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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2123720 No.2123720 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes when I'm alone with a girl, I envision in my head that I'm the protagonist in a visual novel, and if I try really hard, I can even see what she says in a dialogue box in front of her, but because I'm looking down to read what she's saying, it looks like I'm staring at her boobs.

>> No.2123725

>You're alone, never with a girl.

>> No.2123721

But you're never alone with a girl.

>> No.2123724


>> No.2123729

Do you stand there for three pages worth of your own thoughts over a simple situation?

>> No.2123739

>You're a girl, never with alone.

>> No.2123750

>You're with a girl, never alone.

>> No.2123758

I've had a girl in my lap. Those were the best moments of my life.

Oh god, I wish I could go back in time and fix my retarded social mistakes. ;_;

>> No.2123762


Midori Days?

>> No.2123772

I had a girl in my lap, too, but that WAS my social mistake...

>> No.2123788

I had one too, but it was my cousin. She's extremely cute.

>> No.2123796

Actually, mine was my cousin, too.

I later asked her out and she turned me down...

>> No.2123799

I wish I was taller.

>> No.2123800

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>> No.2123804

My cousin was too young to ask out. She was 3 at the time and my age range starts at 9, so yeah. Enjoy your awkwardness while I have a perfectly normal relationship with my cousin.

>> No.2123810

Mine is three years younger than me. I think I was 17 at the time, so... yeah.

>> No.2123811

I've never had a girl on my lap, but once I held a girl's hand. It was nice but after my palm got sweaty she let go.

>> No.2123815

It wasn't my cousin, just a girl who really liked me and was making it so painfully obvious that she liked me yet I still didn't realize till it was far too late already

>> No.2123817
File: 21 KB, 270x321, 1235299886467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2123826

That kind of thing is just too good to be true. The only girl who ever held my hand later turned out to have more psychological problems than I would care to count. Only girls who no one else will touch would ever bother with guys like us, you know?

>> No.2123842

Shirou.jpg is a common thing.
Be glad, soon your alternate reality self will come and teach you how to create swords out of thin air.

>> No.2123857

Actually out of his own flesh, bro.

>> No.2123866

if she's not much retarded (admire society) this is best tier, which human being may obtain.

>> No.2123881

>Be glad, soon your alternate reality self will come and teach you how to create swords out of thin air.
I started to laugh but halfway through it turned into a sob because I know I'll just be stuck as an oblivious idiot for my entire life.

>> No.2123882

She wasn't all that bad. But it was only because she needed me to help her after she tripped.

>> No.2123885

It's not like you have enough iron in your blood to make a sword is it ?

>> No.2123898


Mine was my niece. We were at an outlet at night and we were sitting on a bench waiting for her mom and dad to finish trying out shoes. She was bored so she started playing with me and riding my lap and occasionally my crotch. She's 8-9.

Needless to say, it was heaven.
I masturbated that night while the memories were still fresh.

>> No.2123909

I have the tendency to zone out a lot or just stare awkwardly when people spoke, so I often ended up looking directly at their face in a weird way, as if there was something wrong, or as if I was very depressed. To fix that, I just simply avoided focusing on people's faces, but then it probably looked like I'm either very addicted to breasts, was entirely unable to make even basic eye contact, or have a severe foot fetish.

>> No.2123910


Next time, infect your niece with a cold, strategically plant Vicks Vapo Rub by her bedside, wait for your sister to give you the go ahead, profit.

>> No.2123923

I remember on a school trip when I was 16. There was this one really cute girl, she was kind of a bitch though, the kind of girl who really acts as part of the clique she's in kind of thing. Anyway, on the trip we had lots of different weird activities and shit to do. One of them was having to go into this forest at night in a sort scavenger hunt, we got one flashlight and had to follow these reflective ribbons put in trees, was shit easy to get lost though because they were far apart so it was hard to find them. We got put into pairs, she was mine. She was terrified and clung to me the entire time like a scared kitten, constantly telling me not to let go of her in a kind of bitchy demanding but obviously frightened tone.

The thing is, I just realized some of the stuff I play VNs for, silly situations like that, shit like that does actually happen sometimes, and I took no opportunity of it at all.

My life is a waste and I will continue to waste it.

>> No.2123942

You should have "accidentally" gotten you and her lost, thus triggering her H-scene.

>> No.2124055


That's hot. Bossy bitches getting humbled is the best.

>> No.2124074

I've been in quite a few VN situations, and I could swear I saw the choices pop up in my head at certain times.

Take her home
>Don't take her home


>> No.2124080

Don't worry, you did the right thing. The first choice leads to the prison bad end.

>> No.2124093
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>> No.2124095

I was on a class trip about 2 years ago, and then whole damn place we were at was infested with tons and tons of monkeys who would just drop down and claw the shit out of your bags for food.

