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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22964451 No.22964451 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>22948932

>> No.22964474

>can't even survive in /jp/
oh nononono

>> No.22964480

>Letting the thread die

>> No.22964484

I'm not sure how that was even possible unless the last 20 posts were all saged.

>> No.22964500

What the fuck happened? I guess looking at the threads on page 10 some reatard decided to spam bump a whole bunch of threads 5 hours ago.

>> No.22964507

Pretty much exactly what happened. Either quoting the OP and/or giving out a handful of words while bumping a thread with <5 replies. Multiple times. All around the same time 5-6 hours ago. Thread was nowhere near dying when I last looked then suddenly it was archived when I looked at it again like an hour later.

>> No.22964520

>Somehow got the new character in my side game from 1st 10 roll just now despite the rate is also 1% like Kusoneko and Star Ocean
I hate that my luck works on wrong places most of the time.

>> No.22964523
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Not really a surprise who's getting a free valentine skin is it.

>> No.22964536
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A reminder that Another Eden global is having a giveaway for releasing in some new regions. The rewards are Anabel, Krervo and 2 10 pulls. Considering AS Anabel turns into a beast this is worth it alone, the 2 10 pulls are just gravy. You can also view the 'hidden' side quest between Anabel and Deirdre. Throw them a retweet and/or a like on Facebook to help reach the target goal.

More info and links at https://www.wfs.games/campaign/another-eden_2020_en.html

>> No.22964563
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>> No.22964623
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Launching tomorrow

>> No.22964777

>Cute enough girls
>Looks pretty boring
>Suddenly furries
Why does every fucking game insist on shoving in furshit?

>> No.22964850
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Did the thread seriously fall off page 10 in /jp/

>> No.22964864

I just want to post picture...

>> No.22964891
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PoTK collab again in Tagameme.

>> No.22965014

Is Abyss horizon good?

>> No.22965205

Let's go home bros....

>> No.22965351

If it's going to die whether it's in /vg/ or in /jp/ I'd rather be in /vg/.

>> No.22965402

coloplg can stay in hell

>> No.22965420

>thread happens to die on a super slow board
>I'd rather it kept dying regularly on this way faster board

>> No.22965531

At least on a faster board people will actually bother to bump it.

>> No.22965608

I'll pass. Full Auto mobage ain't my thing.
Characters look nice though.

>> No.22965653

You mean bump it with shitposting.

>> No.22965657

Yeah sure they will, with shitposts.

>> No.22965658

And how does that help or contribute to the thread at all? We moved to get away from that shit because the thread was nothing but bumping, it serves absolutely no purpose. The thread has died on /jp/ a single time because a guy decided to bump dozens of threads all at once in the middle of the night. It's purely an abnormality and not the norm. Stop acting like it's the end of the world and that we suddenly need to move. If you want threads filled with nothing but bumping there's half a catalog of /vg/ to browse at your leisure.

>> No.22966247

We still get shitposting on /jp/, just less of it. /jp/ is basically the shitposting board.

/mbgg/ survived on /vg/ very well before that one time it died, then it kept dying there. Don't think for a second it won't happen again on /jp/.

>> No.22966293

The thread died because some spammer you stupid niggers now shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.22966316

>The thread died because some spammer
but the dmm thread and other threads are still up

>> No.22966552

You can go and look at the bottom of the catalog yourself. There are still a bunch of threads with a nonsense one word post or quoting the OP or something 12 hours ago. There were a ton more 7 hours ago. It's clear someone was just bored and bumping old shitty threads and the previous thread got pushed off the board by chance.

>> No.22966637

Call me a fucking zoomer, but does this board really need fifty Touhou threads taking half of its space?

>> No.22966762

>Accidentally picked the GE cosplay mirror gacha in rays instead of the collab unit gacha and still managed to luck out with Eizen’s collab mirror
I’m okay with this.

>> No.22967604
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>> No.22967625
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That hidden quest was really disappointing. Anna was supposed to have gone towards the light for good after we kicked her ass (which took 5 minutes since the moment we've seen her for the first time) and then she suddenly reappears only to become a bullshit plot device. The whole deal with Anna and Anabel recovering her memories should have been a full episode in the first place. That actually makes me feel conflicted about Two Knights Part 2, because it feels like they are trying to put spilled milk back into the bottle.

>> No.22967745

Anon, do you even want to be taken seriously? Sure there will be shitposting everywhere no matter what you do. The point is, it's not just less here, it's significantly less. Will the thread die again here? Sure it can happen, yes, and? Please explain how could anyone prefer thread bloated with shitpost bumps, since you can surely tell a proper sentence is even more rare over there, no one will bother to come up with real posts for bumps. How about you start growing your own vegetables or something if you like weeding that much?

>> No.22967784

I remember back in the days /jp/ were sorely touhou actually it was known as just a touhou board.

>> No.22968073

Japanese players weren't happy whatsoever that they gated off a story behind a 5* gacha character and made it known that they were pissed off over the choice. It's why you don't see that kind of thing apart from that one instance and probably why they opt to keep using them in some story scenarios even after their side story wrapped up.

>> No.22968605
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The sinoalice Valentine's event has a VN part and has you killing fat otaku witu disgusting voices at an idol chocolate giving event.

Though I'm not sure if Rapunzel has no standards and will fuck anything with a dick or if she's searching for an actually good prince.
>they turned into plants, since plants don't have dicks they aren't men so it's ok to kill them!

>> No.22968665
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>> No.22968682

It's still a fucking miracle to me how this game could survive this long only because of Yoko Taro's writing and a decent artist.

>> No.22968693

Remember when this game was coming out in english? Yeah me neither. Can't believe Nexon managed to fuck a game up so hard it didn't even release.

>> No.22968725

PvP autism helps, there are people with over 400k power and constantly MLB gacha weapons, competing actually gets you rewards sometimes like being invited as a live audience for the stream

>> No.22969316

I didn't even think about that when playing the event lol I thought it was a satire about otaku culture.

>> No.22969556
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i'm tired of being a 10% shitter. am i good enough for 1%?

>> No.22969978

Just started the rays, but is there a point to keeping dupe non-limit broken weapons or is it just better to merge everything? Also are fully limit broken weapons/mirrors necessary?

>> No.22970023

Considering I don't see maxed skill ups, no you aren't. Probably are missing a lot of tech choices and weapons for that matter. And you need to work on Wedding Rita now too.

>> No.22970051


wedding rita is good? i was gonna do blue hair next

>> No.22970124

She increases score vs dark enemies a lot. Also if you don't have a maxed out Braver, you are losing a lot of points.

