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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22534593 No.22534593 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>22489504

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)


https://pastebin.com/qfTsXtmSLast Thread: >>22466260

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.22534603
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>> No.22534617

Shit, my stupid keyboard pasted it twice.

>> No.22534728
File: 184 KB, 960x540, ELAqlY7UEAAZbq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for improbable fantasy weapons that would make no sense in real life, but playing a crossbow-violin pointed at your neck looks so dangerous that I can't help but think this is fucking retarded.

>> No.22534763
File: 26 KB, 450x375, Bad Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Folks, the "bad Japan" threat is as empty as its own consequential tsunami damage.

>> No.22534792

It should be fine as long as you don't load it?

>> No.22534917

Sanara's tokens literally drop my frame rate in Aigis to a screeching halt while using Chrome.

>> No.22534933
File: 426 KB, 1144x652, 67457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed event quests, pressed 10+1 gacha and got dc. After relogin found her in inventory. She's from gacha or one of event rewards?

>> No.22535021

She's a gacha unit, congrats, I don't have her so I don't know if she's good.

>> No.22535175

One of the most broken units in the game.

>> No.22535564

I see, thanks.

>> No.22535618

Does devtea like trivializing the game like this? Do they enjoy the very idea of aegis dying?

>> No.22535643

Majins are over. Memetower is the real game now.

>> No.22535728

I'm not sure if this is your first game you've ever played that gets updates but it's not even new or remotely surprising that the very first majin is pretty easy now.

>> No.22535853

I have no idea what I'm doing in GS but man the amount of grinding they expect you to do on release is ridiculous. Rush through the story, do these side things and there's even an event. Jesus.

>> No.22535887

And a revival of the first event. It's not that bad, though. If you rush the first three chapters for the daily mission requirements then you'll be drowning in extra stamina from all the leveling and you never need to put any effort into leveling your team to do that because of the levels they get from the quests. You can put off the panel missions if you need to, so all you really need to worry about are getting past 1-3-10, the revival, and the event.

>> No.22535924

I'm at 1-5 and have that boatload of level stam. I do like that the prereg and tutorial roll give you a full team of 5* to work with and steamrolls everything regardless of color so far.
Since I can't read all the kanji I do like to listen to the voiced parts but doing so means I have to drop everything else, which is the main issue. Can't just leave it running on auto in the background.

>> No.22536013

it cant be worse than the grinding in Ayarabu

>> No.22536058

grinding in ayarabu would be better if they just increased upgrade fodder you got through events to break past the 30k~40k range

>> No.22536069

How much of a bump does the banner in company girls give you? I set one up for xblade and another for mage with high level girls and got the even characters on my first multiroll, then Ryza on my second single.

>> No.22536073

70 rolls with no 5* screams to me that I should bail out of GS now.

>> No.22536215

The actually class recruitment bonus doesn't do anything for collab characters. For normal event posts the difference between a level 1 and 20 PR is like 0.3%-0.5% increased chance for Ryza/Lila depending on your girl's levels. I think the rare posts rates don't change at all.

>> No.22536357

I could stand grinding in Ayarabu if those events actually give out a decent amount of free rolls, but nah, the game is stingy as hell and requires a ridiculous of grind just to get a few free tickets and gems they bother to throw at you.

>> No.22536427

Was there any plat that seems particularly useful for tower aside from the Heroes?

>> No.22536508

Lychnos, Tengu?

>> No.22536544

Minette and Patricia

>> No.22536582

What this anon said. Minette reduces cost by 30% on skill and Patricia has 0 cost barricades with up to 7 blocks + time-stop on skill. Also any of the Plat Tengus and anyone who can Stealth, like Prim and Rita.

>> No.22536585

So you're saying it was an extremely lucky co-incidence?

>> No.22536664

I've seen Minette in videos, but not someone who has shown up in my rolls.
I have Kramer done, but no other Tengu, when a second would be handy.
I'll finish Lynchos, even if I like using Eldora more. Not that either seems useful when everything walks as slow as molasses while throwing death every two steps.

>> No.22536866

I think the most used Tengu outside of Kurama was Guren for tower. His magic dps and splash is quite nice.

>> No.22537815

>No new events in Unitia after the Halloween one
>Just reruns and free rolls
Dead game.

>> No.22537846


they wasted development time on Ayarabu so their other games suffered

>> No.22537863

Anyone else getting the system error[100] on Ayarabu? Updated my browser and after I restarted my pc the game won't load anymore.

>> No.22538237


>> No.22538440

Surprised to see Iolite on nutaku, since it always seems to be semi-popular enough to stay alive. It has perfectly fine gameplay but the grind + running shittily on FF + paid gacha only limited characters (barring anniversary where they let you draw them once without having to do a paid gacha) made me drop the game. Very generous in the form of gems and tickets though.

Wonder if the censored images means it will also turn up on DMM like the other recent English translation games.

>> No.22538791
File: 1.04 MB, 957x639, thank you kurama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it. I got the broken lady. Why is a part of her ability in red? Does it only work in the tower or?

>> No.22538814

Works as long as she's in your first barracks.

>> No.22538837

I thought it was the same deal with Amanda, but her's isn't in red.

>> No.22538857

I think Amanda and other boosting units work even when you have them in the 2nd/3rd barracks. Hero units need to be in the 1st.

>> No.22538897

Alright, thanks. Might be just an inconsistency thing from the devs too.

>> No.22538992

Amanda should never get anything special like red text or good like 2AW. They are being very consistent.

>> No.22539388

any suggestion for decent "English" Nutaku game to jump in on now ?

usually on JP DMM stuff, but in the mood to start one of those cheap english looking ones.

>> No.22539620

I saw the revival of the first event, but I can't seem to access it, did they remove it or is it only accessable after clearing the first chapter?

>> No.22540119

Caravan master or Tycoon for Diera? Both upgrades seem pretty useless, which one is less useless?

>> No.22540280

Can anyone please explain the new orchestra system in GS?
Do girls stats, element etc. in the orchestra team matter?
What's 音楽魔法 level? 
Where do I get more melodies?

>> No.22540457
File: 1.20 MB, 1252x718, gs1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure I like the new uncap limit. This is freaking insane.
I hope it means you can make your favorite girls infinitely better with dupes and not that you NEED dupes to make them work at all.

>> No.22540527

You need to clear the first chapter. If you look at the main quest screen, you'll see two icons, one on each side of the story arc list. It's in the one on the right, which will tell you to clear 1-1-10 if you click on it. Dailies are also there.

It seems to function like E*S does, where lower rarities get bigger cap boosts from copies. I don't know if everyone hard caps at the same level, though. If they do, it seems like everyone is viable, which is good.

>> No.22540729


I just realized Risley didn't have a 3rd scene.
Also, did anyone buy the Black hero from tower?

>> No.22540984

I'm knocking out the other plats first before I head out for the black.

>> No.22541099
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>> No.22541787

Okay, the mid level stuff in GS costs way too much stam. It's also where brute forcing with the 5 5* you get starts to not clear the time requirement, and maybe someone dying if they aren't close to 70. Since the game showers you with gems I guess they expect you to buy them refreshes.

>> No.22541977

Yeah everything costs too much stamina, you're pretty much forced to wait or refill since lvl10

>> No.22542452
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You can rarity up your units after 10 dupes/materials

>> No.22542468

Is this a new mahjong game? The one that came out a while ago was pretty lame.
Only if there's a star at the end, at least I assume.

>> No.22542476

Yes, me, but I failed to up his skill to 5

>> No.22542486

Oh, so that's the requirement. I remembered them mentioning you could do that on Twitter. I mean fortunately my two favorite characters are already rainbow, but maybe I'll work on the chuuni organ. Do we know if there's a limit to the number of rarities they can jump?

>> No.22543063

So what's the state of Ayakashi Rumble right now?
I see the game has fallen a bit in the ranking, but not too much.
How is the content quality and do you think Techcross will continue to support it?

>> No.22543070

The grinding sucks and I see they're struggling with content, the girls are still top for me though.

