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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 335 KB, 2048x1365, 1543146663250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22992671 No.22992671 [Reply] [Original]

Where's the snow edition.

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>22907415
Resin Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/7961532
Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/7995768
BJD Art Thread: http://boards.4channel.org/c/doll

FAQs and Links

Sex dolls, dollhos, and related discussions are better served in /ona/

>> No.22993428
File: 178 KB, 500x500, iimg500x5001570714399wfhuel98401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spooky dollfus best dollfus

>> No.22993805

>auction blocked on buyee

>> No.22993810

Oh my god someone bought her. I was wondering where she would end up!

>> No.22993823

Stop posting this shit every time someone posts a fucking image from the creators twitter it makes me so fucking angry it's not funny at all anon

>> No.22993829

She would be much better with snake iris eyes instead of those castlevania window pupils.

>> No.22994642

theyre bots

>> No.22994651


>> No.22996308

That picture is clearly from Yahoo. dumbass.

>> No.22996597

thank you!

>> No.22996666
File: 747 KB, 1025x1366, 20200211_194654_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll clothes are so expensive, but I can't deny my girl something that she wants. The cost of doll accessories: stand, 4 sets of large size hands, wig stuff, and lots of clothing sets, shoes, and individual items is steadily approaching the cost of the Doll itself.

Is this why some of you are learning how to sew? I guess I could start with shirts.

>> No.22996861

Nice digits, but it's a combination of that and not finding exactly what I want. Also, practice making pencil cases -- not doll related, but they're cheap and easy and get you into the basic fundamentals of working with cloth and thread.

Also did y'all see where the Seattle Goodwill got donated a ton of legit BJDs? There are some dollfie dreams up on their ebay too. Shit's nuts.

>> No.22997217


>> No.22997250

Sure looks like a twitter filename. Wow was I schooled!

>> No.22997380
File: 1.88 MB, 3000x4000, 49413885358-oh-yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. Can we still buy these things.

>> No.22997390
File: 1.50 MB, 3000x4000, 49413886343-zaki-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because holy shit.

>> No.22997667

Why do they always have such bad faces?

>> No.22997722

way too big for my tastes

>> No.22997764

It's the same image, retard.

>> No.22998569

I fixed it

>> No.22998707

I know that guy. Not surprised.

>> No.22998799

Are you blind?

>> No.22998825

I accept your concession, idiot.

>> No.22998947

Look anon, if you squint really hard you might be able to spot a difference between the two images. I'll give you a hint: check the bottom left corner.

>> No.22998967

I can't even imagine how much that would weigh.

>> No.22998971

Give him a break, he needs sleep. We're doing construction at the old high school tomorrow and we need his help moving the goalposts

>> No.22998995

Nice samefag, idiot.

>> No.22999002

Anon, just because you're wrong and an idiot doesn't mean everyone that's laughing at you is the same person.

>> No.22999070
File: 84 KB, 564x564, 1e7af3fc558d7551258ed7b42441c8db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what y'all are bitching about.

>> No.22999093

I would be very worried about hair getting caught in those headphones.

>> No.22999101

Not my photo but I can guarantee they probably do- which reminds me, I need to replace my broken doll headphones.

>> No.22999815

It really isn't that hard of an argument to follow, retard.

>> No.22999841
File: 187 KB, 1024x706, 31968332610_efa4428e86_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we not shit up every thread with arguments?

Pic related, is dyeing dolls worth it or am I just going to ruin the vinyl forever?

>> No.23003006


>> No.23003373

>argues picture is from twitter
>shows twitter and proves himself wrong
>changes his argument and says the same picture used instead
you were btfo and your only move is to be assblasted. checkmate.

>> No.23004239
File: 767 KB, 3071x1916, 32325320727-waiting-for-the-rain-to-stop-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long have you guys been in the hobby? I feel like a newcomer since I've only been here about two years.

>> No.23004331

It's the same image, and was posted on their twitter first. It's the exact same fucking image you dumbass. Also, way to miss the entire point of my post. Please kill yourself, no one will miss you.

>> No.23004422
File: 829 KB, 1200x1800, 2014-06-27_12-47-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a thread of peace. no bully here. the hostility is too damn high! lets get along and share dolls!

>> No.23004451

Dolls are evil.

>> No.23004472
File: 144 KB, 683x1024, 36828950752_fc99e2b1f2_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the time of day where I have to start posting creepy dolls to get the thread to stop shitting itself? Because I have plenty of photos to do that with.

>> No.23004530

I've been wanting a doll and intermittently lurking the threads since around 2013 but I only finally got mine last year.

>> No.23004534

The only thing that's creepy here is how horrendous this artist's eyelashes are.

>> No.23004586
File: 190 KB, 1024x851, 40027454722_29d05ed215_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them.

>> No.23004595
File: 571 KB, 546x1366, 20200208_045830_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly one month today. 2B is my first doll and the only one who's actually made me immediately drop all that money day one.

I've been to dollpo in Akiba and the super dollfie location in harajuku and checked out with mild curiosity the dollflesh available in the various mandarake shops. I was always, like, huh, that's interesting/cute/creepy but never really wanted one. 2B was literally perfect to me

Now that I'm part of the hobby, checking out others dolls is interesting. I dont really have any desire to grab another doll, though.

>> No.23004692

Anyone know a good camera for dolls, for noobs? I haven't used a camera thats not my phone since disposables.

>> No.23004715

Any shitty DSLR from the walmart is a good start as any, it's what I've been using for everything for the last ten years. (I'm saving up to replace it because the memory card slot is wearing out.) It'll give you room to learn a bunch of the basic skills of using a bigger camera without breaking the bank.

>> No.23005264
File: 176 KB, 477x1008, 20191223_161636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've wanted a doll since the early 2000s. Before DD were a thing. But I never had a resin doll that really clicked with me, to throw all that money down. I finally got my first doll just over a year ago when I found a custom artist who made it really easy to get what I wanted for a price I was willing to pay. Bought the head from her, and the body from Volks and I'm so glad I waited so long to get exactly what I wanted... now I'm working on my second doll.

>> No.23005268

I'm happy for you anon!

>> No.23005291
File: 633 KB, 954x2016, 20200210_203754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Here's another pic of her with her Valentines outfit and props. I posed a similar one in the last thread, but now she has her props I made.

>> No.23005309


>> No.23005425


Yes, that's who she's based on. I've been a huge Metroid fan since the NES, so I thought it was fitting my first doll would be based on her.

>> No.23005529

I like your Samus and her themed outfits.

>> No.23005570

Thanks, I do them each month, so I'll make sure to keep posting them here.

>> No.23005571

This except i have not gotten one yet. I feel i will just not have the camera and all the stuff to really enjoy the hobby in my third world shithole. I might finally buy some when i move out in the next few years.

>> No.23005583

They're enjoyable just to have around, but there's no shame in waiting anon. Take your time.

She's gorgeous anon, I'm glad you have the girl of your dreams!

>> No.23005952
File: 1.10 MB, 1171x1366, 20200215_125034_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been in this a month and I'm using my shitty Note 9 smart phone for everything. Baby steps, but I'm having fun just playing with her and trying to see what expressions you can get from her face. I am looking into a Nikon D3400, though, to get started.

