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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2252630 No.2252630 [Reply] [Original]

How to find a shitty thread on weekend /jp/:

Click on the [Reply] button, it doesn't matter which one!

>> No.2252638

I don't think /jp/ has a distinction now by day and time.

>> No.2252635

it works, thank you

>> No.2252651

Thanks, I found one!

>> No.2252655

I've made 3 loli threads today. Two went ignored and the last ended in "LOL PARTYVAN XD". This have never happened on weekday /jp/.

>> No.2252666

Because loli are disgusting.

>> No.2252670

You are my new least favorite tripfag.

>> No.2252673

Obviously, you speak for dark, evil forces. If they say loli is bad, then it must be good.

Meaning, loli is the path to heaven. It makes sense.

>> No.2252695

Happy to be. Loli used as a sexual object is stupid, as much as 10% furry bullshit.

My head... it hurts...

>> No.2252702

Don't bother listening to this jackass, he only shows up on weekends and knows nothing of /jp/.

>> No.2252707
File: 51 KB, 1000x517, Girugameshthetroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's actually the second time I come to jp, the first time I came here was on a late weekdays, got a nice talk with some people about VN. So fuck you.


>> No.2252708

Get out you filthy tripcode user.

>> No.2252712


>> No.2252719

yes, I'm a /a/ poster

was trollin durr.

>> No.2252721

/jp/ would be a lot less shitty on weekend if we didn't have these threads discussing the state of /jp/ every hour.

>> No.2252727


>> No.2252734

You don't even have enough potential to call yourself a troll. Trolling requires cognitive effort. With you, it's like special student services left someone at the computer unsupervised.

>> No.2252735

Man, I love you.
Keep it up, soon, we'll dominate the world!

>> No.2252742

I agree completely, but it's next to impossible to have a decent thread on the weekend. I can't count the number of "What does Japan think about x" threads I've seen today, also we've had someone admit to being 16 in one of those threads.

>> No.2252744

trolling = making at least retards care enough to repost to you saying stupid shit. I succeeded. You failed.

>> No.2252751

i really hope you're trolling with that post

>> No.2252748

Trolling is not something to be proud of, and neither is being an attention whore.

>> No.2252754
File: 45 KB, 640x640, Druggedloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2252758

Metatrolling. For once I wish I was the kind of scum that saves reaction images.

>> No.2252759

God, you are most stupid tripfag I've seen in years

>> No.2252761

If that's what you think trolling is, then it's no wonder trolls recently have no dignity, no capability, no future.

You're so... boring.

>> No.2252763

Sure is underage high school kid with no friends in here.

>> No.2252768

I never though you fucking weeaboos we're so stupid to fall in the trap. Mission accomplished.

>> No.2252771

Actually, a good trolling IS something to be proud of.

All the more so on 4chan, which hasn't seen a half-decent troll in years.

>> No.2252773

Wow you already started posting reaction images?
I hate weekend users

>> No.2252777
File: 27 KB, 477x357, megamanfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting on 4chan
>being from /a/

>> No.2252779

You've already been caught posting in /a/, you really are the worst troll I've ever seen.

In before "lol but i wuz trollin wen i said dat".

>> No.2252778

You tell him, us adults with no friends are much better.

>> No.2252781

That was a picture to show I don't hate loli, durr.

>> No.2252782


>> No.2252783

You were never any better than him, tripfaggot.

>> No.2252790

Hi LyPeR

>> No.2252800

/a/ is actually better than /jp/ because it's closer to what I like. I actually played 1 VN and it was Clannad. Also, /g/ is my lurk board.

>> No.2252808

I feel the same.
Also, what did I tell you yesterday, /jp/? cut the smartass shit, I am the OP of the Thread in /a/

>> No.2252819

probably trying to make fun of the capitalization in my name... meh.

>> No.2252830


>> No.2252835

LyPeR confirmed to be another underageb&. One more to add to the list.

>> No.2252842
File: 11 KB, 200x228, 1234838769936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ is actually better than /jp/

>> No.2252843

This lyper guy reminds me of Betty. Except he wants to be a troll.

>> No.2252840

/jp/ should be your lurk board too! (suggestion)

>> No.2252856


>> No.2252858

Not really, buy saying loli is bad on /a/ or /jp/ instantly lead to a 100 post thread. and you know it.

