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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 462 KB, 1507x2048, EStDjfVXgAAXe7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23186656 No.23186656 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>23144233

>> No.23186801

It's not even that she's a good slasher, her kit overall is just solid and the fact she has a VERY potent non-elemental aoe on top of a x3 XL attack makes her great for both clearing shit (Garulea etc.) and for AF spam. Her only detriment is a small MP pool but that's countered by Mana if needed.

>> No.23186803

>1 hour no posts

>> No.23186848
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Enstars Music is out, with the curved rhythm game set up for little girl hands and reducing my risk of carpal tunnel because my hands hurt from my longass phone.

>> No.23186898
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Also Satoshi Mizukami is shilling Megido72, but the server was dead slow for me in Europe last time I tried it.

>> No.23186978

I've tried to get into it multiple times. East coast USA here and the game is full of constant loading screens. There was also no animation skip and auto AI was piss poor so I watched my team fail to kill a healer for minutes. Every time it was the enemy healers turn you had to watch a 10 second animation for their skill.

>> No.23187022
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Please play Tokyo 7th Sisters

>> No.23187111
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Dead soon!

>> No.23187112

Delmin is cute. I hope she'll be included in more games and other side projects.

>> No.23187200
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To this day, I still find Deirdre way more cuter/beautiful/pretty/attractive than her Saber Clone sister.

>> No.23187217

>brokeback Kyoko

>> No.23187384

thumb play is for casual anon
i'm a casual

>> No.23187419

The thumb makes it look like her arm is coming from her vagina

>> No.23187422

Not gonna lie, Enstars Music is actually pretty fun. I'm served with SB69 Fes a Live and EnsMusic!! now, I guess its time to leave IM@S gachas for a bit.

>> No.23187639
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how the heck do you get greats here? is this just completely RNG?

>> No.23187687

Yes, at least I don't see a pattern. Also
>no using wataru in a almost full fine team

>> No.23187720

I am not playing atm because some nips are saying that since Music didn't make an official release statement the data might be wiped when basic and music officially release? Seems dumb, I didn't try buying paid dia and just rerolled.

>> No.23187734
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There was no official announcement, yeah, but I'd get mad if now I lose my account. I got Rei, Midori, Chiaki and Tsumugi which are in my top 5. Still I'm not playing songs just in case they wipe data, and I've been rerolling and playing Kotobuki.

>> No.23187762

thanks for the heads up, i'll just casually consume stamina for now until happy elements says something about it. grabbed my transfer data just in case

>> No.23187770

Basic is out and my Music account is still there, so we're safe

>> No.23187790
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Is the "read main story" one bugged? I have already read all of them but it's still not cleared. I tried rereading all of them but still no change.

>> No.23187874

Oh, I didnt knew we would lose all our cards in basic lol. Still, I'll only play music from now on. Guess I can start doing songs now.

>> No.23187907
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First event on the 19th

>> No.23187935

So what's the point of basic now since the cards and story are the same in music? I guess it's for players with weaker phones

>> No.23187952

Either that or for people who are bad in rhythm games. Still is nice, I was worried about having to rank in the two gachas at same time. Now I can just play SB69 and Music!! without problems.

>> No.23187956
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I want Tsukiha
when does the gacha change?

>> No.23187988
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>lose all our cards

>> No.23187996

Do you think they'll give newfags like me a chance to get these? Also damn the servers are potatoed after the basic release.

>> No.23188051

is it possible to transfer our old cards to music? or is this function just for basic?

>> No.23188071

Huh, I dont have mines in Basic? And I have my rank even. Well I'll see if its something I didnt do.

>> No.23188086

What the hell, I didn't know there were a SBR game featuring the Mashumairesh girls. Is it fun? Any tips in regards to reroll and gameplay?

>> No.23188113

The game is new and its nice. Aim for 3 SSR if you can or even more, since teams are made of 10 cards. Be careful with skills too, not all SSR are good and there are SR which are better than some SSR.

>> No.23188165

nvm I was an idiot. Got them back, guess I'll leave it installed in my old phone just to have it along with a dump music acc.

>> No.23188176

Thanks for the tips.
Is there a tier list of the cards so far?

>> No.23188222

>Tried making a new account and this bug doesn't happen on that one
>Tried rereading the story on the old account and it's still bugged
The hell? I don't want to make a new account after that reroll just because a stupid bug like this.

>> No.23188286

https://gamerch.com/sb69f/entry/132178 There's this tier if you want to go meta.

>> No.23188288

Any tips on the SR?

>> No.23188319
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Om nom nom nom nom

>> No.23188322

Any scorer will do, the low tier SSR are just cards that only take adventage of songs with double taps and there arent that many.

>> No.23188400

Dermin bros....

>> No.23188498

Speaking of is there an easier way to level my characters? I used up my tickets to get Himeko to RR and now I'm out of them.

>> No.23188754

The dark monsters can give a lot. Probably better to wait for the event in a few days than buying them from the shop.

>> No.23188781

Is there an easier way to get shadow monsters consistently? I mostly see them in downtown when other players have dark melodisian stones. I did see one in story mode but I haven't played it that much.

>> No.23189051

I had this error on my first acc but it's now fixed

>> No.23189522

Did anyone got into the closed beta of Genshin Impact? The mail says to use the same device you entered on the registration, otherwise they could revoke the beta access, but I don't remember what data I put on the form...