I just noticed that 2B and Samus have superficially similar marks, like mole placement and blue eyes, but they couldn't be more different.

I'm glad you've got your perfect girl and she was worth the wait. I'm trying to take small steps to make Toobie "mine". I got her some sets of large size hands because they can convey a lot of information. I'm thinking about alternate or upgraded wigs or even a modified (smaller) bust.

>> No.23006034

You'll get there anon, I still haven't changed much of Miku's default stuff and I've had her a while now. Small changes produce dramatic results with our girls -- you'll figure out what you want with her in time.

re: cameras, I'm eventually planning to get a pentax k1 (not the mk2) personally, which isn't the most popular choice at all but I think I'd personally get a lot of use out of it. I'm open to suggestions though.

>> No.23006124
File: 106 KB, 683x1024, 42355158235_be83626583_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an english side of the official obitsu store or is that just parabox? Asking because the obitsu.jp site has some extra stuff. Do they ship overseas?

>> No.23006181


There isn't and they don't. You have to use a forwarding service or a dealer.

>> No.23006337 [DELETED] 

She looks cool and ngl

>> No.23006350

She looks cool AF ngl

>> No.23006375

I'm not really into photography and I barely have any ornamental stuff since I don't put much value on non-functional things but I still like my doll anyway.

>> No.23006381

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.23006656

Ugh, thanks anons. I can do that, it's just a pain.

I wish I had money to burn, I have a bizarre desire to own an Obitsu 150. I just want to have that in my house for some reason.

>> No.23008112
File: 156 KB, 683x1024, mad-and-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You argued the image was taken from the creator's twitter. The filename is not twitter and no sociopath resizes files that small and renames them like that. Therefore it's from another source than twitter. You even posted the twitter post where a larger, unwatermarked version was used proving yourself wrong in the process. Once the folly of your argument was pointed out by more than one person you then resorted to accusing someone of being a samefag, and modified your argument as if it was the original.

Feel free to retort with more namecalling because the evidence is all here in this thread. Further pressing the issue will only make you look even worse.

Have a nice day.

>> No.23009721

Finally payed my 2B, shipment is in April looks like it'll be at least 3 months without her

>> No.23010232
File: 381 KB, 669x1015, 20200217_140933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no my ego is so fucking bruised right now, I look awful on an anonymous imageboard! Listen dude, I'm sorry your autistic ass cant take being called out for spamming the same shit every thread but you need to let this go. It's been days now and your still upset. It's the same fucking picture, who the fuck cares about a filename. I can save your picture and give it a watermark, and say it's from facebook. Listen, I'm asking very nicely here, I don't care how you do it, but please take your own life. Thanks!

>> No.23010306

Keep it up :) I'm enjoying this.

>> No.23010414
File: 56 KB, 1024x898, 1430174192843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are being stupid faggots over Twitter filenames
I swear ever since the idea of making a Discord was tossed, these generals have been slowly turning to shit. Can't you just post doll pics?

>> No.23010441
File: 94 KB, 693x1039, Cb5g0KkVAAAaKV7.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was pretty obvious that it was the same people shitting up the threads since then.

>> No.23010654

I accept your concession.

>> No.23010874
File: 1.22 MB, 1365x1240, 20200217_163622_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats. She's great. Her outfit is a pain to put on, though, and I wish her hair band and stayed in place more.

I hope they can do a limited costume set. Anatomically accurate Kaine would be amazing, and a Commander set would be incredible.

>> No.23011801

You're very special kind of sore loser. As long as you're the last to reply you win, right?

>> No.23011813

>ever since the idea of making a Discord was tossed, these generals have been slowly turning to shit

these generals have always been shit. Oh look! Someone who wants to buy a camera! Nothing of value to post, better lift something from twitter to keep things moving! Oh my god someone bought her. I was wondering where she would end up! I ACCEPT YOUR CONCESSION!

>> No.23011853

Why are you talking about yourself in third person, sweetie?

>> No.23011854

>I swear ever since the idea of making a Discord was tossed
Be more of a shilling faggot somewhere else

>> No.23012021
File: 438 KB, 1366x2048, Affline1522120709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm back after like 3 years since i finally have the money to get my own girl. all the faceup artists i was interested in back then are gone or got worse though, anyone have any recommendations on english speaking faceup artists, preferably in north america?

>> No.23012025

>got worse

>> No.23012030
File: 350 KB, 1490x2212, c17a6806-161f-4e20-a55e-1786718eb9d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freyacchi, all her stuff looks strange now. i think it's the eyelashes, but they just look off

>> No.23012061

Oh yeah definitely agree on that one. Sad.

>> No.23012094

Having only one fang visible with that mouth makes it look off centre.

>> No.23012830

None of you better bid.

>> No.23012877

Please don't copy how I post...

>> No.23012981

I just wanted a discord. You could have prevented this.

>> No.23013000

Lovelydollie and ShiNes Workshop have done good work for me in the past. The former's in Aus though, so given the situation shipping might take a while.

>> No.23013003

If it was you that bid on my doll I'm going to mail you doll clothes with unset dyes.

>> No.23013043

It wasn't me I bid on a different one

>> No.23013055

It was me, Anonymous.

>> No.23013082
File: 177 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_4587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23013681
File: 279 KB, 1200x795, Sharuya1507428992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah thanks, i'll check them out. i guess there isn't a whole lot of choice anymore outside of japan

>> No.23013770

They're out there, but most everyone's on instagram these days. Koalakrash is the one that does the dolls with all the eyes, and not9d seems to do good, solid simple work. Angelicdollcustoms is geared towards 1:1 recreations of anime characters, if that's your bag, as well, and then there are artists who typically work on resins but will work on vinyl dolls if you ask like eludys. I think there are some people on etsy as well, and some more that hang around dolldreaming, but the scene is definitely smaller in the west than in Japan.

Also, avoid ticketyboocreations for being a complete hack, and jisatsubjd because while their faceups seem solid, they're a drama monger and it's not worth the hassle dealing with them would undoubtedly bring, imo.

Speaking of, >>23005291
Who did you get your faceup from, anon?

>> No.23014224
File: 114 KB, 1000x722, 1202399157957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was last week but I saw this in an old folder and was reminded of this thread.

>> No.23015863
File: 123 KB, 1822x1527, 44070676_1893442664077954_1120283421059317760_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShiNes Workshop did her faceup. She was great to work with, and wanted to make sure I got what I wanted. After digital mock-ups were approved, she sent me this and two other pictures before sealing to make sure I was happy. I just did the 'C' set as I didn't need any modifications, I liked the DDH-07 shape for Samus as it was. Ended up being 150 at the time, but her prices have gone up, and it's 180 for that set now. I'd highly recommend her.

>> No.23015895
File: 174 KB, 1427x1074, IMG_9406e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did my girl Stella as well, and I absolutely adore her.

>> No.23016174

thanks, angelicdollcustoms has a really nice style, i might just go with them. i remember seeing someone get burned by ticketyboocreations in another thread i skimmed, did they ever get that head fixed?

>> No.23018339

I heard they're gonna get lovelydollie to do it. She does good work, so I'm sure if anyone can fix it she can.