>> No.22970268


Do you have any general recommendations on who I should be using gold helmets on? I've been sitting on like 20 helmets because I don't know what's good.

>> No.22970500

Merge them until they're max limit broken. Any dupes afterwards can be sold for prism or kept to use as stat stick for other characters in case they don't have enough weapons to fill all slots or you want the AI to use specific artes.

The more limit broken your stuff is the higher the character's drop bonus during events will be, and in the case of 5* and mirrors the more orbs they'll get in tower. If you really like a character trying to max everything they have is the way to go so they can still contribute nicely during events they aren't featured and also last longer in tower.

Fully limit breaking isn't required in the sense of needing it to clear something. You can do just as well with 1 copy of everything. The standard setup is three 4* level 90 artes and one 5* level 50 arte. If the character has a second 5* you replace one of the 4* with it since a 5* at base gives the same drops as a 4* maxed. If they have a 3* that is core to their gameplay then you replace whatever you see fit to include it and take the bonus drop loss. For non-collab characters you can buy their 3* and 4* artes at any moment from the prism shop in case you couldn't or didn't want to roll all copies from the gacha. Right now you don't have many prism but give it time and you'll have more than you know what to do with once you start selling dupes.

When it comes to mirrors having 1 copy is already enough. You want to have 2 different gacha mirrors to get rid of the freebie one since it only gives +1 drop but in combat it's not that important since now you can choose to use the gacha mirror two times and ignore the freebie one. It's unlikely you'll fully limit break seasonal and collab mirrors unless you go hard on their gacha but over time you'll probably max the permanent story ones without aiming for them.

>> No.22970871

Thanks for the explanation. I'll go ahead and start merging my dupes.

Regarding events, is there an efficient way to farm them as a newbie or should I just chug diamonds for stamina to run the hardest difficulty if I want the character uncap mats? I didn't find any items for stam regen.

>> No.22970898

Is easy to reroll in Tales of the Rays? I want the new God Eater cutie with the bow God Arc.

>> No.22970914

I didn't reroll but the first 10 roll on her banner is free and the rate for pulling her mirror specifically is 2.5%.

>> No.22970917

Do the highest difficulty you can clear. After the event story quest there's usually three extra quest: 20AP, 40AP and 15AP. 20AP is the easy farming stage, you should have no trouble clearing it even on auto. 40AP is your normal farming stage once you are moderately geared, might need you to manual until your characters are strong enough to auto it. 15AP is a challenge quest you only need to clear once, usually gives a costume or event mats. Every now and then there's a 1AP 99999 difficulty meme quest but it's just there for fun and bragging rights, doesn't give anything. In this GE event the 40AP quest is 45AP instead so just do the one before that if 45AP is too hard.

Yeah you use diamonds to refill AP. If possible you should try to refill your AP by getting 3 story orbs and upgrading your max AP when you're new. Get the orbs from story mode and reading your character's substories. It's kind of a waste to spend 4 diamonds now just to get what, 40-60AP? when later you're gonna spend the same amount to get 200AP per refill. Doesn't seem very worth it right now but it's up to you. You could refill to keep doing the story and get more orbs too and run the event quest every now and then.

>> No.22970928
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To the surprise of no one, it's Tina.

>> No.22970929

Doesn't take long to finish the tutorial. You're also guaranteed to get a ticket that gives her mirror from the final step of the step-up. You'll need 650 diamonds to complete it.

>> No.22970962
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>This banner.
Well at least Churchill looks nice.

>> No.22970964

Where is Churchill?

>> No.22970969
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Probably next banner with the new loli tank.

>> No.22970975
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>Lightning sword Fana
>Water monk Linea
>Rune Saber Tina
Fujos are on suicide watch.

>> No.22970976

Thanks. I'll do the latter and start clearing story for now and then use diamonds next week.

>> No.22970979
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New update coming soon to JP Another Eden. New wind character who has an adaptive skill based on the zone currently active so wind zone = Wind aoe + wind party buff, Fire zone = Fire aoe + fire party buff etc. Also Yuna and Dewey manifest weapons. Still no actual content until global catches up, I assume.

>> No.22971099

>Rune saber after non elemental nerf

>> No.22971127

Wasn't especially interested until Fana, but I don't even have enough for a 10+1 roll.

Valentine's is rather strictly a 'girl gives chocolates' day in Japan, so fujoshits shouldn't really expect anything. White Day in March is supposed to be when guys who received chocolates are supposed to give a return gift, but most games skip over that.

>> No.22971134

>Almost 30k gems saved
>Have no desire to roll since my current team blows through all the content
I hope the new girls have some good skills or soon enough I'll be just amassing gems until the very end

>> No.22971174

If you're talking about CV33 she's an event reward.

>> No.22971178

I wonder if Kusopl going to buff old Valentine characters.

>> No.22971200

You either roll for eye candy or because you want to make a meme team and you're lacking units from a certain faction or lacking certain types of units to make it happen. Power creep hasn't really been a factor at least yet. Can't think of any new unit that's noticeably better than stuff in the game at launch except maybe Me 262 whose ability is good for the wasp enemies but that's such a limited and specific thing and she's not that good otherwise so I don't know if I'd call it power creep.

>> No.22971378

Got Philine with the free 10 rolls. her 5-star version. Mirror is like saying UR or SSR in other games, same character but stronger?

I have 190 diamonds, is possible to get 460 in the remaining event days to do the step up?

>> No.22971407

Mirror is the equivalent to Mystic Arte from regular Tales games if you've played them before, the ultimate attack they can do once their mirror gauge is full.

It should be fine if you do the story and get the first time clear rewards from dailies and such, however don't completely neglect the event because you also need to get her freebie weapon and character level limit breaking crystals from the point ladder.

>> No.22971428
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>Play Store and App Store update times might be different

>> No.22972189
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Valentines before last introduced Melvin and included Zerokiss, so it's not like there's no precedent at all here.

But yeah, usually all girls.

>Another Tina
Glad I didn't go too crazy on other recent gachas, then.

>> No.22972238
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Are there any games simple games like Jojo's Pitter Patter Pop but with quality cute girls?

I tried Priconne but I really couldn't care less for the MC, maybe it's just me but the dull story killed my enjoyment. Same problem I had with Dragalia, the characters all behave according to cookie cutter stereotypes while being in some "epic fantasy-like story" with no high stakes. Stuff like Starlight Stage and SB69 are fun though because they don't raise any expectations for the story and the characters are fun.

>> No.22972321

LLSIF all stars, Merc Storia, Venus Eleven Vivid.

>> No.22972452

Also Last Period but unforunately the game's plot isn't as good as the anime.

