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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1040, library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21120427 No.21120427 [Reply] [Original]

How much Touhou do you have in your music library anons?
Favorite songs and albums?
Artists and Circles?
Vocals or none?

For starters I like me some jazz so I highly recommend ones like xi-on, Cafe de Touhou, tanigon, and especially Active NEETs.

What about you anons? Discuss and share your musical tastes

>> No.21120840
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I just have the original OST and a NEET collection, along with random stuff
Where can I find more?

>> No.21120921
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Well for me I got most of them from when dojin.co was still up but after that I got them from other sources like GensokyoVN or Touhou no Sekai along with autistically searching through google for a working download as it took quite a while to get a few certain albums

>> No.21121558
File: 231 KB, 1822x513, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where can I find more?

>> No.21122539
File: 325 KB, 900x900, 2hus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made these back in 2016
barely keep up with touhou doujin music anymore though

>> No.21123078

Recently been listening to some great ziki_7 stuff

Also, where the hell am I supposed to find Iris Love Machine? Nyaa and the DoujinStyle archives don't seem to have it.

>> No.21125749
File: 162 KB, 500x600, 71026265_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After combing through google for a good 30 fucking minutes I found it and uploaded it to my google drive.
Here's the link and have fun

>> No.21125766

ZUN art >>>>>> all your recycle recycle a.k.a. copycats

>> No.21126231
File: 103 KB, 367x470, awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you're my hero, thanks so much

>> No.21126308
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You're welcome

>> No.21128504
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every time I think 'there's no way this genre could have touhou arranges' I get proven wrong
I found this yesterday.

>> No.21128542

I gave it a listen, it's not that bad but it's not my type of genre, but damn that's pretty surprising.
I wonder how many genres Touhou has covered?

>> No.21128571
File: 241 KB, 340x289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hatsunetsumiko's is another one that threw me off
it kind of reminds me of BRADIO, but for touhou and in english

>> No.21129017
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I was expecting engrish but that's actually pretty good. I like that Black Eyes one

>> No.21129998

Some hatsunetsumiko's songs are hit and miss for me, but the vocalists are great. Most of my favorites have Chen-U in them.

>> No.21130879

wow, that Deaf to all but the song remix gives me some kind of bond movie opening vibes
and now that I look at the comments, MGS3 makes sense too

>> No.21131157

never really listened to 2hu music
rec me bossa nova, shibuya kei, 2000s y sounding stuff, and similar inspired things

>> No.21132131

I was browsing latest Reitaisai threads and some anon did mighty compilation at the end of the thread. Might as well repost it here.


>> No.21132461


I'm trying to find remixes and guitar (not metal) versions of TD's Stage 1 theme anyone know some?

(No vocals pls)

>> No.21132880
File: 149 KB, 418x336, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked around on youtube for a bit and here's what I got. Hope you like the picks at least


These 3 have guitar in them

And here's one done by logical emotion that I have on me

>> No.21133770
File: 70 KB, 499x481, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit that's pretty nice. Thanks for sharing and bless that anon

>> No.21133824

A lot of Shibayan and Tutti Sound and Alstroemeria.

>> No.21133866

I'll post my small doujin library tonight (yuro time). I'm listening to only a dozen or so so bands because I'm quite selective in what I listen to when it comes to quality.
Also, I have 99% of the canon material, and also purchased almost all of ZUN's official albums.

There's also MUCH better than marasy when it comes to piano arranges.

>> No.21134415
File: 134 KB, 450x450, is that so.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's also MUCH better than marasy when it comes to piano arranges.
I've been following marasy for a long time and I do enjoy most of his works and youtube vids as well.
Some of his albums that I really liked are his touhou sleep albums.
He's also the pianist of the piano drum&bass group logical emotion, a favorite of mine.
Mind if you enlighten me and give some recommendations?

>> No.21135240

what do you mean you made them Anon ? I'm curious

>> No.21135257

He's talking about the Touhou music threads.
That said, since 2016, we've had another type of autism that actually killed those threads: the guy that complained about people listening to arranges of Touhou, saying that we should pay more attention to what ZUN makes himself, that's HE is an actual artist and creator worthy of attention and not the others, how Touhou conventions are nothing but circlejerking without any creativity, and so on.
I think this guy actually killed the threads momentarily.

>> No.21135314
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that's kinda sad and limiting to view it that way isn't it ?
I mean we can't deny ZUN's genius when it comes to music but dojin works and arrange are the core of the serie, he said it himself.
I think even if ZUN's originals are amazing we have to view it as patterns he sends to us and each part of the community is embroidering theses patterns as they please.

>> No.21135399

Highly recommend everyone to download the production of N-Tone, a circle that disbanded and left all their albums free to download from internet.

>> No.21136744
File: 29 KB, 617x369, music.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for being late, here is my doujin folder. Feel free to check the band at the top, I really love their piano arranges.

>> No.21136949

They are? Where? I see nothing on the page.

>> No.21137531

it was one of those threads where you make 3x3 collage of your favourite albums. i don't remember what >>21135257 is referring to

>> No.21138690

I found this guy randomly and he's really good. I wish he had more views. Idk if that's just midi or whatever but that shit makes me dance like crazy.

>> No.21139627

Here are the XFD

>> No.21140856

Oh, cool thanks I'll check it out

>> No.21142486

I like these ones

>> No.21142754

Big fan of Night Sakura so I'm constantly on the look out, some of my favourites I've heard.

These are by maritumix I don't think they've ever released an album but they up their arrangements for free download anyway. Have mixed the song several times but personally I am a bigger fan of their first attempt.

From the Gensou Shoujo Taisen games by an arranger called Ibiza of Sanbondo, really nice energetic version used as a battle theme.

A string orchestral version by xi-on if you're into that kind of thing.

This absolute masterpiece was the last work ever by Kirinagi of Miskyworks before they disappeared. Was never actually released as they were unable to get a place at their planned last Comiket attendance and was released as a free download through their website.