>> No.23018769

Oh, I like her! What sculpt is she? It always amazes me how much a different faceup can change the same sculpt from girl to girl.

>> No.23018991

If I recall she's a DDH-03! She's in a different wig now- if I get some decent weather sometime soon I'll take her out for some photos.

>> No.23019933
File: 506 KB, 1920x1280, 1549706380655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23019993

>Accidentally got a normal skin head instead of SW
Oh well, time to get a new body

>> No.23020233

I just did the opposite of this. I have a normal skin body and bought a SW head...

>> No.23020270

Well I'd say trade but since you're here you've probably already cummed on it

>> No.23022722

I bought a normal bust, then a semiwhite bust, then a normal body, then a semiwhite head. This was all just me being retarded, but I do plan on eventually getting the parts to make two correctly matched dolls.

>> No.23025764

honestly as long as she's wearing a shirt that covers the shoulders it won't be that noticeable, the head is only comparable directly to the neck/bust anyway.

>> No.23026873

In case it ever comes up, white skin is a fairly good match for semi-white skin.

>> No.23026890

It really isn't.

>> No.23030652
File: 220 KB, 679x1024, 41497871430_94199bbf35_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this is a dead thread lately.

>> No.23031319
File: 98 KB, 800x1200, i-img800x1200-1582222920ocyqye338139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's a good thing.

>> No.23031350
File: 1.28 MB, 802x1200, bastard man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm glad the shitposting has died down, but I'd hate for the thread to die outright, too. There has to be a middleground.

>> No.23031380

I can start shitposting a bit more if you want.

>> No.23031406
File: 663 KB, 1868x2048, 45645998481-usa-arrival-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no thank you.

>> No.23031455

Wouldn't you count posting Libidoll pics as shitposting?

>> No.23031470
File: 100 KB, 1200x801, Dff-l9KUYAAXuV1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just grabbed a 50px thumbnail from my doll folder, anon. I don't even know what a Libidoll is.

>> No.23032497

Doll newbie here. I made some dumb purchase decisions and now I have a 1/6 Pure Neemo body with no head. I settled on a blank head from Parabox but their site sucks and the specific eyes, makeup and hair I wanted to go with it are sold out. If hand-painted heads are on demand then why can I never order one because it’s "out of stock"? Do they ever go back *in* stock? I tried looking in other stores like AmiAmi and HLJ but they don’t look like they reliably restock Parabox items; for instance they always has the same few Obitsu heads but never others.

On my quest to get a wig and eyes I’ve been trapped on Etsy and Ebay going around in circles avoiding Chinese sellers (because fuck waiting for Corona-chan to go away) and colours I don’t want. Am I not looking hard enough? Even shops like Mimiwoo and Junkyspot don’t look like they stock consistently. I think if I’m getting into an expensive hobby that’s all about customizing then I won’t settle for parts I’ll be unhappy with.

>> No.23032684

I'd say in the future just try to plan out what you're going to do beforehand instead of randomly purchasing stuff. I don't know much about parabox shit or 1/6 shit but hopefully some other anon does. At least 1/6 shit isn't that expensive, could've been worse for you.

>> No.23032771
File: 120 KB, 1080x1350, 1549914961983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azone dolls can sometimes wear barbie clothes, and Parabox does restock now and then but you might be waiting a long time for something to come back. Obitsu themselves have a .jp store, but you'll need to use a proxy service to order directly from them.

What you want are Blythe clothes and accessories -- most people mod them onto azone bodies, and everything but the headwear will be a 1:1 match for them. They're far more popular (for some reason,) so Blythe stuff is the way to go for clothes and props.

Head-wise, you can find them on ebay sometimes. You want a 1/6 scale wig, but I can't remember what size that is offhandedly- if you search for that they will come up. You're worrying too much about Coronavirus -- in the month+ it will take to get shit shipped to your house, whatever potentially might exist on your goods will be long dead, and if you're really concerned disinfect them and wash your hands. As long as you're not immunocompromised you don't have to worry nearly as much as other people do.

You'll figure it out, anon. Hang in there!

>> No.23035248

Parabox stuff is always like that, mostly sold out, the occasional heads and wigs will pop up back in stock but there never seems to be rhyme or reason to which ones. I know they get recommended a lot because they're cheap but honestly I don't think they are worth it because of that.

>> No.23036687

Parabox bodies pose better than DD bodies at less cost, so I prefer them for that reason, but the roulette of waiting for something to come back in stock isn't pretty. I don't know anywhere else to reliably get obitsu goods outside of japan though, unfortunately.

>> No.23036881

Anybody win the lottery for Arle or Ranko?

>> No.23037022
File: 391 KB, 582x593, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won! The email came 31 minutes late and I was so stressed out. I've been refreshing my email constantly all day.

>> No.23037239

Fucking nice anon good shit good fucking job
I didn't win.

>> No.23037340

Infection wasn't my concern, it's the waiting times. I hear people buying from Aliexpress are having a shit time right now with indefinite delays and cancellations. Thanks for the clothing tips but I'm more looking for doll parts than fashion, if you've ever bought non-stock eyes from random sellers can you vouch for their quality?
I'm drawn to them if only because they look like entry level stuff (seemingly) with a complete shop so I don't have to go parts picking across sellers but I guess I already am. Didn't want an Azone or DD head, didn't know where else to get one with a little more facial definition at my doll's scale.

>> No.23037888
File: 742 KB, 800x1200, 202002071649261cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bah. Really good looking Iris Collects but they're expensive and sold through lottery in-store it seems.

>> No.23037911

man, now i wanna buy some of the regular mini iris collects and get a couple customized, this just shows what a versatile and cute sculpt that head is. hard to believe they're all the same head

>> No.23038297
File: 368 KB, 662x1366, Screenshot_20200222-001929_Gmail_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. I won Arle!

Gmail treats the volks email as promotional spam, so some of you may want to check that.

I'm super happy. She's so cute, so I thought I'd give her (and only her) a try.

>> No.23038710

I got nothing.

>> No.23038761

I didn't get an email so I'm assuming I haven't won.

>> No.23039680
File: 267 KB, 1600x1200, oh no no no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is happening here? Pic very related.

>> No.23040807

I've been thinking about this for a while now and my best guess is a weird, old DD2 body with a mangled DDH05 head, mdd hands and feet, and some shitty parts from mandarake lumped together as a "fullset" -- the eyes are legitimately from Smart Doll but that's about it as far as I can tell.

It's a fucking nightmare, whatever it is.

>> No.23041437
File: 720 KB, 930x1366, 20200221_235402-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as fascinating as that mandarake one with the hacked up vag, although there is a suspiciously blurry photo. This one is too much of a monster to need rescuing.

Posting hopeful cute to counteract the horror.

It's been a decent weekend. Won Arle from the lottery, got some new outfits for Toobie in, and I got all the volks outfits I wanted from yesterday's clickwar. Lots of the outfits are still available too.

>> No.23042332

I entered for both ranko and arle and yeah nothing. I assume they just send to the winners all at the same time before 4 pm pst yesterday.

>> No.23042423

She wears that outfit surprisingly well!