>> No.22543085

Events suck, require shit load of grinding yet the rewards are pretty lackluster, game is too stingy with free gems while they keep churning out new characters and paid banners like no one business.

>> No.22543122

So if I'm not mistaken, is MGCM setting up for its first team event or something?

>> No.22543413

Yup, starts at Dec 8, 12:00 jst

>> No.22543438
File: 680 KB, 1281x719, suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, just when I thought the farming was at the end.
This is just the beginning.

>> No.22543448

Lol. Not even mad, that's actually hilarious.

>> No.22543478

I created a /jp/ guild for this just now, ID is 92899723 if anyone wants to join.

>> No.22543623

>one 5* uncap material in event shop
>one event every two weeks
>you need 50 for one fully uncapped team
It will only take 700 days to do

>> No.22543646

How difficult is the content though? Do you feel like all these uncaps are worth it?

>> No.22543786

During the last producer letter they basically wrote:

"We're working on stuff, we'll implement some QoL stuff soon, but just about everything else important (new events, new story) won't come before next year."

The baffling part is that even things that you would think are easy to fix (e.g. making it possible to convert event summon tokens faster) are gonna take at least another month. Even more so, since quite a few of the QoL things that are lacking have been done right by other games for several years now. I mean, ffs it's a waifu game, who the fuck though it would be smart to not allow me to explicitly set my waifu on my home screen instead of having to put her in slot 1 of every team?

If the girls weren't so cute, I would have probably dropped the game already. But then, it's not like you have to actively play it, I usually just have it running on auto on my second screen while doing something else.

>> No.22543959
File: 1.95 MB, 2000x1777, 7a224a0fc16db78663bfaf8162b0b123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I just realized Risley didn't have a 3rd scene.
Belko likes to draw additional "fan"art of his characters.
He even made a whole doujin dedicated to Dolly.
I wish censorship in Aigis was as unobstructive as the one in this image.

>> No.22544184

Paizuriman is based

>> No.22544608

If Belko likes drawing for Aigis so much, how come Juubei has no AW2 art?
Not to mention all his units are missing bond quests.

>> No.22544624

Because devs didnt paid him for those?

>> No.22544896
File: 36 KB, 1250x712, ayarabu_error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I asked before here >>22537863 if anyone knew about this problem and how to fix it, it's been 3 days since it started and It still won't load.
It's most likely a problem with my pc/browser but just to be sure, here's a screenshot of the error I'm having it showing up. If anyone knows how to fix it, please tell me.

>> No.22545122

If you think it's your PC or browser then try different ones fucks sake

>> No.22545128

Awesome, thanks anon.

>> No.22545440

>If you think it's your PC or browser then try different ones fucks sake
I did, I tried firefox, chrome and opera, all give the same error, it's not ad-block nor my region either, as for trying a different pc, I can't really do it since this is the only one I have.
I also found out a few other games won't load as well such as ken to genso no academia, also the new girls symphony gives me a 9999 error every time as well.
I'm just asking to see if this is a problem only mine, because if it is then I'll just give up.

>> No.22545462

I haven't gone through much of the game but it doesn't seem to be much of a challenge for now.
The uncaps are definitely worth it as it unlocks extra equipment slots and gives you copies of that character's gear
Other than the skill getting stronger I'm unsure what raising rarity does for shit because I cant read runes.

>> No.22545473

I googled it for you and found quite a lot of people with your same error. Search for System Error here:

>> No.22545549

Increases level cap which is the main source of stats

>> No.22545568

So apparently it has something to do with Kaspersky, which is odd since I had it running before and it never was a problem until now.
Thanks anyway anon, this should help a lot. I tried googling it myself with "ayarabu system error 100". and "あやかしランブル system error 100" but never found that forum and only kept getting unrelated results besides, ironically some old threads of /jp/.

>> No.22545581
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>using snakeoil

>> No.22545612

Quotation marks were key: "あやらぶ" "system error" gives the relevant result. If you remove them you get random stuff.

>> No.22545678

Thanks, I'll keep in mind.
Now on to see if I can fix this annoying issue.
I assume you're talking about kaspersky. I mean, I either keep it or eventually get screwed over.

>> No.22545752
File: 26 KB, 200x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fuck Nazuna in FKG yet?

>> No.22546044
File: 606 KB, 1235x709, Screenshot_2019-12-07 あやかしランブル! X指定 - DMM GAMES R18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a lot of try and error and some headaches I finally got it to work, thanks for all the help anons, also fuck kaspersky.

>> No.22546079

Kaspersky has a history of being an overkill both in terms of taxing your system's resources and shooting down false positives. I'm not judging your choice of a software, but I feel like Kaspersky isn't the best thing for an average user's PC.

>> No.22546116

>Missed the time to farm the orbs(?) from tier 2 daily missions.
Oh boy, I sure did missed this grindfest.
Yeah I know, I've had some problems with other games in the past, thing is I bought a family pack for 3 years that was on sale, so that my family can use it as well, so I'm kinda stuck with it.

>> No.22546136

I feel like the GS 5% 5* rate is a lie.

>> No.22546158

>Kaspersky has a history of being an overkill both in terms of taxing your system's resources and shooting down false positives.
Well, you sure need some russian rocket sciense if you want to browse some unknown sites for information. At least it works, compared to many other antiviruses who only pretend to do something and exist only for stealing your info. it's not a bad choice.

>> No.22546202

Trying to not venture too far into /g/ territory, but software that blocks legit websites from working (and also just recently prevented Windows / Chrome updates) is anything but "working [correctly]".

>> No.22546240

Nowadays literally everything trying to steal some info from you. Sometimes it's some minimal stuff just for program functioning, sometimes they want some more. K and firewall both exists to prevent that. No shit they are complaining about your "legit" websites. K works as intended, you cant blame him for working correctly.

>> No.22546261
File: 68 KB, 1113x635, Screenshot_2019-12-07 ガールズシンフォニー:Ec 〜新世界少女組曲〜.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, so apparently this is such a common error on Girls Symphony, that some nips are saying that if it insists they will end up making a boss based on the issue called boss name Error 99999 or something.

>> No.22546279
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I was actually wondering when I would get to use that one.

>> No.22546409

The guy isn't wrong, your shitty DMM weaab porn games steal a lot of data

>> No.22546427

Ah yes, just like errorcat was the true boss of KanColle. Gotta love how errors always end up being the true bosses.

>> No.22546438
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That's true,I'm currently hagging arround their main page and is filled with adtrackers (the most obvious one is google of course)

>> No.22546454

The games themselves draw upon browser features/oversights to pull out all sorts of nasty data

>> No.22546463

Would have to check the telemetry for that one however I wouldn't be surprised, you know what you're getting into here anyway.

>> No.22546479

ITT: Technical imbeciles acting like they understand the internet.

I miss the times when weekend shitposting was about FKG or Aigis dying.

>> No.22546499
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Don't mind me bro, I'm still playing DMM games despite all of that, you have to be delusional to think they aren't stealing your data to sell them to other nasty advertisers, just look what 4chan (4channel) has become with Hiro.

>> No.22546518
File: 59 KB, 340x112, ImperialUnits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tower shitter here, play Aigis for me:
I finally remembered to get puppeteer orbs, so which 2AW for Wendy? Because right now she dies as soon as I think to use her.
Should I work on either of these Imperial units? I have no pegasus knight and my ranged aoe is poor.

Finally reached 10k tower gems, so do I:
>Exchange for the brown girl, since I have blacks for all classes she buffs
>10-roll, despite getting nothing from Anniversary rolls
With the assumption being that neither will help my progress in tower.

>> No.22546519

I keep hearing about the infamous 99999, but I haven't been hit by it (yet). I did get a crash on mobile that immediately reset me to the title screen once and there was an issue with freezing with the one song book that I don't know has been fixed or not. But so far that's it.

>> No.22546776

Nice misuse of spoiler again, you clearly are a bit salty that people with more knowledge of this shit have gone over your head and called you out.
There are plugins with which you can check the calls DMM games make, go get informed champ. Heck half of the android ones ask for an extensive list of permissions completely unrelated to gameplay. You are delusional kid.

