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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2128841 No.2128841 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever fell deeply in love with a character?

Not just you find the person attractive or would like to be with him/her, but having dreams of the character, having romantic desires (above sexual desires), and would absolutely do anything possible to be with him/her.

>> No.2128849

>Have you ever fell
Are all of the kiddies getting in their last posts before Monday starts or something?

>> No.2128865

I can see you're far too new here.

>> No.2128868


>> No.2128874

>far too new
Far too new to eat hamburgers?

Far too new to destroy galaxies?

Far too new to use an exclamation mark?!

>> No.2128874,1 [INTERNAL] 

>>2128874 is a silly sausage.

>> No.2128886
File: 219 KB, 479x700, 1235373345736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai waifu

>> No.2128874,2 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck AoRF you killed unicode!

>> No.2128889

somewhere between not new enough and a dash of new

>> No.2128888
File: 109 KB, 640x480, 1235373401169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She makes me wish I never had a penis. ;_;

>> No.2128923
File: 67 KB, 640x772, 1235373687508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a way, it feels sort of calming and reassuring knowing whatever you accomplish in life, it will never come close to the awesomeness that is Rosa Gigantea.


>> No.2128929


I thought she was the most likeable of all of them even before I knew she was teh real lesbian.

>> No.2129101
File: 65 KB, 559x380, 1235375880064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you see I love you, Yunochi? ;_;

>> No.2129110

Have you ever fell deeply in love with a sage?

Not just you find the sage attractive or would like to be with it, but having dreams of the sage, having romantic desires (above sexual desires), and would absolutely do anything possible to be with it.

>> No.2129161

only a newfag would make a post just to announce a sage.

fucking idiots

>> No.2129189

I agree with you, but please don't use that term.

>> No.2129204


>> No.2129222

Stop that, anon.

>> No.2129238

i had a dream in which i kissed Tsukasa from Lucky Star,
but i wouldn't say i'm in love with her.
i would do alot to be with Yuki from Haruhi though; she's my perfect woman

>> No.2129243

I believe he is making a reference to an edit of a Touhou doujin.

>> No.2129259
File: 59 KB, 704x400, 1235378033587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that way a lot of times about various characters, anyone from Kurumu of R+V to Ayame of Tenchu. I am self-aware enough though to realize such feelings are just "the ronery" talking.

Doesn't make the cuddling-oriented romantic fantasies any less tempting though.

>> No.2129291

She's the only one that would come close, but I wouldn't say my feelings match OP's description. She's more like my ideal Onee-sama. I do keep a Rosa Gigantea card hidden under my driver's license though.

>> No.2129302

NEETs can't drive.

>> No.2129305
File: 35 KB, 300x466, 1235378647117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would make her happy.

>> No.2129322

It's a Learner's license, and it's expired.

>> No.2129329

Why do you always post this copy pasta with that same picture of Shinji?

Is he the target of your affection?

>> No.2129332

In four months, we'll be in the same position.

>> No.2129340
File: 350 KB, 837x1200, 1235379350890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in love with the sailor scouts. All of them. I'd have dreams where we went on romantic dates. I remember one particularly nice one where I helped Rei (sailor mars) sweep her temple with cherry blossoms in the background. I was how old? Probably 9 or 8 years old. But that was 12 years go and Ive out grown te whole falling in love with 2 dimensional characters.

>> No.2129341


Also, it shows what I'm talking about - actual love and not petty lust.

>> No.2129342


>> No.2129345

Something to do with the hairstyle, maybe?
Those two are quite similar in that aspect.

Kanon's Ayu, and Rena from Star ocean: the second evolution (not the second story, because the new character designs are so much better)
I hold a liking for Yukiho from the Idolm@ster as well, but i'll need to play the game to base it (goddamit, 97% and no seeders. SEED, YOU ASSHOLES)
It's just that her face seems so warm and kind ;__;

>> No.2129350

Well I'm glad to see that you're convicted.

