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21999792 No.21999792 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about this mysterious 2hu that is part of Animal Realm triad and the leader of eagle spirits, the Goyouku Alliance.
Appearently, she is a Taotie, a sheep-like beast and one of Four Evil Creatures of the World in chinese myth (which is the evil counterpart of Four Cardinal Beasts, sounds like a big deal), known for its gluttony. In-game itself, Saki described her as extremely greedy, which come from the meaning of her species name: greedy glutton.
It's unknown how such person came to lead the prideful eagle spirits. Based on omake their method of attack is aerial strikes and overwhelming through sheer numbers, which could be a hint to her personalities.

I wonder if ZUN will ever give her appearance since she had a role in the game plot and has the same standing as Saki and Yachie. On top of that, Taotie is a too cool to be given to non-character. I get the impression from her original myth that she's phenomenally powerful and quite legendary.
More than that though, I'm curious how she look like.

>> No.21999799
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well, the realm of the beasts is one that is pretty much getting fucked over from keiki when you think about it

>> No.22000515

Isn't Taotie one of those planets from Star Wars?

>> No.22001066

I'm sure we'll get to her eventually, like the fourth oni, or another sage. Beast realm has unfinished business with us anyhow.

>> No.22002098
File: 907 KB, 953x1316, Tao_Tie_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster sheephu would be pretty great. Finally a fatass to rival and beat Yuyuko.

>> No.22002566

If she's a sheep, then I'm expecting extra fluff or extra frills. Maybe wearing a cloud-like coat, but that's too on-the-nose me think.
More than anything, I wonder what her ability could be. Given the whole "overwhelming through numbers", I could see her being able to multiply herself. Also flight, but that's something everyone and their mom can do, so.

I wonder if it's just ZUN setting things up for a new manga. I could see Taotetsu and maybe the secret fifth alliance making an appearance in the next fighting game as well.

That's Tatooine ya dummy.

>> No.22006728
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Important thread

>> No.22006841

Probably a black hole/void ability given that Tao Tie is known for consuming. Black Hole consumes everything around it, or acts like Yukari's boundary ability via wormhole.

>> No.22007459

The power to succcc


>> No.22009148

I imagine that she'd look like Meeko from FMW

>> No.22009438
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Remember that Toutetsu is the great evil and is so greedy that people hate her. I imagine she'd be more intimidating.

>> No.22010105

I mean. You would have a point, if it weren't for the fact our Shuten-douji is a drunk loli watermelon.

>> No.22010176

I disagree. The other two matriarch have ability fitting for their group; Saki's strong legs for the Wolf with powerful limbs, and Yachie's removing fighting will helps for the Otter surprise attack.

>> No.22010252
File: 1.59 MB, 4096x2511, __hoshiguma_yuugi_ibaraki_kasen_and_ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn_by_kan_aaaaari35__df0e8cf7219af82c2fca56a1cc407dc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suika has intimidating factor. That rugged cloth, those chains. that horns.

>> No.22012679
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Apparently Quadratus from SoTC is based on Taotie

>> No.22018177
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>> No.22018818
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And then she does something like this, and all those intimidation point goes down.

>> No.22018831

And shes also able to change her size at will

>> No.22018874

What are you talking about? swinging these chains is dangerous and her roll can destroy boulders.
Not kidding though, her roll is my bane whenever I fought good Suika player.

>> No.22019173

Yeah. It destroys my attempts at j5aing her everytime.

>> No.22020284
File: 606 KB, 888x1243, 76652514_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warugaki drew Toutetsu as male.

Now that I think about it, was the gender not specified in the games? The name does sounds like male.
Well that's somewhat lowered the chance of Toutetsu to appear.

>> No.22020618

I like the idea of every offscreen character being male.
That's why they're offscreen.

>> No.22020730
File: 159 KB, 868x1152, IMG_20190906_083246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think Toutetsu will have a design one day. Unlike Tenma, Tsukuyomi and Chang'e, Toutetsu was specifically introduced and mentioned in a mainline game rather than in a manga. Also modern ZUN doesn't do the whole namedrop then forget thing, that stopped a while ago.

>> No.22020993

Where did you guys get the info that she is a Taotie anyway?
I don't remember Saki mentioned it in any extra stage with eagle spirit.

>> No.22021022
File: 1023 KB, 1268x874, 1567769471857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her name uses the kanji 饕餮. Those are the exact Chinese characters used to make up the word "Taotie". In Japanese it's pronounced "Toutetsu".

>> No.22022833

Chang'e was introduced in LoLK though so...
Or was she already mentioned in SSiB/CLiR?

>> No.22022996

She came up in SSiB.

>> No.22026439
File: 725 KB, 888x1243, 76652514_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Toutetsu Mr. Chang from Black Lagoon?

>> No.22031092


>> No.22032859