And this one by Minimum Electric Design a very recent one is probably one of the first I've heard in a long time that I've really liked and close contest for my new favourite.

>> No.21142941

I intentionally avoid putting Touhou in my usual music folders. I like it too much, and I don't want to get bored of it by listening to it too often outside of the games. Once in a blue moon I'll dig up one of the albums and listen to it, but I usually leave it at that.

>> No.21143153

I dont think thats going to happen. Even if you dont like many musical genres theres just so many good circles to listen to, with entirely different takes on the same songs that you will not get tired of it. Unless you are talking about the ost then nevermind im stupid

>> No.21143617

Yeah, I was mostly referring to ZUN's own stuff. I'll listen to the occasional arrange too, but nothing much from particular circles.

>> No.21147059

Yeah, I can see that you would easily fire of the music just from ZUN. That's why you should be listening to different arranges to keep it fresh. Any genres in particular that you like? I could probably recommend you a few

>> No.21147704

where i can get this album? been listening to yabba ragga 2, but can't find the first anywhere.

>> No.21147762

A simple google search was all it took

>> No.21147814

i'm a brainlet. thanks.

>> No.21147877


Here you go


>> No.21147893

Anybody know the link where it lists a ton of touhou songs and their genre?
It was posted in a thread where someone was asking for recommendations, but I can't find it in any archives. Probably because I'm using the wrong keywords or something.

>> No.21147899


Few songs to check out that stand out from the rest

>幻想世界 -necrofantasia-
>ultima thule
>tomorrow is another day
>on set phantasma
>aerial crossver

>> No.21151272

Anybody knows of City Pop arranges? There's this ウインド ロウ song in a halozy album that's really close to the style but I know nothing else.

>> No.21151647

I assume you mean this?

>> No.21151804

Anyone know where to find tamusic(tam) piano violin collection online? A bunch of my favourites were deleted.

>> No.21151948

I'm not sure about anything about that style but the closest that I can think of that you may like are the Touhou House Sets.

>> No.21152022

Well here's what I found for ya


>> No.21152268
File: 638 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190411-082349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really appreciate it if someone could direct me where I can listen to pic related.

>> No.21152615

After some digging I found a nico vid but no working download yet, but here you go

>> No.21154666
File: 152 KB, 769x1000, DzD0YjSV4AAhCY0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teto please let me hear the screamo again AAAA.

>> No.21154883

That downloads with youtube-dl just fine, but I don't think it's very good quality. I managed to find https://muxiv.net/playing/849890 by poking around on some dead radio stream playlists -- it looked like the IDs are sequential, so I grabbed everything with the same cover art.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know if it's in order, or if it's right, because it wasn't tagged for shit (at least that I can see), and the player was scrounging it together from different hosts. I also have absolutely no ear for music, so it all sounds the same to me. But here you go (I also included the rip from niconico in case you want that): https://mega.nz/#F!c0BDTIYa!Sx42zzPixFBuMEnYQEHz3g

>> No.21154937

I just download random shits for every comiket/reitaisai.
Averaging around 90 albums per event.
Most are lossless by the way because I want to appreciate it with my STAX earspeaker.

>> No.21155000

Turns out tagging it wasn't that bad: https://mega.nz/#F!1lRnGI5Z!7TuZ6Lbf5ch8_tLAZSMPCQ

>> No.21155038
File: 549 KB, 826x826, A_Modern_Ghost封面.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to find A Modern Ghost by Accord on Codes? I've been searching for a good while and all I have so far is a demo

>> No.21155470

Anyone know where I can find

That nyaa link only has albums 1-3

>> No.21155489

Here's a link to my backup but it's mp3 not flac if that's really important to you

>> No.21155522


>> No.21158485

This one?

>> No.21161117

Oh sweet. Thanks.

>> No.21161322

Ahh, almost all the links for the ピアノのための東方小品集 Op.# series are dead now. I can only find the 5th one and lastest "new" works.

>> No.21161582


>> No.21161633

That would be pretty cool but I dont think ive ever heard any touhou arrange like that. The closest I know would be hatsunetsumiko or some specific shibayan albums but its not the same. I wonder if the recent popularity of 80s 70s jpop is a western thing, because otherwise i wouldnt be surprised if some circle tried it

>> No.21163405


>> No.21163646 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 906x502, Cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the your help. But I decided to just get it from TLMC collection itself.

Fort others, that link doesn't work even after making an outlook account. Maybe i'm doing it wrong? I don't know, I have never used sharepoint before.

>> No.21163652
File: 57 KB, 906x502, Cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate your help. But I decided to just get it from TLMC collection itself.

For others, that link doesn't work even after making an outlook account. Maybe i'm doing it wrong? I don't know, I have never used sharepoint before.

>> No.21166995

Doujin music is shit

>> No.21167020



>> No.21167026


>> No.21168867
File: 78 KB, 640x480, Unko no Youga o Sugiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a video of Reimu repeatedly saying "Unko no Youga o Sugiru" along to the tune of the Deku Palace's theme in Majora's Mask.

Please help me out here /jp/.

>> No.21169935

From the image that you provided it probably looks like it's from a cookie video. I'm not that knowledgeable about cookie stuff but there's a thread about it so you can ask there, but I'll do some digging of my own

Here's the thread >>21117988

>> No.21170082
File: 59 KB, 448x342, 1554517914005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I just had to reverse image search it
Here bud


>> No.21173416

Sunlight Diamond is really good

>> No.21173430
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>> No.21173473


>> No.21173763

I'm a fan of arranges that take in classical influences like:

>> No.21173868
File: 1.18 MB, 1218x825, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more

>> No.21174083
File: 501 KB, 1102x967, 1554821766736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while, completely forgot about this thread

Listened to all of these, they're pretty good
favorites would be dBu's and xi-on's versions


Thanks anons

>> No.21174255
File: 2.60 MB, 2466x3514, DtuaUIdU0AAG5eL-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patiently waiting for these ever since the last jagmo thread. You can find the older ones elsewhere.


