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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21518604 No.21518604 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/
Old guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/

Previous Thread: >>21510496

>> No.21518608

First for Flashtards are tards

>> No.21518609
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>> No.21518612

dekinai spotted

>> No.21518634

What's your ichiban japanese learning goal? Mine is to become good enough to make an AJATT 自己紹介 video and get praised by strangers on the net.

>> No.21518640

to have fun <3

>> No.21518645

To watch anime without subs

>> No.21518647

Leanr just enough so I can trick autists over the internet into giving me money.

>> No.21518651

How to ACTUALLY learn 日本語:
1. Watch or read anything you feel like diving into.
2. Stare at or hear words.
3. Try to make sense of them somehow, using any kind of tool you think might fit for this task.
If you're somehow able to understand something (even 僕はホモが好き。) then you're on the right path. Just keep heading that way.

>> No.21518662

To be able to read quzilax h-manga untranslated.

>> No.21518693

literally got mad enough about dragon quest's shitty modern translations that i've spent my time learning enough nihongo to play them in the original language and you know what? fucking worth.

>> No.21518701

How would one define metaposting?

>> No.21518711

i don't think i'll ever really get "つい"

>> No.21518718

Remember the name of the last route in Subahibi.

>> No.21518725

native level or slightly above when it comes to ability to consume media, if a jap can read something effortlessly then i won't be satisfied until i can read that effortlessly too. by the way, apparently japs don't consider 人間失格 to be difficulty (https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1470111779)) so if you can't read it easily then you still have a lot to go

>> No.21518730

sometimes that makes sense but most of the time it doesn't, is the thing

>> No.21518742

How many of you could tell the chigai between 恋 and 愛 without needing to hiku a 辞書 beforehand?

>> No.21518746


>> No.21518753

I couldn't until I started consuming more shit like romcoms.

>> No.21518772

I can't even read 奈須 (月姫, F/sn) that well yet. Why would I be any better at understanding 太宰?

>> No.21518780
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>> No.21518784

My long term goal is to be able to read Japanese poetry from Heian onwards. I might try to learn how to read 万葉集 if I hate myself enough. That's the peak of my Japanese goal and is certainly at least 10 years away. My short term goal (2-3 years) that I'm aiming for now is being able to read Taishou/prewar Shouwa era lit. I can already read 銀河鉄道の夜 which is motivating even if it's a children's novel.

>> No.21518801

hope you're studying classical japanese
if you look at this and you have no fucking clue what half of it means then you need to get on that

>> No.21518809

That's pretty cool. I also have an interest in poetry, but for now I'm sticking to more achievable goals like being able to very comfortably and quickly read my preferred manga and LNs.

>> No.21518818

I'm not putting much effort into it right now but I'm prepared to get assfucked by it when I get to it. I plan on putting most of my effort into learning it once I'm competent enough to smoothly read Japanese textbooks and grammar dictionaries for it.

>> No.21518826


ano, ne, anon-kun???

>> No.21518834

what you trying to say here faggot

>> No.21518835

I'm not surprised but there are literally scenes from JAVs uploaded on youtube

>> No.21518845

whoops i'm too tired and thought you said they do consider it to be difficult. now i just look like a real big dumb mother fucker. how're you gonna take responsibility for this?

>> No.21518858
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>how're you gonna take responsibility for this?
hey look here kid, i ain't gonna deal with your 逆ギレ, don't force me to use my 斬捨御免 on you for being a little shit

>> No.21518862

tch.... ikou boys *leaves the fucking thread*

>> No.21518879


>> No.21518942

now that i think about it, i’ve already accomplished almost all the ones i had...
~ be able to comfortably follow almost any manga i read without looking anything up even if i don’t know literally every word
~ be able to guess the meanings of some words based on kanji i already know and be right
~ be able to comfortably talk to japanese people about almost anything that i care to talk about
~ be able to comfortably navigate japanese stores, restaurants, entertainment centers etc independently without relying on a dictionary
~ be able to comfortably play most japanese video games esp RPGs that i care to play without relying on a dictionary
~ be able to understand and be understood on the japanese interwebs

i think the only major thing left is to get better at listening to anime. real life is fine but some words used in anime, specifically fantasy etc i’m not perfect at picking up at full speed yet. that and the everlasting goal of continuous vocab acquisition!

>> No.21518947


>> No.21518958

Why are you still here?

>> No.21518972

What the hell is から supposed to mean when it's at the end of a sentence?

>> No.21519029

post the sentence thats actually givin u trouble

>> No.21519051

Omission of some clause. You should be able to know what they’re omitting by the context.

>> No.21519076

大丈夫だよ、迷惑だなんて思ってないから. The only thing I can think it means is "after all" or something

>> No.21519084

迷惑だなんて思ってないから 大丈夫だよ

>> No.21519097

woah...what a meme language

>> No.21519099


>> No.21519111


>> No.21519112

The same can happen in English.
>It’s okay because I don’t think of it as a bother.
>Because I don’t think of it as a bother, it’s okay.

>> No.21519140

>tfw learned #3 the hard way

>> No.21519143

What’s the Japanese word or phrase equivalent to boipucci?

>> No.21519144

>goku you gotta go rescue the princess from the evil wizard and save the kingdom
woah... so worth it

>> No.21519165

At 30 minutes a day it will literally take you over a decade. At 60 minutes if you spend the time well you might just manage to learn it in under a decade.

If people aren't prepared to put in the time, they shouldn't bother.

>> No.21519170


>> No.21519188

i didnt write that but i take it as u should hit 30 minutes even on a bad day
but u should def have a lot of 4 hour days too if not some 16 hour sessions of some good eroge
i agree if u stop after 30 minutes every day ur fucked lol
not just cuz of the number of hours but u dont even want it if u never lose track of the clock

>> No.21519191


>> No.21519219

This is the norm and entirely believable for AJATTers

>> No.21519237
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>> No.21519257

watch japanese tv without subs

>> No.21519259


>> No.21519270

me on the center right

>> No.21519304

Where did you get a sample of my handwriting?

>> No.21519313
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is this how you guys learn japanese?

>> No.21519324
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enough to watch anime, dramas, idol videos and japanese youtube videos without subtitles

since i never speak the language i probably will never speak it well. i just want to be able to comprehend it and type it

>> No.21519329

That's nice and all but manga isn't reading.

>> No.21519333

Remove the english translation. Only consult them for hard sentences.

>> No.21519342


then i won't know what the sentence means. i'll never learn japanese that way

>> No.21519351

Nigga, you already have a dictionary and (hopefully) a grasp of basic grammar. You don’t need the goddamn English translations.

>> No.21519357

question: If you read only 1 kanji of 3 , can you understand what that 1 kanji mean ?
the same for 2 kanjis

You will be capable of memorize what those 3 kanjis mean in long time ?

>> No.21519363

when u learn japanese u earn the right to know what it means

>> No.21519364

I think you should polish your English before learning Japanese.

>> No.21519366
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i look at the english to make sure i translated it correctly in my head because sometimes i translate sentences incorrectly

>> No.21519380


>> No.21519385

If you translated it incorrectly, the sentence would not fit the context provided. If it fits, there’s nothing to be worried about.

>> No.21519389

oh and because i'm still addicted to theorycrafting about the best way to acquire the thousands of other vocab words i still don't know

>> No.21519403

have u tried reading more

>> No.21519428

what's the best resource to understand the difference between:
>あく あける ひらく とじる しめる
I know what transitivie and intransitive verbs are, I simply don't know the instances ひらく is used instead of あける etc
explanation in simple terms

>> No.21519430

quizmaster anime cards obviously

>> No.21519440

You can either read more or use a J-J dictionaryーthough ideally, do both.

>> No.21519441
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learning more vocabulary than you need at the beginning is a waste of time. you should just learn vocabulary as you sentence mine. learn enough vocabulary and grammar to read sentences and then read sentences. i started with clozemaster and then moved onto yotsuba. i wasted the first two years of my japanese learning on vocabulary. big mistake

you can't learn abbreviated japanese and slang with anki


take these for example. does anki tell you that してん is an abbreviated form of してる(doing), that いってん is an abbreviated form of いってる(saying)?

>> No.21519450



>> No.21519489



>> No.21519523
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i could

>> No.21519525

yes i read for 2+ hours a day and don't plan on stopping but i have found its incredibly inefficient to only read. vocab has to be reviewed in some way or else forgetting will happen much more often than remembering

>> No.21519529

i like it how something can specifically say "at least" and people think it means "on average"
fuck off

>> No.21519533

>learning more vocabulary than you need at the beginning is a waste of time
i'm not... at the beginning lol my vocab is already over 15k and all that slang you posted is ちょろい af for me already

but your post might be helpful for actual beginners, i agree with your theory anyway. sentences are way better for words for beginners.

>> No.21519535

To read manga and modern japanese lit.

>> No.21519562

Unironically the only advice people should need.

>> No.21519567

I can read them, the subtleties of their meaning I will pick up from context eventually and won't memorize from a dictionary.

>> No.21519576

I have the same goals. How long did it take you?

>> No.21519583

Some people are absolutely against looking at the translation. Personally I wouldn't be so strict about it however you should keep two things in mind:

Formulating a thing naturally in English might look completely different from what the Japanese is saying, even though it transmits roughly the same information.

Translations are sometimes inaccurate for the sake of style.

>> No.21519604

3) translations are sometimes produced by people who misunderstand half of what they read

>> No.21519605

This has become more rare these days, but it definitely happened before.

>> No.21519612

The majority of fan translators I've seen are exactly like that still.
They don't learn Japanese because they want to know Japanese, consume shit in Japanese or anything like that, they pick up on basics for the sole purpose of translating. Translations suck ass.

>> No.21519672

Why do people hate textbooks so much?

I think they can be useful for beginners if used selectively as part of an overall studying rather than just using and following the textbook.

Like reading through the kim as people suggest often I found I couldn't really recognize or apply the grammatical concepts at all in actual reading besides the really simple stuff. But reading the genki textbook grammar sections and then actually doing the workbook I then felt confident with those concepts and could actually use them in reading. Maybe some people can learn it just from a quick read through and that is fine for them but for me it didn't really do much just reading about it.

>> No.21519685

I remember when I frequented these threads.
Man it didn't take me that long at all to drop learning Japanese lol.
Fuck Kani and grammar.

>> No.21519765
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I am almost at the 95% coverage. I have been doing this since July 25th 2018. Even so I always find new words frequently, currently mining around 30 words every day. I first thought that 12k words would be enough to understand the language decently but in reality I still rely on a dictionary to be able to read, now I think you would need like 25k to go without a dictionary.

>> No.21519766

if you subtract the long periods of wasted time, 3 years.

>> No.21519785

Are you neet?

>> No.21519800

It's annoying that none of the Japanese IPTV subscription services let you switch on closed captioning.

>> No.21519805

and this is why i find myself so fucking torn when it comes to vocab sometimes lol. like SRS has gotten me to where i am but going forward do i really want to be glued to it forever? yet how do i keep from forgetting shit? the fucking ultimate paradox

>> No.21519811

i said fuck too much, ごめん for the profanity yall

>> No.21519813

Can't you just stop adding words and then reviews will slowly die down until it takes no time at all?

>> No.21519831

>Can't you just stop adding words
when i said "how do i keep from forgetting shit" i meant new shit, not shit i've already been studying.

>> No.21519833
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I also began to read my first book in Japanese. It is the Neschan-Trilogie by Ralf Isau. Found it in my library by mere coincidence, they are the only Japanese books I own (I don't even remember having bought them). I am glad I did DOJG, in these books I always find 得る instead of られる、のみならず instead of だけではなく、より instead of から、故 instead of から or ので、か否か instead of かどうか、etc. I was beginning to feel comfortable with video games but books are clearly on another level. The use of grammar and vocabulary is a lot richer, reading books is the best way to learn Japanese

>> No.21519871

Yes, I have been a neet since July last year. But it will end this September when I begin my master. So i did an intensive in Japanese since then and I think it got me to a intermediate level. Manga is piss easy, I am comfortable reading video games and can understand simple anime, now I am beginning to read books and it shows there is still a long way to go before attaining an advanced level of Japanese.

>> No.21519913

how indeed. How do I remember all these words in English even though I never used an SRS and English is not my L1?