>> No.23042806

It amuses me to see her in such a sickeningly cute outfit. She gives me such great expressions.

I'm trying to get some skinny jeans that fits a DDdy body. Hopefully 2B will end the neglect of these poor thicc girls.

I got another 2nd hand outfit that didn't end up as cute. Time for more experimenting.

>> No.23043179
File: 943 KB, 707x1920, 20200222_170105-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.23043232

Ooh, I think that skirt really looks good on her, anon.

>> No.23044124

I won Ranko. I have Rin already from the very first release and always regretted not getting Ranko as well. Now I'll have both!

>> No.23047858

Ive done it, made a doll grey. Was a huge pain and had to be airbrushed at end anyway, the dye honestly is just gonna make chipping less noticeable.

>> No.23047880

If it helps you at all anon, Takara doll heads like Jenny and Licca fit and look lovely on Pure Neemo bodies. You can get a cute one for cheap since they’re just basic Barbie-type dolls for little girls and their clothes usually also work.

>> No.23048927 [DELETED] 


>> No.23048936

Discovered an issue with the Azone 50cm doll I bought new a couple of months ago from Hobby Search. It's my first doll. Her left arm from the elbow down is loose and will just pull right out easily, there seems to be very little holding it in. Is that normal?

>> No.23048961

Sometimes things are like that. What I do is paint the peg in a thin layer of clear nail polish. Once it's dry, it adds a little extra friction to hold the peg in the joint.

>> No.23050803

Ok. Well glad to know it's not defective or something, thanks.

>> No.23050922
File: 609 KB, 1024x1365, frayedbraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I pulled out Jeanne's original wig only to remember the reason I took it off was the braid was starting to become unkempt. I'm not sure how to get the braid tidied up without taking it apart which I've been recommended against. Any ideas anons?

>> No.23050943

Remove all the loose strands with scissors.

>> No.23051835

I love braided wigs but they are the bane of my fucking existence. I've taken to running an x-acto knife over the edges of my wigs to keep the fly-aways down to a minimum. you might want to consider investing in hairspray, too- not the volks stuff. human grade. you want that shit anchored in place.

Sometimes I relate to the appeal of those plastic wigs Smart Doll has teased in the past.

>> No.23053378

This can be easily solved by cumming on your doll's hair!

>> No.23054358
File: 29 KB, 570x580, I200223_261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any saving the yellowing, or is she beyond all help?

>> No.23054367

benzoyl peroxide and a prayer, but she's a bit rough...

>> No.23055018

This bodes ill for my future perfect Elsa doll.

Thankfully Frozen II has blown out hair as canon, in addition to her saber-bun and her standard large plait.

>> No.23055155


I thought about making an Elsa doll for a bit. I was surprised when Volks announced Rapunzel instead of Elsa for their Disney doll. Although Danny keeps hinting at a Disney Smartdoll, so who knows.

>> No.23056932
File: 728 KB, 1361x937, 1582589505711_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in Tokyo Disney around this time last year and Punzie is one of the most popular princesses. She was everywhere. I'm not surprised.

I do collect Elsa stuff (pic related) and a Elsa BJD (I'm hoping for SD 16 since she's the oldest "Disney Peincess") would be a my grail doll.

I hope Danny doesn't get the license. He'd butcher her.

>> No.23057038

Is there anyone who has had only one doll for a long time and sees a reason to keep only one other than saving money? I have one 50cm Azone and I would almost feel bad getting more, I feel like I don't give her enough attention as it is.

>> No.23057200

That just means you need a second one to keep her company.

>> No.23057287
File: 692 KB, 881x1365, 20200221_221810-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never be able to bring your waifu to laifu if you're unfaithful.

>> No.23057347

I'm tempted to buy a backup of my one doll in case she is ever damaged beyond repair. How often does that happen for you all? Has anyone here had a doll that was pretty much destroyed and couldn't be replaced?

>> No.23057377

>That RAH Elsa
I'm Jealous. I didn't know that Rapunzel was so popular in Japan. That does make more sense why they picked her though.

>> No.23057472

short of a house fire i'm not even sure how that could happen.

>> No.23057490

>RAH anything
I've been wanting their Ginko figure for a dog's year but it's always a fortune when it comes up.

>> No.23057528

Ahaha...I'm being paranoid I guess.

>> No.23057564

I don't know why, but this just seem...weird. Like, you love your doll so much that you've got a minty fresh exact clone of her just in case she becomes old and busted.

I mean, I've got multiple copies of books (one to read, one for mint) and some figures. It just seems weird for a doll. I'll probably get over it and realize it's just another luxury hobby and shouldn't get so attached despite all the clothes and customizing and "care and feeding" put into her.

>> No.23057650

Well, if that indicates love, I can't say I mind.

>> No.23057710

ahh, she's so cute!

>> No.23057812

No, if anything the opposite. Every time I look at yahoo japan I see another cute head I’d like to own. I try to not to even look on there because I know my willpower is so weak.

>> No.23057825
File: 4 KB, 434x229, chrome_2020-02-24_19-49-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably stop doing that.

>> No.23058134
File: 365 KB, 719x705, catter_mega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're the fucking motherfucker that fucking out bid me!

>> No.23058237

amen anon, i just bought one the other day.

not him, but also not the bastard who outbid you, mine only had one bid (mine.)

>> No.23058244

I promise it wasn't me. I'll try to post a picture or two once she gets here as proof.

>> No.23059638
File: 593 KB, 560x818, lazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it feel like Danny's just kind of... phoning it in at this point?

>> No.23060072

At this point? He’s always seemed lazy to me honestly. Only one body type and most of his characters just reuse heads in different skin tones.

>> No.23060365

You're not wrong- hell, I can even accept that in the face of Volks still not offering tan online. I like SmD for what they are- it's Danny that honestly puts me off. I know his fans will jump at the chance to work on these, and I'd probably dabble in them for fun- but unless someone's getting compensated for their efforts, it's absolutely shit if anyone's designs are referenced or used directly by CJ. That's my two yen, anyway.

>> No.23061010

What part of your doll do you consider your doll? Would you not replace a damaged foot because it's not her foot? Do you only use one set of hands because those other posed hands aren't her hands? I figure she would want new parts like she would want new clothes as the old ones get worn. So then it becomes love your doll so much that you have spend more money than you need to just in case she might need it.

>> No.23061505

I'm not the other anon, but I would say the "soul" of my doll is her head, that's the only part that is customized and truly one of a kind. So if something were to happen to the head, or even just her face up, that would be the end of my doll, needless to say, I'm very careful. I don't have a licensed doll though, so I cannot have a duplicate, or get one. The best I could do is commission an artist to make another head with the same faceup, but that wouldn't be the same to me. I don't know how that would change for me if I had a licensed doll I could get an exact duplicate of though. I've had anime figures get damaged that I've replaced and I felt nothing about doing so, but I think my doll would be different. So I'd say having a replacement body would be fine, and if someone had a full second copy of a licensed doll, that's up to them. I mean, we're all throwing money in a fire with this hobby.

>> No.23062240
File: 271 KB, 996x2048, maze513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23062657

This is a cute doll.

