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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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23305631 No.23305631 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please link it so people know what you're talking about.

The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

- Don't buy from OtonaJP. Don't say we didn't warn you -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Previous: >>23262680

>> No.23305682
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Ive only used lolinco before. Is this better? Do you recommend? How long does it last? can i keep using a microfiber towel to clean it?

>> No.23305776

I still haven't been able to find any proper guide for setting up an onahole with a dollfie dream body.

>> No.23305922

There isn't one, those dollho bodies have been sold out for years.

>> No.23305963
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From the last thread:
That's a pretty standard letter. It looks like the exporter misdeclared the contents (because who's going to write LITERAL SEX DOLL on a package) or understated the value. That letter should list all your options, but be aware you have very little time to pay any duties and fees. Giant boxes like the one dolls come in tend to move through the process quickly because no one has the space to keep that shit around.

Anons importing goods should expect this to happen often in the near future. Customs in every county is inspecting everything due to Corona-chan causing people to mail shit like disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer, which are incredibly flammable.

>> No.23306044

Strongly recommended.
>great feeling holes
>nice weight
>easy to clean with flush hole
I've had mine since 2016, I took good care of it, and it has taken good care of me

>> No.23306083

Its the only onahole I regret throwing out when I got disgusted with myself.

>> No.23306122

what do you mean by flush hole? You mean since the 2 holes are connected, its easier to clean?
You threw away a 100$+ onahole?

>> No.23306132

I've throw out ~$700 worth of onaholes in the past 7 years.

>> No.23306168
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Have one of these, thoroughly worn out, was great in the beginning, but didn't like how must of the tightness came from the hand, not the material itself though. Ribs have worn out, and ripped.
It was like $5, would like a upgrade, but below $50. Durability is the prime concern.
>6.5"x6" sub $50 us

>> No.23306190


>> No.23306292
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How much do you pay for rent?

>> No.23306326

>I tried VR and it's not as satisfying as my dolls
Fuck me, I'm enjoying VR and my plush body doll and was getting doll curious don't tempt me like this anon
is there warming body circuitry on any loli dolls?

>> No.23306330

Theres a hole on the back that connects to the front two holes so you can easily run water through the holes and drain through the other side making it very easy to clean compared to closed-end holes

>> No.23306339

>tfw you got a uti from your Ona

>> No.23306360

what is this meme? If you got a uti from a onahole then you should fucking clean them you pig

>> No.23306449

ToysHeart R20

>> No.23306574

I did, it’s an Ona that’s hard to clean.

>> No.23306581
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>> No.23306598 [SPOILER] 
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Looking for a good hip ona with two holes, I was reading reviews but all the ones that I could find reviews for are not being made anymore. Was thinking of this Puni Fuwa Mochi 2000 but I've seen people say that it can rip easily in the stomach

>> No.23306610
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>> No.23306629
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Can't go wrong with either version of the Puni Ana DX

>> No.23306656

I got Onas with multiple chambers and uteruses and goddam man traps that I make sure are spotless after I'm done cumming in them, no excuses

>> No.23306730

Are they made of tpe? I would think that cleaning them too roughly would wear it out alot faster. I heard that you can coat the inside of tpe holes with vaseline because it's antibacterial and made of paraffin oil so it's actually good for tpe. It also sheds water from the hole making it easier to dry after you clean the gunk out.

>> No.23306772

In my experience ,just be gentle, and as long as you're not rape fingering and just getting the slippery semen/lube mixture out of the hole with some hand soap you're fine. You will get damage if you attempt to turn them inside out.
Damage is going to happen to the hole no matter what you do, especially if you're like most of us and use them for hours grinding your ochinchin inside them, like all things, they have a lifespan and wear with use.

>> No.23306802

I think the uti people may even clean their hole but forget to dry it out after. a wet tpe hole is going to grow all kinds of shit in it.

>> No.23306812

Is any hand soap fine? I have just been running water and drying with a microfiber cloth so far

>> No.23306815

dilute antibacterial dish soap.

>> No.23306846

Yes, the antimicrobial shit only leads to antiviral resistant shit that we're dealing with right now. Castile soap imo works the best but any random soap will be fine once you finger scrub gently and wash out and dry thoroughly afterwards.

>> No.23306875

beyond retarded

>> No.23306890

So I'm about to get my own place and start a job where I have so much goddamn money it's not even funny so I'm looking for cuddle dolls. Any manufacturers make tall ones? (above about 6 ft. or so for full onee-san effect) What about loli ones with internal warming? Or would both of these just amount to custom orders, and who would be best suited for these orders?

