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22319904 No.22319904 [Reply] [Original]

I miss Tokimemo edition


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Previous Thread: >>22237361

>> No.22319989

I've already exhausted all of the main story content in Ken ga Toki, which is frustrating. It's also awkward because it doesn't even reach the point where you supposedly become friendly with Aoi, and in the ema stories you're already there.

I've tried to work my way up in PvP, and I thought I was doing pretty well, but I'm not even on the rankings, and I have 2568 points while the leader has 5704 points. Can't beat whales.

>> No.22320059
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, hashihime_2019-10-18_08-41-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best boy
>Route is true route and main route
>Cucks the other boys in all the other routes
>Across space time

>I like to think that the last route is just another detour taken from the main one.
I mean that's what it is, canonically. It's not meant to be the true ending. A look at an universe in which the shopkeeper doesn't hesitate could have been interesting, but not as the last route that makes you think everything you just read is a dream. It needed more time and could have explored the theme of Fate and predeterminism and how much different "that" Tamamori was compared to his original self. The ending segment too is particular bad too. Seriously, you end the novel with "You can fuck me as much as you want, son?".

I don't think anything could make Kaoru/Tamamori good, the angle is just too weird for a VN that up to that point didn't good full degenerate eroge. Maybe if they really tried to play it as something horrific to show how much losing his friends and seeing dead kids broke Tamamori or if they had 21 Tamamori years old bang Kaoru dropping the father/incest angle. It would be still weird, but less what the fuck and on par with many VN.

But then again, Hashihime's structure is really ill fit for routes. You can't have the main route be one guy route and have every route branch from him. Tamamori being in love with Minakami on all routes makes you feel bad if you don't pick him because you get a feel the other guys will do fine anyway. Fuck, I hate how I obsessed I became over this stupid novel, but I'm so happy to have a BL that fits my taste.

>> No.22320210

im at ~3400 in pvp and it seems that either you have all URs or you lose
though getting to 3k and 7th chest is enough for the highest rewards so no point going further than that
ive an UR aoi and im doing my best to unlock all of her special stuff because i wanna get to know her better, she wouldnt budge in main story

>> No.22320461
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Gameplay reveal when. I need to know if they're bringing back 3P dates, angel/devil alignments, if the girls will be bffs or backstabbing bitches you have to fight, etc. And what are the chances of the older games getting upgraded?

>> No.22322297

>Seriously, you end the novel with
I though it was real comedy gold.

>> No.22322557 [DELETED] 

What am I reading?

>> No.22322563

What am I reading?

>> No.22323920
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>> No.22324552

I'm thinking probably zero on the remakes, considering how little effort seems to be put into the new game. I still can't get over how ugly the art is.

The old games are still charming the way they are, kind of.

>> No.22325810

>Tamamori being in love with Minakami on all routes makes you feel bad if you don't pick him because you get a feel the other guys will do fine anyway.

Made me enjoy the other boys less for sure. Especially Hakase, since not only did Tamamori abandon the one he knew to a life of misery and sadness, he didn't even love the dude in the end. It was some weird "to thank you for all you've done for me" excuse. Guess Minakami will be killing himself in all universes still?

Hanazawa's route at least made a kind of sense; Tamamori engendered a love of exploration in him by capturing his imagination as a kid, but Hanazawa was so fucked up in the head he broke Tama by raping him. No love from Tama there, just pain and extra craziness. It was the closest to a "bad end" the game had.

Kawase's had time to sell itself unlike the other routes, and we find out Minakami is OK at the end at least. And since Kawase knows about how Tamamori feels he's 100% all-in on his own selfishness for Tama. Tama himself seems doubtful that he actually loves Minakami in that route so it's plausible he just never got a chance to realize his feelings because of Kawase's manipulation tactics and top-tier sex skills.
I still felt a little bad but in the usual way of "this route's OK, I just like the other guy's better" for BL VNs.

The final route is just what the fuck. I couldn't enjoy it unless I thought of it as Tama being broken so bad he gave up and told himself he was fine with this final lie he created for himself. I also realize it's a throwback to the hints of "unreliable narrator throwing everything on it's head at the end" hinted at through the story. It just took me a while to adjust to it after finishing it. Nothing makes the sex scene OK though.

>> No.22325836

Bardo made me a believer in oji-sans. Bless that man.

>> No.22326008
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, hashihime_2019-10-27_09-55-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made me enjoy the other boys less for sure. Especially Hakase, since not only did Tamamori abandon the one he knew to a life of misery and sadness, he didn't even love the dude in the end. It was some weird "to thank you for all you've done for me" excuse. Guess Minakami will be killing himself in all universes still?
I didn't care for the professor much so I was kinda whatever, and I can see Tamamori starting to love him in some years. The scene in which he confesses to Minakami and Minakami tells him he always loved him but he still chose to save the professor is heartbreaking, though. The Minakami from that world is going to be left all alone with the knowledge that him and Tamamori could have worked.

>Hanazawa's route at least made a kind of sense; Tamamori engendered a love of exploration in him by capturing his imagination as a kid, but Hanazawa was so fucked up in the head he broke Tama by raping him. No love from Tama there, just pain and extra craziness. It was the closest to a "bad end" the game had.
Eh, I never really brought Hanazawa being into Tamamori. They were just never depicted as particularly close, and I never got the sense he could have feeling for him. So when the sex scene happens and he goes full Yandere, confessing he basically lived up to this day for Tamamori I kinda went "really...". But I understand it's an Eroge, so the main character has to date all the characters. It's also when the sex CG start to appear less, so it's not even that good for the fap.

>Kawase's had time to sell itself unlike the other routes, and we find out Minakami is OK at the end at least. And since Kawase knows about how Tamamori feels he's 100% all-in on his own selfishness for Tama. Tama himself seems doubtful that he actually loves Minakami in that route so it's plausible he just never got a chance to realize his feelings because of Kawase's manipulation tactics and top-tier sex skills. I still felt a little bad but in the usual way of "this route's OK, I just like the other guy's better" for BL VNs.
Yeah, Kawase is really good. Plus threesome potential, though I don't know how Kawase would even set it up.

Last route is absolute shitto.

Anyway, I would say in the end Hashihime could be called Minakami and Tamamori's love story. Almost every plot point and even the shopkeeper character all loop back to him.

>> No.22326080

Oh shit, I completely forgot, but on the topic of awesome MCs, Felicita from Arcana Familgia is definitely one of my favorites.

>> No.22326726

There hasn't been a single good otome game since Ken ga Kimi.

>> No.22326820
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*is going to prove you wrong*

>> No.22326936
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For Rejet

>> No.22329108

The headless boy looks pretty good, but everyone else looks boring.

It is getting good ratings on Amazon, though that should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.22331603

>top-tier sex skills.
Kek, I liked the constract between two characters in bed.Minakami's sex scene isn't very fappable to me, though it's a joy to read.

>> No.22331926
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Remember to check the steam sale going on right now for any nice deals
I hoped Hashihimes sale would be lower but got some other ones instead
I could just get them illegally but that wont ~support the industry~

>> No.22332026

So I saw that one of the tags for Hashihime on Steam is "gore," how true is this?

>> No.22332065

Minakami's was my favourite solely based on Tamamori being a 11/10 lovestruck tsundere. Kawase's had the better positioning + tender sadism thing going on, which is very appealing, but I am weak to good tsunderes more than anything.

>> No.22332072

There's bloody scenes, but the one or two scenes with guts are censored.
A lot of blood though depending on the route.
There is no gore during sex though.

>> No.22332078

Hmmm. Thanks, I'll play it.

>> No.22332269
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Stand My Heroes - Piece of Truth - 04 [720p][00_08_33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Rei-chan wanna go on a date? You rejected me over the phone multiple times so I thought I'd ask you directly by stalking you while you work
>C'mon let's go on a date it'll be fun, we can look for presents for my comatose sister together
>Please go on a date with me
>...You like my brother more, don't you

Dude what the fuck

>> No.22332273

Enjoy the ride anon, and be sure to tell us exactly what you think of the latter routes.

>> No.22333209

Hashihime tags are exaggerated, the series has pink blood lol.

>> No.22333431 [DELETED] 

I loved Minakami sorely based on the fact it broke seme/uke steretoypes, Minakami would have bee nfine not touching Tamamori eve and only being on the giving end, but Tamamori really wanted him too in turn.

>> No.22333443 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, 1572327069613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Minakami sorely based on the fact it broke seme/uke stereotypes, Minakami would have been (not) fine not touching Tamamori ever and only being on the giving end, but Tamamori really wanted him too in turn. It felt like a love scene between two people than straight up porn.

