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22446336 No.22446336 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>22403299

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>> No.22446343
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>> No.22446391

Why are these threads always immediately dead on arrival?

>> No.22446535

Just did E*S daily quests with skip tickets 2 times just to get 5400 exp worth books. And thye are not worth to use for story too, because of AP cost. Actually got scammed. So worthless.

>> No.22446847

>They even included the foxgirl from the Castle Defense game

>> No.22446964
File: 1.48 MB, 1366x768, 1574003113569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must always be a Hero King.

>> No.22446967

Wonder if this one will powercreep Kera Prince.

>> No.22446976

Here I was disappointed that Dark Prince wasn't more like the Lich King since he buffs undead.
Hopefully the new one fits the role better - prince with tokens or something would be interesting.

>> No.22447003

What is Einherjar?

>> No.22447106

Not good enough, that's what it is.
I guess it does have tokens, but they just aren't impactful enough and the prince buffs shitty classes in that form.

>> No.22447381

E*S any good, lads? Was thinking of trying it out since I liked the two games.

>> No.22447532

It's fun. The start is a little hard but then everything is nice. They're generous with gacha too. You can unlock characters limit as f2p if you get character but it takes some time. You don't really need max level to finish it though.

>> No.22447620

Got it, thanks anon. Started it up and was able to do the first four steps of the step-up with what I got at the start. Thinking I should do the next step when I can for the guaranteed banner 4* as well.
Got Kublai Khan, Prester John, Ivan, Napoleon, and 3 copies of Ashoka for 4*s. I suppose I'll need to figure out how dupes work. Was really hoping to get the other 4* on the banner, or an off-banner Machiavelli/Gilgamesh.
Are Alwida, Balin or Caesar in yet?

>> No.22447676

Aigis anons, I need help, which would you consider to be better AW2 path for Silvia?

>> No.22447685

Bloodsucker for sure.

>> No.22447695

any specific reason?

>> No.22447704

1% higher base lifesteal, and larger HP pool which makes the lifesteal more effective. Silvia is used as a supertank/unkillable duellist, it makes her even better in that role.

>> No.22447810

Yeah they're all in.
Alwida was last event unit so I dunno when she'll be back.

>> No.22447811

Alwida was free unit of last event. Other you mentioned are 3 star. Stop summoning on current banner and wait for newer banners with ancient heroes or limited stuff. One copy is more than inof if you don't mind to wait. As for extra copies you sell it and you get 30 evolve material. Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Achilles got released and rest will come so save for now. Clearing main story will give you currency and buy gold balls to buy evolve material. You can do easy mode more than once. I only do it one time per month since I'm bored and event rewards are fine.

>> No.22447830

Here is my Gilgamesh if you need some help. id 18340243 try to clear exp books stage when daily comes. Also do expedition for ap. There is a specific time where 3 ap expeditions open too.

>> No.22447831

Shit, there's been limited banners already? You mentioning ancient heroes makes me think there must also be some significance to that as well.
Just clearing through story as I can, but I saw on the profile screen that there seems to be routes for the story.
Is the first playthrough of story basically easy mode/normal route, and you can repeat it if you want?

>> No.22447839

You can re do it if you want and get reward too. The only real limited banner was summer one at start. Others I think will be add to gacha since you can get Gilgamesh. No big deal. my ID again 18340243

>> No.22447869

Huh, so I guess you never really run out of pulls or gold balls in that case. Thanks.
I'll add you in a few.

>> No.22447960


>> No.22448016
File: 691 KB, 750x714, 1560971155441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of the free black ticket is over.
You shouldn't expect it next anniversary.

>> No.22448018

The age of Aigis being a good game is over, indeed.

>> No.22448027

I knew the moment I saw those 10x pull tickets during last anniversary. They couldn't even do us a favor and make them count towards the pity black.

>> No.22448028

Holy shit, got Machiavelli on my 3* or up ticket from panel missions. Blessed game.

>> No.22448045

Eh. They've been really good about adjusting stuff like that based on feedback. They'll probably even refund you when they do it.

>> No.22448051

E*S friends, what 4*s and 3*s are the most worth focusing on if I happen to get them?

>> No.22448084

It honestly doesn't super matter. You've got some units like Achilles who are absolutely busted because of some aspect or another (insane speed with constant turns and healing per turn making her very difficult to kill, but balanced by high cost) and other than that basically everyone is viable. Don't neglect your 2*s. Ector is particularly good.

>> No.22448094



This is my opinion, but I typically use units that boost drops.

>> No.22448172

Makes sense, thanks. I absolutely would have neglected the 2*s.
Neat, I was planning to focus on Kublai since I like her, but that's great to hear. Guess I should work on Napoleon and the 3*s too while I'm messing around with comps.
Figuring out how to teambuild in a new game is always a good time.

>> No.22448184
File: 486 KB, 1920x1080, 54031282-86E5-436E-B2FC-4280D691604C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free rolls finally paying off.

Still no goddamn rainbow memories, but I purposely rolled memories first to try to trick desire sensor.[/s]

>> No.22448211

While characters are on an expedition are they unusable for combat? I think I skimmed the tutorial for it too fast.

>> No.22448219

The hot ones. Or the cute ones. Or the loli. Or the titty monsters. Basically the ones you want to use.

But eventually for an auto team, you'll want to avoid anyone with buff/heal skills since they like to waste brave on them.

No, send whoever.

>> No.22448231
File: 252 KB, 1435x820, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't logged in to this game for months but your posted convinced me
Not sure whether I should be happy for my roll or mad I wasted my luck on a game I don't play

>> No.22448374

>Healer that doesn't take a deployment slot
>Has an Archer's attack speed
>Can change into an Archer with larger range than most archers + Undelectable arrows
>Has higher attack than most Healers AND Archers
Whatever you say anon.

>> No.22448395

Don't forget top-tier armor, the clone even can tank hits from mutant scythe demon in Capital of Steel

>> No.22448500

You don't get any of the gacha currency when you repeat the story. There's a shop that opens up after the main story and it has good items that you can exchange for once a month. The currency only comes from completely finishing a route.

>> No.22448545
File: 259 KB, 321x537, 1542962113724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started yesterday and got this in 2 10rolls and 5 ticket singles from stuff. Any of these worth heavy investment of my yarn or just enough as subs.

