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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 156 KB, 359x606, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22979120 No.22979120 [Reply] [Original]

rip pop'n edition
previous thread: >>22921237

>> No.22980205

i'd be surprised if this thing makes it past 1 year

>> No.22980291
File: 1.09 MB, 732x900, 79385744_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love mzd!!!!

>> No.22980890
File: 2.10 MB, 480x264, F_Popn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22980960

don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened

>> No.22980981

what is the worst rhythm game

>> No.22981063


>> No.22981265

anyone go to Eight On The Break?

>> No.22981375
File: 251 KB, 883x1280, Dance_Factory_PS2_Game__87992.1444921226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might not be the absolute worst but I've never come across something else as bad as this.

>> No.22982094

Pop’n died when cools were forced and the music has been log after log of shite since fantasia, you are a decade late to the funeral

>> No.22982187

i have never touched a song older than iidx empress

>> No.22982244

how do cools make the game worse the only difference is your score at the end of a chart

>> No.22982245

used a makeshift bar today for DDR and man that shit is at least 100x better, calves dont just give out after trying to do something fast consecutive jumps or long repeated singles/streams, also session longevity is up at least 2x, entire process is way less tiring and breaks arent really needed between songs

>> No.22982267

I've been there a couple times and it's been a great time, it has (to my knowledge) the only pop'n and jubeat machines in NJ
Here's a full list of what they have: https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcade.php?id=213#games

>> No.22982274

It’s extra bloat and makes the game feel soulless

>> No.22982311 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2scHuuvNFk who's uploading these and calling TBLKitten a pedo? it's fucking hilarious please keep doing it I love seeing him have a melty on Discord

>> No.22982389

They should make a Pop'n IIDX without the extra shit they added.

>> No.22982452 [DELETED] 

isn't kitten like one of the least problematic people in this community? he used to be fairly fucking retarded a few years ago because of venny on sows but he literally posts nowhere except for like two sdvx discords. i hate him too but i don't think he deserves false accusations

>> No.22982574

what is an e-amusement card and will i be able to get one if i go there?

>> No.22982582

how do i not suck ass at scratching? i can clear 10s consistently but anything with heavy scratch sections fucking murder me. i've been trying to play more scratch heavy songs just to learn but it's still rough. does the muscle memory just come over time?

>> No.22982635 [DELETED] 

He's a literal pedophile tranny. What is there not to dislike? Either way the channel uploads music so it's cool.

>> No.22982647 [DELETED] 

last time i checked he actually detransitioned cause he found out that being a tranny isn't a great idea (based)

he's also not a pedophile and if he was it would be talked about way more. people would know about it. him dating someone 3-ish years younger than him doesn't automatically make him a pedo retard.

>> No.22982649

- Be born with long fingers
- One handed
- Use your wrist to scratch and embrace wrist damage.

>> No.22982658 [DELETED] 

>t. Kitten

>> No.22982687 [DELETED] 

this lol. its so obvious its him

>> No.22982691 [DELETED] 

there's actual pedophile retards in this community like aubrey or jeff ito. aubrey and jeff literally groomed minors before in this community and aubrey still goes after trannies with low self esteem. kitten isn't one of them; it's stupid to compare him to that solely because he's popular and an easy target

>> No.22982704 [DELETED] 

t. kitten

>> No.22982711 [DELETED] 

Kitten listen, the only way to get rid of your pedophile status is to disconnect from the community all together and start dating milfs, which would be actually based.

>> No.22982727

i've been told wrist scratching isn't a great idea because when i get up to kaiden i'm going to be completely walled on beach side bunny

>> No.22982744

I agree, what I do is to watch the pros play those charts and try to mimic their technique.

>> No.22982746 [DELETED] 

he didnt inappropriately touch me at tbd3

>> No.22982801
File: 219 KB, 540x486, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw HVs unlocks have been so shit compared to rootage

>> No.22982866

practice scratch charts

>> No.22983033 [DELETED] 

>mfw I clicked the image
>mfw I have no face
Imagine being such a fucking retard that you have to attention whore and call somebody a pedophile for saying that it's ok for some other 18 year old dude to fuck a 16 year old, when it's fully legal and accepted pretty much everywhere in the world (even when it's a 50 year old man with a 16 year old girl)

>> No.22983060 [DELETED] 

This happens because people watch too much Hollywood shit and Commiefornia has its hard age of consent at 18, so they think it's the law everywhere.