>> No.23306919

I don't know if there are any loli dolls with internal warming. I only know about sinodolls though. Lolidolls are alot less massive though so they warm up easier. TPE warms up easier than silicone. I don't think there are alot of dolls taller than 170 cm.

>> No.23307055

Cool, I was considering as last resort just using a heating blanket on the lowest setting for the most part.
Then my last question, anyone have a pairing of "sisters" or tall/short or otherwise for some oyakodon action they like?

>> No.23307090

there's something inside me that stops me from buying an 270 dollars onahole

>> No.23307103

They can be from different makers unless you want to be able to switch the heads around or something. But a lolidoll is usually going to be under 140 cm while you also want a 170+ cm doll, and i don't think any manufacturers offer that wide of a range of dolls.

>> No.23307114

Looking around I figured I'd have to buy them from different makers. Right now I got my eye on these two
Is catdoll supposedly the copycats or which of the two is generally better quality?

>> No.23307157

Having fucked a few hookers in my time at that price it's definitely a better long term investment and probably more enjoyable beyond the hour she gives you too

>> No.23307176

I haven't heard any complaints about Dollter's quality and they have alot of variety, but Catdoll is the og maker. The prices are pretty similar between Dollter and Catdoll. I don't know anything about sydolls, but it is about the same price as the 138 cm doll you linked. Since the materials cost for manufacturing a full size doll is much higher I would expect the quality is lower. Could be different grades of tpe, or the skeleton might not be as good. for full size dolls you can visit doll forum and get alot of information, they just banned all mention of lolidolls there cause it's full of normalfags.

>> No.23307212

Shit, thanks for the heads up, just really tough to find a non-cartoony 170 doll with an asian face but I'll check it out

>> No.23307416
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>> No.23307436
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just bought a $100 torso. I probably should have gotten to nut clarity first, but whats done is done

>> No.23307462 [DELETED] 

I'm going to kill myself, but I should properly dispose of shit first before I'm literally caught dead with an onahole

>> No.23307475

100 isn't that much for a torso

>> No.23307747

So got a Venus Clone recently and I noticed that the base of the entrance is so wide and gets sticky way more often than the exterior, any way to deal with that ?

>> No.23307810
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How have you guys gone on asking your gf/wife to get you off with onahole?

I'm sure some of you have done it, how'd it go?

Mine found out about my tenga yesterday but I don't think she understands what it's used for.

>> No.23307830
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>Don't buy from OtonaJP. Don't say we didn't warn you -
Last two orders from them took ages to ship and then even more to travel, compared to two weeks total when I started using them. The very last order I used their EU site because shipping cost on the jp one skyrocketed to absurd levels.
Decided to try motsutoys.
Paid less than otonajp for virgo + shipping (considered getting lube to qualify for free shipping, but the guide warned about potential allergies so I decided to play it safe instead of ordering 3 bottles of something I never used).
The very next day I got my ona. I'm currently quarantining the package, so can't say anything about the packing, but so far so good.
-It was cheaper to ship than otonajp
-Package arrived the very next day, which I have trouble believing it happened, especially considering roronavirus
It's around 30-45 times faster than shipping from otonajp regardless of EU or jp shop
-if they also give candies and a cute thank you drawing, like many jp shops, then there is literally no downside to using them

Thank you, onahole general and onahole guide.

>> No.23307887

hahaha what
I'm actually concerned since I've been growing more normie recently up until the beer virus took over I don't know how or where I'd store/dispose of my loli dolls in an emergency, especially if some of the female friends I've been hanging around start looking for casual sex with any loser they can find when this ends

>> No.23308060

>100 bucks for a torso
Whoa, which one?

>> No.23308076

For real? You can always hire storage spaces and they are surprisingly affordable and available all over the place.

>> No.23308111

I have recently purchased the Puni Ana SPDX onahole and have been enjoying it but I have recently noticed that its peeling in some places. Is this something I should worry about?

>> No.23308142

every ona I owned did this after some time
powdering it properly delays the problem

>> No.23308154

Okay, thanks for the help

>> No.23308327

Wonder what caused them to become soo shitty. Years ago in these generals, I remember never once hearing a negative thing said about them. Why would you want to fuck up a reputation like that?

>> No.23308358

How would the Lilith Uterus compare to the Temptation Witch, I'm looking to upgrade to it from my Soft LU, anyone that has both can list the differences ?

>> No.23308423

Manager or owner changed, so the usual what makes companies go to shit

>> No.23308446

Queencat mentioned ownership changing on their twitter before they flopped

>> No.23308463

what the fuck happened to akibafarm

>> No.23308558

chinese sucks

>> No.23308559

Yeah, but people have been using other torso onaholes and rigging them with the dollfies instead. But I have no idea how to do that and the only people that I've found talk about it barely provide any direction, just "cut holes in it and put a wire through it to hold it in place", which isn't helpful at all if you don't already know what you're doing.

