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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 405 KB, 696x344, Phantasy-Star-Online-2-image-696x344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21502928 No.21502928 [Reply] [Original]

Will this be the revival of /jp/ guilds? How excited are you guys for 2020? What are you guys playing in the meantime? I just started getting into Archeage and I gotta say it's been really really comfy so far. The entirety of the game is about building up wealth and owning land/housing through various trades you can do and I've been enjoying going through formulas to min/max money making strategies.

>> No.21506640

I feel sad since I only play pirated games. Would've liked to play with /jp/ but what can you do

>> No.21506666

Well that's fine since most games are free to play, like the both I mentioned.

>> No.21507684

Anyone here Toram online?

>> No.21507905


>> No.21514190

Picked up dofus again.

>> No.21514538

It'll be trash.

The reason why it works in JP because of the culture of working together.

American MMO culture just won't work on this game without shit like auto-instancing / massive hand holding

>> No.21519055

Have to say, the only reason i'm looking forward to a western release of the gayme in OP is the banning of americans.

>> No.21519102

How do you decide the name you are going to use for your character? I'm not sure if I should use cute name or serious name for my characters. Even worse this game have weird system where name is tied to account and characters will share the same display name like Tree of Savior family name.

>> No.21519343

I don't want to play with westerners outside of /jp/sies, so probably no.

>> No.21526152

Not very excited since i have been playing the JP version for a year or two. That being said i'm still curious how will they handle the NA version and will check it out, but unless the NA "version" is just an expansion of the current number of ships for JP (which i doubt it is) i will stay there
Very rude

>> No.21530398 [DELETED] 

What's that?

>> No.21530973

Who Mabi here?

>> No.21531309

>American MMO culture just won't work on this game without shit like auto-instancing / massive hand holding
Right because shit like Everquest, DAoC, SWG, FFXI, old school WoW, Ultima, etc etc etc just never got shit done without those things? Retard

>> No.21531316

Is flyff good?

>> No.21533045 [DELETED] 

Natto thread

>> No.21537110

>tfw there's a different timeline where ToS wasn't a shitty game and /jp/ anons plays together
oh well... ;_;

>> No.21537127

Assuming you mean Tree of Savior, I'm still sad about that game.
It was so close to being a fun game. Graphics are beautiful, the soundtrack was great and the combat was fun too.
The constant lag, community and being forced into playing solo and doing shitty quests is what killed the game.

Are there even any fun netoge left to play besides PSO2 (which I burned out on)?

>> No.21537814

Two dudes who probably played last in open beta

>> No.21539836

You're not wrong, but since you are implying that things have changed, I would be glad if you could explain it a bit.
I definitely wouldn't be unhappy to pick up the game again, but this comment isn't enough for me to try it out again.

>> No.21539875
File: 554 KB, 607x1047, mabinogi_2016_08_15_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still my favorite MMO after all these years although I haven't played it in a while. Too bad about the server merge.

>> No.21539980

Everything has changed 3 times over. The biggest problem with the game has been players playing it in beta, quitting, and continuing to spam complaints from beta for literal years. I guess you're not incorrect in saying the community killed the game.

But IMC can't just let the game be either. Although they've fixed the lag and lots of stuff has been added since, they keep changing the battle system around. Like in beta, certain skills didn't have cooldowns, now everything has overheats. They did reduce long cooldowns, changed the drop system from a kill counter to true random (surprise, people didn't get drops more and weren't happier), did everythign they cool to pander to people who try their hardest to not play the game and then complain that those who did play had better stuff than then by making it easy to get high end equipment without having to do raids. Dungeons basically don't exist anymore at least, everything is field grinding and raids. Dungeons were already dying when they were moved from fields to a central city since players kept complaining about having to make an effort to find a party.

Lately, and by lately, I mean like last year, they changed the battle system entirely and made it so you just pick 3 classes instead of going up through 10 ranks of classes. People kept complaining that the end classes were the only thing worth picking so everything else before 8 were just utility. IMC listened and made it so all classes were roughly equal, although you can't pick an unlock-able class as your first choice so you can only have 2 of them. Nonetheless, you just pick 3 classes now, they represent all circles, they're roughly equal in power, and people only chose the most meta choices as expected. Some of the newer ones have cool concepts but a lot of the old interactions have been nerfed or removed because players don't like hidden fun things. Overall the battle system is fine but I did stop playing it myself because I couldn't make the combination of classes I wanted anymore (I had 5 classes in my build) Classes have also been switched around since they made a 5th tree and moved some over to it.

I can't even say it's a better game because even 2 years ago it was a different and better game compared to beta. Compared to beta this is like ToS version 4 now and its like comparing two different games. Everything is different. It is a different game now. Nonetheless, there's field grinding and raids, so group players should be happy...

For some reason they keep making songs for the newer classes and they're the best part of the game.

>> No.21539988

>Too bad about the server merge.
They should have just merged Tarlach into Mari so they could shut up instead of this hell of 10 channels and still not being able to move during events.

>> No.21540129

Continuing from
>For some reason they keep making songs for the newer classes and they're the best part of the game.
All the vocal tracks, I think
Boss music

I think this is all of them(classes + other) in the playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulC2D90LPRU&list=PLuu2wOvad6gW5NRwwKmMV-eQH6FNbB32R
But just in case:
Alternate outlaw
Tiger Hunter
Pied Piper

Other (was playing in the main city for a while)

>> No.21540187

>O Deive
I haven't played since a little after launch but this was probably the most memorable part of the game for me, it's such a good track. That and the weird community, there were always people trying to openly ERP with me, not sure why the game attracted so many of those types.