>> No.22983065 [DELETED] 

i agree with you anon but please don't tell me you're trying to hypothetically justify a 50 year old with a 16 year old

>> No.22983575 [DELETED] 

ok kitten

>> No.22983769

why does iidx's difficulty table still go by 1-12

>> No.22983789

Anyone know the configs for paseli use in the vw dump?
I've been able to light start with a card but not the other starts.
I just wanna try the paradise mode ;_;

>> No.22983869

so people who can barely clear A can say that they play 12s

>> No.22983896

i have no arcade near me, what can i play at home?

>> No.22983910

data or emulators like lr2/usc/kshoot

depends what game you want to play

>> No.22983961

It's awesome. It's a little far for me to go regularly, but I have fun when I do. The Drummania has e-amusement support in software but no reader is hooked up. The pop'n machine has seen better days, and the DDR is a little old. Still, the game software is up to date, and works on a "well known" private network.
An e-amusement card is an NFC card used to log in to the machines. They run between $3-$10, depending on where you get one. The Break recently upgraded their hardware, so you'll want a "new style" e-amusement card (the easiest ones to find).
If you don't have one, you can't save scores, and will miss out on the 'extra stage' that you get after playing for a while. It's not a big deal if you're a beginner, but you'll want to get one if you play on the machines regularly. Keep in mind that The Break is on a private network. You can use the same card on the offical (Japanese) network, but the scores don't transfer.
I think there is a phone app you can use, if you can't find an e-amusement card. I haven't tried it, but it might be a good option for you. (The Break sometimes has extra cards for sale, but not all the time.)

>> No.22984001

>"well known" private network.
just say the name fag its probably candy rave

>> No.22984211

why hasn't tatsu gotten sponsored by konami yet despite him sandbagging kac 10 times in a row

>> No.22984228

you don't need paseli for that, you just make sure your game isn't on free play mode and you should be able to get access to it. if it's on free play/event mode it gets locked

>> No.22984292

Is there a settings menu inside sdvx or is there a hex edit that I need to do? I haven't found options on changing freeplay with spice.

>> No.22984305

it should be in the operator menu, you just disable free play from in there in coin options i believe; if it's on event mode or free play, it won't allow you to select it at all. it's very specific for some reason

>> No.22984340

Oh I'm wondering how to boot it into the operator menu. It's not mentioned as a parameter in spice's useage page.

>> No.22984343

Press the service button

>> No.22984348

I feel retarded, thanks anon.

>> No.22984438 [DELETED] 

the screenshot is literally from last year. he was defending someone for having a two year gap in a relationship. him and his girlfriend have a 3 year gap, and nor would he ever fuck a kid.

>> No.22984479

fair enough lol

>> No.22984698

reaching into popn purist autism tiers

>> No.22984757 [DELETED] 

hes dating a tranny

>> No.22985149 [DELETED] 

t. Kitten

>> No.22985159 [DELETED] 

staunch anti pedo pitchforking is a key sign that you're a guilty pedo

>> No.22985173

what on earth happened to this thread

>> No.22985336

Imagine playing rhythm games in 2020 and not being a pedophile

>> No.22985365


This guy gets it. You can only look at GOLI thighs for so long before the pedophilia sets in.

>> No.22985703

this post was made by sound voltex players

>> No.22986876

Rave Patroller is good though

>> No.22987350

bassdrop loli is better than any of the trash in sdvx

>> No.22987375

Stop insulting my favorite rhythm game you faggot

>> No.22987405

It really isn’t

>> No.22987500
File: 112 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shit any good? Saw the cute girls in it and I'm tempted to try it out.

>> No.22987737

If you regularly play real rhythm games this doesn’t scratch the itch.

>> No.22987888
File: 2.49 MB, 1200x1694, 72915661_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's friends with pic related and the Amor de Verao girl

>> No.22987967

I can't appreciate bassdrop freaks unfortunately.
Hardbass festa is pretty good though.

>> No.22987977

I'm new to rhythm games in general what's a good one to start with? Outside of meme shit like Osu.

>> No.22988005

SDVX is pretty easy up until 14-15

>> No.22988011

Whatever you can find on your mobile app store for a start.
If you aren't already playing at the arcade, you first start with whatever you can get your hands on
which includes osu
go play it

>> No.22988042

Either iidx or sdvx, just pick whichever appeals to you more. There are other good rhythm games but these two are undeniably the best. Download the game data from 1cc or nyaa and get it working on your pc. Try playing on keyboard to get a feel for things maybe, if you have an arcade stick I started playing iidx using the face buttons and the stick as the turntable, but you will want to get a proper controller asap, either by buying one from gamo2 or yuan or by building one yourself.

>> No.22988061

nah aside from some meme songs it is shit

>> No.22988095

If you want to move your body, you could buy a softpad for about 20$ and play stepmania. Or just play stepmania with a keyboard. If you like /jp/ music, you'll be able to find a ton of simfiles.