>> No.23308636

Are there any dinogirl themed onaholes?

>> No.23308732

Make sure you're actually strong enough to lug around a dol.


said and general cockiness due to a lack of competition. In a way, it's somewhat our fault too because we shilled them when they were good and they have ad space on eveyr relevant English-speaking blogger. They're pretty much the "go to" for weeb sex toys now which is why they hired Yakuza goons to take out AkibaFarm, at least that's my theory.
When you even look at the competition right now
>J-List: 3x as expensive as eveyone else, and the Jew Peter charges you to remove packaging.
>kanojo toys: Prices fluctuate widely (as in products will be 5 to 10+ more expensive or less expensive depending on the day, and they only have one shipping option
>Otona-Sekai: Not "bad", but their shipping rates can be murder as well, and their site organization is pretty bad. They do sell other things besides sex toys, however.

then there's HotPowers and AmazonJP. With the former, they don't always have the best selection unless its their own products, for obvious reasons) and you'll need to consort the guide in the pastebin to correctly order from them. The latter is a danger for Canada/Australia because you can't remove packaging.
The rest of them require an importer and no normal who just wants to jerk off imagining their waifu will want to go through the procedures of one.

There's the Guchomon Pocket 8 (Hachi) by MagicEyes. That's the only one I'm aware off.
found it on kanojo toys can't post the link since its "spam"

>> No.23308796

>dinogirl onahole
>guchomon pocket 8 hachi
Looks amazing, if anyone knows any others i'm all ears!

>> No.23309018
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Get that metroid torture device away from me.

>> No.23309018,1 [INTERNAL] 

Extreme longshot, but back in a 2015 eternal onahole thread a kind stranger uploaded a script for downloading soundgasm users files automatically, they also mentioned having a script for chirbit but never posted it, was wondering if anyone here was around back then and has a collection of now deleted soundgasm/chirbit content.

>> No.23309885

no internal warmers on them as of yet, but its still somewhat new on bigger dolls anyway.

you only want internal heating on a silicone doll in either case, TPE will melt and just cant handle it. since there arnt as many silicone options like that, not really any heating.
a thermal blanket does wonders though so internal heating isnt a big thing imo(id rather have durability, good looks, and a good skelly than some cheapo chink internal heaters)

>> No.23309932

t. dr. bronner

>> No.23310042

Prolly gonna be shite

>> No.23310094
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>first real ona is getting delivered today

All I've known prior to today are the cheap sleeves sold on Amazon

>> No.23310099
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any aussies purchased any questionable holes recently?
i really wanna grab the puni dx but im scared customs will take it and throw me in the slammer.

>> No.23310724
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God damn. A lolinco after like 5 uses is so much better.

>> No.23310790


>> No.23311001

Anybody got the tomax dolphin? Do you clean it with hand soap or just water?

>> No.23311022

Have someone ordered from amazon to Brazil here?

I think it might be better to use an forwarding for it.

I want AkibaFarm back

>> No.23311249

Nigger, she's the one who asked. Still won't do blowjobs though...

>> No.23311341

always use soap.
Wash it like you would wash your body (if you care about your body)

>> No.23311350
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>parents find your holes

>> No.23311542
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Whoa, these are interesting. Would be 10/10 if they matched Kanna's thunderthighs...

>> No.23311554

I ordered the hard dolphin from toydemon and I feel like they sent me the soft one because im not feeling shit

>> No.23311597
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Aw man, I really miss playing Bombergirl. I wish the PC version would come out already.

>> No.23311608
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This feels great but its so fragile, its already tearing at the corners of the mouth, its starting to look like the jokers mouth. Should i get the regular version next or the perorin version?

>> No.23311642

i bought the regular version years back. Those damn plastic teeth scraped my dick. It was very unpleasant. Couldn't even enjoy it due to the teeth. Only used it once.

>> No.23311654
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>jokers mouth
just pretend your swabbing a coked up clownpiece

>> No.23311805

Be careful with your shipping methods or or stop ordering from Japan for a while.

>> No.23311844
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im confused, so is SAL to USA affected or not?

>> No.23311949


yeah, some are great with more and more use, others turn to shit. That's why I end up modding a lot of them.

>> No.23312111
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As I'm reading it, Burgerstan is still fine for EMS and Air Mail, but SAL is a no-go across the board. Considering how SAL works, this makes some sense.