>> No.21176745

any other circles like this?

>> No.21176860

Get the rest of Cafe de Touhou, there's a link I already posted here

>> No.21178483
File: 440 KB, 1200x1186, a2018563303_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having just found H.J. Freaks, their instrumentation sounds terrific, and the albums are even on bandcamp, which is a nice change.
Orange Coffee's albums put an interesting spin on things, so they're worth a listen.
Thanks, I'll be having a look at the full albums.

>> No.21178588

Thanks, anon!

>> No.21181462

Thanks for the Orange Coffee recommendation I'll check up on them

>> No.21186222

Pretty nice stuff

>> No.21186415

I have every single ravers nest in flac except the 8th one. I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.21190458

Is there some sort of backup for Bishamontenreturn?

>> No.21190785
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>How much Touhou do you have in your music library anons?
A modest 50 GB, it started with some collection of random tracks I found somewhere, probably not very big. Since then it's been only handpicked albums, and rarely ever FLAC.
>Favorite songs and albums?
Song: UI-70/Demetori - Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path
Album: Hard to say, but the songs album "the view of spiral riverside" is a good candidate for being the best too.
Rock/metal, I guess.
>Artists and Circles?
UI-70 is my favorite, sucks they are dead. Of the alive ones, I guess Akatsuki Records.
>Vocals or none?
I'm generally more of an instrumental guy but when the vocals are nice I really dig it. My two favorite voices are without a doubt Stack (Akatsuki Records) and Chata (various circles but mainly ENS, seems she has left them though, and with her went most of my love for ENS)
I dunno if they're obscure or not, but since I'm German I appreciate the German 2hu circles and singers out there. I feel like they produce gems fairly consistently.

>> No.21191526

Yeah, someone posted this in a thread on /v/ and this also includes a few others

>> No.21191849
File: 30 KB, 356x503, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also gonna point out (for the bishamontenreturn section at least) the video's description is in the comments when you download the video
helpful because that's where the sauce is

>> No.21192337

Is there an essentials chart?

>> No.21194374

Since you like rock/metal I would recommend CROW'S CLAW and xi-on if you haven't heard of them and also TAMUSIC's rock + violin albums as well

>> No.21197739

Oh thanks for pointing that out

>> No.21199473

sakabato is really nice

>> No.21199516

post cheesy but good 2hu electronic or dance music remixes

>> No.21199677

define cheesy

>> No.21199864

Looking forward to this album.

>> No.21199997

maybe in the vein of this kind of sound
doesn't have to be rave or hardcore though

>> No.21200469
File: 31 KB, 320x320, Thumbs_uppatchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here for this exact thing. Thank you anonymous. You are truly my greatest ally.

>> No.21201685

Anyone know where I can find

>> No.21201960
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>> No.21204486
File: 89 KB, 500x500, TAM3-0087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although the vid is down, form what I gathered I think this is the one you are looking for
It's the 2nd song

>> No.21208451
File: 986 KB, 200x161, jiggy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a few others I have backed up as well and also for those who don't have/missing some so you don't have to go digging for them. And again mostly mp3 and not flac
Active NEETs
logical emotion
xi-on (mostly jazz and a few others but no rock)
SWING HOLIC (don't have every album on me but a good amount)

>> No.21209612

Anyone know of circles that make music like this?

>> No.21211390

Don't want to bother you but the stuff the other anon posted is pretty nice. That being said, your link is 404.

>> No.21212000

>That being said, your link is 404
Ah my bad I probably removed it from my drive, the link should be working now

>> No.21215674

I think this counts

>> No.21218362

I think you might like some of As/Hi Soundworks piano stuff

>> No.21218807

I never paid too much attention to the music of Touhou, it's good and all but I never bothered listening to it outside the games. Until I played the PC-98 games, holy fuck the music of Touhou 3 and 5 is god tier, Alice's themes are masterpieces.

>> No.21218918

>I never paid too much attention to the music of Touhou
are you deaf?

>> No.21218938

anybody got some quality touhou eurobeat? I'm particularly interested in A-One and more like that

>> No.21219439

Are there any Punk arrange albums aside from the one based on IOSYS?

>> No.21219521
File: 202 KB, 601x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much Touhou do you have in your music library anons?
My doujin music library is 85 GB lossy and 45 GB lossless. I would guess about half of that is Touhou.

>Favorite songs and albums?
Way too many. If I had to pick 5 songs:
Tennenjemini - Never give up!

izna feat. mintea - シャーレの子ども

EastNewSound - Lucid Dream

Babbe feat. Kasuka - GOODBYE MY DEAR
(somehow not on youtube)

ARM - Re: UsaTei

[EastNewSound] Solitude Blossom
[Shibayan Records] Musou Materialise
[Syrufit] Blossom
[Alstroemeria Records] ABANDONED DANCEHALL
[Riverside] metamorphoXIs
[俺++(Includeore)] 智 -WISDOM-
[cYsmix] Haunted House

>Artists and Circles?
Nhato, Shibayan, Taishi, Kokuchou, Kirin, Irus, izna, LAZ, Camellia, ziki_7, Jinnosuke Okibayashi, Syrufit, Clean Tears
Vocals: Yura Hatsuki, ℃iel, hanatan, Mei Ayakura, Mashiro Minase, Vivienne, Chata, 3L, Ranko, Ritsuka

I was going to split this into genres but it got too hard to classify some of them.
EastNewSound, Halozy, IZMIZM, SOUND HOLIC, Shibayan Records, Mohican Sandbag, Syrufit, Alstroemeria Records, pastyle, LiLA'c Records, Includeore, monochrome-coat, FELT, dBu music, ESQUARIA, DiGiTAL WiNG, Amateras Records, ALiCE'S EMOTiON, ZYTOKINE, Silver Forest, Conagusuri, 556mm, IOSYS, Hachimitsu-Lemon, Jerico's Law, Rolling Contact

Most variants of electronic music, but also everything else.