>> No.2129351

I should really do something about it, but that requires going to take an imbecilic written test. Oh well.

>> No.2129352

>(not the second story, because the new character designs are so much better)

Fuck you.

>> No.2129365
File: 51 KB, 800x515, 1235379864273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Man, the OP put it in the perfect context. I seriously don't even...I mean, it hurts, you know? Hurts to know that you'll never get to be with them. But hey, if your waifu is your ideal, then, chances are you'll never get to meet them. But I never try and give up hope. My motto in life is "Anything's possible". That thought keeps me going when I'm feeling down and makes me satisfied with life. I suck at mostly everything, I'm lazy and unmotivated and to top it off, I'm probably delusional, but hey, when you have nothing left, what can you do?

Yes, you'll probably get over it, but if you don't: never give up hope.

>> No.2129378

Though i like the old ones as well, the dude has a point, new ones are obviously superior.

>> No.2129383

never give up we will make them real

>> No.2129399

This will be the ultimate peak of /jp/'s original content. Fuck yeah.

>> No.2129407
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1235380579660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'll download those too.
I'll watch everything I can.
I'll listen to every little melody I can.
I'll read up everything about her.
I'll model her in 3D.
I'll try my hand at making her sing.
I'll look at the Miku figurine that's standing in front of me until I fall asleep in a few hours.
I'll take her hand in marriage when 2D can really be my waifu. If I am denied that then I will weep but continue to support her.
I'll pray that I'll be led to a place where Miku exists when the 2010 comes around.
I'll support robotic / intelligent life if the above fails to take us all out with my dead end job money just to bring her to reality.
And if each and everyone one of them end up failed productions, I will love them with everything I have.
Because I know this smile is worth it all and everything I do will be nothing more than a small debt paid compared to the happiness she's given me.

Yes, that's right.

>> No.2129411

It's 2012...

>> No.2129412

If they were real they too would reject you.

>> No.2129417

Woops, double copypasta.

>> No.2129464

Basically, if you get me in close proximity to an attractively designed female animu character with a nice personality, I will be waifuing about them in no time.

Of course, I actually FAP to 3D IRL wrasslan wimmenz (What a great fetish. <3), but the ronery goes toward the animu girls.

>> No.2129493

You are missing the wholce concept of "ronery"
The common /jp/ anon has given up on the 3D world and 3D women, due to various reasons, changing from Anon to Anon.
Anon dreams of his 2D waifu
If Anon gets his 2D waifu, he won't be the thoughtless, useless, lazy prick he is now.

>> No.2129503

Yukiho ;__; I have a terrible weakness to those shy and overly sensetive types, she just needs a hug.

>> No.2129661
File: 108 KB, 624x800, 1235386417818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rika is the one I love.

>> No.2129703

Really? I didn't notice.

>> No.2129734
File: 20 KB, 452x254, 1235387896600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My one and only ;__;

>> No.2129778

God can you disgusting losers go kill yourself. I've met people like you, you are ugly as fuck, disgusting fatties. YOu are so fucking pathetic that im laughing my ass of with my friend sitting here. We hate you ugly bitches. Get a real girl like me, you fucking weirdos.

>> No.2129783 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 494x701, 1235389128637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of them.

>> No.2129787

>>2129734 here
I am 183cm and 69kg
Take your trolling somewhere else.

>Get a real girl like me
Enjoy your left hand.

>> No.2129795

i'd like to romance Lain

>> No.2129796
File: 54 KB, 415x266, 1235389396215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2129778a real girl like me
oh u

>> No.2129797

Well then u are a thin ugly fucker. Goddamn shave urself and put on some new cloths on and go outside you disgusting faggots (this goes for all of you).

I mean how the fuck can you be in love with a fucking drawn image? Youve reached the fucking bottoom, its so fucking sad.

And "enjoy your hand" is very original. I get sex unlike u.