>> No.22448631

As >>22448374 points out, the token's pretty damn good. As for the classes Einherjar buffs (Soldiers, Heavy Armors, Valkyries, Archers, and Healers), sure they are the oldest classes, but the only one you can make an argument for being shitty are Valkyries. Thanks to all the buffs and whatnot over the years, they're all rather decent classes and far from being "shitty" as you call it.

>> No.22448676

The URs obviously, especially the Arachne Iroha, plus the SR 2019 Kaori for healing. I don't know how good the SR 2019 Akisa is anymore after the balance patch a little while back. Someone else will have to say. I never really used her.

>> No.22448753

I did Nosferatu for the art and it's the first time I've regretted an AW2 pick. The extra 5%/7% healing on her first two skill uses helps way too much when you're deploying her on maps with a lot of magic damage and don't have 100% melee uptime(floors 10 and 20 of the tower specifically come to mind.)

>> No.22449512

Alright, fair enough. I suppose it's probably just because I see no purpose in running a Heavy Armor, Valk, or Healer ever, and your Soldiers won't be actually fighting anything.

>> No.22449535
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Cute cacao

>> No.22449565
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Very cool, wanted Balin and Yamato. This game just throws 4*s at you, huh?

>> No.22449601

Baseball Iko drains turn gauge on one enemy and has attack-all with a stun on it.
I think that SR Erisa is mostly attack-all skills.

>SR 2019 Akisa
Her main change was her second skill. It used to hit one enemy very hard but now it kinda tickles every enemy and slows them. I don't think her def/atk buff was reduced by I don't pay that much attention.

Check the rates, they're easily double a lot of games.
I still can't roll regular Seimei

>> No.22449668
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Sometimes, yeah.

>> No.22449838

Finally, I did Furfur 16. I just had to sell my soul and use Prince. Didn't have Erlang Shen, Kurama, Spiria or Fiora either.

>> No.22449840

Baseball is boring.

>> No.22449988

I dont really understand how to get high score. I should just kill everyone ASAP?

>> No.22450043

>I don't think her def/atk buff was reduced by I don't pay that much attention.
Her Third Skill was completely untouched. Also, her Second Skill used to also buff allies' speed but when it became AOE, they made it slow enemies instead. Works less well with UR EVO Kokoa now.

>> No.22450144
File: 502 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191118-230859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These new login screens are sex.

>> No.22450171

I do like that the splash screens can change now going for an Azur Lane-type rotating splash screen.

>> No.22450229


>> No.22450289
File: 139 KB, 1119x623, LycheeHW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still kind of strange rolling for HW girls 3 weeks after, but she was too cute to pass over. Only took 2 rolls too.

Should be do 30k+ damage in 1 hit for S rank 3k points. Just borrow a 85+ Gil if for some reason you can't do it.

>> No.22450305

Did we really get lame ass Heios instead of based Decius?

>> No.22450375
File: 1.24 MB, 1148x646, 201911190130001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using Gil against her weakness
Use Green types instead.

>> No.22450383

>Should be do 30k+ damage in 1 hit for S rank 3k points
Oh, that's easy then. I just used my grind party, so they couldnt hit hard.

>> No.22450416

Decius is the only bit of personality among Garius' gang, he's needed there.

>> No.22450443
File: 153 KB, 1136x640, fruful054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempted to roll for Halloween versions and every single time it went off rate up

>> No.22450658

>Decius is the only bit of personality among Garius' gang
Mecha Goblin Queen definitely has personality, also Kralhu. All other personalities have been stolen by the Prince. Even those two new girls who are subordinate to Kuroko just had their illustrations revealed in the livestream as new units after just being revealed alongside Ikai Summoner's disciple.

>> No.22450791

You should definitely level up UR Iroha, she has an aoe freeze with high crit rate and also for her normal attacks.
You should also level up SR Akisa, her third skill gives your whole team atk + def buff for 3 turns, second skill does peanut aoe damage but it does gives speed down to the whole enemy team.
And you should also level up SR Eriza, her third skill does a fuck ton of aoe damage, also occasionally inflict def down to the enemies, second skill brings an enemy gauge down to zero which is a really nice addition.

>> No.22451565
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>> No.22451589

Pretty sure having multiple collabs one after the other isn't even financially smart, especially since the fanbases probably overlap a lot and you need thousands of dollars worth or rolls to get limited stuff in this game. Do they want to bankrupt their playerbase or something? I knew I was right when I stopped caring about Nitro+ after Sonico and the cashgrabs it spawned.

>> No.22451681

>Pretty sure having multiple collabs one after the other isn't even financially smart
Took them 2 months to implement the Muramasa collab after its announcement so this one will probably follow the same schedule.

>> No.22451794

Is this another in-house collab?

>you need thousands of dollars worth of rolls to get limited stuff
What fucking game have you been playing? I missed maybe 3 limited characters I attempted to roll for, and I started shortly after the beta started.

Though the double limited girls are bullshit whale territory shit. I don't know how whales keep up with those with how often they introduce them.

>Nitro+ made Sonico
Sonico collab when?

>> No.22451816

>Is this another in-house collab?
Demonbane. It's Nitroplus 20th anniversary this year so I think they want to have collab with their most well known VNs.

>> No.22451992

>Al Azif and Kurou got a brand new designs.
>Kageaki and Muramasa just got their old VN sprites with live2d touch up.
Then again Namaniku Atk's art has changed way too much Muramasa barely looks like herself in the H scene.

>> No.22452084

What was the channel of that guy who used to beat everything using just Moltena? Wanted to see if he was able to cheese out a Makai Rats clear.

>> No.22452096


>> No.22452144

I'm surprised they actually managed to hire the original Muramasa's VA, she basically disappeared from the anime/game scene around 2014 and started only voicing CMs or something.

>> No.22452162


>> No.22452196
File: 336 KB, 876x1280, __sansei_muramasa_soukou_akki_muramasa_drawn_by_namaniku_atk__11ac3dc9818cf4249ccd982070e82045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muramasa has to be the one of the most inconsistently drawn character I've ever seen. Her skin color, tits size, eye color, hair hue, height and even face shape are unstable as fuck. And this isn't due to art style evolution, she just kept changing every time he drew her.

