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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1414, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_and_1_more_drawn_by_sunege_hp0715__ebe11b45b1df22d16d278f89a5691194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23058805 No.23058805 [Reply] [Original]

This is The Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee here again to remind you that being happy is your duty.

unhappy thread: >>23004828

>> No.23058850

are vtubers and vocaloid the same?

>> No.23058977

no, but some vtubers use vocaloids since it's cheaper than paying a girl to talk and act like one

>> No.23058995

What was the answer?

>> No.23059359
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Reposting from last thread.
Anyone with a hd dl for the old miku on sybian https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19223986 ?
From archives I found a skydrive link through https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20233404 but it's long gone.

>> No.23059406

And even then those are Voiceroids, not Vocaloids.

>> No.23059653
File: 1.39 MB, 1234x2099, ERie2zwVAAAA_vK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI Kiritan automatically tune herself for human realism, including a default "lung capacity". So basically Disappearance of Hatsune Miku singing is so fast that she quickly runs out of air and has to stop the song to breathe repeatedly basically making the whole output all noise.

>> No.23059797

I think I'm addicted to listening to MikuFiesta. Its been four days straight help me

>> No.23059822
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I listen to it a lot too. I just like understanding the words Miku says (with a bonus that spanish is not my first language so I can't really say how good or bad the pronunciation is).

>> No.23059847

>that pic
Goes to show you will never get to see Queen Miku kissing Yukari. Check fucking mate Yukarifags.

>> No.23060064

The only slut queen Miku kisses is me

>> No.23060177

Can someone post the angry rant about Sand Planet?

>> No.23060402
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My pet Una is so cute.

>> No.23060757

Where to aquire a pocket luka?

>> No.23060812
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>> No.23061135

They use yukkuri, not vocaloid.

>> No.23061176
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Short hair miku

>> No.23061199

I wanted the other one about how he's a rich guy coming back to his shitty home town.

>> No.23061504

She's gorgeous

This guy? >>/jp/thread/S22296844#p22309349

>> No.23061900
File: 712 KB, 1190x800, Untitled43_20200223163448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lukanon here with another original song. Just a little electronic ditty about anxiety/intrusive thoughts. I tried to do more work with Luka's english phoenetics this time but I'm still very green.

>> No.23062169

Not impressed by it, but it doesn't sound bad either.

>> No.23062189

Cute, but needs to be fluffier.

>> No.23062246
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Open wide anon~

>> No.23062247
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MM18 nendo arrived

>> No.23062260

Fix her ahoge!

>> No.23062263
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>> No.23062492
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Why does AI Kiritan have the weird generic sound all female CeVIOs have? The tech is cool and all but it sounds like another voice bank for Sasara or ONE rather than Kiritan.
With that said I wanna see somebody cover Oha-Yo-del with her and see how the realistic air capacity handles yodeling lol

>> No.23062538

>weird generic sound
>sounds like another voice bank for Sasara
This is my main issue with this thing. It sounds pretty on its own, but it's so far away from Kiritans original characteristics, like the lower range and serious kid tone, that it's like someone else altogether.

>> No.23062957
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Why do Una and Kiritan work so well together? It can't be just because they're the same age.

>> No.23063022
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Should divas be this flat?

>> No.23063034


>> No.23063044

Kiritan is the serious one.
Una is the frivolous one.
It's quite simple.

>> No.23063149
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No, they should have big ones!

>> No.23063470

Worked with AI Kiritan a little. Seems like when she's good, she's good, but there are some songs she's just not capable of singing. I tried making her sing Ai no Uta by nekobolo. Not a good choice. her voice is too strong and the short notes don't process well.

>> No.23063476
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>> No.23063523

What kinds of settings/effects does it have? Or is it truly just a MusicXML score as input?

>> No.23063546

Hey guys, I just recently got very into Miku and vocaloids, any tips you can give me to avoid the "Cringy new fan" phase?

>> No.23063574
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Just never talk about it, hide the CDs if you buy them, make sure your headphones are connected to the smartphone whenever you press play in public spaces and enjoy the songs.

>> No.23063635
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>make sure your headphones are connected to the smartphone whenever you press play in public spaces
Too late for that one desu, already happened, I wasn't too self conscious though

>> No.23063645

don't be overly obnoxious about it but don't throw it under the bus if it's ever brought up, that's all it takes.

>> No.23063674

Listen to Una songs by LamazeP.

>> No.23063703

Don't get into the twitter fandom, don't get offended about people wanting to fuck the loids, for fucks sake actually listen to the albums.
That's about it

>> No.23063713


>> No.23063721

Start learning producer names as early as possible.
Listen to the music instead of just looking at the cute pictures.
Don't associate with retards who don't do the previous two things.

>> No.23063732

What's up with the twitter fandom?

>> No.23063748

There are 2 settings. One shifts the pitch up and down (overall, like a key change) and the other is GEN. And more than slight changes to GEN make kiritan sound bad- neutral is probably the best option in all cases. So yes, basically it's just the MusicXML score. You can't make any adjustments to individual notes.
Also, you have to use 3rd party notation software to make a MusicXML score. All of the software I've found uses sheet music, not a midi screen, so adjusting lyrics and notes is a total chore.
I think it's notable that most of the kitiran covers that have been popping up are anime songs/endings, not vocaloid songs. Is it because she can't sing most vocaloid originals, or is she bringing in newfags who aren't familiar with vocaloid music?