I had three girls clinging to me and yelled like they were going to cry any second, all of them were quite cute.

>> No.2124110

I wish I had an anecdote of frightened cute girls clinging to me. Damn this drab town and its lack of forests or monkeys.

>> No.2124124

Horror movies. Sounds cliche, but when they see that you're not affected much, they cling to you. I effectively got dogpiled that one night when I was watching a movie with some friends a few years ago.

Of course, getting to that situation is tricky.

>> No.2124129


No good. Most girls I know just think horror movies are funny and watch them ironically.

>> No.2124130

Hmm, well, that sucks.

>> No.2124139


There's also the fact that I myself am a pussy, and am terribly frightened by sudden noises. I might be the one clinging to them, which would be horribly emasculating.

>> No.2124140

I remember being in a situation like that. I was too busy thinking how terrible the movie was to stop and realize there was a frightened girl pressing herself against me. Oh god, my wasted youth.

>> No.2124145

You know, girls smell wonderful when they're scared.

...just saying.

>> No.2124149

Personally, I'd be more likely to smack a girl than comfort her if she started physically clinging to me. That's just me, though...

>> No.2124153

I watched a horror movie with a girl once.(one of the girls from the monkey clinging story, actually).

She turned to me halfway and asked me if I was scared, and I said I was, then she jokingly said something along the lines of "Don't be afraid, big sister is here for you".(Chinese is our first language so it isn't as awkward as it sounds in English).

And then he boobs were against my arm for the rest of the movie.

>> No.2124156

Hahaha, fag. You'd hit a woman for being feminine? It's because of people like you that feminists have been able to destroy modern culture as much as they have.

>> No.2124158

No, I'd hit a person for being weak and annoying.

>> No.2124161


>> No.2124164
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I take it you don't have an onee-sama fetish

>> No.2124163

Girls have the right to be weak.

>> No.2124165


>> No.2124166

Maybe he's a sadist. I'm not sure if I could restrain myself if I knew someone wouldn't be able to leave me no matter what I did.

>> No.2124168

you gotta hit 'em then

>> No.2124170

I have more or an ojou fetish and one of girls with long black hair.

Since I'm Asian, I'm in luck on the latter, the former will probably forever stay a fantasy though.

>> No.2124171

Being weak and "annoying" is being feminine. I find it funny that anti-feminists are always referred to as misogynists when the real woman haters are people like you.

>> No.2124176

Women are supposed to be weak. If you're not sure of that, just look how horribly obnoxious "strong women" are.

>> No.2124173

And you're sexist for calling them weak.

>> No.2124178



>> No.2124179


Bah. I don't hate women. I don't think about anyone as anything more than a pet.

Good boy.

<pat> <pat>

Good boy.

>> No.2124180

I may be a sexist, but at least I don't smack around women out of hatred for their feminine qualities. I'm pretty sure I still have the moral high ground over this future wife beater.

>> No.2124184

Pretty much everyone in /jp/ is a sexist. The only people who aren't are the few female posters, white knights, and new fags,

>> No.2124183

There's a difference between being strong and calling yourself strong.

>> No.2124186

ITT: Mars God of War Fapping Furiously and Mother Gaia Menstrual Lifeforce.

>> No.2124190

That's why it's in quote marks. A Yamato Nadeshiko would be a real strong women. "Career women" and feminists are the fake kind of strong women. Women can be strong, but not by emulating men.

>> No.2124192

You need to be put down like the dog you are, bro.

You're an idiot. Wife beaters like weak women and try to beat any sign of strength out of them.

>> No.2124195

The problem with trying to become strong by emulating men is that men, generally speaking, are weak.

>> No.2124197

>moral high ground
Don't make a fool out of yourself, my good man. Morality, especially moral superiority is purely a religious concept, quite simply a tool for emotional manipulation. The enlightened follow reason and their own intellectual principles. And they do not need to feel superior for that.

>> No.2124200

Okay, then let me say that your logic and reasoning suck, and mine is better.

>> No.2124205

Manly attributes are good for men when done right, but modern society has perverted them. However, a woman shouldn't try to emulate any male qualities, because women can't handle the amount of stress men can, and the pressure will warp their personality.

>> No.2124206


>> No.2124210

This thread makes me feel sad.

>> No.2124208

Generally speaking, attacking someone who is seeking your help is considered an incorrect course of action, even to those who follow logical ethical routes rather than societally determined ones.

>> No.2124211


Your "moral ground" means nothing, unless you're condemned to scrape the barrel for the last dregs of humanity that'll mate with you. It's easy to have an outlook like yours when you can dump a chick for lying and still have a good chance to find another.

It would be justice for us to have a future in common.