I think Anki helps a great deal with controlled spaced repetition especially at the start when you can't read much and you have huge gaps in vocabulary, but at some point just drop it. In fact I'm already doing this after a year because fuck mining honestly, it's a pain in the ass.

I still learn words from reading and watching shows even without the mining process. I probably forget a lot of the ones I looked up but looking up words again doesn't cause me any pain either. I don't try to force the learning process too much and just learn whatever I pick up naturally.

I go through some SRS on the side but mostly with premade decks that have a specific purpose, not a catch all mining deck.

>> No.21520028

>How do I remember all these words in English even though I never used an SRS and English is not my L1?
when you looked up words in english, was it with an english dictionary or with your native language dictionary?
i have a hypothesis that for people who still use j-e the language might still be too compartmentalized in our brains to make enough connections for word-learning to be easier with just a dictionary. i've noticed that when i read a good j-j def, there's a feeling of things "clicking" in a way that i don't really get with j-e... not to mention the definition itself often contains words that seem like valuable connections to make. hmm...
>I still learn words from reading and watching shows even without the mining process. I probably forget a lot of the ones I looked up but looking up words again doesn't cause me any pain either.
on account of the fact that i'm always looking stuff up anyway, i'm kind of like meh... but when i notice myself looking up the same word a 3rd, 4th, 5th time i do get frustrated. perhaps THAT'S the point something's worth adding to SRS? when you remember having looked it up/seen it multiple times but still can't remember it. at least if you reserve SRS for stuff like that, you'll be doing a much smaller quantity of farming and reviews.

>> No.21520033

Your "at least" is far too low. The aim should be a bare minimum of 2 hours, if not 3.

There really is no excuse for doing any less considering passive listening can count towards that total, and you can easily get in a few hours of that while showering, commuting, exercising, cooking, cleaning, and so on.

>> No.21520042

>when you looked up words in english, was it with an english dictionary or with your native language dictionary?
I definitely started out with native language dictionary, but over time I just started looking at definitions of the words in English if at all.

There was also a long period of time where I just inferred a rough approximation of the meaning from context without looking up anything, which sometimes lead to me believing things meant something entirely different. For instance I know I had a wrong impression of what was meant by the word "fortnight". I knew it was a period of time, but I thought it was shorter.

>> No.21520049

i knew just from chinese

also hiku my diku faget

>> No.21520059
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There's no way anyone with a job is able to do this. Fucking Zoomers.

>> No.21520061

i just wanna get to quiztard's level and i'll be satisfied since he can watch any show he wants now and can only find at most like 15 words in an entire 24 episode season

>> No.21520067

its ok that guy has no brain and hasnt developed any japanese ability if he isnt guessing what new words are on his own yet and being right about pronunciation and meaning when he checks the dictionary lol

>> No.21520083

I want to switch from the J-E dictionary to a J-J, but I can't find a single one for yomichan. Do you guys have one that you could share? I would like one for yomichan instead of an online dictionary because I want an easy way to add the card with the meaning to anki

>> No.21520093

>ts ok that guy has no brain and hasnt developed any japanese ability if he isnt guessing what new words are on his own yet
how do you know he's not just adding the ones he cant guess
no one can guess every single new word correctly thats bullshitting to the max

>> No.21520094

Sure thing I know what 神出鬼没 means just by context or by looking at the kanji, or 蛍雪. And how do you know about my abilities? Have you not considered I mine using a J-J dictionary?

>> No.21520104
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>The aim should be a bare minimum of 2 hours, if not 3.
>he's so mentally deficient that he has to use japanese for several hours a day to avoid atropy

>> No.21520109

I also add words with unusual readings even if the meaning is somewhat apparent. Things like 小忠実 would be a nightmare without SRS

>> No.21520115
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oh yeah I missed this
>passive listening
>it's 2019 and he thinks that passive listening "counts" for time you spend on the language, or that it works
30 minutes of high quality focused consumption at exactly the i+1 acquisition level with a little bit of looking-stuff-up beats 10 hours of background noise and 60 minutes of skimming through something where you only understand the general outline or something so easy that there's hardly anything for you to learn from it by a long shot
learn smart not through brute force

>> No.21520118

Lmao cope before the AnkiCHAD.

>> No.21520132

I tried to explain the concept of input to my friends who are taking German in a class environment and they either didn't get it or didn't want to get it because it would entail doing work outside of their 3 hours a week in the classroom. Why they be like this man

>> No.21520136

I don't really have one. It would be neat to be able to watch/read raw shit but I'm not dying to do it. I was thinking about doing JET or something but I might not even do that. I'm just bored and needed a challenging hobby.

>> No.21520138

>how do you know about my abilities


>> No.21520139

"if you don't use the language you're not actually going to learn it, not even at a basic level, you'll be able to recite some fragmentary memorized rules and words at best, not say anything interesting or understand anything substantial"

"it turns out that speaking/writing is a lot worse for learning new things about the language than reading/listening because you can only say things you already know how to say. who'd've thunk it, right?"

>> No.21520146


>> No.21520147


>> No.21520148

Are they being made to study it? Will there be any benefits to them from learning outside of class?

>> No.21520156

I used the analogy of how they picked up English because literally everybody from my generation here learned it by watching Cartoon network as a kid but I didn't get through I guess.
They're both near the tail-end of Uni and they chose to go to the classes for utilitarian purposes (they're private classes, not at Uni). German is perceived as a very useful language career wise in Europe so that's why they're at it.

>> No.21520161

I concede, you exposed my complete inability to understand Japanese. I feel ashamed for looking like an idiot. I hope that people take me as a example of what not to do.

>> No.21520167

>Your "at least" is far too low. The aim should be a bare minimum of 2 hours, if not 3.

Fine if you're a NEET, not super doable if you're not. I'm not a NEET and I definitely got 2 hours a day, but I can easily see how some people can't do that.

However for the vast majority of people on this board this should be no issue whatsoever.

>> No.21520173

>Not real native material
>Only kuso languages

>> No.21520175

just remember that block u feel in ur head when it comes to dealing with japanese

thats me gatekeeping u and laughing

>> No.21520177

Is language learning more difficult with Aphantasia?

>> No.21520180

if it's not you then there is another aphantasia guy in here lol you should ask him but he did pretty well for himself it's the guy with the Japanese 祠 gf

>> No.21520184

Depends how serious you are I guess. I live a fairly full normalfag adult life, job, social life, responsibilities, apartment upkeep and still make time for it a couple of hours a day.

Although if you had kids, maybe impossible then.

>> No.21520190

is there an eroge tier list

>> No.21520229

It wasn't ne. I usually find I learn things best if I write them out manually so I guess I will keep that approach for Japanese. Add new japanese to my deck, write out a word the first time I see it , if I fail it in future, write it again, repeat.

>> No.21520234


>> No.21520241

>considering passive listening can count towards that total
no it can't retard.

>> No.21520253


>> No.21520259

there's a ton of them. just check the cor or check matt's yomichan dictionaries video.

>> No.21520266

anyone else feel like they're past the point where they would consider quitting so they're not worried even though you only know a few thousand words

>> No.21520268


>> No.21520272

I was just thinking about this yesterday actually. I'm in full on sunk-cost fallacy mode. I'd feel so fuckin guilty if I quit even though I'd have no reason to.

>> No.21520277

it feels like to me for that to even be an option means u dont really naturally like things from japan in the 1st place and are just forcing urself

>> No.21520282

Learn at least another 10k words, get at least another 700 hours of listening and reading practice. Then you can quit.

>> No.21520287

did quizmaster ever get bored at any point?

>> No.21520289


>> No.21520292

>naturally liking things from japan
I'm not a weeb like the rest of you are apparently, but I keep going because I naturally enjoy language learning.

>> No.21520299


>> No.21520309

It's not an either-or type thing in my opinion. There are degrees to how much you like Japanese media. I like it quite a bit but not to the point where I've never thought of quitting or where I can't imagine not learning the language.

>> No.21520313

What is there to get bored of?
I got bored of plenty of shit, VNs, Anime, books
then I just pick up something else and see if I have a good time with it
how would I get bored of an entire language
the language is just a vehicle to get the good shit 2 you
and what you want to do is drive the vehicle super well so you can optimally get to the good shit
when you spend years analysing, taking apart and studying how a car works before ever driving one of course you'll get bored
because you don't actually care about that, you just want to hit gas and go fast so just focus on that
that car simile I just totally pulled out of my ass and I'll press submit before checking if it actually makes sense

>> No.21520316

Going to a party next year. Is it possible to learn Japanese by then?

>> No.21520321

Could you grace me with some advice? I would be eternally grateful. Or am I too brainlet to ever consider myself worthy of learning Japanese?

>> No.21520330

Remember this one important sentence:

>> No.21520332


>> No.21520336

Unironically this:
btw jamal dehanai

>> No.21520338

But what does it mean?

>> No.21520339

yatte kudasai

>> No.21520346

Google Translate is your friend.

>> No.21520350

I already do that, but that kind anon exposed my ineptitude, I guess I am too brainlet for this language?

>> No.21520357

Do mega links every die? The library is so unbelievable rich now that I'm literally shacking we'll lost it all one day.

>> No.21520362

>French and Spanish is shit
shit taste

>> No.21520364

Everything is transient.

>> No.21520367

every thing dies at the end but by then we'll all would've made it

>> No.21520375

I always said this and still think so instead of relying on mega we should get a private tracker for Japanese learners going where we can collect shit like Japanese subtitled anime and every possible learning resource without problem, I suppose it'd just need somebody with a lot of expertise to set up something like that up

>> No.21520376

How can I improve my writing skills and become a keigo master?

>> No.21520382

by reading moar

>> No.21520384

That is too difficult. Tech savy people are too cool for this language. You will never find the chad Computer science major learning Japanese

>> No.21520387

When will I be able to guess rendakus on sight, bros? I'm so tired

>> No.21520420

>will never find the chad Computer science major learning Japanese
No, but you will find me, the anti-social permavirgin CS major learning Japanese.

>> No.21520430

Quiz, are you Khatz? That sounds like some Khatz shit

>> No.21520438

How am I supposed to pronounce this 覆う?

Just a super long O?

>> No.21520440

u dumb or something? just hover over with yomichan and listen to the native pronounce it and mimic it

>> No.21520441

If you can't even finish a single VN, why should anyone on /jp/ give a shit about your method?

>> No.21520446

what should i eat for dinner

>> No.21520447


I don't even know what that is.

>> No.21520448

don't ever accuse me of being a black man again

>> No.21520451


>> No.21520454
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did i stumble into the fag route

>> No.21520455

adolf quizler

>> No.21520456
File: 35 KB, 733x399, 1552356015896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the guide. if you click the speaker icon you'll hear a native pronounce the word (works for common words generally).

>> No.21520461


>> No.21520463

just mimic this guy hes pretty good at sayin it


>> No.21520479

forvo is cool thanks for mentioning it quiz

>> No.21520489

what about 僕がホモは好き

>> No.21520494

what is 天道 is it just another word for

>> No.21520498

...another word for 天国
damn I hate Microsoft ime

>> No.21520511

try using google

>> No.21520512

I didn't know finishing VNs was what determined whether you know Japanese or not now lol
I sometimes try to read them because autists far and wide talk about them and it almost feels like a requirement to being a real weeb loser but I just get bored of that shit and watch anime instead
maybe I'm actually not autistic enough

>> No.21520514

also every morning this dude says "着替え" and it doesn't sound like kigae. it sounds closer to kinae or kingae and it throws me off. thought you all should know.

>> No.21520519

okay man here download hanachirasu or the first biman game or simulacre and sit down and read it in a single day, they're both very short for VNs, about as long as a slightly short novel, you should be able to do it and then nobody will be able to complain about you having not finished any VNs anymore

>> No.21520520

It's probably the opposite of the 地獄道.
Dumb Boomer joke, I know.