>> No.23063770

Relatively high number of children and former tumblr users, who are usually considered embarrassing.
This. Looking at the pictures, liking the characters, etc. is all good and well, but to not be a cringy new fan, listen to the music and know who the producers are.

>> No.23063782

Are they like the kpop crowd?

>> No.23063785
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Branch out to as many loids as you can. Don't be that guy that only knows Miku and nothing else

>> No.23063787

Why would you associate Neutrino with Vocaloid? The uploaders of the most popular videos using Neutrino are Voiceroid and Cevio users.

>> No.23063788

don't talk about vocaloid in /mu/ they don't give a fuck
don't bother trying /v/ either they never talk about the games. the thread that's open right now is 240 posts about panties.
keep coomer comments on coomer websites, not every vocaloid fan jacks off to miku.
don't recommend albums to people you know no matter how good you think they are unless they are actually open-minded towards japanese things already. when normies think of japan all they think of is tentacle porn, and explaining what the fuck a vocaloid is, why she exists, what her voicebanks are, etc, is way more than any normie is willing to hear. if they act interested they are just being nice.

also don't be afraid to branch out immediately. vocaloid isn't a genre of music, it's just a software, so there's something in nearly every single style of genre out there, but it's almost always in a nearly inaccessible state (eg. you're not gonna hear about it unless you hear it for yourself.) don't have to stick to the big name producers just because they are popular. i download all of the albums and listen to them. all of my top favorites were not accessible or well-known albums at all. if you only listen to mitchie m, ryo and music from the games then you're missing out on a lot.

personally i started learning japanese so i could keep track of the titles of my favorite albums and songs. bit of literacy is really nifty for sorting. decide on that later if you want to. can't hurt to try.

twitter as a platform is full of unlively, dull, unappealing, sheepish people. there is also an unspoken rule that tweeting at people who don't speak your language is pretty rude, so there really isn't a point to follow any producers on there, unless you really wanna see what they're eating.

>> No.23063826

I see the various vocal synths as being in the same family, although not directly related. Like cousins. There's a little bit of overlap in who uses them (ex. gyari, cillia sometimes use both). I mean, apparently miku is getting a (bad, cevio-sounding) non-vocaloid voicebank soon.

>> No.23063829

yeah, it's just normalfags and ironic weeaboos. it's mostly harmless stuff unless you deliberately seek out shit to get annoyed by.

>> No.23063836
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I'd expect that in 2020 we'd have someone who sings better than 2007 software (though I like the V2 versions of cosMo songs better over the modern remixes). Ironically the Miku NT early demo was worse than V2 in multiple aspects.
I use musescore with the keyboard but I know nothing about japanese for the lyrics, but maybe I'll try it when I have some time.
Agreed, you have to listen to the competition to substantiate your knowledge of why Miku is best.

>> No.23063856

The only thing Miku has going for her is her popularity. In terms of quality she's upper mid tier at best. There are way better voicebanks out there, like Gumi, for example.

>> No.23063869


>> No.23063911

That doesn't change the fact that these uploaders have been active for years. Calling them newfags because they aren't into Vocaloid music is disrespectful.

>> No.23063967
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You can't make a tier of voices though, they are subjective. Unless you define some kind of metric. Gumi is (at least somewhat) more realistic since it maps closer to the voice provider, while Miku has her voice provider voice acting while recording, but when I want more realism I just listen to normal bands.

And you can't not factor her popularity, since her strength is exactly her discography, the cultural aspects from her long history and the fact that so many producers tried her that we ended up achieving much of her potential as voicebank compared with the rest.

>> No.23063992

The beauty of vocal synthesizing technology is that anyone can make a cover.

>> No.23064008

He was probably baiting. If he was serious, he probably would have named a voicebank better than gumi, who is also upper mid at best.

>> No.23064100

But it doesn't mean they are as talented as the original producer at tuning though, and I assume it's not common for those to post the vsqx.

>> No.23064206

The people who specialize in covers are very talented.

>> No.23064219

Listen to Kyaami's covers

>> No.23064222

twitter is full of trannies, faggots and cringy kids
the vocaloid subreddit is only good when you want to laugh at really bad fanart

>> No.23064398
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I love Miku as much as the next guy but I think her quality is mostly due to the sheer volume of songs she has compared to other loids.

>> No.23064568

You kinda sound like an asshole

>> No.23064573

that's what I was thinking too, but at the very least, "branch out into different albums because vocaloid itself isn't really a genre" is good advice.

>> No.23064606
File: 508 KB, 646x913, sdffsdca8621ff7b08cb1ade110e0a0a0cf0af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the anon who asked the newbie question. But I'm seeing lots of people who tell me to get into different loids and I was asking how to do that? So far what I've done is listen to the discography of people in the games, and a couple of other producers whose songs I new before. But those were all Miku. Is there like a good guide of IA/Gumi/Whoever else?