>> No.23190067

For me it just says that they recommend you use whatever device you entered when you registered - I highly doubt they'll correlate this information so just use your most powerful device (probably your PC) and make sure you don't switch devices partway through (3.3 Please do not attempt to switch devices during the beta test, as this will result in your account being frozen. The Genshin Impact operations team's decision is final, and no further discussion will be entered into.)

>> No.23190107
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Ranked season is over in Compass - cutoff points for the top 10K were around 4071 and the top 30K was around 3737.
Maintenance tomorrow from 13:00 ~ 17:00 - no other news apart from the new cards being added.

>> No.23192522

What's the grindiest mobage between these four:

7DS, FF:War of the Visions, Romancing Saga Re:Universe, or BladeXLord ?

Playing 7DS right while waiting for other 3, but the daily grind is already tiring me.

>> No.23193171
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I've done 110 or so total pulls for 12 unique ssrs and a darkness dupe. Lets hope I get lucky tomorrow

>> No.23193224

i thought i was lucky i got 7ssrs using all my crystals
had to play the event with nekomimi oneesan sr, event megumin and sword princess r since i didnt had any better light characters

>> No.23193244

You can basically get away with melissa + chris + x in almost all pve content since both their debuffs are absolutely retarded for a physical team. Melissa 4* is main dps for current arena boss even off-ele since she gets so many goddamn turns with her perma uptime medium agiup selfbuff it's absurd.


>> No.23193252
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Nice. I got 8 unique four stars and 3 four stars dupes with 100+ pulls.

>> No.23193372

thanks anon, i've been playing absolutely blindly since release, do you have any other advice? i got melissa on my last roll but didnt knew she was so good, i've been using arena medals to upgrade tier 2 weapons, are you already making 3* weapons? it seems the grind is really hard for those

>> No.23193490

They're okay-ish to farm in the event stages and some hard modes. The gold weapons(physical/magic bonus) from arena are really good and outclass the elemental bonus weapons. Most people farmed 2 arena daggers for chris and melissa so far and likely a sword for alice

>> No.23193585
File: 2.24 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2020-03-16-12-52-50-527_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.SB69Fes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New songs for Mashumashu Available in the shop. With Himeko's best song Arco color and what looks like Howan's song Goodbye Thank you!

>> No.23193663

Is yona really SS? She doesn't feel all that special

>> No.23193712

I hope they find a way to make Darkness useful eventually while keeping her in-character.

>> No.23193750
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Still need 100,000 for the SB69 weekly. Maybe I shouldn't be autoing the guitars.

>> No.23193772

Hundred thousand what dollars? Are you playing casually? I can get more than that in a day. Buy a better sales person and and upgrade the good shop and buy another building.

>> No.23193808

What does upgrading the shop do?

>> No.23193880

Woops looks like nothing changes but you really get a better shopkeep. The one I bought give 120% sound dollars but you have to buy them every 10 hours i think.

>> No.23194182

So I just listened to the Reijingsignal song
Why do they even have guitars

>> No.23194190

>No proper boss for this kusoneko event
I wonder what are they going to do for coop and Hell quest.

>Got enough gems to do one more 10-roll
>Wasted them but didn't even get 4* project dupe
I hate myself.

>> No.23194266
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>lost weather fag
I literally cannot cope with this. What's his appeal?

>> No.23194313
File: 441 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20200316_081724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass is back up. Justice, Noho, Jeanne and Matoi have all had their base models upgraded to higher quality versions.
There are 5 new cards for Luluca - N/2SR/2UR. The gacha doesn't contain the N rarity card.
There are no new effects (if you count the Adam/Maria seasonal card), but the SR cards are a movement speed slow and a 9 second close range silence, whilst the UR cards are a long range piercing card (instant cast) and AoE vortex.
Finally, there will be a news stream on the 21st

>> No.23194418

Everything's virtual with them.

>> No.23194493

Who to give new mark implant to? The one that drop from new boss in ash arm

>> No.23194620
File: 81 KB, 997x318, Arena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The free arena will also become an event arena from 18:00 ~ 20:00 each day until the 20th, in which a "mysterious black man" will have a rare chance of appearing. This also extends to hero challenges, which thankfully people have been lucky enough to encounter already: https://twitter.com/nun_nun_cmp/status/1239490031846211585
All I can tell is that he's fat, either an attacker/tank and has some rolling ability that acts like Len's hero skill.

>> No.23194693

Nip recency bias and he's also esports. It's been a while since we got a new younger male character too so the fujos who are into that like him. What I can't cope with is the nip recency bias not even getting Sheryl into the top 10.

>> No.23194868

Kuso news now. They confirmed Shin Sakura Taisen collab so far.

>> No.23194979
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Nothing important except collab news.

>> No.23195154

In how many hours is the konosuba maintenance?

>> No.23195314

Around 4

>> No.23196102
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>Sieg and Chaguma Eleanor get cat ears
Nice, I guess. The Luca I voted for never had a chance anyway. I kinda expected Corne would be first, but then again Eleanor's sheer popularity and more recent gacha make sense too. I'd never guess that Satella would end up that high though, competition is always rough on girls' side and I thought most recent gacha bias could only do so much.
>MC nearly got his second cat ears
>cat-eared grandpa memed up that high
Memorable powercreep strong as ever. But it's also commendable how Noel who never got anything since his first appearance is still not that behind.

Cute tsundere otouto that will cook you piranhas.

>> No.23196961

So in Enstars the event will be Trickstar, but the gacha? My bet is on Knights (Leo 5*? He's the leader...) since Mao talks about them in the event preview lines.