>> No.22988127

Alright thanks guess I'll give SDVX a shot when I can. Is the controller a must have if I want to have any fun with it?

>> No.22988358


>> No.22988363

I know lots of people bought the DLC pack because Brain Power is in there

>> No.22988381

Was this game popular or something? Looks boring but it seems like everyone played it.

>> No.22988461

The base game is like $3 or something

>> No.22988538

bemani china xD

>> No.22989353
File: 1.14 MB, 1686x834, 1572720771038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to not associate with such a soys game community

>> No.22989483

2dx has way more trannies than voltex does

>> No.22989497

i am all of these things

>> No.22989505


>> No.22989506

Wish I had the courage to kill myself so I don't have to play these awful games anymore.

>> No.22989533

I'm so f@@@ing done with you guys. Who thought it was a good idea to work for a dictator that promises fun and unlimited content for free all the time when in reality, all they do is insult everyone that have opposite opinions with them, bash the casuals, call every single creation of theirs a "Perfect masterpiece", calls every single video that insults their work "Clickbait" without checking it in the slightest even if it is actually a really good video that perfectly points out the creation's flaws, and contradict themselves? Not to mention that they're also the source behind the toxicity of the entire bemani community (but others just can't admit it because DICTATOR)! Hopefully you'll get what you actually deserve in the end.

>> No.22990166


>> No.22990190


>> No.22990382


>> No.22990537

Yes. Additionally, it costs more than a hundred bucks and if you are really "new" to rhythm games, that is exactly why I recommended you play osu and mobile rhythm games for a start.
Some people have trouble getting the hang of rhythm games. They like the music at first but can't handle the grind of improvement which is where the fun really starts. Rhythm games simply aren't their thing.
I don't want you to drop the money on a controller thinking it's what you want and later realise you don't like the grind. I've seen a whole bunch of controllers turn up secondhand with "very good condition. only played it like 5 times" and it just makes me sad every time I see it. It's better for you to realise rhythm games aren't your thing than realise rhythm games aren't your thing and are 100 bucks poorer.

A controller, while affordable, is not a small purchase. Don't get one on a whim. If you are sure rhythm games are your thing then go for it.

>> No.22990821

Imagine paying $200 for a "cheap" controller when you can just buy a real musical instrument and play actual music and not some pedo weeb shit.

>> No.22990921

that requires effort, anon

>> No.22991035


How does Camellia manage to be a weeb even though he's acually japanese?

>> No.22991102

Speaking of sdvx controllers, how do you maintain the yuancon one? I hear the knobs start to get scratchy in a few months of heavy play, so not likely soon for me but still. I also hear that the standard buttons have some wobble which can cause fuckups in higher difficulties.
Also when will stock return, damn coronavirus must be screwing their stock.

>> No.22991139

been playing high level on them just fine for around a year with little to no maintenance. buttons are kinda ass but that's generally how it is for controllers of any kind. if you get sanwas it fixes the problem

>> No.22991320

I wish I had enough money to say $152 isn't much and just do it. If I do decide on getting a controller I guess I'll just deal with it. Would you recommend upgrading the switches?

>> No.22991332

switches work perfectly fine but might get beaten out quickly at higher levels

>> No.22991627

Whos the worst artist in bemani sound team

>> No.22991727


>> No.22991814

???? shut up

>> No.22991821

musical instruments got me into music games what now

>> No.22991824

i seriously haven't ever liked a single song by him

>> No.22992170

Imagine being so bad at actual music that you had to downgrade to music games lol!

just kidding anon, I wish I could play some musical instrument

>> No.22992225


Instruments are easier and more rewarding. I'd just stay there.

>> No.22992438
File: 409 KB, 540x537, 1530170813986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I love rhythm games but goddamn my brain just stops functioning if there's more than 4 lanes of buttons to press.

>> No.22992541

honestly its true but music games are honestly cheaper than the instruments I'd wanna play and games with tight windows really help with things like piano. its fun. im just a gamer brain

>> No.22992581

stepmania 4key is good actually,

>> No.22994263

I like playing my guitar but the appeal is completely different from rhythm games. Idk if an instrument is a real alternative to iidx.

>> No.22995745


You'll never be guitar 10 dan.

