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2124023 No.2124023 [Reply] [Original]

Daily Sakura is the most awesome FSN girl thread.

>> No.2124027


>> No.2124030

Not a slut. She's made of moe and win.

>> No.2124035

Sakura is as awesome as Sion.

...if you know what i mean.

>> No.2124043

No, please explain for us?

>> No.2124046

Made of submissive and forced sympathy.

>> No.2124048

Daily wormslut thread?

>> No.2124050
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Daily Sakura is a stupid bitch who should have died when Gilgamesh killed her thread.

>> No.2124057

They're both purple.

>> No.2124058

Dark Sakura made Gilgamesh her bitch

>> No.2124060

Really are the worms bad if it keeps her happily in the kitchen and giving up her body several times a day?

>> No.2124061

Both are walking plot devices.

lol at gilgamesh visiting Sakura's house.

>> No.2124063

She just ate him.
Abd she did not go 'dark' yet.

>> No.2124064

By stabbing him in the back even though she should have already been dead?

Plot armor only makes its user a bitch, bro.

>> No.2124068

...Plot devices?
Sion is the main character of her story, what do you expect?

>> No.2124065


>> No.2124069

Gilgamesh stated that she won't be able to die once she become familiar with it.

>> No.2124077


>> No.2124111

Sakura > Rin >>>>>> Saber

>> No.2124119

If Sakura were more like Kohaku, HF would have been a thousand times more awesome.

>> No.2124127

You mean a schemer instead of a whiner who lashes out with the power whe whined about?

>> No.2124128

But Kohaku is AIDS and fail.

>> No.2124131

I can't possibly express my rage in text.

>> No.2124132

>Plot armor
And Gilgamesh has Gates of Babylon hax. It's fucking fiction, everything is "plot armor" because a character only ever wins because the author intended them to.

>> No.2124133
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>> No.2124134

...Now we just fell of a steep cliff.

>> No.2124135

You should try. It will be good for your soul.

>> No.2124136

Sorry, but Sakura is much better than Kohaku.

>> No.2124148

Too obvious, bro.

>> No.2124147

Fuck yes, opinions.

>> No.2124152


>> No.2124155

There's a difference between being intended and equipped to win and being intended but not equipped to win. Sakura was not equipped to deal with Gilgamesh, but did so anyway. That's bad writing.

>> No.2124167

How is she not equipped?
Near unlimited magical energy plus a little shadow that devour anything and you have already seen SWALLOWING a couple servants.

Both foreshadowed and given proper explanation later.

The only point in F/SN where a STRETCH happens and while it can be explained, it's still somewhat sketchy, is Shirou/Saber dual wielding Caliburn and taking 7 lives out of Berserker.

>> No.2124169



>> No.2124175

Of course Sakura is equipped to defeat Gilgamesh. She has Plot Shadow, which allows her to: (1) strike and absorb Servants while completely ignoring their usual sixth sense for danger; and (2), instantly regenerate after being butchered by noble phantasms. All without even moving from her bed.

>> No.2124182

>Sakura was not equipped to deal with Gilgamesh
Bullshit. The Shadow was always made out to be an incredibly destructive force, it's not like Nasu suddenly made it powerful just so it could defeat Gilgamesh.

But I'm not going to get into powerlevel shit, it's the reason I avoid most Type Moon threads.

>> No.2124191

Calling it PLOT shadow is retarded.
It's tied to what makes the clusterfuck of the game, aka the Grail itself and mr Manjew.
It's the basic premise of the game.
Calling it plot armor is ridiculous.

>> No.2124203

Caliburn was foreshadowed and made out to be ridiculously powerful.

Sakura's strength randomly changed to match the plot.

>> No.2124218

The shadow, aka LINK to UNLIMITED EBERGY GRAIL was ever portrayed as weak or NOT a danger?

Almost everytime they encountered it, someone was maimed, died and they had to run.
That's not what I call 'random power change'.

>> No.2124230

No, it's like Shirou, but worse. Shirou gains as much power as the plot demands--in spite of any limitations he has as a human being--because he has plot hax.

Sakura's Shadow is even worse because Nasu doesn't even bothering defining any limits to its power. It's just "lol, I win, unless the story requires that I lose".

>> No.2124234

...Did you actually read the fucking thing, or just read stuff from Wiki or 4chan posts?