>> No.22333541


>> No.22333680

Everyone is on drugs

>> No.22333698

The last time I checked, Steam prison, psychedelica 2 and detective mysteria had ero scenes tag on steam.
Guess what scenes are not in these games

>> No.22333944
File: 354 KB, 1200x848, EBrDBTrVAAAI17S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As >>22333209 Hashihime's tags and warning at the beginning of the game are waaaaaay exaggerated.It's a murder mystery so you can expect the whole package that comes with it, but at the core the actual content presented is very light. Only route 3 and 5 contain some unsavory content, and among them I would say only the last route is the one with some fucked-up stuff compared to the average VN.

>> No.22334298

Yeah, this. I'm pretty squeamish about gore but nothing in this game actually got to me. Unlike, for example, the bad endings in Dmmd, Lamento and Togainu.
I wouldn't shame people who don't do it but personally I will support the official releases of BL and Otome games 9 times out of 10 because they're a niche within a niche and I want them to do well. Though if the official localized version is trash I wouldn't want to support a half-assed job. I remember when the first Mangagamer trailer for Lucky dog 1 came out people said that the lyrics in the opening movie were mistranslated so I've been kind of wary about how that will turn out.

>> No.22334321

Speaking of Steam, it's so weird that the reviews there are the only place where I see people please with the ending.

>> No.22334721
File: 179 KB, 1000x500, EIDD0k-U4AEDyrA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Rejet. They just can't stop milking this shit series. Good riddance

>> No.22335049


>> No.22335218

How would this threesome happen anyway?

would probably be OK with it in the long run since he gets to be with Tamamori. Iirc the Q&A mention he's the most likely to be jealous among the love interests, but I think that's in relation to his route where him and Tamamori are obsessed with each other.

Is a secret cockslut


>> No.22335457


>> No.22335553
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When will her suffering end?

>> No.22335843
File: 63 KB, 960x720, 1436496374907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game is good even if it's a BL/Otome
>You could remove the BL/Otome part and it would still good
Why do people always say this and what does it even mean?

>> No.22335873

It's their inner normalfag still being ashamed of enjoying some good old 2d romance and they have to clarify that they actually liked it for da story and not the cringe part.

>> No.22335884
File: 126 KB, 311x347, 1493457163585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the story is literally the romance in some cases.

>> No.22335911

Literally every straight VN has a romance but you don't see the same phenomenon.

>> No.22336522

But wouldn't that story be better without men whispering sweet nothings to you?? It makes me uncomfortable just put it offscreen.
They just complain about H instead.
>Game is good despite the H scenes, would be better without the unnecessary H scenes, what kind of losers fap to lewd laotian lactating ladies instead of appreciating the literary genius of vns amiright bros

>> No.22337302

So... that's all they announced for Rejet Fes?

>> No.22337368

>They just complain about H instead.
That's different though, and in some cases understandable (Like the infamous FSN sex scenes, which even the author didn't want to write). It's not like the want the romance gone, they argue the romance has sex scenes that are poorly inserted.

Which it's not to say all sex scenes are bad or there shouldn't be porn in porn-focused novel.

For BL novel they pretty much argue "It would be better if the BL elements were gone", which is utterly bizarre given 1) What the fuck are you even reading BL in the first place? It's not like the world lacks of non-bl works 2) In a lot of works the BL is so integral you can't remove it.

>> No.22337593

Since Ken ga Toki is starting to run out of content, I'm replaying Ken ga Kimi. Can you guys believe it originally came out in 2013? It'll be 6 whole years in December.

I said I did everyone, but I actually haven't played through Enishi's route because he's not really my type, but I'm doing it now. I have no doubt that it'll all be fine, but god damn do I miss Tsuzuramaru.

>> No.22337597


You're right on that one. Even if he dislikes Kawase's attitude he could be tempted if Tamamori asked him to do it

Cock-hungry slut who needs affirmation and love by any means possible, very easy to see

Set it all up, is large and in charge, gets to be a piece of shit to Minakami and fuck Tamamori at the same time

A lot of time the romantic aspects in BL are pretty cringe. It's an incestuous genre that doesn't strive for more than getting boys to kiss and fuck within 3 chapters. So when people say "it'd be better without the BL", they mean that the premise was good, the characters were good, but it was all wasted on getting two guys to fuck by any means possible.

I say all this as someone who only reads BL when I look for romance. I only play BL or BL-leaning VNs. The genre has a few gems but by and large it's not written much better than an extended fan fiction AU. Nothing annoys me more than a good sex scene being ruined by seriously playing with a guy's nipples as if they were a woman's.

>> No.22337617

Man how did you get through it so quick? I've done the main story but I've still got so much character bonds and stuff to work on.

>> No.22337689

>A lot of time the romantic aspects in BL are pretty cringe.
I mean, it's not like the average VN is so much better.

Also you mention Hashihime which had a fairly good romance in the first route.

>> No.22337698

>Nothing annoys me more than a good sex scene being ruined by seriously playing with a guy's nipples as if they were a woman's.
But nipple play is very good on guys.

>> No.22337725

Hashihime felt like an exception, even if the later routes were questionable. Minakami's route was the pinnacle of VN romance for sure. Kawase's was probably one of the best traditional BL stories I've read. The rest, well, it's all been said already.

I wouldn't admit to playing VNs in general either unless it was something relatively popular and tame like Stein's;Gate. As soon as sex gets involved, you're entering "enthusiast" territory. And if anyone looks up that yuri/BL title you got excited about, well, better hope they awaken to the same hobby or else. It's not fair but that's the world we live in.

In my experience, male nipples are far less sensitive than women's in most cases; may as well ignore them for more sensitive spots like ears, napes, and inner thighs. But if you only read BL, you'd think male nipples were just as erogenous as a female's.

>> No.22337763

Hmm, I didn't exactly finish it completely, but I did manage to get the two UR skill things from the event, so I feel like I can tone it down a little. I don't feel like grinding constantly, especially when I have such limited onigiri. Plus, the only boy I really want to get the art for is Tokiwa. Unless another boy springs up and impresses me, that is.

>> No.22337907

S;G has a bunch of cringey route that basically exist so Okabe can date all the characters (And literally turning a boy into a girl so he can date him too). The whole sci-fi plot into the first half exist so he can go through women like toilet paper. I bet my sweet ass if you wrote S:G with guys someone would mention that the BL elements are unnecessary. Hashihime is basically S;G with dude, down to having unnecessary side-routes that just detract from the main boy/girl which is pretty exception and cut from a different cloth.

>As soon as sex gets involved, you're entering "enthusiast" territory.
The most popular VN is FSN which is infamous for its very bad sex scenes. A lot of popular stuff like Tsukihime or Subahibi and Muv-luv which can get 1m for its kickstarter have sex scenes and rape in it. Heck, YU-NO is coming out at the moment and it features blood-related father/daughter incest twice, but you see the VN userbase shilling and talking about it like it's the most normal thing in the world.

> yuri
Does Yuri even carry the same stigma as BL?

>> No.22337966

Yuri is basically a huge unknown to me. Far as I can tell it's the same shit as BL but the gender of the cast and the fanbase are flipped. It has it's own issues with weepy drama and a massive obsession with purity. But it doesn't have the EWW GAYS stigma, no. Most of that shit comes from straight guys anyway so it's no surprise they'd be fine with lesbians but not gay men.

>Hashihime is basically S;G but BL
I can see it kind of, but they have different atmospheres that set them apart even aside from the dicks vs. vagoo differences. It's pretty much expected that all the route characters are written around the MC and that they will all want to fuck them. That's just a quirk of the genre. So whether it's Okabe, Tamamori, or anyone else, the player is going to get rewarded with romance. Which is why some people might hesitate to recommend or even talk about the hobby. Comes off as wish-fulfillment schlock for kids with extra steps.

>> No.22338815

Did /blog/ used to be on /vg/? There aren't any of the early threads in warosu archive.

>> No.22339058

Yeah, ended up having to move because it wasn't fast enough to survive there without getting bumped off the board.

>> No.22339211
File: 281 KB, 512x512, a2583520-0242-4047-b906-632a6b7627e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another Last Period collab

Do Enstar players even like this game

>> No.22339347

Gotta try and keep the game alive somehow

>> No.22340219

There was also a proto-/blog/ on /v/ in like 2011, where we all played the first Tokimemo GS through a thread and named the MC "footjob"

Sorry to be an oldfag but I miss that shit

>> No.22340460

/v/ is too much of a shithole now to even bother with that

>> No.22341018
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>it was nearly 9 years ago

>> No.22341235

I wasn't around for that, but I remember a bit later on reading them play that weird one where the MC has to lose weight that was a ride and a half.
Text let's plays were fun, specially ones where the audience gets input on the stats like these otome game threads and the DOS Girlfriend creator one. I've tried reading archived SomethingAwful let's plays but they're never nearly as funny.