>> No.22972547
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>Valentine Erys and Miki in Star Ocean kusoge
>Event won't have a story again
How long until it's kill for real?

It's still good enough compared to most other games plot.

>> No.22972550


>> No.22972815

I'm not sure what you want, so do you want more exciting stories or do you want stories that do not raise tensions?

>> No.22972862
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Still soon (tm)

>> No.22973044

Any GCG guilds here that can actually reach 4k points per week? My current guild used to be able to do it but now it can't even reach 3k for the past weeks.

>> No.22973087


>> No.22973126

Thanks anons

I suppose what I want to say is that I like priconne's girls and their unique stories but not the main setting/story they're thrown into. I like both mobage with tense stories and just slice of life or dumb games that don't take themselves seriously.

I'm just trying to figure out my gripe with cygames since I think they have some of the highest quality games but also lots of generic and forgettable elements. I liked project tokyo dolls, sinoalice's edge bullshit is fun (the gameplay isn't), the idolm@ster has events like the meta endless eight in SC, TD's theater like stories and CG has great idols from a sukeban to a disco ex-cop christmas cake, Another Eden is written in a nostalgic way, GBF had some fun events- but the rest of cygames' stuff just makes me sleep and I wish it didn't.

>> No.22973131

*but the rest of cygames = this is just referring to the gbf part, I know cygames also works on CG and SS though I see the franchise amd characters as more of a bamco thing, I know all other examples aren't cygames.

>> No.22973147

Yeah that's what I'm not understanding. Isn't the setting for priconne that everyone is stuck in this game world with memory loss? I stopped playing years ago but that sounds exciting enough

>> No.22973208

I got a lot of diamonds from the panel missions and increasing character bond level to 10.

>> No.22973459

>It's still good enough compared to most other games plot.
Can you describe some particular story points please?
What I meant is that the anime is very meta about gacha, while the game has a more classic fantasy feel to it. But I didn't play it for long.

>> No.22973485

Means it's time to move. You can tell how live your guild is by the number of players over level 100 and MVPs.

>> No.22973533
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Watching these highlight videos is probably easier to understand than me explaining it.

>> No.22973553

Not that anon but it would've been exciting if they didn't drag the plot for so long.
At this point it's basically a generic fantasy mmo with a "twist" only a few characters care about. I expected them to shake things a bit during the final battle in the first arc but it ended without changing anything.
I've already said it before in these threads, but I like original Priconne's setting more. The main story was extremely boring but everything else was way more geniune and enjoyable in the form of a VRMMO+real life.

>> No.22973691

Yeah I plan to leave. Do you know any guild that's active enough to reach 4k a week and probably won't suddenly turn inactive anytime soon? Joining random guilds can be shit because I don't know if I'll enter an active one or not.

>> No.22974003

Is Rays not fully voiced?

>> No.22974218

Nope. Arc 1 is fully voiced but it's a paid feature. Only a few scenes of Arc 2 and 3 are voiced.

>> No.22974222
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anyone else play monster strike? they just announced a kimetsu no yaiba collab recently, so it's a good time to get started if you're interested

>> No.22974244

>a paid feature
Wow, this a first time I heard about somebody charging for a full voice in a mobage.

>> No.22974276

Any of you AE global players max out your manifest weapons yet? How hard are the final fights to unlock the skill modifiers?

>> No.22974291

Yeah me too. I actually don't mind it, I see it as optional fanservice to support the game. It's a 3 years old story arc after all. I imagine due to the huge amount of seiyuu they had to coordinate with to make it happen they want to make some money back. At least all players got a free Arc 1 reset to claim all the normal and hard rewards again.

>> No.22974508

Can't be bothered. It was a terrible idea to use exp for weapon and make that grind meaningless as the actual upgrade comes from the fight afterwards. And most of my 5* are Another Style anyway.

>> No.22974545

I've got the team, I've just been putting off the grind. I'd rather wait for Hisumena and get Hisumena/Joker to endlessly grind Garulea for free so I can macro grind while I sleep. It's obnoxious how many fragments of attack you need.

>> No.22974596

Tfw I still haven't did the final fights in JP and barely grinding Grastas. I only do logins while waiting for new stories.

>> No.22974664

The fights are pretty fucking hard too...or maybe it's just because I don't have Mariel to babysit me through the fights with her type resist buff and heals.
I just dumped my red keys into IR VH to level the manifests while also grinding for Amy lights. Took...2 weeks, and I have Mighty's weapon maxed and Suzette's a couple mil away from level 10.
I get that. Feels like updates are slowing down recently.

>> No.22974814

>maybe Me 262 whose ability is good for the wasp enemies
I usually just use Zero for tanking while AD kills everything with her infinite overwatch

>> No.22975179

Waiting for the exp dungeon/Hisumena here

>> No.22976273

>preview notice was a huge bait after all
Imagine if it was a girl getting this much of an obvious "hint" instead, I hope they'll never do it again. Anyway, pretty meh lineup for me. I'll try a bit for Tina, but Linnea is just disappointment all over including playability I bet, and the only thing I really like about Fana are the thigh-highs.

Except the first real Valentine's event had two guys in it and you can never tell what are they thinking, so the possibility was definitely there. Not to mention datamines had four characters until PV. Sure they did a gacha with three girls twice, but going to four charas again wouldn't make it that far-fetched, so those following datamines were mislead even more. And Shironeko kinda does events in its own way to begin with.

>> No.22976574
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After being baited into thinking we might get a new Mireille (twice,) I try to not put too much weight into those. Especially not when they seem to be hinting at someone getting picked for the same seasonal gacha twice in a row.

But yeah, that was kind of an odd choice.

>pretty meh lineup for me
I don't care too much aside from Tina. But Tina's enough to hold my interest for this gacha on her own.

>> No.22976900

Whats the strategy for stage 2 in GCG's current ranking climb? Are there even any characters that heal atm?

>> No.22976975

Suzzete and Azami fight aren't terribly hard. I think I used Aldo, Gariyu, Mariel, Yuna for Suzzete and wind team (with Suzzete's manifest weapon ofc) for Azami fight.
For Mighty you want to bring several damage mitigation or Nightmare will one-shot your team.
Bring debuff clear are to remove those annoying sleep/stun and don't forget to equip your healer/clearer with sleep/stun resist badge too.
Don't have the remaining manifest characters so can't comment on them.

>> No.22977509
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RIP in pieces, Babel. That was fast.

>> No.22977550

It seems to me like they have a collab every month. Anyway the game is too annoying, if you don't get any decent characters you can't progress.

