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22114521 No.22114521 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion of the danmaku games goes in here

>> No.22115517

I hate UFO

>> No.22115642

I love UFO

>> No.22115708
File: 72 KB, 512x512, 1569066866289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stuck on boss
>fap to her
>start doing way better

>> No.22115890

who quote

>> No.22116215

eosd is running at 20fps all of a sudden for no reason

>> No.22116230

ok all of my touhou is capped at 30fps what the fuck is going on

>> No.22117383

stop using w10

>> No.22117611

What should I use instead?

>> No.22117618

install gentoo

>> No.22118289

I wonder. Is it possible to customize a Gentoo machine for the sole purpose of Touhou?

>> No.22118401
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What is your most hated bullet?

>> No.22118439

Those arrows Mayumi uses

>> No.22118446

the ones that glow

>> No.22118517

probably the lasers that close in on you in EoSD stage 4 or the giant orbs from the same stage

>> No.22118535


>> No.22118552

This one takes second place. First place is Shou's lasers.

>> No.22118580

fuck curve laser

>> No.22118635
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Pic related has caused me immeasurable amounts of grief.

>> No.22120104

Arrows, knives, curvy lasers, squarish ones.

>> No.22120163

Those big circular bullets you see in patterns like Doremy's nonspells. They look like the kind of bullet that would have a smaller hitbox than it appears, like bubbles or okuu nukes, but they aren't and it always gets me.

>> No.22120180

Music notes in DDC

>> No.22120192

>but they aren't and it always gets me.
Remember bullet hitboxes changed from TD onwards.

>> No.22120246
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i hate curvy lasers

>> No.22121016
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>> No.22121097

Post your favorite danmakufus! Serious, trolly, even undertale crossovers if you like them.

>> No.22121169
File: 12 KB, 284x177, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in a fight, bananas or cheetos?

>> No.22121280

knives, they always have bullshit hitbox
nigga just start from a corner and strafe to other their hitbox doesnt last as long as their graphical representation.

>> No.22121725

Danmakufu is a shit engine and should stop being used for anything.

>> No.22121796

pc98 too hard, artificial difficulty like arcade games

>> No.22121803
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Tried some Touhou again a few years after my last attempt. Think I got the hang of clearing the title screen. Maybe playing lunatic straight off the newbie train isn't the best way to learn? Music is, as always, pretty nice.

>> No.22121855

stop playing soew

>> No.22122040

Mash z with ReimuC in SoEW

>> No.22122127

>artificial difficulty like arcade games
Git gud, gaming in general without arcade style fuck-yous is just a tutorial for tutorial mode

>> No.22122144

The little white dots, because my eyesight is shit and I don't always notice them while dodging other, larger bullets.

>> No.22122599
File: 275 KB, 384x448, big circle satori lunatic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big circle ones. Their hitbox combined with the fact that they obscure your character somewhat as well as them usually overlapping with, and in turns obscuring, other bullets (usually more big circles), has killed me more often than it should have.
That one Eirin nonspell (and to some extent her Game of Life/Lasting spell) is a total nightmare because she starts sending these fuckers in diagonally crossing patterns, which you can't see because they all obscure each other.

>> No.22122617

why is it a shit engine?

>> No.22122691

A simple theme fitting for Junko executed very creatively. Also Junko is one of my favorite 'hus but that's another story.

>> No.22123960

poorly optimized, you can have a kickass pc and games will still slowdown

>> No.22123986

I don't know, grazing bullets from inside their graphic just makes me feel cool.
The visibility on Eirin's spell is pretty bad, but i never had any issues on Remi or Yuyuko at least

>> No.22124197

I don't know what a danmakufu is and that video was cringe as fuck. Have some music barrage instead.

>> No.22128727

Is there a vpatch or similar to bump the resolution of hisoutensoku?

>> No.22128761

There isn't, stop asking this shit, Chilean.

>> No.22129743

About how long does it take to go from beginner to pulling off a Normal 1CC on LLS

>> No.22129838

First card is stolen from Len'en. Then shit cards until the body change ones. Then an Ichirin+ Asshole touhou copy, only easier.