>> No.22341299
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Love Revo was fucking wild. I'm not sure why that was even translated in the first place but who cares, really. The shitty EVN otome games were hilarious too.

>> No.22341395

The EVN ones were insane, Horse Hall or whatever is to this day one of the ugliest games I've seen. I don't remember whether the thread got to an ending or not on that one.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever played an otome EVN myself. I'd feel bad if they didn't all look so shit.

>> No.22341534
File: 75 KB, 1023x576, EHKsI3dUYAA5Bfd.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the next BL novel we are getting? No.6? Really sucks to be a niche between a niche. You don't even get fan content or people working to bring more stuff like what happened with Fata Morgana.

>> No.22341548

>that one homo EVN where /v/ failed to get laid despite nearly every character being fuckable and had to settle for the goldfish

>> No.22341561
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Err. Room.9. Brain fart.

>> No.22341751

That was the one where the drawings looked like actual gay target demographic work as opposed to just fujo stuff, right? That was an odd one.
This is making me feel pretty nostalgic. I'd check if they still do these threads, if only for shit like Real Lives, but I don't think it's worth the stress of actually browsing /v/ in Anno Domini 2019.

>> No.22341849

I just finished Minakami's route and it was really good.
It's the first bl vn that I finished, even if it is just one route.

>> No.22341906
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It's all downhill from there.

Also just so you know the last route is an AU, so don't treat it as the true ending.

>> No.22341914
File: 25 KB, 240x320, d-doushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doushio memorial was founded on august 12, 2011, which was close to the end of the tokimemo lps

Slow damage in 2025.

>> No.22341929

I just found the pastebin that's on the main page. Nothing on it actually works anymore, but it's still nostalgic. https://pastebin.com/GCraa9Gx

>> No.22342180

Gundam mecha but as cute robot guys who resemble their pilots. Would it sell?

>> No.22342506
File: 30 KB, 178x193, 1519474854115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been re-reading the first route of Hashihime

When Tamamori said he had no interest in Minakami initially and didn't feel anything I assume the narration is lying/he's lying to himself? Hanazawa and Kawase also seem to be aware of it.
Since later he says he loved him since long time ago and even confesses in the Professor route. He also said "the hashihime prevented me from realizing it" but I'm not sure why.
I also found interesting that the reason he writes was because of Minakami, I assume given their reincarnated lovers status that the reason he's a writer and the reason he's a bookworm is because they are soulmates? I wonder why the writer went for such a powerful trope but then paired him with different guys in the other routes.

Last route I wonder why the shopkeeper didn't just kill Hanazawa and Kawase in that timeline. It's not like Minakami is a danger by himself.

>> No.22342813

I'm starting Hashihime. So far, Minakami looks like a good boy, but they all seem like very strange people in general. I like Tamamori's voice, it's very Ishida-esque.

It also feels nice to read a bobge after so long, I can't remember the last time I it.

>> No.22342979

>I remember when the first Mangagamer trailer for Lucky dog 1 came out people said that the lyrics in the opening movie were mistranslated so I've been kind of wary about how that will turn out.
I forgot they were releasing that. The OP lyrics are terrible Engrish and it looks like they took the route of trying to make it sound like actual English instead of just transcribing it.

>> No.22343539

Seems there's been absolutely nothing about Slow Damage since 2018, other than announcing a 2020 release in JP. Good thing I wasn't holding my breath for it I guess.

Should just transcribe that shit instead of making sense of it. Imagine if someone had tried to translate Ai Catch.

>> No.22346038

Barely made it a year. Alien boys wasn't popular enough


>> No.22348966
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>> No.22349013 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Kek first Kawase and now Hanazawa, looks like Minakami can't compare.

>> No.22349019 [SPOILER] 
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Kek first Kawase and now Hanazawa, looks like Minakami can't compare or do it as well.

>> No.22349114
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ded game!

>> No.22349187

Minakami wins Best Boy with Best Story and Only Romantic Sex Scene

Kinda sad we didn't get screams/pain from Hanazawa's monster insertion.

>> No.22349244

Minakami is the only dude Tamamori actually tries to fuck, which given Japanese beliefs that bottoms should''t enjoy the sex is pretty big.

Plus they are both virgins so it makes sense they would be awkward.

>> No.22349313

Tamamori being into it -all but demanding Minakami fuck him- was extremely fucking hot. A guy getting fucked like an onahole with extra features is fine and all, but a tsundere wanting to be fucked is so much better.

>> No.22349374
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It wasn't even a hot thing for me. I re-read that sex scene a couple of times for the feelings.

>> No.22349386

It had plenty of that too, of course. Which is why even though Kawase's skills were technically better, Minakami's is the best. Good for the heart and the dick.

>> No.22349938

My god, Hashihime is quite the game to play on Halloween evening.

>> No.22350870

I do hope that the finished product turns out well cause I'm interested in the prison setting and the mafia part.

>> No.22351350 [SPOILER] 
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I was surprised of how much I enjoyed it, can't believe I read some people argue the ero scene or romance felt tackled in.

>> No.22351828
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I honestly can't quite explain me what annoys me about Hashihime last route. At first it was the lol everything is a dream except the writer clarified it wasn't the case and it isn't even the same MC.

Like, I fap to some pretty degenerate shit all the time and it's not like I'm a SJW "offended" by fictional character being awful or anything, but the whole relationship tickles me off in way I can't explain.

>> No.22352048
File: 181 KB, 510x510, 1483620134895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like an afterthought. Like the author figured "oh I guess after all this hype someone would want to fuck this character too, all right then". I agree with previous anon(s) who said it would have been better as a hidden bad end or something.

>> No.22354026
File: 319 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_20191023-190529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is so beautiful

>> No.22354272

>Slowly work through AkaAka
>Painstakingly earn one ending at a time, always starting from the beginning because tiny irrelevant choices matter for some goddamn reason
>Finally get 14 endings, including the True one
>Missing the last one and what I assume are it's CGs

Holy shit this is frustrating. I even got eaten by Momiji a few times but apparently that one doesn't cout.

>> No.22354298

Im so fucking mad I couldnt roll him

>> No.22355204
File: 3.70 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20191102_152230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good time to play Wand of Fortune lads?
This Collab café is cute!

>> No.22355950


>> No.22356094

Getting pretty sick of all these voice drama/music character projects that've been popping up so much, especially since Hypmic made it big.

>> No.22356729
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, 1570685462614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by the pre-release material, they wanted each route to be its own story, main route is a romance, Kawase is a mystery and I can't remember what the other were meant to be, but either way I don't think the intent carried though.

>> No.22356829

Bakumatsu Rock did it better

>> No.22357126

Hikawa is a really weird dude, but I think I like him.

>> No.22357237

Damn I hate the passage of time.
Don't know who half those seiyuus are and Mikishin is voicing the old man...

>> No.22357267

He's just okay, unless you're an Ishikawafag, which, in that case, is just a you thing.

The rate up for the tengu boy should be good.

>> No.22358470
File: 231 KB, 1360x768, 1401561385314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, mere moments ago, I finished the first route of Hashihime.

I'm going to sound like a total sap, but that was so much fun to read. I have never been so engrossed in a BL game before. This was probably because it didn't feel like a BL game at all.

I really liked the music, especially that one track that plays whenever Tamamori falls into some fantasy, the one with the bell-like tones. The art wasn't perfect anatomically, but everyone's faces and portraits were good, so that's enough for me. The descriptive language worked enough even during the parts of the story where no portraits were shown whatsoever. It made me scared, it made me pay attention to small details, it even made me laugh out loud (even during the sex scene). Also, even though I'm fairly confident in my moonrunes, I know for sure that I never could have read the entire thing if it wasn't translated. I downloaded the demo way back in 2016 and stopped within the first 20 minutes.

Despite the red herrings (if you could call them that) littered without, I knew that my boy Minakami would come through. What a good lad. A handsome space cadet with a stupid haircut.

The way the events all came together at the end reminded me of something (I don't know what) so it wasn't too bad, even though I see how it could be offputting to some. I was a little disappointed with the reveal about Kaoru, but at the same time, I can't say I'm not happy about the way it ended up for him. I'm a sucker for the whole sad, misunderstood creature thing, after all.

I'm having a hard time believing there's anything else to this story, to be honest. It felt very complete with just the first route, but if you guys say there's crazy shit in the later routes, then I have to read them so I can come back and discuss.