>> No.2124238

And then she struggled to fight Rin at the end despite the fact that she showed off two or three unblockable, nearly-unavoidable attacks before that point. Random power change is random.

>> No.2124242

Sakura's Shadow is shit unless you get near it.

At least give Sakura her groundbreaking spell from Hollow Ataraxia.

>> No.2124248

The fact that RIn especially prepared for this fight with the help of Shirou an artifact that channels fucking unlimited energy, and gives out an output as strong as Sakura's probably doesn't matter at all, does it?

>> No.2124253

No, because an unblockable attack is unblockable no matter what you try to block it with.

>> No.2124258

>Sakura's Shadow is shit unless you get near it.
Yeah, but it has Stealth x10. Like when it appears beneath Lancer's and Saber's feet without them noticing. And when it stabs Archer out of nowhere (and then conveniently decides to leave).

>> No.2124270

Assassin fighting, luring and distracting them KINDA HELPED.

>> No.2124267

It's not unblockable, it's highly corruptive and corrosive, and the very energy that created Servants, thus effective to them.

'Unblockable' is the description you give as a fuckwad.

It';s even MENTIONED in the game that if Servants knew of it's nature and attacks before hand, it would not be as much trouble. Saber's Excalibur COULD kill it.

>> No.2124272

Which is how it instantly devours over one thousand people all at once, right?

>> No.2124276

Giving Birth to Giant Shadows normal humans have no chance of kinda helps.

>> No.2124282

That doesn't apply for Archer being stabbed in the forest. Or why it decided to blow up and leave instead of just moving in and finishing them all.

It also doesn't explain why the Servants who previously had such keen danger sense feel absolutely nothing. Despite the Shadow being grossly powerful and supposedly having a HOLY SHIT DOOM aura at other times

>> No.2124287
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>> No.2124294

...Seriously, are you kidding me?
Nasu fucking explains all your 'plotholes' 2 times at least in the story.
Overexposition is his fucking big flaw. He explains everything TOO much.

Anyway, the Shadow is controlled to an extent by Sakura.
If she wants it to leave(cause Shirou is there, she doesn't want it to kill right now, she wants a coffee, doesn't matter), it will leave.

And it doesn't trigger SIXTH senses, but when you see a fucking DARK MASS in front of you, of course it's ominous.

You should pay more ettenntion.

>> No.2124295
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Who would win in a fight, Akiha,or Sakura?

>> No.2124300

Not really powerlevels.
Just people calling everything a plot armor.

>> No.2124303


>Anyway, the Shadow is controlled to an extent by Sakura.
Sakura has no control of the shadow, it's just a representation of her subconscious mind.

>> No.2124309

Because an incarnation of all evils in the world not triggering heroic danger sense totally makes sense.

And if Sakura didn't want to kill Shirou, she did a really great job of stopping the Shadow. You know, by making it blow up, take off his arm, and nearly kill him except for an emergency transplant from his future self.

>> No.2124310

Referring to the forest incident, remember the scene with Sakura at home.

>> No.2124314

Since when was it mentioned that 'HEROIC SENSES TINGLING ALWAYS, especially for a dark blob of energy' in F/SN?

You apply your own LOGIC, in a world setting where it does not apply properly.
And Sakura wished for Shirou to be HURT, so he would not leave the house, among other things.

>> No.2124319

Sakura wanted Shirou to get seriously injured so that he would be forced to stop fighting and stay in the house with her. Of course it didn't go as planned.

>> No.2124322

She wished for him to be disabled. He only survived the attack by chance and the wound he took from it was obviously fatal. Are you stupid?

>> No.2124327

It did not go as planned, the force applied was inappropriate etc.

You gues just NITPICK right now.

>> No.2124331

"I completely destroyed his entire body. This is a small miscalculation."


>> No.2124336

Yes, cause we are all proficient in the amount of magical energy that VIOLATES US that we need to detonate to injure someone enpuh to stay at the house.
It can never go wrong.

Dude, a firecracker can blow your hand in bad circumstances.
Give it a break.

>> No.2124339

I...hmmm. I've forgotten whether one of her Shadow nightmares dealt specifically with that scene in the forest. I'll have to recheck.