>> No.22546798

> Heck half of the android ones ask for an extensive list of permissions completely unrelated

Not really, at least from what I seen, chink games like Azur Lane and ArKnights in other hand, they even ask your for telephone and camera even when they didn't have the AR function, really makes you think.

>> No.22546820

Whoa whoa easy there, big boy. Please don't use your interweb skillz to h4ckz0r me, or whatever you people with more knowledge of this shit do. I have none of these awesome internet security tools installed so I'm basically like a sitting duck here, man.

>> No.22546834

That's one of the reason's why I don't play Chinese games anymore.

>> No.22546845

I have a chink phone so I'm practically fucked, still I know my information is locked inside big corporations since the beginning so is pretty silly to just disconnect everything.

>> No.22546966

They do, you could literally test this right now
Haha man you were actually mad? I was just fishing, jackpot

>> No.22546990

I don't have much info but if I had to throw some random guesses out there, I'd say having the girls in your orchestra match the song element probably gives a bonus, or else I can't really fathom why the songs would have an element at all.
As far as I can tell, music magic level means the level of the song itself. You can level up songs through the same enhancement menu as characters (third button on the left instead of first) and it's chance based. Using similar songs to the one you're trying to level will increase the chance of success. It doesn't seem to go down at higher levels, so I think two copies of the same song is always a guaranteed success.
Songs themselves seem to come from basically everything. Looks like you can get them from battles, concerts, and expeditions, as well as maybe a few other places.

>copies of that character's gear
Do we know yet if there's any benefit to having multiple copies of gear? I didn't notice anything I could do with it other than combine it for EXP and it doesn't seem worth much.

>> No.22547191

Stacks the stat bonuses, they seem to give an extra bit of % to one of the four % stats. I have a ton of the lower rarity chars so I just fed them to each other. Not worth keeping them when they're like 2* shit imo.

>> No.22547200

Is it a hidden bonus? I didn't see anything like that when I was going to combine the weapons. Just a normal stat boost based on level.

>> No.22547253

I meant if you equip multiples, that stat stacks. Nothing really special.

>> No.22547266

Oh, okay. What a weird system. It feels like you're supposed to do something special with the copies since they keep giving them to you, like break the level cap or something, but there's no option to do anything like that that I can see.

>> No.22547317

Levels are everything, no reason to use a unit if you don't have the dupes

>> No.22547957

Is Magicami suddenly unstable for anyone else? It likes throwing a server error if I'm managing dresses for too long. It's also refusing to remember my previous party now that I'm going through tower.

>> No.22548134

Been logged in for a bit. No problems to speak of as far as I can tell.

>> No.22548144

Kinda funny how she's the strongest unit you can get right now

>> No.22548185

Found someone with a level 88 5*, good lord so many skill procs and overall having higher stats.

>> No.22548205

Did you just throw loads of gems to refresh? I'm spamming very hard but hardly anything is dropping. You thing going down in difficulty to get within 30 seconds would do anything?

>> No.22548210

The highest very hard*

>> No.22548425

So I did 10x event runs (2100 stamina) and it resulted in me getting 426 tokens
You need 5420 to empty the shop (excluding infinite stuff)
So you will need to spend ~27k stam to empty the shop, really fun stuff
At least it made me realise that you get a different crowd every performance and you shouldn't waste your materials when you get x0 dudes but doubt I'm gonna continue farming it

>> No.22548498

Christ I thought it would be bad but I didn't know it was that bad. They need to do something about that for the next event.

>> No.22548517

Absurd amount of grinding for event, game keeps crashing randomly, characters need shit load of dupes for lb.
I start to think the game may need 3rd revision, unless it keeps throwing free crystals for players to refill stamina and roll dozen of dupes.

>> No.22548810

Why do some girls in GS have different number of H scenes? It's not the rarity. Some lower stars have two scenes, while some 4 and 5 stars only have one. Same thing with affection levels.
Is this something which got carried over from the original game where they gradually implemented new scenes and art for older girls?

>> No.22548843

Some girls have 3rd evolution and some don't.
The original game didn't implement 3rd evolution before they pulled the plug, so everyone had the same amount of H scenes in game, but in the datamined gallery on panda, some had more HCG than other.

>> No.22550488

So the GSe app is just a wrapper for the mobile browser version, isn't it?
No reason to install it and waste storage space on it then

>> No.22550575 [DELETED] 

Ride Master is better for Wendy, because of higher stats and 50% heal on skill use. The heal does in fact make a difference in her effectiveness because you're likely going to be using her to sweep waves of potentially dangerous enemies, and some of those enemies like the dragons on Floor 10 can take away like half of her HP during the 5 second initial before she can use her skill.

Elmira and Diana are both pretty great, even if you don't run a full Imperial team like I usually do. Elmira let me easily 90k Floor 5, and Diana let me easily 90k Floor 14. Elmira also made Floor 15 a joke, and I'm currently working on 90king it with her.

>> No.22550596
File: 146 KB, 886x565, 54764357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish E*S rewards for support usage would look like this. So many people using my support at this event and i get nothing.

>> No.22550602
File: 305 KB, 958x638, Team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride Master is better for Wendy, because of higher stats and 50% heal on skill use. The heal does in fact make a difference in her effectiveness because you're likely going to be using her to sweep waves of potentially dangerous enemies, and some of those enemies like the dragons on Floor 10 can take away like half of her HP during the 5 second initial before she can use her skill.

Elmira and Diana are both pretty great, even if you don't run a full Imperial team like I usually do. Elmira let me easily 90k Floor 5, and Diana let me easily 90k Floor 14. Elmira also made Floor 15 a joke, and I'm currently working on 90king it with her.

>> No.22550623

Doesn't it all go to the present box? I remember opening it and having gold with the description that it comes from people using your support.

>> No.22550647

I didnt mean it literally. We are getting 100 gold per support usage. Thats fucking nothing.

>> No.22550719

Are you supposed to get a 5* for each hard stage in GS? I completed 2nd but don't see her anywhere

>> No.22551311

Check your progress in the main tab of missions. You need 80 clear achievements from hard for your second copy, not 60.

>> No.22551725

>All those recently released Nutaku games on DMM
>all below 30 in ranking
Did they seriously think japanese audience would even consider playing those?

>> No.22551864
File: 780 KB, 960x640, solais.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving a high damage unit range like this does kind of trivialize the game. I don't even know what the last 5 神級 bosses I killed did since I just let her stack up damage in a corner and blew them up way before they ever got in range.

>> No.22551872

>tfw got black at 32 roll

>> No.22552172

I don't mind broken characters in this gacha heavy game. Just don't use her and it's good thing there is no pvp.

>> No.22552179

At least getting support from non friends is easy. Stop being a jew.

>> No.22552326

How my wish is jewish if we are not paying for using supports at all?

>> No.22552603
File: 620 KB, 924x850, statmaxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still trying to figure out if there's a benefit to having all of these dupe character weapons and still haven't found an answer, but I did find out that apparently there's a big stat boost for having the character use their own weapon. Anyone can use a weapon of their own type, even if it belongs to another character, but a matching element weapon gives 1.5x stats and the character using their own weapon gets 1.7x instead.

Also there's a weird trick to the symphonia tree that the game guide sort of mentions but doesn't really expand on. Stat bonuses get bigger as you go. They start at 2% for the first 5 increases, then go 3% for the next 5, then 4% for the next 4, and the last one gets 8%. So if you want to specialize a character's stat, you want to do that stat as late as possible after you've done everything else you can. And no, I don't know if there's a way to reset the board if you think you fucked it up. I tried it out here by opening everything from start up toward the top and ignored the attack bonuses, then picked one attack bonus (on the right) and worked my way around to the bottom, leaving the last two to be 4% for the first and the last to be 8% regardless of which direction I went.

>> No.22552998

You don't bother using a pegasus rider? Or does Esta happen to be bad for the task compared to all the other imperial pegasus riders?
Also, it's not fair that Imperial gets all the girls with blue or lavender hair.