>> No.22452203

E*S lads, have you already had Goemon as an event character? I see her in the info for the baseball stuff, but Cook seems to be the reward.

>> No.22452225

Yes, about 3~4 events ago.

>> No.22452229

Muramasa is the last character she voiced before she disappeared so I guess she has some sort of special attachment to the role.

>> No.22452230

Drat. They're really been pumping out their good characters fast, huh?

>> No.22452268

Those are Al Azif and Kurou? Jesus, they looked so different that I thought they were new characters.

>> No.22452314

Aside from her skin color, her face and general shape was fairly consistent back then. I think his fetish for thick girl with ultra huge ass really took a hit on his art style.
While I could recognize Al Azif, I would have hard time telling that was Kurou without Al Azif standing in front of him.

>> No.22452339

Who else is excited for their ten 10-roll tickets?

>> No.22452526

Watch some nip post a video showing off his 10 blacks from 1 ticket. Pretty sure FKG has one of those already.

>> No.22452599

Kure got 3 new blacks and 2 plats from tower tickets so probably him

>> No.22452614

Here, my daily tickets and twoer ticket are full gold and silver

>> No.22452707

I got a black unit myself just now.
And it even isn't a dupe.
It's... Sybilla...

>> No.22452719

All my daily tickets have been Soleil. I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean.

>> No.22452736

Why does Sybilla even exist
She's Ingrid except inferior in every single aspect except the instakill proc which is irrelevant when it's only gonna trigger on mooks which Ingrid already kills at the same speed due to her range, and she hits 3 of them at a time.
She doesn't even have looks going for her against Ingrid.

>> No.22452768

AW2 will fix her I'm sure

>> No.22452774

She's there to fuck up the gacha with the poll units. That's why she always scores high enough to be with Sheng Lapis etc. despite the fact nobody votes for her and everyone clearly votes for broken units instead.

>> No.22452776

She's more popular than Ingrid.
Nut not for E-sports reasons.

>> No.22452813

Ingrid is best girl, though. Fucking shit taste nips.

>> No.22452815

It's because of incest fags, isn't it

>> No.22452827
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You get me. Her and Nataku heal my soul.


I like Sybilla because of those Hitotose Rin doujins that he puts up, they're pretty fun. Other then that get her out of my esports gacha voting.

>> No.22452839
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I see some of you are men of taste.

>> No.22452858
File: 432 KB, 1500x2118, 1522601001821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too perfect.
Literally the only unit where I have both forms of their AW2.

>> No.22452962
File: 126 KB, 952x637, Duo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a luck fag on the tickets so far. 2 new blacks from 2 tower tickets and this today.

>> No.22453084
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I'll make the 2nd one in due time. She's honestly one of the few units I really want both AW2. Others were pretty clearcut whether art or just utility.

>> No.22453100

Ingrid's AW2 paths feel like the only set of well designed ones there are.
One path gives some extra range to make her a safer trash clearer/DPS, the other offers a ton of extra damage and magic bulk to make her a usable lightning rod that downs heavier enemies better.

>> No.22453669

You guys forget she does increased damage against Angels. She's very useful on Angel maps.

>> No.22454051
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How many dicks has she taken?

>> No.22454058

As many as the stars in the sky

>> No.22454106

We need the dialog from her scenes.

>> No.22454138
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>> No.22454139
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>> No.22454146

So she has a past lover then? Fuck this game.

>> No.22454173

fuck off purityfag

>> No.22454219

What exactly does it say?

>> No.22454363
File: 72 KB, 736x254, SolaceQuotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever initially relayed info doesn't know a fucking thing about Japanese.
Plat First Scene:
>She protest's Prince's fingerbanging "Didn't you learn to be gentle with a girl's first time!?"
>Prince is curious, she's been here forever but she's a virgin?
>"O-Of course I have experience!? How many years do you think I've been alive!!"
>Prince continues to wonder why she's so sensitive then, it's like she's never been touched by anyone else before
>She tries to get him to stop by guilt tripping him about his ancestors
>Prince teases how the ancient Hero King never did anything with this cute beauty, the main difference between the two rulers
Shortly before climaxing, she yells how she's never had anyone make her climax, how she's only ever touched herself.
>So that's why she's so sensitive, and Prince continues his finger assault

Second scene:
>"That rather hurt but... it's in now? That means I've already won right?"
>"Oh right it won't feel good if I don't move? That's what you've always done when I've watched..."
>She's coy about answering a question, so Prince assumes control
>"Why are you so rough for my first time-!?"
>Even if she's aware of being cummed inside, doesn't seem like she was ever had that happen
>She's curious about the sensation of Prince cumming inside, rubbing her tummy in the area
Don't have her Black version, probably going to be more of a pain to dodge the Goddess' bullshit if she only comes back when they decide to add more Heroes.

She's saying those things to Prince. Guess where all of her experience comes from?
Peeping on Prince every time he's fucking someone, ever since his first time.
And all of his "books" lying around

>"This is like lovers! Sweetly lewd! As necessary compensation for my services!"
>Spent time with Solace like lovers do

>> No.22454370

>literally the most beautiful girl in the world
>alive for 1000 years
>hasn't had a single dick until yours
Very believable.

>> No.22454371

Thank you anon. Solais is a cute nerd, confirmed.

>> No.22454376

>literally the most beautiful girl in the world
Anon, while she's certainly beautiful, I'm pretty sure this statement isn't accurate. As for why the Hero King didn't tap that, who knows? We do know he tapped Rakshasa and his wife.

>> No.22454382

>Peeping on Prince every time he's fucking someone, ever since his first time.
Wait a second. Who was the Prince's first time?

>> No.22454384

Loli Anna

>> No.22454398

Time travelled anna.

>> No.22454420

Kinda happens when you're stuck in a tower, alone, and can only watch others get it on. I was even going with Solais until I realized Solace makes more sense when armed with that info.

>Anna steal's prince's first time from herself

>> No.22454442

If I'm not mistaken, Yuugen's scenes follow this >>22454363 structure as well. The Plat version's establish the relationship, deflowering and all, while the Black version's pick up after the Plat's.

It's been a while since I read hers, but I recall Eleonora's first scene being similar. The Prince was her first lover, but the actual scene skips ahead to some unspecified time in their relationship.