>> No.23197016

now that i'm a bit further into another eden, is pulling for favorites viable in this game? i'm under the impression that chronos stone giveaways are quite low, and you'll want a team specializing in each element by endgame. i know you can upgrade some 4*s into 5*s, but i don't know how rare the tomes and chant scripts are (haven't unlocked VH AD yet).
i'm playing IDA school part 1 and i'm really liking OG isuka, but her skillset doesn't seem that great so i don't know if i should attempt to get her, or if i should be saving for meta picks instead.

>> No.23197551

How the fuck do I play like this. I'm already having problem with hard and he's doing claps while part of the screen is invisible.


>> No.23197569

Delicious brown tiddies.

>> No.23197608

That looks incredibly easy except for the part where the notes disappear. Seriously why the fuck does it do that? It looks retarded.

>> No.23197734

Aspect ratio maybe?
There was a ghost mode in old SB69 where the notes become invisible in the middle but that doesn't seem to be the case there

>> No.23197877

Disappearing notes is a mode you can activate to increase your score.

>> No.23197987

But that video looks like he's tapping the notes precisely when the notes are disappearing?
Where's that option anyway? I could do with some score boost especially since Squeenix had the brilliant idea of putting P2W shit into a rhythm game

>> No.23198156
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I really like the show by rock designs but somehow I'm not digging all new rhythm games with chibis. Kudos to them for making something new with the selective difficulty boosting.

Evens, I install SB69
Odds, I try to get my FGO account back

>> No.23198236

>making something new with the selective difficulty boosting

>> No.23198278

I'm not sure how to explain it, but things like the optional disappearing notes.

>> No.23198453
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>Finally gathered enough alloys to go through the rest of the new maps in Ash Arms.
>The 4-10 boss fight is much easier than 3-10 one.
Whoever in charge of this game level design is really out of his mind sometime.

>> No.23198531


>When starting live on band selection screen you can set modifiers when you tap the bottom left button. You can set them to make the game harder and boost your final score.
>Ghosting: Decides how soon the notes will become invisible before aproaching the tap zone(Not at all +0%, a while before +10%, a long time before +20%)

>> No.23198597
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>> No.23198791

I bet my ass Elon Musk is behind this shit

>> No.23198795

You can add modifiers to increase score that affect difficulty. Like harder note timing, combos dropping for less than perfect, invisible notes.

>> No.23198959

PVP in SB69 is actually pretty brutal. You have to fight people who play with 140%+ handicap. One broken combo equal instant lose. More handicaps mean more chances of combo broken and you'll never win against anyone if you don't use enough handicaps.

>> No.23199097

Yeah being a shitter at rhythm games doesn't help too. I keep getting paired with Expert people and I can barely do a full combo on hard.

>> No.23199443

There's a bit of deceptive strategy involved. Like tricking people into thinking you have low band power and then getting a high full modifier score.

>> No.23199542

What the fuck is that konosuba compensation. 33 rolls and enough coins to buy the 4* ticket

>> No.23199572

Twitter said its only 300 crystals.
Did they fuck up compensation?

>> No.23199578

The following tweet

>> No.23199580

I feel like it might be best to save the medals for the weapons.

>> No.23199596

Though there was also supposed to be a ton of freebies because arena hackers made it so there was no ranking rewards for the first ranking period.

>> No.23199701

That's just a lucklet who's good at rhythm game. Not really a strategy. I can win against those guys with my 45k team and 130-135% handicap if I don't fuck up the full combo.

>> No.23199745

>Dont want to roll for Dust and Rin
>They give a literal pile of crystals
Damn my compulsion

>> No.23199851

Did they hand it out already? I only got the 300 gems.

>> No.23199874

Yeah fuck your 5SSR team

>> No.23199900

Probably sending it out on reset

>> No.23199910

Do I need to change my VPN for Konosuba? Stuck at 42.16% at main screen leading to an error

>> No.23199912

Servers are fairly fucked from everyone running in, its not just you

>> No.23200010

I'm rolling for the dust SR just for that physical boost.

>> No.23200361

>4x stamina cost option
>only 3x item rewards
>same member exp gain as 1x stamina cost
i would really like to be efficient but i don't think i have the energy to play rhythm game for that long

>> No.23200420
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Cool, that was quick

>> No.23200424
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I unironically was trying for his 3* succ shop version since it had a physatk boost.

>> No.23200464

The story chapter giving event tickets is a nice touch.

>> No.23200480

Are gold arena weapons a big power boost?
My partys level 60 and I still feel weak as shit.

>> No.23200514

You wouldn't think so but it feels pretty significant.

>> No.23200522

Yeah they're solid but elemental multipliers is where most of the boost is from. My 1* Cecily is doing similar damage as my 4* Aqua because her default attack is water based

>> No.23200561

I guess I can actually put that spear from the last event to use on Ria.

>> No.23200595
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I don't like that people can now visit my cafe that I never update.

>> No.23200654

There's a rumor that Tsu-chan is the next limited so I'm gonna save my gems and skip IIE SENPAI

>> No.23200715

Alice Gear Aegis PC version is out https://colopl.co.jp/alicegearaegis/lp/dmg/
The question that is left is why it still has this DMM player dependence.

>> No.23200718
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>pic related VA passed away
RIP she was my favorite of the 3 sisters

>> No.23200737


>> No.23200754


>> No.23200757

Was it the coronavirus?

>> No.23200779

No one knows but everyone assumes it was

>> No.23200802
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And it still has the stupid censorship.
The plus side is it's running much better than the App player version. You still need to use VPN to access the game page on the DMM player client, but after you added it to your game list you can play the game without using VPN.