>> No.22977562

>Guaranteed on 9th step
>Only had enough gems for 2 step
>Decided to waste those gems and didn't even get anything good
I guess no more rolling on impulse in this kusoge for me until the planned new collab on May unless one of the planned collab rerun is Fate or they do Brave Frontier/Crystal of Reunion rerun with new characters which I like.

I wonder why does it fail aside the scandal when it was released since it's a bit more generous on free gems compared to Another Eden.

>> No.22977604

The last remaining type 95 is housed in my country. I kinda want to roll for her.
>look at her gacha

>> No.22977619

Twisted Wonderland had disney tier budget and looks like a shitty flash game from a decade ago.

Why the fuck is it so hard to make something visually coherent and pleasing.

>> No.22977621

She's a permanent 2*. You'd be an absolute fool to roll for her specifically.

>> No.22977647

Dev need money for mask and hand sanitizer anon

>> No.22977651
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>non attribute element changes
>tina's rune drives can change her element(fire, water, lightning)
>you can lock a second slot on your weapon by using either 1 gold hammer, 5 silver hammers, or 10 copper hammers (might be implemented at a later date?)
>another vote on 2/22 for what character you want to get a nekomimi model change

If I'm reading it right, weapon attributes are more important and passively block status effects.
>fire weapons give shock immunity
>water weapons give burning immunity
>lightning weapons give freeze immunity
>dark weapons give silence immunity
>light weapons give blind and confusion immunity
>non attribute weapons give you a self revive once per quest

Please correct me if I fucked any of that up.

>> No.22977663

>Looking foward to playing more Rays
>Suddenly 3.2 GB update
>Downloading slow af

>> No.22977679

The weapon stuff is only if you equip them on non-elemental characters.

>weapon slot Lv. 3

>> No.22977691

It's really not that good and the game is dog shit.

>> No.22977698

There was only a small download due to the changes to the collab event. Maybe you accidentally enabled download bulk data in the settings? There's an option to download only what's needed or everything next time you login. There's never been a mandatory update that big.

>> No.22977699

>Tina can pick elements instead of just doing them all like usual
Neat. Was kinda wondering what they'd do with her after the last round of element changes.

>More uses for the hammer pile
Also nice. I just set the present box to hide them so I could ignore them.

Makes sense. Pretty sure the elemental characters already had most of those immunities, so having their weapons give it again would be kind of pointless.

Maybe that means they're gonna start doing non-elemental more often.

>> No.22977768

>need VPN for GCG
Whatta fuck

>> No.22977805

It's funny because it was the bugmen who put this in place too.

>> No.22977813

Seems to be case by case. I don't need one here.

>> No.22977832

Tina still has all three elements in her skills. I guess rune drive could at least change normal attack. And there was something about activating element charge if you match the element against enemies.

>> No.22977904
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5% 3* rate btw.
Also whose skin is that in the chocolate shop, Churchill's?

>> No.22977938

Wasn't the birthday thing supposed to start in GCG? Did they get the virus?

>> No.22978011

Skin is for Valentine.

>> No.22978231

no loss there, colopl still have dq walk

>> No.22978339

homo kiss might be a free character like subaru who knows, first valentine had males just like previous summer gacha also had, but guess what? They noticed fags were tanking the sales so they made it female only on summer too.

They should have homos have homos only banner this way no conflict with someone who's not into that to the point of seeing fags as rubbish like on the 1st claudia banner.

>> No.22978436
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200213-203255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good enough to start with on GCG? I'm going to collect the sexy corrupted jimuka from the 8 day login event, and maybe roll again on the current banner.

>> No.22978502
File: 159 KB, 1024x512, EQpA-2nUEAA9QbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile Asagi game is 2 years old now.

>> No.22978632

*not including the relauch

>> No.22978644

Kick-Flight is out for those who care. Coco is best girl.

>> No.22978885
File: 133 KB, 579x1231, 312492835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get the cute Panda and Ruriha with the tutorial and one free ticket. Will have to see how it plays in person when I'm home

>> No.22978899

Here's a ranking for reference. Though I can understand not wanting to reroll since the tutorial is a pain.

>> No.22979074

I played through the tutorial stuff and one match and I wish you could invert the controls. Something about every flying game even a mobile game like this makes me want to pull down to go up. Otherwise the game seems very nice, though as I thought pre-release the controls are a little weird and will take some time to get used to and I don't think the average mobile game player has patience for it so I'm a little worried how the player base will develop. At least the game is available globally and at least as far as I can tell has everyone on the same server so that should help.

>> No.22979153

Do Friday's daily lessons in CUE still give junk? Actually, is anyone else here even playing CUE?

>> No.22979211

Can't believe they actually decided to reuse the chapter 3 boss in the Ash Arms valentines event. They must understand that this thing is the most unfun piece of shit in the game.

>> No.22979393

It's the Asagi game, not the delayed Disgaea kusoge which you need VPN to play because they hate gaijin..

>> No.22979436
File: 878 KB, 1156x1500, 74899099_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa there!

Romantic shipping? In my Another Eden!?

Well then again, I guess Another Eden does have it's fair share of romantic shipping between specific characters.

But I guess if I were to show Another Eden characters. I guess pic related? Since I saw some fan art of them being shipped. And also they can pass of as professional partners and friends who work together and would become soon-to-be lovers too?

>> No.22979526

I think you can inverse the control by using quick turn in the controls setting though I still can't get used to the control scheme.

>> No.22979573

When is a good time to reroll in Compass? Or is the game dying?

>> No.22979666

You can't. Quick turn changes the way you turn and makes it quicker, hence why it's called quick turn.

>> No.22979687
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x2160, miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When is a good time to reroll in Compass? Or is the game dying?
There was a miku collab that ended recently and a new character was added last month I think. I'm not compass anon so I wouldn't know when it would be a good time to reroll.

>> No.22980170

Why is Fana even here? Did Carlos run away somewhere?

>> No.22980490
File: 448 KB, 1280x740, EQkT7zFUcAEOymI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reiya's cards are available now in a double UR gacha until the 16th, after which they will be added to the standard pool.
From now until midnight (JST) there will be a free girls-only hero gacha to celebrate Valentine's Day.

You missed your best opportunity in December, and a good one from the end of January ~ early Feb. There's a decent chance the next hero will be a collab one so you can either wait and hope they give out a free hero ticket, or just start now and save up some money.

>> No.22980549

Can't wait for more 爆死 ion my other kusoges in about a half day or so.

>> No.22980915

The seemingly capped framerate, lack of a free camera and generally unresponsive camera controls make it pretty annoying to control, especially when fighting someone or getting stuck on a wall. The game itself seems alright though, just remains to be seen how generous they are with free stuff to allow free players to maintain a decent deck.
Also helps that the system is practically identical to Compass, so there's not much to get used to.