Guess I should've known to go with the one that heals on skill use if she was getting pulverized before her skill got out. This is pretty disgusting.

>> No.22553075

What's the best way to farm this E*S revival? Seems like the most AP effiecient way is to just low-man the last story map, but not the fastest way. Nothing really seems to give good rewards, though.

>> No.22553304

I farm the 120 stamina Gelgamish map. Problem there is no booster like some other events. I won't get myself burned out by retardly farming using ap and killing many enemies.

>> No.22553314

Yeah, that's what I've been doing, but I hate to waste the AP. It's almost three times more efficient to do the story map, but it's so boring. I was really hoping they would have fixed this event more than they did after going back and dropping a bunch of extra points on everyone after the fact last time.

>> No.22553345

Fuck I hate this minmax growth shit.
The only way to fix a board is to just roll a dupe and redo it?

>> No.22553359

Probably. There could be some process or item out there, or maybe one introduced later, but I'm not aware of anything else right now. If you only have one copy of whoever you need to fix, it's probably not a huge deal. You'd just be out the EXP and affection items, maybe evolution items. Worse if you've been limit breaking them, though.

>> No.22553367

Did you finish last stage with 23k power? I'm almost done with material from shop and got all gold balls from missions and shop. Will skip affection items if I didn't farm inof but I think I'd be fine.

>> No.22553379

I actually haven't touched the challenge event yet. If you meant the 15k stage in the rerun, then yeah, I did clear it. Probably going to do the challenge run after I clear tickets, orbs, rare materials, and books from the shop. Doubt I'll waste my time with the rest of it.

>> No.22553414

It's cheap on stamina. You need to clear it without death for gold orbs and use transform character in the stage with one dragon. Also clear it in specific turns? Last stage is hard and give you some materials for it's missions.

>> No.22553427

I glanced over the wiki and I've seen the mission list in the game, but yeah, sounds... not terrible beyond inherent difficulty, just need to set aside time. Do you know if Takeru counts as a transform character? I would assume so, along with Ashoka, Teach, and Gawain.

>> No.22553464

Also Geronimo. Not sure desu since she doesn't use transform equipment but I think she should count.

>> No.22553721

Nice, I ruined all my characters with max hp because I always rushed attack first

>> No.22553811

I haven't gotten around to leveling a Pegasus Rider, so I don't know which is the better path. On paper, Ester would seem perfect for Pegasus Master, but the 2x attack against flyers that Sky Lord gets is a huge boost. Hopefully someone else who has more experience with the class can chime in.

>> No.22553926

I'd honestly quit a game over being baited like this

>> No.22553989

Mother fucker at least I only put those into one character so far. Also maint nau.

>> No.22554232


>> No.22554680

It was the final nail in the coffin for me.

>> No.22554850
File: 480 KB, 4314x640, l2TDPlc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hark!" the Pinkchan leaker sii~iings, bringing news of wondrous things! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, this week's rainbow is a child! Joyful all lolicons rise! Join the triumph of the skies! With th' angelic host attest: Cute little girls are the best.

Pickerelweed, Nerine, Sea Aster, Pogonia (that's a missed opportunity to give her a Santa beard right there). With Nerine out, looking forward to the rest of the funi/neesama/nanodayo squad getting their third forms. But before that, swimsuit Mistletoe please.

>> No.22555237

>Double rainbow
Nazuna's out to fuck us again.

Although, since this is a three weeks event, I wonder if we get two weeks of Blooms. It's a longshot but it is Christmas after all.

>> No.22555263
File: 165 KB, 730x707, 61166623_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend my 350oo for Violet cress (and of course not getting her for a second time) after knowing Nerine xmas would be 6*
>Is my first double rainbow

Finally I see Nazuna's true colors, sure she's a frightening being, also worth mentioning is the second time violet cress cucks me.

>> No.22555356

So MGCM has guild raids now, did anyone make a guild or is everyone spread in random nip ones?

>> No.22555380
File: 21 KB, 301x267, 1557315718949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hark!" the Pinkchan leaker sii~iings, bringing news of wondrous things! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, this week's rainbow is a child! Joyful all lolicons rise! Join the triumph of the skies! With th' angelic host attest: Cute little girls are the best.

>> No.22555402

ID 92899723, english ok

>> No.22555433

I ruined all my 5* except favorite girl, which i evolved and limit breaked once. It's okay i guess.

>> No.22555462
File: 210 KB, 1137x643, Hollyhock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 gems failed. Got enough rainbow medals so my next ticket will get me to 300 and a new rainbow so it's not a complete loss.

>> No.22555552
File: 939 KB, 1136x640, pogonia rg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start to like Pogonia's design
>check her rarity growth
I understand that they want to avoid another Rainbow Rose situation, but isn't this a bit excessive? Barrier is good and all but an effective 80% attack increase being the only other ability she has, in addition to a single-target attack that's not life leech, is dumpster-tier. If it weren't for barrier being almost mandatory in most of the new tough maps she'd probably be one of the worst RG options out there.

>> No.22555586

Actually, after double check i noticed that she's ruined too. I just nailed final bonus in first page and that's all.

>> No.22555649

Huh, I thought she was above average. Single-target is more of a benefit than drawback, and 5.4x/no drain is better than 4.3x/drain if you don't have stall abilities to support it. Stacking attack up is boring but acceptable, I'd take it over defense/counter/solar drive that barrier RGs usually have. Pierce is useless for current endgame maps, but if that changes she'll be very good.

As far as barrier girls go, she's worse than Plum, Usagigoke, Papyrus and Halloween Baikamo, but that's only because they double dip on broken abilities. She's a good pick compared to the rest, I think worst RGs are the ones that mix 4 alright abilities with no synergy. Cosmos, Heather, Oxalis, Quince and so on.

Mind you, I'm still not a lolicon. But it's kind of scary how FKG slowly converts you from "elder sisters who spoil you are the best, death to all lolicons" to "loli is not my cup of tea, but I can respect it, and petite girls like Plumama and Mistletoe sure are cute" to "dulce et decorum est futuere cum loli".

>> No.22555724

Maybe I'm undervaluing her too much but due to how the end-all offensive option recently seems to be "stack the shit out of crit/elemental weakness and pray for good RNG," she still seems very lackluster.

How much does attack-stacking help anyways? Defense values are so high on the latest maps that everything else but critspam feels pointless because you're doing triple-digit damage, and even counter teams seem like a waste when so many mos set your Defense to 1, ignore evade, and/or have enrage timers that trigger instakills.

>> No.22556563

Who has the gif of summoning 10 rainbow flower pots?

>> No.22556861
File: 242 KB, 954x509, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm wasting my luck on this kusoge

>> No.22557009


>> No.22557774


I really wish devtea could be arsed to hire the artist for a new drawing instead of recycling the ingame cg if they're gonna put out merch like this.

>> No.22558026
File: 58 KB, 913x788, 1546053237094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mind you, I'm still not a lolicon.
The only one you're fooling at this point is yourself.

>> No.22558061

I gotta say, the GS mobile experience is terrible. Wonder if their browser wrapper is shit and just straight up in a regular browser is better.

>> No.22558089

Gibs incoming in E*S for apology after releasing difficult content.

>> No.22558096

Wait what? I dont remember any fuck ups in last weeks.

>> No.22558229

>After releasing difficult content

I think is fine, but giveaways are always nice

>> No.22558270

They had official release just recently so new players didn't have time I think. I play casually since long time and finished it but not all missions. That said I did all without death missions.

>> No.22558354

>first event for official release
>after an event measuring max damage
>don't even give new players an event girl
Yeah, someone fucked up the scheduling.

Christmas event should be next though right?

>> No.22558363

Should be, with limited units. Sadly, Kamehameha and Billy lost the 3* poll on that one so I don't give too much of a shit about fucking shitty Kay of all people.

>> No.22558391

>Christmas event should be next though right?
Oh, right, Christmas. So Sieg will be in 2020 now, huh. more time to collect gibs for her i guess.