>> No.21520522

sounds more like u just cant read japanese on ur own a common problem for kids that are only a couple years in and have only watched anime i would now i was one of them : )

>> No.21520527

*nonchalantly pushes u off the 蛇の道*

>> No.21520535

i'd push you guys off the boat into 三途の川

>> No.21520543

science lover here that doesn't exist

>> No.21520578

being a 2hufag I understood the reference

>> No.21520590

haha fucking nerd

you alright

>> No.21520611

Just finished watching the second season of AoT in less than 1 day
of course while anime mining everything I don't know which barely amounted to a handful of words
see you just anime mine everything and eventually you don't have to anime mine jack shit
make one anime card every 20 minutes
that is no effort

>> No.21520623

get off your phone dude

>> No.21520631

did you know things like dynamic ips exist

>> No.21520636

yes but i am guessing that's not what's going on here however i could be wrong

>> No.21520641

you are
why are you accusing people of phone posting when a new IP pops up anyway
do you think you are cool dude for having 4chan x installed and need to show it off or something
what does it even matter why would you post about it
that is pure unrefined autism

>> No.21520644

when you asked about it before i figured it was something that would bother you so i decided to start doing it from now on. it turns out i was right

>> No.21520648

well I'm glad I play such an important role in your life that I am worth all the effort
I'm not the kind of guy who minds giving out (you)s so if it gives you your dopamine kick here you go

>> No.21520653

well you've made yourself a big part of this thread and if i come here all the time anyway then of course i'd devote some time to you. i don't mind giving (you)s either so looks like we're gonna become good friends

>> No.21520654

>we should get a private tracker for Japanese learners

>> No.21520658
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Question: Would studying radicals let me make an educated guess as to what the pronunciation or the meaning of the word in pic related?

>> No.21520660

>You will never find the chad Computer science major learning Japanese
cough ahem

>> No.21520662

it's got the "woman" radical twice so duh

>> No.21520674

Jealous women throw you with stones

>> No.21520688

don't tell me u had to hiku 'hiku' lmao

>> No.21520695

Why is Japanese such a misogynistic language?

>> No.21520700

Misogyny is a made up meme by women

>> No.21520705

blame china

>> No.21520708

most languages have some degree of misogyny built into them
source: my ass

>> No.21520709

the only thing i hikud was aids from ur post

>> No.21520727

you are a baby

>> No.21520737


>> No.21520748

a baby with aids now

>> No.21520757

stop saying that. its disrespectful to the people who actually have aids

>> No.21520771

"People" who have aids aren't people

>> No.21520783

found the degenerate

>> No.21520809

心 used right after words just means Xの気持ち

>> No.21520839


>> No.21520849


お前らmother fuckerどもを一人残らず始末してやるぜ

>> No.21520898
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>> No.21520952


>> No.21520957

the show was good how is it reddit. also I'm a girl btw

>> No.21520979

i just paid $297 for wanikani lifetime access

>> No.21520986

what a coincidence im also a girl

>> No.21520991

I don't like coming here because everyone is so much better then me.

>> No.21520993


>> No.21521008

don't worry there's lots of beginners here

>> No.21521011

Ouch. Could have sent that money to me, I'd have taught you how to do anime cards and you'd have more fun & more Japanese gains out of it while I'd get a rent free month.

>> No.21521016

Wouldn't it be better to be the timed ones? That way you're more motivated to do it at risk of losing money. The idea that its always there for you to come back to would makes you more inclined to slack off.

>> No.21521022

if u gotta force urself like that whats even the point just watch porn and jack off with that stupid look u always have on ur face

>> No.21521023

wk is timegated to make sure it takes you 2+ years to complete all 60 levels

>> No.21521031

>his rent is <$300

>> No.21521032

Is it actually good though?

>> No.21521034

Wanikani is shit but at least you ain't no bitch who is afraid to drop money on learning japanese

>> No.21521036
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>he pays rent

>> No.21521039

yea I'm just a student born to poor indebted parents
nothing I can do about it
if you are living on your own money congrats but if you are fed through by your parents and you think that's something to feel proud about lol @ you

>> No.21521040

if you are completely clueless and unmotivated it is decent. the first 3 levels are free so give it a try. I wouldn't recommend paying for it.

>> No.21521043

>nothing I can do about it
yea except getting a job u fuckin loser LMAO

>but if you are fed through by your parents and you think that's something to feel proud about lol @ you
im not but good on u for projecting ur insecurities

>> No.21521055

Could've just used that money to buy manga, books, a kindle, heck even dvds. All of would teach you nip, motivate you to read/watch/eat them, and have fun while doing it.
You rich fags baffle me

>> No.21521058

what kind of job

>> No.21521061

i dont care about yalls pathetic offline lives but what i do care about is how long uve been "learning" "japanese" and how much of this u understand


>> No.21521062

boomers, imma I right

>> No.21521066

u could try taking ur talent at sucking dick and turn it into a real profession

>> No.21521073

You have an impossible goal then since manga isn't reading.

>> No.21521076

are names the final boss of japanese?
do natives just guess the names when there's a single kanji first name?

>> No.21521085

names arent a big deal i promise

>> No.21521087

They just guess wrong and offend the person in question.

>> No.21521088

idgaf about ur promise kid who even are u

>> No.21521105


>> No.21521115

has somebody mentioned rtk yet

>> No.21521117

final boss of japanese is katakana and trying to figure what the fuck some of the 和製英語 means, seriously look at this shit: マリファナ, who the fuck reads that and knows what it means the first time

>> No.21521127

whats so hard about that


>> No.21521130

to get a job and eventually move to japan. I'm from a piss poor country.

>> No.21521134

why the hell did they choose マリファナ instead of マリフアナ

>> No.21521137

btw here's some terrible 和製英語 to prove my point パイプカット ロスト・バージン

>> No.21521141

prolly cuz it doesnt sound fuckin retarded lol

>> No.21521146

>but if you are fed through by your parents and you think that's something to feel proud about lol @ you
well to be fair that means his parents have genes predisposing them to having enough money to provide for their manchild and that is something to be proud of.

>> No.21521161

I think that's gonna help a lot thanks

>> No.21521174

>2 years into djt and i still haven't told any of my friends i've been learning japanese all this time
maybe i'll one day pretend I just woke up one day knowing japanese or "start" learning it and get fluent in 90 days so they'll try and fail miserably and feel stupid

who here /devious/

>> No.21521180
File: 462 KB, 1116x664, fkkana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck kana only sentences

>> No.21521181

it's not like you will get motemote for knowing moonrunes

>> No.21521189

nothing really a big deal there tho the formatting here is a bit rude

>> No.21521190


>> No.21521193

Well I did

>> No.21521203
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yeah? well read this one

>> No.21521208

Clueless lmao

>> No.21521211
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>> No.21521216

holy shit, you're good

>> No.21521217
File: 33 KB, 654x469, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking it'd be something even cooler, like this

>> No.21521218

turns out kana just makes ur average card tard instantly die

>> No.21521220

how do you know if they're flashtards

>> No.21521225

they watch moeblob and harem anime with subs and say "tadaima" when they get back to our group chat from doing whatever, i want to tell them they're stupid for not getting everything intuitively before burning bridges forever

>> No.21521226

cuz if anyone was doin it the right way they wouldnt die

>> No.21521231

just blend with normies and lead a "normal" life dude

>> No.21521238
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>> No.21521256

trying to use your japanese ability over your friends to show some sort of superiority is immaturity at its finest. what is this going to accomplish? "Hey guys, so the way you watch anime and read manga is totally inferior to me, please lick my feet and serve me." all you're going to do is come across as a dick.

>> No.21521265


>> No.21521268

I don't get it why are people complaining about katakana? You can literally learn it in a few hours if you concentrate on it.

>> No.21521270

The secret trick to kana only sentences is to not suck at listening to Japanese. It taps into the same skillset of discerning words from a continuous stream of information.

>> No.21521274

might try some of those phrases in my future posts

>> No.21521278

Why not try not being a stupid fucking faggot instead?

>> No.21521280
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>> No.21521282

why? don't think you need any help to sound like a faggot at this point

>> No.21521288

There's lots of pairs in English and other languages that can be somewhat difficult to guess whenever they're written in katakana (like sword and sawed, or ply and pry)

>> No.21521291

>read manga

>> No.21521306

conformity like this makes me loss my faith in humanity

>> No.21521315

oh sweet summer children it's almost as if maybe, just maybe you just are jealous of me
now just shut up and listen, let's unpack this shall we
you do realize I've been learning for less than most of y'all and despite that who is the most advanced poster here?
ding, ding, ding! it's me friendos, just let that sink in
I mean yikes, you have the guts to be toxic to be despite knowing that? Wow... just wow. Makes me lose all faith in humanity. I literally can't even comprehend it
let's be real alright sweeties . . . I think you need to work on that problematic personality of yours
try being more like me, sharing good advice and learning methods
actually it's called just being a decent human being
try that instead of all the bigotry against PoC folks

>> No.21521318

Important question: if I take a month off from Anki, will I get a game over and have to start over scratch? I need to take a vacation from the computer for an extended period of time to try to reset my pathetic excuse of a life.

>> No.21521321

didn't read

>> No.21521322

jesus lol
quiz-tan you're going off your rocker slow it down

>> No.21521328

somebody punish me, I shouldn't have found this funny

>> No.21521334
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>read manga

>> No.21521335

>zoomer calling others children
really? you're probably one of the youngest people ITT you know.

>> No.21521338

I was gonna read this, but then I noticed it's not in Japanese so I didn't lmao

>> No.21521362


>> No.21521372

this but unironically

>> No.21521406

>you do realize I've been learning for less than most of y'all and despite that who is the most advanced poster here?
wait do you actually believe this

>> No.21521427

>trying this hard

>> No.21521429

eat shit pedophile

>> No.21521432


>> No.21521436

How do you expect to learn a language of lolicons while hating lolicons? There's a reason why Heiseg said kids were the best teachers.

>> No.21521438


>> No.21521439

Anyone got a download for 旅に出よう、滅びゆく世界の果てまで

>> No.21521440

I mean just look at all the (you)s flooding in
and you ask me why

>> No.21521443

yea u get yous like bukkake girl gets cum lol

>> No.21521452

I do, ありがとう for asking

>> No.21521453

I say Russian or Arabic is the true language of the lolicons

>> No.21521456

bullshit, post it, i don't believe you

>> No.21521461

>Just realize I've been ignoring the reading and writing section of genki
>almost at the end of the 2nd book
Is it worth going back?

>> No.21521471

no, that book is shit just read tae kim

>> No.21521477

>doing genki in any way, shape, or form.
try again next life

>> No.21521494

>tae kim instead of imabi

>> No.21521495

differences in grammar guides don't matter much so idk why people try to confuse dumb beginners by telling them to switch from a book they've already done a lot of.

>> No.21521499

why do some old buildings have their names written backwards like 門安天 instead of 天安門
did they write right to left horizontally in the 昔

>> No.21521502

Japan has dyslexic people, too.

>> No.21521509

no no
it's vertical writing
with 1 character per line
think about that

>> No.21521512

There isn't much of a difference in terms of content between grammar concepts handled in genki, most of tae kim, and the beginner's section of imabi, but the last one of these covers a lot more that doesn't appear in the other two in its intermediate and advanced sections.

>> No.21521521

YOOOO wtf it makes so much sense
this is galaxy brain level i feel enlightened

>> No.21521523

Here's what Wikipedia says:
At the beginning of the change to horizontal alignment in Meiji era Japan, there was a short-lived form called migi yokogaki (右横書き, literally "right horizontal writing"), in contrast to hidari yokogaki, (左横書き, literally "left horizontal writing"), the current standard. This resembled the right-to-left horizontal writing style of languages such as Arabic with line breaks on the left. It was probably based on the traditional single-row right-to-left writing. This form was widely used for pre-WWII advertisements and official documents (like banknotes), but has not survived outside of old-fashioned signboards.

>> No.21521543

they should have never stopped doing it

>> No.21521553

they should never have started using kana either to make the language less accessible to the a*glosphere and the rest of the low IQ people all over the world

>> No.21521562
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i fucking hate when they do that

>> No.21521586

if i had to trade kana for kanji and get less retarded grammar in exchange id do it in a heartbeat

>> No.21521615

nice taste in anime anon

>> No.21521628

Feel when have read multiple grammar guides(Tae Kim, DoJG), watched multiple videos(that anime tranny), and have read several online posts(stackexchange) regarding the use of 'が', and the subtleties of this particle still elude me.

>> No.21521649

wow you're racist, qm? that's disappointing, I was rooting for you

>> No.21521654

You could have spent all that useless time reading more.

>> No.21521659

the guy who called you adolph quizzler was right all along

>> No.21521662

i disliked qm until i realized he was redpilled. it makes sense. he's of russian descent, and eastern europeans are predisposed to less outgroup favoritism than western europeans are.