>> No.21540244

>there were always people trying to openly ERP with me, not sure why the game attracted so many of those types.
That's just how /vg/ is. All their non dead MMO threads are basically just that.

>> No.21541525
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1549518106603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like netoge are just too permanently changed to ever really be enjoyable now, while they are pushing towards increasingly anti-social methods, I don't think it's entirely the fault of the games themselves. The personalities and ways people act are a lot different than they were around say, 2005-2008, and the massive explosion of Discord removes the "log in to the game to talk to your friends" aspect of them as well. To expand on the thing about personalities, holy fuck it seems like 75% of the internet has gone full blown retarded/brain damaged over the last decade. Everybody regurgitates the same jokes and lines they've heard ad nauseum, or type like absolute retard memelords. There's the weird self-centered and isolationist aspect as well, even if you try to approach people in an MMO, a lot of them will ignore you now.

Minor rant but I can't be the only one who feels this way. I miss the way communities used to be, they used to feel a lot more "genuine" and people were actually original with their jokes and how they acted.

>> No.21541679

I feel like MMOs have shifted away from the core concept of actually entering a world with thousands of players to being a platform for friends of 2-6 people go for play sessions, while having a token overworld where you could, superficially, meet other people, but why would you when you could just pop open a team finder, teleport to the instance, get it over with, rinse and repeat.

At this rate, what is the point of keeping it MMO? Might as well just implement it as a lobby for everyone to make their own rooms, which is exactly what instanced dungeons are - private rooms.

>> No.21541735

>and the massive explosion of Discord removes the "log in to the game to talk to your friends" aspect of them as well.
Yeah, because irc, icq, aim, skype, msn, yim, teamspeak, etc didn't before.

>Everybody regurgitates the same jokes and lines they've heard ad nauseum, or type like absolute retard memelords.
Every game with 4chan is just them spouting stupid memes over and over or sperging out. The exception is when they don't talk at all and then post on 4chan about how no one ever drags them places to do things because they're not part of some inner circle jerk.

>I miss the way communities used to be, they used to feel a lot more "genuine" and people were actually original with their jokes and how they acted.
You just hadn't heard the jokes before.

MMOs probably suffer from a lack of variety in players though. PVPers have MOBA and team shooter games. Socialites have mobile games and Second Life. Older pops have no reason to leave their old games if they still have time to play them/the games are still up, so you don't get them in newer ones. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to talk to every random person who approaches you though, nor is there anything wrong with solo content. Cooperative content is fine, but it's not fun spending all your time waiting for others to help you, nor having to roll with shitters who don't know what they are doing. Every time some tard on ToS beta/early release era wanted to sit down instead of using a potion or got killed because they can't jump or run away from heal tiles (which they've finally changed to targeted healing) made me want to just bully them off the game.
I think people make up too many reason why they've gotten bored with an old game and don't want to play it anymore though. They should play Mabinogi. It still has a nice community and hasn't really changed too much.

>> No.21541750

I feel like your problem is that you expect to be packed in with a hundred people all the time like you're stuck on a subway, instead of the more realistic expectations of those people being distributed over a world.
>a platform for friends of 2-6 people go for play sessions
You're just going to play with a small group of trustworthy people in the same play time period as you anyway. Why pretend you go meet and fuck a new party every day?

>> No.21541834

Because I'm not a 16 year old who missed the golden age of MMOs but still pretends likes he knows his shit. Lurk more or fuck off.

>> No.21541852

Please play Toram online with me. I'm so lonely and scared.

>> No.21541905

wtf is toram?

>> No.21541941

Do you think WoW Classic will encourage people back towards other MMOs and generate interest in the genre again, or will they only be interested in WoW?

>> No.21541978

What is wow classic?

>> No.21542016

A mobage that pretend they are mmo. Made by japan's Asobimo.

>> No.21542098

WoW is what killed MMOs to begin with and new ones trying to copy it is why non are successful.

>> No.21544819

let go jay, let go

>> No.21547793

No, don't let go please, not yet...

>> No.21549336


>> No.21549612

Whenever we have a netoge thread, FFXIV seems to be the only "big" one that never gets brought up. Is it just because nobody here plays it, or is it just actively disliked here? It's obviously not as inherently comfy as Mabi, but I'm having a good time with it.

Also, did that group that was forming to play Trickster Online ever get anywhere?

>> No.21549815

We had a consistent 3 to 5 people playing Trickster, but we universally quit after about a week or two due to finding out that the server we had picked was pretty bad.

>> No.21550520

Just go to /vg/ if you want to ERP with catboys.

>> No.21552984

I play XIV too, but i have always thought it as the later. It's a fun game and i have played it for a couple of years, but not very fitting here, probably can blame the /vg/ crowd for it.

>> No.21554981

mmorpgs have been dead since they pandered to solo questers and pvpers. Also, not jp related

>> No.21555692

>Also, not jp related
Fug off Wizardry spammer.

>> No.21558365

does jp has the machines to play anything but old gta and some maple?

>> No.21559267

I am very much enjoying the Lalafell life in Final Fantasy XIV!

>> No.21559356

I'm burnt on PSO2 jp after the Hero update.