>> No.22995881

>Additionally, it costs more than a hundred bucks and if you are really "new" to rhythm games, that is exactly why I recommended you play osu and mobile rhythm games for a start.
A ton of people play SDVX and USC using a keyboard, and the pocket voltex is only a minor step up.
If you want to try the game to see if you like it before getting a controller, there's nothing stopping you.
IIDX (or BMS) can be played with a keyboard too. The layouts most people use for single play are nothing like AC, but when you transition to AC you will be much better than a beginner. The difference is smaller for DP, you'll just have to learn to keep your hands open wide most of the time and karate chop the turntable.
For Nostalgia, you can use a MIDI keyboard/digital piano and resize the game to be in line with it.
For pop'n, well... the whole point of the game is that it has massive buttons, playing it with a linear 1 finger = 1 button layout would be dumb. Doing this for DrumMania would be even worse.
Jubeat can be played on keyboard too, but it will be much harder.

>> No.22995888

>stepmania 4key is good actually,
Yeah, good for RSI.

>> No.22995962

where can i hope to find any sort of used ddr pads or maybe even a cabinet on northeast coast USA? i frequently check craigslist but always find nothing

>> No.22996464

>t. walled 6dan

>> No.22996825

Why is SDVX more popular than IIDX?

>> No.22996843

iidx performs better than sdvx at arcades

>> No.22996905

it's a better game

>> No.22997158


>> No.22997215

What is the BOF equivalent for SDVX sims?

>> No.22997230

shooter festival

>> No.22997248

Thanks anon!

>> No.22997421

is there a list of only the good sdvx songs (so no touhou, vocaloid, anime themes, etc)

>> No.22997559

anything by yooh, he's probably one of the most consistent artist since SDVX 2. camellia gets memed on from his newer stuff but his older stuff (blastix/bangin/dysgal/CUI) are amazing

in terms of sound design i'd go by this:

GW > VW > II > IV > BOOTH for songs. even some of the touhou remixes like opium and purple haze isn't that bad

>> No.22998201

lite show magic is solid

>> No.22998696

Just listen to the previews, you can usually tell if the song is shit within about 3 seconds
Alternatively learn to recognize the 2hus and just ignore any song with one in the jacket

>> No.22998754


>> No.22998816

But then he’ll miss out on venomous firefly
Agreed, easily the best song introduced in vw

>> No.22998930

That's your opinion. The "easy" starting level is up to how well you've been trained beforehand.
Charts below 11-13 are easy since they can be played one handed.
I'll add on and mention that you should try to make a trip to an arcade and just try it out there in person. Next best thing is to play emulations of the games as there are many out there along being easy to setup.

>> No.22999049

Anon there's over 1.5k songs for sdvx, you need to look through them yourself.

>> No.22999057

dont be that guy who reviews songs during the preview only

>> No.22999180

he's right though, shit preview is shit song 99% of the time

>> No.22999228

when scrolling through No Play songs on iidx i pick the first one that goes dun dun dun

>> No.22999244

lite show magic is good but the sad curse of c-show is that every c-show chart plays the exact same

>> No.22999257
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>> No.22999377

Is it possible to save scores in offline, or would I need to be connected to a private network? Everytime I scan a card it just gives me an empty name player and saves nothing

>> No.22999401

you need to be connected to a network to make a profile

>> No.22999482

Use asphyxia

>> No.22999558

I've tried to, but I can't even get a qq to join the chat

>> No.22999565

Thanks, now it's stuck in my head again.

>> No.22999615

bermei.inazawa rules. would play 1 credit for this track

>> No.22999786


>> No.23000008

>made this godly song as well
Can we please have more bermei.inazawa in Bemani.

>> No.23000173

I want to play chunithm at home.

>> No.23000357

wait a month for yuan but you'll probably have to wait even longer due to coronavirus

>> No.23000374

Anyone playing project diva arcade future tone on pc?
is the game crashing on certain specific songs normal or did I fucked up somewhere? like ODDS&ENDS and Hibikase

>> No.23000662

DRS floor infection when

>> No.23001468

I can't imagine drs players playing sdvx to unlock or vice versa for policy break.
having to sperg out on drs for my sdvx unlocks would be a nightmare. I can still play some ddr but drs is not my thing

>> No.23001969


>> No.23001974

You could pay others to play on your card I guess

>> No.23002002

Or alternatively just play on the lowest difficulty since floor infection/policy break unlocks only track playcounts.

>> No.23004228
File: 1.03 MB, 1563x916, iidx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23004614

u can tell a nonplayer made this meme

>> No.23004640

the only accurate part here is the tranny part

>> No.23004761

>it's the "dp is cool" meme again

>> No.23004796

I like the idea but you could do much better than this

>> No.23004845

haven't played since the pendual days when psun was the only thing around, someone summarize all this arcana/enigma/whatever server drama shit

>> No.23004990


>> No.23005332

very glad to see bermei.inazawa appreciation in this thread

>> No.23005364
File: 71 KB, 720x960, 1430291844343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the bar for ddr it's amazing

>> No.23005503

this is nowhere near as funny or cohesive as the sdvx one

>> No.23005792

is there any decent mobile rhythm games

>> No.23005817

groove coaster

>> No.23006218

Touchscreen rhythm games aren't fun in my opinion. The point of the game is having something tactile to match the music.

