have a reroll instance where I rolled Nakigitsune skill saved.

>> No.23532893

Imagine making literal billions but being less able to handle issues than a game cobbled together by a dozen chinks locked up in a veritable sweatshop.

>> No.23533167

Sincerely the devs of FGO never deserved any money they made it's just blind fans of fate series, the producer of the game comes at your face and say that they won't fix their art just because it would make players more strict with the quality... Really? You straightly see this and keeps giving them money? are FGO players braindead?

>> No.23533210

I absolutely don't get how people are still buying into that shit. The lostbelt releases have been going at a snail's pace and most recent servants aren't as hot or popular as the old ones.

I like Nasu's stuff but FGO was only tolerable during Babylonia and CCC. I'm waiting for both FGO and GBF to finally die because they're outdated and not taking risks with their stories.

>> No.23533253
File: 758 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20200422-101438_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says you I was pretty hyped when CHESTO got her limited version during the 2nd anniversary and now I finally get a Tsu-chan alt for free despite it being a robot.

>> No.23533254

Look at FEH. It's even worse than FGO and people shower Nintendo with money just to get a jpg of their waifu. No meaningful updates, almost no story, just grinding your character in similar battles to get wrecked by whales in pvp.
You make a game passable enough as a free to play product using a popular IP and that's what you get. In Nintendo's case there's also their braindead cult which will buy anything as long as it has Nintendo slapped on it.

And I've seen plenty of people who honestly consider FEH the best mobile game ever made.

>> No.23533356

> are FGO players braindead?
They proved that when the servers were down for 24 hours a few months ago, they skimped out on compensation (usually gives 1 piece of currency and 1 stamina regen for scheduled maintenance and more for emergency maintenance) and the nips didn’t even riot and cause a shit storm about it.

>> No.23533366
File: 372 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20190127_162837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a drakengard fan who's been playing sinoalice since release, global is gonna suck so much. I'm already seeing people ask about rerolls and making strategies to compete in colosseum as a F2P when it's not worth it at all.

>> No.23533580
File: 659 KB, 1920x1346, 1E48A2B8-F1F2-4D42-BB31-E8A5B044C3B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More gibs in Blue Oath.

>> No.23533628

I forgive them

>> No.23533727

Thanks anon but if its only Nakigitsune and an skill I'll pass. I was aiming at least for 2 UR so I can have 3 because of the event girl, still thanks.

Happy anniversary, Nier. And fuck these people, I'll enjoy SoA being F2P and not participating in colosseum as I do in JP. They are hyped and they can try it right now if they want so they dont get disappoint later, but eh, I'll let them discover what really SoA is when it releases globally.

>> No.23533833

Stockholm Syndrome. Also, Nasu and Takeuchi are complete and total cockwads. They're like a couple of mentally-handicapped children with nearly-limitless wealth and power.

Nothing will make the JP players riot short of the game shutting down.

It's not even the stories that are the problem. FGO is a game stuck in 2015.

>> No.23533927

So what are you waiting for this year? For me it's Reincarnation, Helios Rising Heroes, Tales of Crestoria, lapis relights, d4dj, project sekai and I guess I'll check out nanaon

>> No.23533962

RomSaga Global since I missed the JP launch and I havent been a big masochist by playing a global game in a while.

>> No.23533966

Nier, Sinoalice, ????????. I don't have hype for JP gachas anymore.

>> No.23533994

wait. i think my eyes are getting bad cause im not seeign sheryl in any of this.

>> No.23534039

>Tried RomSaga beta
>The combat animation is really really slow
There will be a 2x speed option or something, r-right?
Or is there a battle speed option somewhere in the option?

>> No.23534041
File: 203 KB, 1188x632, votes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Second place
>In the category that only accepts the first place guy and girl
Where were you expecting to see her?

>> No.23534043

Ehh its nice to play the "big thing", its a pleasant difference from my other kusoge to see massive streams of art of characters.
That being said I havent given them money in a very very long time and can't really fathom wanting to do so.

Its hard to be upset over FGO being a low effort shit game when its always been a low effort shit game so its not like this is anything new. Just log in, macro dump my stamina if theres an event going on then fuck off.
It is hilarious how they release less and less content as time goes on despite them not being exactly a bastion of quality in the first place. Like by this time last year there was some 20~ strengthening's and this year theres been less than 10. Thats pretty low effort content to keep people happy and they are too lazy to do even that.

>> No.23534062

in my heart ;_;

>> No.23534117

There's not.