>> No.22454454

Probably Kokoro. Isn't her 3rd scene with Shota Prince? And Anna has her first time in the original unit's second scene, so it can't be Loli Anna.

>> No.22454460

It's definitely that way for Soma and Alissa.

>> No.22454461

Kokoro turns the prince into a shota.

>> No.22454555
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, 1574002148150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they really put Imperial and Popularity gacha at the same time?

>> No.22454653

Always bet on teateam greedy

>> No.22454753

Can anyone link Plat solais's event CGs?

>> No.22454780

Arknights will kill Aigis.

>> No.22454830

Fuck yeah, Magicami finally updated the normal gacha lineup. They added:
>Fluffy Rabbit set
>Matsuri Set
>Authentic Maid set

Time for Bunny Seira
>110 tickets
>Zero UR
Nevermind. At least I got the UR Riri and UR Kokoa I was missing with an UR ticket and an SR ticket.

>> No.22454935

>sidegame with kill another sidegame
That's not how it works.

>> No.22454942

Can't remember which is which, but it's all the heroes.

>> No.22454944

>Black Solais 1
>Black Solais 2
>Platinum Solais 1
>Platinum Solais 2
>Black Yuugen 1
>Black Yuugen 2
>Platinum Yuugen 1
>Platinum Yuugen 2

>> No.22455162

Yuugen's ears are silly, they're black tipped in her Black form.

>> No.22455181
File: 95 KB, 495x552, Leone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can she save bandits? Does it mean they have AW2 for them planned?

>> No.22455563

I guess this confirms the Hero King is gay as well.
No wonder most of the units are females in Aigis universe, the birth rates must be atrocious with 90% of men being homosexual.

>> No.22455675

God if bandits get AW2 and this fucking flat whore gets AW2 art while Amanda doesn't I will be angry something fierce.

>> No.22455926
File: 1.28 MB, 1154x653, liubang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, was planning on rolling for Liu Bang in her Gacha but I guess that's taken care of. First Ancient Hero in Takeru too, so that's neat.

>> No.22456012

Is she designed by cyocyo? Looks similar to dina.
That ugly fat whore can't be improved no matter what. Might as well focus on superior loli.

>> No.22456023

I'm having shitty luck so far with free rolls. I also got Liu Bang though.

>> No.22456042

She looks more like someone from ayarabu to me, doesn't look much like cyocyo

>> No.22456093

>That ugly fat whore can't be improved no matter what.
You will retract these words, sir.

>> No.22456105

>superior loli
She looks generic and boring as fuck. Even her axe looks stupid.

>> No.22456523

Techcross artists only work with techcross though

>> No.22456581

>Looks similar to dina.
The style of the face is completely different, as is the rendering on the hair. Frankly, cyocyo isn't this good.

>> No.22456862

Aigis introducing a new class: engineer. For solving practical problems.

Because the SAPPERS are definitely not engineers. Nope. They're sappers. Even tough one of the operates a tank, and another a ballista.

>> No.22456880

Let's not forget the other new class: Lord.
Introduced by a female character, of course.

>> No.22456881

>Here's this fancy geomancer hero class
>It's just an earth elementaler

>> No.22456891

I can't wait for other, new and exciting classes, such as hydromancer who uses water projectiles or pyromancer who has an AoE fireball attack.

>> No.22456946

DevTea just might do this shit, introduce pyromancers and the AW2 for them before mages get it

>> No.22456995

Can you retards go back to shitting on FKG? Or better go back to /mbgg/ where you came from

>> No.22457015

Actually complaining about Aigis discussion when there's new Aigis content introduced. Congratulations, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.22457039

>shitting on flower knight girls
couldn't find any scat, but chocolate is brown too, I guess.

>> No.22457062

If you think shitting on Teateam is something new then you're wrong big time newfriend

>> No.22457089

Thought you finally got over your victim complex, but I guess not?

>> No.22457137

I'm pretty sure that's some sort of ear armor. You see similar things in the various fantasy media that feature elves or other long-eared races.
Cyocyo is notorious for prioritizing loli art first. Why do you think Dine didn't get 2AW art at the same time as her sister despite being by the same Artist. Face it, Amanda won't immediately get 2AW artwork because it's not actually Cyocyo's primary fetish.

>> No.22457148

The new girl is not drawn by Cyocyo. The style is way "sharper". Compare how her hair and Cyocyo's other units hair is drawn.
Then again, I had no idea until now that Cyocyo also drew Barbarostroff, Robert, and Giovanni. So there's that.

>> No.22457160
File: 396 KB, 1280x1815, 99010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22457283

I wasn't talking about the new girl though.Cyocyo did Amanda and Dine, and like how Dine didn't get 2AW art despite Dina getting it, Amanda won't get 2AW art either, because Cyocyo only really cares about lolis.

>> No.22457314

Dine did get her 3rd scene though, so it could just be that devtea isn't putting it out for one reason or another.

>> No.22457345 [DELETED] 

Yeye I get you're a bunch of organized discord seaniggers but can you fuck off already?

>> No.22457375

Whats wrong? Nobody wants to talk about you flowershit? Oh, right. there's nothing to talk about. it's just a 1 button masher.

>> No.22457407

I thought the 10 draws in Aigis started on the 21st, and that's what it is in Japan now. Fuck.

>> No.22457436

After the update. Alway after the update.

>> No.22457452

Goddamnit. Since it was login shit, that means it'll actually be the 22nd before we get one, huh?

>> No.22457456

They made button mashing automatic some time ago (I'm not playing much so no idea when)

>> No.22457486

Literally what the fuck are you talking about you demented newfag? This thread was originally practically made for Aigis.

>> No.22457497

Where did I say it was new? Why are you arguing to your own strawman retarded subhuman?

>> No.22457504

It's obvious you're new if out of all things to whine about you whine about a civilized content discussion about the oldest game discussed here you ape.

>> No.22457516

He's talking about seanigger discord and /mbgg/ out of nowhere so I think he's faggot from /v/ or /vg/. Does FKG get mobile verson lately?
I'm surprise our small thread gets /v/ and /vg/ shitpostter tho

>> No.22457595

That guy's been here since forever. Just ignore him.

>> No.22457641

And another silver to round out the single tickets.