Quote the rest. Because of my taste are mostly anime and manga, not the rest of the japanese media.

I visit it once or twice everyday, I want to play Touhou... The shooter game... I saw a youtube video it seemed so fucking hard.

>> No.2252862
File: 13 KB, 317x367, baw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2252870
File: 145 KB, 645x900, a-1233544397039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting loli in a troll thread.

>> No.2252872


>> No.2252877

Please, get the fuck out, Betty wasn't a powatroll exactly.
Specially since there are two.

>> No.2252904

I do, please.

>> No.2252910

You're most stupid human in this board

>> No.2252914

Don't stop!

>> No.2252915

Thanks! You too!

>> No.2252925

And, after a fucking while, Anonymous will say the same things about a new tripfiend with no potential that he can't ignore, so he keeps replying and giving attention to the troll.
/jp/ is not just shit today, it's always been utter pathetic userbase.

>> No.2252931

That would be a paradox, but I guess you didn't notice since you are extremely stupid.
And you're now in my black list, so I'll enjoy never seeing your posts again.

>> No.2252936

Opened this thread, saw a lot of tripfags having an argument between themselves or something, closed it immediately.

Tripfags are like flies, whenever you see lots of them gathered in just one place that means there's a lot of shit around. So you don't even need to read the thread to know it fucking sucks.

>> No.2252937
File: 17 KB, 77x113, 420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I'm tired of /jp/ being so immature about this kind of things!
Grow up! There are people who don't like the things you like! You should learn to tolerate them and accept them!
If you hate people because of their tastes and want to insult them go to Random.
~Support Haruhi1994 for mod~Put this in your sig!
~Support Currybutt ban~
~Support Arcueid Bumstud ban~
Member of /jp/'s Aya fanclub!

Touhou fan
Firefox user
FSN fan

"You wish to venture beyond this gate? How ludicrous...I, Hong Meiling, shall be your opponent...and the Angel of Death who shall ferry your poor soul to hell"

-Hong Mei Ling


>> No.2252938

OP here.

Haven't deleted the thread yet because I'm having too much fun watching this faggot make a fool of himself.

>> No.2252947

Get filter, type LyPeR on the namefield, hit Apply and his posts are gone.
They're quite useful.

>> No.2252944


What the hell kind of answers are that? How old are you, 10? I ignored this thread until now, but this is getting worse and worse. If you don't have anything to say, shut up. And if you like /a/, stay there.

>> No.2252954

Long time no see. You never fail to make me laugh.

>> No.2252962

I like you

>> No.2252968

God you people are funny.

I am trying so much.

>> No.2252977

I filter most tripfags, you're not in it for a reason.

>> No.2252991

I'm against tripfag attention-whoring.
I use my tripcode just when I need it.

>> No.2252993


>> No.2253000

The best thing about you is that you only show up when needed.

Like Dracula.

>> No.2252999

Hum, what would be a good reason?

>> No.2253006 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 77x113, 421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh freaking dammit
~Support Haruhi1994 for mod~Put this in your sig!
~Support Currybutt ban~
~Support Arcueid Bumstud ban~
Member of /jp/'s Aya fanclub!

Touhou fan
Firefox user
FSN fan

"You wish to venture beyond this gate? How ludicrous...I, Hong Meiling, shall be your opponent...and the Angel of Death who shall ferry your poor soul to hell"

-Hong Mei Ling


>> No.2253016


>> No.2253020

I'd like to ask you guys to stop replying to tripfags.

No, there's no good tripfag. All they want is your attention and if you like this place free from cancer and circle jerks you better start ignoring the whores.

>> No.2253031

This is why I can't go to /a/ anymmore.
Thanks for giving us the taste of neo-/a/, LyPeR.

>> No.2253040

But isn't Dracula a bad guy? Why would you need such a person?

>> No.2253042

Actually, I do decent posts on /a/. I don't even bother trying here, on /jp/. I like /a/ when we have GOOD discussions.

>> No.2253093

Just clicked on /a/.
Taiga bashing thread.
Roulette thread.
Taiga bashing thread.
Taiga bashing thread.


>> No.2253214

/a/ is just like /b/ now.