How many dolls do you have, anons with multiple? I keep saying "no more dolls", and I keep failing completely at that resolution. (To be fair, someone put up a one-of-a-kind custom for sale that I've always enjoyed seeing around, so jumping in to adopt her is akin to finding a grail imo.)

How many is too many?

>> No.23062670

I have 6 with a 7th on the way and I'm probably going to get more in the future if I come across heads I like.

>> No.23062833

With Arle coming I’ll have 4 big dolls plus a pure neemo, and I got my first less than a year ago. Doll love is pretty addictive.

>> No.23063106

Did I hallucinate or is volks now doing vinyl versions of their resin dolls?

>> No.23063143

The Dollfie Icons are their own thing.

>> No.23063202

Is it possible to obtain this outfit without buying the doll? https://www.ebay.com/itm/AZONE-1-3-Iris-Collect-Sumire-WABI-SABI-Maid-girl-Doll-Figure-new/163629539746

>> No.23063289
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x3024, 972624BB-A7CE-4C51-BCE0-A5F12F67CA28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any experience with mamachapp dolls? My friend is interested in them because of the aesthetic.

Pic unrelated, but I got her an emotion body!

>> No.23063369

Find someone willing to do a split maybe?

I do not, but she's really cute anon!

>> No.23063762

I have 8 DDs and some floating heads. I also have a few 1/12 azones. I have considered selling some off because honestly it’s too many, but it’s such a huge hassle to get rid of them with how everyone in the doll community only wants to pay for shit as a layaway.

>> No.23064218

I'm over here with close to 20 dolls and I haven't slowed down much. God help me.

>> No.23064228

Where do people get the 55/60cm male obitsu dolls? I can't find them on Parabox or the Obitsu site, are they discontinued?

Also does... anyone else make vinyl male dolls that actually has them in stock? Smart Dolls are never available and Volks boys are, somehow, even worse about getting ahold of. Am I just going to have to buy resins?

>> No.23064237

Related question: best way to mod a dd head on a resin body?

>> No.23064973

Yeah I'm In a similar boat, however I have a lot of smaller dolls and RAH type action figures as well
I think I have too many but I still really enjoy having them.

>> No.23065010

I figure, most of mine are sitting comfortably on a shelf away from everything else when we're not doing anything, and their clothes and stuff are in those storage totes out of the way, too. As long as everything is in order and I'm not spending beyond my means, I think it's fine to have even hobbies that accumulate stuff and take up space. It's an investment in happiness.

>> No.23065113

Same. I either need to get another shelf or sell some though, I feel like it's getting a bit crowded. But selling stuff especially dolls is really terrible so I'll probably just save up for a new shelf.

>> No.23065531
File: 962 KB, 2048x3072, 40345478653-spud-customised-hot-wheels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re: selling shit
Selling much of anything is tough right now if it's not at the very high end or low end of value, in all honesty. Some shit will always hold value due to scarcity (ambergris is a good example) or unique factors (misprint coins can be worth a fortune, I know a guy with a dime stamped on one side as a penny and the goddamn thing is worth more than my house because numismatists are the ultimate autists,) but as a whole the "average" valuable good can be a hard sell unless you're in a seller's market (regional term for a city/area with a high number of people who collect what you can offer and are willing to shell out to do it.) Many places just don't have the reputation+infrastructure+culture to produce a good market, and online selling is a both a curse and a boon. You can make a living at it, but I'll put it this way- the people doing it are the ones willing to go out and pick through a hoarder's barn in rural West Virginia.

Obviously that's not the only option, there's a market for just about anything (even if many of the traditional affluent collectors of things are just dying off year by year.) You can get lucky, and anyone can do it as a less-serious side hustle; hell, I make money for this hobby flipping Monster High dolls on ebay to customizers. Quantity can do it too- once we bought an entire garage full of tupperware containers (long story but they were pristine) for a nickel apiece and resold them all for a quarter each to a wholesaler. Knowing the right people is just as important as in any other industry, but you make connections over time.

That said, it can be a slippery slope if you want to try and make a living with it. You have to have hard lines between what's product and what's a "collection" because that shit spirals quick, and don't assume you're not the type to fall into the trap of hoarding. Sneaks up on ya, and even just having merchandise takes space to store. It's a lot of work. I know the people here hate layaways and having to ship shit, but let me tell you I am delighted with the culture on instagram of people selling their doll shit up in lots and shipping it to you later on with minimal fuss. It's so low-stress and pleasant compared to the usual experience lmao.

t. auctioneer family, have seen some shit. your authentic whatever is garbage and (real) vintage furniture won't sell but is worth having in your house because that shit never breaks down if you're not fuckhands mcmike about caring for your things (which as doll folk, I assume you are not.)

>> No.23065867
File: 88 KB, 600x800, FIGURE-056737_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.23065921

I wish I could get hair to look as borderline-plasticy and flawless as Azone does.

>> No.23066396

I've only been in this hobby for a bit but I don't understand the disparity between the expensive dolls and clothing, with a japanese company and culture that encourages scarcity and rarity, and that apparently it's hard to sell dollies because every fuck wants to buy it with more than a year of layaway installments.

Are these people broken? Or is it just two different groups that just happen to be lumped into this doll hobby. I thought only virgin richfags with more disposable income than sense buys these things.

>> No.23068001

Different groups mostly, the market is small enough you run into these people no matter where you try to resell. I used to try to use facebook groups and forums but its where they all congregate. Ebay is the only chance to get money up front but the additional fees and lack of exposure suck, and these people will also still pester you if you leave offers on.

>> No.23068903

It's uncommon for people in this hobby to buy secondhand things upfront as far as I know -- a year of layaway is nuts, that said. I usually do a month (I have a weird payday schedule, the first and last Wednesdays) to three months depending on what the seller's looking for, and I can do smaller purchases in one go- anything over a few hundred bucks is a strain on my end. There are companies that offer layaway as well, and many people save up for their things and get them all at once instead- but when something comes up for sale out of the blue, sometimes you have to act and find a way to make things work.

That said, I'd never ask for a layaway if someone stated they were looking for a quick sale or needed the funds urgently. Most people I've talked with are upfront about whether or not they accept layaways, and I've never had any issues.

>> No.23068916
File: 77 KB, 1080x1080, 1581275183362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replied to the wrong person, sorry I'm sleep-deprived.

>> No.23070871
File: 2.82 MB, 2566x3600, E5853EFA-B5A1-4AB7-9D81-EBFB8D94046D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiso Japan sells licca chan compatible outfits. I got this and two different school uniforms (sailor and one with a JK look). Kyouko is a few hours away from me right now though, so can’t try it on her yet.

>> No.23070973
File: 111 KB, 750x1000, DSC02739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm letter her borrow Yuzu's body and wig for now. I messed up the wig, but my camera battery's dead, and I don't feel like waiting for it to charge.

>> No.23071032

Super cute anon!

>> No.23071937

Oh, I think I remember seeing that one. Nice choice, anon!

>> No.23077170
File: 123 KB, 1500x1000, DeQ49U3WAAAhHb4.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if anyone here remembers my father, who I've posted a few times posing with dolls, but he's having surgery tomorrow. Wish us luck!