>> No.22358609

>I'm going to sound like a total sap, but that was so much fun to read. I have never been so engrossed in a BL game before. This was probably because it didn't feel like a BL game at all.
Yeah, this was really what go me. I'm not trying to put down BL games or anything, but the love story felt like something that could exist outside of it? Like it doesn't feel like it's written like the writer was going through a bunch of BL checklists, but it felt naturally realistic? Like you could sell Hashihime's main route as non BL work and it would still work. Even the sex scene was good.

>> No.22359335

The game is all about the first route, really. If you think about Minakami as the end-game and the other routes as "what-ifs" had Tamamori made different decisions, then that's fine too. The only one that really holds up is Kawase's, though.

Hashihime's main route gave me hope for BL though. Like you said it didn't feel like a bunch of tropes being checked off a list, which helped it be so much better than other shit I've read. It's peak VN romance- not just BL. And for once it wasn't the mysterious unknown/last-minute addition taking spot of "true route". Minakami is the best, sweetest, and only boy for Tamamori.
For once, best boy is the official one.

>> No.22359458
File: 93 KB, 253x235, 1413685193774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like you could sell Hashihime's main route as non BL work and it would still work.
Yes, I loved that. It wasn't constantly trying to force the fact that it was technically gay in your face. It WAS natural.

>well developed romance over the course of the main character going through an incredible amount of eye-opening personal growth
pic related

>> No.22359490
File: 140 KB, 1000x584, bunka no hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super cute Ken ga Toki illustration that got released by the Twitter account a few minutes ago. Aoi a cute

>> No.22361356

Tama a CUTE

>> No.22361365
File: 196 KB, 1200x675, EIB-GUmUUAAOalA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I like these designs

>> No.22361471
File: 196 KB, 1024x682, 77342726_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the short story was translated, I've seen a summary floating around but it looks really cute. Madam repeats finds out about their relationship, and Minakami asks Tamamori to live together.
Also suspenders are fucking hot.

>> No.22361521

Where is it?

>> No.22361654

On the official site.

>> No.22362129
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, string.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading around, apparently the writer's favorite is Hanazawa? I wonder why it doesn't translate in the story at all.

>> No.22362822

>if I chant sutras it'll go down

Bless his heart.

>> No.22363442

It really became of of my favorite sex scenes. It doesn't feel like written under seme/uke sensibilities, Minakami breaks pretty much every seme stereotype and Tamamori is a tsun that slowly goes dere. The part where he tries to kiss and make out with him and Minakami isn't cooperating is a 10/10.

>> No.22364762

gift shat up their website

>> No.22364764
File: 136 KB, 689x681, Y2M0FfZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best STARISH, best boyfriendo, best Twitter campaign, still the worst singing, all this talk about chus makes me want to replay his routes. Now I remember how his FD route had more kissing to make up for the lack of lewd. Couldn't lewd even though he's the same age as Otoya and younger than Cecil. The manlet discrimination

>> No.22365009

Do we have hopes for the next Adelta game? I'm interested in what they mean by "avant-garde tokusatsu drama," mostly because I have no idea what that could look like.

>> No.22365058

SamFlam but with legit homo and less schizophrenic plot perhaps? I trust them to use the time period well, but as someone who's never been into toku shows after I outgrew Power Rangers, I'm kind of hoping that I don't need encyclopedic knowledge of the genre to make the most of it.

At any rate, I won't get my hopes up unless a translation is announced for it. I guess it really depends on if Hashihime's translator for Mangagamer also wants to pick this one up.

>> No.22365470

>Rec chart:
Why doesn't this get updated anymore?

>> No.22365713

Is editing public? Be the change you want to see please

>> No.22365782

Kudos to the author then for making the best boy and route ever even though they preferred someone else. I'm not going to hold VNs to high standards of literature or anything, but it often seems like authors will smash their favourite tropes into a single character, focus on them, and half-ass the rest.

>> No.22366148 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 1920x1080, 1572845950362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it will get localized anytime soon (if ever) and my nihongo is not good enough to read a VN.

Hashihime really hit all my sweet spots, to be honest, when it came to the premise. Mystery + Teisho Era + Unusual Protagonist. The quality of the love story and its themes made it even more perfect for me. Reincarnation + Time traveler romance are some of my favorite tropes too.

Also I love men with dark hair.

>> No.22367556

Maybe it's why they gave him a monster dick

>> No.22368391
File: 552 KB, 900x740, DZosrfjUQAI3spH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know of blond dudes that don't have red eyes or look *too* otome?
e.g. guys like this, most blond males from fate, etc.

>> No.22369087
File: 100 KB, 540x394, 1567908121140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or look *too* otome
>e.g. guys like this, most blond males from fate, etc.

>> No.22369467

If I recall correctly, each route was supposed to represent a type of novel genre. Minakami is a romance novel, Kawase a detective story, Hanazawa's story is an adventure novel, Hakase is science/science fiction, and Kaoru's "route" is a bizarre/unexplainable novel-like route.

>> No.22369740

Syo is too pure for that, I don't even remember if he had lewd times with Haruka yet. The other boys are definitely not virgins by the end of their routes except Syo.

>> No.22369750

That is definitely a common generic otome design, you're talking about the art style?

>> No.22369789
File: 456 KB, 1804x2248, LokiKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my husbando.

>> No.22369829
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This definitely didn't work given Minakami's route is literally also a mystery and features science fiction elements toward the end.
Not sure why Kawase is more of a detective story over "Who killed Minakami?".

>> No.22370089
File: 83 KB, 775x389, CxTiUFRUsAALJhB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone check Hashihime's character songs by the way?
Tamamori's song is the most interesting, it reference both Minakami's specifically of all his friends

>Burdening yourself with unnecessary weights, and yet out of the blue
>I realize that you no longer seem the one I used to know long ago
>Idle talk, not saying much more than we already know, as clear as muddy water
I say; “you know I may have gotten just used to these brand new shoes”.
>Have I been moved by this tragic love
>Or is it will to save something for once?

But also the nature of the last route/dreams becoming reality

>For I am lost in my own dream, have I been left behind, I wonder
>Or perhaps am I here because
>I should keep on hunting this place?
>Reality becomes a dream

Though I guess also most routes fits, since he describes his experience with the many loops as a never-ending nightmare he can't wake up (Which is common with similar protagonists), especially toward the of Minakami's route once he gets a fever and starts to lose control of his illusions and he just keeps failing.

It's a shame Adelta is super niche, it would make a decent 24 episodes anime with the right director. Way easier to adapt than something like DMMM or TnC.

>> No.22370220

DMMd and TnC had Nitro+CHiRAL behind them and their adaptations were absolute embarrassments. There's just not enough money to make a good one. And I'd only trust a top-tier studio to get Hashihime right in terms of visuals, which would never happen.

Though now that I think about it, I have a vague memory of Gakuen Heaven's being tolerable-decent. Might be my mind playing tricks though.

>> No.22370280
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.42_[2016.01.29_23.45.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DMMd and TnC had Nitro+CHiRAL behind them and their adaptations were absolute embarrassments. There's just not enough money to make a good one. And I'd only trust a top-tier studio to get Hashihime right in terms of visuals, which would never happen.
I'm thinking of something like Rakugo.
But yeah, it would require a miracle, it's a shame because the novel would be "easy" to adapt with a good director who can make use of the setting and the hallucinations, common route being main route means you don't need to create a monstrous patchwork of all the routes for the story to make sense.

>> No.22370793

I haven't seen a lot of anime since 2016, forgive me, but I'm trying to think of any time any recent anime have had particularly psychedelic (or similar) visuals, and so far I can only come up with Bakemonogatari, Tatami Galaxy, and Madoka.

So we either have Shaft or Yuasa. In my dreams, it would be both.

>> No.22370840

Anon who wanted DEEN to do it (assuming they get the same staff that did Rakugo) was on to something. It might not be as psychedelic as some of Hashihime's scenes could get, but the atmosphere and style is almost a dead-ringer.

Shaft, Madhouse, and Gainax are essentially dead, and Trigger focuses on originals with fake Yuri. Yuasa's Science Saru might be able to but they're not really open to commissions, much less BL works. That leaves DEEN, which misses way more often than it hits, and MAPPA/Grizzly, which would be an under-budgeted mess. Any other studio would give a hard pass based on "BL" alone. No good options indeed.

>> No.22370890

I was afraid to mention DEEN because of what you mentioned about its misses, but after some reflection, you're both right about it getting the feel of Rakugo so well. It's a damn shame that Hashihime is so niche, I'd like for more people to see it and enjoy it.