>> No.23064630

look up some solo 'loid-focused compilation albums from EXIT TUNES, and if you hear a certain song you really, really like, find more from that specific producer. For IA and Gumi, there's the IA - The World albums, and pandora voxx, which has both IA and Gumi in it.

>> No.23064661
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Project Diva only include Crypton Vocaloids (Miku, Luka, Rin/Len, Kaito and Meiko), and so are the concerts. And many of the big name producers that work with Miku are also biased toward Cryptonloids.

Besides what the other anon suggested, if you have a Vita, I found IA/VT a pretty decent game. You can also look at the vocaloid rankings for the more popular stuff (and then look for the producers):


>> No.23064678


the covers are often better than the originals. the people making songs have to know different instruments and composition. the people making covers focus exclusively on the tuning. and pretty much any vocaloid song made in utau is automatically madfe better

>> No.23064686

Thanks, this is what I wanted.
Wasn't me

>> No.23064715

The one making the cover would need to know the instruments and base composition as well to reproduce the instruments along with the vocals, unless the producer releases an off-vocal version.

>> No.23064759

No, it wasn't u but I wanted that one

>> No.23064939
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x2048, j22oomqdqkz31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please fill me in on why Catch The Wave in Mega39 is so popular?
I swear everywhere I look I see a picture from that song specifically.

>> No.23065030

kissu from miku!

>> No.23065061

Few new songs, looks pretty

>> No.23065078

You mean like they always do?

>> No.23065094


>> No.23065701
File: 136 KB, 793x905, 74C58C3D-C924-40F8-B042-794EBBF9132A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, apparently miku is getting a (bad, cevio-sounding) non-vocaloid voicebank soon.
??? in what world does NT sound like cevio

>> No.23065767

bros i like vocaloid like every next guy but i would shit my pants on this show

>> No.23065843

Not any of those guys, but this dude is piss funny.

>> No.23065864

Oh hey Cosmo released a Yukari song

>> No.23065880

Why would you shit your pants?

>> No.23065930
File: 252 KB, 457x381, 1394389330866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do normies obsess over World is Mine so much?
The song isn't even that good and tsundere archetype hardly fits Miku.

>> No.23065996

What 'fits' Miku varies from person to person.

>> No.23066016

It doesn't change the fact that barely any song present her this way. I don't think I've ever talked to someone who imagines Miku as a tsundere and isn't some newbie.

>> No.23066115

>there is also an unspoken rule that tweeting at people who don't speak your language is pretty rude
What? Really? There is an auto-translate button on tweets as far back as 2015 you shouldn't have any problem understanding anyone. I tweeted to Mitchie M in English and he tweeted back in English.

>> No.23066143
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Sorry for blog post, but I'm curious if anyone experienced anything like this.

Miku music was the first music I actually enjoyed in my life. Hatsune Miku no Gekishou by cosMo was the first Miku song I've listened to. I listened to some fast Miku songs, but then started to move to more chill ones. I enjoyed various genres and mostly cared about lyrics and such. After some time I got into more psychodelic music so I started to look into more related music outside of Vocaloid, started listening to MGMT, then discovered psytrance so moved astrix, vini vici, then discovered hi tech, but I wanted more speed so moved to hardcore and then to speedcore like TQBF, but because of lack of cheerful/melodic I moved to Japanese scene, so xi, t+pazolite, camellia. then I discovered more baroque/classical themes so Laur, Gram, and Team Grimoire. Dissatisfied with lack of such music I kept digging Team Grimoire discography and this is what I've found:
CosMo made music for Team Grimoire in the past! Well, it shouldn't be that surprising given a similar theme/style, but it's interesting to rediscover same music but from completely different angle. After such a large circle I went back to the same music I've started with. Anyone experience something similiar?

That's pretty neat, and so are his other new songs. Is there any other producer who makes kind of speedcore or gothic/hardcore?

>> No.23066148

>who don't speak your language
It's pretty obvious MitchieM knows English from how much he uses it in his songs.

>> No.23066155

The dude just sounds like a bitter asshole. I've tweeted at plenty of producers thanking them for their music and showing off the albums I've purchased/imported and they've always been happy to hear it.

>> No.23066639
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>> No.23066673
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Honestly NT sounds good if it's true that the demo is completely untuned, it's just the transitions that are too rough, it feels like there is a discontinuity or short pause between every phoneme. I'm not sure if that's the problem with CeVIO.

Considering they mentioned a demo for january, they are probably behind schedule anyway, which is not a particularly good signal (but I'd rather they delay everything until it's good enough since they can't mess Miku).

>> No.23066722
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2020 is the year of Kiritan.

Kiritan poppo tampo ~

>> No.23066730

Will Kiritan destroy the Vocaloid that Una saved?

>> No.23066748
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Kiritan is chaotic neutral and doesn't care. Una is her closest friend so perhaps she will find a place for her in the post-Kiritan landscape of Vocaloid.

>> No.23066766

No but she can destroy my dick

>> No.23066783
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>Una is her closest friend so perhaps she will find a place for her
You mean like the place Miku found for Luka?