>> No.23006229


>> No.23006244

this is the primary reason why i cant enjoy arcaea. i really don't understand the appeal

>> No.23006261

it's PHQUASE by a mile

>> No.23006490

pump it up mobile

>> No.23006558
File: 673 KB, 737x606, no hablo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys what do all these japanese things say in english?

>> No.23006562

Bottom left says yes and bottom right says no.

>> No.23006570

ok but what about the 'sentences'?

>> No.23006574

Can't help you out there anon, I don't know moonrunes.

>> No.23006597

"System data is corrupted. Abort loading? Yes/No"

"System data has been saved."

If you want it transcribed so you can google translate it yourself:


watcha doin there anon?

>> No.23006612
File: 7 KB, 134x186, 1412083192999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frick.... thats what i thought it might be saying

was just trying to play ddrmax japan edition with a fully unlocked save i downloaded but for some reason it's corrupted... same happens with the non JP version for this game... it also happened with max2 JP but not max2 ENG

>> No.23006784

You were already answered but as a tip, you can download the google translate app for your phone, point your camera at the words and it will give you a live translation of whatever you are pointing at.

>> No.23006788

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.23006806
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1324603968650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn what a throwback

>> No.23006813

wow very cool but also very spoopy

>> No.23006869

some gacha mobage no doubt

>> No.23008452


>> No.23008525

Any decent ways to get a large song list into Switch Taiko?

>> No.23008887


>> No.23008916

Some autist is about to play lr2 dp on a european speedrunning event.
Chazoshtare. Is he some known player?

>> No.23008922

Take it back

>> No.23009009
File: 109 KB, 590x668, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's also not a pedophile

>> No.23009070

never heard of him but watching this there are lots of dp players in the west better than him
still nice to see 20k people watching dp tho

>> No.23009074

16 is age of consent almost everywhere that isnt commiefornia anon

most places have romeo and juliet laws so as long as theyre not more than 4+ years apart, its legal

>> No.23009112

imagine grooming a tranny on roblox

>> No.23009118

there isnt really any, the community isnt 100% reliant on sows anymore like it used to be. which is probably for the better considering looking back at how fucking stupid people were with data

theres a lot of trannies here now and its kind of just became a meme over time, but past that nothing notable

>> No.23009143


>> No.23009150


what is lunatic rave and how is it different from that beatmania iidx game? i have a friend who plays piano that i think might dig this type of shit

>> No.23009156

they all stole code from sows one way or another

>> No.23009157

jubeat is fun casually speaking but its not like i wake up and go “wow i really want to play jubeat”

>> No.23009170

Lr2 is a iidx simulator.
It's all the same shit

>> No.23009171

wow vw really was just tossed onto nyaa

>> No.23009184

the chinese leak was so fucking shit that someone felt guilty enough to slap it there

>> No.23009201
File: 3.59 MB, 336x275, dj simulator.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23009237

i miss nekomata master....

>> No.23009249

so iidx is DDR and lr2 is stepmania?

>> No.23009296

relevant info here:

>> No.23009772

Did he died?

>> No.23010120

worse, he works on nostalgia now

>> No.23010131

I miss dj yoshitaka

>> No.23011387

its such a shame how bad ddr doubles is compared to pump

>> No.23011748


DP is cool. It's the only time in my life I ever had any fun at all playing IIDX. SP is a suicidal thought inducing nightmare grind. You can at least have fun with DP since no one in the world can really do DOLCE-good on it.

>> No.23012251

lol that's fucking stupid, dp is much more of a grind and there is definitely is competition on it

>> No.23012263

who cares when the default songlist is a million times better

>> No.23012271

Arca is pure kino though

>> No.23012291

Whats wrong with silly love now?

>> No.23012345

it makes me feel like i lost my cock and balls and grew a vagina

>> No.23012418

it's peak zoomercore

>> No.23012510

why did all the doujin people save their best stuff for ddr? orca blows every other bemani camellia song out of the water

>> No.23012934

koneko is 21, miskeeping is 17, making their relationship legal as long as it isnt sexual.

>> No.23012983


wait i just found out who this guy is 3 minutes ago and i miss him too

>> No.23013044

orca is probably one of camellia's best recents works honestly, screw is fucking retarded and shockwave syndrome is even worse

>> No.23013085

Gonna ask in this thread. Which countries outside of East Asia have the most up to date rhythm cabinets in their arcades?