Their danger senses basically ARE always tingling. Boundary fields, broken phantasms shot at the back of their head, the tsubame gaeshi, etc. If it's dangerous, or magical, they sense it. Seriously, the only reason it wasn't applied to the Shadow is because it would screw up the plot.

>> No.2124351

There are MANY instances where they are surprised within the game.
Also, not all characters are equally good at sensing stuff.

A simple example?

Everyone, when they FACE Gilgamesh, they get a chill and ominous feeling.
But most times, they do not even see him coming.

And there are ways to ACTIVELY HIDE YOUR PRESENCE, as Rin points out at least a few times.

Something called a SHADOW being sneaky?
Not that much of a stretch, for ANY world setting.

>> No.2124352
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>> No.2124355
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>this thead

>> No.2124361

>Something called a SHADOW being sneaky?
>Not that much of a stretch, for ANY world setting.
So if I call something a sausage that means I'm obviously gay if I put it in my mouth?

You're really dumb.

>> No.2124367

Sausages are food.
What the fuck has it to do with being gay?

And that statement was obviously a JOKE, fucking nitwit.

>> No.2124374

Sakura is cute
Yes she is
But because the lonely virgins of /jp/ want a Tsundere girlfriend she is called a slut

Isn't it sad, Nasu?

>> No.2124375

It's called the Shadow because it's dark, not because it's sneaky. Sakura's channeling the unlimited, tainted power of the Grail to form a murderous energy being that roams around the city. But this thing conveniently cannot be sensed at crucial times until it rapes them? Bullshit.

>> No.2124380

>Oh, my logic is faulty? I better say I was joking!

>> No.2124382

True Assassin lured Lancer to the Shadow.
True Assassin lured Saber to the Shadow
Sakura lured Gilgamesh to the Shadow

>> No.2124385

>Sakura ran away from Gilgamesh, then insta-regenerated and stabbed him from behind after her head was cut off.

>> No.2124391

I like how you disregard every other statement and bring up faults for a JOKE on it's name.

Again, there are many things they are not able to sense properly.
It was not until Shirou was lured at the temple that they realized Caster was sucking the whole town dry and gathered TOO much energy in the temple.

Being strond does not mean by default 'WE SEE IT COMING MILES AWAY'

>> No.2124392

>But because the lonely virgins of /jp/ want a Tsundere girlfriend she is called a slut

Either you are too stupid to know what slut means or you did not actually read it and just spew bullshit

>> No.2124429

True, but they don't even sense the Shadow when the thing is right on top of them. The characters sense anything with that magnitude of power once they're in the same area--when a lot of energy is gathered, they know. It works on large scales and small scales--they just have to be in the area. For instance, on a smaller scale, Berserker sensed the difference between a charged up Broken Phantasm and normal arrows in a split-second.

How do they not sense something that should basically be coated with the Grail's unlimited energy? It's plot convenience.

>> No.2124462

Having unlimited energy means you can pull of feats like that?
True Assassin can completely hide his presence.

Something that has unlimited energy could copy the effect.
Thus, when it ATTACKS, they sense it and feel ominous yadda yadda.

There are FAR too many explanations as to why it doesn't trigger it, to call it a plot device.

>> No.2124473

Saying, "It has unlimited power, so it just works, okay" basically is the same as saying "plot device".

>> No.2124479

Unlimited energy, the fact that it is in essence a remote controlled PUPPET by Sakura, it's very fucking different in composition the most things the characters have encountered, and there have been MANY ways throughout the story where presence or effect can be masked/concealed=NOT plot device.

Simple as that.

>> No.2124482

So nothing is a plot device if the author says "it's really, really powerful, guys!"

Yeah, okay.

>> No.2124493

...Is that ALL you gathered from that post?

>> No.2124505

Well, it IS really powerful.

But it's also a bit too much reminiscent of shounen crap. Oh, those bad guys you defeated? They were nothing. Look, the new enemy is even MORE powerful and all your characters and their abilities are now SHIT and INEFFECTIVE.

>> No.2124522

If Gilgamesh were a min-maxer, the Shadow would be the DM. "What, you killed it?! Fuck that, it regenerates and stabs you in the back. You die."

>> No.2124528
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>> No.2124556

It's not MORE powerful.
It can be killed.But it's something UNPRECEDENTED.
It's mentioned fucking within the game.
Saber with Excalibur COULD end the Shadow(hence why she was targeted early).
If Gil cut of Sakura's head and took it with him quickly, it'd be the end.