>> No.23066792
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As a toy for her own sexual fulfillment to torment and do unspeakable things to between tours?

>> No.23066870
File: 854 KB, 2048x1450, ERmWOu_U4AA7cxj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Una will keep saving Vocaloid.

>> No.23067530

the music is nice, vocals are tuned decently, lyrics are god awful

>> No.23067555

I have a lot of nostalgia for it.

>> No.23067674

theres literally a billion different ways miku has been represented , how rare it is really isnt important as long as its cute

>> No.23067992
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Thought this was fun the other day. Guess the pv

>> No.23068114
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number 2 is quiet room
im clueless about the other four

>> No.23068115
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Yes, everyone who knows her well realizes she is a sadist.

>> No.23068137

#5 is ガランド/Airhead. #1 looks so familiar but I just can't place it.

>> No.23068197

you sound like a tranny

>> No.23068271
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sadly her ahoge and arms don't fit perfectly

>> No.23068368

Being nice is a tranny thing now? I think you're just a generally angry dude. I also thought your post was weirdly angry

>> No.23068544

go back to sending awkward messages to foreigners on twitter then. trust me you're not being nice. they don't want to talk to you.

>> No.23068631

what is your problem?

>> No.23068720
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>> No.23069116
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Even Pinnochio-P concert has been delayed now.


>> No.23069487

I want len to...

>> No.23069510


>> No.23069677

I don't really do that (that wasn't me, I speak japanese for one, I don't use twitter for two) but you really do sound like a massive asshole

>> No.23070358
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Too much Miku in this thread.

>> No.23070367
File: 240 KB, 729x1000, 69923527_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are they so damn cute. I want to fuck these two in a non-sexual way. Maybe in a sexual way too.

>> No.23070379

This, any half decent cover is usually miles better than the original, since a cover artist focus a lot more on tuning as they can ignore every other aspect of making a Vocaloid song

>> No.23070386

Rub his dick on my face

>> No.23070733
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And that's a good thing.

>> No.23071709
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>> No.23071835

4 is strobe light

>> No.23072323

Very good. I tried to pick hard ones. 1 is setsuna plus and 3 is missile killer for those curious.

>> No.23072364


>> No.23072871
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Boyish Charm

>> No.23073144

This but unironically.

>> No.23073156
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40mP feat. 初音ミク「BEEP GIRL」

>> No.23073250
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Girlish Charm.

>> No.23073357

Thats a boy

>> No.23073366
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>> No.23073381
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Y-You w-wil ssseee! She will be a Superstar again in no time!!!!1!!

>> No.23073457

I'm a big Miku fan but IA definitely also deserves to be a superstar. Her design is god tier and a lot of her songs song great.

>> No.23073471

After a lot of though, I conclude that Kocchi muite Baby sucks.

>> No.23073544 [DELETED] 

is her entire thing, len for people who are afraid of the gay?

>> No.23073611

Yukari should do something to help her girlfriend.

>> No.23073636

isn't her entire thing, len for people who are afraid of the gay?

>> No.23073646

>len for people who are afraid of the gay?
That's Rin.

>> No.23073662

you can confuse flower's voice for len's, but that wouldn't happen with rin's

>> No.23073678

Next you're gonna say Spacedev by Gumi sucks

>> No.23073798
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>> No.23073908

who is to blame here? IA just was not good enough? 1st place bad management? kagepro hype its over? what happened ariabros

>> No.23074011

I blame myself for not shilling for her enough like Miku fans do for Miku

>> No.23074854

I love her voice, but her design doesn't lend itself well to derivative works.

>> No.23074999

1st place and their shit marketing. She has the best english voicebank so far yet only a few use it.

>> No.23075029

>She has the best english voicebank so far
Absolutely not. SynthV is much better at English than CeVIO.

>> No.23075109
File: 214 KB, 850x1241, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_remiri__sample-6db7edf2ebf0bd251b8a525b2e9f1823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop caring about being cringy. If you like the music, say it openly and proudly. If they want to listen to it, show it to them. If they like it, explain and show them more. If they don't like it that's fine, since people have a different tastes. Collect your figures or albums, set up your miku screensaver or wear your fucking Miku clothing if it makes you happy. Don't ever be ashamed for enjoying or being passionate about something so harmless and fun. Fuck "being cringe" and fuck normies.

>> No.23075194

Okay but seriously don't wear weeb clothing unless you're at one of the concerts or some other weeb event.

>> No.23075299

Speaking of SynthV, are there any English banks for it besides Eleanor Forte? I feel like it's a good synth, but there's no really good voicebanks for it besides maybe a Chinese bank or two.

>> No.23075583
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1571949995542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about no

>> No.23075598
File: 313 KB, 907x675, sgsdgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Find a circle of friends online to talk about it. This thread is good but let me know if you've got a discord I want to introduce you to some folks that can help out.

>> No.23075601
File: 112 KB, 450x450, 1564995810642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to discordtrannies

>> No.23075631

I'm going to where what I want and there's nothing your insecure self can do about it.

>> No.23075731

1st place, you could buy unsold merch through a Twitter DM that linked to a Dropbox.

How low can you go?