>> No.23013162

Round 1 arcades.

>> No.23013285

And where can I find those outside of Japan and USA?

>> No.23013344

Nowhere at the moment. There's supposed to be one opening in Moscow in the near future though. Who knows if that is any indication of further expansion into Europe.

>> No.23013651


You know what I mean. It's just less stressful to not have to worry about failing to even clear some song and then going on Youtube or Niconico to see some Nip MAX-25ing that same song.

You're just like "Oh, well even that guy can barely even get a AA, I don't feel so bad anymore"

Maybe this is all just me though.

>> No.23013672
File: 66 KB, 1000x690, 9mHswTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why feel bad about other people being better than you? that sort of view will paralyze you in any game you play

>> No.23013727

>de de mouse

>> No.23014028


Probably explains the severe mental illness.

>> No.23014043

What retarded answers. Goes to show the quality of these threads as of late.

>> No.23014973

should i just stick to 9s and 10s until I get AAAs? I like to push butan fast and once Im warm I want to play 11s and 12s exclusively but I get As/Bs on them. I don't want to be shit timing kaiden. Oh, and I usually get A/AA on 9s and 10s unless its some bullshit or bad ran

>> No.23015139

Just play however you want. Getting As isn’t “shit timing” anyway.

>> No.23015392

I dont think it's bad but it's not that good either like some people make it out to be

>> No.23015771


what is this thing on these new ddr machines that like blocks half the screen, and is there some benefit to using it?

>> No.23015899 [DELETED] 

Is nobody going to talk about how openly transphobic Nyannurs is?

>> No.23015907

Its a lane cover. They exist in most vsrgs. In DDR main purpose is for slower segments, so the cover prevents you from reading too low and helps you keep consistent timing. Look into fader mods/lane covers in other games or the green number in IIDX for more details. Basic idea is removing visual clutter of notes you dont need to see and getting used to a particular consistent
read distance.

>> No.23015935 [DELETED] 


>> No.23016163

would konami really be dumb enough to make the game run at 120fps and not update the timing to account for this?

>> No.23016203

To me As are garbage timing and I never want to see them unless I'm mashing or can barely read the chart. I learned to play by ensuring I could AA the majority of charts at my current level and did what it took to achieve that timing. Now I'm a mindblocked 9th dan AAAing 10s, AAing 11s, and passing easy to mid tier 12s with some AAs but mostly As

>> No.23016421

When the game released, various frame-based timings were completely fucked, including the note explosion animations running double speed and S-RAN making micro-jacks that nobody could hit. After playing on a lightning cab, I'm convinced that the backspin scratch leniency window is half the size it normally should be. Either that or the turntable isn't loose enough for me to do my usual techniques for short backspins.

>> No.23016438

Green number in IIDX is a hi-speed measurement.
White number is lane cover.

>> No.23016695

oh shit i thought i was just a bad kid, BSS were bugging the fuck out on me one song

>> No.23016707

>t. 6 dan
AAing 11s sounds good to me, and not just that miracle meets shit. I dont know, think Im gonna grind 10s for a while.

>> No.23016728

As are only 66.6% EX. thats a fuckin D bro.

>> No.23016744

eat my fuckin D bro

>> No.23017119

It’s literally an A though

>> No.23017433

no a D is 33.33% EX

>> No.23017482


If we're comparing IIDX to real tests, then you can perfectly answer the first 80%, but if you shit the bed on the last questions you fail anyways, no matter how many points the first part was worth,

>> No.23017528

This is why you turn on hard gauge lol

>> No.23017620

Is this angry anon.


>> No.23017664

>shit chart shit music
yep it's bms

>> No.23017779


Why would anyone play this trash? They all play on easy judgement too, so there's no real skill involved, just mindless finger flailing.

>> No.23017802

found the 6th dan

>> No.23017809

found the 6th dan

>> No.23017837

6 dan isn’t even that bad. It’s not like any normie can just pick up the game and be 6 dan in a month. You have to be a serious gamer.

>> No.23017838
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23017848

AIR is pretty good when it's not played by a shitter who can't play a rhythm game to the music.


>> No.23017882

BMS is good

>> No.23017893


>> No.23017913

BMS is fine if you don't play on easy judgement.

>> No.23017946
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i hit all those consecutive up and down arrows in pic related?

i used to be able to do it when i was younger but my feet dont seem to be able to tap that fast anymore

>> No.23018042 [DELETED] 

Based on what?

>> No.23018145 [DELETED] 

armarood is stinky and he smells ughhh take a shower UGLY

>> No.23018158
File: 39 KB, 382x261, cornGrapeFrubert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im calling these retards out.