>> No.22130295

I wouldn't say long, since stage 5 isn't difficult. Just beware of Yuuka's master spark. I had my 1cc, after a couple of runs.

>> No.22131485

1 week

>> No.22131817

this game is piss easy, maybe a day or two

>> No.22134741

I did it, about 3 days. I am a pro now

>> No.22134948

I am very close 1CC soew. Fuckin Marisa's stage always messes up my run though

>> No.22135375

>Fuckin Marisa's stage always messes up my run though
It's mostly a matter of streaming. If you don't feel bad about it, you can safespot the midbosses by standing on top of them, but remember that the aimed glowing balls can still hit you.

>> No.22135524

Definitely and it shouldn't be too hard either.
1. install gentoo, do it.
2. install wine and X.
3. write a script that runs on login and asks for game number.
4. xinit /home/anon/th$game/th$game.exe -- vt1
If you want to go further you could maybe write your own launcher using ncurses.

>> No.22137459
File: 1.99 MB, 1282x992, Clear, apparently.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only now getting around to Wily Beast and Weakest Creature.
Did anyone else have an issue with MarisaOtter's ending crashing? I didn't get to save my replay, but it counted as a clear.

>> No.22137521
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Huh? That's strange. It worked fine for me.

>> No.22137737
File: 931 KB, 1280x960, MarisaEagle clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it's not just MarisaOtter, it happened on my MarisaEagle clear just now, too.
It freezes, then closes, as soon as the credits roll is loading in. I get one frame of the loading screen, and then nothing.
I think my copy of the game is just broken in some way, sometimes it also fails to start up. It's odd that it didn't happen on my Reimu clear.

>> No.22137837

I did it today. yay

When I installed wine on gentoo + japanese fonts, the fonts didn't actually show up in programs running under wine. They just show up as blocks. Which is weird, because it shows up fine on wine when using mac. Using LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8" on both platforms, of course.
Sucks, I wanted a Gentoo touhou machine.

>> No.22137963

at what point am I no longer a secondary

>> No.22137966

when ZUN officially recognizes you as a superplayer

>> No.22138098
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Friends, I finally 1cc'd IN on Normal with every team on FinalA and B! (but not yet with the solo characters)

>> No.22138137

>I did it today. yay
Congratulations, which shot type?
>when ZUN officially recognizes you as a superplayer
Man, I always knew that Evil Eye Sigma clear message was worth all that effort.

>> No.22138154

Keine's lasers
The animals Mamizou uses
Hecatia's fucking moons

>> No.22138172

What fonts did you install? I can run Touhou the way you did without problems except for resolution differences.

>> No.22138298

Congratulations! Which team did you save for last?

>> No.22138376

Netherworld team, I went through them in order (though I started with Border Team FinalB and Magic Team FinalA)

>> No.22138675

Which team ended up as your favorite?

>> No.22138906

Tough one. They all have ups and downs. All i can say is I liked Scarlet team the least.
I think I'm gonna go with Netherworld team. They got both high single-target damage and large spread which made Stage 4 a breeze compared to the others, they even have a Malice Cannon wannabe. Well, all teams do to some degree but Netherworld Team's Malice Cannon seems to be second strongest only topped by the actual Magic team.

Although I like Border Team's bombs more. Magic Team may have Master Spark but it also includes Alice's bomb which I hate (same goes for the other two teams to an extent) whereas i like both bombs of Border Team.

>> No.22138921
File: 430 B, 145x145, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*IN, Hard Modo with Ole Red White*
*Haven't played in long while*
*Suddenly realize that it isn't over*
Oh shit, Last word.jpg
It was then that I realized Wriggle-chan's bullets fell at an angle on the first wave
Fall at angle
Fall at angle
Fall at angle
*Fuck it up with ~40% left*


>> No.22138933

Why the fuck did it have to happen...
why why why why hwhy

>> No.22139486

B type

kochi-substitute, ja-ipafonts, vlgothic, mplus-outline-fonts, basically every font they tell you top install on the Gentoo Japanese Fonts page.