>> No.23312111,1 [INTERNAL] 

>14cm length, 12.5cm girth, €40, Netherlands
I bought the virgin age admission and I accidentally impaled it(it was way too tight for me, I kept slipping out). Recommend me a nice one meant for non-japanese people, please.

>> No.23313414

damnit, my onaholes are in tokyo collections. I choose SAL too so i wonder whats going to happen to them

>> No.23313566
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I got the lolinco virgo and only used it twice and then school got cancelled for my siblings 2 weeks ago and I can't use any of my onas. Fuck this virus man.

>> No.23313573

close your door, it doesnt make much sound

>> No.23313709

Or take it in the shower

>> No.23313744

Have you tried sharing it with them? That way you'd all be implicated if your parents found out.

>> No.23314936

unrelated but i wish this artist would make more imas porn

>> No.23315857

The bacteria in your ona thanks you for the delicious meal, and are perfectly fine with losing 90% of their brethren.

>> No.23315875
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>> No.23315940

You've heard of sloppy seconds then theres this guy with swampy seconds

>> No.23316454

squeeze the air out first

>> No.23316528

I just want to say if you're not on supplements, take them holy shit.

Take a tablespoon of >soi lecithin every morning in a smoothie to get rid of the rancid taste, then L-arginine (1000mg) and every other day Iron (since I'm also taking Vitamin C with iron [5mg] to soften the kiss of Coronachan, too much Iron has made me nauseous, currently on a 50mg tablet).

Tonight, I've never seen my cum actually mixing with the lube. Did multiple busts inside a Gokusai Uterus and didn't notice it until about the third bust it was actually making the lube+cum creamy and frothy somehow like in hentai. When I dumped it on my towel I've literally never seen it shimmer like that before; 10/10.

And I have plenty to say about the Gokusai Uterus. If you like Uteruses but looking for something more stimulating/reachable than the Lilith Uterus or you're clocking in at about 5 inches like me, this is your hole.

>> No.23316568

pull out slowly retard-kun

>> No.23316765

Idk I bought a barrel of the stuff and if it grants me the power of multiple and longer lasting orgasms like that with my electro stim prostate vibe I really don't give a shit what you retards think

Looking forward to my sildenafil coming in on Friday though with my hard lolicono, gonna have a super session and try to blow my brains out and achieve enlightened coomer status

>> No.23317174

>14cm length, 12.5cm girth, €40, Netherlands
I bought the virgin age admission and I accidentally impaled it(it was way too tight for me, I kept slipping out). Recommend me a nice one meant for non-japanese people, please.

>> No.23317686

Try not sleeping in the same room

>Filthfag is infected
checks out

R20 (ToysHearts) is pretty good.

Meiki Yuria Satomi is hella expensive, but worth it if you like softer "realistic" feelings

Tempation Witch (Vacuum Witch) by ToysHearts will never break unless you deliberately do so.

Hanjuku Succubus Gaiden Ultra Extended Edition is a good one too

and if you like a firmer interior and exterior, there is the umi on ana mermaid #2 (hard)

>> No.23317921

NEVER risk it

>> No.23318090

Talk about hard times

>> No.23318370
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I take em too. I take all the supplements that actually work, stay active by doing some cardio at least, nofap for 2-3 days, and drink tons of water. I end up blasting harder than eroge characters.

Pygeum capsules are really strong for me and will churn my liver if I don't take them while having eaten something and being hydrated. Don't know why.

>> No.23318670

I just got a new r-20 since the thing seems almost indestructible though if you got a lot of girth that thing will get stretched out definitely not got the small dicked but great if you tear a lot of holes. Might buy another befor the end of the world, you're also gonna wanna be diamonds if you use it because that thing will not take a semi but feels amazing. R-20 is a solid 8/10 end of the world big dick hole it also has like an inch of material in the back so no risk of busting through.

>> No.23319582

How hard was it to get? I'm seeing adds for cheap stuff on Groupon of all places now.

>> No.23320846

how do you guys motivate yourself to clean your holes? sometimes i wish there was an automatic hole cleaner

>> No.23320867
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Dunno, maybe the fact I want something I spent half a benjy on to last me for as long as it can.

>> No.23320994

what's considered deeper cleaning?

>> No.23321231

I ended up buying the EXTRA VIRGIN lolinco instead of the virgo. its a bit less heavy but apparently the tunnel is longer and most reviews say its better than the virgo

>> No.23321731

Problem is water makes my hip feel squeaky and slippery like a balloon and gives me shivers. So most of the time I just use tissue to clean them lube+cum and only use water+soap like once a year.