Rankups are only twice a year: March and Anniversary. However, it doesn't even seem like they've released that much in the way of buffing interludes, either.

>> No.23534140

Genshin and Crestoria.

>> No.23534202

Yea I was lumping in NP interludes and skill strengthen interludes in that.

Actually looked it up, 15 by this time last year compared to 4 this year.
With another 7 on the 25th of last year making it 22 to 4.

>> No.23534228

The strengthening quest stuff is hilarious too, like how hard is to change the NP modifier from 300 to 400 on a couple of servants.
Apparently really hard considering they do it only twice a year. Two dead weeks? Let's not put anything there for the players to do, just because there hasn't been an event in those weeks on years past.

>> No.23534276

I also don't understand why are they so stingy when it comes to older event reruns? They could've easily made something like Granblue's side stories mode, maybe lock the access to it behind some mana prism item if they don't feel like giving it away for free.
If whales didn't throw money at the game all the time maybe devs would've done something different already.

>> No.23534292

Not only that, it's THREE FIGHTS with NO STORY.

Did JP not have a set of rankups last month?

>> No.23534303
File: 567 KB, 2000x2000, 80544947_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped giving a shit about chaguma the moment Tina got her version, Mana is obviously not as popular so it got left out (probably she's way to bold for kusopl) and the only who's kind of recent that would keep my hype would be pic related.

>> No.23534307

AFAIK their spaghetti code makes rerunning old stuff a nightmare.
Nope, they skipped it.

>> No.23534341

Like they can't just spend 2% of all the money they're making to fix it. They won't do it because they don't care about new players, and by new players it's "anyone who started on or after January 1st, 2018".

>> No.23534376

>spaghetti code
This is retarded. I know almost nothing about coding, but don't some companies usually change or upgrade the game's engine throughout the development or make some big rearrangements when the old thing prevents them from making new/better content?
I refuse to believe the case is so unique they can't do anything about it.

>> No.23534401

>They won't do it because they don't care about new players
You reminded me that one can't play pretty much any of FGO's events until they clear shittons of main story chapters. And then Lostbelts.

>> No.23534402

It's kind of ridiculous how little they care, they don't even have to record voice lines and they still failed during corona. It's like they want the game to die soon and are delaying all content despite printing money and getting the tokyo dome for anniversary.

>> No.23534426

They in fact did that with the 2017 Christmas event a couple of months ago, but then kinda dropped the idea.

>> No.23534440

>getting the tokyo dome for anniversary
They are 100% fucked out of it at this point.
The Olympics getting delayed means when everything reopens it steals their timeslot.

>> No.23534443

>The lostbelt releases have been going at a snail's pace
Shironeko only released 1 story island each year for the last 3 years. Another Eden 2nd arc last part is also delayed for Western Continent sidestory.

>> No.23534451

I know it's not a excuse, but that money goes to the publisher/investor (Sony and Aniplex), the studio gets a monthly budget that stays the same no matter how much money the game does. It does speaks to how much the publisher cares about the quality of the game when despite growing every year, the last time they hired more people for the studio was in like 2017.

>> No.23534452

And there's no way for new players to catch up quickly, either. The dailies are still stupidly-expensive with outdated drop tables and miserable droprates. I understand mobile games have to be slow, but FGO is basically "new players have to spend money on AP refills unless they want to take 2 years to get anything done".

DW as a company is completely-insane. It's this mix of incredible ego, the typical pitfall of success leading to complacence, and Japanese culture.

>> No.23534558

Corona fixing the world day by day

>> No.23534644

FGO is the kind of game you can only be into if you played it from the early days or were so hyped at the start you powered through the boring parts.

>> No.23534682

The worst fucking part of FGO is probably the total lack of QoL and anti-tedium features.

>> No.23534691

>sordfest being next week.
I take it I should save all my stones for this as a newfag?

>> No.23534731


>> No.23534823

There isn't a single fight that is pay walled, people have cleared all the content only using free characters.

>> No.23534834

Pretty much I """enjoy""" FGO probably mostly because theres nothing in the game I need to do.
But good lord I couldnt imagine being a new player and trying to play.

Just being told you cant even ascend a servant because their mats are locked behind 20-30 hours of story would make me nope the fuck out.

>> No.23534842

Wall and steep cliff isn't that different

>> No.23535024

they're pretty fucking different since one is impossible to get past

>> No.23535105

Touhou Lost Word, Crestoria and Project Sekai for me.
Don't see a lot on the horizon. At least for this year.

>> No.23535146

Oh, Genshin Impact too. Forgot to mention that.