>> No.22139547
File: 353 KB, 250x250, 1566741919236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoSD and MoF won't open in fullscreen for me, and I'm too retarded with regard to PC matters to figure out why this happens. Does anyone here have the solution? I am using Windows 10 and downloading the .exe from Moriya Shrine, if it matters.

>> No.22139611

Make sure wine has the fontconfig use flag enabled, and the fonts probably need the X use flag too.
If that doesn't help, try running 'locale -a' and see if there aren't any japanese locales in the list.
Also If you want I can post my configs and scripts somewhere. I want to see this Gentoo Touhou machine come to fruition.

>> No.22139904

Did you launch with vpatch.exe or the normal executable?

>> No.22139973

I click on the .exe file called "th## (thpatch-en."

>> No.22140126

If it just shows a black screen, then try using vpatch. Instructions and download should be available on moriyashrine or the wiki (or just search engine it)
If it works then simply change the English exec to th##.exe

>> No.22140879

I personally found Scarlet teams focus shot to be very interesting to use, but I can see why you don't want your shots to be 'interesting'.

>> No.22140936

Not gentoo as far as I know but someone put together a touhou arcade machine with a menu and everything back at AWA '13. I've always wondered if he uploaded that launcher anywhere for making your own machine.

>> No.22141276

That's not why I dislike Scarlet team actually. I found Sakuya's shot (the unfocused one) to be weak which made going for Last Words during early fights a pain in the ass, and I don't like their bombs.

>> No.22141355

Sakuya's shot is very weak, I never really went for last words with that team, and I also used Remilia for stages, since she can easily cover two parts of the screen with her ability.

>> No.22141399

If you have Nvidia drivers go to Nvidia Control Panel -> Adjust desktop size and position -> Perform scaling on -> select GPU

>> No.22141863

Probably a no-brainer but have you tried running as an administrator?

>> No.22144557

Yeah I have those flags enabled. Guess it doesn't really matter since I'm playing english-patched versions anyways, it's just little elements here and there that still have the Japanese text.

>> No.22144717

m-mystic square is significantly more intense than everything else on the pc98 up to this point

>> No.22144877
File: 1.04 MB, 1886x898, Touhou Checklist (431-496).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My controller decided to die, so I'll be taking a break from the main games, this is where my progress stands rn.
Whenever I can play again I'll learn TD for NBNT, complete that chart and finish off IN and SA (which is what I had intended to do this month but oh well).
How is your progress going on anons?

>> No.22144929

No PC-98?

>> No.22145220

Do you have the thcrap patched version of EoSD? I don't know much about that patch for this game, but start by doing this >>22141399 (nice Cirno dubs). Does it crash? Try running the main exe in Windows 7 compatibility, or if that doesn't work, try win xp (I don't remember if it's needed). Try running it as admin too, but that probably won't help.
Make sure the file names are in proper Japanese, not some garbled shit. Use vpatch with the single necessary dll. Also make sure that the directory path doesn't have non alphanumeric characters or characters with diacritics.

For me, when I move my EoSD folder to a different location and start vpatch, it crashes first, then it works from then on. It also crashes upon alt tabbing back.

>> No.22146340
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Got a normal Legacy 1cc and I'm not quite sure where to go now.

>> No.22147297
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Finally, what was ZUN thinking when he was making Heca's nons. That stuff is made from nightmares.

>> No.22147326
File: 297 KB, 384x448, bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say that like the spells are any better

>> No.22150734

Hecatia spells are either complete jokes (like the first one) or total bullshit (Lunatic Fucking Impact)

>> No.22150746

So, do these games get easier after Mystic Square?

>> No.22150900
File: 89 KB, 630x830, Yuyuko (1874).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. QoL changes like being able to collect all the items and see your hitbox always help.
I played LLS and MS way back, but they dont work very well in my pc, I tried all the emus.
Maybe I'll go back to them after I fill the entire chart I posted, but that will take long and this is also for LLS and MS only, I have no interest in the first 3.
Maybe it's time to try out PoFV and GFW now that you have more experience, they are great games anon, they just take some time to get used to.

