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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2146720 No.2146720 [Reply] [Original]

So ronery...

>> No.2146724


>> No.2146729


>> No.2146732

Oh wow.

>> No.2146735

This makes me wish I could art.

>> No.2146741

Start. You're a NEET, you have all the time in the world.

>> No.2146745

The look on his face is so ambiguous.

>> No.2146761

>Can I also be pretty?
But she was prettier like that.

>> No.2146763

This depresses me and I don't fully understand why.

>> No.2146764

Some girls think they look bad in short hair.

>> No.2146772


I have always wondered whether my attraction to short hair is because of my latent homosexuality or not....

>> No.2146773

It is weird, the love you can feel for something you've created. It's also frustrating when you don't have the power to fully bring them to life.

>> No.2146784

Wait till you get a girl pregnant and occasionally get jealous about not being the one carrying the child.

>> No.2146786

Possibly because you wish that you could just ask for such things and recieve them, too.

Either that or you suck at art.

>> No.2146788


>> No.2146796

Thanks, now I feel really awful.
Stupid homo-bred mice, stop dying already ;_;.

>> No.2146814

source is /co/

>> No.2146816
File: 27 KB, 704x395, 1235646844743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2146846

God felt the same way we did when he created man, he gave all the blessing love and care greater than all living thing in the universe, unfortunately, Adam screwed up, therefore we now live in a confusing, violent and hostile nature of life we live in now

>> No.2146875

Well, yes he did all that but he also left his newly-created children in a garden with a snake and things they shouldn't eat. What kind of parent does that?

>> No.2146900

I dunno, God has a good reason why he put it there in the first place

>> No.2146939

Technically, he knew that Adam would screw it up in the first place and that all of this would happen.

Kinda makes morality seem trivial when God pulls shit like this.

>> No.2147073

Hey, but God made Adam. He had every right to pull whatever shit He wants to pull.
Alternatively, He could just have made Adam so that he would be perfect and had no desire to eat the apple...but that would've been boring, wouldn't it?

>> No.2147080

>Adam screwed up
You mean Eve screwed up.

>> No.2147083


So if I one day make sentient life, its perfectly acceptable for me to wreak whatever torments I please on them simply because I made them? Sorry pal, that arguement doesn't fly.

>> No.2147112

God is playing a VN with all the endings spoiled.
He just wants to see how things get to the ending.

>> No.2147126
File: 30 KB, 640x360, 1235654243146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing a lot of shit about God, but you guys don't seem to be talking about me... What's up?

>> No.2147133

Who are you?

>> No.2147139
File: 95 KB, 493x600, 1235654521461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why would we talk about you?

>> No.2147143

We are not /a/.

>> No.2147144

Yes. You can quit this life at any time you want by comitting suicide. If you don't, that means you do somewhat like the life God has given you.
No human is FORCED to live his life, if you think this life sucks and God shouldn't have given you one, you are free to quit at any time.

So if you made sentient life, it would indeed be perfectly acceptable to do anything to them as long as you give them the choice to give up the life you gave them.

>> No.2147145

And who are you?

Jeez people coming around sayin they're god like it's goin out of style.

>> No.2147151

Actually god punishes you if you take your own life, so thats a pretty good incentive to not kill yourself.

You might not like living, but it's better than hell.

>> No.2147153

>I'm going to create sentient life, wreak a bunch of shit on them, give them the option to quit life, and if they do, I'm going to wreak even more shit on them

>> No.2147155

>Implying that hell exists.

>> No.2147160

>in a discussion about god.


>> No.2147162

Get this religion shit back to /r9k/.

>> No.2147170

I used to be a drawfag.
'till i started staring at every drawing after finishing it, and getting extremely fraustrated.
I will never draw again.

>> No.2147180

Oh? How do you know? Because <insert random church here> tells you so?
Look. There are many more views of God than just the one the church you know/got impressions of has. It doesn't even have to be Christianity - any monotheistic religion believes that there is one superior being. Actually, even without a specific religion many people believe there is *something*.

Makes you wonder why the beings don't choose to quit life, no? That's because life also has good stuff. You post on /jp/, you read visual novels, you play Touhou (and of course lots of other things, but these are the most common examples on /jp/). I'm not complaining - I like life, even though it's not perfect. Can you blame God for giving you an imperfect life?

Again, bullshit. If a God exists, that does not necessarily mean a hell exists. Personally, I believe there is a hell for people who simply refuse to go to heaven (as in, even when seeing God still rejecting him), but I doubt God would send people there for ending their own crappy lives.

>> No.2147183

Er, sorry, read >>2147153 wrong. See the point about people not necessarily being sent to hell for suicide, if it even exists.

>> No.2147188

So christianfags from /a/nimesuki start lurking here too?

>> No.2147194

So god is the witches?
Nah, I think god only sends people to hell who want to repent for sins they make themselves in their head.
If he existed...

>> No.2147201

Wait, so you're telling me people still believe in god?
oh u humanity

>> No.2147208

If I ever made sentient life, I think I'd fuck with them a little just to see how they would react.

>> No.2147215

sage for growing hair out

>> No.2147227
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 1235656709379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, never visit /a/, rarely visit AnimeSuki, but yeah, Christianfag here (although I kind of hate the church, since they seem to discourage any kind of actual thinking about religion because the resulting thoughts will no longer fit their ideas perfectly).
Have been lurking here for ages, but I generally don't talk about stuff that isn't immediately /jp/-related on /jp/. But since this thread had already switched to the topic of God by the time I got here, I decided to add my two cents.

>> No.2147239
File: 154 KB, 1000x800, 1235656852928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original because I can.

>> No.2147248

Now, change her back to short hair. Daddy will's it so!

>> No.2147253

Slut wants to grow her hair out and thinks that's pretty? I bet she sucked a lot of dicks to get through university.

>> No.2147277

If were a God, then I hope there's a tenth circle of Hell, right up Satan's asshole, and reserved for fuckwads who troll religion in /jp/.

>> No.2147300

You can draw, but your "wow" looks like a "vow"
That's sad.

>> No.2147305


>> No.2147310
File: 153 KB, 1000x800, 1235658534360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All good now

>> No.2147369
File: 327 KB, 529x750, 1235659939504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this thread is now about pretty girls?

>> No.2147372

Why doesn't she say 'Can I keep my virginity too?' Isn't it important to her?

>> No.2147380

To most of us it isn't that important.

>> No.2148425