It's something however that Servants are not a good match for, since it affects them like everything else.

As for Angra Manjew, well, he is the BASIS for all the fuck that happens in the game and the whole reason this mess exists in the first place, so the argument should not apply.

>> No.2124572

Let's summarize your arguing style.

"I am SAYING shit which DOES not contradict what YOU have SAID in any WAY but STILL come to the CONCLUSION that I am obviously RIGHT and expect you to THINK I proved you WRONG despite this IRRELEVANCE of every POINT I ever bother to MAKE."

>> No.2124595

Hmm, you're right. Let me rephrase.

Those bad guys you defeated? They were nothing. Look, the new enemy is just as powerful but all your characters and their abilities are now SHIT and INEFFECTIVE. You could defeat him if--oh, too bad, you are already dead.

I like your caps, bro.

>> No.2124628

New circumstances make for new events. It's the essence of Wild Card.
How many people/participants expected Gilgamesh to come in as an 8th Servant , Fire his rain of Swords and fuck them up, while he has now a human body and needs no master?

The whole essence of this grail war is that everything DOES NOT GO AS IT SHOULD.
Thanks to mr. Kotomine for the most part.
The Shadow is just another proof of it.

Disregarding whether the story is bad or good and the Shadow makes for good storytelling. it is not INCONSISTEST with what happens in F/SN.

>> No.2124654

I love how Kotomine dies midway in UBW.

>> No.2124695


>> No.2124718

Midway through the parts of the story that really matter?

>> No.2124724
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>> No.2125043

Only on /jp/ could a rape victim be called a slut.

Sakura is awesome

>> No.2125047


>> No.2125052


>> No.2125077

They make everything better

>> No.2125097
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>> No.2125130

Every character is a plot device.
You guys fail if you can't tell at least so much.

>> No.2125146
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>> No.2125149

Gilgamesh is not a plot device. Gilgamesh is too fucking awesome to be a plot device.

>> No.2125168

Being a plot device is not a bad thing.
Characters that don't enhance anything storywise are useless characters and shouldn't be there in the first place.

>> No.2125176

But characters who's only purpose is to be a plot device are boring and shallow.

>> No.2125181

Another thing to note about that Shadow: Other than 5th Archer, none of the other Servants had ever encountered a being similar to it. 5th Archer had only witnessed something like it before due to him being a Counter-Guardian.

>> No.2125199
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>> No.2125210
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>> No.2125213

Caster needed a route. I agree 100%

>> No.2125216
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>> No.2125217
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Lazer Tiem!

>> No.2125222
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>> No.2125231


>> No.2125236
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does this mean I die, cuz I got killed?

>> No.2125241
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Question, why did the shadow just stab Archer and not absorb him and turn him dark like Saber or Berserker?

I mean, having your nee-san's trusted Servant fucking with her would be a great way to fuck with her.

>> No.2125242
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delicious censoring

>> No.2125250
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Pseudo-Shirou archetypes die, senselessy.

>> No.2125263


Just play the goddam VN you lazyfucks. It's in there.

Also, who kill Soichiro early on ? And why did Caster have her Rule Breaker in her hands ?

>> No.2125264
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stop murdering me

>> No.2125270
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>> No.2125273

Basically for the same reason that Gilgamesh wasn't corrupted by the Grail at the end of the 4th War.

>> No.2125274
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>> No.2125296


Unlike Saber or Berserker, he wasn't a "pure" hero or something equally ridiculous. As such, he was more resistant to the effects of the Shadow than they were. Same thing would have happened with Rider and Caster I presume.

>> No.2125349

With that you made me imagine Caster being tentacle raped by the mud overflowing from the grail.

>> No.2125423


Have you seen Rider btw? I'm looking for her but I can't find her.

>> No.2125434

>And why did Caster have her Rule Breaker in her hands ?

last resort?

>> No.2125589


to what ?

>> No.2125610

Avoid getting killed?

>> No.2125625

I don't really care about FSN but Sakura is by far my most fapped character from that series.

>> No.2125636

<-- /a/

>> No.2125643

Series being used to denote a group of things not a tv show fucktard.

>> No.2125650
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I don't really dislike Sakura or anything, I just don't really think about her.

She's just "that girl who hangs around mai waifu and prevents her from fucking Shirou".