>> No.23076129
File: 60 KB, 474x670, th (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else /Meika Gang/?
Just discovered them holy shit I love their voice banks

>> No.23076582

Two more Miku events cancelled. Magical Mirai is fucked.

>> No.23076601

Magical Mirai Tokyo is in December. Corona is not going to last that long.

>> No.23077012
File: 126 KB, 562x750, Misoan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but her design doesn't lend itself well to derivative works

Really. Why?

>1st place

Always hear this when someone ask what's the problem with IA. Makes you wonder.

>> No.23077216

IA's design has a lot of things that has to go into it to make it IA, whereas, for example, Miku just needs long blue-green (ranging to either extreme) twintails and it's pretty obviously Miku.

>> No.23077289
File: 873 KB, 1920x1080, 72801840_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really. Why?
Just imagine how all those Pinnochio-P Mikus would look if they were based on IA.

>> No.23077329 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 512x320, ai209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pinnochio-P Mikus
you mean aimaina?

>> No.23077331

>best english voicebank
>but it’s CeVIO
so close, yet so far away.

>> No.23077350
File: 912 KB, 1920x1080, 77336020_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aimaina is just the small Miku, just like Doushite-chan is small ugly Miku. The big ones don't have name (besides Yozurina and Mei Mei).

>> No.23077380
File: 3.88 MB, 1795x2048, E9862164-D0A2-49A1-8069-C761ACA8EEDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really. Why?
Her design just isn’t iconic enough to derive heavily from yet still be recognizable as IA. Long green twintails catches the eye a lot more than blonde hair in a braid

>> No.23077516

Isn't it a light shade of pink?

>> No.23077561

yeah, shame there seems to be only one major artist (cillia) using them

>> No.23077599

i fucking hate you fuck you

>> No.23077645

I thought it was anime white.
I think this also neatly illustrates the point.

>> No.23077838

Their voices are definitely good. Designs are ok too. I feel like they aren't used much because Vocaloid 5 is expensive.
Her design is too complicated to be easily reproducible. She also has no character presence because when she was popular, she was used as a generic stand-in voice instead of a crux of the song.
I agree.

>> No.23078280

sit on my lap.

>> No.23079142

random nostalgic song is nostalgic
For a lot of people, it's their first experience of Miku and Vocaloids in general
>unspoken rule
anon what the fuck are you on about

>> No.23079160
File: 441 KB, 1442x2048, 1535661644602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Miku so much.
I want her to be here with me.

>> No.23079920
File: 950 KB, 862x1175, 73598878_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23080369

I'm happy she doesn't exist in this cruel world

>> No.23080434

Me too. Fuck 3DPD land, man.

>> No.23080436
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Kiritan

>> No.23080772
File: 359 KB, 1412x1000, 1517588338503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a point, but still I would like her to be real. I'd make sure to do everything to shield her from all this corruption and evil of the real world.

>> No.23080901
File: 100 KB, 724x1024, DkT9k4PU4AE6U3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excellent choice, king.


>> No.23081422

Another ad using Miku NT's beta.

>> No.23081738

New natural

>> No.23081923

It feels so weird to see Meiko around characters that matter.

>> No.23081943

is vocaloid dead or what?
it seems to have lost force

>> No.23081957

who is the hottest vocaloid and why is it len?

>> No.23082023
File: 158 KB, 1280x1518, image006.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whozuki Poorkari at it again with the money begging.
>300% funded

New hobo voice.
Old poorness

>> No.23082055

only IA is dead

>> No.23082226

It's literally just a vtuber project started by the VA.

>> No.23082248

That's funny way to spell Miku.

>> No.23082278
File: 265 KB, 747x525, 9c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just vtuber shit. Who could have guessed? Heh. What's up with that new voicebank then?

>> No.23082296

Seems like it's Ishiguro herself singing, not a new voicebank.

>> No.23082353
File: 285 KB, 2048x1576, ER41VnaVUAAj7Wj.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23082544

Cute relevantloids.

>> No.23082651

And Luka.

>> No.23082670

Perpertual sunset since 2014.

>> No.23082697

>everyone jumping on the realistic AI train
>NT turns out to be shit
>every VB becomes a generic sounding husk of their former selves
Will we finally see the death of Vocaloid in the coming decade?

>> No.23082709

This is gonna turn into the automatic transmission vs. manual transmission of vocaloids, isn't it?

>> No.23082829
File: 122 KB, 1267x740, 1576014612707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I can hang out with them in their loose clothing, to see their mosquito bites poking out

god i just wish

>> No.23083142
File: 353 KB, 1628x2048, ER1_5JmVUAExTwK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku NT ending up not being good even after it's complete would be good for Vocaloid though, since Crypton would be forced to move back (or jump to the AI ship effectively killing Vocaloid if it can keep Miku voice's charms unlike Kiritan).

>> No.23083230
File: 326 KB, 1531x2147, ERu2-3rVUAEKndP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you prayed to our savior today?

>> No.23083255
File: 41 KB, 448x448, smmiku3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku's design for v4 was such a step down in quality from V3, which was such a step down in quality from V2. What are we gonna do if the NT redesign sucks, bros?