>> No.22558424

I had to go look her up, she doesn't look very interesting. She's the one in the loading screen with all the other petite blondes wearing white? Who are the 4-stars then? Arthur and Ivan?

But in looking her up
>3-stars only need 10 wedge pieces to exchange
>Have 30
Except I managed to get all of who I wanted during the daily free rolls.

New Year's right afterwards too.

>> No.22558436

I will buy loli twins when they add them later since I didn't get them with my 2 multis.

>> No.22558453
File: 2.00 MB, 1695x1250, 7ec05052719e73f020140390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? Kay?

>> No.22558477

Oh guess not.
Yeah, Kay. Just trying to puzzle why she won, like if she had some story connection with the other 4-stars or something.

>> No.22558570
File: 38 KB, 599x339, BgpdH0qCMAAKlhG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just another knight of the table.
I guess people just like maids.

>> No.22558629

She's one of the Round Table knights, but she's an archetype I'm not really fond of.

>Who are the 4-stars then? Arthur and Ivan?
Drake and Vlad.
3* winners are Kay and Percival.
Apparently Arthur is just going to get one anyway despite not being in the poll.

>> No.22558652
File: 35 KB, 379x384, 608169266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arthur, Kay and Percival
Rigged poll.

>> No.22559036

I know the feeling anon. Back when Aigis was still a thing on Nutaku, I tried FKG and was like, what's up with all of these lolis? By the time Shitaku Aigis closed, I was actively reading loli doujins done by FKG's artists, and now, while not a lolicon, my appreciation for loli art is bringing me dangerously close to the line despite my love for big breasts and I can't help but read any loli doujins suggested to me without a second thought.

>> No.22559115

>slave to the crave
you need nofap in your life bro....

>> No.22559483

Anon, I just completed NNN and have only found the time to fap once this month. Let me be a slave to crave all I want.

>> No.22560775
File: 214 KB, 1134x637, PickerelWeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double rainbows in 1 gacha sucks. I got the rate up and still got scammed.

>> No.22560844

GS has been put under maint for the third(?) time today, I guess it should have just been never ever instead of coming out this year.

>> No.22560853
File: 193 KB, 1024x512, 1575960651815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22560858

Not sure if I want to continue playing it, the insane amount of dupes you have to get for lb and the shitty min maxing symphonia tree really put me off.

>> No.22560865

They added new stages to event but you can't do them yet but most likely cause for maintenance is them trying to fix shitty lags unsuccessfully

>> No.22560870

>I'm not a lolicon
It's already too late for you two
Welcome to the club

>That Arthur
God damn.
Vlad is cute too, but the note seems to say she's in a separate gacha for the last half of the event?

>> No.22560874
File: 723 KB, 1024x512, 4856979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22560894

>Guaranteed on 5th 10-roll
That's awfully kind of them.

>> No.22560922

I cant remember last girl at all. Is she a new character?

>> No.22560923

Is Vlad getting a solo banner too? I assume yes, but I've been fucked by some of these dev teams enough to always be cautious.

>> No.22560975

Where is Ivan though. Or they're saving it for another time since people voted her last time.

>> No.22560979

Her preview was for new years I'm pretty sure.

>> No.22560984

Damn no time for saving. But I van has most sexy dress so I don't know what to do ):

>> No.22561008

If they're all going to have single banners I have enough gems to pick up Vlad, Ivan, and Arthur Would be nice, but my priority is Vlad.

>> No.22561023

It's Saint Nick himself.

>> No.22561024

Got PJ and Tut as new 4*, guess I used up my luck already.

>> No.22561032 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1136x640, kancolle2624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing La France's the event character

>> No.22561038
File: 166 KB, 1136x640, fruful067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing La France is the event character, I thought she was gonna be gacha only for sure.

>> No.22561098
File: 152 KB, 1136x640, fruful068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Sakuranbo (Holy Night) for me it seems. Back to stockpiling gems yet again.

>> No.22561263

So she's new and that's her original version, right? I guess i roll for her then.

>> No.22561269

Pretty sure she's going to be the event character.

>> No.22561297

Oh, right. Havent seen them in a while and forgot about their existence. That's even better.

>> No.22561496
File: 455 KB, 1920x1030, 46C6C77B-DBDF-41ED-BD09-C321F4C58D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First roll get.

>> No.22561794
File: 219 KB, 1168x657, ELaE3beU4AAQBOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way better than shiropro. I think this is the first time they did 2 7 stars and the one I want doesn't have a boosted rate and isn't in the senko exchange. Just pay 10k yen and you can have her though.

>> No.22561871

>Eiyuu Senki WWX at 22nd
Why is it so unpopular? Is it not worth getting into or something?

>> No.22561957

It's mildly popular, the type that can jump to top 10 or top 3 depending on the tide.

>> No.22562003

E*S is here to stay. If devs wont go full jew mode it will outlive most dmm games.

>> No.22562166

>Havent seen them in a while and forgot about their existence.
Cook was literally the previous event.

>> No.22562172

E*S is dying.

>> No.22562442

I still don't understand how E*S isn't more popular than these soulless clones. Some of them are old so they have big user base.

>> No.22562596

>How much does attack-stacking help anyways?
Not that much, but it's better than the alternatives. You still need crit/skill/boss damage boosts, but attack up acts as an extra multiplier to them. It's good for breaking defensive nodes like the most recent nushi map, and for raw DPS races like berserk Laeva/Mother 3/Midworm 1.

Yeah, that's it exactly. I used to ignore loli tags as a matter of course, but now I've tasted the forbidden fruit.

But I still think petite/budding is better than perflat. Nude Art Club had the best proportions.

>> No.22563657
File: 221 KB, 959x639, PR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mission was way less of a pain than I thought it would be, although I guess that's to be expected in light of how it's just a cheesier version of Plague Rats.

>> No.22563787

>Just pay 10k yen

Pretty fucking shit not giving other ways to get her if you ask me, at least they could've made her a unit inside merchandise and you could get a book at least.

>> No.22563788
File: 703 KB, 1024x512, 1575998638544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22564132

Damn what? Both of them are in.

>> No.22564149

She's in the shrine too. You just have to get the 1% 7 star and then get her as a random off rate.

This actually makes this look worse. Big fuck you to people who spent gems on the just Arthur banner.

>> No.22564160

Can't wait until this disaster banner add so people complain and there is a chance we get something.

>> No.22564172

Will use this image on my topic on other website if you don't mind. Was this announced in game or data mining.

>> No.22564198

>Big fuck you to people who spent gems on the just Arthur banner.
Eh. If you want Arthur, the first one is literally a guaranteed Arthur by 5 rolls at most. You could have wanted Arthur and ended up with Vlad instead on the new one. There may be a solo Vlad banner, too. And the more banners there are, the more 1800 rolls there are to take advantage of. It's hardly the worst thing.

>> No.22564210

If he date is correct then there will be no vald solo banner. I have to agree with that guy. It's big fuck you because I don't know such a banner is coming.

>> No.22564220

It's definitely a baity thing to do. Most people are going to be tempted by a guaranteed popular unit. Even if I only wanted Arthur I'd still take my chances on the combined banner, but I want Vlad and I glad I was cautious(>>22560923)

>> No.22564228

I mean look, I don't really know what to tell either of you. It literally says "Christmas Gacha - First part" in the Arthur banner. >>22560874
They always intended for there to be a second one.

>> No.22564233

Yeah and since Arthur got her own we could assume Vlad would get hers too. Fuck common sense though.

>> No.22564239

That doesn't matter if you were going all in on Arthur anyway. If you wanted Vlad you would have waited in the first place. We knew both were coming. >>22560853

>> No.22564304

You could always like both. Now you spend ~14k gems on the Arthur gacha and yournext 14k is probably going to give you an Arthur dupe. Feels great.

>> No.22564325

>Get her as a random off rate

The most bullshit part is that you can't use your shrine seals.

>> No.22564328

Agreed. If I know a common banner is coming would've waited since there is a chance to get both while going for guaranteed. I thought it's going to be a Vald solo banner. This is the only time I feel pissed off with this game.