>> No.23321897

this OP image is insane im going fucking oonga booga monky mode

>> No.23322300
File: 16 KB, 378x400, 419C3qILgOL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ona/ recommend as an upgrade to this? Bought it at an anons suggestion as my first toy and it's great for the price but unfortunately a bit too tight/firm for me, and I'm looking for something a bit bigger overall.

>> No.23322436

>shit rip off of Puni Ana DX.
For starters, get the real thing.

>> No.23322470

>falls apart pretty fast
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
I've had mine since 2016 and it's still in great condition

>> No.23322592

same. mine tore twice within a week and i'm fairly careful with my toys.

>> No.23322632

Nah, man. I've read nothing but praise from that budget hip on this general.
I'd say it's worth a try before moving on to the higher-tier tanned loli line.
What was it that got torn for you guys?

>> No.23322845

Yeah, I had no idea there was a SOFT version of the Puni Ana. I've only ever been really interested in the HARD. Now these complaints make a great deal of sense.

>> No.23323165

Do any online shops in the US other than Toydemon carry Tomax stuff?

>> No.23323761

Nope. ToyDemon is the exclusive North American retailer for the product.

>> No.23325126

Why are some of you so fucking disgusting

>> No.23325223

I just used my frist 2 onas and that was great, my orgasms are usually strong (i moan like a bitch) but using the onas i was even trembling and now i want more. are all loli onas tight? I want to feel like im penetrating a child.

>> No.23325231
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>> No.23326224

Which tit toys do you own? My torsos satisfy the boob itch I never thought I had before I got them, lol.

>> No.23328688

what do you do for a living

>> No.23328768

Okay wise men, please tell this newbie.
between hard and soft versions what is the difference and which is better/better quality.
take the one everyone here is praising as example, the puni ana DX.

>> No.23328784

generally, "hard" versions, the texture is "harder" compared to the softer version.

>> No.23328809

Soft holes are more elastic so they can stretch more, hard holes are more rigid.

>> No.23328939
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Hard are generally more durable, but they can be too rigid or stimulating for some.

Soft usually feel more "life-like", if you have death grip syndrome/coomer-dick
These onaholes are pretty much useless until you get that under control.

>> No.23328961
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You learned at least something.

>> No.23329184

>5 minutes fapping
Wish I could cum this fast, most of my sessions are almost 2 hours long with multiple shots and prostate toys. If I just need a 10 minute quickie it's just my hand

>> No.23329583

why does that onahip cost so much??

>> No.23329770

Thanks. I figured. Just going to have to wait for a soft venus.

>> No.23329891

>10 minutes cleaning the damn thing
I think you might need to check your brain. It shouldn't take any more than 5 minutes, even for annoying ones such as the Lolinco series.

The only time it should take more than that is if you're handling a hip or doll, but most of that is simply powdering anyway.

>> No.23329916

I swear it feels like my foreskin gets in the way of feeling anything once i start thrusting, you guys got any tips for that?

>> No.23330018
File: 751 KB, 500x750, 1574545261502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does the hard and normal version of these onaholes compare to each other? I've tried the hard version and its it the most simulating hardest onahole I have ever tried.

>> No.23330085

Found that it was tight enough anyway.
Actually one of my favorites.

>> No.23330202

either more lube so its more slippery (but you lose more sensation of the onahole) or you gotta HOLD ME BACK BRO

>> No.23330298

Now I know that I'm not a pedo at least.

>> No.23330301
File: 64 KB, 828x909, 1564529837312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're impressively designed but I dont think I'd ever be able to get a rise/fuck any of these.
3DPD apply to lolis as well

>> No.23330561

Can anyone post a pic here?

>> No.23330563

They're already in the USA. No customs forms with your name and address. Ship from a nondescript warehouse.

>> No.23330818

Sasha cute a cute.

>> No.23330916
File: 476 KB, 529x529, 1581921298480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on the "Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo"?
Have heard many people say that its good until you use it a few times then it losses its simulation and its not as durable.

>> No.23331045

It's fine.
The S is a design thing. Not a letter.

>> No.23331134


>> No.23331136

The sporadic doll thread on /b/ has a bunch of people who own "petite" dolls, some reaaally smol like Miss Q, they gave me directions on where to order and all that and it wasn't that expensive, should ask there if you're actually interested. They also have some private discord, but you have to prove you own a doll before entering.

>> No.23331144

have fun getting vanned

>> No.23331146

nah. it always looked like it would be easy to break through with that bulge angle design

>> No.23331161
File: 754 KB, 497x745, 1580344369031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AmazonJP finally charged my card and has the scheduled delivery date for April 10


>> No.23331172

It's a full body vs an ona hole.
>getting vanned
>browsing an archive

>> No.23331173

If you want.