Also, the worms are a turn-off.

>> No.2125686
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I like to pretend that HF was actually the Rider route.

>> No.2125690
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>> No.2125697


Definition number one, dumbass.

>> No.2125702
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Fine, fine. The Rider-and-Illya route.

Except I'm not sure how that would work out, what with Rider's fear of lolis.

>> No.2125703
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>Anything with a caster/saber/shirou route

That would be sexy.

>> No.2125709

I dont think Rider has a fear of lolis. She has two sisters who cannot age, and are permanently loli.

No idea how she handles lolicons anyway, except maybe spankings and keeping perverted men away.

>> No.2125715
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>> No.2125727
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>She has two sisters who cannot age, and are permanently loli
That's WHY she's afraid of lolis

>> No.2125787

Just as a clarification, Archer wasn't absorbed by the shadow because Ilya absorbed him first.

How? /shrug.

>> No.2125801
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Oh Stheno and Euryale. Kind of like Shinji, except Shinji isn't a pair of hot lolis so he can't get away with imouto abuse like they do.

Okay, okay, so they did start being nice to her in the last five seconds before she killed them...

>> No.2125809

You know something that doesn't make sense in FSN?

>>2125216 This picture!

How can she have a sword sticking out of her shoulder or some shit, when they're all aiming right down, rather than across? Unless... A semi-powerful blast of window blew that lone sword in a different direction to the rest...? Yeah, that must be it! Must be...

>> No.2125825


It hit her when she was standing straight before she fell forward.

They didn't all hit at once, bro.

>> No.2125832


Ahh, makes sense now, bro!

>> No.2125850
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And sauce is Gorgon Double Flat.

>> No.2125852

They were pretty clear on this one. Ilya was much closer when Archer actually died, because he carried them all out after that big old explosion. He gave his arm to Shirou, with Ilya nearby, and then died. Ilya was significantly closer to him than the Shadow was.

>> No.2125872
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Source is Hollow Ataraxia, actually.

There was a scene where Illya jumps out at her, Rider panics and starts screaming, and then we get the explanation about her sisters. So, yeah. Rider is not fond of lolis.

>> No.2125875
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o wate you meant source for that page and not for the information



>> No.2125920

I'm going to go ahead and dump this, because it's worth reading.

>> No.2125928
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Do it fgt.

>> No.2125931
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>> No.2125943

Sorry for the mixup; apparently the time between image posts here is a full minute, instead of half like it is on /d/.

>> No.2125949
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>> No.2125953
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>> No.2125959
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>> No.2125961
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>> No.2125970
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>> No.2125979
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>> No.2125989
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>> No.2125999
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>> No.2126014
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>> No.2126023
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>> No.2126032
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>> No.2126042
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>> No.2126051
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>> No.2126055

Sakura was a nice pubis mons

>> No.2126059
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>> No.2126069
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>> No.2126075
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>> No.2126080
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>> No.2126081
File: 48 KB, 662x950, 1235335463817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support this thread. Now post some fucking Sakura. And I don't mean that literally.

>> No.2126084
File: 237 KB, 480x640, 1235335499554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2126087
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>> No.2126089
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>> No.2126096
File: 124 KB, 600x800, 1235335618987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now post some fucking Sakura.
Of cour--
>And I don't mean that literally.

>> No.2126097
File: 932 KB, 1119x1600, 1235335622341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2126100
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>> No.2126105
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>> No.2126108
File: 30 KB, 1118x1600, 1235335835419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2127057

Akiha. No matter the hax, Sakura's still human and an easy target.

Every Servant killed by the shadow was directly absorbed by the shadow. Only one I think in question was Caster, who was killed through a group effort of Zouken, Assassin, and the shadow.

My problem w/Sakura is they had to ham-fist her intro. Instead of doing the awesome thing and use her as a proper spy in the other routes (even going as far as to use Shinji to force her to help Rider set TRAPS for Shirou/Rin/Saber and give Shirou hero points for sparing her), they open up the biggest plot-heavy route based on the sole fact that Shirou mysteriously notices her nipples in the cold air.

Fucking Nasu.

>> No.2127840

>Only one I think in question was Caster, who was killed through a group effort of Zouken, Assassin, and the shadow.

Hurr Durr newfag pretended to have already played FSN.