>Vocals or none?
Typically prefer vocals when it's put together well, but instrumental music is always good too.

Tell me what genre you want to hear about and I'll blog some more.

chea boy

>> No.21219555

>Tell me what genre you want to hear about and I'll blog some more.
Any Disco, Hi-NRG, funk or general 80s-sounding arrange albums?

>> No.21219581

The PC-98 music is amazing, but you must have played the windows games on mute.

>> No.21219596

No I mean the music of the windows games is good but nothing impressed me, unlike with the PC-98 music. And even more impressive that it's all chiptune, no fancy instrument samples.

>> No.21219617

would definitely recommend:
[Mohican Sandbag] Toho Cocktail
(it's basically just one long track)

[Shibayan Records] DISCO METRIC
[Shibayan Records] Retro Future Girls
Adastrea, another Shibayan album, is similarly disco-themed if I recall correctly. I didn't like that one as much but a lot of people love it.

That style of music is not my forte so I'm sure others can recommend more.

>> No.21220340

Nice, that first one is exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.21221111

I like this song by 発熱巫女~ず(Hatsunetsumiko's)


do their albums has the same feeling to it?

>> No.21222216

There are reasons people like the OST.

>> No.21223156

Slightly offtopic, but does anyone know where I can download the full OST for MariAri fangame (the first one)? All I have is a couple of tracks downloaded from Youtube ages ago.

>> No.21226939

I've been itching for some more piano stuff and this is really good

>> No.21229047

Does anyone have any PC-98 era music arrange albums they can recommend?

>> No.21231050

SWING HOLIC vol 11 and 13 you may like

>> No.21233577


>> No.21235651

New Hatsunetsumiko crossfade:

>> No.21235721

Fucking NICE. A full song dropped last night

>> No.21236928
File: 409 KB, 717x1012, Disco Iku likes Disco Music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm-b2gpHGCA

>> No.21237545
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_batta_ijigen_debris__eaae1885fbf233b5d9119fa4bd5932e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one you might enjoy
And you may also like xi-on's jazz/funk LoLK album Groovy Moon

>> No.21237751
File: 230 KB, 600x891, 1535310297553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CrazyBeats, NJK Record, 激戦の人 (Gekisen no Hito), Halozy and of course A-One all produce some really good Eurobeat. Eurobeat Union also do some nice covers of other circles songs too.

Eurobeat Union

Crazy Beats

NJK Record




>> No.21238622


>> No.21240979
File: 309 KB, 800x696, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this album:

>> No.21241505
File: 637 KB, 610x1255, 1551396024810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone share any of this guy's albums? Can't find them anywhere and I love instrumental eurobeat.

>> No.21241982

What's this and how do I tune in?

>> No.21243300


I think this is it.

>> No.21243863
File: 279 KB, 849x1200, aec3a22e6293c8feb69ff1261e1c709c350a3838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good A-One set, tomorrow's looking good too.

>> No.21243915

Yeah, I loved that Melo Melo Meltdown revival mix. Looking forward to this https://soundcloud.com/a-one-1/tebrm2

>> No.21244102

8am here can't stay up much longer, enjoy C&C for me.

>> No.21244333
File: 2.67 MB, 1536x1750, 1547938969989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My iconnection was screwing up when ZUN was on stage singing paranoia with digital wing FUCK

>> No.21244864

That was a fun live.
I'll be sure to watch tomorrow too.

>> No.21246148


>> No.21248887

I can't decide if Flanders or Clownpiece has the better theme or which one is cuter

>> No.21250213


Tokyo Active NEETs about to perform.

>> No.21250306

Their next Bakuon Jazz album is going to be a remaster?

>> No.21250340
File: 136 KB, 600x600, YFCD-9001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have a stack of Touhou CDs for the vehicle. Currently digging Gensokyo Retro Musical, 3 CDs of nothing but chiptune. Includes stuff by Komissar, HertzDevil, and 40Nix.

>> No.21250343

Looks like it.
And looks like they're rereleasing Kokyo Active NEETs's past touhou arranges all on one disc or something.

>> No.21250361

Really wish the Touhou lossless archive wasn't in TTA.

I know I can use cuetools/ffmpeg to convert it, but it's a large amount of storage for a separate FLAC copy.

>> No.21250520

Ah damn, I was hoping for a much need StB/DS album or even an album of all the fighting games

>> No.21250553
File: 639 KB, 1083x641, 2019-04-28_06-11-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN forcibly removing the yukkuri menace.
Alstroemeria Records next.

>> No.21250993
File: 1.81 MB, 1963x903, vivaldi_mX0AgXePVA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got sad when only a few people knew Shinra Bansho, shiawase egoisto is a really good album.
Can't wait to wake up and listen to M3 rips.

>> No.21253481

It looked like plenty of people knew them to me.
And the stream comments got pretty animated when they played Shiawase Egoist, which makes sense considering the PV has over a million views on youtube.

>> No.21257665

These guys thj.quartet are gving me some Active NEETs vibes

>> No.21259457

A Subterranean Animism album from Fox Laboratory:

>> No.21259554

what happened to dojin.co?
it doesn't exist anymore?

what's a good place to download doujin music?

>> No.21259565

>what's a good place to download doujin music?
go in the archive and look for the past comiket/retaisai spreadsheets
alternatively, VK
and of course there's the doujinstyle discord but that's unfavorable if you don't care much for the platform

>> No.21259575


>> No.21259589

Met some of the NEETs (TAMUSIC and Akai Ryusei) at a con bit over a week ago and got a nice signed banner from them. Wish I bought more CDs though. Their live performance is great.

>> No.21261529

>what happened to dojin.co?
From what I know, the owner was being a jew by adding ads and ad redirects as well as a fucking donation paywall.