>> No.22981023

It's generally a good idea to include some indication as to what game you're talking about.

>> No.22981028


>> No.22981067

>8 10-rolls in Star Ocean so far for Ky
>Got 4 5* but all of them aren't either Dizzy or Ky
>No free gems sources left except dailies or grinding my rank a ton
Fucking hell.

>> No.22981987

Yeah she's not really hard but her stupid shield skill is really annoying

>> No.22982028

I thought about doing the skill quest to get the extra story orb in the rays.

Never expected that guard to one-shot me.

>> No.22982374
File: 97 KB, 640x376, img1732489_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, right. I knew I forgot something. The revive for characters like Rain and the Successor will be pretty big whenever they get buffed but I wonder if Tina will be able to finally kill Corne.

>> No.22983655

Where is the Valentine Day event in GCG?

>> No.22983820


Another /mbgg/ game getting animated

>> No.22984034 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22984041 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22984046 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22984055

Read the thread idiot.

>> No.22984323


>> No.22984407

>Want Decus or Kocis mirror in Rays
>Ended up with only Alice mirror instead after spending all my gems
I guess it's still better than nothing.

>> No.22984427

>Symphogear XD global is now live

>> No.22984460

RIP. I'm jealous. I did a 10-roll and got Sheena's regular mirror.

Fun mirrors this time. Poor Kocis got a parody of his own Overray that is now stuck on Ix. Really shitty they didn't let him keep that.

>> No.22984550

That's after 5 10-rolls though. I did get Alice, Decus and Kocis new 5* at least. Maybe I should have saved those gems for Anniversary but I like Decus and Kocis so I'm actually tempted to waste more gems from events and dailies before this banner ends.

>> No.22984585

Delayed because of the pandemic

>> No.22984586

>Can't be bothered playing Another Eden until Hisumena arrives
Why the fuck is IDA3 taking so long?

>> No.22984746

I wish I am Carlos. Lucky son of a gun.

>> No.22984896

>8 10 rolls of only 4* projects
my gacha luck in shironeko is horrendous recently, i hate it.

>> No.22984898

>No buffs for old Valentine characters

>> No.22984924

>shironeko sub reddit talking about meta
Holy fuck literally just look at the meme pyramid retards.

>> No.22984996

>Worse story and boss compared to last year
>Boss resists slash for some reason despite Fana is a slash character
Dorichoco-kun is better than this shit.

>> No.22984999

>going to reddit and then coming here to report like anyone cares
hole fuck just kill yourself

>> No.22985024
File: 268 KB, 773x564, EKM70QwU0AAysjJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for some reason
You know why.

>> No.22985031

>hole fuck
No need to type so fast /vg/ friend.

>> No.22985190
File: 246 KB, 1280x640, varen_200214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is no.

>going to reddit for shironeko
For what reason?

>> No.22985217

>coming from /vg/ for this general

>> No.22985283

You don't need to get so defensive in every post

>> No.22985374

>Did at least 4 10-rolls in 5 different kusoges
>爆死 in all of them
I hate gacha.

Tfw Chaguma characters almost gone already.

>> No.22985506

will anyone ever dethrone corne

>> No.22985519

Did they release the Valentine event based on the assumption everyone's just pounding diamonds/gems to refill AP to finish the God Eater ladder in half the time?

>> No.22985535
File: 53 KB, 560x353, DjUL9dfU8AUzN0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fana at 250, Tina at 1k
Nice, was expecting to have to spend more.

Just as well, I don't have Corne anyway. Or anyone else until low red and green, for that matter.

>> No.22985662

Reroll for the new limited anon. It just started today.

>> No.22985773

>Wasted all my gems on all my main kusoges but only got trash
>Did only one 10 roll and a few singles on one of my side games but ended up with what I wanted despite the gacha rate isn't that much different
It makes me wonder if gacha games has some kind of system to rig the results outside of the rates.

They could just release someone with similar kit but higher damage modifier. Corne is buffed version of mage Luca.

>> No.22985944

>Monster Hunter Riders kusoge planned to be released next week
Hoping it's decent so I could forget these shitty Valentine gacha rolls result.

>> No.22985947

This is /jp/, that's what happens here /vg/ friend.

>> No.22986724

Is there a way to opt out of using gacha tickets on GCG?

>> No.22986930
File: 52 KB, 400x400, 63215374_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good results where you don't care as much
>Bad results where you do care, despite similar chances
That's not rigged, that's just life.

>> No.22987021

Why? If you need to do the bingo shit the tickets would now count as spending gems.

>> No.22987607

It just feels like shit when 爆死 somehow happening in all my main kusoges despite 10% SSR rate after doing at least 3-5 10 rolls on each of them but somehow I got better result from only 1 10-roll on my side games with 2-4% SSR rate.

>> No.22987624

>had a dream where all the valentine unit appears before me
>went on a date , doing valentine missions
>end of the dream all of them wishing me good health, see you soon and to not forget them
>wakes up. tries to open up mobage for good time
>realizing i cant because those valentine unit is from ded mobage

it kinda hurts but still. happy valentine /mbgg/

>> No.22987708

I rolled 2 non-collab 5*s.

Fuck I hate this gacha.

>> No.22988248

Why a game like symphogear collabs with a shit series like SnK? It doesn't fucking making sense both series have nothing alike with one another now I'm forced to see those ugly titans designs every time I open the game not to mention that even the music they've changed to that shitty op from shingeki.

>> No.22988297

I pretty much got wrecked in all of my Valentine rolls too. In fact, rolls I did on Valentine sets went better on days prior to the 14th, so go figure. Bean counters probably did some server side rate reduction to prey on losers.

>> No.22989268

I chalk it up to bad scheduling. These last few days the game has been unusually busy, like the God Eater event was thrown in at last minute. Normally it would had been 1 event + 1 or 2 reruns you farm currency by completing missions while farming the new event. At least they made the God Eater event easier and added a new stage that gives more points. We'll be back to normal at the end of the month once the anniversary raid begins.

>> No.22989472

Anyone playing Tagatame can tell me how hard it is to get the potk characters gear as a new player?
I just started playing for the collab.

>> No.22989619
File: 1.34 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20200215_051302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Suzette's fight was considerably easier compared to Mighty. I just got Mariel from the pick ticket because it's been literally 6 months and I still didn't have her, so maybe I'll have an easier time against Mighty now. Haven't maxed Azami yet but she looks easy as well; I could just throw Bertrand at her face and call it a day I think.

>> No.22989877

Two rolls and three fourstar dupes, no Tina for me it seems.