>> No.23331375

i think i have, it's not great imo. good enough for a fap but the lube disappears super fast so you have to re-hysdrate it with water or more lube

>> No.23331385

>- Don't buy from OtonaJP. Don't say we didn't warn you -
Do they still ship or do they just scam you of your money these days?

>> No.23331386

anything you recommend that looks similar to it but is higher quality?

>> No.23331410

holy shit 9kg let us know how you like it

you mean the loli hole or the curved design?

>> No.23331493
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this thing has my favorite body type but its 105 fucking pounds.
life is suffering.

>> No.23331507

why though? I remember ordering from them and it being fine a year back.

>> No.23331570


>> No.23331847
File: 3.62 MB, 3002x2530, Rough size comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, thought you gave up and trashed the order. These things are great, but the worst part of it all is the cleaning and maintenance. There are things you can do to optimize the cleaning process(at least two drysticks, a bath board, and/or something to blast water into the holes[bulb-top nasal aspirator or a smaller turkey baster], etc]
but it's still gonna be an inconvenience.

One of those things you do when you want to treat yourself and have the time Imho. I don't know how some of the reviewers I read on amazonJP or TD had the patience to plow these so frequently.
Obvious con aside, I don't regret getting these. I hope you find it worthwhile.

>> No.23331864

If you order a new hole what's the waiting period you should give if you are super paranoida bout the 'rona?

>> No.23332014
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Oh fuck I can't take it anymore I really want one!

>> No.23332153
File: 100 KB, 220x236, nacho libre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not interested...

>> No.23332163

kupa rina was ok imo, though a little fragile
the one you linked you might as well try it, its like 20 dollaridoos or something
desu i dont really like loli holes so more expert onafags have to help

>> No.23332450

??? Real life people can move anon

>> No.23332454

Dead weight is completly different, also mass distribution isn't equal. I encourage you to carry anything that's 70-80 pounds and try to do sexy things with it, try keeping an erection while moving it around and shit. Most people just pose it and leave it in one position, which works, but even getting there is annoying an akward, not to mention TPE is fragile, any sharp surface you collide with while moving it will tear it badly.

One of the major issues is the holes not being anatomically correct, when you place her on 4s and try to ram the vagina from behind the whole is kinda distance and it's difficult to penetrate it unless your dick is rather long.

I spent like 2 months researching and browsing the doll forum, and still felt like I fucked up when I ordered mine, a ton of people mention they love their dolls and I don't doubt it, but a lot of people feel stupid about saying they wasted $2k+ on some giant husk of plastic.

I just come sometimes to warn people because I rather have wasted all that money on more friendly holes and hips than the doll, or at least a smaller doll. I tried spooning her a few nights, and it's also very odd, I rather hug a daki or some fabric doll.

>> No.23332482

why don't people just get a gf instead of those dolls?

>> No.23332640

>One of the major issues is the holes not being anatomically correct, when you place her on 4s and try to ram the vagina from behind the whole is kinda distance and it's difficult to penetrate it unless your dick is rather long.
Gosh dang it's annoying and mine's skeleton can barely bend her waist backwards which makes it even worse. Can't prone bone. Can't poke her while spooning.

>> No.23332765

This is why you have to find a rich girlfriend

>> No.23332788

why would a rich girl want someone on a fucking onahole board

>> No.23332832

Enjoy man, instaboners, marathon sessions, shorter refractory periods, stuff is a godsend even if you don't have ED

>> No.23332880

I think the kind of people that have that kind of money to spend on a doll without considering it being an investment don't really regret it, because they're cash fluent enough to spend those amounts on entertainment and other consumables, probably single men with a steady job and most of their life figured out, so they don't need to complain about an unsatisfactory purchase. For me it was a dump of considerable savings, I could have bought a really high end PC, or like you said an old car, etc, but I'm at least happy I learned from the experience, it was something I wouldn't have known until I had one, and it's not like people broadcast about having one and let you try them.

The major issue is that new alternatives keep getting larger and the core problems still exist. I've only seem some sort of foam dolls with silicone cover that reduce weight significantly and also cost like half of what a TPE doll cost, but they don't look that good and have to be assembled, so they always sell them with cosplay to hide the unions.

>> No.23332958

honestly though if slavery was bought back we could just buy some humans for our selves.

>> No.23332969

third world wives are thing

>> No.23333204


>> No.23333251

Anyone use Yun Express before? Who's their US courier?