>> No.23083387

>Weekly Vocaloid ranking turned into Weekly Kiritan ranking
It's already dead.

>> No.23083533

Reminder that whose who pre-order Miku NT get a demo version on 3/9

I’ll be able to fully judge NT once I see more examples of its usage.

>> No.23083687

it's not unlike 4chan to judge something too early and be wrong, if they scrapped v5 cause it was shit they'd do the same to NT, i doubt it'll be as bad as people are speculating

>> No.23083919
File: 136 KB, 720x390, cfm_hatsunemiku_nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the very least they improved her hair (she needs voluminous hair) and circular hair ornaments with hair on center are better than those squares above the hair.

>> No.23083940

Certainly, improvements already. But the outfit can make or break it easily. Hope they keep her naked.

>> No.23084187
File: 1.47 MB, 2000x1817, 76774822_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23084286

Nah, that was just because of a lot of songs for her birthday.

>> No.23084347
File: 320 KB, 600x600, Mushroom.Mother.full.1465845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect Kiritan (and other Neutrino VBs) to be consistently second or first on the raw number of videos posted though (but probably less than the honeymoon period happening now though), considering she is both free and by far the easiest to use singing software. What I'm not sure are original songs, which will depend on if Neutrino can catch the market of people who just want a singer for his song instead of people who intentionally make vocaloid songs.

>> No.23085513


This song speaks to me. GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH


>> No.23085649

*jumps off of holographic speaker as the beat drops harder than a nuke

>> No.23085854

I dont think Miku really is in a position to be threatened by anyone at this point her legacy is too strong, she might get overtaken by whatever fotm is going on but always comes back.
the neutrino competition is probably a good thing though, NT is going to be a lot easier to update than what we got currently, and crypton is probably watching whats going on and can figure out how to improve what they have to match the competition

>> No.23085896

v4 is the sexiest, v3 is the nicest aside from the arm covers where v2 has the best (i especially like the double skirt).
V2 is still the most iconic of course but the cleaner more mature ones are still nice

>> No.23086036

Well, first and foremost, fuck you.Blatant bait aside, I wonder what are peoples opinions on Kocchi muite baby. I'd say uts a solid 8/10. What do you think, anons?

>> No.23086042

Solid 3/10.

>> No.23086047
File: 7 KB, 530x83, Screenshot_20200229_143054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, you got me

>> No.23086056

V4 looks anorectic and her hair is just bad. Her hair decorations are just a mistake. I'd be afraid I will break her in half if I hug her.
V3 is best outfit ever. It had this original feel, but looks way more professional and sharp. I love these transparent sleeves.
V2 is top cute. Original and based.

>> No.23086059

I'd say 3.9/5

>> No.23086117

I can't believe Vocaloid was saved by an 11-year-old loli only to be killed by another 11-year-old loli.

>> No.23086220

Only one of those is relevant, and it's certainly not either of the yellow wholoids.

>> No.23086240

I love Miku purists. This is why wholoids will never defeat us. #Mikudomination

>> No.23086356
File: 115 KB, 1200x826, EF4mI8aWoAEeD2Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Miku is dead again.

>> No.23086389
File: 351 KB, 1920x1200, 1581842796778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just didn't take care of herself

>> No.23086401
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x1600, 79784301_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she scored before dying.

>> No.23086522

>nnd in the year of our lord 2020

>> No.23086656

To be fair v3 is also very thin, thats just ixma's style, i dont have a problem with the v4 hair or accessories though the red squares are cute, i dislike the skirt and the weird bumps on the hands mostly

>> No.23086688

Sounds abusive

>> No.23086821
File: 568 KB, 860x953, 11-113066_transparent-hatsune-miku-v3-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are still look way more thick than v4.

>i dislike the skirt and the weird bumps on the hands mostly

I just want to make her happy.

>> No.23086890

looks about the same thickness except the v4 shirt is tighter

>> No.23086908
File: 726 KB, 904x1280, 28382757_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he is going to live stream it instead.

>> No.23086911

Oh, I thought you are talking about her hair.
I think It's just her thin hair, tight sleeves and tight skirt that makes her appear so fragile.

>> No.23087064


Is there an even higher res of this somewhere? I desperately want a poster of it.

>> No.23087082

doesn't waifu2x work?

>> No.23087453

V4 really looks like the current anime meta

>> No.23087640
File: 467 KB, 500x260, dance_primer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone excited for Miku Expo 2020 (North America)?

>> No.23087654

I'm looking forward to the montreal showing

>> No.23087658

Yes anon, I can't wait.

I hope they play Hyper Reality Show again.

>> No.23087758

Yes, though I may have to go solo this time around. Anyone else doing Atlanta?

>> No.23087815

I hope it won’t be cancelled from corona

>> No.23087867
File: 2.72 MB, 520x292, 1438423290540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to that gum's album ''EXIT TUNES PRESENTS THE BEST OF GUMI'' with my high end headphone hd650 modded with pretty decent amp. Mind blowing.