>> No.23200818
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>> No.23200832

Would be interesting to see if one can make a decensor patch

>> No.23200872

>Still censored.
This sucks. I'll never get my clean view without some mods or shit.

>> No.23200887

>You still need to use VPN to access the game page on the DMM player client
Stop that, just add it from the game's page while logged into DMM from a web browser.
No vpn required. It may still try to load the page in the DMM client, but a dialogue to proceed with the installation will come.

>> No.23201142
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The censorship makes no sense either, somehow this is fine by their standard, yet other costumes which show or more less the same amount of panties got censored.

>> No.23201505
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Playing it with gamepad feels nice and more smooth than my phone
the only drawback is that I need to find a way to make it autoplay

>> No.23201521

Shouldn't the SB69 weeklies have just reset? I'm confused.

>> No.23202046

Am i the only one still stuck with the error on the title screen in Konosuba?

>> No.23202065

The 42% one?
Just brute force it until it fully loads

>> No.23202070
File: 167 KB, 320x192, jf7z320q6hyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently bugged and supposedly will be fixed on tomorrow maintenance.

>> No.23202208

Yeah i been trying to pass that for a while but it still won't work.

>> No.23202307

Im VPN emulator and just spammed until it went.

>> No.23202558

Is this the event gacha?

>> No.23202991

It's reward from the event along with SSR Howan. Looks like they made the news page "forbidden" now for some reason (even with JP VPN).

>> No.23203157
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>> No.23203182
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nice, thanks for posting
regarding skills, do you know if the elemental skills from weapons is a boost to that element or a boost against said element? it seems the auto select doesn't go for the same element as the character so i'm not sure

>> No.23203206

Pretty sure its a boost for since I noticed a big damage boost when I equipped one.
No idea about accessories however

>> No.23203267

did you try them with different element boosts?
accessories give elemental resistance to the element shown in the description

>> No.23203379
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>major GCG update
>no GCG posts

is it over bros?

>> No.23203468

Still have not rolled for the new girls. Will dump all my gems and tickets trying to get them.

>> No.23204324
File: 1.04 MB, 690x2778, bdc09a7aly1gb6j9t42alj20rs33ukjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stellaris the Gacha

>> No.23204419

Is an intentional censorship, they made it for realism, there's a way to bypass it

>> No.23204421

link doesn't work and I can't really make out any details from the pictures aside from the generic name. what's the game like?

>> No.23204467
File: 325 KB, 690x2236, edQDvO8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try these links.

Details are fairly sparse right now. Looks to be some sort of SRPG. Maybe akin to Super Robot Wars (SRW)? Unsure myself on that but with a larger strategic view akin to 4X strategy games like Stellaris.

>> No.23204474
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>> No.23204482
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>> No.23204485
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>> No.23204500
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You are like baby, watch this.

>more smooth than my phone
I get all sorts of slowdown on my phone, which ends up eating into responsiveness. I haven't had a chance to try with a gamepad, but I don't think I'll be able to play one handed like I can on my phone. Except the only reason I try one-handed play is so I can browse the internets on my computer which I can't even do if I'm going to play fullscreen.

>> No.23204576
File: 1.47 MB, 4032x3024, ES-k6jzUEAAYSdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But even his surname sounded so German.

Why can't they just reveal characters' names in romaji from start, before everyone makes their assumptions. Even jp fanarts tend to plaster it over their pictures and they're even more prone to mess it up horribly.

>> No.23204645

>there's a way to bypass it
What do you mean by that?

High res milkies!

The PC client controls make have a much better feeling to them. Finally I am able to separately control weapon and movement.

>> No.23204707
File: 854 KB, 1080x2158, Onigiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranking rewards have been distributed. The card drops a speaker, plays Delmin's theme and places Onigirikumaman on her head.

>> No.23204951

Still unable to login since yesterday
Stuck at 55% startup

>> No.23205387
File: 2.45 MB, 2048x1105, smoothcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tablets have been wrecking hell on my eyes. Computer screens do not do this to me. It's very nice to not get eye strain after an hour anymore of playing.

>> No.23205412

I might actually play more if I can get it set up on my pc. I always found playing it on my phone annoying so it was just a log in and do bday dailies kinda game for me.

>> No.23205693

Clear cache through the in game settings if you haven't already

>> No.23205880

Looking through, looks like the girls are Appregio of Blue Steel style. Functioning as the core of a ship. I guess with added ability to use their "fittings" individually if it came to that. But looks like they'll be fighting with actual ships.

>> No.23205899



I am so intrigued now.

>> No.23205917

>Steam Release
That be pretty neat if it actually has an actual PC client.

>> No.23205950
File: 1.94 MB, 2760x1227, Starlike Factions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23206096

The new AGA PC Client is nice.

>> No.23206160

For those who can read Japanese and not Chinese

>> No.23206299
File: 847 KB, 1626x2273, 1431206346212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is upgrading the stage and town purely aesthetic?

>> No.23206353

I know we joke about the game being on its death bed, but is it honestly at that point?

>> No.23206363

There are some buildings that generate passive income

>> No.23206687

Not him but is there a practice mode? Also I need to get my foot in expert but it's all too hard for me. Are there any expert songs that's easy enough? FYI I'm shit at rhythm games.