>> No.2124212

I haven't even advertised my logic or reasoning yet, so I cannot see what basis you have made that judgment on. Unless you're assuming that I oppose your other views, which I wouldn't say my current actions suggests.

>> No.2124213

Well, I think gender fall into this to. It's fine to comfort a scared girl, even if she's scared of something harmless, because women can't handle their emotions as well as man. However, if a man is freaking out or something minor, he needs some manliness beaten into him, for his own good.

>> No.2124216

You think it's logical to smack a girl who's asking for help. That's both illogical and un-ethical. You've already advertised enough of your perverted modern logic for me to condemn you.

>> No.2124220

Goddamn, you dumb motherfuckers.

>> No.2124222

When someone asks for your help they should have a reason. Being afraid of the movie is not a reason.

You're an idiot. If you start passing out excuses and corrections based on whether or not the individual could have done any better, the only logical conclusion is that everyone deserves an excuse for their actions.

>> No.2124223

No, you see, >>2124197 is the first post I made in this thread. I'd advise you to be more careful with drawing conclusions too fast.

>> No.2124224

I KNOW* you are a woman. How many men have you slept with? It must be tons.

>> No.2124231

>>You're an idiot. If you start passing out excuses and corrections based on whether or not the individual could have done any better, the only logical conclusion is that everyone deserves an excuse for their actions.
The hell? You're saying you punish a poor for not being able to feed his family because of his circumstances as much as you'd punish a rich guy for starving his family for a bullshit reason? Now that's illogical.

>> No.2124233

>>You're an idiot. If you start passing out excuses and corrections based on whether or not the individual could have done any better, the only logical conclusion is that everyone deserves an excuse for their actions.
The hell? You're saying you punish a poor man for not being able to feed his family because of his circumstances as much as you'd punish a rich guy for starving his family for a bullshit reason? Now that's illogical.

>> No.2124236

Fine then, here's some pure logic for you. You hit girl. Girl, understandably, is upset. Girl tells parents/friends, who advise her to tell the police. Police then charge you with assault.
Even if you're a cold, logical person who cares only about themselves, this is clearly the incorrect course of action. You wouldn't actually hit a girl for this, you're attempting to be an internet tough guy. In actuality you may push her away, but you wouldn't actually strike her unless you were an absolute idiot that cared neither for others nor yourself.

>> No.2124243

ITT our own definitions of "logic".

>> No.2124249

Your logic is faulty and you lack reading comprehension. Nice.

Your entire post is pretty much bullshit, but I'll only be making one point here because it's such a painfully huge hole in your reasoning.

How does not caring about "others or yourself" make you an idiot?

>> No.2124252


>In actuality you may push her away

That would also be, at most, what he could do.
Anon is weak and passive irl.

>> No.2124255

I didn't claim it did. I just claimed you would be an idiot *that*...etc. Also please point out the flaw in the rest of my argument, I can't seem to find it.

>> No.2124256


>> No.2124257

>>How does not caring about "others or yourself" make you an idiot?
Well, it makes you a sociopath who is unable to contribute anything to anyone else, and is essentially human garbage, but not necessarily an idiot

>> No.2124259

ITT: People who don't understand why Gilgamesh's alignment is Chaotic Good.

>> No.2124262

I have that look problem as well. I try and look them in the eyes, but do not want to come across as staring them in the eyes, so I move the focus around the face and probably look like I'm insane.

Maybe staring at boobs would make me look more normal.

>> No.2124266

So you based the claim of idiocy off of nothing? That's cool. I won't even bother with you anymore, seeing as how you aren't even trying to back your claims up with logic.

I agree.

>> No.2124268

You can say "your argument has a ton of holes and is illogical" as much as you want, but it doesn't change the fact that if you don't give any examples, you're not saying anything

>> No.2124269

It helps if you look around in a triangle between the eyes and mouth, apparently.

>> No.2124273

I take back my idiot comment. Please now explain the flaw in my reasoning that it would be inappropriate.

>> No.2124277

Why can't you people make your own threads?

>> No.2124279


This. It scored me dancer pussy when I definitely didn't deserve it.

>> No.2124284

>How does not caring about "others or yourself" make you an idiot?
Well, humans are pack animals. Communication is a vital part of that. If we weren't, we'd still be hunting game for survival. This is not a choice, it's a genetic disposition, evidenced by how animals without the intelligence to make choices can live in packs. Basically, the desire for communication is a defining part of being human, and without it, you fail as a human. You can argue whether you really care about being defined as a good human, but I cannot see a better standard to set which you could try living up to.

>> No.2124285


>And then he boobs were against my arm for the rest of the movie.
>he boobs

I must have misread something here... ...

>> No.2124288


What does a guy have to be thinking to look a person in the eyes, then the mouth, then the eyes as a natural behavior?