>> No.22370935

when i say "don't look too otome" i mean those hympic kids
or any of the boys from idolm@ster
or the code;realize/diabolik lovers guys

>> No.22371150

So it's just artstyle, you don't want guys with exaggerated designs.

Depends on what you like and if you know japanese or not

>> No.22371275
File: 229 KB, 1200x630, bang dream featuring dante from the devil may cry series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male Bandori game happening next year


>> No.22371312
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>> No.22371560

>CAGE is getting a remake
>Psychedelic is basically dead
Kinda disappointing but hopefully it should garner some interest.

>> No.22371860

>making the other bands look more edgy to make your band look more peppy by comparison
That said it's nice to see more visual kei
I hate all the bands' main colors

>> No.22372032
File: 127 KB, 788x1222, 1517545606755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want more Hashihime's content.

>> No.22372896

Everything's so ugly

>> No.22373166
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Stand My Heroes - Piece of Truth - 05 [720p][00_21_46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you look up the hanakotoba

Based flower boy, season 1 sucked until he saved it

>> No.22373242

Does A3 have any gameplay in it besides being like an actor raising simulator? I’ve been playing Ichu for a few years because I really like its gameplay but I downloaded A3! and so far there hasn’t been much to do besides reading the chapters and character interaction stories. And when you train the actors there’s nothing to do.

>> No.22373273

The art is gonna kill it. Do they think people play Girlpa for the story. And they better not lower the difficulty like SideM.

Male Roselia sounds nice though:

>> No.22373774

the blonde guy is ugly, that big head

>> No.22376837

Is this their idea of pandering to females? These dudes are ugly as fuck and the songs are average at best

>> No.22376884
File: 181 KB, 530x670, 9147518353438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he best Mr Love?

>> No.22377821

>Gcrest announcing new project when Hoshinari Echoes is still not released

>> No.22377849


>> No.22378301
File: 44 KB, 368x427, 1485875363741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hip-hop CD series

Some exec really thought this was a good idea. Hypmic was a mistake

>> No.22378484

No Victor is

>> No.22378964

Boy bands in general were a mistake. They're basically the bottom of the barrel in terms of "excuse to have 5-10 boys of various types together in one place to fawn over MC-chan".

It should be the dream. The ultimate combination of boys, music, and visuals. But so, so much of it ends up being mediocre trash to forget within a month.

>> No.22379389
File: 41 KB, 526x617, 1432423673657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to recommend more people hashihime
>That fucking last route
Should I warn them or what?

>> No.22379455

I'd just tell them that last route =/= true route to spare them the butt devastation.

>> No.22379677

Tell them the first route is the main one and the others are side pieces, even the one that claims it's the true one.

>> No.22379904

Hey /blog/ I'm in a pinch right now, Hikarinoakari has been going full sekrit club mode over otome/idol CDs, I missed their discord invitation this month and don't know anyone who's part of it. Are there any alternatives to it? I'm missing almost half a year of content from a bunch of series, shit sucks.

I wonder why they're being so anal about these CDs because everything else is easy to download.

>> No.22379929

Otome stuff in general feels like a nightmare to find compared to eroge, it sucks.

>> No.22380177

BL/Otome is the worst. So many sekrit clubs, access hoops, and petty drama over who did what. No other genre deals with this.

>> No.22380587

I've been ripping stuff from soundcloud. Even if you get into the discord you still have to make a bunch of bullshit posts to even get access to the request area where they post the links.

>> No.22380640

>still have to make a bunch of bullshit posts to even get access
This, and it's not even like all the links become available to you once you enter. You have to request and wait for someone to personally message you the links when they have time.

>> No.22380830

Why is it only with otome/idol stuff? I can download some random moe anime music within 10 seconds.

>> No.22380865

It's the same mentality that keeps people who scanlate BL doujinshi captive to LJ and now private Discord groups. Some combination of egoism, guilt, and fear of being caught. If they could get away with charging "exclusive membership" fees for their half-assed shit they stole from Tieba and Weibo they absolutely would. It's been that way for almost 20 years now.

The rest of the anime community moved on from the times of secretively passing around hardsubbed VHS rips. BL/Otome did not.

>> No.22380954

Honestly I have no other way to put this than: girls are petty, and are less prone to sharing for free/there's just less of them out there sharing.
Sorry for slightly deviating from the Otome/BL communities in this discussion, but I've seen this happen in other communities too.
To be specific, I used to be involved in multiple korean novel sharing communities, and users sharing 女性向け/BL novels would always plaster DO NOT SHARE everywhere or watermark their "releases", but people sharing other things didn't give a damn.
On top of that, if someone shared relatively frequently they'd quickly gain a following of users that gave them fame/power in the community, and they broke off into their own sekrit klubs.
It's just such a cycle I'm used to seeing, it seems to be an inevitable conclusion to these kinds of things at this point.

>> No.22381180

Seriously, not sure if anyone remember that scanner that used to post spreads from anime magazine. She watermarked her stuff with a huge logo and refuse to share higher res because she didn't want image galleries to "steal" them. She doesn't understand that those galleries help to archive artwork and with the tagging system makes it easier for people to look them up. Scanners of male otaku series never had the issue, sometime there might a watermark but it's at the comer and tiny. Anyways she stopped sharing scans(probably because of "thieves") and only take shitty cam pics of them these days.

>> No.22381959 [DELETED] 


>> No.22382170
File: 963 KB, 800x1067, Dhv-9AcU8AAC_Df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but it still really a fucking retarded way to end a story.

>> No.22382709

King of Fighters service is scheduled to start tomorrow. I wonder if it will need VPN.

>> No.22383212

I noticed this with the stage play community as well. There's a manga I enjoy whose raw provider also wanted to upload the stage plays, but after she uploaded the first stage play and it got subbed by our community's dedicated fan translator she never ended up uploading the second one because she got mobbed by stageplay fangirls who attacked her for 'stealing from the actors' and shit like that. Touken ranbu stageplays also tend to be locked away.

>> No.22383825

That so dumb. Stage plays are an even more niche interest out of Japan, all the more they should share so more people can get into it and translators will pick up on it.

>> No.22384941

Hoping it's better than that Kaikan Phrase mobage.

>> No.22385841

I've been in the same hole anon, I tried applying to airavalky because my account got purged but I haven't heard back. Has anyone been able to access their "new" site? Right now I'm hurting for the KgK fandisc character CDs because they're impossible to find outside the secret club invites. I remember when Otomedream went full hoarder but I didn't expect western sites to do the same.

>> No.22386692

EOP here, did a quick search on Mandarake and found some KgK CDs, around 1500 yen each. Not really sure if it's the ones you're looking for.
They're not as expensive as I expected, but still expensive enough for a poorfag like me. Someone with the extra cash who also isn't afraid of pissing off the pissbabies could probably buy secondhand CDs and upload their shit in sites where they couldn't be mobbed, then if others start following suit this sekrit club thing could stop.

>> No.22386807

They have a new site? Are you talking about the drama CDs? I only bought Kei and Enishi's, but I can ul that for you if you want.

>> No.22387407

This premise feels like an abnormally unsubtle Hypmic ripoff. Even some of the terminology's the same.

>> No.22387672
File: 1.44 MB, 1312x746, 1572668124583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using Nox, it let me in but I can't pass the character name registration phase and it boot me to a screen that says Server is not ready yet or something.

>> No.22388233

You need to use vpn anon.

>> No.22388384

>Needs VPN
>The VPN needs to be turned on all the time instead of just the title screen

>> No.22388563

>3% rate for SSR
>Need 2 dupes to read all of that SSR story
I'm not sure if I can be bothered with this and the gameplay itself feels really simple.

>> No.22388673

>HypMic mobage release is delayed until at least March 2020
I wonder if the release will be a shitshow like what happened to Disgaea mobage a few months ago.

>> No.22388849

What happened to the Disgaea mobage?

>> No.22391123

I still wanna beat up my target though.

>> No.22391380

>Was released a few months ago
>Connection error happened since the server is supposedly overloaded
>They are forcing players outside Japan to use VPN after that
>Connection error still happened
They pulled the release after that and just did another beta test last week.

>> No.22392398

>that vaporware you'll never be able to play
what's its name, /blog/?

for me it's ouka otsu

actually there was another I was looking forward to more, but I successfully managed to scrub its name from my memory. it still hurts, though

>> No.22392446
File: 703 KB, 480x900, main_sp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rejet is shit and will be doomed to pump out mobage, cds, and gay vampires for the rest of their lifespan.