>> No.22564491
File: 132 KB, 1124x628, CherryHN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have luck on single rolls in this game. My last 4 new 6*s have all come from discounted singles. I used 40k gems on Kiwi/Dragonfruit banners and came up empty.

>> No.22564539

I do mind, you don't have permission to save it

>> No.22564955

The top rankers on that dps thing in GS are under half a second. Jesus.

>> No.22565085

The battle system isn't that fun. Especially when you're just mindlessly grinding the same maps over and over just like all the other shit.

Also a large amount of scenes just being reused from the VNs probably doesn't help.

>> No.22565634

They haven't given out points or anything for that autumn campaign yet right?

>> No.22565884


Well, your prayers are answered, Vlad fans. Vlad is the solo pick-up in the 2nd banner. Arthur does appear in it but only as another 4* and not a pick-up character. So getting spooked by Arthur would be pretty miraculous.

>> No.22565920

How many retards spammed them with the leaked info?

>> No.22566003

They really amped up the difficulty in tower in magicami. Annoying dress combinations are already showing up at floor 31

>> No.22566073

I was waiting for disaster myself so we might get some gibs. It seems it wasn't their intention from beginning or are they lying?
I wish this will come to mobile my shitty old laptop can't run it.

>> No.22566381
File: 285 KB, 1131x481, HanaKana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew she was popular but still surprised to see her destroy other contestants so hard

>> No.22566407

Is this event with the tokens in symphony supposed to be impossible to get basically anything from it without whaling tons and tons of currency away on refills or is there some unintuitive trick to actually getting the stupid instruments to drop?

>> No.22566477

I thought that was the final ranking for a moment. Didn't look like she was doing that great in the middle of that phase.

>> No.22566483

Wait fuck I just looked up the interim results and she was still dominating.

>> No.22566546

HanaKana power is strong. I wonder if she got an all-ages only voiced character in kamihime she could unseat Sol/Artemis.

>> No.22566705

The real power is her disgustlingly good kit that no other unit can compete with.

>> No.22566819
File: 125 KB, 752x1200, IMG_20191004_050124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prague didn't make it to Top10 even though she was going up in 7th

Rigged poll is rigged

>> No.22566824

I thought forbidden city would make it.

>> No.22566841

That image is from the regional voting or w/e. Prague got 8th in the overall one.

>> No.22567195

Why is 一乗谷城 (fuck if I know how half of these are read) so high? Her lower rarity really stands out.

>> No.22567204

Her VA

>> No.22567239

There are people on the wiki talking about giving her 10k votes on day 1. I did around 600 total.

>> No.22567279

Just got Al from the fucking tickets. Why couldn't this happen with Muramasa? The gacha is the true lovecraftian horror.

>> No.22567566

Her VA just married I think

>> No.22567597

I was wondering why this girl won. So it's her VA and metagame, huh. Fucking japs.

>> No.22569824

One one hand, >Hanacaca
On the other hand, I'm so tired of Sol and Artemis winning every year

>> No.22570350

Anything interesting happening in aigis?

>> No.22570390

I just rolled a new 10 ticket and got a dupe Misa. Fuck this dying game.

>> No.22570426

I realized they stealth nerfed Palfy's SAW because it no longers draws in multitarget attacks.

>> No.22570678

Tanukis show up next week. They can copy any unit on the field. I'm waiting for the crazy playthrough videos that will soon follow.

>> No.22570682

My bad, the event one shows up in two weeks. No clue if any will appear in the shrine before then.

>> No.22570962
File: 837 KB, 960x640, amon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i beat the fire dude and became a sugoi ouji

>> No.22571573

What is the most generous and fun DMM game? I tried RPGX but it's shit, though the scenes are good.

>> No.22571743

Not even in the potato "note PC" mode? But it also has a vram memory leak so I wouldn't be surprised if it had other issues. It shouldn't be as heavy as it is.
Otherwise I'm surprised they're not done with the mobile version. They showed it a while ago, unless they're trying to get on goolag/crapple too.

Rate-wise, E:S is the best, but currency gain is a little slow.
Currency-wise, used to be Tokyo Necro but they've compensated that with how they've been doing gacha to bait tryhards.
Nearly everything is generous to newbies though.
Woah, hey now, there's none of that here.

The only other games that do unconventional scenarios for h-scenes are Magicami (various flavors of rape) and Kamihime (captured heroine and ntr for early scenes). Everything else is mostly vanilla penetration, which those two also have. But I think Aigis is still Prince of paizuri

Magicami, Tokyo Necro, Kamihime, and I think Fruits have animated scenes. Nearly everything will have voiced scenes at least.
Maybe >we need to start keeping track of what game has what.

tl;dr: Pick something with the christmas outfits you like in the top 15.

>> No.22571756

Eiyuu Senki maybe? If you only want the characters and can wait on LBing them, it's pretty good on that front.

>> No.22571807

I think Fruits only has animated scenes for the original 6 stars. Also kind of strange that the seasonal limited girls only have 1 scene.

>> No.22571818

I think ES is pretty good, you get 50 from daily and sometime login bonus has 300.
Compounded with the fact that first pull is only 1800 it is quite good.

>> No.22571838
File: 1.32 MB, 1418x1956, 1545436718827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know very little about that fight and it's meta, but you are a good person and I hope you live long.

>> No.22571841
File: 242 KB, 960x640, Christmas2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get ruined.

That's a shame they didn't keep up with that.

>> No.22571851

I picked up Ken to Gensou no Academia again since I did get a little bit of progress done before it got overhauled and it's a lot more fun now that I'm not 100% held at gunpoint to do real time PVP with shoddy netcode in order to get basic enhancement items.

>> No.22571853 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 960x640, 1576131530946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the third dupe this year despite being one of the only non-limited I purposely rolled for when she came out

>> No.22571864

>Unitia just hands out last year 5* christmas limited as event reward this year
Somehow this feels quite depressing.

>> No.22571925


>> No.22572184

That's when you quit a game

>> No.22572205

I spend all my free savings last year on MeruMeru, meanwhile Ayarumble is getting that Xmas tsukiyomi and almost no free currency.

Such is life of technocross kusoges.

>> No.22572337


tenco warning to be careful while playing the prologue of the new Event tomorrow if you're on the X rated version. Probably not a H-scene but possible nekkid happenings.

>> No.22572346

I wish Kamihime would do that unironically.
Seriously they have to do like 4 different seasonal revival gachas that run parallel to the standard rateup and event rateups, and the list only gets bigger each year.
The game does give you a lot of jewels to roll but not THAT many.

>> No.22572352

Probably trying not to shock people with their poor copy pasting from their past releases.

>> No.22572355

What the fuck is with Floor 50 this time in Magicami? Boss just gets a free turn whenever? Nevermind that bullshit Wave 2

>> No.22572376

Can you even spend your jewels on them? I'm on a bit of a KH break, but I remember them being paid coins only.

>> No.22572380

Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't.
There's no real rhyme or reason to which ones get added to the jewel tab and which ones don't.

>> No.22572381

X version is superior unlike aigis giving exclusives to safe one. Feels good.

>> No.22572599

Could you please elaborate a bit on Magicami? Is the protagonist the rapist or what?
Also you forgot Otogi which has tons of rape (arguably ntr) and other stuff.

>> No.22572666

>protagonist the rapist
lol, go look at some of the cg gif sets

>> No.22572744

>Could you please elaborate a bit on Magicami? Is the protagonist the rapist or what?
Basically, it has a good(?) storytelling engine that allows it to have both vanilla scenes and non-vanilla ones.

>> No.22572833

>meanwhile Ayarumble is getting that Xmas tsukiyomi and almost no free currency.
Yup, it's rather sad that the gems rewarded from the event (400) and the special xmas login bonus (1k) isn't even half a 10x roll. Also the fact that you can spend hours of grinding event bosses for the 4* ticket, just to get some shiny, useless weapon.

>> No.22572894

The other anons gave enough info, without spoiling the setting. I can explain if the eops currently playing are still clueless.

I was expecting others to pipe in about other games. I 'play' too many as is, but not everything.