>> No.21521683
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finally found jamal's true identity

>> No.21521684

Honestly this: >>21521654
It's not just particles that have subtleties like that, almost all words do.
You aren't gonna get far looking up and memorizing them all, just let your brain pick up on it while you read/listen.

>> No.21521691
File: 1.52 MB, 1354x1920, Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_desu_ka_07.zip-Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_desu_ka_07-[koi] ご注文はうさぎですか? 第07巻-IMG_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to contribute to the raw manga archives?
I've noticed that some ongoing manga are one volume behind, example: Gochiusa, Ichigo Mashimaro, Non Non Biyori, Yuyushiki. The latest volumes of these titles have been out for some time now but haven't been uploaded to the archives yet.

>> No.21521693

Honestly as a eastern yuropoor this really isn't the case aside from gypsies and kebab, or the wrong type of slav.
Especially black people since we barely have any, most people treat them like unicorns.

>> No.21521696

it's shit and i dropped it though

>> No.21521697

how is that repilled? that's just racism and there's nothing cool about it. you're both retarded

>> No.21521700

i'm looking at the empirical evidence (immigration policy across all of eastern europe) rather than relying on your anecdotal evidence

>> No.21521701

Send it to itazurafag.

>> No.21521708

how am I racist

>> No.21521709

I mean, there's a lot of pseudo-science tiddlywank in your original post, but sure.

>> No.21521717

i'll never understand why people like you confidently declare something to be pseudo-science when you clearly understand nothing about how something like outgroup favoritism has been operationalized and studied. reminds me of /pol/tards. i guess horseshoe theory is correct.

>> No.21521746 [DELETED] 
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I like it but I understand it can be boring to some people
I guess most people probably know it thanks to the bara fox haha

>> No.21521751
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, SiglusEngine_2019-06-14_16-07-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i at least 3/4ths of the way through this route yet?

>> No.21521753

How long do you spend on Anki each day? How long have you done Anki?

These are all questions that influence the answer.

What does take a vacation imply? Are you also going to ditch your phone?

>> No.21521756

How do I watch abematv again?
They blocked VPNs :(

>> No.21521761


>> No.21521768

be nice wtf

>> No.21521771

this is like an American thanksgiving dinner with all of this political talk, but instead of turkey we are eating manga.

>> No.21521772

Stop trying to learn rule based grammar. It will never work for you.

The best you can hope from a grammar book is to recognize patterns when you read them.

>> No.21521774

that last one is also virtually unreadable if you don't already know japanese :)

>> No.21521779
File: 378 KB, 498x657, Screenshot from 2019-06-14 15-10-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long have you been studying japanese and how much of this can you read?

>> No.21521791

>How long do you spend on Anki each day? How long have you done Anki?
30-60 minutes, usually. I'm maybe two or three months in (1500 cards).

What does take a vacation imply? Are you also going to ditch your phone?
Yes, I would ditch the phone. I'm just having an existential panic about using the Internet so much. When I try to quit the Internet I become instantly depressed, anxious and bored out of my mind, though. I think I might just get a full-time job to keep myself away from 4chan. I don't have the self-control or enough to do to stay away from it willingly.

>> No.21521798

I read that as キズナアイドル

>> No.21521803

Hot damn, only 3000 chink dollars to get a hug from a cute little girl? Sign me up! I don't wanna play twister, though. I'm not a pedo.

>> No.21521804

about to dokusho some man画 yo

>> No.21521807

is it bad if I learn japanese exclusively because I think it sounds and looks cool

>> No.21521813

I got a hug loving little sister
how do you feel about that

>> No.21521822

If you've learned for 2-3 months and you stop using Anki for a month now you will forget 90% of everything probably since I assume you would not use any Japanese anywhere else.

If you're so concerned about internet usage you can put your deck on your phone and take out the sim card assuming you won't use any Wifi either.

Or just stop being an addict bitch and just do your fucking reps and then put shit away.
But you can also just quit, you most likely will not make it either way anyways.

>> No.21521823

absolutely not words like 若年性アルツハイマー病 don't sound nearly as cool as they do in English

>> No.21521827
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>> No.21521828

I got a hug hating little sister but she's not a tsundere etiher, just incredibly awkward. How about that.

>> No.21521829

only if it's bad that im learning japanese to show off at a party next year

>> No.21521832

Somone please post that Japanese rap over the lil uzi beat that gets posted somewhat often in here
It’s the one with his head on the cover

>> No.21521836

this is fucked up and disturbing

>> No.21521838

it'll start to sound less cool as you hear and understand it more. it's the same with all languages

>> No.21521839


every time quiz shit talks matt

>> No.21521842

so uhhh do you actually go out and stuff?

>> No.21521843

i just want anki to fuck off desu

it's like having a leg iron that shackles you to a device with a screen and an Internet connection

>> No.21521844

maybe that video would be worth watching if he said that in japanese

>> No.21521845

Just filter quiz please

>> No.21521846


>> No.21521848

still sounds cool to me after 5 years

>> No.21521856

@jamal https://streamable.com/ttdwn

>> No.21521858

what show

>> No.21521863


>> No.21521872


>> No.21521906

the thing that feels most bad about that is i only know like the gen 1 pokemons

>> No.21521912

that's a good thing, every gen after 1 was shit

>> No.21521924

I really like Rae Lil Black. My favorite porn actress at the moment. I just love her.

>> No.21521928

idk i played the nds ones and liked them ok but like i still never remembered any of the pokemans there just isnt enough room in my heart or smth

>> No.21521942

Does anyone know of any VNs that have exclusively voiced dialogue? I only know of Amnesia but I'm not gay nor a female.

>> No.21521947

Any of science adventure?

>> No.21521955

how do u self insert if the mc is voiced

just watch anime cuz thats actually what u want

>> No.21521975

I want to train my listening skills and to be able to go at my own pace.

They have unvoiced MC inner monologues.

>> No.21521976


>> No.21521977

anime is overrated, live action is better for listening

and let's face it, terrace house is better than pretty much all anime ever made

>> No.21521980

live action, drama and terrace house is all complete and utter shit
and if you think those are actually jack shit you belong on Reddit not here
worthy listening practice would be 銀河英雄伝説 which has actual good Japanese and none of that gay shit Japanese people speak

>> No.21521981

nah terrace house is fake scripted/forced bullshit and the problem with drama is that most actors suck ass so anime actually feel more realistic in a sense. but maybe there's variety shows that can be fun.

>> No.21521988

if ur gonna watch 3d why not watch real life shit


>> No.21521997

because i can only understand anime voice actors

>> No.21521998

this has voiced inner monologue https://vndb.org/v4936, obviously narration is unvoiced but i have no fucking clue what you mean by voiced narration.

also go fucking listen if you wanna train listening, the fuck you reading porn books for listening practice

>> No.21522001

well ur gonna have to do something about that

>> No.21522006

lmao this reminds me of the video of that chinese dude kicking the white woman and running away. why are petty acts of violence by asian guys so funny.

>> No.21522009

that's not funny, it probably hurt :(

>> No.21522014

i felt bad for her but i mean the way he made his escape was funny. he was hunched over just like ビールさん

>> No.21522017

I normally listen to train listening but I wanted to see if it was worth checking out VNs. I should have said I meant no narration at all. So the MC is either mute or only has voiced dialogue

>> No.21522020

>fake scripted/forced bullshit
What's the source for that? Oh, a dumb half-chink american roasty who was mad the show made her look like shit. Naturally producers are going to set up certain situations, but that goes without saying for any reality tv program.

>> No.21522024

post link or it didn't happen

>> No.21522028

listen to an audiobook or something

>> No.21522031

there's the voiced narration and voiced thoughts tag on vndb so just search for them

>> No.21522046

>live action, drama and terrace house is all complete and utter shit
this we can agree on. terrace house bores me to absolute shit.

>> No.21522050

how many months do i have to listen for 2+ hours a day until i acquire all the grammar in DoJG

>> No.21522055

probably more hours than you'd have to spend if you just fucking read the book

>> No.21522059

i've actually gone over all the points multiple times and read all the sentences multiple times but i can tell i haven't acquired it yet, so nice try.

>> No.21522060

most live action is indeed shit, except tokusatsu like garo and kamen rider, those are good

>> No.21522078

What does that even mean? That every line someone says is voiced or that there are no non-dialogue lines?

That even non-dialogue lines are voiced?

>> No.21522089

not him but I think it's called ぎんぎつね

>> No.21522096


>Reading a dictionary as if it was a book.

Cringe and autistic-pilled.

>> No.21522106

lol the first dude(?) in this sounds like some anime villian https://youtu.be/YQLD80PuqmM

>> No.21522117

I remember the video where I guy criticizes people learning from anime
My question is, are there people learned english talk like goofy or donald?

>> No.21522128

thats a cranky grandma actually

>> No.21522131

why doesn't yomichan define 関与 as involvement

>> No.21522141

reminder japanese cops are pUSsIes


>> No.21522149

Census Anon here. Take a second to fill this out and I'll share the results with everyone sometime fairly soon. Let's say a week or two would be good?

>> No.21522150

>My question is, are there people learned english talk like goofy or donald?
Probably not, but I've met lots of ESLs who imitate actors like Matt Damon or Leonardo di Caprio.
I suppose that anybody who spends a significant amount of time learning Japanese will eventually learn about the differences between different speakers, accents, levels of politeness, etc., but might still be more likely to imitate a voice actor's speech patterns than those of "real" Japanese person.

>> No.21522153

the thing is theres just a different manner of speaking (as it relates to what u say) when it comes to theatrics and if u cant tell the difference then thats where it can all go wrong and u end up sounding like quiz tard

ull figure it out eventually if u get a balanced diet of japanese stuff in ur life

>> No.21522159

>have to sign into google

>> No.21522160

How long have you been studying japanese for?

How much time passed before you read your first manga/VN or watched your first anime, show, or played your first game etc exclusively in japanese without english subtitles or stuff like that?

>> No.21522181

It's to prevent duplicate responses. I can't see emails.
I assumed everyone would have Gmail anyway; I'll remove that requirement when next able.

>> No.21522187

not gettin my fuckin data mother fucker !!

>> No.21522202

aww you guys kyssing each other it's so cute :3

>> No.21522207



>> No.21522215



>> No.21522231

You know sometimes I read the various retarded onomatopoeia descriptors they use in japanese and think to myself "surely this only exists in fiction featuring 14 year old girls" and then you hear two grown men say "ぴよ--ん"


>> No.21522235


>> No.21522236

I want to become transhuman so I just become a data ghost integrated into this thread and vn database so I could spend an eternity learning japanese

>> No.21522239

what do we tick if we studied 2,5 years

>> No.21522254

damn https://youtu.be/p1gPSMFdWXM

>> No.21522277

Not gettin me to sign into jewgle.

>How much time passed before you read your first manga
0 it's not reading.

>> No.21522300

What does this mean?

>> No.21522302

Sign in req is turned off.

>> No.21522307

would you do MMF threesome knowing that another M is bi and might be attracted to you and your penis?

>> No.21522357

its a dumb meme

>> No.21522384




>> No.21522398

I bet I'm probably gonna get the reading comprehension questions wrong. I had to read most of those questions 3 or 4 times before I could even make sense of what I was looking at.

>> No.21522399

this thread has ruined me. anytime i hear anyone say "mattaku wakarani" all i can think of is yoga's cute, pudgy power bottom face

>> No.21522413

I think of Matt's voice whenever I read 逆に or 広義.

>> No.21522419
File: 1.49 MB, 1366x768, スクリーンショット (238).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21522426
File: 147 KB, 800x600, 68629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably can't date this guy, so I'm giving this one a skip.

>> No.21522438

wtf I just alt tabbed from the flash card for 注意 wondering if it's that common of a word...

>> No.21522440

I putzed around for maybe 4 months of poking away at Tae Kim and core2k before I opened my first LN, which took me about a month to finish. After that, I read thru Sakubi, then more LN. I stopped doing Anki after about a year, because it was cutting into my precious little time for reading. Happy with that decision, even tho my vocab is definitely not where it could be if I hadn't dropped, I could feel myself burning out.

>> No.21522451

>I putzed around for maybe 4 months of poking away at Tae Kim and core2k before I opened my first LN, which took me about a month to finish. After that, I read thru Sakubi, then more LN.
Are you literally me?

>> No.21522457

I'm 6 months in but I still don't feel confident enough to start reading shit

>> No.21522478

The thing you gotta understand is that it's impossible to do enough prep to make your first reading go smoothly. You just got open a light novel and accept that it's gonna hurt.