>> No.2124289


I've got a feeling you're from singapore.

>> No.2124290

You're arguing against a claim I never made. Is that specific enough for you?

>You hit girl.

>Girl, understandably, is upset.
No. She shouldn't have started doing stupid shit because of some electrons hitting a screen (replace with a description of another display technology as needed).

>Girl tells parents/friends, who advise her to tell the police.
So now she's trying to punish someone else for attempting to give her some motivation to correct her mistakes. Maybe she needs another smacking? Nah, at this point she should probably just be killed. No sense in causing her to experience more pain when she's clearly incapable of learning.

>Police then charge you with assault.

>> No.2124291


What a nice trick! Good boy! <pat> <pat>

>> No.2124296

Whether or not it should happen, it's got a relatively high probability of occurring. I didn't say it should, I was merely showing how your actions could end up harming yourself.

>> No.2124297


>Police then charge you with assault.
Unjustifiably. They should also be admonished or killed.
Okay, yeah, internet tough guy alarms are going off like mad

>> No.2124301

Because there's no such thing as "genetic diversity" and anything which isn't the most common trait among humans is obviously a bad thing because humans are the perfect final product of a long, exact process known as evolution.

>> No.2124304

Oh hey there, Mr. Sith.

>> No.2124308

I'm not really much of an egoist.

Because anyone who doesn't agree with the Bible's code of morality is obviously just pretending because of the devil's temptation, right?

>> No.2124305

>>Unjustifiably. They should also be admonished or killed.


You know what a policeman is? A human garbage collector. The only rights you have are the ones you can force the world to accept.

>> No.2124307

Antisocial behavior is as much genetic diversity as being born without legs.

>> No.2124312

Not attacking armed police officers isn't part of the bible, it's part of common freaking sense, which you seem to lack in loads.

>> No.2124313

...What are you going on about?

You're so dark and edgy!

So we're in agreement.

>> No.2124315

I never said anything about attacking them.

>> No.2124325

Why are people replying to the troll? It'd be nice to have a decent thread not ruined for once.

>> No.2124326


"Antisocial behavior" is you trying to make a space between you and everybody else. It is not a genetic abnormality to want to avoid being crushed in with a crowd of sweaty humanity.

Cities -are- too crowded. Look what happens. Violent crime escalates, learning gets traded for entertainment, and corruption in law runs rampant, and me wanting to get as far from that is ABNORMAL?!!?

>> No.2124329

An antisocial person is a psychopath. You're confusing it with something else entirely.

>> No.2124332

The majority of the posts are most likely by a single person replying to themselves.

>> No.2124334

>>Sometimes when I'm alone with a girl, I envision in my head that I'm the protagonist in a visual novel, and if I try really hard, I can even see what she says in a dialogue box in front of her, but because I'm looking down to read what she's saying, it looks like I'm staring at her boobs.

>>a decent thread


>> No.2124337

OK. A thread then.

>> No.2124340


>>You're so dark and edgy!

When people let you have your way because it's easier than the alternative, that is neither dark or edgy.

>> No.2124341

Also, that's not a hypocrite.

>> No.2124344

And you just shifted from one topic of discussion to an entirely different one. That's awesome.

>> No.2124348

Man is this thread shit.
It really is.
Who cares if you hit women or don't.
Plenty of people do it, truth is, women accept it most of the kind and will go through all kinds of lengths to make up excuses for their husbands.
Point is, nobody here will ever do this, because he either lacks the will to, or will never be in a situation which calls for such actions.
You're either weak willed or the most interaction you get with women is saying hello to the cashier, the same applying to me, so why argue about vain stuff ?

>> No.2124358

I think people are attempting to give him a good reason not to do it in future and therefore stop some woman from being beaten up. It's not going to work.

>> No.2124359

The trolling is subtle and you fag(s) fell for it.
It's unbelievable. Incomprehensible.

I think I just lost a few IQ points.


>> No.2124365


An antisocial person is not a psychopath any more than all Japanese are inbred retards. "Antisocial" does not assume the lack of the existence of ethics and morals. It assumes the person in question doesn't want to be bothered by you acting like a monkey constantly, so they adopt patterns of behavior that distances people from them.

>> No.2124371

>I think people are attempting to give him a good reason not to do it in future and therefore stop some woman from being beaten up.

As if an anon in 4chan had the capacity to. lol.
Shit man, this debate was dead the moment it began. It just went into the wrong direction, not ended where it was supposed to (ie THE BEGINNING) and shitstormed.

>> No.2124383


>>a decent thread not ruined -for- -once-.

Now, it is.

>> No.2124387

Faceless protagonist has that sexy trap Teddie.

>> No.2124435

>The trolling is subtle
Wait, what?