>> No.22572932

If the topic is unconventional H scenes, Detariki ZX, and to a lesser extent Honey x Blade2 have (extremely vanilla) VR H-scenes. They aren't anything too special. I like their character models but their animations are sub-par. They don't even have proper breast physics and always look under the effect of a pushup bra.

>> No.22572977

It's impossible to discern anything from cgs without text. For all I know the protagonist can morph into a tentacle monster or create copies of himself and what looks like forced group scenes would turn out to be basically vanilla. This has happened before.
That said I did find a few full ero scenes on the net and I'm kind of confused. Some of them were hallucinations, while others were "got defeated by a futa monster and raped", still I have no clue whether these were even forced events or not. Others yet I didn't have enough context to understand what was going on (some kind of streaming slut and an oneshota?).
I guess I'll just have to actually read through a game for once.

>> No.22573079

>I was expecting others to pipe in about other games. I 'play' too many as is, but not everything.
I would always love a chance to promote Gemini Seed but I wouldn't really call it generous in the currency part. As an unholy fusion of FKG and FGO, it's fun if you like that kind of tactical style but it has an auto so you can always just let it do its own thing too. The introduction of 80 stamina maps does help eliminate some of the tediousness from Event grinding though.

Sprite work is really nice. Scene-wise, it's all vanilla, as far as I know but it does the thing where URs get 2 scenes while the rest get 1. Main story is serious but the Events are some goofy stuff.

>> No.22573111

>For all I know the protagonist can morph into a tentacle monster or create copies of himself and what looks like forced group scenes would turn out to be basically vanilla. This has happened before
Where did this happen before? If you aren't an EoP and you know the basic premise of this game, then you know very clearly this isn't the case at all and you're just arguing now for the sake of it.

>> No.22573208

I've come to the conclusion that the less I know about the meta the happier I'll be. Who's the slut on the right and does she have an unit?

>> No.22573298

>Where did this happen before?
Multiple instances in Kamihime (protagonist getting body clones) and at least a few other dead games (Valkyries Saga maybe?). For the tentacle thing I'm not sure if I've ever seen it in an online game, but since it's in games like tentacles and witches it could very well happen.
>if you know the basic premise of this game
I didn't even start the game, I don't know anything besides the fact that it has magical girls in it.
Some of the scenes I saw featured an old man character with a name similar to the protagonist, hell even the jp wiki I now found appears to be confused listing him as とびお?(ト・ビーオ博士).
Not sure if you have a mensa iq or what but this seems pretty fucking confusing to me.

>> No.22573483

Just a heads up, the content you're looking for is mostly relegated to story (there are some other places, but not many) and I think you have to get to chapter like 4 or 5 before it starts showing up. Definitely give it a shot, though.


>> No.22573859

Thanks. The game has a lot of good delicious brown units. I'm regretting not buying the one from the god slaying spear revival right now.

>> No.22573882

Ao and Aka's birthday is today.
Looks like they share a scene.

If you can actually into moonrunes, you should read through the first couple of story chapters. Because telling you how it works kills the grim novelty of the story.

But if you're just going to be a dumb faggot looking to get spoiled, I'll write it in the next post.

>> No.22573886

Each scene is a memory, either one that a girl has (Tower/Events) or the MC has in connection with one of the girls, but not a memory that they have actually experienced themselves. The girls don't even remember the scenes that happen in the story because it never happened to them.
This is how he can show up as the boyfriend/chad/creep because that's the life he had with that girl in that instance.
That is to say their existence in any number of different parallel worlds is who had these experiences and the MC is getting a glimpse of that because he was involved too

>> No.22574032

>Got enough UR Ticket Fragments from the Raid to roll a UR
>God, I hope it's not Aka
>Gacha: Did someone say they want EVO Aka again?
>MLB Evo Aka
In hindsight, I really should have seen this coming rolling on their birthday.

>> No.22574113

I'm too dumb and lazy to even get good at Magicami (even the 50 floor tower of babel is too much) and now they come up with this team "black five" stuff. I just can't be arsed to do it even if it's UR tickets instead of the shitty premier ones.

>> No.22574128

Honestly, Raid is easier since you can just assemble your strongest (3 strongest technically) team and just whack the boss. You only get three tries a day and you get the reward as long as the boss goes down, you don't have to kill it on your turn (you might get more rewards if you do? I never managed to do it, so I can't confirm).

>> No.22574317

I've killed two bosses and I don't remember any difference in rewards, for what my shitty memory is worth.

>> No.22574382

Has anyone tried rarity growth in GS? Is there a cost? Any requirement other than having them max uncapped? Any other penalties other than a level reset? Can you keep using gacha copies to limit break them after RG or do you need something else?

>> No.22574488
File: 121 KB, 1132x636, unitia91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olsen will probably be my last purchase for this game

>> No.22574738

>Is there a cost? Any requirement other than having them max uncapped?
Not that I've seen.
>Any other penalties other than a level reset?
Character level doesn't change, but ability levels do.
>Can you keep using gacha copies to limit break them after RG or do you need something else?
You can but you need 3 each time.

>> No.22574755

Weird. Okay, thanks. I guess I'll just throw them up on low rarities when I get them. Doesn't seem to be any sense in just letting them sit at base rarity.

>> No.22574769

>date added 10/31/2019
didn't even realize how new the tower of heroes was

>> No.22574923

You made it sound too vanilla. It's not clear whether the unnamed chads are even him or not. There's scenes where the girls have sex with multiple chads so he can't be all of them for instance, and reindeer Seira literally cheats on him with a shota unless you agree with her that "anal isn't cheating".
Many are worried this is going to spiral off into full ntr.

>> No.22575032

I think it's pretty obvious which times are the MC (or alternate versions of him) and when are just rando people. So far, all the towers are randos (could be the theme of the tower), and those that are alternate versions of him get monikers that are basically a play on his name. All the nymph stills aren't him, although that one is usually questionable hallucination.

Honestly, I can see them going full NTR since they can always throw the justification of alternate universe, so they can do every fetish under the sun. Reindeer Seira seems like them testing the waters since it's a blend of Oneeshota and NTR.

>> No.22575350

I just realized that I don't remember any other DMM R-18 game which had straight shota content. Do you?

>> No.22575354

Aigis. Kokoro's first scene.

>> No.22575431

Lord of Walkure had some. Maybe Red Corruption too. Both are dead though.

>> No.22575532

I don't actively play it but shouldn't Idol Warz have some too? Some of the fantasy scenes were a bit random last I checked.

>> No.22575848
File: 762 KB, 722x608, aisha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the skill descriptions so inconsistent? If you're going to write "affects all units" on half the skills, why leave it out from the other half so the skill looks like crap until the player happens to wiki it.

>> No.22576911

What do with all the low level pleb girls in kanpani?

>> No.22576926
File: 187 KB, 900x643, 47089170_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Max level Oili, keep promoting and max leveling her until she's fully capped. Fuck everybody else.

>> No.22577022

>next "new" SSR hime looks to be a new Shiva
Man I'm just so tired of this shit.
Almost no new girls were introduced this year compared to the past ones.
It's new versions of old girls one after another.

>> No.22577059

Well they just copied what GBF has been doing for years.

>> No.22577062

Please bro

>> No.22577067

Grub has 2 years worth of a headstart to be able to pull that off on top of adding new things to the gacha weekly, which kamihime stopped doing ever since last year

>> No.22577098

At least it hasn't reached Grub level yet. I will give it another year before it starts shitting out those so called dual characters.

>> No.22577368

A lazy rip-off of a game that doesn't even get new content more than once a year does not cancel eachother out but just multiplies the incompetent piece of shit you end up playing.

>> No.22577621

Intro scene is H.
Wonder what all ages is like, and if I can double dip gems.

>> No.22577639

We were talking about Magicami, how does any of your post apply to it? Try again

>> No.22577663
File: 375 KB, 659x363, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I'm being serious. Do it.

>> No.22577679

>no promo6

>> No.22577695

I'm workin' on it!

>> No.22577705

Ok I will, but what's the best thing to do with the other, far lesser, girls?