>> No.23535235

Fighting a boss for 30 minutes to 1 hour then reset if the boss somehow get crits isn't fun

>> No.23535294

lost my daily log in bonus because of this shit

>> No.23535516

Any guesses for when the full release of Genshin Impact will happen? This summer? Winter 2020 to early 2021?

>> No.23535589

>Blue Oath devs expected people to play the game on emulators so they even included a loading tip about PC controls
Meanwhile some other companies still block them out of paranoia.

>> No.23535735

>FGO doesn't deserve their success
>Cygames is the best
when did we turn into THAT subreddit?
next thing you know we see people saying "is there an english version" or "i dont play non-english gachas"

>> No.23535838

isnt that only for the superbosses? thats how those work in every game, otherwise they wouldnt be called super

>> No.23535855

Chink games really are very hit-or-miss. They can either do some really cool but small things like that, or can be completely shit that shut down in half a year.

>> No.23535908

How big of a gap is there usually between betas and full release? 3-4 months? I'd guess Fall at the earliest. If it comes out by July and doesn't get stuck in launch maintenance hell for weeks, I'll be really surprised.

>> No.23536029

AGA modanon here
If you used the anni ring swap mod I posted last thread
please delete the same files from your resource folder (so they can spawn a fresh copy); I've identified the rings being the cause for recently stalling maps from loading properly after a few rounds, although I'm still in the process of investigating why exactly.
I'm sorry for inconveniences I may have caused.

>> No.23536053

I dont think its really a controversial opinion to say FGO if it were anything but the fate brand name would have crashed and burned hard years ago.

>> No.23536081

FGO isnt even that great but right place, right time is a hell of a business boost
but the moment it turns into circlejerks like /vg/ and then evolves into just turning this place from "me and the bros playing gachas that wouldn't survive in /vg/" to "im just going to shit on companies 24/7 because we cant trust them anymore, heres a tier list of companies, PREACH" is the moment i just cringe and leave like i left that subreddit the instant i read like 2 posts
burying other game discussions in circlejerks of shitting on /vg/ games is not the reason why i come here

>> No.23536104

I played both FGO and GBF for years and to me it's obvious that Cygames gives out more (both in terms of quality and quantity) for the money they get compared to Aniplex/DW.
There is no such thing as "the best" here, but if you compare these two, the only thing FGO is better at is having full sized battle sprites.

>> No.23536151

>Everywhere I go people say FGO is shit
Its not a grand conspiracy anon.
Its because FGO is a low effort crappy game, I dont know why you are even bringing up cygames. They were last mentioned hours ago when people were saying GBFs rate ups are shit.

Ultimately all mobages are kind of shit, it comes with the genre. Theres a reason why when we were talking about FGO its accompanied with "but Im dumb and still play it"

>> No.23536186

>ultimately all mobages are kind of shit
yeah, was just saying theres a line that we hopefully dont cross
hence why i mentioned "that subreddit".
last thing we need is circlejerks of why FGO is horrible or Cygames gacha strategy is best to bury discussions about other games or yelling at people that they are at their "honeymoon" phase and that they will hate the game in a few weeks

>> No.23536218

>still need over 200 jewels for the last stamp
Not looking forward to paying kusopl for my Pilau dupe.

>> No.23536486

Have they said when exactly the event in Blue Oath is starting besides just the 24th?
I haven't been able to find a specific time on the update notes in game or on Twitter.

>> No.23536498

Their actually is a PC version so its more likely meant for that than actual emulators even though the PC version is technically just an emulator.

>> No.23536795
File: 2.83 MB, 542x720, 東雲初穂.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hatsuho from the login ticket
Would had preferred Sakura but she's a nice Defender, I'll gladly take her.

>> No.23536809

I want to play it again but I'm always scared that Square Enix would close it down as soon as I do.

>> No.23536826

EP3 is actually coming out and they have plans laid out for the rest of 2020. At least it should be safe until EP3 is over. After that it's totally going down.

>> No.23536837

How is it now? I stopped playing before those limit break items or whatever they were called were introduced. I've already exhausted that gem tower thing is their more ways to earn gems now?.

>> No.23536963

There's always a time limited trial tower to do after you are done doing the permanent ones, that's your main source of gems once you're done with them and the story. Farming gems is as easy as always, just exchange your trial coins and do your dailies in 5 minutes. If the gacha has a step-up the ceiling to get a new character is usually set at 50k, doesn't take too long to save that much.