>> No.22392456
File: 385 KB, 2208x1242, ce6aa225-7637-4d05-8290-5d24d1c2efe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demo is out:

Another boring Starlight Stage map. At least it's not a one-button rhythm game with no expert mode I guess

>> No.22392625

can't wait for Diabolik Lovers: No, More Blood

>> No.22392838

>ouka otsu
I completely forgot this existed, what the fuck

>> No.22392926

even the company website disappeared, it's kill

>> No.22393109

This is totally a HypMic ripoff. They even copied their battle system and setting. People are also complaining they shouldn't mix seiyuu and singers into this project since this also will have drama tracks. I wonder if this will be popular.

>> No.22393852
File: 18 KB, 142x236, 1501964053458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read Hashihime reviews around the weeb
>"It's a shame it's BL, you could easy remove it and the story wouldn't change"

>> No.22394029

It's almost like they didn't understand a goddamn thing.

>Whole game is about Tamamori suffering and growing as a person by realizing his love
>"Shame it's a BL, it could work without it"

How in the fuck? Genderswap Tamamori into MC-chan?

>> No.22394228

Funny how that's never said about yuri games.

>> No.22394976

Maybe they mean the ero scenes? It's the same thing these people usually say about galge with porn.

>> No.22395280

>Then there’s the smut. Now don’t get me wrong, I liked it. The scenes are well written and not too long and it does add quite a bit of spice if that’s what you like. But all the BL elements are completely and entirely unnecessary to the story, to the point that they feel like an afterthought. You know, like someone said, wait we most of our characters are male so if we need to sell this we’re gonna need to add in some Yaoi! And sadly, that may not have been wrong. I just think it’s too bad that it will likely turn off some readers that would have otherwise loved 98% of this experience.
>I know that unfortunately, that “bl” tag is going to keep some of you away. It’s a shame, the let’s call them “romantic” (but really we all know I mean smutty) elements are a very small part of the story and come at the very end. I do believe there is a PG version in the works with the BL parts gutted out so if that’s the only thing stopping you from picking up his story then you may want to look out for it. Cause let me tell you, this tale is a Trip!

>> No.22395334
File: 211 KB, 1021x748, EI606DmU0AA0SS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22395341

May it rest in peace.

>> No.22395440

Aside from male VN players who would never try BL content to begin with I think 18+ BL also has a stigma simply because it is aimed at fujoshi and right now in internet lefty circles it's popular to hate fujoshi.

>> No.22395450


Best boy

>> No.22395455
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Okay, it's pure retardation then.

>> No.22395489
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shakin sugar sugar

>> No.22395551

Yeah, I've ordered from them years ago but I think their shipping rates skyrocketed.

It's the same site but they made it entirely private. You need to register and follow the instructions to gain access: http://airavalkychan1.blogspot.com/

I'm looking for the Momoyo Tsuzuri Duet Song series with Kei and Enishi if you don't mind sharing! And while I'm asking, does anyone have the Yumecast vocal collecton cds 3 & 4?

>> No.22395561
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>You know, like someone said, wait we most of our characters are male so if we need to sell this we’re gonna need to add in some Yaoi! And sadly, that may not have been wrong. I just think it’s too bad that it will likely turn off some readers that would have otherwise loved 98% of this experience.
Why does this sentence piss me off so much.

>> No.22395810
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>> No.22395971
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I want to be hopeful.

>> No.22396033

Me too anon, me too.

>> No.22396149

The sex scene between MInakami and Tamamori is like 50% porn and 50% plot and essentially the culmination of the story, I don't know how you could even rewrite it by taking out the sex scene without the ending falling apart. You can't of course take out the "BL" element, because I don't even know with what would be left.

Kawase's sex scene is like 70% porn-30% story, you could probably take out the porn and the scene would still work but you still need to have the love element.

Hanazawa's route is nonsensical so whatever.

Hikawa's character is sorta defined by his crush by of Tamamori, the sex scene is a throwaway scene but the feelings can't be removed without the route falling apart.

The reviewer also seem to throw BL, Porn and Gay romance all under the same umbrella, which seems confusing to me.

>> No.22396276
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Just finished Kawase's route.

It was was just okay. I miss Minakami. It's just like, why would you stick with this very sad and confused man and lead him towards something like (but not really) love while very much being in love with Minakami? I wanted there to be more story surrounding Ikeda. I want to know more about Hanazawa. I didn't give a damn about the romance at the end, even though I do technically like Kawase. I want to know more story. But at least Minakami is alive at the end, so whatever, it's good enough.

I did, however, have lots of fun in the part where they were traveling through fantasies.

>tamamori 5'3"

I just want them to actually look this good in game, but that might be asking too much.

>> No.22396550
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I don't think He realized he's in love with Minakami in Kawase's route, Tamamori is too self centered to notice it until he loses him over and over and he hides his affection for the man by channeling his feelings and seeking his attention through his stories. Kawase is decently attractive and a close friend whom he admires, so once he gets in bed with him Kawase's crazy good sex skill and the prospective of losing him do the rest.
They should do the threesome thing for real so all of them can be happy in that route. Also I would love a to read Minakami's perspective of their relationship, I don't think he gets more than a mention in Kawase's short story.

>> No.22396744

If you go to Adelta's website they have a tagline that clearly states something along the lines of "games for women, by women". They are working on another BL game right now. The people who write "oh the BL was an afterthought, you can just ignore it!!" for these games are fucking retarded. They're probably the same idiots who argued that Yuri and Victor weren't gay as fuck for each other because the story would work the same without it, and anyway, they never directly said "I love you" on screen.

>> No.22396869

I still hate that most of them are squinty now.

>> No.22396900
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>the dude in charge of digimon games wants to make an otome game where you date the monsters

>> No.22396938
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>> No.22396959
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please let it happen

>> No.22397034

Seriously? I can finally show my love for Gabumon?

>> No.22397097

Angemon best mon.

>> No.22397115

"Romance with digimon" started showing up on recent surveys, then he went into detail about how he wanted to make an otome game on twitter.

Might as well shill the current survey now.

>> No.22397209

Finally I can have Etemon sing me love balllads before digievolving into MetalEtemon and farting on my face

>> No.22397560

I'd love to hear from Minakami's perspective as well, if for nothing more than the extra bit of suffering.

I agree with your analysis though about Kawase's route basically preventing Tamamori from suffering to the point of realization. And it fits spectacularly well since Kawase knows what's going on by the time he inherits the curse but has no qualms about manipulating Tamamori to get his undivided attention. The epitome of a pitiful, selfish man. But he really does love Tamamori in his own way. Thank god he wasn't a generic abusive asshole type or I would have hated his route.

It was still a bit subdued after finishing Minakami's though. Problems of doing the best boy's route first.

>> No.22397706

Never played a digimon game in my life but I'm down

>> No.22397764

one just got ported to steam/switch.

>> No.22397793

What's been going on with JAST Blue?

>> No.22397834
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I do wonder if Kawase didn't suspect Tamamori had feelings for Minakami even before that. He's show to be incredibly sharp and aware of both Minakami and Hanazawa's issues, so I wouldn't be surprised if he had a hunch.

>> No.22397874

What's with people typing out essays and still saying nothing? Just say you didn't like the romance and explain why. It isn't that hard.

>> No.22397940

See the latter part of >>22395440

>> No.22397962

I'm a man and I thought Hashihime's main love story was more relatable and better written than "woke" shit from the west.

>> No.22398109

I'm sure that he knew all along.
He even says so at one point, or at least alludes to it strongly: after Minakami's curse passed to Tamamori. He just didn't bring it up because he liked to watch Minakami suffer while Tamamori remained oblivious. It also sustained the possibility of Tamamori becoming his personal toy, though he doesn't seriously pursue that option outside of his own route. Kawase is one hell of a bastard to the two of them. At least the game only explained his behaviour without absolving him for his shitty past.

>> No.22398122

There is a reason EOVNs are even more niche than proper VNs, and it's not just about the artwork.

Are they kill? JAST itself is still up and hosting the 3 BL things they've translated among the sea of moe/waifu stuff. But I haven't heard or seen anything about JAST BLUE for a long time.

>> No.22398129
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>There is a reason EOVNs are even more niche than proper VNs, and it's not just about the artwork.

>> No.22398168
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I think he genuinely may have been some fondness of Minakami though. IIRC somewhere it is mentioned (Q&A maybe?) he was happy when he came to Tokyo because he thought Minakami was smart like and they could talk about student stuff and shit. Of course things became awkard in recent years when Minakami pretty much ghosted him because he was afraid of what Kawase could found out.

I can see Kawase mellowing out a bit after his ending while mantaining his sadistic steak.