Some of the sites I use to get mainly get 2hu music are
Touhou Records
Touhou no Sekai

>> No.21262747

All of a sudden I now know what it feels like to follow Shibayan Records hoping for their old style and all you keep getting are cafe bossa nova albums.

>> No.21264423

This is gonna be probably a weirdly specific question, but are there any albums of circles that produce touhou covers in a mega man x5 style? I was thinking about the similarities between Reisen's theme and Zero stage 2 in X5, and wondering if anyone else has done anything similar.
Also, there was another song I remember thinking sounded distinctly megaman-like, think it was from one of the fighting games but can't remember which one.

>> No.21265113

alongside the other recommendations, there's also the huge collection on nyaa.

>> No.21267435

9Tensu is decent

>> No.21269625

So if I looked through those and didn't find something, would it be safe to assume it's not uploaded? I'm looking for 電子弦奏VII Reason to Rekindle from C95 specifically.

>> No.21273417


>> No.21274229
File: 374 KB, 481x800, __hakurei_reimu_and_sendai_hakurei_no_miko_touhou_drawn_by_lockheart__e7920427b1c876631bf3d066a3ffcd05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me locate this song from Osana Reimu?
I'd be super thankful.

>> No.21278214 [DELETED] 


>> No.21280619

New Shinra-Bansho Album

>> No.21280990

New COOL&CREATE albums:
And a short version of the first track from the second album (the same song they performed at niconico Chou Kaigi):

>> No.21284636


>> No.21284701

Is there a reason no one is recommending the lossless archive?


Unless you're only going for new releases, it's got plenty to work with, and you don't have to download it all.

>> No.21284736

Plenty, especially NES, some SNES-
>Megaman X5
Now that's a challenge, but I think I may have two close albums:

Both are FM arranges, but I feel they have a similar sound as X5. Give those a shot.

>> No.21286009
File: 713 KB, 420x420, tenshibourine activate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nice, i've been loooking for some more Wonderful Heaven arranges this just dropped a few days ago

>> No.21288177
File: 137 KB, 325x735, unknown-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolute madman, I expected nothing at best
This is pretty great too, so thanks a lot

>> No.21291757

I just download whatever I like from youtube plus all the official soundtracks including the music CDs.
I listen mostly to Touhoubeat, Jerico's, dBu and ninoseyasunori.

>> No.21296284

One of the best vocal pieces I've heard. I just love how rough and forced her voice gets that gives off such an emotional feel

>> No.21296492

Any good releases from Reitaisai?

>> No.21299523

There might be another thread for that unless this one will be used for sharing music and stuff from

>> No.21299592


>> No.21300791
File: 966 KB, 800x790, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Stack so much


>> No.21303079

New Bossa Nova album

>> No.21304961

That really high note she throws out near the end, I love it. I listen through this song just for that part.

>> No.21304968
File: 240 KB, 700x500, gyate_junko_seiga_sleep_lights_out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not electro

>> No.21305205

I bought this on ebay a while back, but the cd wouldnt play. It was buttons so I didnt bother to send it back. couldn't find more than couple of songs anywhere


>> No.21305220

I guess a computer drive can't read it either?

>> No.21305234

yeah tried it on a laptop, desktop and hifi. no luck. the cd looks perfect though

>> No.21308792

Any good synthwave arranges? I can't find anything good other than
I don't really know where to look on other than yt tho

>> No.21308851

Is this in flac or am I wasting my time

>> No.21310313

With those sizes, obviously not.

>> No.21313679 [SPOILER] 
File: 437 KB, 600x445, 1557353234195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21314879

I wish this guy would sell his Touhou covers on Bandcamp. I'm form /g/ and dont have a way to buy music form fag-tunes or (((Amazon.)))

This one is a favorite of mine.

>> No.21315341

Nice, a favorite of mine is this one with The8BitDrummer and him also cosplaying as Raiko
Plus this one
It'd be nice if he would start doing some stage themes too

>> No.21317251

I wonder if you still remember this, 2hu friends

I still listen too this album especially this track and linjin's albums too

>> No.21320578
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>> No.21321361
File: 89 KB, 640x640, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any good recommendations that are similar to Sound Holic? I just recently finished listening to all of their shit and it was a pretty good time, but I want more.

>> No.21323971
File: 24 KB, 252x252, 252px-TOHO_BOOTLEGS封面.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never ever

>> No.21327538

bumpin' with some music

>> No.21329391

More than a Night
No Guardian Angel
Here I Am
UFO Lover
Time Will Tell
Loud Faith
Uninstall Love
China Gal

I really love A-One's work, especially eurobeat by T. Stebbins

>> No.21329575

Anyone know of anything similar to the stuff Lumpy TZS did? Specifically the more experimental stuff.


>> No.21329769

I like this

>> No.21333604

best Christmas jams?

>> No.21338288

Almost missed this

>> No.21340177

Not exactly Christmas but it has that "wintery" vibe to it

>> No.21340511

Am I the only one who's terribly upset at those two Western dudes who make run of the mill Touhou metal remixes and get hundred thousands of viewers for some reason while actually good Japanese artists have a hard time reaching 100k.

>> No.21340593

How many jap artists actually post their content solely on youtube? I thought a lot of them post their stuff on niconico and the like.

>> No.21340622

Niconico isn't nearly as popular and videos have in general much less popularity (views) on NicoNico, which shows that
1) YT is overall the preferred platform
2) Foreign people have certainly more interest in Touhou and it's weighing in the "balance"

>> No.21340624

No because keeping things to oneself is nice.

>> No.21341531

Not only was that not what was said in my post, don't get me started with that either. You know very well that a certain degree of popularity will ALWAYS bring normalfags whose sole purpose is to ruin everything by injecting their politics and shitty world view into it. You DON'T want something to become too popular, that's like a basic law in society.