>> No.23333265

If I'm an overweight greasy piece of shit do I just hang out at exclusive bars? My new corporate job pays for one membership but the coof closed them down

>> No.23333306

not surprised plebbit would shut down the first one

>> No.23333378

Why is my Venus Clone so sticky at the base despite the powdering and even when I warm it up it gets cold pretty quick, compared to it the Lilith Uterus is so much better in those regards, but it doesn't feel as meaty AAAAAAAA

>> No.23333745

I want to say... four or five now? Going back to 2016. Plus some Venus Reals. I've kind of just accepted that I have to use it in the "broken" state (and lay a towel over the back) since nothing stays intact long and I doubt there's anything on the market that would. So my goal is less to find things that last a long time and more to find things that break in a way that it doesn't ruin the experience.

I've had the best luck rolling Viva brand (softest brand I can find) paper powels into sticks.

>> No.23334289

>get my Puni Ana out
>wash her thoroughly, desinfect
>warm up in a basin
>set up the deep missionary area
>pick a nice audio of some slut ruining her holes with an arm thick dildo
>coom in 10 thrusts and have to do the clean up now
How's your routine going /ona/? Anyone ever order panties for their onahips? Where do I get sexy ones?

>> No.23337238

I didn't wanna give up. I wanted it bad.

>DHL updated delivery date from next Friday to this coming Monday

It's all coming together

>> No.23337781

so if I order from OtonaJP right now is there a good chance they will just take the money and either delay it for months or not even deliver at all?

>> No.23338012

>and to throw her away if I started talking to her.
so do you

>> No.23338060

Because I self insert as the ugly bastard and it makes the story more believable

>> No.23338130

how does a doll compare to a real gf?

>> No.23338156

not op but a doll is cheaper and quieter
pros of gf: warm, could smell nice, tactile feedback
cons of gf: loud, costs money, nags
pros of doll: quiet, doesnt nag, does whatever you make her do
cons of doll: cold, heavy

>> No.23338164 [SPOILER] 
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Dead weight.

>> No.23338533

Not him but sex is probably a third of what I'd use it for, but tips for cuddling if you have any experience with a smaller doll?

>> No.23338616

Haven't tried any other onahole than the hard ver puni ana dx. I find it quite dick-strangling, and I don't even have a huge dick. Its durable as fuck, easy to clean and haven't teared at all after like 100 uses through 2-3 years.

>tfw mating pressing the shit out of it so long and hard my dick ended in agony after, like 2 fucking hours.

>> No.23338636 [SPOILER] 
File: 1003 KB, 3224x2992, 1585941069700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treat your dick with respect, Anon.

>> No.23338658

Well regardless of the size, my only input is you need to realize any doll in the market is somewhat fragile, if you intend to have any physical contact with them, eventually one way or another you may damage them. I'm surprised how the elf doll guy keeps them so clean and all if he actually fucks them. So I'd say if you don't want your doll to deteriorate but still have a lot of contact, probably you should use as much clothes on as you can that don't stain and also protect from tears, even your nails can harm her if you'r enot careful sometimes. I'm sure you'll understand the second you get one, but honestly don't panic when something breaks, it would require you to be incredibly careful to not injure her in any way, but get to know her, try to keep it easy the first few days, and you'll start gaining trust on how much you can move her around, open her joints, squeeze etc. Then at that point you'll have to decide if you want to keep being super delicate forever, or you make the doll your own just use it any way you like it no matter the consequences. At least it was that way for me, I was very afraid of breaking her, and then I said whatever it's mine and it doesn't matter if she gets a tear or something I'm the onyl one who will see it, and well it did break in a few places and got me a bit sad but I was ready for it.

tldr: get clothes that don't stain, protect her with clothes, keep away from anything sharp, learn to handle her weight and the extent of her joints expanding/contracting without fucking the silicone/tpe.

>> No.23338678

that picture... you don't actually do that right?

>> No.23338685
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's two kinds when it comes to dolls, one is the fantasy type like you're showering together however it doesn't really do much for the hygiene of the doll. The other one is with the intent of actually cleaning the doll which isn't as sexy or maybe it is I don't know what you're into. It ends with a powdering and making sure there's no water on the joints where it connects with he metal like the head joint.

>> No.23338699

>whatever it's mine
>nails can harm her
>open her joints, squeeze
>she gets a tear
>it did break in a few places
wow wtf you monster

>> No.23338743
File: 79 KB, 988x970, chinkshitfucker2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered this 10lb chink shit for 60 bucks to weather the virus. Used to have a lolinco 5 years ago. What am I in for?

>> No.23338753

It sucks, and it's kind of a pain in the ass to clean. Bought it just to try it out on the bed. Works ok.

>> No.23338890

It seemed too cheap for the size. Should I change my order?

>> No.23338899

That's why I bought it, it's super cheap for its size. If you don't have any other hip toys, it's worth a shot. I have other hips, and they're smaller and easier to clean, but you might like that one.