>> No.23088256
File: 14 KB, 231x231, 1413455343900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23088261

It's Len because he's just hot as fuck for some reason

>> No.23088270

It's probably the dick, it does make it better honestly

>> No.23088306
File: 328 KB, 592x957, 78113204_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because thighs

>> No.23088559
File: 48 KB, 669x900, EFUBawcU0AEa_2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean I get to meet her in heaven?

>> No.23088785
File: 1.38 MB, 1919x1153, 1575926532022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Miku
power gap
3. Una
4. IA
power gap
5. Rin
6. Yukari
7. Len
8. flower
power gap
501. KAITO
502. MEIKO
power gap
999. Luka

>> No.23088880

1. Miku
3. IA
[n+3,∞+). Wholoids

>> No.23088915
File: 122 KB, 700x700, Rolling_Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay top dollar to go to a full blown Utsu-P concert.
Thousands of innocent people dying worldwide and yet this hit me the hardest. wtf is wrong with me

>> No.23088922
File: 912 KB, 1163x800, Miku_Eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double baka

>> No.23089055

I am a bit concerned with the current state of some of the top loids namely IA but otherwise am willing to verify the correctness and would certify the legality of this ranking.

>> No.23089137

this illustration is kinda funny considering kizuna is doing pretty shit lately while miku has been thriving as usual

>> No.23089187
File: 351 KB, 1024x1280, 0d369c90fb72d0ec9f7dbb0d000761de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like that's what the guy who retweeted the image pointed out (the VA replacement drama).

>> No.23089205

Orlando boys where you at??

>> No.23089207


>> No.23089336
File: 604 KB, 1024x577, hazmat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see a bunch of guys in respirators in San Jose that'll be me and the boys

>> No.23089404

I know Unknown Mother Goose is entry-tier, but I hope they play it at Miku Expo :-V

>> No.23089543 [DELETED] 
File: 3.47 MB, 4096x2700, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more virgin vs. Chad memes around here.

>> No.23089694
File: 650 KB, 1200x848, 3bb308043ccb6782dac962d8c3acf061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd actually enjoy a concert entirely with entry-tier songs in the current year:
>world is mine
>miku miku ni shite ageru
>rolling girl
>Unknown Mother Goose
>popipo (full version with lamaze-P guest)
>1/6 out of the gravity
>odds & ends
>just be friends
>luka luka night fever
>daughter of evil/servant of evil
>evil food eater conchita
>remote control
>hello, planet
>slow motion
>sand planet

>> No.23090012
File: 267 KB, 528x652, B0D35DDB-86E6-4BD3-8148-7F88C6B989BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like no matter how hard they try 3DPG could never beat miku

>> No.23090284

What defines a wholoid?

>> No.23090300

Any voicebank I don't like that isn't Miku.

>> No.23090393
File: 504 KB, 800x800, 1581895070603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most recent not-wholoid list. Only missing Kiritan since it was not updated for this week.

>> No.23090622

god i fucking hate twitter

>> No.23090680

I like Twitter because of all the art, r-18 art and occasional cute animal videos.

>> No.23090683

im so homophobic and transphobic nigga it's unreal. why don't they ever stop talking about it? and why do they have to associate it with vocaloid? can't i just be happy?

>> No.23090726

Just ignore it or block it, then. No one's forcing you to look at tweets you don't like.

>> No.23090737

literally every vocaloid poster on twitter that speaks english posts it and if they don't then everyone in their replies does. it's unavoidable.

>> No.23090740

Why are you using Twitter in English?

>> No.23090766

to follow the many american/english speaking creators of other medias that i like that aren't corrupted by nasty tranny shit

>> No.23090840

filled with way 2 much degen shit (trannies and faggots)
mentally unstable girls and vocaloid go hand in hand

>> No.23090849


>> No.23090870

these threads are literally all i have to talk about vocaloid away from it (granted homosexuality can't be escaped because you guys worship lesbians)

>> No.23090892

>because you guys worship lesbians
So you're gonna complain about people projecting their faggotry on the characters while others can't stop posting about wanting to fuck/get fucked by Len.
Or is that you?

>> No.23090912

lenposting is funny though, serious or not. shipping is just some 2010 tumblrnigger shit.

>> No.23090946
File: 92 KB, 1041x398, screenshot197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kidding yourself if you think they're in any way different.

>> No.23090956

i can see your point, i don't mind shitposting personally but i get it why you would. regardless, both still suck and i want them to not be here.

>> No.23091001


All kinds or some

>> No.23091343
File: 414 KB, 682x886, IMG_20200301_035544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23091532

Japanese people have been shipping characters for literally decades and if you associate it with Tumblr shit it's because that's because you're a retard who smears his face in Tumblr all day.

>> No.23091602

wish i had miku because now i want to make her say coom

>> No.23091611

Isn't Miku


>> No.23091647
File: 213 KB, 850x1221, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_and_1_more_drawn_by_bibboss39__sample-8df5b4240eec6ad644a9d3d21756aa07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catch the wave best miku !

>> No.23091670 [DELETED] 

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one sick of dealing with all the twitter trannies & fags getting into Vocaloid. Western fans suck in general. I genuinely cannot understand the appeal of most popular westernP's music.