>> No.23077531
File: 207 KB, 1564x1078, EP2qZOmUcAA_M0P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck.

>> No.23077794
File: 171 KB, 1024x683, 43341959090_21e3ab8515_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.23077851

Do you stick to one type of doll or mix it up as you wish? For example:
>Displaying a 50cm Azone original, Dollfie Dream, and Super Dollfie next to each other
Do the aesthetic and size differences clash?

>> No.23080128

I’m in the UK but depending on what you have id pay in full without layaway. I don’t own any 1/12’s but I could do with a little friend. You have an email?

>> No.23080183

Good luck!

>> No.23082428
File: 194 KB, 900x1200, DJKZhX-UwAATOay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surgery went well, thanks anons!

>> No.23082564

If I buy a Kemono doll does that make me a furry?

>> No.23085027

They're fuckable dolls, or at least they used to be, they aren't anymore because the pussy attachment has been long out of print.

>> No.23085394

So, I won the Miku wig and carrying case on the Volks USA website, but how do I complete the order? Do I just add them to my cart and purchase?

>> No.23085617

God bless Parabox for letting me buy a single doll elbow without having to file a support ticket or talk to anyone. Why can't the Smart Doll website sell parts?

I'd ask publicly but we all know what happens to people who publicly "challenge" the "art" of Daniel Shoe.

>> No.23085637

The email you got saying you won should have a link to finish purchase. The link will take you to a cart with those items for checkout.

>> No.23087181

I hate that this guy doesn't sell his ear/tails on yahoo. They look the best and they're never available in his shop.

>> No.23088435

Anyone win anything interesting from the lottery? I won the three outfits I entered for (jacket, coat, and the shorts+turtle neck) but it seems like those weren't the super popular or rare items anyway.

>> No.23088512

I've never seen his shop before, enlighten me anon.

>> No.23088537


>> No.23088766

I won the white jacket, the white shoes with the pearls and a pair of stockings. I wasn't too crazy about anything with this last release, and the February one up on the Japanese site doesn't have anything that works for me either. Saves my wallet for my second girl I'm building month I guess.
Looks pretty cute if that's the look you want. Looks like it can be changed quite a bit too.

>> No.23088784

Azone girls are always great, but dressing them can be a tad bit tricky because they're a little thiccer and not quite as tall. Worth it though.

>> No.23088975


>> No.23088985

Herbalist mini + test tubes. Looks super cute. I'm a little concerned the cloak might not fit well over a DD head but I'll find out.

>> No.23088993

removeable heads are a godsend.

>> No.23089084

Heads up, I've read reports that the Herbalist outfits stain like crazy. Make sure to take precautions.

>> No.23089139

What site is the lottery held on?

>> No.23090069

VolksUSA holds lotteries for seasonal releases instead of click-wars

>> No.23093229

Post photos of her dye job when she comes in.

>> No.23095617
File: 680 KB, 954x2016, 20200301_145549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have a St. Patrick's outfit that worked, and I'm saving money for my second girl. So here's a comfy Samus.

>> No.23095701

Very nice and comfy picture. I really like the 1/3 accessories as well.

>> No.23095760

Thanks! If you're in the US and interested, they're from the Target line of doll 'Our Generation'. None of the clothes work, as they're for those American Girl size dolls, but most of the props and accessories work great.

>> No.23095987

I get the same things anon! I KNEW those tissues looked familiar. The "My Life As" props are a good size for SD as well. Damn shame the clothes are too big, though.

>> No.23096010
File: 487 KB, 720x1080, Toobs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have to pick up a few of those props. Those look cute.

>> No.23096833 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 2000x2000, ac95f569-297c-4a4d-89c8-25cadc7e1a6d_1.c1fa5caf6c53cd51fe4a742597d2ffc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen those too, I was super tempted by the arcade cabinet they have in that line, but figured I'd have to do a lot to it to not make it look more realistic, and I'm not 100% on the size. But the fact that it actually functions is cool.
There are all kinds of different sets they have, and it's been nice to have to round out displays and photo sessions. They're pretty inexpensive too, so no guilt in modding or painting to get them just right.

>> No.23096860

Oh yeah, I've seen those as well, I was super tempted by the arcade cabinet that they have in the line, but wasn't 100% on the size and thought I would have to mod it too much to make it look less toy like.
They have a ton of different sets, and they're all pretty inexpensive, so no guilt in modding and painting to get them just right. I think the popcorn bucket and the blanket came from the same set and it was something like $5. They're great to have around to round out a display or photo set.

>> No.23097040

Oh you and me both, it was a little pricey but man it's cool. If I see one used on ebay or something I'll probably pick it up -- my walmart had full-sized arcade cabinets in the electronics section the other day, as well. It was a shame how expensive they are, because I do kind of want one for nostalgia's sake if nothing else.

>> No.23097049


>> No.23097581
File: 42 KB, 600x600, i-img600x600-1583047868ks5phg104751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I see some shit watching auctions. It looks like someone put out a cigarette on her ass!

>> No.23097592
File: 145 KB, 1127x1200, kuchisake-onna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong anon, you don't relish the thought of buying someone's one-of-a-kind custom artwork?

>> No.23097869


>> No.23098308

Can you put OB11 head on pureneemo body?

>> No.23099859

With an x-acto knife and a prayer anything is possible.

>> No.23101047

Im asking if theyre naturally compatible, If you dont know why reply?

>> No.23101125

They're two different scales aren't they? I'm pretty sure the OB11 is 1/12 scale and pure neemo are 1/6. The pico neemo is 1/12 if that's what you're looking for. As for compatibility, I don't think they'll fit vanilla, but I don't do that scale. But I've found when you do cross brands like that, you'll either need an adapter or to do some self modding as they want you to use their own stuff.

>> No.23101277

Are you sure? It sounds like youre just guessing.

>> No.23101529

Well, I know for sure the Pure Neemo is 1/6 and Pico Neemo is 1/12. The only thing that comes up when I google OB11 is a 1/12 scale. Everything else is inferred from my experience with other brands and scales. If you want something more definitive, google is your friend.

>> No.23102018

This was me.
I have a new doll I really want to get but I'm still debating about whether or not I want to have just one single doll waifu or not. I know this problem is fucking stupid, roast me if you want.

>> No.23102279

I havent had her for a long time but I feel the same, I just want my one dollfu she's more than enough for me
Ideally I could get a roommate that also had a dollfu so they could he friends but I dont want to get another just for that cause I'd neglect her

>> No.23102334
File: 753 KB, 720x1080, Toobs10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy her. CONSUME. Especially if you're not a poorfag.

I originally only planned for one doll and I've spoiled her to bits. Well, now I have a surprise Arle on the way.

These things have an inevitable way of multiplying.

Sorry, anon, you're doomed. Enjoy your waifus.

>> No.23102350

what flavor kitkats are those

>> No.23102357

rum raisin

>> No.23102361

ooh, fancy. I bet Arle and 2B are going to look cute next to each other, be sure to share pics anon!

>> No.23102382

Rum Raisin, Plum Sake, and Sake flavoured. I got them in the Tokyo Station underground mall. They've got one of the Kit Kat Chocolatory shops there.