>> No.23206877
File: 413 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191223-174100_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in compass if someone uses the jeanne ranked card and another person uses telepass on them off bounds you can get out of the stage, which is a very silly interaction

>> No.23206943
File: 206 KB, 320x240, sq5qm36hayxb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23206958

I really hope they keep this sharp look and especially the muted and consistent color palette. Looks very stylish and I'd hate for it to turn into a hodgepodge of pastel colors and bright pinks and greens. Normally I like chibis quite a bit but I hope they stay away from those in this game. Depends a little on the final gameplay but also considering how each faction has a very distinct look I hope they give the factions some proper meaning instead of just little buffs if you have units from the same faction. Overall definitely interested to see where this game goes.

>> No.23206960

He wasn't talking about T7S bro

>> No.23206967

Welp wrong post

Was for

>> No.23206969

Looks pretty cool.
Did they mention release date?

>> No.23206995

Great there goes my sleep time, does it have ip block?

>> No.23207003
File: 351 KB, 1280x945, Sakata.Gintoki.full.551386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>windows 10 only...

>> No.23207066
File: 160 KB, 320x192, 20xxruq3pda4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw don't have any newer powercreep characters in kusoneko to use for the coop.

>> No.23207149

They need to add the daikon song.

>> No.23207154

Do you have monk Sheryl? She's a pretty huge powercreep for anything that doesn't end instantly and has rooms full of enemies. That S2 is pretty disgusting.

>> No.23207207

I just feel bad being a leech. Those Tina and Corne in the rooms still delete everything anyway.

>> No.23207216

Try with slower ish songs, trichronika ones felt pretty easy to me

>> No.23207237


>> No.23207277

You can also copy that URL you are clicking on the game's page into a Windows link on your desktop or somewhere, so that you don't have to open the page anymore.

I ran it on Windows 8.1 and Linux now. No idea what you are talking about.

>> No.23207521

Nothing thus far. Considering they don't even have PV yet and only have a handful of promo images. I don't expect anything until late 2020 or 2021.

>> No.23207549

I traded my Kazuma dupe to get a ticket that gave me a Kazuma dupe.

>> No.23207623

Any estimate as to when global will release 5* Deirdre?

>> No.23207711

RIP. How many coins do SSR dupes give, 250?

>> No.23207845


>> No.23207863

When you run out of stamina try starting a song. The middle option should be practice mode. Pick lower level songs, I know the first ones from that show up when you search by level for Mashu, Plasma, and the second one from Reijing are pretty easy

>> No.23208271
File: 441 KB, 1515x1024, ETSyHw4VAAAy4T5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking robbed.

>> No.23208388
File: 622 KB, 1136x640, 730AA967-7AB6-47F2-930D-F76B23C371C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very smooth Aldo

>> No.23209034

Glory to the empire!

>> No.23209101
File: 1.95 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20200317-110930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23210002

I’m not that far into the story yet
But which girl wants to jump on Aldo

>> No.23210505

oooh good to know, since in the game page for dowloading the client only states windows 10 and that's it.

>> No.23210601
File: 67 KB, 1064x598, ザ レイズ_Screenshot_2020.03.18_16.11.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second 10 mirror roll is up in Rays.
>only 4 dupes
Much better than the shitshow than that was my first roll. All I wanted was Estelle's mirror and I got it. Happy to get Rose's mirror as well.

Back to SG farming now. Got Alisha to level 5 and currently working on getting Rose to 5. I must say it's surprisingly good once you have a high enough bonus. I usually don't go all out but this time at +30 bags I'm getting 10 gacha tickets plus all the other box stuff for only a little over 20 diamonds. The only downside is how time consuming it is.

>> No.23210694

It seems like if we only want the SSR in SB69 event it will be really easy. Nice as I wanted to go casual there.

>> No.23210860
File: 205 KB, 1200x1200, ERShE3qUUAANxTQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see 2nd&3rd places get at least a little something, but man those "cat ears" look incredibly bizarre. Hair's literally growing out of the ears and they're not fluffy at all. Fur? More like plastic. Baal's hair clearly morphs into his right ear, how does that work?

>> No.23210889

It depends on how much points for each play.

>> No.23211011

As long as it isn't based on leaderboard rankings

>> No.23211055
File: 246 KB, 1280x1440, aga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upskirt patch is complete, lets se if they ban me.

>> No.23211135

You can see how many points you need for each reward. 4900 for the boy SSR, 19200 for Hewan SSR. 1 copy is already enough for me as I have to play other gachas too.

>> No.23211140

Wait, is there actually anything different in pc AGA? I thought you needed a vpn when it came out on DMM but it looks like it's just the same old DMM client.

>> No.23211220
File: 345 KB, 1055x1500, IMG_20200318_153348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one lewd cover I hope Tsu-chan gets her limited soon

>> No.23211317

Upload it please

>> No.23211401

It uses the DMM client for login but the client otherwise runs independent. Looks like it uses Unity. You need a VPN at most once, which is for installing. After that you can use a shortcut. It runs pretty nicely.

>> No.23211528

How do you make a shortcut? It launches fine without a vpn but I have to do it from the DMM game player.

>> No.23211791

You make a right click within a folder or on your desktop and select New -> Shortcut. As path you put in dmmgameplayer://alicegearaegisexe/cl/general/

>> No.23211954


Pretty useful thing, I wish there were more guides on how to build Garlea teams for stress free farming and easy OTKs

>> No.23212417
File: 28 KB, 758x161, C9009B10-5B69-4917-9F02-F0A8DDFE6D48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I just started playing too
That room filled with cats was cute

>> No.23212442

The room filled with cats was a stroke of luck too
You have like a 2% chance to get to Elzion and a 1% chance to trigger a bonus world with dummies/cats so basically you just got pretty lucky as the award implies.