>> No.21343752
File: 955 KB, 1280x960, 132b9c87daaa1c8f84db5344fb78bcc49adc1b099a27a717f9e0406f168cdd76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any circles that make Breakcore arranges? I don't know any and I quite like the genre.

>> No.21346373

>for some reason
They have steady amount own their subscribers. Those people will listen whatever they post. Not to mention that let's say Dementori have also a lot of views on YT. Although I get your point, maritumix for example makes some nice stuff but his amount of views is criminal.

>> No.21346595

Anyone have any Windows series songs arranged with the PC-98 soundchip style and vise versa?

>> No.21346721

Is this the stuff you're looking for?

>> No.21346755

What are some similar albums to Cafe de Touhou? Also, how are you guys discovering and dowloading all the music, is it on some place like nyaa?

>> No.21347000
File: 281 KB, 950x950, 71021598_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some albums I compiled (Which are pretty much all mp3 and not flac I can't hear the difference with my headphones anyway) that are smiliar to Cafe de Touhou so you won't have to bother searching for them.
I don't have every album of some of the circles listed here so if you want to checkout the rest of their stuff or to find other albums'circles on your own, you can try these sites as seen in the replies >>21259554

Here's the link with the albums I compiled

>> No.21347385
File: 12 KB, 199x223, 1515946928985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, anon

>> No.21347929

I hope index thing wont break upon selecting these. Files have mind of their own apparently.

>> No.21349239

Shiba did a new track on that nachi collection, at least.

>> No.21350779
File: 2.12 MB, 2826x1397, Resurrection Ballad APOCALYPSE -穹劫黙示録-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Mystic Square.

>> No.21354098
File: 517 KB, 500x500, AECD-034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats your favorite ALiCE'S EMOTiON album?

>> No.21354139

Forest of Crimson I/II

>> No.21354165

Interesting, I don't much care for those. Some of his albums I could listen to all eternity.

>> No.21355814
File: 31 KB, 941x334, flan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21355830

I'm so upset at the fact that the Active NEETs actually released an "album" on which they simply burnt the medleys that they used for their preview video. Like, what the fuck guys?

>> No.21358713
File: 176 KB, 500x500, artworks-000064597837-y71ejp-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artist: minami
circle: Demetori
song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLlXlxZBpKU
album: pic related
no vocals is (usually) better

fight me

>> No.21358974

I would almost agree, but I think that the really great songs with vocals are better than the really great songs without them.
i personally they're almost all really good though


>> No.21359022

It makes me sad that most of the remixes are of Magus Night, and not Witches' Ball.

>> No.21361028

I mostly listen to the popular circles
I've been grabbing COOL&CREATE albums lately after i got done grabbing all of Akatsuki records.
I really fucking enjoy all of the touhou Eurobeat though, everyone needs more Sebbin in their life
I wish most of this sit wasnt so annoying to find downloads.

>> No.21361050

oh wow, im going to have to try Hatsunetsumiko
thats some good shit right there

>> No.21361169

kino song

>> No.21361237
File: 517 KB, 848x937, 1549861086178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21362364 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.04 MB, 600x634, 1558107226606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for Active NEETs in 19 hours boys? Although not 2hu it's still NEETs though

>> No.21362438

>not touhou
I don't care. They're selling out hard. Their latest CD and the Azur Lane shitfest are saying a lot about how they are managing their success.

>> No.21364570
File: 117 KB, 500x500, artworks-000519882198-ebj9lh-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you anons have any information on bossa nova 8.
I neeeeeeed it.

>> No.21364663


>> No.21364922

this is from a game isnt it?

>> No.21366032
File: 9 KB, 138x164, 1486658616787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss foreground eclipse......

>> No.21366928
File: 1.40 MB, 1372x1360, tumblr_static_dntd7wb3l5sgg88kss4sk40o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy suwawa's new album but they only sell it off melonbooks. There's no download anywhere either. Guess I have to wait and hope I get lucky.

>> No.21370517

No spreadsheet for RTS16 right?
I fucking hate discord uploading shenanigans.

>> No.21370725

I haven't been very involved with updating my music in the past few years. I'm trying to get back into it, but most of the time I prefer the quiet of my house.

>Favorite songs and albums?
I like Drum and Bass that doesn't have a modern EDM or dubstep influence. Think closer to techno or Pendulum. I also like shoegaze or noise rock, techno, ambient and metal.
>Vocals or none?
Generally no.
I found a circle called last little while recently that does nice shoegaze arranges.

>> No.21370732
File: 166 KB, 601x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you posted it.


>> No.21374019

Great taste! I'm actually missing FORLANE | SANA gotta go look for it.

>> No.21381358

Any guitar circles?

>> No.21381559
File: 744 KB, 2507x3541, __kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_satoupote__22a66dd79faf30533e181c55ef6a01e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any DL links for Little Last While's albums?
Any other shoegaze circles?

>> No.21384244

alot of these dont work for me

>> No.21386506

>alot of these dont work for me

>> No.21390219

They dont seem to play on foobar, im getting errors sadly

>> No.21390233

You need the cue files that come in the rar.

>> No.21390241
File: 304 KB, 722x768, 1406769490137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, well i guess i've never had to do that. I'll try and figure it out hopefully, thanks anon

>> No.21390255
File: 314 KB, 320x270, smol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is also a good source

>> No.21391331

1. .tta https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_input_tta
2. .cue

>> No.21391345

Fact: Ghostly Field Club is ZUN's best and unsurpassed album

>> No.21395328

It's one of two physical albums I imported so I've got a soft spot for it, alongside Magical Astronomy.

>> No.21395572

I've been listening to Dr Latency's Freak Report again recently.
It has some interesting tracks that sound pretty distinct from a lot of ZUN's other stuff.