>> No.22577803

Again, but in English, please.
Good lord not even that hardcore favoritism can unfuck the stats of 1* base girls.
Thankfully I don't like any of them.

>> No.22577870

>Many are worried this is going to spiral off into full ntr.
Are japanese players actively against this stuff by the way?
I mean it doesn't look like devs are going to ditch all the non-vanilla stuff. But I wonder if they'll go full Kamihime with such scenes eventually.

As for me I feel like DMM already has plenty of pure vanilla games. As much as I hate rape, I'm not the type to self insert into the MC and feel "betrayed" when girls do it with someone else. There are plenty of consensual but spicy scenarios you can come up with if the plot is not limited by MC being the only one who does the fucking. Especially when it works so well with Magicami's bizarre setting.

>> No.22577997

>Are japanese players actively against this stuff by the way?
Some definitely are, I found some hilarious blogs talking about the famous ntr collabs (when two game do a collab and, say, the heroines gets teleported to the other game and get fucked by the that protagonist instead of the one from their own game) going all caps, multi-color html "THIS PIECE OF SHIT IS FUCKING MY GIRLS" kind of stuff.
Wiki pages have to be moderated heavily when this happens too, and you can still find people lamenting it in a civil way if you search them for ntr/寝取られ.
That said, some don't give a fuck. I recently find out that a good number of players are basically normalfags who don't even follow other 2d stuff (anime etc.) so they are definitely not invested in this self-inserting/absolute purity concepts. I never even considered that not-fucked in the head-otakus could be playing these games.
Also, as some jap pointed out, it's different when a previously vanilla only game does surprise ntr and if something like Magicami does, since the latter already has some objectionable content, so who knows. Others are worried they might do the opposite, i.e. pull out a Kamihime, where they decide to go full vanilla and sweep their rapey/ntr past under the rug eventually.

>> No.22578088

>I never even considered that not-fucked in the head-otakus could be playing these games.
The porn stores here in Japan get 80% normies coming through, it's pretty normal to have a cheeky fap to some sexy 2D art
You wouldn't tell your friends about it, but it's well known

>> No.22578114

The most loud obnoxious people will be hater, other who doesn't care will not care enough to comment about it, just look at sadpanda NTR doujin's comment section

>> No.22578223 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 478x152, 1576235210583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I mentioned tower/events being one of the girls' memories or, in the case of event stories, a hallucination. None of those have been with the MC.
Even Kaori's tower scene (pic) is trying to explain it: "...but it wasn't me? It's not something I've done... or had done to me..." but then everyone acts like it happened to her despite the explanation
My definition of NTR is when they purposely mention the MC who isn't there. Too many retards blanket label shit when better descriptions are available, especially for Kamihime. Would almost classify Reindeer Seira's scene as pimping but she offers herself despite her feelings toward Tobio-Santa, so it's as you two described. It's really flimsy as ntr though.

But it's some monkey paw shit that players complained about no event scenes and I guess a lack of 'variety' and this is the result, instead of more demon girl stuff.

>DMM already has plenty of pure vanilla games
My main complaint is that it's almost all standard penetration.

>> No.22578893

If you mean everyone as the Japanese fans, I'm pretty sure it's because Kaori despite being the "normal" character in the cast is basically a giant pervert with a masturbation fetish. Her Mindbreak Scene is her masturbating, her Bond Story is the only one that is just her masturbating alone if I'm not wrong and we have this one, where an alternate Kaori just decides to get molested for the thrill of it.

>> No.22579016

Do other girls have hidden fetishes like that in Magicami?

>> No.22579047

I meant the reaction from the other girls in the onsen. Kaori mentions having a weird dream like Seira and Aka mentioned having. Akisa wants details "for investigation purposes" since she's interested in the purpose of the tower, so Kaori says she was accosted by train gropers in the dream. Iroha vows for revenge and others think that was a horrible thing to happen, even after Kaori says it never happened to her
But your theory would make sense too in a "of course no one believes her" way. I haven't really seen much of futaba/5ch reaction to magicami recently.

>> No.22579269

>But it's some monkey paw shit that players complained about no event scenes and I guess a lack of 'variety' and this is the result, instead of more demon girl stuff.
I did my part and picked all the story/demon stuff in the survey.

>> No.22579647

>I meant the reaction from the other girls in the onsen.
Oh, that part, I honestly forgot about it. Although, Akisa finding a diary and wanting to bring the water home for analysis is interesting. Wonder if this means that she's next.

>> No.22580969

>Kokoro's first scene.
You mean Kokoro's third scene.
I miss Navi. She showed up in Aigis for April Fools, and now I want her as a unit.

>> No.22580971

>Decide to give Magicami another try after all this talk
>do about 50 rolls
>not a single UR
>out of all the SR dresses I got only one comes with H scene
How many gacha SRs with H scenes are there in the game?
Seeing how past events almost always featured one, I assume devs want to reward players who actually play the game. While I appreciate such approach, I also feel bummed.
Initially Magicami hooked me with the art, H animations and the story. The battle system is too barebones for me. Normally I wouldn't mind a simplistic gameplay. I played FKG and Otogi for a long time, focusing on reading the story, unlocking new girls and their scenes. But the story in Magicami is mostly unvoiced and H scenes are a luxury. Not to mention that non-H dress episodes are so fucking short.

I'm not saying the game is bad. There are plenty of worse games and cashgrabs out there on DMM. But I can't justify all these shortcomings just because the art is great and the writing is better than your average nukige.

>> No.22581091

>Magicami is mostly unvoiced
Slightly off topic, but the greediness of most of these games is incredible. It would probably cost them something like 5-10k$ to voice an entire event considering how short they usually are, and that's how much the average jap player spends in a couple of months. It's especially egregious in stuff like Tokyo Necro since Nitro+ certainly isn't poor anymore (ever since they went mainstream).

>> No.22581145
File: 5 KB, 324x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean Kokoro's third scene.

I think it often comes down to consideration of download speeds, data limits and storage capacity, particularly for games that have mobile versions (MGCM is working on their mobile version). At the very least, they're voicing all of the UR dress scenes, sex scenes, bond scenes, and the main story. I think they've said they're going to go back and voice all of the main story that wasn't fully voiced, but going forward all of it will be (and some chunks of it already were).

>> No.22581286

I'm looking at the scene right now and no way in hell does that resemble a shota. It's the third scene where you can see the Prince is visibly smaller than Kokoro.

>> No.22581302

>I think it often comes down to consideration of download speeds, data limits and storage capacity
Developers who care about that usually let the user choose whether they want text only or voices. Aside from that, spoken text doesn't take up that much data to begin with, unless the person who does the encoding is being stupid.

Lack of voices is usually due to money and scheduling reasons (multiple VAs, recording studio, etc).

>Slightly off topic, but the greediness of most of these games is incredible
Them companies have realized that they can get away with it since their audience is stupid enough to spend thousands of yen on low-effort, half-assed "games" as long as they got cute waifus or some sort of ranking which allows whales to feel superior.

>> No.22581341
File: 878 KB, 965x644, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the third scene. You can visibly see how much smaller the Prince is than Kokoro, who is already small.

>> No.22581406

Someone on my friends list has a maxed out Francis. She's pretty damn strong but idk about throwing away that many resets to get there.

>> No.22581475

Iunno, fix the wiki then. I haven't looked at Kokoro's scenes in ages, I just remembered one of them was shota.

>> No.22581700


>> No.22581746

New thread when?

>> No.22581849


>> No.22582461

When it comes to stories there are two writing styles
>one that keeps it short and to the point
>others that elaborate on everything and enjoy monologues in the middle of tense situations
One is very easy to voice, the other is not. VN companies are especially susceptible to writing too fucking much, so it's difficult for them to bother with voicing it.

Magicami had some weird decisions when starting out. Such as the lack of fully voiced story or no event h-scenes, but had all sorts of dosh to blow on advertising. They've fixed most of that and gotten more generous but for example I have no idea how someone with poor luck could possibly reach the summit of tower with SRs, considering how difficult this one was.