There's three from the event, so you can probably get those rather quickly.
Based on my single tickets, I'm debating between saving all of the tickets to roll in one go or rolling them as I get them. Not that there's any difference but I forget how I got my golds and silvers last year.

>> No.22457689

>ear armor
What? Why?

>> No.22457720

How are you gonna be immune to Tigrex's roar without it?

>> No.22457793

Is it better to focus on 3*s over 4*s early on in E*S because you'll uncap them quicker?

>> No.22457810

Focus on your favorites.

>> No.22457860

Elves have long as fuck ears for the most part. Even if they're not ridiculously long, they're still longer than the ears of most other races, which means they're more susceptible to getting injured in a fight than other races. This is especially bad since elf ears typically have practical uses, like exceptional hearing which can't be done properly if an ear's been cut off. Typically, you'll see it cover the top part of the ear.

>> No.22457873

Fair enough. What do the little pink diamonds in the equipment screen mean?

>> No.22457875

Just means you have the mats/level required to forge a same/higher tier equip.

>> No.22457880

Gotcha, thanks. Guess I'll try and get at least tier 2/3 stuff ASAP.

>> No.22458055

I can’t accept that solais was a virgin. I will not accept this.

>> No.22458062

When will I start to need raising a healer in E*S? Also not sure when I'll start to need multiple teams.

>> No.22458068

And I had a stroke while typing it seems.
Need to start*

>> No.22458087

I finished all events and true route without using a healer in my core team. I suppose regen and leech is enough.

>> No.22458094

Regen and leech? Interesting.
What characters have those?

>> No.22458116

Gil, Achilles and Vlad got regen from equips.
Masamune has leech from skill.

>> No.22458121

Oh, that's cool. I thought Vlad would have had leech because of the whole Dracula thing, but it seems I was wrong, and had no idea on the others. Thanks.

>> No.22458183

Purity fags won. Get over it, other than a bit of dignity, it's not costing you anything.

>> No.22458202
File: 134 KB, 1131x635, CassisHW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was definitely expecting a dupe when Apple showed up. Thank you for failing rate up.

>> No.22458241

At this point I'm holding all of my tickets until they add Ancient Wisdom. I'm sure that'll be a while but I've really got everything I really wanted up until that set.

>> No.22458306

For whatever reason it doesn't look like you can get the ones from the event until next week. https://twitter.com/Aigis1000/status/1196624734156275712

>> No.22458363

Hope it's not one of those things where you have to collect all the drops and for some reason the last drop just doesn't drop at all.

>> No.22458402
File: 857 KB, 960x640, aigis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently started Aigis and trying to farm this stage for the drop clear, but for a few runs now it's giving me literal 0 drops. Do I need to defeat the units in a certain way for drops or is it just trash luck?

>> No.22458412

Trash luck.
Silver units in general have very low drop rates.

>> No.22458414

Go watch videos of what drops whats, and quit if you don't get it.

>> No.22458415

Alright thanks. Might consider going for something else with my stamina then.

>> No.22458426

>and quit if you don't get it
Sounds harsh.

>> No.22458434

They made it even worse than last year huh.
Did you get the KT from the tutorial missions too? Keep in mind her skill level resets on class change.

>> No.22458435

He meant exit the mission. You get half your stamina/charisma back that way. Rounded down.

>> No.22458443

>Keep in mind her skill level resets on class change.
Fuck. Is this the same for every character? Sounds like bullshit.
I have the tutorial one and was thinking of boosting her skill and cost exactly.

Oh right. Actually a pretty good idea.

>> No.22458452

>Is this the same for every character?
Every character that changes their skill after class change, yes.
I think this only applies to some really old plats/blacks and all golds with tiered skills, you can preview the class change to see if the skill changes.

>> No.22458467

I guess you can't use pre-class change copies of her to increase the skill after the class change either?

>> No.22458477

Nope, only reduce s deployment cost in that case.
You can class change her and then use her as fodder but everyone could tell that's a massive waste of resources.

>> No.22458507

>everyone could tell that's a massive waste of resources
Yeah. In this case just merging them pre-class change for the temporary skill boost or saving her for awakening materials seems to be the best call.

>> No.22458560

About to pull the trigger to AW2 Georg for Tower 5, I was thinking of doing Regina but Georg seemed just as useable there and he's a gold / male in case for future stages of that shit. Being a Wendy-let and Jin-Guant let is suffering for this tower.

Also is Lychnos worth it as well while I'm asking, I see her used quite a bit later tower stages as well, in particular she can just about solo the golem stage which seemed pretty good cause I have duelists but I don't have a real meaty wall unit.

>> No.22458630

>check back on dmm thread after a year
>people still complaining about aigis, fkg and mbgg
It's like I never left

>> No.22458659

We're talking about things relevant to the thread. That's what the thread is for.

>> No.22458713


>> No.22458752

>Aigis anniversary, so there's a lot of discussion/bitching
>"Wow, it's exactly like one year ago"
No fucking shit.

They tweet so much shit for announcements it's difficult to fish out the notes at a glance.

Now that you can shove gold units into storage and get an exp fairy out of at least the gacha ones, it's a bit more trivial to CC gold units. But by the time you can do that, you also tend to have more skill fairies than skills to raise.

>> No.22458759



>> No.22458765

The anniversary seems as shit as last year too
>No free black ticket and just free 10-rolls with utterly shit rolls

>> No.22458792

The funniest thing is that after a year bandits and mages still dont have their AW2

>> No.22458808

Even if they got them, I doubt people will even use them regularly.

>> No.22458851
File: 218 KB, 726x1024, 1551132394224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out what all we even get from anniversary or when as I couldn't find a page on the wikia with the info. I logged in that 2-3 days ago and got those scam tickets and some other shit. I thought I saw people talking about upwards of 10x 10roll tickets but most being from tower I think?

Literally shaking. I just want to have my trifecta of Syls, Ingrid and Estelle all have their AW2. Estelle is just some bully bait or something.

>> No.22458926

>a year

>> No.22458979

I use the exact same magic trio, really hoping Mages get a nice AW2 to bring them back. At this point though, I'm not sure if even an attack increase of 500 would do it.

>> No.22459262

They could work with something like VH-style non-skill stealth and -20 global MR cut that stacks with other sources for route A, big attack boost and +1 targets for route B.