>> No.21395620

80% of my music downloads is touhou ost and arranges. when people talk about normie music i'm so confused.
anyway, my favorites albums are the barrage am ring and literally anything by pizuyas cell or akatsuki records.
silent difference was my favorite group when i was younger but i think the singer does works in other groups now. ive been listening to some of tanabatas music recently and i really like the mix of quirky guitar ane vocals, it reminds me a bit of kenshi yonezu.
absolute zero has also been my new favorite group recently.
thanks for coming to my doujin music blog jaypee

>> No.21395863

so wait are the albums in this all cut up or just the entire album in one file?

>> No.21395939
File: 45 KB, 745x198, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single album has its own .tta music file

>> No.21395944

Guess i dont know enough about music to know how to get them like that instead

>> No.21395984

>Guess i dont know enough about music
Are you the first time in such uhmm... , "incident"?

>> No.21395988
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1421288235398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everywhere i went already had it differently so i've never experienced what a tta file is

>> No.21396019

>experienced what a tta file is
Well, then welcome to the world of true music. (cause True Audio - .TTA)

>> No.21396158

This is why people use foobar.

>> No.21396521

In case you lurk these threads: Roughly when will the next version of TLMC be released, rwx?

Will it likely occur after this year's summer Comiket?

>> No.21397298

i just cant stop tapping my feet to this

>> No.21397498

Thanks m8. Too bad the singing is too pop for me but the rest kicks ass.
Currently discovering more xi-on. Love their rock stuff, it just feels good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRbKTqW2TPA

>> No.21397604

RD-Sounds is a genius.
This is a track from his latest album:

>> No.21399590

You're a bit late to the party, xi-on pretty much stopped the rock stuff circa-2012 and branched out into other genre's. Its been a bit hit or miss since then, sometimes putting out some fantastic stuff, other times a bit average.

Some of my favourites from their rock period.


>> No.21399634

I remember getting starting to like 暁Records from one of their non-Touhou works. As someone who never got quite into real denpa Stack's wackier works are a treat. I'm hoping to see their Reitaisai 16 album uploaded soon.

>> No.21399698
File: 463 KB, 426x419, touhoustike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EHHH YERP... What an album,, sometimes ya just gotta harken back to the classics...
Jim Boomer
USCG 1989-1989
Attended C67,C69,C87,C89,C101,Retaisai 2, Retaisai 17, got my dick signed by ZUN
Pearl Harbour was justified
I use 200mm noctua case fans because they dont make 201mm case fans

>> No.21399707

trois rouge

>> No.21400115


>> No.21400847
File: 27 KB, 317x318, jazz starts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready in 30hrs anons

>> No.21401250

I still listen to this CD at least once a week in my truck.

It makes me feel like I'm stuck back in the past, and that even /jp/ is moving on without me.

>> No.21405130
File: 295 KB, 1280x720, Touhou hijack lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou hijack lol

>> No.21406952
File: 124 KB, 600x594, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out an absolutely wonderful jazz circle SNUG SPACE and their stuff is great. I've snagged most of their albums but I can't find any links for these two albums in particular
Page 10 in 5 hours wtf?

>> No.21407387

>I've snagged most of their albums but I can't find any links for these two albums in particular
Both are in the TLMC sharepoint/onedrive.

>> No.21407644

This is good. Was it uploaded to mega yet?

>> No.21408885
File: 82 KB, 1300x1100, top cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I didn't know there was a onedrive, and thanks I found it

>> No.21411248

weren't the guys behind fantasy kaleidoscope releasing an album with all the music from the later episodes at Reitaisai 16? Did anyone get their hands on it?
I want that version of Deaf to all but the song from episode 6 so much

>> No.21411636

thank you very much, it's beautiful

>> No.21411702

You guys've NEVER heard hatsunetsumiko's? They date back to 2008, they used to do a lot of collaborations with FELT.

...You've heard of FELT before right?

>> No.21412454
File: 1.23 MB, 2855x1395, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21414532

Where do you see that? I've never heard of this.

>> No.21414674

I'm really struggling to remember where. It was most likely here on /jp./, so it could obviously be fake, but I specifically remember looking at the tracklist and it looked legit.
sadly I've got practically no way to locate it anymore, so if no one's heard of it, it might have just been fake

>> No.21414724

alright there it is
was apparently released at reitaisai 16

>> No.21419332

music bump

>> No.21419385

Next Fall Reitaisai is held 6.10.19, right?

>> No.21419939

doujinstyle.com/ and their discord channels.
r/TOUHOUMUSIC I know I know.
vk if you can find a link.

But I really recommend the doujinstyle discord channel they have tons of music and it's not just touhou, really my first stop choice for high quality nipponese music.

>> No.21420008

yooooo, this is tight. really enjoying em.

>> No.21420065

Oh boy, a neat arrange of Deep Mountain. PCB is my nostalgia fuel. Thanks, will check their other stuff.

>> No.21420599

Fall Reitaisai is 6th of October this year?

>> No.21425048

well he's right

>> No.21426521

Well, he's not.

>> No.21426555
File: 3.96 MB, 5686x2809, Image0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this artist, but "Touhou lossless music collection" doesn't have many of his albums

>> No.21431673

If I want to support the artists by buying their work, but don't want physical CDs or having to buy entire albums when I only want a couple tracks, where's the best place to buy? Is there one even?

>> No.21431693

>but "Touhou lossless music collection" doesn't have many of his albums
We can fix this, anon. If you can find the FLACs somewhere, reupload them or send the link to the guy who manages the TLMC torrent.

>> No.21432046

Same question but with CDs. Is there some shop that accept foreign money and send to Europe.