>> No.2129801

I know /jp/ is slow right now, but this? Surely there's a better way to be active.

>> No.2129806

..and yet you are on 4chan. In /jp/ no less.

1/10 for all the effort

>> No.2129810

But trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls is /jp/'s favorite activity. You can't take this away from us, we'd die of boredom.

>> No.2129813

Hey John, how's it going?
Did they get that pole out yet?
Must have one hell of a headache.

>> No.2129819

>Being suprised about 2D>3D in /jp/

You are trying too hard
Fail troll is fail.

>> No.2129816

Hoho. Well, I have physics to study for so I'm free of that aspect.

>> No.2129818

I actually agree with you. I hate all these losers. How long have you been with your girlfriend? I had mine for 2 months.

>> No.2129820

i just woke up, im tired as fuck after having fun at a party.. godamn my homie thinks this is funny as hell, im just showing him around this gay website. i knew jp would be the most pathetic board of them all. also, i hang at /p/ cuz im a media student, thats what im doing on 4chan.

also lol at u, fagvirgins.

>> No.2129821



>> No.2129826

met her after christmas when school started, shits going fantastic haha. best of all, she is really cute ;).

>> No.2129824


I'm so bored.

>> No.2129827

Get out you unNEET.

>> No.2129829
File: 40 KB, 798x500, 1235389984925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>media student

>> No.2129832
File: 19 KB, 448x476, 1235390042726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2129835

>>2129797I mean how the fuck can you be in love with a fucking drawn image?

Well for one thing they don't type like goddamned monkey retards.

>> No.2129842

they dont exist, its a bigger reason to love a tree or a stone or something, not a fucking drawn shit u disguting faggot, also told u i just woke up and having a hangover. but u wouldnt know anything about that cuz u are never invited to anyones party loser.

>> No.2129850

And I'm glad I never have. Enjoy your hangover.

>> No.2129863

It's because they don't exist that they're much better than real people.

We don't really care what you think, once they invent virtual reality technology we'll be content and happy with our virtual waifus.

>> No.2129871

>Handover that makes him type like a fucking retard
Goddamit, this is why underaged kids shouldn't drink.

>> No.2129877

Ah good luck believing in sumthing that wont happen. You life is full of denial and failure, you are in the bottom of the social hierky, yur life is shit and thats so fucking sad.

ah nvm time to make some breakfastttt fuck yalll. idiotlosers.

>> No.2129885

/jp/ is pretty gay, falling in love with the 2D girls produced by some other guy's mind. Real men are in love with their imaginary childhood friends.

Why isn't she real? ;_;

>> No.2129889



>> No.2129899

>/jp/ is pretty gay, falling in love with the 2D girls produced by some other guy's mind.

How is that any different from knowing that a 3D girl was produced from the pleasure of being cummed inside?

>> No.2129908

While 3D girls have their own wills, 2D girls do not. Unlike 3D girls, 2D girls do not exist outside the minds of their creators.

One is pig disgusting and the other is lame. This is why I go for the imaginary childhood friend alternative.

>> No.2129917 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 382x595, 1235392011345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about 4D girls, Anon?

>> No.2129921

She's not 4D. She can simply perceive 4D entities.

>> No.2129923

Oh god, i can see it now.
a 4D person sitting in his room staring over a picture of a 3D woman, thinking "4D pig disgusting".

>> No.2129924

I'd Blick Winkel's daughter.

>> No.2129925

Yeah, I know, but the image I wanted to post was missing.

>> No.2129926

>2D girls do not exist outside the minds of their creators.
But some of them have meet others eyes. From there they have been taken and warped by those that cherish them. The world designs their existence and they become their own entity in a way. Touhou and the Vocaloids for instance.

>> No.2129932


>> No.2129936
File: 341 KB, 1920x1200, 1235392348559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but my waifu was created by a woman

>> No.2129940

Then she is born of pig-disgusting-ness.