>better than anything
Please fix your shit taste, Elise.

>> No.22989960
File: 368 KB, 2048x1448, EQsdNf1VAAMdXYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Valentine's Day /mbgg/!

>> No.22990254
File: 1.26 MB, 1102x620, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got an honest question senpaitachi. What kind of mobage videos do you usually watch, like and subscribe for on jewtube? Asking for a friend.

>> No.22990361

CB/event comps for Priconne.

>> No.22990651

Shironeko character showcase & DPS review. Some Hell quest walkthroughs too, but I don't really watch them all the way through, I just need the equip sets.

>> No.22990746
File: 328 KB, 779x1599, r099a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that for Valentine's Day, the official Uma Musume twitter is having a poll where people are to say which 4koma is their favorite. For this, they have put them all back up. Normally they only have the first and latest one up.



Out of curiosity I decided to do some checking and using reverse image search it seems people haven't even been bothering to rip and mirror the raws so I felt compelled to lift them all and make a .zip file. I would like to link it but it causes 4chan to think my post is spam.

>> No.22990755

I usually just stick to official announcements. For other mobage stuff, I mostly prefer to see it in non-video format.

>> No.22990756

Absolutely nothing. 99% of the time there's wikis and guides out there with concise information and images providing what I need in seconds without having to listen to some obnoxious person with a £5 microphone telling me to like, subscribe, linking their patreon and telling me to follow them on Twitch or some other shit then dragging video length out for 10+ minutes for ~MAXIMUM REVENUE~.

>> No.22990871

Let's see if this works.


>> No.22991032
File: 1.07 MB, 1541x4096, EQKspQoU0AEgtNc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'm actually kind of creeped out how Rococo is giving chocolates. The whole twist with tenchou makes it a bit weird.

>> No.22991132

It's fine right? It's not incest if it's a clone.

>> No.22991237

I don't care and still get shit results, yeah that's just life.

>> No.22991244

get rekt

>> No.22991371

RomaSaga youtuber live streams.

>> No.22991886
File: 2.09 MB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_20200214-221939_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish me luck /mbgg/

>> No.22991919

Anon pls. You whale enough. You don't need luck.

>> No.22991937

you doomed yourself by posting here.

>> No.22991951
File: 2.27 MB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_20200214-222130_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy fuck

>> No.22991980

How do you even save this much in Cafe?

>> No.22992027

Nice one. You sure showed those anons.

>> No.22992179

Gameplay videos. It's convenient to see how the gameplay works so I can tell if I'll enjoy it or not. That way I also don't need to waste effort getting a weapon that I don't need or want.

>> No.22992382

You whale.

>> No.22992395
File: 156 KB, 1282x719, 1554635796316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone still playing, how did you like the event boss?

>> No.22992417

I at most only sub for rendermax, but mostly because of blade & soul and other pc mmo not just for mobage.

>> No.22992545

Extremely easy

>> No.22992707

They're here also though translated to english
https://umamusume.tumblr.com/tagged/umayon has all of them up to the end of 2019
https://twitter.com/uma_musu_en/media has all of them including the ones released this year though they're all over the timeline which is a pain
Both are run by the same people so I don't know why they're different.

>> No.22992765

I've S-ranked every map besides the last nightmare one though I haven't even tried it yet. Can I just cheese it with a 4* Wirbelwind like the normal and hard final maps? Seemed to me like it was basically impossible to beat unless you have a ground AA unit because of the 3 or whatever range whole line melee attack and then with the ground AA it's stupidly easy because it doesn't attack at all for most of its health bar and then when it starts attacking it doesn't do the melee anymore and dies to air units. Overall unless I'm missing something it seems like a very badly designed boss.

What stages are you guys farming for the cocoa beans?

>> No.22992811

Wow, sinoalice failed to get 20k retweets for promo and now instead of a guaranteed SS ten roll they're giving players 50 gems.

1. Gameplay examples of new mobage I wanna check out
2. New character showcases
3. Gacha despair sometimes

>> No.22992825
File: 83 KB, 480x336, laughingdoges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed to get 20k retweets
>now instead of a guaranteed SS ten roll they're giving players 50 gems.
That's fucked man

>> No.22992887

Wtf I want to play sinoalice now

>> No.22992904

I always wondered what would happen if one of these gacha retweet promos failed. Extra funny because I just uninstalled the game today.

>> No.22992949

Isn't that the game that put players in debt because of a bug and gave them a negative amount of items so they had to farm to get back into the positives? What a fucking awful dev team, I don't think I've ever seen a company not give out the rewards anyway.

>> No.22992993

>negative amount of items
It was a negative amount of gems, and whales couldn't buy their debt off, had to farm it.

>> No.22993247

What the fuck. Punishing whales like that doesn't seem like a good move but the game continues to do well so I don't even know anymore.

>> No.22993307

did they ever fix it or?

>> No.22993472

Fix what? The debt was an intended thing

>> No.22993600

oh so the debt thing was not bug but something they got from abusing a bug or something?

>> No.22993751

Unfun damage sponge with passives that negate all damage that can deal ridiculous amounts of damage at ridiculous ranges. Pretty standard affair for Ash Arms. I tried it a couple times on nightmare and can't see a way to beat it. Any tips?

Honestly starting to think it's not worth playing Ash Arms anymore. Over the last month when they restocked the token shops with a bunch of units I don't care about and didn't have any new content because of the Wuhan virus I realised how little there is to do in the game. It's even more repetitive than normal games because you can't even auto the daily missions because of the shit AI so you just literally tap the same sequence of moves to complete them every day.

They keep repeating these same event types too which makes me think they don't have any others lined up. The small events with the missions might as well not be there because you just complete them in the background. Then there's the token shop ones but the shop never has anything but a couple items that are worthwhile. The token gacha ones are the best ones based on what you get but even then they're not very exciting since you just grind the normal story stages. Finally there's the big story event stuff but those are just like regular stages with a new boss or maybe a couple new normal enemies. The boss designs in the game suck across the board from the map 3 damage sponge to the Stuka event counter asshole and now this long range melee damage sponge. The 1-turn clear achievements are fun because they're almost like a puzzle but none of the other shit is and all I can think of is what kind of bullshit boss they'll bring in the next event.

That's my two cents anyway. Now I just need to gather the will to actually stop playing.