But who am I kidding, they'll get range and minor stat buffs at best.

>> No.22459296

They will get x2 AOE on skill or some shit

>> No.22459429

>install dmm player on disc D
>telling him to instal games on disc D too
>he installed ALL his and games files on disc C anyway. Meanwhile on D is just minimal files
That's some next level coding. How can i teach this animal to not trash my system?

>> No.22459603

The funniest thing is that Shadia is getting 2AW after the update while Bandits, Princesses, and Mages still don't even have a concept design in mind for 2AW

>> No.22459615

Here ya go anon. From that comment and scroll up is all the info about the new update.

>> No.22459629

Shadia is just one unit, and significantly easier to procure art for.

>> No.22459631

>10x 10roll tickets
Login rewards after maint, which means they start tomorrow on the 22nd. That's 7, last three are from second part of event.

>> No.22459698

Shadia is also one of the newest classes, being obtainable near exactly one year ago, compared to a certain 3 classes that have been here since launch.

>> No.22459708

Whats that? You want Fujin/Rajin AW2? Consider it done

>> No.22459858

Are we getting 7 at once, or are they going to be spaced out over a week?

>> No.22459872

Aigis Start screen changed again. Sybilla's back on the screen.

>> No.22459881

Hm. I'm missing Risley and Char from the 1st-3rd place banner, and Shengpu and Sybilla from the 4th-6th.
Which should I pop my pity black on, lads?

>> No.22459892
File: 322 KB, 969x573, 1574315514833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapis is the icon for my App.

>> No.22459908
File: 61 KB, 308x274, 1574316984668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that makes it easy to get an AW2

>> No.22459909

Aigis Free 10 rolls start NOW.

>> No.22459914

>There's a 10-roll ticket in presents
I'm afraid to start this shitshow.

>> No.22459915

>6 golds 4 silvers
Thanks devtea. Fuck you too. What a great way to celebrate an anniversary.

>> No.22459919

>2 blacks
wtf i love aigis now

>> No.22459928

>5G 5S
They should've given us 500SC.

>> No.22459935

who needs a free black ticket when you can have all the golds and silvers you'll ever want? Lterally best anniversary ever

>> No.22459952

Is Keraunos back?

>> No.22459953

Whoah, whoah. You'd actually be guaranteed 3 blacks if they did that! Can't have that.

>> No.22459954
File: 146 KB, 1104x736, Day1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One dupe plat and one new plat. Already looking like a repeat of last year.

>> No.22459964

Phone app finally changed from Alicia. That should have happened years ago.

>> No.22459970

3 Plats, Saria, Rachel, and Raven dupe. Cost reduced Raven, sold Rachel, and kept Saria. I feel pretty good.

>> No.22459986

Which AW2 for Teeny?

>> No.22459991
File: 803 KB, 1467x720, Screenshot_20191121-074829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky I guess, I just dont know if they are good

>> No.22460001

Clarice is top tier.

>> No.22460067
File: 166 KB, 957x623, 685687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got plat
Whoa, easy now, Aigis. Im not so greedy.

>> No.22460082

Really? Shes actually a dupe, I have most of the elementalists, they never seemed to be that good

>> No.22460102

>Kibahime dupe
Mine is mincost, but thanks. Pity black was Kyubi, got Patricia right after.

Most aren't good beyond golem stalling, but Clarice gets true damage AoE.

>> No.22460111

Pull Imperial or Popularity gacha?
I don't have anyone.

>> No.22460112

Not even a plat. This is already starting as a nice welcome back.

>> No.22460124
File: 281 KB, 650x341, 7568679870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith, they'll surprise us with a Black ticket for Christmas.

>> No.22460133

>full silver and gold
I already know it will shit but still...

>> No.22460134

They have one right now on sale!

>> No.22460199

Have some god damn faith!

>> No.22460247
File: 214 KB, 1134x641, unitia77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like Sharmila and Sanya were a mistake to put in, although its looking impossible to deal at least 500k damage per fight

>> No.22460253
File: 640 KB, 876x567, anni6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got alice from daily shit ticket and 2 blacks from today free multi. Sheng bitch is dupe though. Had to ruin my big win.

>> No.22460272

I'm waiting for newer stuff hoping they're broken. Just look at tower videos if units aren't there then don't bother to pull desu.

>> No.22460306
File: 1.11 MB, 1230x865, Teeny_AW2v2_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat ass

>> No.22460381

2 blacks 1 new 1 dupe

>> No.22460386

Give me that Sheng REEEE

>> No.22460406

Is the Empire getting their shit pushed in this event or am I misunderstanding the plot?

>> No.22460421

>Lords are dark priests but good
SASUGA DEVTEA introducing new broken classes that do the same job as old ones, but BETTER, to make them whale roll for the new powercreep.

Not only does Aleida have motherfucking multiheal with simultaneous AoE attack, she ALSO generates UP during skill use.
And, of course, her unit cost is lower than normal healers.
Holy fuck.

>> No.22460435

Prince repelled all their attacks.

>> No.22460441

>got a black and a plat
>they're dupes
nope it still hurts

>> No.22460454
File: 176 KB, 959x640, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarah and all the golds were dupes but I wanted Zilva so this quite fine indeed.

>> No.22460470

She also has 200 attack

>> No.22460495

Stop trying to undersell her. Her attack at AW99 is 230, yes, but you forgot about the affection bonus all non-Hero units must have in order to awaken, which boosts her attack to 410. Which is 83 points lower than Rinne on the 8-gates route. There's an even smaller difference comparing the other route and then you remember that there's no AW2 for the Lord class yet either. Then you also remember that she gets infinite duration 1.6x Attack during SAW which boosts her attack to 656, which is 163 points more than 8-Gates Rinne.
>656 Attack; Heals 3 allies AND attacks an enemy with splash damage at the same time.
She's pretty good.

>> No.22460498

And I forgot that SAW also increases her attack speed. So she;ss dealing and healing more damage per second than Rinne overall.

>> No.22460513

You also forgot that she isn't stealthed and has garbage range
She is gonna be a trash version of Saria/NY Elyse but if that's OP for you, sure

>> No.22460526 [DELETED] 
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 20191120_195517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22460534

So I did all 4 of missions this event.
Where's my 3 10-rolls?