>> No.22150903

Some of them are, some of them aren't. Overall I'd say Windows is harder than PC-98, if only because of the total joke that is LLS.

>> No.22151052

Not the patterns themselves, but visible hitbox, easier item collection and practice mode helps a lot
LLS is still easier than most windows game though, and SoEW is too jank to rank

>> No.22151494
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I think I have a problem

>> No.22151505

I don't get it. What's with the discrepancy between the in-game histories and the practice histories?

>> No.22151733

It's spellcard practice. I've tried over 1000 times on one of them only to win 13. I can do it with ease now, but it took me a while, and once I got good I quickly lost interest.

IN is my favorite game though. Mokou is overwhelmingly cool.

>> No.22151755
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>Maybe it's time to try out PoFV
I was thinking about that, but I'm not sure which shot to pick as my first one. Which one would you suggest, anon?

>> No.22151787

You know, since you really like PoFV, I think you should consider PoDD as well should you ever choose to visit the PC98 games. I'm personally not a fan of the phantasmagoria games, but I find 3 to be more fun than 9.

Assuming you're playing on normal, I would say MS is slightly on the easier side compared to the rest of the series. I find many of the later games harder mostly because their resource systems are unintuitive to me.
My personal ranking goes 15 > 12 > 11 > 14 > 2 > 13 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 10 > 8 > 4, in order from hardest to easiest and not including phantasmagorias/games I haven't really played.

>> No.22151954
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Beat Koishi today. I thought this extra stage was going to be one of the harder ones, but it only took me like 5 hours, even Ran took me longer.

Do most people consider Flan's stage easier or harder than this one? Because I really struggle to get past Ex-Patchy

>> No.22152418

Assuming you only have the first 5 girls then I suggest Reimu or Marisa, they are not hard to use and very good. Also check the key configs if you feel that something is off when you play it, the game has 2 different control schemes and it can throw some people off.
I really dislike PoDD anon! Lack of focus is already bad enough but I can't look at the game, too much stuff going on.
People consider Koishi one of the hardest extras to be mainly due to the lack of resource gain until the fight itself. Other than that, people that go for no miss consider it one of the easiest since there is not a lot of random things, spells are easy to memorize and the nons are kinda not even there.

>> No.22152921

What the fuck.
Flan is mid-tier at worst, Ran is EZ-modo, Koishi is so hard she actually killed my motivation to play the games at all.
>5 hours
Guess I'll die.

>> No.22152950

I consider Flan harder these days, but as >>22152418 pointed out Koshi is pretty reliant on trial-and-error (especially towards the end of the fight). She was definitely harder for a first clear.

>> No.22153047

>but I find 3 to be more fun than 9.
Many people, myself included, have this opinion, but I can't understand why. Why do we find PoDD "more fun"? PoFV is better from a technical standpoint, but there is something that just "isn't the same". What is that something?

>> No.22153081

I can only speak for single player, but I like PoDD more because it feels like there's more hard fights besides the final boss. In PoFV you're just twiddling your thumbs until Eiki.

>> No.22154003

Any complete save state for IN and SA?

>> No.22155926


>> No.22156026
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these little pieces of shit with their wonky ass hitboxes and moving patterns in ISC

>> No.22157097

Ironically, my opinion on PoFV is exactly what Yuyuko anon think about PoDD. It feels more cluttered to me and there's too much stuff going on, whereas PoDD feels simpler and more straightforward. Regardless, I'd rather be playing Twinkle Star Sprites than either.

Honestly, I don't have much trouble until I get to Chiyuri, then I start getting curbstomped. I think I've done a play through with most of the characters and it always goes the same, I do really well until Chiyuri, then I either lose to her or Yumemi.

>> No.22157272

Whats the best danmaku fangames out there?

>> No.22157284

Resurrection of Heaven's Liquor

>> No.22159236

Wow, I just cleared it with Marisa! Never thought I would clear PoFV. It was so close.