>> No.21522479

wenders chan・・

>> No.21522487

It's very common.

>> No.21522495

Try getting through an eroge. It honestly doesn't matter which one. Anything will do just fine. You can only get good at reading by actually practicing reading.

>> No.21522501

I have a trash method of just looking on jisho and checking if the word in question is on the jlpt, if it it not and I don't feel like it's common then I throw it away
I know that feeling, but you not supposted to feel confident when you first start out, I'm just 5 and 1/2 months in but I don't find reading to be that bad mostly because I forced myself to start reading manga at the 3 monthish mark

>> No.21522516

I had a feeling that she is secretly best girl, are my suspensions correct?

>> No.21522518

I'll reiterate what other people have said. If you wait until you "feel ready" you'll either quit or end up an idiot Anki drone.

Stop being afraid of the language and just do anything and everything you can possibly think of in Japanese. Force your brain to deal with it and if you do it long enough it will.

>> No.21522528

imagine someone "studying" how to ride a bike for 6 months and sayin they think they gotta keep goin before theyre confident enough to try gettin on one

>> No.21522534

i mean i decided she was best girl way before the game even came out so ur gonna have to decide for urself

>> No.21522558

Nah, it'd be more like training to ride bikes down any road, even though you know that, even if you train for "any road", you can still come across unknown stuff on mountain roads full of bumps, curves, ascents, descents, yaks and goats crossing, and men with guns and big cars telling you to get outta their way.

>> No.21522562

whats the downside of reading it start away with no preparation whatsoever? just look up everything LMAIO

>> No.21522570

learning a language is a lot different than riding a bicycle, please use a better analogy like making a sandwich or something

>> No.21522575

Reading the fucking shit is not the goal you need to somehow achieve through other means, it's the stuff that you do which eventually makes you get good.

No one needs to suddenly stop everything else if they open a fucking book or watch a show. People make it seem like it's either/or. However the matter of the fact remains that if you only do one of the two you should just read because you won't learn a language by doing Anki cards.

>> No.21522592

so ill ask you again
why not just starting reading knowing literally nothing?

>> No.21522603


>> No.21522605

How come nobody on /djt/ knows pitch accent better than Dogen?

>> No.21522618

You can absolutely do that if you wanted to. Most people would not like it and it's definitely not the most effective way to get started.
Why aks this pointless question at all? No one here said the guy should stop doing whatever he was doing before. But he should read shit on top of it. This is the whole point.

Cause no one fucking cares and / or is a Japanese phonetics major.

>> No.21522625

what is the implication when aru becomes before a noun instead of after

>> No.21522628

because women are better at learning language and making sandwiches ?

>> No.21522634


>> No.21522640

the first result on google in correct

>> No.21522643

just cut the ru out and leave the letter a and then translate the noun to english and its just like english lol

>> No.21522647

I have no degree
No future
No ambitions
No friends
No girlfriend

All I have is japanese.

>> No.21522650

Pitch accent? I bet most people here can't tell the difference between し and she.

>> No.21522653

they are pretty much the same if u write she as sheッ

>> No.21522655

quiz is that you?

>> No.21522660

ill be ur friend dude

>> No.21522661

When you want to talk about something specific but still be vague about it. How we use “a certain” in English is pretty close.

>> No.21522663
File: 35 KB, 498x357, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's probably most people here, except me. get fucked nerds

>> No.21522666

in the principal watchin anime in the principals office lol

>> No.21522667

Me neither bro

>> No.21522668


>> No.21522669

Put on your trip, Quizmaster.

>> No.21522670

you up for a quiz

>> No.21522678

I got to admit though lol in procrastinating doing my homework I watched like 20 episodes of Anime today I guess this unwillingness to study what I need it is what you'd call a 諸刃の剣

>> No.21522685

Not like the fucking homework matters quiz-chan. You can do Japanese all year long and just go to exams when they come up.

>> No.21522707

no I mean for my actual subjects
like I got to read linguistic papers and write essays and make presentations
I've been kind of procrastinating it all until the last days for the entire semester now
it somehow works but it's not good lol

>> No.21522709

Is the COR download of Tobira broken? seems to fail at %99 for me

>> No.21522719

Is あきらめないで too familiar?

>> No.21522721

lol people still think having a girlfriend is special

>> No.21522722

if ur around girls they will be ur friends

at least thats my experience

>> No.21522727

My best friend is a girl

My girlfriend is a girl

>> No.21522735

Anon what do you do on your free time?
umm I l, like stttudying languages
Wow, which one's?

>> No.21522736

there u go

>> No.21522737

Me being around girls makes them want to suck my dick, but after the job’s done I ignore them so none become my friendーat least, that’s my experience.

>> No.21522746

that was basically my experience with your mom

>> No.21522764

get a degree in chemical engineering or something
Then you'll be able to get a job

>> No.21522782


>> No.21522790

Don't listen to the last guy, just major in business and start investing you can have enough money to buy land in the countryside and fuck off.
With a wife of course

>> No.21522795

I can sell you Digibyte at a really good price and in a year or two youll be rich.

>> No.21522796

Anon could you fucking make the reading comprehension questions more fucking readable

>> No.21522803

gen 1 is inherently broken in many bad ways so i hope u mean in terms of spirit instead of experience
gen 2 is a safer bet tho personally i never understood half of the mechanics post gen-1 pokemon introduced (just fixing the AI and lack of ability to refight normal trainers would have been 85% of all they needed to do)
i guess thats what happens when you gotta change things for the sake of not putting out the same game twice

>> No.21522807
File: 29 KB, 1317x195, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys should apply, bet most of you have talents for drawing those

>> No.21522826


>> No.21522835


>> No.21522842
File: 10 KB, 434x31, 太郎.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 太郎 a word?

>> No.21522843

Fags and fag enablers. Disfuckinggusting.

>> No.21522845



>> No.21522859

It means “John” in English, like y’know, the toilet.

>> No.21522865


>> No.21522869

no its more like not getting on the fUCKING bike

>> No.21522876

Just imagine how wet her panties are when you get to show your pitch accent skills to her.

>> No.21522882
File: 257 KB, 320x450, エルフ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i find this manga to download
the cover is really drawing me in

>> No.21522907

Raws are on nyaa.

>> No.21522983

lmfao i couldnt take that seriously that whole post looks like a joke

>> No.21522987

honestly i dont wanna make a girl get her underwear all wet that sounds uncomfortable

>> No.21523003


this is why it's important to have quiz here

>> No.21523008

sorry dude i dont see any value in what that grumpy old dude has to say

hes already been destroyed by natives on youtube and by even the likes of mattvswhatever

>> No.21523009

context? might be a reference to 浦島太郎 which is a famous fable in japan

>> No.21523012

lol imagine the ppl who cry about names seeing this and realizing just how fuckin impossible japanese is

>> No.21523016

urashima taro ninja


>> No.21523019

god steve is so based

>> No.21523021

hey guys im gonna blow ur mind

u know the dude from love hina

urashima keitaro lmao

>> No.21523023


>> No.21523025
File: 1.13 MB, 960x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this vn made me look up a lot of japanese fables to try to get the references

>> No.21523030



>> No.21523033


>> No.21523034

the fuck are those grug lyrics

>> No.21523035

honestly i just didnt give a fuck about any of it and just made liberal use of the ctrl key to get to the fuckin

>> No.21523038


>> No.21523040


>> No.21523043


>> No.21523052

zoomed right to the fuckin and it was pretty good

>> No.21523058

why would you do that with this vn though, there's a fuckload of eroge out there, i found the first h-scene to not even be that good porn-wise, they actually throw some world building in the middle of the first one too

>> No.21523061
File: 13 KB, 1162x92, Screenshot from 2019-06-14 20-11-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the gayest thing i've ever read

>> No.21523064

and why are you posting this disgusting shit here? who wants to see a fat cunt giving his boyfriend a rimjob

>> No.21523067

really the gayest thing i've ever read was ur birth certificate lol

>> No.21523077

well see what happened was i wasnt instantly bought in on waka but then i got to know her a little bit and couldnt resist and then i got the nut and said yah i dont really care what happens in the rest of this cuz i could already tell the game was shinto is retarded jesus is #1 and lost interest

the gayest thing i ever read was ur mind lol

>> No.21523080

but it made me think shintoism is cool

>> No.21523082
File: 140 KB, 500x360, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*in lucas voice*

hey guys

>> No.21523085


>> No.21523092

i didnt read enough to give a better analysis but im pretty sure waka herself is the biggest thing to point at

>> No.21523100

i showered like 4 days ago and my crotch is already starting to stink

>> No.21523107
File: 1.04 MB, 960x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno man, i think you got too old and don't have the attention span to read vns anymore so you gave a hasty analysis and dropped it, i learned a lot of shintoism from it, game goes as far as make you read 古事記 scrolls and give you lessons of where names come from and shit

>> No.21523114

why chokers are so good?

>> No.21523116
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh hot OC inspired by this discussion


>> No.21523127

there was a study recently showing that women who wear chokers have more sexual partners on average or some shit so her signalling her "willingness"/sluttiness turns you on.

>> No.21523130

yah i mean thats the romeo trademark hes actually there to educate u

ur right about the first thing tho but i was fucked in the first place having unrealistic expectations of what another minato game written by romeo would be like

itll never be like the old days again

>> No.21523137

i know it has a "sexual meaning" but i don't know, a girl can be fucking ugly but with a choker on her, she would look "less" ugly in my eyes

>> No.21523139


>> No.21523145

still lolling at how bad quiztard got at lucas that he had to write that thought out and read it back into the microphone

>> No.21523165

love ya

>> No.21523171

転生したらスライムだった件 is a good af anime yall

>> No.21523175


>> No.21523176

isn't he actually gay though?

>> No.21523180

umm yea hes actually dating matt irl but they are doing the long distance thing until the patreon numbers go up

>> No.21523182

he calls himself yogapants

>> No.21523187

It's pretty fun. Now go read the novel so you can spam spoilers for animeonlyfags when season 2 comes out next year.

>> No.21523188

Bull shit lol

>> No.21523189

>he doesn't know

>> No.21523193

wtf is the kireicake dictionary and why should i use it

>> No.21523197


>> No.21523204

ill try this anime and let u know what i think in a half hour

>> No.21523208

it's shit

>> No.21523212

im sure it is i tried watching uhh kekkai sensen cuz some guy recced it a few threads ago and i couldnt even make it thru the first episode

>> No.21523216

boomers are too stubborn, go back to mecha gramps

>> No.21523225

getter robo is genuinely better than anything you zoomers recommend here though

>> No.21523232

every getter robo anime sucks though, imagawa fucked up by being a perfectionist and ruined the one shot at a good series

>> No.21523241

shin's decent

>> No.21523250

consider this

at least i something to go back to

what are u gonna have to go back to in 20 or 30 years lol

>> No.21523253

besides reddit that is

>> No.21523269

i'll be playing with a fidget spinner, ripping my juul3, and remembering the good old days back when isekai changed the world

>> No.21523276

shutup fuckass let him form his own opinion

judging the entire anime off the first episode is super dumb but suit yourself

>> No.21523277
File: 276 KB, 949x177, ajatt output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21523282

anyway im nearing the end of episode 7 of the anime and its gotten pretty dark i'm on the edge of my seat

after this episode im gonna have to take a moe break, gotta balance the dark energy with light energy ya feel me

>> No.21523296

i didnt judge the whole series at any point i just said i couldnt get thru the first episode

anyway this slime shit is pretty retarded on the 1 hand but i did finish the first episode and could see myself watching more of it

>> No.21523298


>> No.21523311
File: 1.11 MB, 480x270, moeteagirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21523337

should I just quit rtk at 1500? I only started because I couldn’t differentiate kanji (which isn’t an issue anymore) but there’s only a few hundred left

>> No.21523354

only a few hundred is still a quarter left

>> No.21523361

ull still never know the difference between 愛 and 爱

>> No.21523375

I finish RTK 1&3 and I can safely say it was a waste of time.

>> No.21523382






>> No.21523387

Is Dragon Quest V ridiculously easy to read or am I on my way to become a dekiru?

>> No.21523427




i mean its a game for literal children


>> No.21523429

games aren't reading

>> No.21523437

god george is a fucking idiot

>> No.21523441

The first step of not being a dekinai is to not think in term of easy/hard, but can/cannot do.