>> No.22460537

Next week
Read the thread

>> No.22460553

Her range on base skill is only shorter than Feng-Shui Sage Rinne, who also isn't stealthed. It's larger than 8-Gates Rinne while her attack is only slightly lower than Feng-Shui sage, and on base skill she can heal 5 units at a time. Also, considering she's an Imperial unit that buffs other Imperial units, just the various support that Imperials have already makes up for a lot than by herself.to the point that, other than the stealth that 8-Gates Rinne has, she'd be better than Rinne.

But no, you'll complain that if she needs support to be better than Rinne she's not good at all despite exceeding Rinne in some aspects without support already.

>> No.22460557
File: 5 KB, 269x26, webe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest mystery in the world of Aigis to this day.

>> No.22460563


>> No.22460588

My main team for everything is all Imperials, and Aleida has IIRC something like 900 attack when her skill is fully ramped, with the Prince deployed, and with no other skills active. Rinne is still better overall because stealth is necessary to cheese a lot of the bullshit levels in the Tower, but Aleida ranges from solid to quite good in most circumstances.
>inb4 you are gimping yourself by using Imperials other than Elmira and Wurm
I'm not worried about beating level 16 Majin fights or 90king every level of the Tower.

>> No.22460733

Magica2019 Akisa is still top tier even after the nerf right? I'm wondering if I should just proceed to max her skills anyway since it could be a 3T AtkDef buff with 4T cooldown.

>> No.22460768

The only change to her is her second skill, which went from a Single-target Attack + Team Speed Buff to a AOE Attack + AOE Speed Down.

>> No.22460841

Yes, she's still a solid pick for afk questing.

>> No.22460948

Pretty sure her ramp up time is going to make her not viable in most hard content. You just drop Rinne and she works. With Aleida you need 88 seconds with a 40% rearguard before she's fully online and you have to make sure she's not a liability for the 48 seconds her skill is offline.

>> No.22461031

Not sure why the original argument
>Lords are dark priests but good
Which is a perfectly valid point, changed to this whole comparing her to Rinne which makes 0 sense since the whole point of the latter is the instant 30% evasion + stealth + effects mitigation package, not just multi healing.
Unless the meta changes back to power healing and tanks (not just Dina like in Tower), she's not broken.

>> No.22461045

God, I hate you so much. Ariel hasn't had a single rate up since she came out and I really want her. Congratulations, you lucky fuck.

>> No.22461090

I would give her to you if I could, I dont have characters she boosts, not that useful for me

>> No.22461091

>Ariel hasn't had a single rate up since she came out
I clearly remember atleast one. But it was icredibly shitty banner together with 3 shitty blacks.

>> No.22461103
File: 807 KB, 800x640, c001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone want to trade MGCM assets? I'm extracting sprites and audio for personal archiving and these are the URs I have access to.
Not too interested in uploading them publicly at this time though as many things are still broken.

>> No.22461202

Can you teach us how to extract those things?

>> No.22461313
File: 207 KB, 1135x640, unitia78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not enough critical hit equipment

>> No.22461340

Generally the same as all other DMM games.
Grabbing links from the network inspector, downloading the files, then using 3rd party tools to extract the assets.
Depending on the developers, the assets might have more protections in place, making it harder for people like me to get to them.

>> No.22461436

>Daily Free 10-roll in ES
>All 2*s
What a perfect green world.

>> No.22461559

First event for me in tokyo necro, am I missing something? The "score" mission gives me some 600 score, rare 1200. Do I really need to run it approximately 1000 times to get all the rewards (last one being 1kk) or is there some way to score more per mission?

>> No.22461590

>or is there some way to score more per mission
Event units, both in gacha or from the event itself, will give a bonus. So once you unlock the event girl, throw her on your team and always try to pick the new gacha girl as a helper.

Otherwise, there was a reason they added the 3xAP runs. Only use it for when you get the Rare stage up.

>> No.22461607

Run characters that give bonus to the event score, the 2 events girls and that Russian girl with the hat, they have the bonus tag when you see them, support counts too.
And you don't really need to grind all the way to the last reward. Usually you only need around 300-400k to get all the important rewards, and if your luck with drops isn't shit you can grind the 5* event weapon to 30/30 before you reach the 1mil score.

>> No.22461645

Personally, I usually just run Score until a certain point and then switch to Drop, but I think the most efficient way to get 30/30 Weapons is just to spam Drop all the way and hope for EXs?

>> No.22461677

Well unless you run the score stage with x3, the amount it gives doesn't really worth the hassle, so I just go with the drop stage, but even so the drop rate is utter shit so at the end you still have to pray for the 2 minute ex stage to show up.
At least they finally reduced the AP you need for those stages, it was unreasonable high before.

>> No.22461840
File: 72 KB, 259x123, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these two units core to majin just for their UP?

>> No.22461888

They were core for agares for obvious reasons but I think phenex is doable without them
At least 3* is, will see if I can do 4* without them

>> No.22462041

I see the merchant a lot in other ones too. Is she worth ticketing if I don't have her?

>> No.22462072

They are the best ramping units in the game because they are black units and can start ramping in 5 seconds so you get fast influx of points which helps you deal with early rushes. The closest we have to them is Totono and Zenobia but if you have Altair I don't think having both is mandatory and like I said I'm close to clearing phenex 4* without either of them

>> No.22462184

Would it kill them to give us a way to choose a black?

>> No.22462214
File: 145 KB, 444x211, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can choose.
For a price.

>> No.22462268

Should I pick char or the jester?

>> No.22462284

Char if you want to focus on tower, and Risley more for Majins and general content.

>> No.22462348

>finally get a black
>it's fucking Sybilla
Nevermind, just a fake black. She should be demoted to plat already.
Could I at least have gotten your better banner partner from the 4th-6th place popularity one, which is Sheng? Now I have 2/3 on that banner and a 66% dupe chance when pulling for Sheng, so I guess I'm not popping my pity black there.

>> No.22462374
File: 135 KB, 933x488, 6757567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spirit of anniv.

>> No.22462430

I'm gonna buy it bros.
I'm gonna fuckin' do it.
I NEED to have Rinne.

>> No.22462435

At least wait for ticket results.

>> No.22462442

My first roll was only a single plat. And it was the tactician that just came out, who I already rolled for and had at min cost and max skill.