>> No.21432677

The TLMC likes to have the music in a specific way for it to be added.
This is from the v19 release FAQ
>Q: Anything I can do to help?
A1, Easy mode: Seed.
A2, Normal mode: Compile a list of "file+cue" albums that can be downloaded on the internet but are missing in TLMC and send me links to them. "Can be downloaded" part is pretty important here.
A3, Hard mode: Buy missing albums, rip with EAC in secure mode and a proper drive read offset to single file tta+cue (or single file wav+cue if you're too lazy to run tta encoder, or single file flac+cue if you're already used to flac), then share on any reasonable host (mega preferred, mediafire is fine too; but even a bad host is better than no host at all, just make sure it doesn't require registration - these ones I drop on sight) and post a link. Even better if you can scan the booklet and covers (don't overkill like, ahem, certain someones; 600 dpi is surely enough).
Alternatively, find out how to contact nekomimi Alice and participate in toholmc group buys.

>> No.21432705

I was introduced to the world of Touhou through Shibayan Records while searching for trance music. My recommendations were filled with anime girls and I was getting annoyed, then I decided at random to give one a chance. Clicked on “Dream of Utopia”, immediately made my way over to the album “Assortment of Sense”, and haven’t looked back. Thanks Shibayan.

>> No.21436951


>> No.21437956

Great track from Touhou Jihen's Reitaisai 16 album:

>> No.21438533

That was back in January 2018, his decision has changed since then.

Comments section:
>09 May, 2019
>Made it, but either didn't announce or it was lost somewhere here: I'll glue, there's too much to ignore and most likely there is nothing that was cut out, so it'll be 1:1 original.

Long story short, if split FLAC is the only version that exists on the internet, he'll fuse them together into a single TTA.

>> No.21439692

Given the 30% import tax, I usually just pretend that buying anything from Japan or the US is not available at all.

>> No.21440488

Tax is actually not that big here. I remember when I bought fumos the tax was like 15-20%. Also they don't tax some items at all.

>> No.21440726

getting a new hard drive soon please keep seeding

>> No.21441644

Not every Cyrillic language is Russian.

>> No.21441917

>How much Touhou do you have in your music library anons?
Only about 202 handpicked songs.
Same. I think this is my favorite.

Here's something I'd like to share that I Liked for years and maybe for years to come. Sadly I can't get into instrumental or jazz much.

>> No.21444296 [DELETED] 

Wasn't there some ultimate fan music archive website? With like 50,000 songs or something insane?

>> No.21445689
File: 1.89 MB, 2733x1885, 20190601_122656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just arrived in the mail. Ripping to TTA as we speak.

I specifically picked old albums that don't already exist in TLMC, don't already exist somewhere on the internet in lossless format, or only exists in the form of Chinese troll FLACs upsampled from 128kbps. Or, if they did once exist, somehow got lost in the Megaupload shutdown of 2012.

It'll take me a while to get through all these, but I'll share them eventually.

>> No.21447024

Alright, ripping all done. Enjoy.

(C86) [ORANGEJAM] rainy days (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(C83) [Amateras Records] Emotionally Resonance (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(C85) [Amateras Records] Infinity Asterisk (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(例大祭14) [minimum electric design] PARTICLE (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(例大祭12) [Adameggs] Disturbed A (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(例大祭10) [Crest] Serendipity (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(C84) [minimum electric design] Amplified Shooting Star (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(例大祭11) [minimum electric design] Yukari Telegraph (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(C92) [minimum electric design] 0秒の主役 (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(秋季例大祭) [Amateras Records] Reactionary Wave -Amateras Records Remixes Vol.3- (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(C82) [ORANGEJAM] lovemontblanc (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(C89) [ORANGEJAM] behind glass (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(C81) [ORANGEJAM] so-matic (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(例大祭10) [Crest] 東方AOR (TTA+CUE+LOG)
(例大祭10) [Amateras Records] Emotionally Resonance the Instrumental (TTA+CUE+LOG)

Please re-upload with your own host before sharing elsewhere.

>> No.21447035
File: 13 KB, 366x164, orange_jam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I had no idea 4chan strips some characters. Guess you learn something new everyday.

>> No.21447680
File: 1.39 MB, 4096x2304, D2-X1VxU4AACytv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21447749
File: 1.33 MB, 3580x2552, D5dWw5LWwAExmbB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First stream will last 24 hours so enjoy it while you can.

>> No.21448565

Hearing clapping is really weird now that I've actually been to big concerts. People will clap for a whole minute no problem.

>> No.21448802

thanks for the rips bud, appreciate it.

>> No.21448807
File: 45 KB, 671x366, 1519662960331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copypasting links from other sources
>trying to jew some shekels from it
What a cunt.

>> No.21448832
File: 798 KB, 2560x1438, 24122151_320273937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real Men don't cr-

>> No.21448911
File: 302 KB, 627x654, see ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems my thread has finally hit bump limit after almost 2 months, thanks for sharing anons I appreciate it. I'll probably make another one if no one else does.

>> No.21449941
File: 302 KB, 391x518, firefox_2019-06-01_16-42-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone link the source to this song, Ive been looking for years...


>> No.21450233

The title of the arrange is right there in the video, anon..

I think there are probably free OCR tools that could get you the kanji from the youtube video so you could search it. Failing that, just ask /djt/ next time, like they've got anything better to do.

>> No.21451053

Please do
Before it goes, I want to ask if anyone knows any arranges in a style like va11-halla, where it's good background noise
A lot of the stuff I find that's slightly similar is a little too hard to work for background stuff

>> No.21451853
File: 334 KB, 320x405, Yeh-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh I never considered actually searching with the kanji I only searched the shitty google translation of it
Thanks anon.

>> No.21452220

You might like stuff by ziki_7 and N-Tone, some anon posted a link here >>21147877
Although not as techno or synthy as va11-halla, a similar one I could think of is flap+frog who takes a more calmer and soothing approach. Hopefully you like them

>> No.21452902
File: 128 KB, 588x269, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a new one before this archives so hop in this one

>> No.21453044

I hadn't seen that ziki_7 link, thank you a LOT
I'll add XL Project to this list. ziki_7 is god.

I also recommend checking out the circles 荒御霊 and KARMART; a lot of techno and minimal electronica there.

>> No.21453691

Just imagine what 4chan would be like with the full unicode library.