>> No.21523457

what the fuck is dragon quest and why does everyone suck it off so much. i thought final fantasy was the big game japanophiles all love

>> No.21523468

idk dragon quest made a resurgence among western audiences bc final fantasy basically petered out into nothing and square is content to just peddle nostalgia until their company collapses lol

>> No.21523499

i finally did it. it's been all day and the manga isn't reading guy still hasn't found my post

>> No.21523514

manga isn't reading though

>> No.21523515

hu hu hu not so fast

if theres any post itt even thinking of implying that manga is reading im here to tell u its not

>> No.21523533

brb reading manga

>> No.21523541

won't be back then cause manga isn't reading

>> No.21523549

as much as i find this guy annoying, graduating from manga to LNs did wonders for my reading ability

>> No.21523561

I still think the double negative is dumb and makes no sense

>> No.21523576


>> No.21523580

graduate to eroge instead

>> No.21523606

*shits in your mouth*

>> No.21523610

>graduating from manga to LNs did wonders for my reading ability
same but i'm back to reading manga again (which i prefer) and now i can do it even faster

>> No.21523611

*shits in your thread*

>> No.21523626

you mean those picture games for kids?

>> No.21523632

>author uses kanji in words usually written in kana
Should I learn the kanji for them? This has happened multiple times.

>> No.21523636

i hope no kids playin what i am lol

>> No.21523637

>dude if you follow Matt and do what he says your a fucking drone
>btw do my anime cards method or your a fucking idiot
imagine being this guy

>> No.21523641

if you want

>> No.21523672

>author uses furigana for a completely different word

>> No.21523681
File: 7 KB, 42x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's actually cool as fuck though

>> No.21523683
File: 23 KB, 118x285, tadaima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to written nihongo

>> No.21523688
File: 48 KB, 965x696, omanko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21523701
File: 1 KB, 149x83, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21523706

Jamal link that jap rap with the lil uzi beat and the dudes face on the cocer

>> No.21523710

sure thing 1 sec

>> No.21523711
File: 15 KB, 193x114, IMG_20190601_152349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21523730
File: 63 KB, 641x478, IMG_20190615_064340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21523732
File: 82 KB, 545x682, chrome_9k5VkT1L0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hell yeah we're posting these? i spotted some nice ones lately

>> No.21523734
File: 50 KB, 572x422, chrome_d85oY3EgdF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea whether this one is supposed to be the spanish word gracias or the word "gracious" either way wtf

>> No.21523737
File: 21 KB, 287x444, chrome_n87c8KGtO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last 1...

>> No.21523742

>ruining your manga with highlighter

>> No.21523743
File: 55 KB, 154x607, okaerinasai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21523757

>not really caring cause they only cost 100 yen each and it doesn't bother me anyway

>> No.21523764

what's wrong with this one? 夜露死苦 is a legit 当て字

>> No.21523765

>but cost doesn't matter it's about taking care of your things

>> No.21523767

i actually used to use a 消せる蛍光ペン but then i realized i'll never go back and erase all those highlightings anyway so i might as well use a regular one

>> No.21523773

to me "taking care of my things" means using them to the most benefit of my ability
highlighting so i can easily look stuff up and learn words IS taking good care of them
this is new information for me

>> No.21523783

japanese have the weirdest expressions I've ever seen

>> No.21523786
File: 1.78 MB, 1284x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason 暴走族 like using obscure 当て字 in media, see this 愛羅武勇, actually just read this page, there's a lot of those http://www.ibaraking.com/advance/yankee3.htm

>> No.21523813

wow that explains so much, thanks for the info bro

>> No.21523829

what are some cool words to put in the hoodie I'm designing bros?

>> No.21523836

膣内射精(read as よろしく)

>> No.21523837


>> No.21523841


>> No.21523845


>> No.21523847


>> No.21523848


>> No.21523854

forgot another cool one 玉砕主義

>> No.21523862


>> No.21523884
File: 215 KB, 647x519, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, guess let me search for a good image to put on the other side so it doesn't feel too plain.

>> No.21523892


>> No.21523894

better have 鬼 or 侍 or maybe 魂 written on the back with a huge font

>> No.21523907


>> No.21523909
File: 321 KB, 708x641, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok finished it, rate my shirt DJT

>> No.21523912

Based. Do you I have a Patreon I could subscribe to for more content?

>> No.21523917

favorite VN

>> No.21523918
File: 135 KB, 500x482, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think?

>> No.21523920

The meaning of 終日 makes no sense given the first character

>> No.21523924
File: 136 KB, 468x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21523926

Now this is what I have been waiting for! Bravo! Have some gold, good stranger!

>> No.21523945

How do I ask a japanese guy if her titty goth sister has a boyfriend?

>> No.21523951

anta no imouto kareshi iru

>> No.21523957
File: 142 KB, 832x1119, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy if her

>> No.21523969

I have been awake for a few hours now but I just remembered I had my first dream in japanese last night. In it I've been texting with someone but the only thing I can clearly remember is writing なんでしょうか sarcastically to my 相手.

>> No.21523984

>liberated woman

>> No.21523989

>おとし is a trap
>the reading was just assigned to the kanji for the idiomatic meaning of inserting 入れる someone into a trap


>> No.21523993

til the day finishes

>> No.21524014

is this a butchered version of 掛け替えのない?

>> No.21524033


>> No.21524052
File: 121 KB, 335x335, 1529164340601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck happened to me
a few weeks ago i remember not understanding anything but now i'm picking up the gist of simple conversations without subtitles
is this normal
it feels like i've been tricked, i didn't notice any progress in between

>> No.21524055








>> No.21524057

the conversations got easier

>> No.21524063

i'm still watching the same entry level moe SOL garbage though, so that can't be it

>> No.21524070
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What show are you watching? I'll decide if it's garbage or not.

>> No.21524075

Just chekc JP-JP dictionary, it's pretty logical

>> No.21524076
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, GAR anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most brutal of shows

>> No.21524080

前者がいいとおもいます btw your post didn't help a bit

>> No.21524081

moe SOL isn't garbage you fuckass, take that back

>> No.21524088

like how fucking dare you insult moe like that

>> No.21524089

there's nothing wrong with liking garbage

>> No.21524096

At least you aren't learning it for the porn.

>> No.21524099

wait, is that a bad idea?

>> No.21524104


>> No.21524109

The only good reason to learn Japanese is because you plan to move to Japan one day.

>> No.21524113

Google search gave me this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP8v1K-vuJs . Now I'm hungry. How are you going to take responsibility for this? Also is this show worth watching? Seems borderline boomercore

>> No.21524114

cool theory bro
moe isn't garbage though

>> No.21524126
File: 129 KB, 704x798, 8e301487e3d4de24c8f331745203dfcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone has to watch minami-ke
it was made during a time where humour was actually still present in SOL
watch it now, bakayarou

>> No.21524136




>> No.21524151


>> No.21524175
File: 53 KB, 888x59, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are u enjoying what ur reading djt

>> No.21524179

who here uses mostly j-defs? what improvements have you noticed

>> No.21524184

how do i make small hiragana letters with romaji input style jap keyboard

>> No.21524192
File: 34 KB, 519x710, romahyou2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21524195

holy fucking thank you sensei

>> No.21524202

That games really somethin

>> No.21524210

all i got to say is one ending down lol

>> No.21524213

I don't think anybody here knows or has seen かげないのない so I'll give up for now

>> No.21524228

didn't you hear? the djt influencers have declared that live action is trash, you can't discuss it here

>> No.21524337

What the fuck does that say?

>> No.21524373

yoga has the best video on this

>> No.21524397

膣内 射精 感謝

>> No.21524403

Still one thing I don't get about Nipponese. It's like they just give Kanji it's own pronunciation at will even if it's kun and on are completely unrelated.

>> No.21524417

they do it on purpose anon

>> No.21524418

>t's like they just give Kanji it's own pronunciation at will
its not like you're expected to memorize those readings or something. they're not standard, which is why they always come with furigana. つまり, it doesnt fucking matter lol.

>> No.21524436

How do you say I'm in over my head

>> No.21524441

not enough まあ

>> No.21524453

How can you go back to something you never did in the first place?

>> No.21524478




>> No.21524479

you ready for another round of poop in your mouth?

>> No.21524513

when the furigana clearly doesnt match its still serving mostly the same purpose
the furigana is what they said
whats underneath is either clarification of what was meant or artistic shit like making up new words or terms
in the first case its not giving kanji pronunciation
its like putting something in parentheses

>> No.21524524
File: 122 KB, 552x435, 1538576711074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When て is used twice in a row at the end of a verb, as in してて, is that another way of describing something in the present progressive tense (-ing)? That's the only explanation I've found so far through googling, but it was downvoted to hell on yahoo answers, so I'm not sure about it

>> No.21524543

its not another way its just a contraction of していて and that works with other verbs like 見てて

>> No.21524547

I never got any, I did just give some to you though.

>> No.21524572

Ty sensei

>> No.21524576

I often see sentences having the same meaning/translation with する and しています. So when do I use one and when the other?

It's not as simple as the difference between the present simple and the present continuous i.e.
>I drive a bus
>I'm driving a bus

>> No.21524620
File: 133 KB, 1080x1080, 1546554428080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to find this VN? It isn't up on nyaa.si https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aT1XWQMRcs

>> No.21524623





>> No.21524646

There are plenty of torrents for vita games if you go to their shitty sites. Reddit might have a large magnet link with it.

>> No.21524647

What's some good material for beginners to start with in your opinion? I was thinking of emulating some Pokemon game on my phone, I assume since it's a game for children it will be simple enough compared to other media. Any other/better suggestions?

>> No.21524665

NHK news easy
or graded readers

>> No.21524673

What shitty sites offer downloads for vita games? I've been looking around for a good while now without finding any that have this specific game, even in English for that matter

>> No.21524687

You just download them directly from sony servers.
I used this a while back, but only for PSP games.

>> No.21524696 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 1101x787, 1560590075336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21524702
File: 6 KB, 226x225, 1559069356843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just download them directly from sony servers.

>> No.21524704

Thank you very much! Sorry for all the spoonfeeding, but do you know of a working vita emulator for PC?

>> No.21524708

did that.
Could you pick for the listening next time something without horrible sounds??
Also I probably sucked, especially the listening.

>> No.21524711

doesnt exist

>> No.21524730

What about this one?

>> No.21524734
File: 2 KB, 140x40, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that one.

>> No.21524736

>Playable (0.00%)

>> No.21524740


>> No.21524768

Best hope they don't crack down on it any time soon because the redditors on discord are trying to convince the guide op fag into axing copyright content from the djt library. Grab what you can before everything is kill.

>> No.21524778

Um, what?

>> No.21524785

theyre just pages

>> No.21524803

Read the discord.

The mega links, they are talking about killing the mega accounts to avoid getting the site shut down for piracy.

>> No.21524807

You're dumb.
He's considering to obscure the mega links so they can't be easily taken down, but they'll still be accessible, you'll just have to edit them to get to the accounts, but it's only being considered and a poll is up to decide about it.

>> No.21524843

Lying redditor. We should have never allowed your shitty site to be used in the op.

>> No.21524847

the only threat to the links is the page existing

>> No.21524889

hello literal teenager how's your day got any homework you need help with

>> No.21524895

its not like theres anything worth saving in that cluster fuck its like trash from nyaa

imagine using that ghetto aids mess in the first place lmao kys sempai

>> No.21524902

what the fuck is your problem

>> No.21524910

imagine being so unfortunate that you spend time arguing about stuff like this online instead of just having sex

>> No.21524932
File: 92 KB, 540x589, 1540642709375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomodachitachi, let's all ochitsuke! This is nothing to kenka about

>> No.21524982




>> No.21525118


>> No.21525136

How do I beat this addiction to brain chemicals rewarded for starting a new thing so that I can finish anything I actually start?

>> No.21525190

how i know if i remember kanji from rtk? i supposed just remember story no keyword?

>> No.21525213


>> No.21525217

what do you do about names

>> No.21525249




>> No.21525273

mediation, prayer, staring at the wall doing nothing for an extincted period of time, hiking, anything activity that takes a long time to do combined with less internet and tv

>> No.21525343

do you ever think about where the average djter is/was compared to you given the time you've invested? i'm probably one of the worst in the thread. i wish i were quiz.