Toby is good at da game. come to big deel
Nyannurs cut ur fucking hair
Ergo u are very funny and epic
Vi post your vape folder like rn
Hd pass more 23s
seraphin is a real hacking nigag
auric is a great admin, please mod me

>> No.23018281 [DELETED] 

auric says trans rights

>> No.23018304
File: 1.70 MB, 852x480, rage1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bms is epic

>> No.23018623

wish someone would have told me years ago it is physically impossible to be good at IIDX if you don't have the correct hand physiology.

>> No.23018629
File: 1.51 MB, 400x524, knob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck do i do

>> No.23018670

What are you talking about

>> No.23018677

sure if you are talking about insane 6 dan, otherwise lmao

>> No.23018733
File: 71 KB, 960x642, Seal_in_a_Sea_of_Penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when the only Round1 in my state was set to open around now, but they've pushed back the release by a year.

I can't even say its due to being a flyover state, because other flyover states have a few.

>> No.23018803

buy new encoders? I don't think there's much else you can do

>> No.23018842

gotta buy new encoders every now and then anon

>> No.23018870
File: 26 KB, 318x297, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it worked fine when i threw it into the closet years ago

welp fuck this shit, time to jump ship
anyone in dfw want a free fucked up turbocharger hmu

>> No.23019024

where are you located

>> No.23019074

Bring it to TBD thx

>> No.23019079

At least it is cheap

>> No.23019314


Get a Yuan. SDVX Daos are junk.

>> No.23019680

Fuck FIRE FIRE. Such a garbage chart. It's the only thing between me and 10th Dan. I can easily BS my way through Reunion.

>> No.23019705

Two were announced in my state
Both were placed on opposite sides of a city that's a 4 hour drive from where I live.
One got canceled

>> No.23019709

Get ready to wait for a month due to chink beerflu

>> No.23019785

what's the best DDR pad i can get in the USA that doesn't cost dumb amounts of money?

>> No.23019913

I'm stuck on 11s. can barely read the chart and it feel alike I'm just rolling my hands across the keys

>> No.23019955

We'll both make it anon it's okay

>> No.23020202


>> No.23020342

You can hope to find a used Cobalt Flux for a non-retarded sum of money.
If you feel like importing something then the polish pads seem to be OK and are cheaper than what a used Cobalt Flux usually goes for. And from there it just goes up to either buying a cabinet or StepmaniaX stages.

>> No.23020561


Same. The few 12s I had I just feel like I got lucky. Flailed in just the right way to have just enough left over to survive or recover to 80%.

>> No.23021048

>no money when pads are freely available
>have money now but decent pads are rare as fuck

Its a pretty bad feeling

>> No.23021652

I hate that chart but it isn't hard at all. I got mindblocked on possession

>> No.23021901
File: 235 KB, 840x1226, 176-1760287_tap-girl-wii-rhythm-heaven-fever-rhythm-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good rhythm game akin to rhythm heaven or the taiko mini games?

>> No.23021934

warioware smooth moves

>> No.23021981

I played it, and I would play it again but I don't really use my wiiu anymore

>> No.23022669

Stfu with this shit already. Copals+omrons svse5 is fine.

>> No.23022687

Yeah but the PCB is shit

>> No.23022690
File: 3.92 MB, 1737x2942, 79462070_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23022755

sdvx bad iidx good

>> No.23022836

I have a Polish pad. It's pretty good, and definitely worth buying if you live in Europe. I'm not sure how shipping costs change this if you live elsewhere, but it might still be your best bet.

>> No.23022878

I want this little red riding hood to ride me.

>> No.23022963

Dear Round 1, you are a business that understands serious arcade gaming. Please stop putting competitive arcade games next to games with projectiles. Music gamers want to play their games without the risk of a kid hitting a hockey puck off the table towards them or bouncing a basketball towards them while they are trying to score something. I have been in contact with projectiles several times and I am getting sick of it.
I know you know better. As a loyal long-time customer that can only play these games at Round 1, I please ask you revise your floor layouts and keep these machines away from the music game section. This picture is at my local round 1. Also, the last thing anyone wants to hear in their ear is a high pitched scream from a talking Japanese drum or 3d girl

>> No.23023171

the worst thing about round1 is the bums begging you for money

>> No.23023386

Lol imagine living in commiefornia

>> No.23023473


>paying more for 'fine' when you can have superior construction and encoder quality for less

>> No.23023490

>Being a shill

>> No.23023516 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.23023620

UK Rhythm Games

>> No.23023857


I've owned numerous Daos and currently use two Phoenixwans. They are the best IIDX ASC money can buy. Which is how I buy other controllers as well, the best thing money can buy. And for Pop'n and SDVX that's Yuan.