>> No.22993769

As far as I know it was less abusing a bug and more that they just gave everyone too many gems in the mail for some event. If you redeemed the mails you were then put into debt and had to pay that off from stuff like story completion rewards. I don't play the game but that's what I remember. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.22994380

>devs screwing over whales because of their own mistake

>> No.22994763

>Unfun damage sponge with passives that negate all damage that can deal ridiculous amounts of damage at ridiculous ranges. Pretty standard affair for Ash Arms. I tried it a couple times on nightmare and can't see a way to beat it. Any tips?
Anon... Just attack from 2 spaces back and his shield won't mean shit he has barely any health for a nightmare boss so it should die in 2-3 turns maybe 1 if you got strong air units.
>It's even more repetitive than normal games because you can't even auto the daily missions because of the shit AI so you just literally tap the same sequence of moves to complete them every day.
Don't know about you but I auto the dailies everyday with just a Zero and a Maus

Here's 2 strategies I found one of them with farmable units

>> No.22996438

What's the best map to farm the event currency? I've been doing C04N

>> No.22996623

I'm kinda new to the game, how did you get Maus to 5 stars? Just with the gems you get from rolling the gacha?

>> No.22996831

Fastest way would be buying her fragments from the diamond shop.
Slow and F2P way would be waiting for them to add her fragments into those medal shops, which could takes months or year if the game even lasts that long.

>> No.22996868

It's doing fine so I can see it lasting a long time unless corona kills everyone at Embers

>> No.22996891

Why aren't more games like the symphogear mobage? Event farming is so comfy even as a "new" player it's easy to fully farm an event even to the last "stage" and "boss" and you can easily grind all rewards, now on other mobages you have only 1~2 weeks to farm the "stamina" is extremely limited for new players you barely have access to gear to be able to grind efficiently won't have core characters too and neither the level you'll feel like the game is laughing sadistically at you.

>> No.22997449
File: 1.65 MB, 1240x1240, 101000011_s2_rank5_base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be worth grabbing Veina even though I already have Claude purely for futureproofing? She seems like a flat out better version of him in her AS form. Or should I grab Renri for her future AS version instead?

>> No.22997612

Are you saying you want to buy a star piece to maybe farm their AS later? Just buy the star piece later instead to grab the AS directly, you might just roll their base version by that time.

>> No.22997628

With the white gate scumming being a thing grinding for AS unlocks isn't very time consuming.

>> No.22997630

That doesn't look like a great investment. The most futureproof character right now is Yuna - she just took Mariel's best unit in the game spot with her recent manifest (available on global in 2022).

>> No.22997649

>white gate scumming
Wait you can do that?

>> No.22997673

I started with Yuna so I don't need to worry about her, thankfully. I'm pretty much good for current characters aside from the two I mentioned above.
You can back up your save file before picking a door. I hold no responsibility for your account getting potentially fucked though but I know a number of people around here have been doing it for like a year.

>> No.22997733

How much event tokens are you getting? I am doing A02-H but my fuel cost is kind of high for ~22 per run.

>> No.22997781

About 15-20 per run, but I'm spending 60 fuel and it takes 3 turns to clear. I can't really auto it with less fuel since I don't have very good units.

>> No.22999671

Does the konosuba game have a release date yet?

>> No.22999833

PTD? More like PTSD


>> No.22999849

I know it's actually a succubus set or whatever but WOMB TATTOOS is my takeaway.

>> No.22999851

>womb tattoos
>official art
Holy shit

>> No.22999893

What team are you using?

>> No.22999948

It’ll probably be revealed tomorrow in the live stream

>> No.22999958

Fuck this. I don't want to waste my remaining gems but I can't not get this.

>> No.22999983
File: 4 KB, 187x124, 66adccda7f4e506135995e91c14a7494[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>@gcg_jp lost 2k followers in 2 weeks
>valentines day cunny can't even stop the hemorrhaging

is it over broes?

>> No.22999988

I can't believe that the virus could kill GCG too.

>> No.23000069


Did PTD end up succeeding in the end? I remember playing on release and people were saying that it wasn't meeting sales expectations and would be axed in standard SQ fashion.

>> No.23000085

It still has plans for updates after its 3rd anniversary at least. It also has a scheduled part 2 of its stage play for some reason. It probably has its small share of loyal whales that keep it afloat.

>> No.23000114
File: 305 KB, 1681x937, K02259373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent all my diamonds just for this
Fuck wasps.

>> No.23000273


>> No.23000318

any guide for lost decade?

>> No.23000329

>Hey our sales are falling, what do we do?
>Just give all the girls succubus outfits with womb tattoos!

I wouldn't be surprised to see a set like this in AG too considering their designs get lewder and lewder.

>> No.23000410
File: 786 KB, 1080x1920, SuspiciousVDayRequest_20200215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a set like this in AG too
I think these came out in April? Though it's technically not a womb tattoo since it isn't very low. And only Shion got something this skimpy.
Aside from their ongoing limited sets, they've been pretty tame recently.

>> No.23000568

Wow they already did it
Hope we can see this set on all the girls soon then. I really liked AG and even spent some money in it but I couldn't keep up with it in the end so I had to drop it. Still love the girls though and would watch an anime if it ever got one.

>> No.23000999

I'm doing C01-H for 26 cubes. 4* Hurricane at 4/6 and 5* Heus at 3/3. Gives me 45-50 cocoa beans per run. Two turn clear but have to manual it.

>> No.23001433

I wouldn't have blown so much on Ekos if I knew she wasn't actually part of the event.

>> No.23001460

She's limited unlike the event costumes though.

>> No.23001485

I just rolled because she seemed strong, and it would let me swap out her swimsuit version.

Still using the costume from her swimsuit version, though.

>> No.23001639

Why doesn't the reply button work in GCG when chatting with the girls? If it stops working, does that mean the conversation is over? There's no ingame feedback here.

>> No.23002103
File: 1.37 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20200217_000312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never doing that ever again.

>> No.23002160

I remember an anon posting about how the game whas finally showing the characters past and how they died.
Did they reveal all the characters? I'm curious for Aya and Yuki.

>> No.23002165


>> No.23002183

That's a lot of lucky turns, holy fuck. I won't ever be able to pull off something like this.

>> No.23002490

5* hurricane, 5* grille and 5* panzer II. If you want, you could shave 2 or 3 members off grille and hurricane to save costs, while panzer is there just to take the hits.
I notice that map too, but I neglected to level up any bombers unfortunately.

>> No.23002519
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Ranked season is over in Compass, rewards should be distributed soon.
Brackets this time were around 4052 points for the top 10K and 3700 points for the top 30K.
The game will be down for general maintenance tomorrow from 13:00 ~ 17:00

>> No.23002925

Your sacrifice will be remembered, anon.

>> No.23003601

>I notice that map too, but I neglected to level up any bombers unfortunately
Don't see how bombers have anything to do with it.