I wish in general we had gotten more scenes and stories of the four of them as kids. Could have used Hanazawa's shitty route for that.

>> No.22398589

Check out the offerings on Steam and report back to the class.

I think Kawase's sadist streak really took hold once Minakami started avoiding him and he got fed up with years of Tamamori being a dense idiot. An idiot he wanted to fuck and tease forever, but couldn't have.

If they're really making a PG-13 version of Hashihime I hope they replace the sex with scenes of them as kids. Won't be able to understand much but at least the CGs will be cute.

>> No.22398602

So did we ever get Sakurada-senpai, or is the dream dead?

There is always the Vita version, which I'm very tempted to check out.

>> No.22399923


>> No.22400054

In my experience, my nipples are not really sexually stimulating, and for my male partner, it's an afterthought unless we're having extended foreplay. They get erect and more sensitive, but the sensation when stimulated is more akin to sticking your finger in your bellybutton and lightly rubbing around. That's a sample size of two dudes, though.
On a side note, I'm now inspired to boop his button next time.

>> No.22400171

Habu is pretty based. He also retweets BL/yuri fanart of his games.

>> No.22400275

I wish there was an easy way to insert the eng translation from the pc to vita port. I like the UI on the hashihime vita port so much better and I kind of hate the pc version UI.
Tried reading a bit of the vita port but my 中途半端 moon rune skills is making it tedious.

>> No.22400288

The PC version's UI feels like it was made 15 years ago. It's like that in almost every VN though; there seems to be a strong "don't fix what isn't broken" mentality in the scene. As long as it has auto, skip, history, save, a CG gallery, and a bare-bones settings menu it meets all requirements demanded by users.

>> No.22400588

That Dream daddy game has a FTM tranny in it and I imagine that shit is only going to get more common with english BL games. Even if I dislike certain JP tropes like omegaverse I'm relieved that japan is very likely never going to push that tranny shit in their BL games.

>> No.22401547

I think the vita version still has the porn but without the CG.

>> No.22401560

>I feel like I'm going to explode

>> No.22401602


>> No.22401726

But yes.

That also makes sense, it's how the sweet pool port went.

Maybe it's just because I'm used to the gentle speaking of Minakami's character but this haughty butler thing going on here sounds strange to me.

>> No.22401951

I really want to re-read the main route when I have time, it feels like a lot of interactions and stuff are going to feel more romantic knowing everything.

>> No.22402064
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Looks like Takuyo is working on a new Himehibi game. Glad to see they're not dead yet.

>> No.22402665

Would you romance Faust?

>> No.22403726

I wish they added another similar character like the bodyguard in the first game, but without the shitty dead gf drama and him turning from complete dere to stone cold in his route. That was seriously one of the worst routes I've ever read.

>> No.22403756

Do people seriously like that stuff? Feels similar to NTR.

>> No.22403840

I doubt it. How could anyone want to be a replacement for a dead gf? It feels like another case where they want to emphasize the older hero has been in relationships, wow this is so realistic and he's so mature. They went in the worst possible direction with it. I'd rather they just go with the galge convention and have them single their entire life until they meet MC even if it's not realistic.

Made me salty because a strong, yet gentle guy who protects and dotes on you (I'm conveniently forgetting his weird okama split personality) is like gap moe heaven. And they ruined it.

>> No.22403871

>post this
>play game a little more
>he fucking dies
of course

>> No.22403945

Don't worry anon, keep going. Your journey has only begun.

>> No.22404053

Speaking of VA, Kawase's voice is pretty suave sounding. I'm surprised he's not more popular, I could see him hitting big if he ever gets a role in some anime.

>> No.22404225

Keep going, there's a reason why we all love him so much.

>> No.22404259 [SPOILER] 
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Yep. A lot of interactions feel different, I guess they don't feel very "gay" the first time around because the narrative assures you Tamamori has no particular interest in Minakami.

It's also really interesting to see much Tamamori himself says anyone would do, that since Minakami died he would still have Kawase, but this actions don't match since he can't quit him.

To be honest at the beginning of the game I didn't care for him. He looked like the "generic nice childhood" friend and I wasn't spoiled about his death. I'm not sure when I exactly started to care for his character I think the letter? It's when the narative started to feel "real" in ways I can't quite explain.

>> No.22404344

Which letter are you talking about?

>> No.22404382 [SPOILER] 
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Minakami's route spoilers

>> No.22404397

how tall are the hashihime guys by the way

>> No.22404427
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>> No.22404446

Hakase being 20 cm taller than Tamamori was not something I was expecting, especially since he acts the way he does.

>> No.22404464

>Tamamori is 160 cm/ 5' 2" in freedom units

What a fucking adorable manlet, perfect for picking up and carrying off against his will..

I think it's exacerbated by how tiny Tamamori is. He's only 5' 9".

>> No.22404574 [SPOILER] 
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>Hakase being 20 cm taller than Tamamori was not something I was expecting, especially since he acts the way he does.
It's definitely not clear by the artwork. Hanazawa is obvious is clear going by the description and CG, but I had no idea the professor was 2 cm shorter than him. I always though Minakami and Tamamori were about the same size, but I guess that explains why he was able to save him from the falling books and pick him up and ram into the pillar during the sex scene.
Kawase and Masked Dude are what I expected.

>> No.22404592

was it necessary to tell us the mc shit himself

>> No.22404602

He is that much of a helpless mess. It's the first and only time it comes up, if that's any consolation.

God I loved that scene where he's pressed against the pillar in the shrine.

>> No.22404685

The what now? When did this happen

I feel like I've forgotten everything already, must be time for a reread

>> No.22404686

>God I loved that scene where he's pressed against the pillar in the shrine.
Especially when he starts to beg Minakami to not leave him, probably the most honest he has ever been.

>> No.22404691

Honestly yeah. His voice and the sprites match well to make him as smug as he is. Tried to see if Marx did any other stuff but as far as I can tell, not really. His tweet about the eng release was cute though.


>> No.22404693

It was a quick two-sentence thing IIRC, Tamamori describing how useless and pathetic he is. It's before the second loop, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.22404723

>actually getting spooked by the giant segments
haven't felt a chill from a vn since reading higurashi desu

>> No.22404774

His VA was a perfect match. I hope he gets more roles like that in the future because he absolutely nailed the condescending asshole persona.

>> No.22404935

Tsunderes breaking down and being 100% honest in the heat of the moment is my fetish.

>> No.22405717

Doesn't someone in this game wear glasses? Not the MC.

>> No.22405778

Hanazawa wears glasses a few times in his route

>> No.22405792

>No Katou-kun route
They fucked up

>> No.22405963 [SPOILER] 
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>Hanazawa's mana transfer idea

>> No.22406209

>Could have had Katou-kun
>Got retarded adopted son instead

Hell of an oversight.

>> No.22406821
File: 50 KB, 316x450, VJ006695_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any more otoge with this kind of old school shoujo manga artstyle? I know of this, noise, and one of the triangle project games. Surely there must be moar.

>> No.22406866

I like that one comment on the announcement tweet where someone wants to recommend the game to foreigners at comiket. That's sweet.

>> No.22407033

At least it doesn't work, it's the only thing I like. What a stupid as fuck route. I don't even know how you could write something so bad.

>> No.22407122
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>Hanazawa's massive, veiny cock

>> No.22407239

His IQ is in single digits.

>> No.22407282

Is he one we need to thank for appmon?

>> No.22407494

And Hanazawa is supposed to be the writer's favorite, right?

Wonky as hell.

>> No.22407562

He doesn't have any say in the anime as far as I know.

>> No.22408346
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Scamco taught them


>> No.22408386
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>. I don't even know how you could write something so bad.
It's easy. The game is a VN so the main character has to get with all the characters. In a normal VN it would be a bad side route you do to get to the true ending, but Hashihime's structure doesn't allow it.

>And Hanazawa is supposed to be the writer's favorite, right?
It is even confirmed? I know writers are weird and often have a very impersonal and distant aproach to what they write, but Minakami seems like the clear favorite, even if you take the extra stuff in consideration, like the Vita's version using Tamamori's from his route or the red string of fate in the official art.

I could totally buy Kawase being her favorite on other hand, though.

>> No.22408430

only took them 3 thousand years to figure out female players like base building aspects

>> No.22408440

I was busy taking Action League NOW(!) notes right handed, was my penmanship too sloppy?

>> No.22408552

I don't know why considering stereotypes

>> No.22408684

Hilariously enough the Hashihime in Minakami's route transfer immediately after sex and in Kawase the day after the consumate the relationship.