Why is it so hard to find sane fans of Vocaloid outside of imageboards?##The only problem with here is that we can only talk about one Vocaloid without autists starting fights. I'll take Mikufags over tranny shit any day.##

>> No.23091681

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one sick of dealing with all the twitter trannies & fags getting into Vocaloid. Western fans suck in general. I genuinely cannot understand the appeal of most popular westernP's music.

Why is it so hard to find sane fans of Vocaloid outside of imageboards?
The only problem with here is that we can only talk about one Vocaloid without autists starting fights. I'll take Mikufags over tranny shit any day.

>> No.23091686

Miku is so cute.

>> No.23091690

Fucking goblin

>> No.23091803

That anon was a bit of an asshole, but what I got was "don't send entire sentences of English to Japanese producers/fans or you'll look dumb" which is somewhat true. You can say things like "Thank you!" or "I like this" though.

>> No.23092850

unfollowing that tranny was the best thing I've done on Twitter for a long time.
Fuck him and his disrespect towards Miku.
You are just a normal human being.

>> No.23092866

So how did you end up following in the first place?

>> No.23092884

I followed around the time before the whole "let's try to cancel a billionaire" thing, it RTed some alright art, but now it's just absolute cancer.
(Just had a look at it and oh my God how has nobody sent Crypton a message to stop this faggotry)

>> No.23092895

I see. Too bad about things turning out this way.

>> No.23092926

I know right? Damn shame to see that no medium is safe from these normalized mental illnesses.
Honest to God, I hope this shit never touches simracing, or else I will have nothing that hasn't been infested by them

>> No.23092998

Who are you taking about? I don't into Twitter much

>> No.23093038

the ebooks account and Notch

>> No.23093049

Oh, I steered clear of that fucker at first sight.

>> No.23093249
File: 588 KB, 1810x2144, ER2Suy0UYAAuvjG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be OK! Rin will beat Corona-chan!

>> No.23093329

>not following exclusively japanese creators
you brought it on yourself, im dont even hate gays or trans whatever but i don't know why any self respecting adult would be following unfunny zoomer roleplayer accounts on social media, just follow the artists and enjoy the music

>> No.23093333
File: 363 KB, 600x856, Hatsune.Miku.full.955729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can usually talk about any Vocaloid (except maybe Yukari), as long as you ignore potential deadloid or wholoid comments.

And if she fails you'll have to be nursed by Miku.

>> No.23093505

Thats propably gonna hurt a lot. But its Miku so its fine if I die

>> No.23093627
File: 368 KB, 2048x1365, 1554118610536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replaced my diy ghetto lightbox with a proper light setup

>> No.23093634
File: 695 KB, 2048x1365, 1557382405209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23093646

They look great anon

>> No.23094000

Whoa this one looks so awesome!

>> No.23094018

here is the REAL and TRUE ranking:
1. Miku
multi dimensional power gap
3.Rin Len
4.IA, Yukari, Una
Who??? tier:
The rest
Industrial noise suppression required :

>> No.23094181
File: 381 KB, 1576x2048, EQwVHa7U8AAcHpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23094311


>> No.23094322

kiritan is definitely still a wholoid

>> No.23094342

one of those shouldn't be there

tip: green hair

>> No.23094401
File: 311 KB, 1365x2048, 1565222917278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23095335

do you think crypton knows how shitty its western community is? i'd imagine they wouldn't care but im also 80% sure whatever they're doing violates their rules

>> No.23095423

"entry-tier" is just songs that are universally bangers

>> No.23095431

I am pretty sure that they kinda know of the stuff but they just don't want to mess with it.
And if their IP is well protected then it shouldn't be allowed to use it for political gain aka. tranny pushing

>> No.23095446

iirc there was some case in 2016 where a politician in japan tried to use miku in their campaign and CFM didn't allow it. there's something against political use in their terms.

>> No.23095495
File: 440 KB, 1044x687, MISS!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23095500

Why was Akari such a failure?

>> No.23095736
File: 355 KB, 2048x1365, 1568276633350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23095742
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>> No.23095858
File: 519 KB, 1139x806, 74929433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may pick only one Kotonoha Sister.

Which do you decide?

>> No.23095924

Why is Entrance Dream Music'Turbo such a downgrade from 3?

>> No.23095988


>> No.23096112

Aoi: Cute
Akane: Cuter, and has a better voice.
The choice is a simple one

>> No.23096121

I wonder why vocaloid remixes dont exist

>> No.23096145
File: 2.90 MB, 1700x1574, 78441645_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are tons of them though, especially if you count remixes from the same producer with newer vocaloid versions. I also have myself a CD with only remixes of Spica.

>> No.23096173

chocominto > ebifry

>> No.23096252
File: 412 KB, 1200x1699, ESBurGRUYAIunP0.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wash your hands

>> No.23096274

I wish Rin would wash my hands
also you're saving "large" resamples, not the original resolution

>> No.23096460
File: 291 KB, 990x1410, ERnPAvvUwAECxc-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd put Una at the top, but I'm biased because I want to molest her.

>> No.23096586

Una would molest you instead, anon. Shes a cherry picker who has stolen man a virgin fat bald old men virginities