>> No.23213209

Please post the link to the patch anon. I need it for my research.

>> No.23213285

Pass: 4c

Unpack to:


>> No.23213470

Nice thanks anon.

>> No.23213507
File: 307 KB, 1136x640, 934E558D-519E-4C4D-862B-815B0C4E807E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow I didn’t know that I ended up with dummies and cats
I even got my first sunrise book
I didn’t even finish part 1 yet

>> No.23213684
File: 536 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_2020-03-18-22-02-16-614_jp.Marvelous.girlcafegun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robotfu is cute.

>> No.23213787

>I can only get about 200-300 points with my team for each play with 3x boost
This is going to be slow for me.

>> No.23213818

What's the point of rolling gacha in SB69 anymore? Free Yasu has high stats, great main and sub skills. Free Howan has high stats, great main skill but trash sub. These are better than those low stats SSR from the gacha.

>> No.23213824
File: 826 KB, 810x1440, ESVYqhaUEAEY0D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting Himeko

>> No.23213833
File: 877 KB, 848x1075, Screenshot_2020-03-18-00-12-41-21_94f55c65859f5603b90b96d9c2e2a132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when she runs low on battery

>> No.23213839

Try doing the new Plasmagica and Shingan Crimson songs. They're on point up.

>> No.23213849

Couldnt get her 4-star, feelsbadman. Gonna start saving for her summer version.

>> No.23213857

x2 seems the most efficient if you're not feeling lazy

>> No.23213917

How is her name supposed to be romanized? It's another weird one.

>> No.23213974

How do you even get 40k points in 2-3 hours since the event started? I'm barely 3k and that's already around 2 160 stamina used.

>> No.23213979

>>23213818i like rararin

>> No.23214087

For Yasu? He's at 4800.

>> No.23214187

I meant about the top rankers having 40k points already when I posted that reply.

>> No.23214191

Oh. Ranking whales aren't human so you shouldn't compare yourself to them.

>> No.23214411

Don't burn yourself out on a mobage.

>> No.23214530

>Tried leeching on new kusoneko coop with ZC Iris
>It's still faster with Corne

>> No.23214815
File: 59 KB, 540x540, nonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried Dragon Raja? It came out of nowhere, but looks kinda decent.

>> No.23214893

Nice, thanks. How did you manage to modify the Assembly-CSharp.dll? dnSpy won't open it.

>> No.23214983

I think it was datamined a while back that some of the dream gacha characters were getting parameter buffed but don't quote me on that.

>> No.23215855

>SB69 lets you can get event points even when playing in practice/0 stamina mode at half the points of 5 stamina
You think I can autism this to get under to 3k ranking by only playing hard? Or is there an item other then melodician to get more stamina?

>> No.23215958
File: 157 KB, 500x500, ETUOmIuU8AA21r6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds miserable but feasible. You could probably macro it at your own risk.

>> No.23215981

Are the new Cyan and Crow limiteds?

>> No.23216014

How many dias and mirror gems you fucking wasted on that because its fucking impossible to max shit unless you pay

>> No.23216082

Genshin is up for anyone who got in

>> No.23216328

1000 diamonds to get all 3 SG , 1 Alisha SG dupe and 1 Rose third 5*. With the shards from the event itself and a little bit of farming getting Alisha to 5 and the rest to 4 was very easy. Got Alisha's third 5* and Rose's second and another third 5* from tickets which boosted my bonus even further.

Gotta admit I got pretty lucky but it was worth it. At the point I'm at you get so many tickets for what is essentially a single gacha roll spent refilling stamina (at 220 base stamina so 5 runs per refill, approximately 1k bags unless I'm very unlucky with the drops) you're bound to get some 5* or SG dupe to aid in your farming. Going from 4 to 5 without SG dupes is tiresome. I've been farming them in batches of 6k (10 boxes/100 fragments so you need 36k bags total) and it takes like 2 hours, though all I do is use my mirrors in the boss stage and press repeat while watching something else.

>> No.23216385

Ok new plan. Instead of doing only 2 songs I do all the other songs I'm shit at, basically every song. This doubles as practice and getting more points for the event.

>> No.23216435

Supposedly not (in the future).

Tfw I wasted 1k gems but 0 SG.

>> No.23217034

Your usual mobile mmo but prettier (except for the character model IMO.)

>> No.23217056

You could also do all the easy for completion if you haven't already.

>> No.23217265
File: 184 KB, 676x953, ETdXjsHUwAA6IA_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 2nd birthday to Megmegu!

>> No.23218686

>Did 5 10-rolls step-up gacha in kusoge with 6% SSR rate but only got 2 SSR which aren't even what I wanted just because there is a guaranteed one on step 2 and 5
>Did 1 10-roll in another kusoge with 3% SSR rate and got the SSR which I wanted
I'm still not sure how should I feel whenever I have better gacha luck on my side games instead of my main ones.

>> No.23218828

I get 345 points at x4 (which is x7.5 event points) bringing Yasu and doing ShinganCrimsonZ song, still got Yasu and I'm going to 20k to get Howen even if I already have her initial SSR. I will only go for 1 copy since well, I dont care about ranking right now.

>> No.23218864

Does yasu give more points? Only in main line or as sub too?

>> No.23218881


>> No.23218886

I dont think. Still he helped me with my team score as he seems a really good unit so I'm leveling him, also I only had 3 SSR before and now 4 with him so he helped. The more SSR leveled you can have in main line the better.