>> No.21525350

What's your funniest mnemonics? I remember 逃げる because I think of nigeru=nigger and if they commit a crime then they run away.

>> No.21525351

What do you define as "bad" and what as "good"?

>> No.21525354

that's not funny

>> No.21525359

i don't know but there is simple grammar that i still fuck up like の. hell basic word order actually fucks me up. and i've been at this for 8 months. my understanding is way better than it used to be though. i remember when i first read a VN and it was hell to get through but now i more or less understand most of what's happening.

>> No.21525385


>> No.21525448

i smiled

>> No.21525451

minamike was lukewarm boring bird bitch bullshit i do not recommend it

imagining how ud run away if u said that to a black person irl lol

>> No.21525494

>imagining how ud run away if u said that to a black person irl lol
lmao now THATS funny

>> No.21525499

sup faggots, the other day i asked about how to get my pdf to properly work on a kindle. i solved and decided to tell you guys just in case you run into the same problem.

you have to extract the text from the pdf, then in the document put:
above the beginning of every chapter and at the end. you then need to use aozora epub converter then amazon epub to mobi converter,

voila the dictionary works, it displays vertically, and it detects chapters.

>> No.21525535

How i remember 逃げる is that i have read and listened to massive amounts of japanese, and that is so common that it is as natural to remember as an english word. mnemonics are for people who don't actually want it.

>> No.21525548

So how would I say what a work of fiction, like a book or a TV show, is "about".
As in, "the book is about a dystopian society where people have numbers for names", or something similar.

>> No.21525549

Weird flex but ok

>> No.21525554


go back to highschool

>> No.21525561

Weird insult but ok

>> No.21525662


>> No.21525673

new stats goal for japanese learning to replace anki
number of words looked up in japanese dictionary while inputting, that i actually understood the word in context from using the japanese def
aiming for 150 per day

>> No.21525679

fake and gay

>> No.21525687
File: 57 KB, 1024x576, きょこまじてんし.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just listen to podcasts of people talking about media. If you are not already fluent then just dont speak.

>> No.21525693

not knowing 150 words in what your reading in one day. read easier material. I read for over 2 hours a day on average and maybe run into like 15 words tops

>> No.21525744

The story is supposed to help you remember the keyword. If you don't like the story, you can make another one up.

>> No.21525759

what's the meaning of を at the end of a sentence? what is being implied?

>> No.21525760

but rtk show me keyword before chance to think about so no chance to recall

>> No.21525773

wtf i literally run into hundreds of words idk in 2 hour sessions because easier material is really boring.

>> No.21525775

that some shit should happen

>> No.21525813

To be able to read KKK.

>> No.21525820

is it really that bad to drone if you just wanna mine random words that are somewhat frequent (top 20k) and that use kanji whose readings and associated meanings you haven't yet gotten a sense for? anki seems perfect for that. it'll make it a lot easier to learn other words that use the kanji.

>> No.21525821

Do japanese people really kiss like in JAV?

>> No.21525822

>Do japanese people really kiss


next question

>> No.21525824

dude listen to me and listen to me good

do whatever the fuck you wanna do

>> No.21525832

just don't post about it

>> No.21525842
File: 172 KB, 433x531, 1554742413990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm on the spectrum guys, but I also feel like a brainlet. Give a quick diagnosis please.

>> No.21525851

if you think autism = intelligence you probably are a brainlet.

>> No.21525856

dont care

if u got time to sit there and think about ur pussy bullshit u got time to move ur feet soldier

>> No.21525857

Then make or get an anki deck that's got the opposite (kanji in front, mnemonic and keyword in the back).

>> No.21525871
File: 47 KB, 1060x422, D9BJWOSUYAADVrC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on twitter, for those of us who could use help on that subject.

>> No.21525879


>> No.21525887

Which one's more formal?

>> No.21525891

now that is some permanent nihongo crippling

the japanese deepstate releasing this kind of shit as to keep foreigners from ever learning japanese is frankly despicable

>> No.21525898

those aren't synonyms but you'd probably use 伺う if you wanted to use 敬語 to ask someone something

>> No.21525899

稀 珍しい
why are these two different words

>> No.21525905

check a j-j dictionary before you ask dumb questions

>> No.21525910

牢獄 牢 獄 監獄
figure these ones out

>> No.21525912

bunch of ching chongs to me

>> No.21525915

but i cant read j-j dictionaries yet

>> No.21525919

u should work on that but dont sweat it too much the dictionary isnt how u learn japanese anyway

>> No.21525924


>> No.21525932

always remember that it ain't easy being a real ninja

not everyone can make it and it's ok to give up

>> No.21525935

so thats what he calls the piss jug

>> No.21525942

i mean thats just a true fact out of everyone here right now that doesnt know japanese at best 1 of u will make it and the rest will just go on with their lives eventually


>> No.21525945

i've only been learning for a week. judging from google images one is for specific things (species,clocks, coins, etc) and the other is more like a abstract thing?

>> No.21525951

fuck, is quizmaster the 1 that'll make it?

>> No.21525953

fucking western magic

>> No.21525956

idk the brighter they shine the faster they burn out

remember its the turtle that wins : )

>> No.21525957

that's pretty cool desu

>> No.21525974

Kotobank says it's "尋ねるの謙譲語"
That then begs the question "When should I use 尋ねる"?

>> No.21525980

when u wanna inquire lol

>> No.21525984

whenever the fuck you want

>> No.21525999

You got one thing wrong
the turtle does not and can never win the race around the world
that will be me on the supersonic aircraft called anime cards

>> No.21526014

Ok, but who do you think is actually enjoying himself more: Jamal or you?
Note: we're talking about actuality, not potentiality here.

>> No.21526016

on your phone headed to class bro?

>> No.21526022

Me of course. As I am consuming Japanese and having a good time every day making a minimal amount of Japanese cards, while Jamal sucks ass and can't actually enjoy consuming because he can't understand shit.

I told you about dynamic IPs yesterday. They change daily. If you look closely you can see it's my first post today.

>> No.21526026

ah now i get it

>> No.21526027


>> No.21526033

>I told you about dynamic IPs yesterday
that could be what's happening but i don't believe you since you admitted before to switching devices.

>> No.21526035

dynamic ip for a static poster

>> No.21526059

heh n1

>> No.21526070


tl;dw does this truly hold the key to unlocking complex sentences?

>> No.21526075

kannichiwuh -dolly

>> No.21526089

holy shit look at this android lazy eye just gradually set in lmfao


anyway the vid just from seeking thru it looks like the same shit the already did before ? i guess shes a broken record now

>> No.21526099

ngl sometimes i wonder what it'd be like to be in the imperial army in nanking

>> No.21526102
File: 249 KB, 597x323, 1540548679126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she such a bitch bros

>> No.21526110

horrific prolly like what it would be like to be a mindless animal

>> No.21526111
File: 28 KB, 965x202, Screenshot from 2019-06-15 10-49-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.21526113

probably boring as hell because absolutely nothing out of the ordinary happened according to all witnesses that didn't have an agenda against the imperial army

>> No.21526119


ahahaha hello good friend! i missed you so much! i just encountered your relative 唐突 like 5 minutes ago so i'm glad i got to see your fresh face! ahaha what a great language!

>> No.21526123
File: 95 KB, 1062x600, 0zX0S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl sometimes i wonder what itd be like to get turned into tang

>> No.21526129

can't wait to look up this thread and enjoy the leftist outrage lol
sup nip

>> No.21526134

>tfw its a suddenly guy re-run

>> No.21526139

give up

>> No.21526146

nah don't worry i looked up their definitions in japanese so i can finally understand the brilliant difference in nuance between the terms and



haha oh wait nvm you're probably right!

>> No.21526154

wow dude feels bad to see u not just accept the japanese sounds as they relate to nuance here and instead be a big whiny sarcastic baby lol

>> No.21526156

i'm never gonna accept this fucking random gook garbage you piece of shit and you can't make me.

>> No.21526160

netouyos are fucking cringe
you aren't my ninja if you hate kpop

>> No.21526169

if you like kpop i don't want to be your anything

>> No.21526181


more like kpoop lol

>> No.21526214

i usually read for around 2 hours and find around 50 words in that time. the 150 goal is to encourage me to read 2~3x more than i do already (including anime subs). also yes like the other guy said, stuff that’s too easy can be boring.

>> No.21526223

I'm currently reading a book and I hate that it's so hard but I promised a friend that I'd read it so I have to
I hate this

>> No.21526228

祝福を(与える、あげるとか) in this case

>> No.21526238

why are rare and uncommon two different words

>> No.21526246

Same reason why you no longer find people with deep knowledge about cool obscure things on any board. This site's format encourages dilettantism.

>> No.21526251

it can be part of the process that could make a significant difference
imagine if you had a guy following you around to tell you the meanings of new japanese words each time you encountered one
the first option is a guy who explains them meanings of the words in japanese you already know
the second option is a guy who tells you some english translations

which guy will help you improve your japanese faster?

>> No.21526254

one is rarer than the other heh

>> No.21526257

one is blue and one is green

>> No.21526262

problem is ppl with their nose in the dictionary all day arent learning japanese

>> No.21526263

why is her pronunciation so bad idgi

>> No.21526288

just fell asleep while reading for the third day in a row

>> No.21526297

I'm just starting on the journey of not being able to learn Japanese, but I'm an ESL. Is the guide still a good way to learn if my main language is Spanish?

>> No.21526305

judging by this question you should just give up now

>> No.21526308

maybe you should learn english first

>> No.21526319

But I don't want to watch shit sitcoms, noodle cartoons or read about how bad orange man is

>> No.21526327

>the full JMdict file, including English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Hungarian, Slovenian and Dutch glosses;

>> No.21526334

I don't actually get this
how the fuck do people actually fall asleep while doing something

>> No.21526338

i was asleep, then i was suddenly awake again after not being awake for a bit

>> No.21526339

Reading while tired in bed.

>> No.21526342

did 378 minutes of rtk reps today
was i a good boy

>> No.21526345

if by good u mean stupid then yes

>> No.21526359

I mean sure I can get tired while reading in bed
but I don't actually fall asleep until I put the book aside and try to fall asleep
I could easily read through the entire night if I wanted
I just can't imagine falling asleep that easily, I wish I could do that but it doesn't work

>> No.21526385

qm doesn't read anything but (inferior) vocab cards so how would he know what it's like to fall asleep reading?

>> No.21526387

even watching anime i like with jap subs is a chore. i will never enjoy this language until i dont have to look up words all the time. fucking sunk cost wont let me quit either. FUCK

>> No.21526391

actually its a signal of good health if u dont fall asleep until u lay down and go to sleep

>> No.21526397

Yoshi yoshi *headpat*

>> No.21526406

you don't fucking read.

if you disagree, what are your top 5 books?

>> No.21526420

I've read a lot of things but I haven't actually read anything good or long or worth talking about mainly LN trash, I read something every day however no I'm not an avid book reader but I don't do that in my native language either so what the fuck do you want from me fuck off

>> No.21526438

Imagine not learning a word because you don't think it would ever show up in anime

>> No.21526439

as i said you don't read. so your opinion on the falling asleep does not matter.

I read japanese during the day and english while trying to sleep. and by god reading those books before bed knock me the fuck out.

>> No.21526460

I read though as I just said just not too intensively and nothing worth writing home about
I've read hundreds of times in bed trying to fall asleep
it's laughable you think I am not allowed to talk about that

>> No.21526463

anime kid wants to talk at book club lol

>> No.21526489

quiz if you're not finding a lot of new words in anime, have you tried mining something like muramasa i mean it's highly rated maybe it's good

>> No.21526498

why do you read everyday if you don't like it?

what was the last book you read?

honestly the idea of reading everyday and not liking a single book gives off strong manchild vibes.

>> No.21526505

why can't book elitists just accept that perhaps there are intelligent people who do not find books that entertaining

>> No.21526506

the irony is muramasa is basically anime so itd be right up his alley

>> No.21526514

142 iq here i dont find books interesting generally but occasionally there will be one that gets my fire burning and i cant stop reading

>> No.21526523

I legitimately believe that the only people who don't enjoy reading are the ones that haven't given it a proper try. That's like saying "no I don't like movies." Maybe as a general thing, but there's gotta be something out there.