Never tried Virgoo shit, are they even still in business?

>> No.23023875

Last I checked their Taobao page, they were only selling anime figurines and other random shit.

>> No.23024120
File: 28 KB, 479x492, 1424383936692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$100+ shipping cost is my best bet

>> No.23024161

She's gonna cut you in half

>> No.23024855

wait why does 20191008 only have songs through 2019/01

>> No.23024868

Because someone forgot to apply the update before uploading

>> No.23025009
File: 146 KB, 1218x1275, 1556957261728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally impossible.

>> No.23025555

Do I have to have experience playing on real drums to be good at DrumMania?

>> No.23025655

is there any good chord charts in the 15-16 range, im walled on booths of fighters and have no idea what charts make good practice

>> No.23025656


>> No.23025660

Then how? I wish there were less buttons. It's a fun game but it seems overly complicated.

>> No.23025662

what a stupid question, wasted quads

>> No.23025673

idk dude i've never been in the same room as a drumset and i play 7.7-8.3s
see note hit button

>> No.23025682

see note hit drum
unga bunga
understand yes?

>> No.23025718
File: 34 KB, 1920x896, Uio7gx2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were they based?

>> No.23025719

I'm coming from Taiko. More than one drum pad freaks me out and I don't know how to deal with it.

>> No.23025733

oh i see the problem
just play more

go watch some basic drums on youtube and try to coordinate your arms with the air drums. NOW NIZ has a lot of them. you can even slow them down and take your time getting used to them

>> No.23025739

what are some good meme picks in arena

>> No.23025882

thank you konami for the new IIDX autism booth dont talk to me creeps leave me alone and let me game

>> No.23025903 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 1016x754, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23025930

Where do I procure VW?

>> No.23025936 [DELETED] 

he's not a pedophile

>> No.23025942

try looking on craigslist autos

>> No.23025947 [DELETED] 

weird this looks a lot like me and im also a pedo

>> No.23025951

at your local arcade entertainment business
be wary not to be detected by the security in the process of your procurement of the cabinet

>> No.23025967

I like to take a shit and not wash my hands before I play SDVX specifically.

>> No.23025997 [DELETED] 

who's the retard sperging out about epickitten here? i hadn't heard shit about that dude in a rhythm game community in years. i bet it's some roblox kid who found out that he played k-shoot

>> No.23026009 [DELETED] 

hi tblkitten

>> No.23026025 [DELETED] 

>not seeing the IP count
Newfag detected.

>> No.23026029

Thanks, I won't forget this kindness. I'll ganbaru my best for you.

>> No.23026042

9dan is too hard

>> No.23026122

11s were where i really hit my first big wall and had to relearn my playstyle entirely. Keep it up man, and hopefully don't get discouraged.

>> No.23026137 [DELETED] 

literally this, people have openly known kitten is a roblox youtuber for years and only recently these threads have been shit up with retarded pedophile claims

>> No.23026177

I'm currently sticking to 1048 and 3:5, did you do something different? Different anon btw

>> No.23026214

I switched from left hand claw (ring/middle/index left hand, index/thumb/middle/ring right hand) to a mix of 1048 and 3:5, and that was good enough to push into clearing 12.13s (clickagain scale, i'm old) until i had to change it again. s+1235 chords were impossible

>> No.23026777

Daiya can you rage on stream please

>> No.23027745

i want my chunithm con fuck corona virus

>> No.23028663


>> No.23028684

I'm going to play beatmania IIDX: 27 Heroic Verse

>> No.23028697

noooooooo play SOUND VOLTEX

>> No.23029041

i want my coronavirus fuck chunithm

>> No.23030455

david bowie in iidx when

>> No.23030791

what are some good 9-11s to practice 3+ note chord streams

>> No.23030871


まほろば another is a good 9 for that
Line 4 Ruin is a good 11 also

>> No.23031077 [DELETED] 

does daiya know that daiya is a food brand

>> No.23031194 [DELETED] 

does daiya speak daiyanese

>> No.23031766

Well, it is sensible that two shouldn't close together unless it is like NYC, LA, Chicago. I'd imagine most Round1s in the USA outside of the West Coast aren't packed.

>> No.23031879

Any tips when it comes to reading knob patterns?

I'm breaking into 15s and while I can typically A+ them on my first try, knob-heavy songs like Issen just mindbreak me

>> No.23032465

not when they're placed in ideal populations in areas with fuck-all to do. and selling bud light for 1.99 is free visitors in america