>> No.23218913

So Yasu has sub skill? Now I'm debating if I should leave him in main line or putting him in back.

>> No.23219129
File: 3.67 MB, 1084x2048, E68DCA5D-64FD-4A83-A038-2F179C4900F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who should I save? for if I wanna build fire or water
Im at 5k chrono stones

>> No.23219203

Played it in chinese, it is pretty great. Global is no-no because forced english dub.

>> No.23219429

Is it based on the Korean one or the Chinese one

>> No.23219693

>implying chinese languange is any better to listen to

>> No.23219852
File: 41 KB, 651x147, spread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be better to just spreadsheet your characters for better organization? I did it like this when I was trying to organize a Garlea team and just to be able to check who I have for each element at a glance.

>> No.23219909

Between Chinese, Korean and English I would just choose mute and I did when I played E7 until the day I quit.

>> No.23220408


New file v1.28.2 now only 3 bytes patched (pass: 4c)

Unpack to:

>> No.23220694

>see this
>suddenly want to roll because my roster seems shit in comparison
holding my rolls for a good earth character banner but still

>> No.23220823

Thanks again anon. Do you think this could result in a ban if they find out?

>> No.23220828

I'm not gonna lie to me Chinese at first was ear-splitting and I couldn't bear listening to, but now to me it's just a different flavor of Asian language just like Korean, but the problem with eng dub is not the language it's just that rarely they do it right.

>> No.23221733

What characters do you have?

>> No.23221862

I've been using a similar team for Eastern dungeons in global
Azami(M)/Suzette(M)/Cerrine/Mana/Aldo/Amy should work and it only has one gacha unit.

Mariel/Mana are only there to be fast and get swapped out for Amy while Suzette/Cerrine/Aldo cover Pierce/Blunt/Slash respectively so just use the AOE the enemy you're fighting right now is weak towards.
Karakuri is basically Azami/Suzette/Cerrine/Mariel with
T1: Swap Mariel for Aldo
T2: Swap Aldo for Amy
T3: AF and kill Karakuri
Needs to pick up an Eastern weapon for Aldo/Amy/Cerrine (Better if you get the Demon fist for Cerrine) and it's super smooth runs with a very F2P friendly setup.

>> No.23221977

Mainland accent sucks but Taiwanese accent is fine. HK is so so.

>> No.23222004

The weird SB69 reset time always messes me up

>> No.23222060

Finally got Howan and Holy shit slotting her and replacing Moa change my highscore from 420k to 450k. Howan and Yasu strong!

>> No.23222427

>My understanding is that as of the AS Ruina update, now complete PCD results are rolled and saved as soon as the “a gate appears” message shows up. So how far you get in the PCD now is predetermined and you can’t manipulate it.

No more white gate savescumming in AE?

>> No.23223467

Touching any door while offline results in a wrong door as of a few updates ago. This is 100% guaranteed no matter how many times you attempt to reroll. Since the game usually doesn't force you to update to the newest app version maybe you can install an old APK and see if you can still scum it that way?

>> No.23223779

Why doesn't the konosuba arena ever show ranking now?

>> No.23223833

Myunfa. She's so broken you can shove her anywhere.

>> No.23224457

when do you think she will come to global?

>> No.23225116

AS Shanie (We are here) -> AS Yuna -> AS Claude -> Tsubame/Shigure/Tsukiha -> Nagi/Ewan -> Kikyo/Laclaire -> AS Shion/AS Akane/Hozuki -> Premare/Suzette/Dewey -> Isuka/Myrus -> Radica/Ilulu/Toova -> AS Cetie -> Myunfa/Lovely (Goal)

>> No.23225146

thats quite awhile away
thanks anon

>> No.23225155
File: 1.44 MB, 1240x1240, 101050081_s2_rank5_base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AS Claude
man he looks cool
I want him too bad I barely have any good wind characters

>> No.23225873

Amy, Azami and Morgana are enough.

>> No.23225898

ah alright thanks anon

>> No.23228616

I was too lazy to make a graph

>> No.23228645

That's a list, not a graph.

>> No.23228675

shit looks like Im more retarded than I thought

>> No.23228776

Making a small list doesn't take long unless you whaled for 1000 rolls and have a lot of characters to list. You just separate it into 4 elements + null and put all the characters you have under the 4 elements and then you have all your characters in a small list without having to make a screenshot collage every time.

>> No.23228912

They temporarily stop ranking session since people were editing their arena score.

>> No.23229034
File: 733 KB, 1225x1644, 76666534_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, Another Eden. The only time and game where I romantically ship characters in a freakin' GACHA game if all things.

>> No.23229041
File: 428 KB, 1000x975, 71641889_p29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23229129

Isn't this pretty random? Why those two?

>> No.23229169

Who should I try to upgrade first from 4.5* based on how useful they are without considering their element? Biaka, Tsubame, or Tsukiha?

>> No.23229586

Did anyone could connect to vpngate?
Got certificate failure error since few hours ago

>> No.23230307
File: 332 KB, 1000x1000, 71641889_p43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, beats me. Not my art though.


>> No.23230316
File: 471 KB, 1800x1080, Screenshot_2020-03-15-19-55-27-42_b09f344b6f5b68c1f1666c9754a4f82d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awakening to UR sure is brutal

>> No.23230383

>Bought a building which cost 1 million
>The income is capped at only 3600
It doesn't seem to worth it.

>> No.23230457

It must be a end goal when you don't want your town to look like a Midi City ghetto.

>> No.23230524

Is there a way to play wafuri on emulator?