>> No.21526524

maybe later at some point
I actually don't mind not finding too many words
after all I started to learn to mainly enjoy anime & video games and that I'm perfectly capable of now
I'll just continue learning the new shit I come across while consuming what I like at whatever pace it comes

It's not that I hate it either
I just don't get a whole lot of enjoyment out of it
there is this idea in me however that to be good at a language a certain amount of quality reading input is necessary
so I often read on my kindle in my down time, on the train, when going to bed
but I usually don't just sit down in the middle of the day and decide to read through a book because it's not necessarily my idea of a good time
last LN I've been reading is 刀語 and last German book I picked up is Der Zauberberg by Thomas Mann but I've been getting through it at an incredibly slow pace to the the point where you can say yeah I barely read

>> No.21526526

>why can't elitists just accept that perhaps there are intelligent people who have down syndrome

that is basically what you are saying. if anyone can be "intelligent" while not being well read, then the word is meaningless.

>> No.21526529

good thing u put intelligent in quotes cuz u dont seem understand the meaning of the word

>> No.21526530

well by intelligence i'm referring to processing speed, pattern recognition, memory, etc.

>> No.21526532

the kicker in that is the post was prolly written by someone who considers themself "well read" lmfao

>> No.21526533

I don't read at all, and the only bad thing I've noticed is that my vocab knowledge is at a high school level.

>> No.21526536

i dont know all the big words but im really good at using the small ones i do know : )

>> No.21526544

Is there any didactic resource that focuses on real speech? I studied French from real, full-paced spoken french and was able to understand what people were actually saying pretty fast as a result, but I'm totally blindsided by real Japanese.

>> No.21526547
File: 902 KB, 1024x576, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quiz is already in muramasa

>> No.21526554

intelligence involves sensitivity as well. you can have all the things you listed and still be fucking dense: hence autists who know all the intricacies of Thomas the Tank Engine.

>> No.21526555

this is what happens when you dont watch a lot of anime folks

>> No.21526575

>intelligence involves sensitivity as well
no i don't think so, i don't see people typically describe intelligence as "every good trait known to man"

>> No.21526578
File: 384 KB, 495x581, math-is-the-purest-science-there-is-does-anyone-need-36121306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i studied engineering when in college and am very aware of this type of autism.

>> No.21526588

The best way to become good at understanding spoken Japanese is by actually listening to a lot of spoken Japanese. News broadcasts, videos of people talking out on the streets, old films, etc. are all good listening practice material.

>> No.21526603

intelligence is just really ur ability to learn thats it

but remember everything is highly dependent on what interests u in the first place

>> No.21526653

nah dude

these are the requirements to being intellegent:
- capable at math at a calculus level
- read at least 100 classics (and understood them)
- fluent in a language other than your native and english

>> No.21526666

name some intelligent people

>> No.21526670

me, also nice digits

>> No.21526676

just want to add if you meet all three you could still be dumb, it is just the min reqs

>> No.21526679

I'd say there's a difference between a general ability to "learn" and an ability to notice logical patterns between things.
First of all, what does it mean to actually "learn" something? If you can remember a list of words and their translations (like 組み合わせ - combination or 泥 - soil), it would only demonstrate an ability to deal with isolated elements.
If somebody tells you to describe a painting, you could either provide a description of what it looks like to you (as in, what is there), or you could describe what it feels like it means to you.
Likewise, being able to follow a succession of steps is not the same as actually trying to figure out an answer to some kind of open-answer prompt or challenge.

>> No.21526684

ill let the uh less intelligent ppl worry about wracking up some arbitrary high score in things set by the mainstream while i lol in this thread

>> No.21526697

basically what i mean by ability to learn and how it should be perceived is ur ability to take the input u receive and do something with it in ur brain that u can then manifest outside of ur brain

>> No.21526701

>bunch of idiots talking about intelligence

>> No.21526705

intelligence is the g factor

>> No.21526711

why do u think it was called g unit


>> No.21526742

not you
this one indian proffessor i had

>> No.21526746

There can be high just as much as there can be low degrees of intelligence. A person does not need to have a high degree of intelligence to conceptually understand a general, abstract version of what "intelligence" is.
People who are adept at learning languages might be high in terms of verbal intelligence, even if they're not remarkably high in terms of mathematical or logical ability.
When it comes to social skills, we could also speak of abilites or skillfulness, even if they would be somewhat harder to objectively measure.

>> No.21526766

intelligence decreases when social skills increase
everyone that prefers dogs over cats as pets (i.e. not a service dog etc.) has an IQ lower than 100

>> No.21526791

the idea of keeping pets at all seems pretty low iq to me

>> No.21526792

142 documented iq here (get mailings from mensa all the time) and i can tell u cats are trash and dogs are both mans best friend and ftw

>> No.21526796

>liking animals
only a narcissistic underdeveloped person could enjoy the company of a literal subhuman. same is true for retards.

>> No.21526798

true as we do keep u around

>> No.21526800

> literal subhuman
ok ill admit i laughed

>> No.21526812

humans are by default more subhuman than beasts because humans as sentient beings have a concept of morality yet consciously choose to act against it

don't @ me unless you're literally jesus

>> No.21526817

how was i able to get djt to talk about IQ so much

>> No.21526822

>posting on djt when you could be reading japanese

>> No.21526823


>> No.21526827

I am just as much an authority as jesus as he was just some faggot, whose mom got raped by roman soldiers. but morals don't matter only aesthetics.

>> No.21526831

御御御付け or おみおつけ
which is more likely to be encountered?

>> No.21526837


>> No.21526844

>morals don't matter
y'all ninjas need to meditate more

>> No.21526860

>not being intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.21526870

nihilism is moralistic in and of itself, because it tries to make the idea of nothing matters as profound, despite it being normal idea. the only sane route is to be a nominal shinto for the dances and epic aesthetics.

>> No.21526888

morals are just one of our evolutionary traits, they are part of our genetic programming that is necessitated to make living in tribes possible
the truly remarkable thing and what makes us different from other animals is the ability to defy all other programming and act purely in accordance to our will which is probably a side effect of humans becoming too intelligent
we are capable of willingly starving ourselves, facing our fears, to work against our conscience and commit evil, etc
but this all ain't exactly unproblematic so we have a bunch of subconscious mechanisms in place that regulate our behaviour without us even noticing
and that's where the question whether or not we truly have free will or not really begins right

>> No.21526890

holy fuck shut the fuck up already you worthless sack of baboon shit

>> No.21526893

what is up with me getting all these crazy digits today

>> No.21526896

I can understand anime though. It's real people talking that throws me off.

>> No.21526898

the only sane route is to do what makes you happy above everyone else because that's what everyone else does and if you don't then they will crush any chance of happiness you might have had

>> No.21526911

t. emo kid

>> No.21526914

>to defy all other programming
wrong it's all a deterministic process

>> No.21526926

take it from me when u post a lot its bound to happen

>> No.21526952
File: 77 KB, 238x450, sadako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you declare yourself as shinto today shell get you

>> No.21526956

i mean if you don't

>> No.21526959

>spooky long hair ghost waifu
Welp, time to commit apostasy

>> No.21526971

what if jesus was a girl

>> No.21526988
File: 341 KB, 791x820, translation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this accurate?
i'm an n5 grammarlet so i have know clue what this says

>> No.21527012

thats a scanlation all right

>> No.21527018

is there any benefit turn on japanese subs when im just watching english subbed anime in my off time?

>> No.21527023

lol retard

>> No.21527025

in shintoism, english subs is a grave sin, so i recommend to stop immediately. also if you are not reading dense literature your not reading.

>> No.21527035

u dont need to be intelligent to learn a language lol. just needs time. met plenty of dense people who speak more than one language

>> No.21527043

when watching anime with jap subs you never paused or anything? you just straight up watched? that's the less painful and more fun route but i feel like i'm learning less.

>> No.21527044

>met plenty of dense people who speak more than one language
guaranteed they where brought up with it, which is completely different. I bet those people couldn't learn a new language as an adult.

>> No.21527050
File: 139 KB, 700x532, 4-25-18_PopCulture_Higgins-George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey kid i heard u wanna learn nihongo

i got what u need *pulls out a brown paper bag full of eng fansubs from around y2k*

watch these for a while and when ur ready for the good stuff u know where to find me

>> No.21527057
File: 273 KB, 512x921, OccsX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

native bilinguals don't count nor do people who learn other indo european languages (all ESLs in this thread) but if someone has gotten fluent in some crazy shit like arabic, japanese, etc. then you KNOW they're high IQ. i'd guess quiz has an IQ of 120 or higher so as far as jobs go the sky is the limit

>> No.21527061

>guaranteed they where brought up with it, which is completely different. I bet those people couldn't learn a new language as an adult.
Wrong. I've seen plenty of dumb people who learned a new language as an adult. Next.

>> No.21527063

what are 5 must read vns? I already understand the anime I watch raw.

>> No.21527076
File: 357 KB, 2069x969, hentai chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick and 5 off my chart dude theyre all bangers except for a couple but ur chances of picking them are pretty low

>> No.21527081

do you like swallowing his german pecker whole or what

>> No.21527082
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Translate this to Japanese:
>Howard asked Rolling Stone, and the universe. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be."

>> No.21527095
File: 601 KB, 1103x613, 1533682645357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21527101

theres not much gymnastics there at all so i think most ppl here can do that

>> No.21527104

i have only read subahibi from this list. also dies irae and little buster on same difficulty?

my worry is i feel they all seem kinda samey and long, is there to reading another vn if i have already read like 5?

>> No.21527111

This dude understands. Humans are lower than bugs.

>> No.21527117

t. into beastiality

>> No.21527120
File: 37 KB, 499x366, Moshi-moshi-Jesus-desu-oboe_player-33756939-499-366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i agree w. this just because how like animals know how to get out of the way of a tsunami and humans just stay there and get drowned lmao

>> No.21527136

why dont you do it

>> No.21527147


>> No.21527152

I honestly feel like intellectually I am capable of doing pretty much everything especially if I put in some effort
but I have a lot of other issues
like being extremely unproductive, lack of social skills, experiencing no human interaction, my entire family environment being messed up, probably suffering from some kind of trauma (maybe PTSD) and a bunch of other shit including severe nervous sweating
and now I'm burning up my lifetime learning Japanese and posting on 4chan
sometimes I really feel like I'm throwing out all the potential I have to achieve great things outside the window but I also lack the mental energy to do anything about it so here we are

>> No.21527155

what are u gonna do for me

>> No.21527160

And finally, the villain's backstory is revealed. This is my favorite type of tragic anime episode.

>> No.21527163

imagining quiz tard sweating while reading this post lol

>> No.21527169

> is depressed
> doesn't read literature
as expected.

>> No.21527179

germans are the most shallow and boring people in existence. every fucking time i talk to one of them its obvious they have no interests and dont know anything about anything. all they've fucking got is stupid drinking stories from uni or their gap year. i wouldn't wanna interact with them either (and I didn't when I was at my uni where there were many of them)

>> No.21527182

i'm gonna play some tf2

>> No.21527189

he's russian, not german. the genetic difference matters

>> No.21527192

post ip ill join

>> No.21527204


>> No.21527213

As a German, I agree that this is true for about 90 to 95% of the population of this hellhole.

>> No.21527221

truest post in the thread

>> No.21527222

as a german american i feel like i am a god among the unwashed masses.

>> No.21527232

imagine how differently it wouldve turned out for germany if axis won

>> No.21527374

just imagine the utopia where only the german reich and japanese empire exist in harmony

>> No.21527446

Can't beat the super battle road in dokkan battle, lads. 何回やっても何回やっても孫悟空が倒せない

>> No.21527458
File: 848 KB, 883x765, 1540675913811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ruins your show*

>> No.21527528

when did this thread turn into /a/?

>> No.21527531

whell, maybie don't bie a secondarie

>> No.21527533
File: 61 KB, 687x558, 1536644958591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>350 anki reps to do today

>> No.21527542

should take around 40 minutes at most.

>> No.21527543

ankidrone btfo

>> No.21527552

that's why i dropped that shit. i already worked 9 hours, i'm not gonna drone for 40 minutes when i could be doing something actually fun.

>> No.21527559

yes. u write the kanji down by hand, then try to remember the story associated with it. if you do it wrong you'll just end up remembering how to write the kanji from muscle memory and the english keyword so it's very important you recall each ones story

>> No.21527564

that fucking movie was so good
i wish it was a hentai though