>> No.23104258
File: 85 KB, 640x640, march of dolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had some foul kitkat flavours before, but those don't seem half bad.

Have you guys seen this? I'm thinking of trying the prompts, maybe. It's an excuse to do more with my girls and that's never a bad thing.

>> No.23104317

So you have no clue, got it. Why did you even bother replying to me?

>> No.23104761

I know you’re pretending to be retarded but that anon is telling you no, picco neemo body is the way to go.

As someone who sells customs, an obitsu 11 on an azone pure neemo looks weird. It doesn’t fit right so the neck peg wiggles/cannot hold a pose, and it also looks like your character has been stung in the head by several thousand bees

>> No.23107750

That's kind of interesting actually. Where did you come across that? A weekly list may be better unless you just have hella time to spare, or you can use that to more or less dedicate a day to a particular theme that you like a lot.

>> No.23107892

Im not asking about your opinion on the aesthetics Im just wondering if it actually fits. Which, thank you for actually answering unlike that other retard that was just responding with nonsense to bump the thread.

>> No.23108120
File: 287 KB, 1154x1732, Toobs11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Neat. Too bad I don't have enough time to do this list. Might be interesting to do on the weekend, though.

The February click war stuff came in. I didn't expect to love this White Fringe Dress on 2B so much. Even the barefoot look works.

Toob's hips and chest are out of control, even with all the SD16 stuff I'm buying for her (and my future SD 16 doll).

>> No.23108231

That dress is amazing anon, she looks incredible.

>> No.23108281

>Danny STILL doing uncanny valley dolls instead of fantasy skin tone dolls

>> No.23108327

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23108394

danny choo

>> No.23108451

>promises a "ton" of male dolls coming in the future
>will probably be more uncanny valley shit instead of the anime shit we came here for
can someone who speaks moon commission greyforce or someone to make a dd-head-to-smd-body adapter already?

>> No.23108666
File: 31 KB, 558x528, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you don't like bizarre looking fuck boy bots?

>> No.23108674

When did he post this thing

>> No.23108698
File: 51 KB, 570x677, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posted it on Instagram 2 weeks ago. I guess the head was supposed to be for a girl, but everyone said it was too masculine, so TA-DAH! It's a boy now!

>> No.23109398

Much like you’re just responding with attempted snarky drivel to bump the thread as well?

>> No.23109444
File: 361 KB, 1600x1066, autumn_sony_dollfiedream_dd_rx1r_dscrx1r-843521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has this thread been such a shitshow lately?

>> No.23109543

I blame Discord.

>> No.23111611

I wish I had the time to take my girl out for walksies in nature. These outdoor pictures make me so jealous, especially the exposure, light, composition, etc. of the photography Looks so cozy.

>> No.23111628

I wouldn't buy it but I don't think it looks bad.

>> No.23112020

question: how the hell do i get my dolls to pose like that?

>> No.23112187

You just have to get good at hiding the stand and photo shopping out the parts that can't be hidden. If you look at the water next to her leg you can see where parts were edited out and ripples in the water don't match up.

>> No.23112227

Damn anon, you're right. I just thought everyone had super tight joints or something... what's a good doll stand?

>> No.23112509
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A good one for photos that is easy to hide but still offers a good amount of support is this one. It's the 'Invisible' Doll Stand from ACBJD.com I do one legged poses with it all the time, I've never had a problem with my doll falling over, and the clear base makes it easier to hide or shop out.

>> No.23112525
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Here's a picture of the stand in action, you can see it in the background as I didn't try to hide it at all, and it's holding her steady on top of the present I made for the display. It's clamped on to her thigh under the dress, and it held that pose for just over a month, as I change her once a month.

>> No.23113306

Is it strong enough to hold them up in the air?

>> No.23113358

Unfortunately, no. That's the only complaint that I have about the stand. I've had people tell me it's possible if you balance them just right, but I've never been able to do it.

>> No.23115003

I use the Volks metal C-type and A-type stands (saddle and waist). They're expensive, but I think they're worth it because of how sturdy and heavy they feel and how easy they are to slip the doll in and out of the stands. I tried one of those cheap doll stands you can find at Hobby Lobby and it's not worth the few dollars I spent on it.

I've got one of the Invisible Doll stands from Alice's Collection on order for more flexibility, better photos, and to hold Arle, but I'm not expecting anything to get out of China anytime soon.

>> No.23118005
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>> No.23122434
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>> No.23126717
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>> No.23128772

>order the Miku carry case
>comes in a bigger box than my dollfu did
>its a full on duffle bag
This is way bigger than I expected

>> No.23129101

Did it have an internal frame or something to keep them from collapsing it? I've always been curious about those bags.

>> No.23129132

Yeah it has foam walls or something, though they had to bend them inwards for shipping I guess so it'll take some time for them to straighten back out
It's got more to it than I expected though, theres pockets inside and straps to keep your dollfu from bouncing around too much
I figured I was overpaying for a small Miku colored bag but all the features actually make me feel a bit better about the cost
I still overpaid for the Miku theme but eh kinda worth it

>> No.23129416

Interesting, whenever I see other doll people at cons, I always seem to see them with those hard roller cases. It's neat that this is so secure. Would you say you'd feel safe taking your girl out and about with it?

>> No.23129468

Heh, well no, but not because of the bag. I just worry something would happen to her no matter what, so we stay inside
The bag is gonna be for travel more than anything and I'll feel okay taking her using it. Honestly I would feel much better having her in a bag over my shoulder than in a case on the ground, so i prefer this

>> No.23129712

I feel like the odd one out taking my dolls out as often s I do.

I got some snow photos, anons. Don't know if any of the pics are half-decent because it's nighttime and I have an old camera that doesn't do shit in the dark, but I know this shit will be gone by morning so I took the chance while I had it. If It actually sticks around for more than five minutes tomorrow, I'm going to have a field day.

>> No.23129998
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Lol looks like a Koikatsu bulb head. Blunder of the century for them to rework the original male head before selling em.

>> No.23130079

It's not a rework of the original, it's a second sculpt for males.

>> No.23130956

Weird question, what's a good hairdryer for working with dolls? I need to replace a hard plastic part on one of my Smart Dolls and I'm wondering how much heat is too much.

>> No.23131299

just pick one that has a "warm" setting

>> No.23131556

Picked one that didn't have reviews that mentioned it catching on fire or melting, so we should be good. Thanks anons.

>> No.23134004 [DELETED] 

dolls are for little girls

>> No.23135079
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It was so windy it kept threatening to blow her and the stand clean over, so unfortunately I didn't get to do everything I would have liked, but I'm just glad I got some snow at all this late into the season. I had fun.

I know. Only time I've been burned on a mandarake order, that body came with undisclosed stains and a cracked spine. This girl's first on the list for a new body, that's for sure, but she's so pretty that I forget the stains are even there.

>> No.23135228

Super pretty! I like the pose and the outfit. Bummer about the stains, but honestly with everything else in the photo, I hardly noticed.

>> No.23135233
File: 3.48 MB, 2159x1440, Toobs17-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want snow...

You can use alternate things instead of a stand. I had fun with this photoshoot last night and discovered that this oversized comedy coupe glass (I also have a giant martini glass) makes a cheap and interesting display prop.