>> No.23004409

The powercreep is still as blatant as ever and I absolutely hate the rules for the sanctuary shit so I never run that to finish upgrading old stuff. Don't think I've rolled anything on rateup for the past few months either, yet everyone in top3 of my tower grade always have the latest limiteds or a recent event card that got a sanctuary upgrade.
They keep changing up what they've been doing as bonus extras when rolling gacha too. Not sure what their intention is, some changes are fine, others are crap. Or maybe I'm just not paying enough attention to news to tell how permanent these changes are.

Otherwise, they've handled Valentine's nicely. Pick one girl each day to see their voiced gifting scene and they get unique Lounge phrases too. Served as a nice reminder as to why I'm playing.
That said, I don't usually post news about AG since it seems like I'm the only one playing.

>> No.23004438

>Served as a nice reminder as to why I'm playing.
Yeah, I played it mostly for the girls. They're all great and I enjoyed myself lots with the events and seasonal stuff but ultimately I couldn't keep up with it which was a shame.
I still have good memories of enjoying the game when I played it so i'd probably pick it back up if they did something big though.

>> No.23004460

Im saving for the new girls. Valentine Ekos was a strong temptation but managed to resist.

>> No.23004878

This round of TA clears for King Queen is somewhat interesting. Ram got a nice boost from Satella's motif and Fenekka is ridiculously strong when used properly.

>Archer Fenekka 0:49.22 

>Xsaber Ram 0:52.79 

>Corne 0:54.32


>> No.23005074

I've had a bugged chat with Juno for awhile that has the read notification but no reply option.

>> No.23005746

It's really putting me off, I want to replay to Moon already.

>> No.23006014

Someone wanna duo gorilla and plant kings? I almost got close once but ran out of time to kill gorilla at like 10% hp

>> No.23006067


>> No.23006077

Technical and attacker, I don't have a stealth rune on but trying to kill plant first since gorilla is easy

>> No.23006078

Im 100 crystals short of 650 to do all the steps in Rays GE banner. How do you get the ticket that guarantees Philine's mirror?

>> No.23006094

The room code didn't work but I might be trying to enter it in at the wrong spot like an idiot.

>> No.23006156

It's automatically given to you after you roll. There's a pop-up showing the item you got same as the previous steps when you get normal gacha tickets.

>> No.23006180

So I just need to get 650 crystals, do the steps normally and the mirror get chance becomes 100% in the last step? Thats it?

>> No.23006219

You took awhile to join so I closed it. You were suppose to join under the normal quest icon but I managed to clear it. I can help you if you need it

>> No.23006220

The mirror chance is 100% at step 3 and 5. You can get Philine, Alisa or Claire's mirror from that guaranteed. Then after you do the 5th step you get a ticket to get Philine's mirror for sure.

>> No.23006265

Oh nice, clearing it solo is more rewarding than a coop clear so it worked out. I tried entering from both the normal quest keypad and the coop one but neither worked so I guess I took too long, my bad. I don't need this one but if you end up wanting to do the next bosses let me know.

>> No.23006487
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Nothing exciting for Tenka, just waiting for collab

>> No.23006626

God I love her.

>> No.23006908
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Compass has updated. Tadaomi, Luciano and Voidoll have had their base models/recolours updated to their new HQ versions.
There will also be a news stream this Saturday.

>> No.23006938

I don't know if I want to dump my frags on her or Pershing. Is she worth it just for fucking up wasps?

>> No.23006947

You can use anyone to dump on wasps especially if you have Zero to dodge tank everything while your other planes fuck all the enemies

>> No.23007001

Just be yourself

>> No.23007038

Weapon slot update but where is nightmare

>> No.23007076
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Pretty based update tbqh. Makes slot autism drastically easier for everyone. I really like how it's still 1m-gold cost even with two locks. I honestly expected, like, 5m per reroll.

>> No.23007111

Wish shironeko gave us more different sized buildings, I enjoy trying to perfectly fit everything in town

>> No.23007291

Konosuba livestream in 10 minutes.

>> No.23007342

2 targets aoe missiles with 2 range. What’s not to like?

>> No.23007385
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Why does Fairouz look like a boy.

>> No.23007540

The Rays gave out a free Alisa/Claire ticket. Is it better to exchange for a mirror dupe or an artes dupe?

>> No.23007630

Live2D looks pretty good.

>> No.23007648

>fully voiced and good live2d
I'm in.

>> No.23007790

Release is for the 27th.

>> No.23008378

Tfw had to leech new event coop in kusoneko with fist loli. At least the hosts in the rooms which I played with still seems to be okay with her.

>still 1m-gold cost
There is half cost event atm.

Just be yourself.

>> No.23008389

Tfw Monster Strike spinoff kusoge only lasted 9 months.

>> No.23008407

what was that?

>> No.23008430

Tinalet, I'm aware that it's normally 200k/2m and let me tell you, it's still bargain even at that cost.

>> No.23008592
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>> No.23009387
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A game, kinda popular on /jp/ back then, but now considered to be pretty shitty, is one year older. T7S anniversary is tomorrow
Since it is 18 in Japan, 7 years ago, Valkyrie Crusade was released on iOS. Generally, they celebrate the anniversary in March, since the Android version was released at the end of February.
I haven't played this game for a long time. The game become a lot grindier and P2W, especially after the release of the LR rarity.
The mobage industry is sometimes hard to predict. This is the only Nubee game that survived after the company closed in early 2016. For some reason, Mynet had faith in it, bought it from Nubee and it is still going. It is probably a cheap game to maintain since it doesn't have voice acting.

>> No.23009471

It's only 7 years old? Thought it'd be lot older
Man that takes me back

>> No.23009611

7 years is a lot of time. For comparison, Puzzle & Dragons was released almost 8 years ago, February 20, 2012 (English wiki is wrong about the Amozon Fire release on January 11, 2012, it is 2013). It feels like it is a much older game, but it is "only" 8 years old.

>> No.23010025
File: 68 KB, 640x896, kiyohime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valkyrie crusade was my first mobile game. I still remember getting my first smartphone, seeing the general for it here on /jp/ and that was what sealed my fate and made me a mobile game addict.

Started like on the last day of the event for this cutie, was too late to max her and ended up rerolling for some UR until the game got too awful to continue then I moved to the terra battle general that eventually became /mbgg/.

>> No.23010228

I used to be the leader of a clan
I was still in high school back then

>> No.23010451
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aw shiiiit

>> No.23010756

I definitely joined one of the clans here back then.
Played for a while, saw some dumb drama between two dudes about dumb shit that I don't even remember and even ended up in some esports guild made by one of the dudes that were bickering in the thread for another game but never kept in touch with those people.

>> No.23012948