>> No.22408996

>Is it even confirmed
I remember an Anon saying something about it, but I'd like a source so I can confirm it with my own eyes.

>Kawase being her favorite
Yes, that would give me a lot more hope for Adelta's future works.

>> No.22409054

Probably because as the story mentions, she's a very jealous entity. The last thing any of them want at that point is to burden the other with her power. So of course that's what she does. At least that was the reason given in the stories. Tamamori was raped in Hanazawa's route so that's probably why she didn't jump over. He was suffering, not in love.

>> No.22409095
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I'm pretty sure in both cases it was disaster striking. Tamamori was lying and was acting for the other, he didn't want to lose Minakami, so disaster strikes in what he fears the most, the power to save his suicidal bf. Tamamori having sex with Minakami was probably only part of it.

Kawase straight up saves Tamamori's life in his most selfless action ever and disaster strikes again by taking what he wanted and needed the most at that point, the power of the Hashihime.

Kawase and Tamamori fuck a lot in the SS but the power still in Tamamori. There is nothing Hanazawa could have done, Tamamori even mentions that midway through it Hanazawa probably realized how pointless the sex was but he was just ravaging him because of the lust.

>> No.22409911

tamamori is so cute
i hope he gets bullied big time in the h-scenes

>> No.22410017

Do tell what you think when you get there. Each one has a different theme to it.

But yes, he's a perfect candidate for bullying due to that attitude despite how pathetic he actually is.

>> No.22411130

Ohh, Ken ga Toki got an update. Finally some more stuff to do aside from grinding affection levels.

>> No.22411214

Having this: https://rainymood.com/ play in the background while reading Hashihime makes it more immersive. Would recommend.

>> No.22411350

Gotta say, for as much as I loved Hashihime, it's OST is nothing to write home about. Not even tempted to pirate it except for one or two background tracks.

>> No.22411554

I think some tracks are good, but there are too few so it gets repetitive. Luckily the Vn is not too long.

後日譚 is probably the best track, but they use it in every emotional scene.

>> No.22411601
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The updates in Season 4 keep making my head spin. Just when one question is answered several more pop up. I'm too hung up on the new chapter to even watch today's episode. Suganofags on suicide watch. Seki is gonna fuck up the police if they get his daughterfu hurt again

>> No.22412429
File: 852 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191112-183154_Mr Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the game keep pushing this ship?

>> No.22412597

Otome where I date an autistic guy when?

>> No.22413294

This sounds like a terrible ordeal, why would you want this?

>> No.22413419
File: 312 KB, 1300x864, 1969995_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't want to date themselves?

>> No.22413521 [SPOILER] 
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this is pathetic

>> No.22413600

Don't bully him

>> No.22413683
File: 778 KB, 948x642, it lives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It lives. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1056570/TAISHO_x_ALICE_episode_1/

>> No.22413735
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>have to zoom through the first few hours of gameplay to access a new route
>scared that i'm missing new content but ultimately nonplussed
where's the "skip read only" option for hashihashi jfc

>> No.22413745

You mean Hashihime? You can skip, the game has no new stuff until the choice.

Still a good tier sex scene.

>> No.22413827

i do mean hashihime. thanks anon

>> No.22414174

I may or may not have jinxed it, lads

>> No.22414246

It's probably the CG making it look worse than it is. It's described as a just a bit smaller than MInakami and Kawase.

>> No.22414288

Katakana alice?

>> No.22414322

Having the original voices is a huge improvement but I wonder if it's still using the katakana alice translation? Curious but I can't be assed to go through the old release and compare it to the text in the play movie.

>> No.22414357

God I wish that were me (right) with my gf (middle).

>> No.22414373


Old OP or new OP?

>> No.22415142

Blushing male tsunderes is the one of the greatest things to ever exist.

>> No.22415188

Male tsundere in general are better than female ones because they are not so overused.

I feel like people somehow overplay Tamamori's tsuntsun though and turn him into Tohsaka Rin. He can be quite pushy and even his tsuntsun amount often than to just being embarrassed (like when Minakami attempt handholding on the train).

>> No.22415214

but how many aren't furshit

>> No.22415221
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My wife's son

>> No.22415248
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Enough. I don't even think pic related is complete.

>> No.22415259

Thanks, anon.

>> No.22415268

I'm honestly surprised they haven't tried some Brigadoon shit with the anime.

>> No.22415270

Who is the one to the right of Angemon?

>> No.22415312

Pick one.


>> No.22415367

I guess it gets bigger the more degenerate you are, like whether you'd bang shit like Daemon and Meramon or not.

>> No.22415410

It feels like gift has been kinda ded lately

>> No.22415413

I liked his tsun because it wasn't overdone. He was shy, embarrassed, and just a little too prideful to say it outright. But he absolutely made his feelings clear even before he worked up to directly saying "I love you". No slapping, no hysterics, no insults by the end. Just pure love once all of his internal barriers were broken down by Minakami's dick. That is what makes him a great tsundere.

Even female tsunderes can be good. It's just that the shitty aspects of the trope are often taken to the extreme so it's hard to appreciate the moment when they finally come clean. The tsundere archetype has gone to shit since Taiga/Nagi/that shitty imuouto show et. al. redefined what Tsunderes are.

>> No.22415420

Yeah, I didn' t mean to say they are all bad. Kurisu from S;G for example is a great Tsundere. But the trope has gone to shit for women because it's so overplayed by hack writers that just write sterotypes rather than people.

>> No.22415431 [SPOILER] 
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>look him up
>see this
So that's how masked digimon look like underneath

>> No.22415436


They look miserable.

I only just remembered AGF was this past weekend. What a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.22415448

I'm waiting for another tsundere to be as good as her. My wife.

>> No.22415479 [SPOILER] 
File: 683 KB, 813x1185, 1573598138306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna go ahead and spoil that because that show sucked and doesn't deserve a watch, but that was Quartzmon disguising himself as Astamon.

As for what they look like under their masks, a proper face generates when they take them off according to the designer, and they've shown a couple like Ophanimon and Piemon without theirs.

>> No.22415593 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 700x298, 1573599864794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good to know. Last one I watched was Frontier so I'm out of the loop. I still prefer Alphamon's coffee though.

>> No.22415651

the real question is do they have dicks

>> No.22415659
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I played some of the prologue of this a while ago and it seemed really generic so I never even started any routes for real, but the art style reminded me kind of of old shoujo manga, especially the way female characters were drawn.

>> No.22415668

There's been bulges, cameltoes, and nipples. I think it's safe to say at least the clothed ones are anatomically correct.

>> No.22415679

That's pretty much the same reason I liked Rai from Lamento, when I don't usually like tsunderes.

>> No.22415827

Tae from Hanayaka is a godly female tsundere

>> No.22415979

What the hell is taking the Hada fandisc tl so long?

>> No.22416652

Are there any otome/bl games where you/the MC is the one doing the pursuing? I realized the reason why I can't get into this genre despite being a dude who likes dudes is that like... I dont know, I find being pursued so boring. I don't really find it stimulating to have a hot 2d guy tell me I'm cute and he likes me right off the bat and shit. I'd rather spend time trying to make a disinterested character like me, and the payoff in the end of the game should be succeeding in that.

That being said, any recs that fit that mold?

>> No.22416800

No Thank You!!

>> No.22416930

Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side

>> No.22417152

>No Thank You!!
NTY is super dull because none of the dudes except Hiro are interested, though. And even Hiro the MC had to wear him down.

>> No.22417171 [DELETED] 

But isn't that what >>22416652 is essentially asking for?
>I'd rather spend time trying to make a disinterested character like me, and the payoff in the end of the game should be succeeding in that.
Granted it's been a long time since I've played NTY, it was one of the first that came to mind as a rec. I didn't make the rec though, specifically because I can't remember enough about the game.

>> No.22417186

But isn't that what >>22416652 is essentially asking for?
>I'd rather spend time trying to make a disinterested character like me, and the payoff in the end of the game should be succeeding in that.
Granted it's been a long time since I've played NTY, it was one of the first that came to mind as a rec. I didn't make the rec though, specifically because I can't remember enough about the game. Maybe it's because it's not as romantic a game? If OP could maybe give some good examples (VN or not), it would be easier to think up something better.

>> No.22417259

Oh I guess, it's just that I don't think the "pay off" was that great in most routes.

>> No.22417827

I'm surprised SE still hasn't killed this game yet.

>> No.22418036

Same. Idol Fantasy didn't even last a year.

>> No.22418138

Idol stuff sucks so much.

I want to go back to the PSP otome era.

>> No.22418300

2d idolshit is 3dpd idolshit in disguise, of course it's horrible.