Gameplay-wise bigger numbers and convenient talents to save time. Extra assist use, order already filled, 100% rush gauge at the start of battle. This stuff is mostly meant for raids where you need to do a lot of damage before time runs out. Though they haven't been well received, 100% rush gauge in particular. A common complaint I've seen is that they're taking away the action aspect of the action game genre and making it a rush watching simulator with less and less downtime between rushes as the characters get better. It caused certain elitism during raids too, you can get kicked or the room gets disbanded if you don't bring one of the meta characters since more damage = better drops.

>> No.23537317

It's pretty clear which company/publisher or whatever gives a shit, compare grubble fighting game or RPG to the shitshow that was Extella. At least Link was an upgrade landing squarely in the mediocre category.

>> No.23537392

Who the hell did you use for level 99 if the painters were harder than that?

>> No.23537535

are azami/cerrine/gariyu the only free characters so far who need chant scripts to be upgraded to 5*? and in jp, deirdre and jade too?

>> No.23537536

Its astounding how you can fuck up a Musou.

>> No.23537634

I haven't played many musou games, but based on what I've seen and read overall it seems to be an inherently bad genre with examples that can be considered at least somewhat decent being extreme outliers.
Or is Extella shittier than an average musou?

>> No.23537637

I'll say it was decent fun, but was no way in hell worth 60USD even with the weeb tax.

>> No.23538325

Thanks anon. Are you releasing the Marie tits mod as well?

>> No.23538821

I have 4 AS characters (Lokido, Mariel, Laclair, Nagi) in Another Eden and I see there's an AS guaranteed pull and AS Nikeh fateful coming up.
I'm still sitting on my Star Dream and haven't traded it for AS Yuna yet since I've been doing daily singles for her.
Should I do the AS guaranteed, AS Nikeh fateful, or just grab my AS Yuna now and walk?

>> No.23538847
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>> No.23538944
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Here's your collab bro

>> No.23538990

Extella had problems that the old musou games had problems with but don't anymore, like not making you fast-enough to cover all the ground you need to cover because your allies are basically less than worthless, and saving them doesn't actually heal them. Link fixed that and more. The game still has a problem with the combat seemingly too flighty for a musou game, which is a bit slower than the average action game, and the tracking for your attacks, even with lock-on, is horrible. If you are SLIGHTLY faster than the enemy you will fly right the fuck past them. That said, I did like Link quite a lot, but I'm also a piece of shit human being who pretty much only plays JRPGs, musou games, and SRW, and I like Idea Factory games, too.

That shit you're smelling right now? It's my taste in games.

>> No.23539162

Go back to plebbit, you're the one standing out like a newfag here.

>> No.23539291
File: 792 KB, 1280x720, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wee (West) Vee (Virginia) Wee (double) Vee (peace)

>> No.23539329

I remember it being like a series of rooms where you teleport to the next room like I was playing the PSP dynasty warriors.
Like I guess it doesn't matter since you really only fight in important locations in warriors games anyway but its one of those dumb things that takes me out of the game which is a big deal in Musous since I dont want to stop and think about how repetitive they are.

>> No.23539798

When is Swordfes coming up for Tenka? Is it end of the month?

>> No.23539809

Global when?

>> No.23539876

Yes probably next Wednesday

>> No.23540156

>this whole post
You're on the wrong website.

>> No.23540222

I just keep rolling with Kuroka on that floor. I'm glad somehow I got her now.

Deirdre doesn't need one.

I think the guaranteed one is random and fateful just guaranteed random 5*.

>> No.23540286

thanks, are deirdre's upgrade mats the same as story characters then? and i'm assuming that this only applies to deirdre, and jade will still need chant scripts for his?

>> No.23540310

The SB69 raids really need more incentive to help people. Rewards are really minimal even if you kill it for them.

>> No.23540412
File: 251 KB, 1024x692, EWRUZ8nUMAAYYpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could have been.

>> No.23540510

Ey, just saying. New thread.


>> No.23540524

>She was a very big powercreep
She seemed kinda clumsy to use when I tried her. Compared to brawlers that I'm used to.

>Sheryl was second in her category but that group only got one representative
>Tsuyuha was very close to Korin too
Too many good options aside from what got picked.

They must've had rough drafts for everyone but held the vote because they couldn't decide either. Hopefully that's enough to get some fanart made.
>There's a rough draft for a swimsuit Apute too
Becoming a problem of too many good/cute characters.

>> No.23540531

>Didn't even advance the thread count
You had to go out of your way to find something obscure.

>> No.23540533

Those were my chooses fuck it hurts, what a shitty poll.