>> No.22462494

Erlang Shen any good?

>> No.22462506

Supposedly, but her class is so gimmicky I still have personally no idea what it actually does.

>> No.22462515

Yeah she's pretty good for furfur 16, you should go clear it now

>> No.22462535
File: 675 KB, 1104x736, Day2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, a repeat of last year.

>> No.22462606

>still not even a plat
This is good since it raises the chances of getting a black in the long run.

>> No.22462639

No blacks again.

>> No.22462648

Wow I scroll down for the first time in ages and I see some western Nutaku crap on prereg. DMM pls.

>> No.22462655
File: 761 KB, 960x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a black but I don't really know how happy I should be about it.

>> No.22462657

>2 dupe plats
>enough to spare to buy 500 RC ticket
>dupe Ema
this shit isn't funny

>> No.22462706

>still +100 RC for free

>> No.22462726

Is Dante in E*S drawn by Asanagi? Don't have her, but I saw the art and am now hoping to get her.

>> No.22462739


>> No.22462754
File: 336 KB, 1567x939, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the good ones?
I haven't touched this game since launch so I don't know shit.

>> No.22462766

Unbelievably based.
Thanks anon.

>> No.22462767

Whoever makes your dick hardest.

>> No.22462778

I need a doujin of Aigis getting violently raped.

>> No.22462910

Think they're all a bit ugly desu

>> No.22462944

Why everyone is low leveled. Just take a strong friend and finish daily lvling books if it's up then everything will be easy. HP daily help alot too.

>> No.22462957

My second multi was shit but can't get greedy since I got 2 blacks in first and one was dupe. Did you fail in both? I bet the only thing got raped is you.

>> No.22462968

How dare you. Vlad is cute. CUTE!

>> No.22462980

Maybe Arthur then. Rarity means very little since most everyone is viable. There are even 2*s like Appleseed that they've had to nerf for being too good. The only standouts in my head are ones with broken kits like Gilgamesh and Achilles, but they have 10 AP cost to balance being stupidly strong. Otherwise literally just pick your favorites no matter who they are or what rarity. Once they're sitting at level 100 with full rank 5 gear and maxed out stat bonuses, everyone is a monster.

>> No.22462984

I never got a single black from these tickets, going all the way back to last year.

>> No.22462996

Wasn't there that one CG of Aigis getting tentacled? I think it was by Sasayuki.

>> No.22463179
File: 26 KB, 480x360, YAMEROOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another gold and silver
3x10 tickets so far and all is gold and silver
Where is Aigis doujin at? I want to revenge that bitch so fucking much

>> No.22463736

Oh neat, so you get 30 pieces of a 4* for free from doing their quests? That's nice.
Seriously wondering how to get the silver orbs in a decent number to trade for the golds, though.

>> No.22463773

Don't focus on the silver orbs too much, I've been playing on and off since day 1 and I've only really reached 30k once. You get a decent amount of gold orbs from events, story shop, and affection for 4* charas.

>> No.22463776
File: 618 KB, 898x610, ch02_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second call for anyone interested.

One of Iroha's christmas lines pre-release if you need more proof I'm serious.

>> No.22463780

Noted, thanks. So just focus on clearing story for the first time to unlock that shop.
How many pieces does it take to fully uncap a character?

>> No.22464060

2* 450
3* 330
4* 210

>> No.22464122

I mean you've got me beat on the URs. I don't have anything to offer. But godspeed on your pursuits and if you do end up deciding to share anything at any point, let us know where we can find it. I don't think there are any public rips of the game right now.

>> No.22464296

Nope, just the original owner of the body. Remember how Dan transformed into Aigis when she possessed him? It's the same thing here, except because Keraunos was in the poor girl for too long, as well as forcefully extracted from her, she permanently looks like Keraunos now.

>> No.22464487

is there any way to play any the defunct games?

>> No.22464667

I do wish there was a cloud arcade service that hosted private servers for all the games that have gone out of service. Too bad there's so much legal paperwork for the licensing issues.
>A great start up idea for anyone willing to go through it all, if you ask me.

>> No.22464716

Those games died for a reason.

>> No.22464871

Was the black Imperial Knight's third scene posted anywhere? It's not in the mega.

>> No.22464909

Nah, was gonna update next week so I could include Reflet and Leone. Here ya go, though.


>> No.22465043

Thanks anon.

>> No.22465182
File: 322 KB, 1144x640, 4564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can beat new event challenge by using her ult, if someone having troubles today.

>> No.22465211

Checked japs wiki. turn out you can also bruteforce it with Goemon or leave front open and enemies will leave terrain with bonus. So there's 3 ways to beat it.

>> No.22465215

These missions are basically made for Goemon, or Geronimo.

>> No.22465229

I guess. But it' still good to have some alternative way, instead of "just use N character". Also i kinda forgot about those nukers, so tried pushing enemy out of terrain.

>> No.22465234

Event is all about high damage, so you're going to rely on buffs and nukes.

>> No.22465574

>Strongest Hero is Machiavelli
My time has come.

>> No.22465912
File: 194 KB, 522x501, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off trying to trade. I'll be uploading the EVO URs to drive shortly since those are the only URs I have.

>> No.22465920

>Come back to Aigis after inactive half a year for daily 10 rolls.
>Got Deine yesterday and Ingrid today
This is not Aigis anniversary experience I used to remember.

>> No.22466000

kinda sad that the only way we can get fullsize not-shakycam, not-zoomed in art is by an anon ripping the assets, but good job, I dont seem to have any URs you dont have

>> No.22466098
File: 1.30 MB, 1029x575, bgr splash art 8983448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22466142

I never see this game talked about here, what is it even about? Full vanilla?

>> No.22466147

Is there a DMM lewd game with nude art for your characters when they reach a certain level of intimacy?

>> No.22466200

It's a autobattler with very simple mechanics. You will get bored pretty fast.

>> No.22466276


>> No.22467741

Uhh, thanks I guess.
I just try to avoid making too much noise, since in the past, devs have started encrypting assets and putting up more barriers when they find their raw content floating around.
Yeah, the stills are simple enough but spine animations are a hassle to record. That coupled with signed urls is probably why a gallery hasn't been uploaded to sadpanda yet.