>> No.23338915

Puni Ana DX soft and the Shequ Maki. Toss up between those, depending on what I'm wanting.

>> No.23339049 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.56 MB, 4496x3000, 1585945464540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiding things from parents
lol, not that they would actually care, but i own my own home and live alone.

i have to pretty much do a full 90 on the hips to reach the vag, but the ass can be reached easier.
hole positioning is the biggest issue i have with dolls since they do stupid shit like make everything forward and going straight in instead of slightly bellyward.
it doesnt slow me down though or cause anything majorly frustrating.

>> No.23339226
File: 132 KB, 500x1000, PEKO!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how hard it would be to make a Pekora sex doll?

>> No.23339276

Please change the clothings so the stockings match the pantsu.

>> No.23339289

Is it worth anything to edge at all before getting my hole, or should I just keep calm?

>> No.23339302

are the dolls feel better than onaholes?

>> No.23339314 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.55 MB, 4496x3000, 1585948920900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they are only "sticky" if you dont powder them. I actually would call it more tacky than sticky myself and it kind of feels like someones skin after they have been doing a lot of sweating/working out and it dries a bit if you know what i mean.

a good onahole is better for the pure aspect of sticking your dick in just cause its a much smaller thing thats somewhat disposable and designed for that particular purpose.

the full experience of a doll is miles better than an onahole alone though and only slightly worse than fleshbags imo(though i have a huge android fetish so fleshies dont do a lot for me to begin with).

>> No.23339389

ive had the white elf for about 4yrs now and post on the /b/ doll threads often.

not had any major issues, but i have fixed the dark elf's vag/anus a few times for small rips(cause its kinda tight). one of the drawbacks for having a fixed is that it takes some abuse. not had any issues on the white one since its an insert, but i have worn one out so far.

mine are both silicone so small stuff is super easy with just a dab of silpoxy and all fixed. TPE requires some more extensive supplies to do so.

>> No.23339473

>18 yr olds are fucking retarded
lol what makes you say that? 18 isn't much different than 30 in terms of smartness

>> No.23339488

when is the last time you talked to a living, breathing person

>> No.23339500

Personally would you recommend removable or fixed? Personally I'm interested in dolls for the whole experience, not so much the actual "feel" or stimulation since onas fill that gap for me and I'd like to enjoy my time with a doll I think for a little longer but still concerned about some of the hassles of fixed

>> No.23339503

what do you mean? In honesty everyone is dumb in their own ways, being older doesnt mean your smarter than someone younger

>> No.23339506

I've lived with 18 year olds and as much as you want to get them pregnant I wouldn't leave them alone with my dog longer than a few hours for each of their own safety

>> No.23339515

no it doesnt, but its a different kind of dumb

fixed looks better, removable is easier to maintain. Depends a bit on the exact model as a lot of TPE ones just have a tube that goes behind the lips so you dont loose a lot on aesthetics there.

>> No.23339523

prostitution is illegal where i live

>> No.23339546

Yeah they're on amazon.jp for not that great of a price but since the original retailer in China doesn't ship them outside of China it's your best bet. Ali also has a few of them

>> No.23339566

Sorry forgot the link, I got one off Amazon and it's good. Idk about the ali one if its shitty or not


>> No.23339576

I've had more fun with fixed holes, unless you already own some good onas you can fit and want to put in there, because the default inserts are kinda shit, and obviously both options depend on each manufacturer. If it's a larger doll you probably don' want a fixed hole becuase it's going to be harder to clean and in the process you might tear the holes apart. I was told TPE is super mega elastic, and kinda is, but still one the insertion points when pull them they'll start getting tears.

>> No.23339726 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.23339737
File: 121 KB, 346x449, 1573195161870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trans flag is make believe bullshit

>> No.23340017

just bought a lolinco virgo and a can of j-lube as my first ever hole. any protips?

>> No.23340086

plastic chop stick and microfibre rag for drying after you fingerbang it clean with warm water and soap.

>> No.23340183

Because 18 and 16 year olds aren't interested in 30 year olds. Also the latter is illegal where most people live.

>> No.23340258

That looks less unpleasant than I would have imagined.
In fact, that face looks good. A slightly different skin color would have been better, though.

>> No.23340354

who are they interested in then?

>> No.23340468


>> No.23340497 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23340638

let me know how it is. i've had it on my amazon wishlist too

>> No.23340653

usually whoever can give them booze

>> No.23340663

they say think with your head not with your penis

>> No.23340691

how much jogging?

>> No.23340716


>> No.23341246


>> No.23346011 [DELETED] 