I was going to spend $300 on the Volks Louis XV fancy chair, but this turned out so much better.

>> No.23135260

Thank you anon! They faded out pretty well with peroxide, so I'm not too bothered. I'm thinking I'll get her a DDdy body down the road -- for the types of clothes she tends to wear I think they would fit better. This dress is great, but it's also a little too big for her and I'd love to see her fill it out more, but sometimes I wish there was an option for more hip and less bust, because I've found that much breast to get in the way of some outfits altogether, whereas the hips are only a problem for fitted pants. I've seen people hybrid smaller busts onto a DDdy body, but I'm not sure how well it would go together, ultimately.

Not that anon but this is brilliant, her outfit's great. I love seeing what you do with her. also
>300 dollar volks chair
This definitely worked better but also I kind of want to see this chair.

>> No.23135323


Sold out in the U.S. but the international site still has it in stock.

I think I'll still end up getting it. It's so fancy! And it's not made of that horrible fake leather that will eventually deteriorate after 7 years.

>> No.23136098

I always wanted to do a similar pose with one of my girls, but I could never find the glass in the right size! Well done, but I'm wicked jealous.

>> No.23136104

Any pictures with Anastasia and Takane together?

>> No.23137068

>Kind of want to go to the park down the street to take some pictures
>Only awake past sundown and don't know how to take night pictures
Third shift sucks sometimes

>> No.23139017
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You still have some options anon, hang in there. Depending on what time you get off, you could skip out after work to snap a few in the early morning/afternoon before sleeping. Alternatively, if you get actual time off at any point you could stay up 'till sunrise then and get some photos. If you have the fortitude to deal with it, you can do what I've done to snap my sleep schedule from day to night and just pull a 24/36 hour day so you get the chance to take care of the daylight activities (I wish every business was 24 hours while simultaneously not wanting to damn more people to third shift hell.)

For night photos, you'll need a few things- a tripod of some kind is going to be essential to prevent things being blurry, but if you're broke as hell (same) you can use a bag of beans or rice and a 10 dollar cable release from amazon so you can trigger the camera shutter without touching it (which will move it slightly, and introduce blur.) Set the shutter speed to a slow value (upwards of a second depending on how dark it is, and don't be afraid to tweak the settings until you get things how you want. Basically, the slower the camera shutter fires, the more light the sensor takes in, and so a slow, stable camera is usually the best tool for trying to take photos at night. (Also if there's a streetlight around, you'll probably have to do some color correcting because in my experience they make everything orangey.)

You could also invest in a flash (or a portable ring light if those exist?) to light things up, or do some cool things with a slow camera and light trails, if you wanted, and while I talk about cameras, there are probably similar tools for phone photographers; certainly tripods exist.

Night can be a pain in the ass to work around, but it also has its own opportunities to be creative. Sometimes the photos still don't work out how you wanted, but there's still value in trying to take them anyway! Your next photos will be better for the times you've tried before. You can make it happen, just maybe not in the way you'd expect. It doesn't hurt to try! Do what makes you happy, anon -- and if it takes a while to get there because working literally drains the life out of you, that's okay too. Sometimes just being alive is all we can do. Your dolls aren't going anywhere. Take all the time you need.

>> No.23139350

What kind of scissors do you guys use to cut your doll's hair? I tried using some sewing scissors but they sucked. Ended up using fabric scissors and they worked great but were so big I didnt have as much control as I wanted

Take some creepy photos with a flashlight, creepy photos are always welcome to me
Alternatively, maybe a blue light of some kind or a lantern could work for night lighting? I'm not a photographer and am kinda bad at doing photos with my doll so idk myself

>> No.23139389

Go to petsmart and buy a pair of grooming or "thinning" scissors meant for dog coats, in addition to whatever small pair you have laying around. I consider them essential for preventing that "chopped straight off" look. Honestly a lot of dog grooming tools are pretty solid for doll hair in my experience, within reason.

>> No.23144119
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>> No.23144777
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I wish I wasn't afraid of taking any of mine out somewhere.

>> No.23144942

Well, there's that too..

>> No.23145319
File: 1.57 MB, 1192x1111, IMG_1739e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it depends on where you live, maybe- I live in rural Appalachia and no one gives a shit as long as your weird shit isn't aimed in their direction, and some people are even supportive- some lady came over to me and said "how lucky you are that you get to play with dolls for a living!" and we chatted a bit. I didn't correct her, but I did give her my instagram which seemed to seal the deal in her mind.

But that's just the area I'm in... I'd still take the girls with me if I could travel, but I'd probably not be as comfortable taking them out on my own.

Asshole comments are less common than you would expect, though- I haven't gotten any about the dolls, but I have gotten them on other things in my life or about me as a person. Mostly they're yelled by someone driving past in a car, so I hardly give a shit personally.

>> No.23145608
File: 122 KB, 480x640, 4798F631-7B19-4256-8974-E61E65DD948D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what skin tone this girl is? She’s Chocoholic Nightmare Aika

>> No.23146415
File: 367 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200309-035827_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching Rozen Maiden lately and have been looking at dolls lately. I unfortunately don't have the money to buy one but I found it funny that this came up in my news feed. I hope she goes to a good home https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b450388175

>> No.23146666

I follow the artist who made her! She'll absolutely sell well and go to someone who wants her anon, I can guarantee that.

Also check around auction sites and the #bjdsale/s tags on instagram, you can find some deals while you save up to buy yourself one if you ever decide to go for it. Most of my girls are secondhand, and aside from once when I got a body with a cracked spine off mandarake, I've had no complaints!

>> No.23151610
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>> No.23151749

Having talked to people who are brave enough to bring their dolls to conventions, they echo this sentiment even as big city dwellers. Most people are normally weirded out(just because dolls do that) to the point of not saying anything or people are genuinely curious since it's a niche thing to 'normal' people. I'm paranoid someone would do something/take my girls so they end up trapped more than not.

It sounds awful to think of my girl as disposable, but my smd might be who I use to try it. Jeanne is limited so I fear losing her more.

>> No.23151958

Does anyone have any bisque dolls? I'm thinking about getting one because some look pretty cute and they're around the same price for a dollfie head, but they usually include the full composition body.

>> No.23152328

Gorgeous girl and nice photography as well. If I'm not mistaken I own that same set of eyes from Kaleidoll.

>> No.23156257
File: 118 KB, 1024x678, 24377353534_03bb6f4c2a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy (belated) Miku Day.

>> No.23159054
File: 186 KB, 798x1200, De29_9JVAAAMBAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone help me find a guide for removing the legs from original DDdy body? The volks site only has a guide for DD3 and I'm trying to tighten the joints on a doll who's body I can't really replace (Kanu

Thanks anons.

>> No.23159858

Isn't the frame the same?

>> No.23159968
File: 8 KB, 350x240, E1A5761F-F5E8-4052-8EB8-776DA0FD0925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So every head sculpt has it’s own number. Could you anons post your dollfus’ numbers, especially if they’re released after Prisma Illya cause that’s where the most lists stopped updating. I can post my final list to next thread.

Pic related is Saber Lily, number 58.

>> No.23160050

New thread.