>> No.23230687

I think Bluestacks worked. You need the 64 bit release.

>> No.23230693

I knew it worked at release but I tried it today and it doesn't work anymore.
Not sure if any other emulators are different

>> No.23230704

Tsubame or Tsukiha. I'd say Tsubame first unless we get Tsukiha's manifest in the next update.

>> No.23231812
File: 2.30 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_2020-03-21-06-47-06-333_com.google.android.youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New compass character is a fat guy sprinter called Pierre da Icassamanyagi Facchinetti Lalla la Labribriola Dragonactor Hideyoshi Maximilian Skeyocaroli Bjornlund Mochmochi Mariorge Maroogherita Wilfred Punit Punytowski the 77th, i am very happy about this i love silly characters

>> No.23232409

Anyone have alternatives for VPNs? OpenVPN for android was working fine for Konosuba up until yesterday where I started getting some certificate error when trying to connect to the JP server

>> No.23232428


>> No.23232536

Thanks anon.

>> No.23232888

re: guiding lights and luring shadows, do i just put those on my strongest/favorite 5*s? really need some chant scripts now so i figured i should increase my chances by increasing the drops

>> No.23233090

I like the grinding in another eden
I just wish I had more red and green cards

>> No.23233390
File: 458 KB, 700x2114, 1545414302415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I forget BGHS is ded.

>> No.23233523

is it possible to mod art resources (skin, poly) with the process you're using to alter game files?

>> No.23233740

I'd say hold on to your shadows and use lights on characters that will have on your team forever.
Having light bearers is important because your AD teams should have 120+ light so you can hit all 3 reward slots but if you're not sure on what to do with them then just save them instead of wasting them.

>> No.23233782

So I downloaded the D4DJ demo a few days ago and honestly it feels like I'm playing a bandori spinoff with weird slider mechanics rather than an independent game.It's not bad for a demo I guess.

>> No.23233986

Just say Chunithm
Or O.N.G.E.K.I

>> No.23234020

Fair enough,it's not like I play a lot of rhytm games anyway.I'll probably replace it with project sekai if it doesn't turn out to be more of the same.

>> No.23234105
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x720, Peak performance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New hero is Pierre the 77th, or >>23231812 in full, and he is a sprinter with a substantial amount of health. His dash attack makes him roll into a ball that, whenever it collides with someone, sends them flying away - this won't work for people with shields/counters. You can also juggle people if you manage to angle it right.
His hero ability increases the damage of his dash attack in proportion to the distance he has been rolling for, up to a maximum of x6 damage.
His hero skill transforms him into a giant and increases his movement speed, doubles his damage and boosts his defence by 1.75. The range/width of all of his attack cards is increased for the duration - I believe the casting times are still the same.
For casting speeds: close range and AoE cards are fast, barrage cards are average and long ranged cards are slow.
Pierre will be released on Monday after maintenance - preview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K1twxWdljk

Only other news is that April's season is for Violetta Noire.

>> No.23234115

This jaguar tanuki combo is hard. Mostly just cause of the jaguar though

>> No.23234269

If you have Ruby's motif, it's not that bad using a monk. Or if you want I can try to help.

>> No.23234907

I haven't played Konosuba, so I don't know if it'll work but have you tried Tunnelbear? It's complete shit for browsing region-locked Japanese websites but always works great for me with kusoge.

>> No.23235485

Would the 9% dark damage dagger be better than the arena dagger for Melissa?

>> No.23236123
File: 1.34 MB, 1240x1240, 101960011_rank5_base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Amy looks like THIS?

>> No.23236189

Works perfect for me with the softether vpn client and the tunnelbear client since I tried both for the konosuba game to see wich one was faster, but its not much of a difference.

>> No.23236391
File: 478 KB, 960x1248, eed9f50b932fea1428bc7f0cdfa77110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other kusoge should I pick up if I'm playing Another Eden, Arknights and Princess connect?

I do all my daily stuff in like 1 hour and then I run out of stuff to play for the day.

>> No.23236550
File: 97 KB, 639x338, Megido72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Megido72 anon. Then tell us why they're crying once you know the reason.

>> No.23236838
File: 1015 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-01-29-03-33-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why has she not fucked Aldo yet?

>> No.23237159
File: 2.73 MB, 2560x1050, Genshin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fidelity isn't much but the game does look nice

>> No.23237618

Not Chunithm for once (unlike Bandori). It's more like Sound Voltex.

>project sekai
That one's actually Chunithm.

>> No.23237656

Wasn't this game shutting down?

>> No.23237724
File: 200 KB, 1600x900, ETcw_xHUwAEZRbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet.

>> No.23237788

Could you upload it somewhere else? anonfile has been dead for at least 24 hours now.

>> No.23237837

I didn't even notice that guild boss thing had been added to GCG

>> No.23237845

>My guild already beat all the bosses and is ranking 1%
These nips sure are trying hard.

>> No.23238093

This ZC Hell quest in kusoneko is more annoying than hard because of the time limit and metal pot on 3rd map. At least the metal pot doesn't respawn like the crystals on 2nd map.

>ZC characters HP barrier is changed to only 2 times damage barrier when the siscon is current gacha has 5 times damage barrier

>> No.23238257


>> No.23238312

Never mind. Works now.

Not him but I don't expect them to even have a way of checking it. The file size is the same so they would have to use checksums. The DMM game player checks only the file size when you start the game. And even if they use checksums, it won't show them whether you have forged files or just some hardware problem causing file corruption.

>> No.23238558

Aldo is for his sister
